FE :: Volume #5

#94: Activation mechanical heart

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Light circuit: 光轮道: If you can enter to the contaminated area, then successfully made the great Puma consciousness recover , great Puma will give the reward that you wanted.” “如果你能进入到污染区域当中,然后成功令伟大的普马斯的意识复苏的话,那么,伟大的普马斯会给与你想要的报酬的。” side Linyan deeply inspires, very obviously this fellow in the pictures of cakes, its implication was that great Puma, if did not wake, then oneself must take risk in vain. 方林岩深吸了一口气,很显然这家伙是在画饼了,其言外之意就是那个伟大的普马斯如果醒不过来的话,那么自己就要白白冒险。 He hesitated a while, careful from beginning to end stroked stroking the situation in this damned place, chose. 他沉吟了一会儿,仔细的从头到尾将这鬼地方的情况捋了捋,还是选择了去。 Because in side forest core sample indistinct feeling, if oneself can do to understand all these cause and effect, then actually resources are well used. 因为方林岩心中隐隐约约的觉得,倘若自己能够将这一切的前因后果都搞明白的话,那么其实就已经是物有所值了。 Sometimes, few characters, a few words disclosed information that in fact is the most precious thing! 有的时候,寥寥几个字,一句话透露出来的信息,实际上就是最宝贵的东西! Therefore, side Linyan very simple say/way: 所以,方林岩很干脆的道: Good, I go.” “好,我去。” At this point, he then looked at goat one, raised the fist and he hit collision, then to light circuit: 说到这里,他回头看了山羊一眼,举起拳头和他撞了撞,然后对着光轮道: Ok, takes the cutting light spear/gun that you said.” “ok,把你说的切割光枪拿出来吧。” Quick, entire four mechanical spiders of grinding pan sizes lifted a black bottom crazing box of rectangle to crawl, 很快的,整整四只磨盘大小的机械蜘蛛抬着一个长方形的黑底银纹盒子爬行了进来, Box enough person of high, above unexpectedly also V glyph shape design, but the box should have the year, therefore the surface seems somewhat motley, that design was fuzzy. 盒子足足有一人高,上面居然还有一个v字形状的图案,只是盒子应该是有年头了,所以表面显得有些斑驳,那图案更是过于模糊了。 side Linyan opens the box looked, inside is putting a weapon of a helmet and seemingly heavy firearms, its modeling seems like the light machine gun initially, but the back also has a bright silver bottle, therefore is somewhat similar to the flamethrower, 方林岩将盒子打开一看,里面放着一个头盔和一把貌似重型枪械的武器,其造型初看起来像是轻机枪,不过背后还有一个亮银色的瓶子,因此又有些类似于火焰喷射器, He first puts on the helmet, immediately at present starts to present a series of prompts: 他先戴上头盔,顿时眼前就开始出现一系列的提示: Induces to lifeform electric wave “感应到生物电波” Double cuts the welding torch to start to activate friendly “双融切焊枪开始激活” Starts to conduct user authentication “开始进行使用者身份认证” Safety system module damage, jumps over authentication link “安全系统模块损坏,跳过身份认证环节” User, has not inquired your registering information, you whether does use for the first time double cuts the welding torch friendly?”( Yes / no?) “使用者,未查询到你的登录信息,请问你是否第一次使用双融切焊枪?”(是/否?) side Linyan clicked decisively is, immediately had the follow-up prompt to spring, 方林岩果断点击了是,立即就有后续提示弹出, Under, starts to conduct teaching operation “下面,开始进行教学操作” Five after minutes, side Linyan then success learned to use this to seem like the technology content at least to outrace same time Earth two generations of welding tools, 五分钟之后,方林岩便成功的学会了使用这件貌似科技含量至少超越同期地球两代的焊接工具, Here what must pay attention, two generations of meanings are the generalized on two generations, for example Stone Age the next generation of tool was the Bronze Age, surpassed the Stone Age tool two generations of scientific and technological standards, that needed the Iron Age be good! 