FE :: Volume #5

#90: Bringing up the rear

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Was good started their team technique because of Kanner directly: Sparkle technique. 好在坎纳直接发动了他们的团队技:闪耀术。 The sparkle technique is a composite team technique, is the passive skill, can the mission team members enter being on the verge of death condition, immediately transmits 30-50 meters toward the rear 90 degrees corners/horns randomly, the point of descent will select the point of safety as far as possible. 闪耀术是一个复合型的团队技,同时也是被动技能,可以使团队成员一进濒死状态,马上向着后方90度角随机传送出去30-50米,落点将尽可能选取安全地点。 ( E.g. rear area has magma certainly not to transmit, only if is completely magma, will then choose temperature low place.) (比如后方有岩浆就一定不会传送进去,除非全部都是岩浆,那么就会选择温度较低的地方。) Simultaneously gives the team member in addition to hold the previous rejuvenation technique, will restore this/should member 10 + 2 x team leader maximum foundation attribute value in 15 seconds continually the life value, the frequency of restored life value is to conduct every 3 seconds one time. 同时给予团队成员加持上一个回春术,将会在15秒内持续恢复该成员10+2x团队队长最高基础属性值的生命值,恢复的生命值的频率为每3秒进行一次。 However, this sparkle technique also has a drawback, after that is triggering, takes entire one week to trigger again, in other words, in most situations, enters in the middle of a world only to trigger one time. 但是,这闪耀术同样有一个弊端,那就是触发以后需要整整一周才能再次触发,也就是说,大部分的情况下,进入一个世界当中就只能触发一次。 Moreover, after triggering this team skill, even if the team members were later regain the full blood condition, will fall into continues the weak negative condition, directly caused the strength, agile, the physical strength, the spirit, the sensation, the charm six big attributes temporary reduced half simultaneously, the duration 120 minutes. 不仅如此,触发了这个团队技能之后,团队成员哪怕是以后恢复到了满血状态,也会陷入持续虚弱的负面状态当中,直接导致力量,敏捷,体力,精神,感知,魅力六大属性同时临时性降低一半,持续时间120分钟。 Therefore, goat crazy eruption really rendered meritorious service! He has not expected, can discard a Canna such strong enemy unexpectedly. 所以,山羊这一次的疯狂爆发真的是立功了!他自己都没料到,竟然能废掉坎纳这么一个强劲的敌人。 The team that if, Kanner is usually at to the koi is not too important, because his battle efficiency is not weak, but also is the fair ordinary type. 倘若是在平时的话,坎纳对锦鲤所在的这个团队来说并不算太重要,因为他的战斗力不算弱,但也就是中规中矩的普通类型。 Cannot seem like koi such to kill people outside the thousand li (500 km), gives the final word even turns defeat into victory, cannot like old black such calls the spirit master, takes the person life in invisible. 并不能像是锦鲤那样能杀人于千里之外,一锤定音甚至反败为胜,也不能像老黑那样的唤灵师一样,取人性命于无形之中。 However, when the exploration vestige, Kanner's role was big, his sensation was astonishing, but also had relieved mechanism/organization trap reconnaissance technique the ability, finally was still given to discard in this vestige entrance, how can not be been unusual the indignation? 但是,在探索遗迹的时候,坎纳的作用就大了啊,他的感知惊人,还拥有“解除机关陷阱”“勘察术”的能力,结果还在这遗迹门口就被人给废掉了,怎能不叫人愤慨异常? *** *** After the goat sent out the second instantaneous big fireball, has turned the head to walk without delay, because he knows that oneself three broad-ax have used up, but also stupidly stands there recites does? 山羊发出了第二枚瞬发大火球之后,已经二话不说转头就走,因为他知道自己的三板斧已经用完了,还傻乎乎站在那里吟唱干嘛? Was hugs the grass to hit the work of rabbit in any case, the attack can effective then say again, has at least shown the strength, can make the enemy not have the means unscrupulous vanguard is not? 反正都是搂草打兔子的活儿,攻击能不能奏效回头再说,至少已经表现出了实力,能让敌人没办法肆无忌惮的前行不是? However after he one safe, immediately inquired in the fight record: Oneself rumbled unexpectedly into being on the verge of death condition the opposite party, this sense of achievement was really the direct bursting, the secretly thought occupation really wanted the equipment support, the paper money ability really lived up to reputation. 