FE :: Volume #5

#89: But pursuit to

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At this time side Linyan has enough preparation although, but is still startled saying: 此时方林岩尽管已经有了足够的心理准备,可是依然吃了一惊道: You .... Who are you?” “你....你是谁?” That sound indifferent say/way: 那个声音冷漠的道: Warning, only then one time, this is looked that has the mechanical companion in you, and is also good at servicing in the mechanical share.” “警告只有一次,这是看在你拥有机械同伴,并且还擅长维修机械的份上。” side Linyan hears this sound, although said severely, but can actually stand to give the warning, that was equivalent had indicated its standpoint should be friendly, hurried say/way: 方林岩听这声音虽然说得严厉,但其实能站出来提出警告,那相当于已经表明了其立场应该算是友善的,急忙道: But, I have reason that must enter inside.” “可是,我有必须要进入里面的理由啊。” That sound said: 那声音道: If you to enter to the core region, that must show enough skill to come!” “如果你要想进入到核心区域当中,那就必须展现出足够的技巧来!” After saying, the blue ray then rapid retrogression in elite mechanical warrant officer eyes went, restored the normal shape. 说完了以后,精英机械准尉眼中的蓝色光芒便迅速的消退而去,重新恢复到了正常形态。 After the goat listened to those words, cannot bear the disheartened say/way: 山羊听了那句话以后,忍不住丧气的道: I depend, what words did this call? Hasn't enough skill wanted us to hit? The meaning was suggesting our strength was too weak?” “我靠,这叫什么话?足够的技巧还不是要我们打进去?意思还是在暗示我们实力太弱了?” side Linyan waving made the elite mechanical warrant officer stop the advance, then say/way looking pensive: 方林岩挥手让精英机械准尉停止了前进,然后若有所思的道: This mysterious fellow is very likely a very powerful artificial intelligence, you think words that well it spoke, gives favored treatment to my reason, first has the mechanical companion, second is good at servicing the machinery.” “这神秘的家伙很有可能是一个非常强大的人工智能,你好好想想它说的话,优待我的原因,第一是有机械同伴,第二是擅长维修机械。” Can analyze the lots from these words, has the mechanical companion to give favored treatment to me, explained that it should be the mechanical life body, this always has the favorable impression like human to the animal that can be intimate with human is a truth.” “从这句话当中就能分析出很多东西啊,有机械同伴就对我优待,说明它自身应该就是机械生命体,这就像人类总是对能亲近人类的动物有好感是一个道理。” Was good at the information that serviced in the machinery to contain too being many, since I have entered here, has serviced the submersibles outside, explained that it starts to monitor us from there, naturally, more direct should be a suggestion.” “擅长维修机械里面包含的信息就太多了,我进入这里以来,就在外面维修过潜水器,说明它从那里就开始监控我们了,当然,更直接的应该是一个暗示。” Goat hears word in the heart moves immediately said: 山羊闻言立即心中一动道: „...... Is other that channel?” “难道......是另外那条通道?” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: Here channel, was the person in the past blood umbrella company uses the cutter violence to make a connection, therefore they died a tragic death finally completely here.” “这边这条通道,乃是当年血伞公司的人使用切割机暴力打通的,所以最后他们全部都惨死在这里。” But here is not our only choices, moreover that channel, although the front door seemingly damaged, but I thought that can try to fix! Then conforms to his words the meaning of enough skill!” “但是这里并不是我们唯一的选择啊,另外那条通道虽然大门貌似损毁了,不过我觉得还是可以试试修好的!这才符合他话中的足够技巧的意思!” Here, his sound of talking roused: 说到了这里,他的语声振奋了起来: Currently finally has a clue, we look like rushes in others family/home inside stranger...... several years ago in the blood umbrella company person to trample to pound the gate at this time to go , the master is not definitely glad, therefore intended to give to tidy up them.” “现在总算是有了点儿头绪,我们此时就像是一个闯进别人家里面的陌生人......