在这里必须注意的是,两代的意思是广义上的两代,比如石器时代的工具的下一代就是青铜时代,超越石器时代工具两代的科技水准,那必须要铁器时代才行! In other words, side Linyan these welding tools and this double cuts the welding torch to compare in the standard surface use friendly, the disparity of its technology content, with the stone ax and Damascus sickle, the disparity of tiger squatting artillery and mortar of Ming Dynasty was the same 也就是说,方林岩在本位面上用惯了的那些焊接工具和这双融切焊枪一比,其科技含量的差距,就和石斧与大马士革弯刀,明朝的虎蹲炮与迫击炮的差距一样 Determined after oneself operate is unmistakable, side Linyan looks for the light wheel to want other things, before for example that is called white/shell Mo Heath atomization thing, is similar to the engine oil, sander and so on nursing article. 确定自己操作无误之后,方林岩又找光轮要了一些其余的东西,比如之前的那种被称为“贝墨西斯喷雾”的东西,还有类似于机油啊,打磨器之类的护理用品。 Then arrived at that luster gloomy silver wall front, opened double cut the switch of welding torch friendly. 然后就来到了那道色泽暗淡的银色墙壁前方,打开了双融切焊枪的开关。 Immediately can see, the pale white flame from double cut the left injection port of welding torch to spurt together friendly, is half foot! 顿时就能见到,一道淡白色的火焰从双融切焊枪的左边喷射口喷了出来,长达半尺! Then aimed at that silver metal wall to delimit gently, immediately saw on the wall to split a long slit, then separated toward the two sides, inside split an almost two meters depth, 然后对准了那银色金属墙壁轻轻划下,顿时就见到了墙壁上面裂开了一条长长的缝隙,然后自行朝着两边分开,里面足足裂开了差不多两米的深度, So smooth slippery cutting process, looks like the hot table knife to cut butter simply. 如此顺滑的切割过程,简直就像是热餐刀切过黄油似的。 This is double cuts the cut mode of welding torch friendly, seemingly has very special extra effect on the metal, side Linyan is also startled, he has not expected this cutting effect unexpectedly such good. 这就是双融切焊枪的切割模式,貌似对金属有十分特殊的额外效果,方林岩也是吃了一惊,他也没有料到这切割效果居然如此之好。 Therefore side Linyan hesitant, then steps into the crack that cut, then turns on the spray gun cutting vanguard. 于是方林岩犹豫了一下,便踏入到了切割开的裂缝当中,然后打开喷枪一面切割一面前行。 After leading the way probably almost 50-60 meters, side Linyan then looks, detected that unexpectedly light light gray mist dense in, looks including the rear situation indistinctly is not clear, this made one feel being in no position some fears. 大概前行了差不多50-60米之后,方林岩回头一看,发觉居然有一层薄薄的淡灰色雾气氤氲其中,连后方的情况都隐隐约约看不真切了,这令人都觉得有些无由的恐惧。 At this time side Linyan does not act unreasonably in cutting, but under spear/gun toward a luster gloomier place, therefore quick discovered a polluted region, here was also pricked a that strange black thorn similarly. 此时方林岩在切割的时候也并不是乱来的,而是往色泽更加暗淡的地方下枪,因此很快就发现了一处被污染的区域,这里同样也是被刺入了一根那诡异黑刺。 However this black thorn obviously looked enters the step edition, only has half meter orange to be thick or thin probably, but its surface actually came out the helix texture one after another, sees through thoroughly the strength exceptionally to be strong, after by it pricks , the decayed region is also bigger. 不过这根黑刺明显一看就是进阶版本的,大概只有半米长橘子粗细,但其表面却多出来了一圈一圈的螺旋形纹理,一看穿透力就异常强劲,被它刺入后腐朽的区域也是更大。 After side Linyan took down this black thorn, somewhat worries, before can also throw toward the space station of Russian, which now doesn't throw corrodes which? 方林岩取下了这根黑刺以后也有些犯难,之前还能往俄国人的空间站里面儿扔,现在不是扔哪儿腐蚀哪儿吗? Was good seemingly also thinks because of the light wheel this issue, quick dispatched a mechanical spider to come, these particularly strengthened the version time evidently, only then four legs and build were huge, the back is also going against a big box. 好在光轮貌似也想到了这个问题,很快就又派遣了一只机械蜘蛛过来,这一次看样子是特别加强版,只有四条腿并且体型巨大,背部还顶着一个大盒子。 This modeling seems like instead and does not seem like the spider, but was more similar to the whole body mail-armor and helmet crab. 这幅造型看起来反而并不像是蜘蛛,而更类似于浑身甲胄的螃蟹了。 But behind it big box side Linyan looked, obviously the filing cabinet that removes from the space station of Europeans 而它背后的大盒子方林岩一看,明显就是从老毛子的空间站里面拆下来的文件柜 Then side Linyan in the middle of that region wandered several, altogether takes three screw black thorns. 