FE :: Volume #5

#91: Service

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At this time, the koi took the lead one step to flee unexpectedly, made the stance that the standard ambush opened fire after the underground tumbling immediately, then touched off a class spear/gun directly bang rumbled! 这时候,锦鲤居然率先一步窜了过来,在地下一个翻滚后立即就做出了标准的狙击开枪的架势,然后就直接扣动班级一枪“砰”的一声轰了过来! side Linyan knows marksmanship strange Zhun who this woman, the might is astonishing, therefore he does not have the general idea/careless slightly, opened Athena Yukita directly, very simple putting out a hand one presses toward the front! 方林岩知道这女人的枪法奇准,威力惊人,所以他也丝毫都没有大意,直接就开启了雅典娜之佑,很干脆的伸手朝着前方一按! That sniper's rifle bullet very simple has flown from his palm, hit directly in his throat spot, actually also can only hit his body surface light shield one to drag to sway. 那一枚狙击枪子弹很干脆的从他的手掌旁边飞过,直接打在了他的咽喉部位上,却也只能打得他身体表面的光盾一阵摇曳晃荡而已。 Personally after the spear/gun of koi hits, side Linyan knows what she used is the second company shoots the skill that. 亲身被锦鲤的这一枪击中之后,方林岩才知道她原来动用的是二连射的技能。 It seems like only opens fire, was actually two rounds of bullet lasings, and seemingly also had the volume to expose the striking rate/lead to increase, once both bullets had/left suddenly/violently to strike, that was really may want a second of person. 看似只开了一枪,其实是两发子弹激射了过来,并且貌似还有额外暴击率增加,一旦两颗子弹都出了暴击,那是真有可能要秒人的。 However ........, even if koi second of day second of place second of air, if wants second of side forest rock that fell Athena Yukita was still not possible! 不过........就算是锦鲤秒天秒地秒空气,要想秒掉开了雅典娜之佑的方林岩那也是不可能的! As the saying goes against propriety not to reciprocate, after side Linyan shouldered a koi spear/gun hardly, the convenience was round of dragon Soushan. 有道是来而不往非礼也,方林岩硬扛了锦鲤一枪之后,顺手就是一发龙嗽闪还了回去。 Saw side Linyan counterattacks, the koi can also make the circumvention movement unexpectedly flexibly, but she how, no matter to dodge again, dragon Sou flashes this legal system skill to divide from head above electricity, to avoid is almost not possible. 见到了方林岩还击,锦鲤居然还能灵活的做了个规避动作,但她不管再怎么闪避,龙嗽闪这种法系技能都是从脑袋上面一电劈下来,要想躲避几乎是不可能的。 Although this electricity the injury is not high, the severe pain of however bringing made the unexpected koi pain snort/hum, the complexion turn white instantaneously, originally lifted to continue the aimed fire the sniper's rifle also to shiver fiercely. 这一电虽然伤害不算高,但是带来的剧痛却令猝不及防的锦鲤痛哼了一声,脸色瞬间发了白,本来举起来想要继续瞄准射击的狙击枪也是剧烈颤抖了一下。 Was good because of this time, the others of koi team also flushed, old black round of bone lance aimed at side Linyan to fling. 好在这时候,锦鲤团队的其余人也是冲了进来,老黑一发骨矛就对准了方林岩甩了过去。 The miserable white bone lance in the in the air super revolving, exudes whistling of fearful heart and soul, seeming like astonishing on the might. 惨白色的骨矛在空中高速旋转,发出慑人心魄的啸叫声,看起来就威力惊人。 Although side Linyan resisted with Athena Yukita hardly, the evil aura actually direct impact that but above supplements enters the body, making him hit two to tremble, the traveling speed sharply fell 40%. 方林岩虽然用雅典娜之佑硬抗了下来,但上面附带的邪恶气息却还是直冲入体,让他生生打了两个寒颤,移动速度锐减百分之四十。 Moreover, Gels roared, aimed at side Linyan to hurl a double knife-edge battle axe in his hand, this double-edge battle axe in in the air super revolving, even plundered arc light, cutting ruthlessly on side Linyan the magic shield. 