几年前血伞公司里面的人一路踹门砸门进去,主人肯定不乐意,于是就出手把他们给收拾了。” We choose knocking on a door of politeness, the master person cuts the lawn to fix the garage to go, this cannot complete the task even, moving out should not have the issue! Walk! We also take nearby cutter, happen to be used to process the components.” “我们选择礼貌的敲门,帮主人剪好草坪修好车库进去,这样的话就算完不成任务,全身而退应该没问题吧!走!咱们把旁边的切割机也带上,正好可以用来加工零件。” *** *** After several minutes, side Linyan two people had arrived in the middle of the left channel with the goat, again facing that leaf of heavy/thick firm metal front door. 几分钟之后,方林岩已经和山羊两人重新来到了左边的通道当中,再次面对那一扇厚重坚固的金属大门。 After now front forest Yan studies here after a while, comes back, without the consumption too big strength the controller that breakage distorts opening 7788, discovered obvious marking of rka on the components. 之前方林岩就在这里研究过一会儿,现在重新回来以后,没耗费太大力气就将那破损变形的控制器给拆了个七七八八,在零件上发现了rka的明显标识。 But rka on the abbreviation of Russian aerospace agency!! 而rka就正是俄国航空航天局的简称!! Really is this......” “果然是这样啊......” Say/Way that side Linyan thought aloud. 方林岩自言自语的道。 Then he found the issue to be, detects control way very Russia of this leaf of front door, beyond the way of because except for having the electron starting, unexpectedly way of manual start. 接下来他就找到了问题所在,更是发觉这一扇大门的操控方式很俄国,因为除了有电子启动的方式之外,竟然还有手动启动的方式。 side Linyan associates to one group of Russian guys takes off the coat, reveals the furry chest, is filling Vodka, was shouting the worker's chant lifts the gate scene together, is really thinks to make people think the hormone bursting. 方林岩不禁联想到一群俄国大汉脱掉上衣,露出毛茸茸的胸膛,灌着伏特加,喊着号子一起举门的场景,真的是想一想都让人觉得荷尔蒙爆棚。 Then said needlessly, side Linyan starts to conduct to process the components to come, the heavy manual labor heavy labor has the elite mechanical warrant officer to help, therefore the job schedule is quick. The being totally damaged cranks need to grow out of nothing to conduct the precision work, this needs to cost a time. 接下来不消说,方林岩就开始进行加工起零件来,粗活重活有着精英机械准尉帮忙,所以工作进度还是很快的。只是有一根完全损坏的曲轴需要从无到有进行精确加工,这就需要多耗费点时间。 But at this time, the goat that stood sentry outside actually somewhat anxious worked as the middle course in the team channel: 但就在这时候,在外面放哨的山羊却有些惶急的在队伍频道当中道: Boss! Some people came!” “头儿!有人来了!” side Linyan knits the brows: 方林岩皱眉道: „In the wharf that crowd chases down our people?” “是码头上那群追杀我们的人吗?” The goat said: 山羊道: Who now also not clear is, but the submersibles floated from below.” “现在还不清楚是谁,但有一艘潜水器从下面浮了起来。” side Linyan said: 方林岩道: That was they...... in this group of people had the person of high skill mostly, we took away all false keys, the operation handbook also took away, they can also in such a short time find the key unexpectedly, restored the submersibles to follow!” “那多半是他们了......这帮人里面有高人啊,我们把所有的备用钥匙都拿走了,操作手册也拿走了,他们居然还能在这么短的时间内找到钥匙,修复好潜水器追踪而来!” Then his decisive say/way: 接着他果断的道: Did not need to think, the goat, attacked them! I send to help the elite steel warrant officer immediately, protracted time as far as possible!” “不用想了,山羊,攻击他们!我马上把精英钢铁准尉派过去帮忙,尽可能的拖延时间!” The goat gawked saying: 山羊愣了愣道: Good!” “好!” After hearing side Linyan the words, the goat looks immediately toward outside on the probe head, immediately detected that submersibles estimated near the offshore simple wharf only has 34 meters. 听到了方林岩的话以后,山羊立即就探头朝着外面看去,立即发觉那潜水器估计离岸边的简易码头只有三四米。 But the submersibles above cover has opened, some people from facing set, turned away from dig the buttocks to take the cable to prepare to fling the wharf to approach shore. 而潜水器上方的盖子已经打开,有人从里面钻了出来,背对着自己撅着屁股正在拿缆绳准备甩到码头上去靠岸。 Clear to see golden opportunity, the goat starts to recite the big fireball without delay, aimed at the submersibles of distant place to rumble directly directly in the past! 