不过他一安全了之后,立即在战斗记录当中就查询到:自己居然将对方轰入了濒死状态,这一份成就感真的是直接爆棚了,暗道施法职业果然还是要装备支持啊,钞能力果然是名不虚传。 At this time, the mechanical elite warrant officer was also slightly runs is giving support, before his hand grasped , the standard m4a1 carbine rifle that Dackland Corporation that held disposed, brought the grenade launch function, the might is quite good. 这时候,机械精英准尉也是小跑着前来支援了,他手中握持的还是之前达克兰公司配置的制式m4a1卡宾枪,自带枪榴弹发射功能,威力还是相当不错的。 And the mechanical elite warrant officer can inherit side Linyan the basic capability, he had side Linyan the foundation to fire at lv4 to conduct the support, currently also has foundation footsteps lv6 to make up for him as the robot, acted the stiff slow flaw, can say that the battle efficiency promoted a big truncation. 并且机械精英准尉能够继承方林岩的基础能力,他可是拥有了方林岩的基础射击lv4来进行支撑,现在还有基础脚步lv6弥补了他身为机器人,行动僵硬缓慢的缺陷,可以说战斗力提升了一大截。 A mechanical elite warrant officer appearance, partly kneels in place three ripple fires immediately, aimed at Kanner who in 40 meters external water carried to float carries to sink to launch the attack unexpectedly, the round of bullet has flown failing from his temple, but another two rounds of bullets actually shot on his chest. 机械精英准尉一出现,立即就半跪在地一个三连射,竟是对准了40米外在水中载浮载沉的坎纳发动了攻击,有一发子弹从他的鬓角飞过落空,但是另外两发子弹却射在了他的胸口上。 In Kanner's eyes has revealed the color of fear. 坎纳的眼中已经露出了恐惧之色。 Needless saying that he to certainly surpass jay to read the rap speed in the team channel to pray for rescue crazily. 不消说,他一定在团队频道里面以超过jay念rap的速度疯狂求救。 This time Kanner is the frailest time, launches the attack to him, that quite therefore stroked in seven cuns (2.5 cm) of poisonous snake, only if in team others are willing to look at Kanner dying helplessly, then must rescue his! 此时的坎纳乃是最脆弱的时候,对他发动攻击,那就相当于是一击打在了毒蛇的七寸上,除非团队里面的其余人愿意看着坎纳眼睁睁的死掉,那么是必须要救他的! But the exit|to speak of submersibles only then, is very narrow, can only accommodate a person to climb. 而潜水器的出口只有一个,十分狭窄,只能容纳一个人爬上爬下。 Therefore, the fire of mechanical elite warrant officer seems like but at will is, actually has compelled the koi that just drilled to save others, rather than launches the attack. 所以,机械精英准尉的射击看似随意而为,其实已经逼得刚刚钻出来的锦鲤必须要去救人,而不是发起攻击。 Otherwise, next round of hits is the might the grenade that and greatly range injury, the koi must facing the brutal fact that the teammate died. 否则的话,下一发打出来的就是威力更大并且范围伤害的枪榴弹,锦鲤就得面对队友死亡的残酷事实。 The koi is clenching teeth to aim at the mechanical elite warrant officer is a spear/gun, this is similar to completely flings the high-end skill that monkey blind monkey this type does not begin shooting, no matter then fires at the result so, then jumped into the water to go to save others directly. 锦鲤咬着牙对准了机械精英准尉就是一枪,这完全就类似于“甩狙”“盲狙”这种不开镜的高端技巧,然后不管射击结果如此,便直接跳进了水中前去救人。 Then crops up is being is old, in this type from the might of various black magics during the fight, he excels are also astonishing, is not inferior compared with the koi. 接着冒头出来的着则是施法者老黑,在这种中距离的战斗当中,他擅长的各种黑魔法的威力同样惊人,比起锦鲤来说绝不逊色。 In fact, old black this time is also a lot of air/Qi, had read a round of bone lance technique in advance, only waits to crop up must give on opposite that damn master well a class. 事实上,老黑此时也是一肚子气,已经预读了一发骨矛术,只等自己冒头就要好好的给对面的那个该死的术士上一课。 However can in the world matter possibly be satisfied? 然而天底下的事情怎么可能都能称心如意呢? After old black crops up, immediately looked like the old soft-shelled turtle to see the knife was the same, shrank the head at a quicker speed. 老黑一冒头之后,立即就像是老甲鱼看到了刀子一样,以更快的速度将脑袋重新缩了回去。 Because he had seen a scarlet red big fireball aimed here to fly, the flame texture and ripples that even the big fireball surface presented saw clearly, 因为他已经见到了一枚赤红色的大火球对准了这边飞了过来,甚至连大火球表面出现的火焰纹理和涟漪都看得清清楚楚的, If he does not shrink, this round of big fireball must stick directly on the face, this is one lets the person to feel the happy matter obviously. 