FE :: Volume #5

#93: A + appraisal!

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side Linyan thinks, was then saying to nearby silver-white wall loudly: 方林岩想了想,然后便对着旁边的银白色墙壁大声道: Corona steward, we found the extra research data in these things, can we carry off together?” “光轮管家,我们在这些东西里面找到了额外的研究资料,我们能够一起带走吗?” Crossed very long light wheel not to respond, side Linyan knows this should tacitly consent, then excited will take. 过了很久光轮都没有反应,方林岩知道这应该是默许了,便兴奋的将之拿了起来。 After side Linyan attained three chips, immediately obtained the related prompt: 方林岩拿到了三块芯片以后,立即就获得了相关的提示: Trial zb419, congratulated you to obtain the k712 chip, your end of mission promotion to 55.” “试炼者zb419号,恭喜你获得了k712号芯片,你的任务完成度提升至55。” Trial zb419, congratulates you to obtain the m891 chip, your end of mission promotion to 80.” “试炼者zb419号,恭喜你获得m891号芯片,你的任务完成度提升至80。” Trial zb419, congratulates you to obtain the xm-12 chip, your end of mission is the promotion to 95.” “试炼者zb419号,恭喜你获得xm-12号芯片,你的任务完成度为提升至95。” You whether can complete this hidden main line task?” “你是否要完成本次隐藏主线任务?” Saw the end of mission 95 prompts, side Linyan understood immediately, an unusual chip should in oneself have not explored a mixture region. 看到了任务完成度95的提示,方林岩立即明白了过来,还有一块奇特芯片应该是在自己未探索过的调制场区域了。 He hesitant, over 100 completions?” The attractive idea flashes in the mind, was overruled very much simply. 他犹豫了一下,“超过100完成度?”的诱人想法在脑海当中闪现而过,然后被很干脆的否决了。 Now there already by net Corporation positive governing, and outside difficult insurance also to have that group of promisors who have the hostility eye covetously, oneself can attain surplus the probability of that unusual chip naturally to have, but will not be higher than 10 absolutely, the braved risk is actually exceptionally huge. 现在那里已经被冈布奥公司直接控制住了,并且外面难保还有那群带有敌意的契约者虎视眈眈,自己能够拿到剩余下来那一块奇特芯片的几率当然是有的,但绝对不会高于十,冒的风险却是异常巨大。 Therefore, he chose completion very much decisively. 所以,他很果断的选择了完成。 Trial zb419, you successfully completed this hidden main line task, your end of mission is 95.” “试炼者zb419号,你成功完成了本次隐藏主线任务,你的任务完成度为95。” Your duty foundation appraisal is: Outstanding ( b + ) “你的任务基础评价为:优秀(b+)” You successfully found three unusual chips.” “你成功找到了三块奇特芯片。” Your evaluation of tasks extra promotion first-order.” “你的任务评价额外提升一阶。” Your evaluation of tasks promotion is: Exclaims in surprise ( a + ) “你的任务评价提升为:惊叹(a+)” You successfully obtained the general 0.5000 points.”( Foundation reward) “你成功获得了通用点5000点。”(基础奖励) You obtained the free attribute 0.2 points.”( Foundation reward.) “你获得了自由属性点2点。”(基础奖励。) You obtained meritorious value 1 points.”( Foundation reward) “你获得了功勋值一点。”(基础奖励) You obtained 1 + 1 point random foundation attribute points additionally.”( The evaluation of tasks a + extra premium / hidden main line duty completes extra premium) “你额外获得了1+1点随机基础属性点。”(任务评价a+额外奖励/隐藏主线任务完成额外奖励) You obtained 2 meritorious values additionally.”( Hidden main line duty completes extra premium) “你额外获得了二点功勋值。”(隐藏主线任务完成额外奖励) Prompt: You have succeeded completed the hidden main line task, you can also stay three days of time in this world, once the resident time ended, you must return to the middle of Noa space.” “提示:你已经成功的完成了隐藏主线任务,你将还能在本世界内停留三天时间,一旦停留时间结束,你必须回归诺亚空间当中。” Prompt, you discovered some truth of lake bottom ruins, will soon touch a giant secret, you obtain the extra four days of resident times.” “提示,你发现了湖底废墟的部分真相,即将触及到了一个巨大的隐秘,你获得额外的四天停留时间。” ....... ....... Looks prompt that this series of shoots, side Linyan is also somewhat surprised, but this hidden main line task difficulty is enormous, if not for oneself have the technology of repair exactly, and also leads the mechanical companion, feared that can only use rushes to the past pattern hardly. 