眼见得这大好机会,山羊二话不说就开始吟唱大火球,直接就对准了远处的潜水器直接轰了过去! However this person of sensation is very strong, the goat recited him to turn around to look from the beginning directly. 不过这人的感知很强,山羊一开始吟唱他就直接转过身望了过来。 After he found the goat, very somewhat is also awkward. 只是他找到了山羊之后也很是有些尴尬。 Because the submersibles sway somewhat fiercely, therefore he circled several to entangle the cable directly on oneself waist. 因为潜水器晃荡得有些厉害,所以他是将缆绳绕了几圈直接缠在自己的腰上。 But he seemingly does not have the long-distance attack method, to attack the goat, will first entangle 2-3 strings solving on the waist, then the jumping up shore runs 20 meters to reach the goat. 而他貌似没有远程攻击手段,要想攻击山羊的话,就得先将在腰上缠了2-3圈的绳子给解下来,然后跳上岸跑出二十米才够得着山羊。 However, he just the cable of solution drop waist drew out the weapon to take a step, the big fireball had flown directly front, he only completes to raise hand to obstruct the movement of face with enough time, was embezzled directly in the middle of the flame, then loses throws down balanced top the submersibles. 然而,他刚刚解掉腰间的缆绳拔出武器想要迈步,大火球都已经直接飞到了面前,他只来得及做好举手遮脸的动作,就直接被吞没在了火焰当中,然后失去平衡摔倒在潜水器顶部。 The entire submersibles suffered this huge impact, swayed fiercely, displaced to flutter toward side. 整个潜水器遭受到了这剧烈的冲击,也是剧烈摇晃了起来,朝着旁边偏移飘动了过去。 This person koi team inside Kanner, the line, he also has actually been guarding to encounter the attack. Even before breaking surface, they were also uses the periscope that in the middle of the submersibles brought to observe place of landing carefully, determined that did not have the unusual condition to come ashore. 这个人正是锦鲤团队里面的坎纳,一路行来,他其实也一直都在提防遇到袭击。哪怕是在上浮之前,他们也是利用潜水器当中自带的潜望镜仔细的观测了登陆的地方一番,确定没有异状才上岸。 But Kanner has not expected, the enemy pinches this time point that oneself just crawled unexpectedly, gave itself to come one ruthlessly! 可是坎纳万万没有料到,敌人居然掐好了自己刚刚爬出来的这个时间点,给自己来了一下狠的! Saw the enemy lost threw down balanced, the goat the great happiness, started to recite the second round of big fireball immediately. 见到了敌人失去了平衡摔倒,山羊立即大喜,开始吟唱第二发大火球。 This is the advantage of bloodlines master, uses the same magic arts not to need to wait for the long cd time, so long as MP is enough, that after succeeds can recite this magic arts immediately again. 这就是血脉术士的优势,施展同一个法术不需要等待漫长的cd时间,只要mp足够,那么在施法成功以后就可以马上再次吟唱这个法术。 Finally Kanner just crawled, second round of big fireball very simple rumbling, this he fell into the middle of the burning state directly. 结果坎纳刚刚爬了起来,第二发大火球又很干脆的轰了过来,这一下他直接就陷入了燃烧状态当中。 Kanner suffered at this time in vain two, just wanted to clench teeth to throw the counter-attack, the goat raises the hand, made a making a fist movement, his body is burning the flame bang explodes immediately. 坎纳此时白白挨了两下,刚想要咬着牙扑上去反击,山羊把手一扬,做出了一个握拳动作,他身上燃烧着的火焰立即砰的一声爆炸开来。 Kanner called out pitifully, only felt dizzy, own body as if completely lost the control in the flash! 坎纳惨叫一声,只觉得天旋地转,自己的身体似乎都在一瞬间内完全失去了控制! His pursuit technique: Flame demolition, when causes the damage to the enemy, but must cause its dizzy two seconds. 正是他的追击技:火焰爆破,在对敌人造成伤害的时候,还要使其晕眩两秒钟的时间。 Then the goat continues to recite the big fireball, therefore after Kanner just woke up, the goat recited 2 seconds of big fireball to come in time. 然后山羊就继续吟唱大火球,于是坎纳刚刚醒来之后,山羊吟唱了二秒钟的大火球又如期而至。 Moreover, the goat in line with taking advantage of him gets sick the mentality that wants him to assign/life, activates ability that on the ring supplemented: Roaring flame tide. 不仅如此,山羊更是本着趁他病要他命的思路,激活了戒指上附带的能力:烈焰潮汐。 After the activation, makes the next flame magic arts of wearing release turn instantaneous.( The recitation time of this/should flame magic arts cannot be higher than three seconds) 激活后使佩戴者释放的下一个火焰法术变成瞬发。