接下来方林岩在那个区域当中转悠了几圈之后,一共又取出来了三根螺旋黑刺。 Then cutting vanguard, but also discovered channel that nature forms, is hanging many compound and good translucent textile fibers, roughly has the wrist/skill to be thick or thin, and also in regular is shivering. 然后一面切割一面前行的时候,还发现了一条自然形成的通道,其中悬挂着多条并列而行的半透明的纤维,约莫有手腕粗细,并且还在规律性的颤抖着。 side Linyan estimated that this gadget is similar to the nerve, blood vessel and so on thing, therefore does not dare to move heedlessly, then walks toward in following this channel. 方林岩估计这玩意儿乃是类似于神经啊,血管之类的东西,于是就没敢乱动,便顺着这通道往里走。 Goes out of dozens meters probably, saw another channel gathered from one side, two translucent textile fibers combine here, about punishing at the same time formed a thick textile fiber tubercle, as if heart such is pulsating. 大概走出几十米,就见到了另外一条通道从侧面汇聚了过来,两根半透明的纤维在这里合二为一,合并处形成了一个粗大的纤维结节,仿佛心脏那样的在搏动着。 After coming to the channel end, side Linyan held breath cold air, here impressively is a space of octagon, or accurate should be the housing, gathers from the surroundings 17-18 similar transparent textile fibers here, finally complete connection on a space central silver-white machine. 走到了通道尽头之后,方林岩倒吸了一口凉气,这里赫然是一个八角形的空间,或者准确的来说应该是腔体,从周围足足有17-18根类似的透明纤维在这里汇聚,最后全部连接在了空间中央的一台银白色的机器上。 Volume probably about one cubic meter of this machine, seems somewhat similar to the engine, but careful looks, looks like the mechanical watch internal structure is so precise. 这机器的体积大概有一立方米左右,看起来既有些类似于引擎,但仔细的看去,就像是机械手表内部的结构那样精密。 Carefully looked that detected, has tens of thousands of gears, crank and so on thing overlapping piling up one on top of another in one, round-trip complicated rotation, even as if also has that operational mode of dominoes effect, feeling was exquisite complex to the pinnacle. 仔细看去就发觉,有着成千上万个齿轮,曲轴之类的东西层层叠叠的堆叠在了一起,不停的往返繁复转动,甚至其中仿佛还有多米诺骨牌效应的那种运作方式,给人的感觉就是精巧复杂到了极致。 side Linyan lost to investigate, detected that has not collected fees actually, was only the explanation also only then one line of characters few: 方林岩丢了个侦查上去,发觉倒是没多收费,只是说明也就只有寥寥的一行字: Activates the machinery heart( half damaged condition) 活化机械心脏(半损坏状态) Careful looks, side Linyan detected in the middle of the internal structure of this activation mechanical heart, many places had been corroded, under also falls the black yellow rust scraps/condescend that in broken bits thick rustle is dropping. 仔细的看去,方林岩就发觉这活化机械心脏的内部结构当中,已经有不少地方被腐蚀了,下方还掉落着厚厚的一层簌簌落下的细碎黑黄色锈屑。 side Linyan saw that swept clear these black yellow detritus, then set aside several big travel bag from the private its package, after the preparation, discarding. 方林岩见状就将这些黑黄色碎屑清扫了一下,然后从私人空间里面腾出了好几个大的旅行袋将其包了起来,预备以后将之丢掉。 After careful observation, side Linyan detected here, although not by that strange black sharp thorn direct to bind , but since it is called the heart, will definitely be responsible for the energy cycle supply of entire huge body , is also been year after year normal by the mysterious corrosion strength influence that the black punctures sharp. 仔细观察以后,方林岩发觉这里虽然并没有被那诡异的黑色尖刺直接扎中,但既然它被称为心脏,肯定就会负责整个庞大机体的能量循环供应,长年累月之下,被黑色尖刺上的神秘腐蚀力量影响也是正常的。 The words saying that the average person noticed in the middle of this activation mechanical heart structure estimated feels dizzy, but side Linyan definitely is not an average person, after looking at carefully a while carefully, detected that unexpectedly had a clue. 话说普通人只是看到这活化机械心脏当中的结构都估计都觉得头昏眼花,不过方林岩肯定不是一般人,仔细端详了一会儿之后,发觉居然有了点头绪。 