不仅如此,戈尔斯更是咆哮了一声,将他手中的一柄双刃战斧对准了方林岩猛掷了过来,这把双刃战斧在空中高速旋转着,甚至掠出来了一道弧光,狠狠的斩在了方林岩的魔法盾上。 This strikes to make side Linyan the protecting shield value drop 1/4, what because hits disregards the terrifying injury of defense! Moreover, side Linyan thought that the body is heavy, the whole person is also at present one black, but also by his these forcefully dizzy one second! 这一击令方林岩的护盾值狂泻四分之一,因为打出来的是无视防御的恐怖伤害!不仅如此,方林岩更是觉得身体沉重无比,整个人也是眼前一黑,还被他的这一下强行晕眩了一秒! At this time side Linyan discovered own strength in independent combat is also good, if ran into the enemy to be many, that really insufficiently looked, share that came under attack passively! 此时方林岩才发现了自己的实力在单打独斗的时候还算是不错,但一旦遇到了敌人多起来的话,那就真的是不够看了,只有被动挨打的份儿! Front these three enemies one round attack, has almost hit not to have the strength to hit back, and Athena Yukita had been consumed half of many, once comes again one round, then was really a narrow escape. 面前这三名敌人一轮攻击下来,差不多都已经打得自己毫无还手之力,并且身上的雅典娜之佑已经被消耗过了一半多,一旦再来一轮,那么就真的是九死一生了。 Therefore at this time, side Linyan put out a hand, a high explosive projectile throwing into nearby front door switch place, 所以这时候,方林岩一伸手,就将一枚高爆榴弹给抛到了旁边的大门开关处, In front of the clear to see three enemies will soon launch the attack again, the unmanned aerial vehicle have dived from nearby ceiling crevice , a flash ball tears to pieces this darkness suddenly, the dazzling white light blasts out in this space!! 眼见得面前的三名敌人即将再次发起进攻,无人机已经从旁边的天花板夹缝里面俯冲而下,一发闪光弹陡然撕破这黑暗,炫目的白光在这空间当中炸开!! After the people entered the dark place, the pupil met the enlargement of instinct, to collect more rays to come by oneself to see clearly, the Gels three people were human are no exception similarly. 人进入到了黑暗的地方之后,瞳孔会本能的放大,以收集更多的光线来让自己看得更清楚,戈尔斯三人乃是人类同样也不例外。 At this time facing the glare that presents suddenly, has started to adapt to the dark three people reduced to at present white one piece immediately, even the eyes thought that had pricking slightly, the tears flowed unrestrainedly!. 此时面对骤然出现的强光,已经开始适应黑暗的三人顿时被闪得眼前白茫茫的一片,甚至双眼都觉得有微微的刺痛感,眼泪情不自禁的流淌了出来!。 Seized this opportunity, side Linyan threw to roll, lies low on the floor, has put under the thigh the steel front door that will soon close up while convenient. 抓住了这个机会,方林岩一扑一滚,平躺到了地板上,顺带已经将大腿伸进了即将合拢的钢铁大门下方。 Has squatted awaited orders fiercely the elite mechanical warrant officer who held his ankle after there entrained, drew him. 早就蹲在那里待命的精英机械准尉一把抓住了他的脚腕后猛的一拽,就将他拉了进去。 In dragged into flash, side Linyan noticed that also brings the front door lower limb of construction texture to be away from own face to only have ten centimeters at most, and still under presses slowly, that sense of crisis and constriction particularly intense. 在被拉入的这一瞬间,方林岩看到那还带着浇筑纹理的大门下缘距离自己的脸顶多只有十公分,并且还在缓缓下压,那种危机感和压迫感分外的强烈。 If late 56 seconds, then oneself inevitably are the fate that has brains dashed out dead the cruelest death ....... 倘若晚个五六秒钟,那么自己势必就是脑浆迸裂肝脑涂地的下场....... Is good is shocking but not dangerous because of all, when koi three people clenching jaws replies after the blinding condition, front that leaf of mechanical front door has reduced to the distance floor, only then several centimeters position, this time words then people can drill, feared that was does not dare to take risk. 