他若不缩回去的话,这一发大火球就要直接糊在脸上,这显然是一件让人并不能感觉到愉快的事。 Originally saw the allied force origin, the goat therefore aimed old rubbed a round of big fireball black, 原来见到了友军来源,山羊于是又对准了老黑搓了一发大火球, The next second, the entire submersibles on a sharp shake, the old black whole person almost must stand to fall toward the rear area not steadily. Gels intended to support him fortunately promptly, otherwise really must have one to be greatly ugly. 下一秒,整个潜水器就一阵剧烈的震荡,老黑整个人都几乎要站立不稳向着后方摔了过去。亏得戈尔斯及时出手一把扶住了他,否则的话真的要出一个大丑了。 Obviously, this submersibles were rumbled by the big fireball, immediately was pushed toward the rear area by the strength of that intense explosion, originally it is away from by the temporary wharf, only then 56 meters, after this round of big fireball, swung more than ten meters away. 很显然,这潜水器被大火球轰了个正着,立即就被那强烈的爆炸之力朝着后方推送了开去,本来它距离靠临时码头只有五六米,中了这一发大火球以后,就重新荡开了十几米远。 Moreover, on submersibles several measuring appliances starts the sparkle red light, obviously after suffering this round of big fireball, damages heavily. 不仅如此,潜水器内部的好几个仪表上更是开始闪耀红灯,显然挨了这一发大火球之后损伤不轻。 Under this aspect, the koi still showed the extremely strong strength. 只是在这种局面下,锦鲤依然表现出了极其强大的实力。 Before her a round flings the spear/gun, unexpectedly can succeed the hit target, hit on the right chest of mechanical elite warrant officer, the bullet penetrated, exploded a deep hole of orange size the chest, inside metal structure as if obviously, several wire that emitted the electric spark made squeak squeak the sound. 她之前的一发甩枪,居然都能成功命中目标,打在了机械精英准尉的右胸上,子弹贯入到了其中,将胸口炸出来了一个橙子大小的深洞,里面的金属结构宛然可见,还有几根冒出电火花的导线发出吱吱的声音。 Then both sides then fell into the tangled warfare, the mechanical elite warrant officer and goat two people are primarily in any case harassing, how disgusting person how. 接下来双方便陷入了混战,机械精英准尉和山羊两人反正就是以骚扰为主,怎么恶心人怎么来。 However quick Gels also discovered they plan to delay the time, then the decision rushes forcefully, finally by two rounds of high explosive projectile bang in the past, suppressed in them the water. 不过很快的戈尔斯也是发现了他们打算拖延时间,便决定强行冲上去,结果被两发高爆榴弹轰过去,又将他们重新压制回了水中。 At this time, side Linyan said in the team channel: 这时候,方林岩在队伍频道里面道: Goat, I was good, after you prepare to make a round of big fireball, again retreats immediately.” “山羊,我好了,你准备再打出一发大火球之后就马上撤退。” The goat immediately was loose long air/Qi, starts to recite directly, but side Linyan also lagged behind at this time very much simply had repaired the good switch. 山羊立即松了一口长气,直接开始吟唱,而方林岩这时候也是很干脆拉下了已经修复好的开关。 Immediately, has rumble the sound conveys, even the ground starts to shake slightly, that leaf of heavy front door has opened slowly. 顿时,有“隆隆”的声音传来,甚至地面都开始微微震荡,那一扇沉重的大门已经徐徐开启。 Without the means that the thing that Russia makes is this characteristics, robust anti- makes the in addition noise to be high, hasty, side Linyan also can only achieve this degree. 没办法,俄国造的东西就是这个特点,皮实耐造外加噪音高,仓促之下,方林岩也只能做到这种程度了。 After feeling this, Gels and the others the look changes, has roared excitedly a sound said: 感受到了这一幕之后,戈尔斯等人已经勃然色变,怒吼一声道: They in protracted time, with me on!” “他们在拖延时间,跟我上!” After saying, Gels has drunk one bottle of expensive tyrant body liquid medicines, bloomed from top to bottom the light golden red ray, refuted rushing of directly, the upfront was eating a round of fireball technique and a round of high explosive projectile hardly, was brunts unexpectedly continues, but as if dashing about wildly of arbitrary bull. 说完了之后,戈尔斯已经喝下了一瓶价格不菲的霸体药水,浑身上下绽放出淡淡的金红色光芒,直接就硬顶着冲了上去,正面硬吃了一发火球术和一发高爆榴弹,竟是冲势不止,仿佛一头蛮横的公牛似的狂奔而至。 