After he is frowning studied a while, suddenly to the ceiling yells: 他皱着眉头研究了一会儿之后,忽然对天花板大叫道: Corona! I need the structure drawing of this gadget.” “光轮!我需要这玩意儿的结构图啊。” The light wheel separated a while to give the response: 光轮隔了一会儿才给出回应: My jurisdiction is unable to become effective to here security measure, your side has one also to have the active half mechanical nerve synapse, after gripping, can inquire.” “我的权限无法对这里的安保措施生效,你的旁边有一个还具有活性的半机械神经突触,握住以后就能进行查询。” side Linyan stunned, then sized up by one, detected that on surrounding wall truly several bulge light bulb one thing as if, some sent out the glimmer, some are flicks, some thorough gloomy. 方林岩愕然了一下,然后便打量了一下旁边,发觉周围的墙体上确实有好几个凸起的仿佛灯泡一样的东西,有的发出了微光,有的则是一闪一闪的,有的则彻底暗淡了下来。 Then the issue came, which does the light wheel refer to? 那么问题就来了,光轮指的是哪一个呢? He asked again several, the light wheel had not answered, actually detected suddenly the surrounding these translucent textile fibers started to shiver gradually, then this shivered the rapid spread the entire housing. 他再次问了几声,光轮也并没有回话,却忽然发觉周围的那些半透明的纤维开始渐渐颤抖了起来,然后这颤抖迅速的蔓延到了整个腔体当中。 That activation mechanical heart starts to twitch suddenly the acceleration, inside revolving also rapidly increases, at least also promoted from the beforehand 1000 rotational speeds over 5000. 紧接着,那活化机械心脏陡然开始抽搐加速,里面的旋转也迅速增加,至少也是从之前的1000转速提升到了5000以上。 This process continued for probably five seconds, then the indescribable rushing pulse erupted suddenly loudly, 这个过程持续了大概五秒钟,然后陡然就有一股无法形容的澎湃脉冲轰然爆发了出去, Even if this pulse only the electronic instrumentation equipment is seemingly effective to the circular telegram turned on, side Linyan were shaken backed up continuously 78 steps, only thought that among the feelings constrains aggrievedly, the back hit after the metal wall stopped backing up, then after the big mouth panted for breath for more than ten seconds, held down. 纵然这脉冲貌似只对通电开启了的电子仪器设备有效,方林岩自身都被震荡连续倒退了七八步,只觉得胸臆之间压抑憋屈得不行,脊背撞在了金属墙壁上后才停止倒退,然后大口喘息了十几秒钟后才平抑了下来。 At this time his deactivation mechanical heart place looks again, detected originally was cleaned in the clean below Fangtaizi, had/left light black yellow corrosion detritus. 这时候他再去活化机械心脏处看一看,发觉本来被打扫干净的下方台子上,又多出了淡淡的一层黑黄色锈蚀碎屑。 Witnesses this, side Linyan understood immediately, originally in nearby several hundred square kilometers will present the non-periodical damage electronic device pulse the root unexpectedly here! 目睹这一幕,方林岩顿时明白了过来,原来附近数百平方公里内会出现不定期损坏电子设备脉冲的根源竟然在这里啊! Said strictly, this should be activation mechanical heart own protection stress measure, looks like the person to have the phlegm card on the throat, the generating condition reflection will cough. 严格的说起来,这应该是活化机械心脏自身的保护应激措施,就像是人有痰卡在嗓子眼上面,就会产生条件反射将之咳出来。 The activation mechanical heart suffered the mysterious strength pollution of black sharp thorn, oneself also slight corrosion of keeping, to the twitching contraction of certain extent instinct, extraction outside the body! 活化机械心脏遭受到了黑色尖刺的神秘力量污染,自身也是在不停的轻微锈蚀,到了一定程度就会本能的抽搐收缩,将之排出体外! At this time the light wheel still had not answered, side Linyan then arrived around wall place, experimental gripped half mechanical nerve synapse with the hand, he thought suddenly this gadget pinched turned into the bamboo shoots shape, 这时候光轮依然没有回话,方林岩便走到了旁边的墙体处,尝试性的用手握住半机械神经突触,他忽然觉得这玩意儿捏一捏就变成了笋状, And the feel good, with mild remarks carrying harsh implications, is flexible, making one have the impulsion of being unable to put down 并且手感挺好的,软中带硬,弹性十足,令人有着爱不释手的冲动
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