FE :: Volume #5

#88: Five different boxes

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The goat listened to side Linyan the words, the matter that can handle is only shrugs saying: 山羊听了方林岩的话,唯一能做的事情就是耸耸肩道: Good, this aspect I do not have the means to give you answer, the proposal that can put forward is only to make the best use of the time, because I guess that other that group of promisors will also try to come here mostly, because they can enter in the middle of this underground base, received this hidden main line duty mostly.” “好吧,这方面我没办法给你答案,唯一能提出的建议就是要抓紧时间,因为我猜另外那群契约者多半也会设法来到这里,因为他们能进这地下基地当中,多半就接到了这隐藏主线任务。” side Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Knew, we walk.” “知道了,我们走吧。” Therefore they took the road back directly, then walked toward the right channel, after going out about 20 meters probably, they also saw that the front also has a leaf of front door to block the way, 于是他们就直接走了回头路,然后朝着右边通道走了过去,大概走出了二十米左右之后他们也见到前方也是有一扇大门拦路, However the front door of this leaf of front door obvious style and left was entirely different, seemingly is much more frivolous, in fact is also so ------- Because on this leaf of front door has an obvious cutting large cave/hole, can only look at the thickness of this door to be three centimeters from the facet, and sandwich biscuit that material quality. 不过这一扇大门显然风格与左边的大门截然不同了,看起来轻薄得多,事实上也是如此-------因为这扇大门上有一个明显的切割大洞,从切割面上就看得出来这扇门的厚度仅有三厘米,并且还是夹心饼干那种材质。 Obviously, before arriving here , the person in blood umbrella company has the preparation early, brought the cutter direct violence to open the door. 很显然,来到了这里之前血伞公司的人就早有预备,带来了切割机直接暴力开门。 side Linyan was also the routine examination, immediately discovered a very interesting matter. 方林岩也是习惯性的查看了一下,立即又发现了一件十分有趣的事情。 That is on here front door unexpectedly the symbols of some nasa, and he looks everywhere, the components of definite front door produced the time unexpectedly are also the 1960s-1970s. 那就是这边的大门上居然有nasa的标志,并且他到处找了找,确定大门的零件出产时间居然也是上个世纪60-70年代。 Interesting, is really interesting, are this underwater secret ruins US and Soviet build unexpectedly together?” “有意思,真有意思,难道这个水下的秘密废墟竟然是美苏两国共同打造的?” side Linyan muttered. 方林岩喃喃自语道。 No, this is impossible, at that time both sides were in cold war, where joins up to build a significance of such underwater base? Let alone then technology could not achieve this point! Also, how can this underwater base have the relations with nasa? That is NASA!” “不,这不可能,当时双方处于冷战时期,联合起来打造这么一个水下基地的意义何在?更何况当时的技术根本就做不到这一点!再说了,这水下基地怎么会和nasa扯上关系?那可是美国太空总署啊!” Has a lot of riddles, side Linyan to continue to proceed, then detected that behind the front door presented small and narrow cabins unexpectedly, discovered the sign of more human activities in inside. 带着一肚子的谜团,方林岩继续往前走,接下来就发觉大门后面居然出现了一个个窄小的舱室,在里面发现了更多的人类活动的迹象。 At this time the goat also became curious, started to walk back and forth in this child cabins, collected the material. 这时候山羊也变得好奇了起来,也开始在这一个个子舱室内走来走去,搜集资料。 Quick two people discovered an astonishing truth, that the document and material that from here cabin discover, here unexpectedly is US nasa in a space station that the 70's launched!! 很快的两人就发现了一个惊人的真相,那就是从这里舱室里面发现的文件和资料来看,这里竟然是美国nasa在七十年代的时候发射的一座宇宙空间站!! This makes people even more feel strange, 这让人越发的感觉到诡异了, This flight in atmosphere outside space station, how will crash to the lake bottom in this underground lake, is dozens years of preserved in the dry environment? 