FE :: Volume #5

#92: The duty item starts!

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The words saying that this matter actually said difficult is not difficult, is really the strength work, let on nearby mechanical elite warrant officer directly on the line. 话说这种事情其实说难也并不难,真的是力气活儿,直接让旁边的机械精英准尉上就行了。 However side Linyan silently in the heart issued the order, actually detected that the mechanical elite warrant officer walks up several steps, is actually maintaining a posture suddenly stiffly in same place, in the middle of the electronic eye ray also vanished. 不过方林岩默默在心中下达了命令以后,却发觉机械精英准尉走上前去几步,却忽然保持着一个姿势僵硬在了原地,电子眼当中的光芒也是随之消失了。 side Linyan is startled, quickly looks at the fight record, discovered the following prompt unexpectedly: 方林岩大吃一惊,急忙查看战斗记录,竟发现了如下提示: Your summon: The mechanical elite warrant officer was affected by mysterious strength, therefore in paralysis, life value by every second 10 points / the speed rapidly drops.” “你的召唤物:机械精英准尉遭受到了一股神秘的力量影响,所以处于瘫痪中,生命值将会以每秒钟十点/的速度迅速下降。” Saw such explanation, side Linyan is startled, immediately called the goat the help, the mechanical elite warrant officer shouldering, will have led about 40 meters to detect that finally it was separated from the influence of that mysterious strength, oneself regained the control. 见到了这样的说明,方林岩大吃一惊,立即叫来山羊帮忙,将机械精英准尉给扛走,结果一直将之带到了四十米开外才发觉它脱离了那神秘力量的影响,自己重新获得了控制权。 At this time side Linyan attached great importance to this strange black sharp thorn, after observing a while, then started to begin, prepares pulling out this gadget. 这时候方林岩才对这根诡异的黑色尖刺重视了起来,观察了一会儿之后便开始动手,准备将这玩意儿给拔出来。 After the result begins, discovered, so long as the metal channel contacted the spot of black sharp thorn, fell apart the sawdust thing rottenly, bumped gently has the black yellow rust scraps/condescend rustle to fall downward, looked like human body rotten organization. 结果动手之后才发现,金属通道只要是接触到了黑色尖刺的部位,都腐烂朽坏成了木屑似的东西,轻轻一碰就有黑黄色的锈屑簌簌向下掉落,就像是人体腐烂的组织似的。 In order to order to ask to be discrete, side Linyan wears the glove to pull out this black sharp thorn, detects this gadget, although is five meters, the rear diameter width was 30 centimeters, but in fact does not know that is what material quality makes, is quite facile, is less than three kilograms probably. 为求谨慎起见,方林岩戴着手套将这根黑色尖刺拔了出来,发觉这玩意儿虽然长达五米,尾部的直径宽度达到了三十厘米,但实际上不知道是什么材质做成的,相当轻便,大概还不到三公斤。 Then side Linyan threw the following Russian space station this gadget, enabling the mysterious strength of its release to affect here. 接着方林岩就将这玩意儿丢到了后面的俄国空间站当中,让其释放的神秘力量不能影响到这边。 After side Linyan returned in the middle of the previous metal channel, detected that the front that seal gate has also opened. 等到方林岩重新回到了之前的金属通道当中之后,就发觉前方的那密封门已经随之开启了。 However side Linyan is a finishing what one starts person, or is the mild obsession patient, not anxiously vanguard, the part that but rusts away the metal channel with the brush 11 brushes out. 不过方林岩乃是个有始有终的人,或者说是轻度强迫症患者吧,并没有急着前行,而是用刷子将金属通道锈蚀的部分给一一刷掉。 The metal rust scraps/condescend enough more than ten kilograms of finally sweeping, on the surrounding silver-white wall is the shocking giant pit, bottom of the pit is also bumpy. 最后扫出来的金属锈屑足足有十几公斤之多,周围的银白色墙壁上也是触目惊心的巨大凹坑,凹坑底部也是坑坑洼洼的。 The goat overcomes the hand in side, these waste residue that will sweep put the Russian space station that side to dump. 山羊在旁边打下手,就将扫出来的这些废渣放到俄国空间站那边去倒掉。 Then side Linyan the look moves slightly, then the plan probes, therefore was calling out to nearby silver-white channel loudly: 接着方林岩眼神微动,便打算试探一下,于是对着旁边的银白色通道大声叫道: Hey! I know that you can hear my words.” “喂!