好在一切都是有惊无险,等到锦鲤三人咬牙切齿的从致盲状态当中回复过来以后,面前的那一扇机械大门已经降低到距离地板只有几厘米的位置,此时的话便是有人能钻过去,怕是也不敢冒险了。 After all opposite also three enemies, once in the middle of drilling the process of front door were plotted, does that only then suffer the fate that runs over? 毕竟对面还有三名敌人在,一旦在钻大门的过程当中被暗算,那岂不是只有惨遭压死的下场? Looks that this leaf of heavy thick front door closes loudly, then nearby control stage explodes loudly, the tooth of koi bites creak makes noise, the personal enemy at present, actually ran away by him like this calmly, such matter is really makes her be burning with anger, wishes one could to open fire to give vent to indignation crazily. 看着这一扇沉重厚实的大门轰然合上,然后旁边的操控台轰然爆炸,锦鲤的牙齿咬得咯吱咯吱作响,仇人就在眼前,却被他这样从容逃走,这样的事情真的是令她怒火中烧,恨不得疯狂开枪泄愤一番。 Was good because of the final koi finally calm, deep breath several gas channels: 好在最后锦鲤终于还是冷静了下来,深呼吸了几口气道: This bringing up the rear enemy is very strong, our three people jointly attack jointly, he can draw back unexpectedly calmly.” “这个断后的敌人很强啊,我们三个人联手合击,他居然都能从容而退。” Moreover, I was just counter-attacked one time by him, this person can use the lightning skill to counter-attack, the injury of hitting unexpectedly, although is not high, actually created the severe pain, making my follow-up fire fail directly.” “而且,我刚刚被他反击了一次,这个人居然能使用闪电技能进行反击,打出来的伤害虽然不高,却造成了剧痛,让我后续的射击都直接落空了。” „Such a person, will not clamor nameless, the boss, you and bat are quite ripe, can attain his material?” “这样的一个人,不会藉藉无名,头儿,你和蝙蝠比较熟,能不能拿到他的资料?” Gels nods saying: 戈尔斯点点头道: Good, I ask.” “好,我去问问。” *** *** At this time side Linyan does not certainly know oneself had stared at thoroughly by the koi. 此时方林岩当然不知道自己已经彻底被锦鲤盯上了。 He is busy exploring this leaf of steel front door following world with goat and the others, 他正在忙着和山羊等人探索这一扇钢铁大门后面的世界, However after simple exploration, side Linyan discovered that here truly is an outer space space station of Russian early detection, 不过经过简单的探索以后,方林岩发现这里确实是一处俄国早期发现的外太空空间站, And some documents that leave behind from side, the above mark trademark analyzed, here is salute- No. 8 space station. 并且从旁边遗留下来的一些文件,还有上面的印记商标分析了出来,这里乃是礼炮-八号空间站。 In sequence that the official acknowledged that the salute series space station of Russia only launched 7 th, was replaced by the Mir space station, but salute that here presented- No. 8 space station was launched to do the military purpose by the secret obviously, 在官方承认的序列当中,俄国的礼炮系列空间站只发射到了七号,然后就被和平号空间站接替,而这里出现的礼炮-八号空间站显然是被秘密发射上来搞军事用途的, When the cold war, two super powers diverted at that time mutually, it can be said that stops at nothing, what happened is not rare. 在当时冷战的时候,两个超级大国互相牵制,可以说是无所不用其极,发生什么事儿也不稀罕。 Because knows that in the middle of this strange vestige had the competitor, therefore two people do not dare to stop over at this time, on the arrow along retina leads the way to go in a hurry. 因为知道这诡异的遗迹当中有了竞争者,所以两人此时也不敢多加逗留,匆匆沿着视网膜上的箭头前行而去。 Then comes to the end of space station time, side Linyan discovered immediately the channel and space station that the front presents were entirely different, is built by the silver-white metal all over the body, fits together perfectly, does not have slight defect a little, does not have slit a little, can describe with the unusual conditions. 