看着这一系列弹出来的提示,方林岩也是有些吃惊,不过这个隐藏主线任务难度极大,若不是自己恰好具备修理的技术,并且还带着机械同伴,怕是只能采用硬闯过去的模式了。 To be honest, if really must rush hardly, side Linyan really did not have the too big confidence, a detection that mechanical spider that because the goat said needs to consume 1000 universe points to make him have a vivid memory...... 说实话,倘若真的要硬闯的话,方林岩还真没有太大的信心,因为山羊所说的侦查一下那机械蜘蛛都需要耗费1000通用点让他记忆犹新...... Only if the koi their several people and side Linyan their absolute sincerity cooperation, both sides hold nothing back the display the maximum strength, then most likely (80%) assurances, but the issue is not possible. 除非是锦鲤他们几个人和方林岩他们两人精诚合作,双方毫不保留的发挥出最大的实力,那么还是有八成的把握,但问题是根本不可能啊。 The space is such skirt, very simple calculation theory success ratio only, what human communication, fierce relations and so on does not manage entirely. 空间就是这么屌,很干脆的只计算理论成功率,什么人际交往,厉害关系之类的统统不管。 Theoretically can achieve, that can achieve! 理论上能做到,那就是能做到! Also, can achieve the matter that the average person cannot achieve, melting not possibly is the possibility, this is the talent who the space needs to choose! 再说了,能做到普通人做不到的事情,化不可能为可能,这才是空间需要挑选出来的人才呢! Such a calculates words that this hidden main line duty side Linyan was one wave was also fat, the taken advantage was the general 0.5000 points, free foundation attribute 0.2 points, random foundation attribute 2 points, meritorious value 3 points. 这么一算下来的话,这个隐藏主线任务方林岩也算是一波肥了,拿到手的好处是通用点5000点,自由基础属性点2点,随机基础属性二点,功勋值三点。 Then side Linyan first received the random foundation attribute 0.2 points, this gadget adds to 2 points foundation attribute six big foundation attribute points respectively randomly. 接下来方林岩先领取了随机基础属性点2点,这玩意儿就是将二点基础属性点分别随机加到六大基础属性点上。 side Linyan prayed in the heart silently: 方林岩在心中默默祈祷: The strength strength strength, do not come the charm do not come the charm! 力量力量力量,不要来魅力不要来魅力! Finally as if heard his pray, if really has not come the charm, but has not added in strength that in side Linyan most wants at this time, but is the direct two physical strengths ..... 结果仿佛听到了他的祈祷,果真没有来魅力,但也并没有加在方林岩此时最想要的力量上,而是直接两点体力..... At first enters the space time, side Linyan hopes many points of physical strengths, at least do not put in an appearance is given second. 最初进入空间的时候,方林岩是希望多点体力的,至少不要一照面就被人给秒了。 But currently he has Athena Yukita, and physical strength is counted the equipment addition, reached 7 points, is not strong to its demand, has not expected added the physical strength at this time! 但现在他有了雅典娜之佑,并且体力算上装备加成,也达到了七点,对其需求就没那么强了,没料到这时候加体力了! However changes mind to think, life value thing with meets to be the same colorfully, will be who will not consider too little, 不过转念想一想,生命值这东西就和艳遇一样,是谁都不会嫌少的, Also, Canada's total charm in physical strength, in sensation strong, such a wants is also calm. 再说了,加在体力上总比加魅力,感知上强,这么一想也就心平气和了。 As for the other two point free attribute points, he first increases the strength value to 15 points, in this case, successfully achieved the double attribute unwrapped 15 points condition. 至于剩余的两点自由属性点,他首先将力量值提升到15点,这样的话,就成功达成了双属性裸装15点的条件。 Surplus 1 point he pondered a while, invested 1 point on agile, this added on the addition of branch, agile reached 10 points, was just two times of normal adult male, in this case, can display the foundation lv6 advantage. 剩余下来的一点他思考了一会儿,在敏捷上投入了一点,这样的话加上树枝的加成,敏捷就达到了十点,刚好是正常成年男子的两倍,这样的话,更能发挥出基础lv6的优势。 