我知道你能听到我的话。” Now I here corrosion part except, according to me serviced automobile the working procedure of normal condition, is in the need the putty ash, then polishes the painting, but I determined that like this is you definitely not to like! If you like other way, then gives me to select the material.” “现在我把这里的锈蚀部分除去了,按照我维修汽车的正常情况的工序来说,是需要上腻子灰,然后打磨喷漆的,但我确定这样做你肯定不喜欢!所以如果你喜欢别的方式,那么就给我点材料啊。” The surface opposite party forest Yan frontline propaganda, seeming like that artificial intelligence is aloof. 面对方林岩的喊话,貌似那个人工智能无动于衷。 After however five minutes, on the side seemingly flawless silver-white color wall presented as if the vortex same texture suddenly, then that texture continues clearly, revolving, the dilatancy opened a channel of wash bowl size to come out finally. 不过五分钟以后,旁边貌似天衣无缝的银白色墙壁上忽然出现了仿佛旋涡一样的纹理,然后那纹理继续清晰,旋转,最后扩容开了一个脸盆大小的通道出来。 Crawled unexpectedly a silver-white mechanical spider from this channel, this gadget inching speed strange quick, back unexpectedly also bottle-shaped thing that was similar to the atomization, 紧接着从这通道里面居然爬行出来了一只银白色的机械蜘蛛,这玩意儿爬行速度奇快,背部居然还有一支类似于喷雾的瓶状物, Then saw that this was only mechanical the spider to crawl nearby pit that cleaned up the rust scraps/condescend, the back that atomization bottle started to spray the light bright red mist, the even distribution on the pit, after this mist sprayed, immediately forms a thin film to cover on the corrosion pit. 然后就见到这只机械蜘蛛爬到了清理掉了锈屑的凹坑附近,背部的那喷雾瓶就开始喷射出淡淡的亮红色雾气,均匀的分布在了凹坑上,这雾气喷射上去之后,立即就形成了一层薄膜覆盖在了锈蚀坑上面。 At this time, surprised say/way of goat in team channel: 这时候,山羊在团队频道里面吃惊的道: I just used a detection skill to this monster, unexpectedly the prompt said that wants 1000 universe points!” “我刚刚对这只怪物用了一个侦查技能,居然提示说要1000通用点!” side Linyan listened is very shocked: 方林岩听了也很是震惊: What, do you investigate what?” “什么,你侦查啥?” The goat said: 山羊道: Investigates this mechanical spider.” “就是侦查这机械蜘蛛啊。” side Linyan could also be the calm person, after hearing this news , can only explode the thick tastes: 方林岩也算得上是沉稳的人了,听到了这消息之后也只能爆粗口道: My grass, is this gadget so flamboyant?” “我艹,这玩意儿这么牛逼?” However, made one more surprised matter also in behind, this was only mechanical the spider to do this work to support for less than 20-30 seconds, the body surface started to present a black spot unexpectedly, seemed scattered one sesame seed grain. 然而,令人更吃惊的事情还在后头,这只机械蜘蛛干这活儿只是撑了20-30秒不到,体表居然就开始出现了点点黑斑,就仿佛被撒上了一层芝麻粒似的。 Then suddenly on eight leg pines, twitched, then falls, in the ground squish died ....... in the belly also to flow unexpectedly material that is similar to the engine oil. 然后忽然就八条腿一松,抽搐了起来,然后掉在了地上吧唧一声死掉了.......居然肚皮里面还流淌出了类似于机油的物质。 Sees this, side Linyan is startled immediately, very obviously, that black sharp thorn, although moved out by oneself, but above that mysterious strength still also survived here, looks like the nuclear waste to lay aside in a place for a long time, even if moved out still had the radiation to remain is a truth. 见到这一幕,方林岩顿时吃了一惊,很显然,那黑色尖刺虽然被自己搬走了,但其上那神秘力量依然还在这里有所残存,就像是核废料长期放置在一个地方,就算搬走了依然有辐射残留是一个道理。 The lethality of nuclear radiation is effective to human, but this mysterious strength in view of mechanical lifeform, and seems like the might to be astonishing. 只是核辐射的杀伤力只是对人类有效,而这神秘力量是针对机械生物的,并且看起来威力惊人。 After the mechanical spider died, actually as if the wax oil meets high temperature, dissolved this silver-white metal floor rapidly, but its big bottle spray solution of conducting the back remained. 机械蜘蛛死掉了以后,却仿佛蜡油遇到高温似的,迅速溶解到了这银白色的金属地板当中去,不过其背上的那一个大瓶喷雾剂却留了下来。 Sees this, side Linyan naturally is well aware this gadget, therefore took that big bottle spray solution that oneself remain to study, after learning the operating mode, started pū pū pū pū spraying regarding the surrounding pit, after all these processing appropriate, continued to proceed. 见到这一幕,方林岩当然心知肚明这玩意儿是给自己留下来的了,于是就拿起来了那大瓶喷雾剂研究了一下,学会了操作方式以后对于周围的凹坑开始噗噗噗噗的喷射了起来,将这一切处理妥当了之后,才继续往前走。 