然后走到空间站的尽头的时候,方林岩立即就发现了前方出现的通道与空间站截然不同了,通体都是由银白色的金属打造而成的,严丝合缝,没有一点儿的瑕疵,也没有一点儿的缝隙,可以用浑然天成来形容。 And above metallic luster, metal material quality that strokes, does not seem like the product of same time with the space station completely. 并且无论是上面的金属光泽,还是抚摸上去的金属材质,都和空间站完全不像是同一个时代的产物。 Salute- 8 th this war machine that builds by the strength of whole nation, before this fine one such as artware metal channel, looks like manufacturing in a rough way child toy completely. 礼炮-八号这以举国之力打造出来的战争机器,在这条精美一如艺术品似的金属通道之前,完全就像是个粗制滥造的小孩玩具似的。 And this channel whole sent out the gentle ray, the darkness that is rich as if cannot melt sweeps away beforehand that. 并且这通道整体都发出了柔和的光芒,将之前的那种浓郁得仿佛化不开的黑暗一扫而空。 After entering to this metal channel, side Linyan paid attention to a nearby slit, discovered the surrounding also has many docking ports, seems like the entire salute- No. 8 space station welds forcefully, is not right, should say that bound on anything. 在进入到这金属通道之后,方林岩留意了一下旁边的缝隙,发现了外围还拥有多处对接口,看起来就像是将整个礼炮-八号空间站强行焊接,不对,应该说是黏合在了什么东西上似的。 Continued to proceed to go out about 30 meters following this metal channel, side Linyan stopped again, the reason was very simple: 顺着这金属通道继续往前走出了三十米左右,方林岩两人再次停了下来,原因很简单: Dead end. 此路不通。 The center of this metal channel, was pricked a thing beyond description ruthlessly , the lance, seems like the sharp thorn probably. 这条金属通道的中央,被狠狠刺入了一根难以形容的东西,既像是长矛,又像是尖刺。 This gadget reveal exceeded three meters outside length, the horizontal puncture passed the entire channel, does not know that is what material quality, dark is very seemingly common, but above seemed like is actually full of a deathly stillness beyond description to feel, as if all vitalities must be strangled by it. 这玩意儿露在外面的长度就超过了三米,横穿刺透了整个通道,也不知道是什么材质,黑沉沉的貌似很不起眼,但看起来上面却充满了一股难以形容的死寂感觉,仿佛一切生机都要被它扼杀掉。 Moreover, this metal channel pricked spot has the obvious whirling around trace, the surroundings lived completely layer by layer the black yellow rust mark unexpectedly, the rust scraps/condescend that fell accumulated the difference mostly ruler is not high on the ground. 不仅如此,这金属通道被刺入的部位有着明显的翻卷痕迹,周围居然都生满了一层一层黑黄色的锈痕,那掉落的锈屑在地上足足都积了差不多半尺高。 That rust mark proliferated the range of most metal channel, seemingly had an shocking frigidity. 那锈痕足足扩散到了大半个金属通道的范围,看起来有一种触目惊心的惨烈。 side Linyan and goat can bypass this region to continue, but the front several meters places have together the silver-white seal gate ----- Or was other things blocks the road ahead. 方林岩和山羊是可以绕过这一块区域继续前行的,但前方几米处就有一道银白色的密封门-----或者说是其余的东西将前路封死了。 Stays in the space probably quite many, side Linyan an even misconception, felt oneself look like in the blood vessel in a giant metal organism walks, but the front that door looks like blood vessel inside lineage/vein petal. 大概是在空间里面呆得比较多,方林岩甚至有一种错觉,感觉自己就像是在一头巨大的金属生物体内血管里面行走似的,而前方的那扇门就像是血管里面的脉瓣。 Witnessed such situation, who side Linyan is? Associated to the former that artificial intelligence words, immediately understood, was this must be pulled out metal channel the thorn by oneself? 目睹了这样的情况,方林岩是什么人?联想到之前那人工智能的话,马上就心领神会了过来,这是要让自己把金属通道当中的这根刺拔出来吧?
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