After here side Linyan the points add, the goat also finished up, sees smile that on his face brims with, knows the harvest is inevitably big. 这边方林岩将点数加完了以后,山羊也是完事儿了,见他脸上洋溢的微笑,就知道了收获必然不小。 Two people this time topics cannot certainly leave this hidden main line duty, after discussion , believes that if this duty is the normal flow, after should be completes the task, light wheel fellow will make the mechanical spider the duty item attain in its master control room. 两人此时的话题当然离不开这隐藏主线任务,讨论一番后一致认为,这任务倘若是正常流程的话,应该就是完成任务后,光轮这家伙会让机械蜘蛛将任务道具拿到其主控制室里面。 In this case, end of mission definitely will lower much. 这样的话,任务完成度就肯定会低不少。 Luckily after side Linyan drew out the black thorn, at that time has not left, but is careful periphery some perished cleaning up will be clean, then also spurted on that mysterious bright red mist, will otherwise unable to come in this spoils of war room, do not say that was attains the extra duty to reward. 幸亏方林岩当时拔出黑刺以后并没有离开,而是仔仔细细的将周围被腐蚀掉的部分清理干净,然后还喷上了那神秘的亮红色雾气,否则的话是进不来这战利品室的,更不要说是拿到额外的任务奖励了。 After two people chatted several, then prepares the turning around old route to return, but then looked that complex return trip route somewhat compels immediately ignorant. 两人聊了几句之后便准备转身原路返回,不过回头一看那复杂的回程路线顿时有些懵逼。 At that time was a mechanical spider leads two people went through, cajoling into the head somewhat was dizzy, now then looks naturally is also bewildered. 当时是一只机械蜘蛛带着自己两人在其中穿行,绕得脑袋都有些晕,现在回头一看当然也是一脸茫然。 A moment ago when choice duty item, because was excited and excited, the mechanical spider that therefore only showed the way that neglecting, serves a need now naturally thought. 刚才在挑选任务道具的时候因为兴奋和激动,所以将那只领路的机械蜘蛛给忽略了,现在用得着的时候当然又重新想了起来。 Well? Spider that only guides?” “咦?那只带路的蜘蛛呢?” Two people optional looks in this spoils of war room, the goat called out suddenly: 两人随意的在这战利品室找了找,山羊忽然叫道: Here.” “在这里。” side Linyan walks to look, detected the mechanical spider that this only guides in nearby corner, on the cover had presented a black spot unexpectedly weak, then claw worn out is twitching, less than several minutes died directly ..... 方林岩走过去一看,发觉这只带路的机械蜘蛛居然已经瘫软在了旁边的墙角处,盖子上出现了点点黑斑,然后脚爪有气无力的抽搐着,没过几秒钟就直接死掉了..... However after this is only mechanical the spider died, quick crawled a mechanical spider to come from outside, shows the Italian forest rock two people to go out with it. 不过这只机械蜘蛛死掉了以后,很快的就从外面爬了一只机械蜘蛛进来,示意方林岩两人跟它出去。 After side Linyan follows this to be only mechanical the spider went out of twenty meters, always thought where seemingly has is not right, oneself as if missed what crucial thing. 方林岩跟着这只机械蜘蛛走出了二十几米之后,总觉得貌似有什么地方不对劲,自己似乎错过了什么关键性的东西。 Suddenly, he raised the hand, then stopped the footsteps. 突然之间,他举起了手,然后停下了脚步。 The goat saw side Linyan the appearance, immediately somewhat said curiously: 山羊见到了方林岩的模样,顿时有些好奇道: What's wrong?” “怎么了?” side Linyan shakes the head slightly, then turns around to walk toward the rear area decisively, the corners of the mouth also revealed to wipe the smile, in the mouth jump suddenly arrogantly anything tender, anything mouth disliked the body to be honest and wait/etc strange phrase, making the goat somewhat unable to feel the mind. 方林岩微微摇头,然后果断转身朝着后方走去,嘴角也是随之露出了一抹微笑,嘴巴里面突然蹦出来了什么“傲娇”,什么“口嫌体正直”等等的奇怪字眼,让山羊有些摸不着头脑。 Quick, side Linyan arrived at the entrance of storage room, there had turned into a silver-white wall, fits together perfectly, could not look that rear has a huge space. 很快的,方林岩就重新来到了储藏室的门口,那里已经重新变成了一堵银白色的墙壁,严丝合缝,根本看不出来后方有一个庞大的空间。 