Then side Linyan stops from time to time all the way, altogether pulled out three this black long thorns, this gadget had the length to have short, shortest only then half meter, penetrability strange was strong, digs in the silver-white metal wall more than three meters depth, a big hole as if small-scale room that corroded. 接下来方林岩一路上走走停停的,一共拔出来了三根这种黑色长刺,这玩意儿有长有短,最短的一根只有半米长,穿透性却奇强,扎入到了银白色的金属壁当中三米多深,腐蚀出来的大坑仿佛一个小型房间了。 The rust scraps/condescend that sweeps clear even let side Linyan and goat two people transported for almost one hour. 清扫出来的锈屑甚至让方林岩和山羊两人搬运了差不多一个小时。 side Linyan even has a mind to carry off a that black long thorn, the obtained prompt said that is unable to put in the private, can only give up, but that rust scraps/condescend similarly are also so. 方林岩甚至有心带走一根那黑色长刺的,得到的提示却说无法放入私人空间,只能作罢,而那锈屑同样也是如此。 After the last black long thorn will capture, side Linyan across opening the seal gate, arrived at this silver-white metal channel end finally. 将最后一根黑色长刺拔掉了以后,方林岩穿过打开的密封门,终于来到了这银白色的金属通道尽头。 Here presented a spacious hall, the business hall seems empty, everywhere also by that silver-white metal constitution, but formed a stage in the midpoint of hall. 这里出现了一个宽敞的大厅,大厅中央显得空荡荡的,到处也都是由那银白色的金属构成的,只是在大厅的正中央形成了一个高台。 Above the stage has an unusual light ball, the one light and one dark sparkle, after side Linyan and goat arrived here, knows that here should be this underwater ruins core region. 高台上方有一枚奇特的光球,一明一暗的闪耀着,方林岩和山羊来到了这里之后,知道这里应该就是这水下废墟的核心区域了。 This place according to the truth, definitely is the tightly guarded forbidden area, therefore two people stand in honestly same place, so as to avoid causes anything to misunderstand. 这地方按照道理来说,肯定是戒备森严的禁区,所以两人都老老实实站在原地,免得引起什么误会。 Suddenly, that light ball floated unexpectedly, then in the middle of side Linyan and goat two people mind made a sound an indifferent sound: 忽然之间,那光球居然漂浮了起来,然后方林岩和山羊两人的脑海当中都响起来了一个冷漠的声音: Human, I am the great Puma intelligent steward: Corona.” “人类,我是伟大的普马斯的智能管家:光轮。” You have the good intentions to come, and helped me solve very big trouble, therefore I am willing to listen to your purposes in coming.” “你们带着善意而来,并且帮我解决了很大的麻烦,所以我愿意听一听你们的来意。” side Linyan looked at goat one, then salutes to say slightly: 方林岩看了山羊一眼,然后微微行礼道: Corona steward, we are an employee of scientific research institution, one group of damn robbers go into the company, stole our research results shameless.” “光轮管家,我们是一处科研机构的雇员,有一群该死的强盗闯入公司,无耻的窃取了我们的研究成果。” According to our signal trackers showed, they had our research results to flee in all directions in this, should die in this place, therefore we came, and harmless wanted to bring back the scientific research achievements of company.” “根据我们的信号追踪器显示,他们带着我们的研究成果流窜到了这里面来,应该是死在了此地,所以我们前来,并无恶意只是想要拿回公司的科研成果。” Light circuit: 光轮道: „Is the thing that you must look for what?” “你们要找的东西是什么?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: My duty is to retrieve the unusual chip, his duty was to find a special B blood, even if left the human body also to have the astonishing vigor.” “我的任务是找回奇特芯片,他的任务是找到一种特殊的b型血液,哪怕是离开了人体也拥有惊人的活力。” Light circuit: 光轮道: Six Earth years ago, indeed one group of people intruded, but they died finally, I received most things that they kept.” “在六个地球年之前,的确有一群人闯入了进来,不过他们最后都死了,我将他们留下来的大部分东西都收了起来。” Here, the main body light ball of light wheel sparkled, then said: 说到了这里,光轮的本体光球闪耀了一下,然后才道: Normally, lays aside the spoils of war the warehouse belongs to the top-secret region, does not allow you to enter, can only come out the thing belt/bring that you want by me.” “正常情况下,放置战利品的仓库是属于绝密区域,不允许你们进入,只能由我将你们要的东西带出来。” Looks before you in the restore is also in the share of putting one's heart and soul, gives the right that you specially permit one time, you can go to itself to have a look at the thing that wants to look.” “不过看在你们之前在修复的时候还算是尽心竭力的份儿上,就给你们一次特许的权利,你们可以去自己看看有没有想要找的东西。