Needless saying that saw the enemy spares no expense to attack crazily, originally completed the goat that retreats the preparation runs away without delay, side forest Iwamoto planned that old trick heavy, wants to leave behind the mechanical elite warrant officer to bring up the rear, but thought of a very important matter suddenly, 不消说,见到了敌人不惜血本狂攻上来,本来就做好了撤退准备的山羊二话不说撒腿就跑,方林岩本来打算故技重施,想要留下机械精英准尉断后的,但忽的想到了一件很重要的事情, Why that is controls here artificial intelligence to give favored treatment to itself, first is because have the mechanical companion, and he can also monitor here situation. 那就是主宰这里的人工智能为什么优待自己,第一是因为自己拥有机械同伴,并且他还能监控这里的情况。 Once then, this fellow saw oneself abandons the mechanical companion at will, is not seemingly appropriate ....... 那么,一旦这家伙看到了自己随意抛弃机械同伴的话,貌似不大妥当啊....... Therefore, side Linyan flushed very much simply came out to aid them. 所以,方林岩很干脆的冲了出来接应他们。 The clear to see two as if fly equally disgusting enemies must escape, needless saying that Gels and the others went crazy immediately also resembles pursued. 眼见得两个仿佛苍蝇一样恶心的敌人要逃,不消说,戈尔斯等人立即就发狂也似的追了上来。 However after they crashed in the middle of the channel 56 meters, immediately detected made the person very annoyed matter, that was periphery unexpectedly is a darkness. 不过他们冲进了通道当中五六米以后,立即就发觉了一件令人非常恼火的事情,那就是周围竟是一片漆黑。 After Gels who drinks the tyrant body liquid medicines flushed, only heard „” a series of sounds, in channel various junks were touched upside-down a big pile by him, Gels was on the load-bearing column that hit to disburse, immediately the eye braved the artificial flower with gold-foil. 喝下霸体药水的戈尔斯冲进去了以后,只听得“噼里啪啦”的一连串响声,通道里面的各种杂物都被他碰倒了一大堆,戈尔斯更是一头撞到了支出来的承重柱上面,立即眼冒金花。 The cold light stick that the looking exploration that some people can only be thrown into confusion uses, just took to become the living target finally, was caught up with side Linyan who supports to send the grenade to rumble promptly, usually explodes seven meat eight to be completely muddled him. 一干人只能手忙脚乱的找探索用的冷光棒,结果刚刚拿出来就成了活靶子,被及时赶来支援的方林岩一发枪榴弹轰了过来,将其炸得七荤八素晕头转向。 When they threw 78 the cold light sticks of illuminations to go out continuously, finally success after problem solve that will illuminate, the goat and elite mechanical warrant officer have succeeded retreated, then entered in the middle of the heavy/thick metal front door under half opening condition. 等到他们连续投掷出去了七八根照明的冷光棒出去,终于成功的将照明的问题解决以后,山羊和精英机械准尉早已成功的撤退了开去,然后一头钻进了半开启状态下的厚重金属大门当中。 At this time has turned into side Linyan to remain to bring up the rear, after he drew a nearby switch conveniently, that side heavy/thick metal front door in machinery operation humming sound in the middle of the sound starts to drop slowly. 此时已经变成了方林岩留下来断后,他顺手拉了一把旁边的开关之后,那一面厚重的金属大门就在机械运作的嗡嗡声当中重新开始徐徐下降。 side Linyan sharply is actually not entering to the metal front door at this time, because he suspects that now the enemy has a expert in mechanical aspect, if oneself present direct passing through the gate leave, then the difficult insurance enemies not to open the door to come to pursue immediately. 方林岩此时却并不急着进入到金属大门当中,因为他现在怀疑敌人当中有一名机械方面的高手,自己若是现在直接进门离开的话,那么难保敌人不会马上重新开门前来追击。 Therefore immediately the best way, is side Linyan brings up the rear, then when the front door drops to from the ground, only then half meter in a stopper round of high explosive projectile toward nearby control, sets the time-delay fuse of high explosive projectile as the longest three seconds again, then worms one's way into. 所以当下最好的办法,就是方林岩断后,然后在大门下降到距离地面只有半米的时候再往旁边的操控器里面塞一发高爆榴弹,将高爆榴弹的延时引信设置为最长的三秒,然后再钻进去。 As the matter stands, after three seconds , the front doors have dropped to the situation of being able to pass person, the switches explode, in a short time do not want to restore this gadget, this is the plan of satisfying both sides. 这样一来,三秒之后大门已经下降到过不去人的地步,开关一炸,短时间内是不要想修复好这玩意儿了,这就是两全其美的打算。
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