However, after side Linyan arrived at this wall front, on the wall dissolved a large cave/hole immediately, no matter what its turnover. 不过,方林岩走到了这道墙壁前面之后,墙壁上就立即重新溶解出来了一个大洞任其进出。 At this time the goat thinks that side Linyan thinks suddenly the main line duty also had the omission place, came back to observe in a hurry, finally side Linyan looked straight at unexpectedly continually has not looked at that pile of junks one, but arrived by the mechanical spider that corner that only died to look at carefully directly. 这时候山羊以为方林岩突然想到了主线任务还有遗漏的地方,匆匆回来观察,结果方林岩居然连正眼都没多瞧那堆杂物一眼,而是直接走到了角落处那只死掉的机械蜘蛛旁边端详着。 Under his looks at carefully, the goat also understood immediately. 他这一端详之下,山羊顿时也明白了过来。 This is only of mechanical the cause of death spider, unexpectedly before they wipe out black thorn time that to be only exactly the same! 这只机械蜘蛛的死法,居然和之前他们拔除黑刺时候遇到的那只一模一样! That is killed by the mysterious strength that the black thorn leaves behind, this is only of mechanical the cause of death spider to be the same with it, in other words here also has black thorn that needs to process? 那一只则是被黑刺遗留下来的神秘力量弄死的,这只机械蜘蛛的死因与之相同,也就是说这里也是有需要处理的黑刺了? Thinks of here, is not difficult to understand why side Linyan will ridicule in secret, said that what proud tender, the mouth disliked the body to be honest. 想到这里,就不难理解为什么方林岩会暗中讥笑,说什么傲娇,口嫌体正直了。 That artificial intelligence light wheel needs help from two people obviously, does not say, but also sends to bring death to leave behind the clue the mechanical spider intentionally, expected that they can discover, what this isn't proud tender is? 那个人工智能“光轮”明明是有求于两人,偏偏就不说出口,还故意将机械蜘蛛派去送死留下线索,期望他们能自行发现,这不是傲娇是什么呢? After wants to understand this point, the goat detected in immediately the air seemingly is enlivening the joyful atmosphere. 想明白了这一点之后,山羊立即都发觉空气里面貌似活跃着快乐的气氛。 side Linyan looked at carefully a while in corner, detects here wall, although silver, but obviously felt the luster is very gloomy, then shouts greatly: 方林岩在角落处端详了一会儿,发觉这里的墙壁虽然还是银色的,但明显感觉到色泽很是暗淡,便大喊道: Hey, the light wheel mister, here cannot see anything, here wall was too thick, you help me open.” “喂喂,光轮先生,我这里根本就看不出什么啊,这里的墙太厚实了,你帮我打开一下。” Crossed probably for more than ten seconds, side that was only mechanical the spider to broadcast the sound of light wheel suddenly: 大概过了十几秒,旁边那只机械蜘蛛忽然传来了光轮的声音: Here metallic body situated in the necrosis, the out of control edge, I do not have the means to control it.” “这里的金属机体已经处于坏死,失控的边缘,我没有办法对其进行控制。” side Linyan helpless say/way: 方林岩无奈的道: That what to do? Can't you make me move a cutter to come in?” “那怎么办?你总不能让我去搬一台切割机进来吧?” Light circuit: 光轮道: I can give you cutting light/only spear/gun, but, you have the cutting light/only spear/gun to enter to, has the ability that can harm great Puma, my firewall procedure/program does not allow to do this, therefore your two companions cannot enter with you together, they must put in my control.” “我可以给予你一把切割光枪,但是,你持有切割光枪进入到其中以后,就拥有了可以伤害伟大的普马斯的能力,我的防火墙程序不允许这样做,所以你的两个同伴都不能和你一同进入,他们必须被置于我的掌控中。” side Linyan the complexion changes said: 方林岩面色微变道: Good, your request is very reasonable. However, I help, what reward can you give me?” “好吧,你的要求很合理。但是,我帮了你这个忙,你能给予我什么报酬?” Light circuit: 光轮道: My jurisdiction, only limited to processing the relics of these enemies, these things, you can take away them here.” “我的权限,仅限于处理那些敌人的遗物,那些东西都在这里了,你可以拿走它们。” side Linyan sighed: 方林岩叹了口气道: Really regrettable, thing that in that I have not wanted.” “真遗憾,那里面已经没有我想要的东西了。”
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