(该火焰法术的吟唱时间不能高于三秒) Then was a round of big fireball pursues the buttocks of front that round of big fireball to fly, in tandem seemed like candied fruit skewer. 然后又是一发大火球追着前面的那一发大火球的屁股飞了出去,一前一后的看起来就像个糖葫芦串儿似的。 At this time although Kanner only then one second of cushion time, but he also can actually the make way, but he, if flashed, these two rounds of big fireballs must rumble directly on the submersibles! 这时候坎纳虽然只有一秒钟的缓冲时间,但他也其实是可以闪开的,只是他若是一闪,这两发大火球就得直接轰在潜水器上面! At that time repaired this gadget, but the sincerity was not easy. 当时修理这玩意儿可是真心不容易啊。 side Linyan got up their submersibles after at that time, swept one to give up restoring its thought directly, obviously its tattered degree. 要知道,当时方林岩上了他们这艘潜水器以后,扫了一眼就直接放弃了修复它的念头,可见其破烂程度。 Reason that can fix in a short time directly, Gels clenches teeth, utilizes the team resources to make old black with the category of occult sciences, went to service in the middle of the dock to summon the dead spirits of these mechanicians, this can reluctant restore it, that may really spend like the running water, 之所以能在短时间内直接修好,还是戈尔斯咬咬牙,动用团队资源让老黑用神秘学的范畴,前往维修船坞当中召唤了那些机修工的亡灵,这才能将之勉强修复,那可真的是花钱如流水, This duty has not seen the income, Gels Team has pounded the similar value more than 10,000 universe points materials to go in directly. 这个任务还没见到收益,戈尔斯团队就已经直接砸了差不多价值一万多通用点的施法材料进去了。 At this time clear to see Kanner suffers the attack as if to avoid again, Gels has ravelled condition, immediately yelled in the team channel: 此时眼见得坎纳再次遭受攻击似乎想要躲开,戈尔斯已经弄明白了其中的状况,立即在团队频道里面大叫道: Do not shunt, drinks the medicine to resist hardly! Otherwise the submersibles cannot support!” “别躲开,喝药硬抗!不然潜水器撑不住!” Kanner clenches teeth at this time, can only drink the medicine to resist hardly, but he had almost considered as finished at this time the injuries of these two rounds of big fireballs, therefore has not hated to take the too expensive/noble medicine, but drank one bottle of small-scale therapeutic agents. 坎纳此时一咬牙,只能喝药硬抗,不过他这时候差不多已经算了出来这两发大火球的伤害,所以没舍得吃太贵的药,只是喝了一瓶小型治疗药剂而已。 In him, these two rounds of big fireballs also can only wipe out about his 70 life values at this time at most, at the most 80 points, but he 96 : 00 life values are now enough. 在他此时算起来,这两发大火球也顶多只能打掉他70点生命值左右,顶天80点,而他现在96点的生命值足够了。 Let alone after once anti- next two rounds of big fireballs, he can in the middle of the retracting submersibles, trade the koi, Kanner investigates and assassination in team inside localization in the final analysis, is away from dozens meters is not in his excelling range with the dog head queue lineage/vein master to the bang obviously. 何况一旦抗下两发大火球之后,他就能缩回潜水器当中,将锦鲤换上来,说到底坎纳在团队里面的定位就是侦查和暗杀,和狗头人龙脉术士隔着几十米对轰显然并不在他的擅长范围内。 What Kanner has not expected, his calculation went wrong unexpectedly, the second round of big fireball of goat fellow made suddenly/violently to strike unexpectedly! 只是坎纳没料到的是,他的推算居然出现了偏差,山羊这家伙的第二发大火球居然打出了暴击! Therefore, this quite therefore second company sends the big fireball, unexpectedly infiltrated being on the verge of death condition Kanner directly. 所以,这相当于是二连发大火球,居然直接将坎纳打入了濒死状态。 At this time the explosive force of goat bloodlines master had manifested very much clearly, in just eight seconds, the goat altogether hit the big fireball + the big fireball + flame demolition + the big fireball + the big fireball( roaring flame tide instantaneous), and also gave extra the dizziness the enemy 2 seconds. 此时山羊这血脉术士的爆发力已经很清楚的体现了出来,在短短的八秒钟的时间内,山羊一共打出来了大火球+大火球+火焰爆破+大火球+大火球(烈焰潮汐瞬发),并且还外带眩晕了敌人二秒。 Such crazy output, it can be said that with the machine gun fort described is not overrated. 这样疯狂的输出,可以说是用机关枪炮台来形容都不为过的了。
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