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Good.” “好的。” After the light wheel said that in side Linyan the right on silent slid a hidden door. 光轮说完了以后,在方林岩的右边就无声无息的滑开了一扇隐藏门。 After two people walk went, then detected that here is a long and narrow silver channel, but a distance will have parallel pipeline to interlock every other, formed the intriguing pipe network, after two people arrived at the first road intersection, somewhat look at each other in blank dismay, where did not know. 两人走了进去之后,便发觉这里又是一条狭长的银色通道,不过每隔一段距离就会有平行的管道交错而过,形成了错综复杂的管网,两人来到了第一处交叉口之后,就有些面面相觑,不知道去什么地方了。 Was good because of this time their on front silver-white metal floor, suddenly gurgle gurgle braved a very big silver-white waterdrop shape object, then turned into one , before rapidly has seen the silver-white spider, is crawling directly guiding in front. 好在这时候他们面前的银白色金属地板上,忽然咕嘟咕嘟冒出来了一个很大的银白色水滴状物体,然后迅速变成了一只之前见过的银白色蜘蛛,直接在前面爬行着带路。 Quick, they arrived at a place that seems like the wall, the mechanical spider crawled in front of that struck with the foreleg, immediately saw that wall as if the water dissolved is opened a hole directly. 很快的,他们就来到了一处貌似墙壁的地方,机械蜘蛛爬到了那面前,拿前肢敲打了一下,立即就见到那墙壁仿佛被水溶解了似的直接打开了一个洞。 After entering, two people detected that here is a place that is similar to the storage room, then saw here very optional is discarding some clothing, the package and so on, 进入了以后,两人就发觉这里乃是一处类似于储藏室的地方,然后就见到了这里很是随意的丢弃着一些衣物,包裹之类的, After arriving here, the arrow on retina then started to sparkle, obviously had arrived at the place. 来到了这里以后,视网膜上的箭头便开始闪耀了起来,显然已经是来到了地头。 According to the prompt, side Linyan turned on a nearby travel bag, quick found the unusual chip that the duty needed, this gadget was installed in a small bottle. 根据提示,方林岩打开了旁边的一只旅行包,很快就找到了任务所需的奇特芯片,这玩意儿被装在了一个小瓶子里面。 The chip seemingly does not have the issue, but above also grew unexpectedly the down of many as if plant root hair, unexpectedly can also keep wriggling, seeming like somewhat is very disgusting. 芯片看起来没问题,但上面居然还生长了许多仿佛植物根须的绒毛,居然还能不停蠕动着,看起来很是有些恶心。 Moreover, by this small bottle, two jars of being similar, inside is also the chip of attire, is only the color is different. 不仅如此,在这小瓶子旁边,还有两只类似的瓶子,里面也是装的芯片,只是颜色不同。 The chip that side Linyan the duty needs is the red, other two chips are the blue color and green. 方林岩任务所需要的芯片是红色的,其余的两块芯片则是蓝色和绿色。 Goat this similarly is also this, his mission requirements are to seek for a , b two kinds of special blood, finally also discovered by B kinds of special blood a box, box inside prompt is C kinds of special blood. 山羊这样同样也是这样,他的任务要求是寻找a,b两类特殊血液,结果在b类特殊血液旁边还发现了一个盒子,盒子里面提示是c类特殊血液。 *** *** Recommends the new book of bear shepherd, the tribulation of tomorrow. 推荐一下熊狼狗的新书,明日之劫。 The book of bear shepherd author, I have been looking, the individual style is intense, the content of book by brutal, dark, the brain hole is a focus, conforms to my appetite very much. 熊狼狗这个作者的书,我一直都在看的,个人风格强烈,书的内容以残酷,黑暗,脑洞为主,是很符合我的胃口的。 However this book for must dilute that dark feeling probably, therefore teased compared with a point slightly in a big way, was I feels the place of minor defect in something otherwise perfect. 不过这本书大概是为了要冲淡那种黑暗感觉吧,所以逗比略微大了一点,是我觉得美中不足的地方。 The content of this book is background, the anticipation lies in the lazy air/Qi value of setting, is lying down the promotion, doing exactly the opposite, the brain hole is very big. 这本书的内容是克苏鲁背景,看点在于设定的懒气值,躺着升级,反其道而行之,脑洞很大。 Said on the quiet, I like the man in his food chain peak. 悄悄的说,我还是更喜欢他那本食物链顶端的男人。 Above. 以上。
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