这飞行在大气层外面的空间站,怎么会坠落到这地下湖的湖底里面,更是保存在干燥的环境当中几十年? This riddle, must continue to walk to know downward. 这个谜团,很显然要继续往下走才能知道了。 Two people continue, actually discovered in the middle of a channel a corpse, this corpse also turned into the white bones, but outside also wears a thick exposure suit. 两人继续前行,却在一条通道当中发现了一具尸体,这尸体也是化成了白骨,不过外面还穿着一层厚实的防护服。 What is worth mentioning is, side Linyan discovered on his skull several are similar to sword cut wound. 值得一提的是,方林岩在他的颅骨上发现了好几道类似于“剑伤”的创口。 The appearance of corpse gave the warning to two people without doubt, therefore they continue appears especially careful. 尸体的出现无疑给两人敲响了警钟,于是他们继续前行的时候显得格外的小心。 Quick, was a corpse appears in their front, 很快的,又是一具尸体出现在了他们的面前, This corpse is the surface drops down toward them, explained that this fellow runs away toward outside was killed, 这尸体是面朝他们倒下的,说明这家伙是朝着外面逃走的时候被杀的, Moreover, the neck bone of this corpse almost crushed, and his left chest rib split a deep hole of wine glass size, obviously this strikes savage incomparable, it is estimated that the entire heart wiped out the most part. 不仅如此,这尸体的颈骨几乎粉碎了,并且其左边胸口肋骨裂开了一个酒杯大小的深洞,可见这一击凶残无比,估计整个心脏都被打掉了大半部分。 First punctures the heart, then strikes the neck, such savage attack could be said as does not keep the behavior of hand, obviously at that time explored the personnel certainly to encounter very terrifying matter. 先刺心,再击颈,这样凶残的攻击可以说是毫不留手的行为了,可见当时探索人员一定是遭遇了十分恐怖的事情。 Moreover, the corpse skeleton wound place, the unusual burn dissolution trace, this explained on the weapon of enemy unexpectedly, but also has the astonishing high temperature, even after even/including Guge was pierced, had the dissolved phenomenon!! 不仅如此,尸体的骨骼伤口处,居然还有奇特的烧焦溶解痕迹,这说明敌人的武器上,还有着惊人的高温,甚至连骨骼被洞穿后都出现了溶解现象!! What most awfully is, made side Linyan and goat felt what was depressing, the enemy almost percentage that committed murder hundred can definitely also here. 最要命的是,令方林岩和山羊感觉到压抑的是,那行凶的敌人几乎百分百可以肯定还在这里啊。 After two people look one, side Linyan made the mechanical elite warrant officer walk in front, quick entered a hall, could look here should most spacious the partial reequipping with the space station, but here has several corpse that turned into the white bones. 两人对望一眼后,方林岩让机械精英准尉走在了前面,很快的就进入到了一处大厅当中,看得出来这里应该是用空间站当中最宽敞的部分改装而成的,而这里则是有着好几具化成白骨的尸体。 If side Linyan has not guessed wrong, at that time the most members of entire exploring party should here. 若方林岩没有猜错的话,当时整个探险队的大部分成员应该都在这里了。 That that the most important thing is, they open Pandora box should also here! 最重要的是,他们打开的那个“潘多拉盒子”应该也在这里! But opens consequence that box causes, is keeps the entire huge blood-color umbrella group from withstanding, can only endure suffering to give up this powerful base! 而打开那盒子导致的后果,就是让整个庞大的血色雨伞集团都无法承受,只能忍痛放弃了这个强大的基地! Two people inspected a corpse carefully, can distinguishes from the attire and pelvis size, in the middle of these corpses altogether has three males and two females. 两人仔细的检查了一下尸体,可以从衣着和骨盆大小分辨出来,这些尸体当中一共有三男两女。 Slaughters arrives, they should encircle by a table discussed the issue, even may intensely is arguing anything. 杀戮降临的时候,他们应该正围在了一张桌子旁边讨论问题,甚至有可能在激烈的争辩着什么。 Slaughtering that then presents should be short and efficient, this point spread from the skeleton around the table looked, a woman wants to escape, but she also escaped from 2-3 steps dead by the table merely, 接下来出现的杀戮应该是短暂而高效,这一点从尸骨散布在了桌子周围就看得出来,一个女人想逃,但她也仅仅逃出了2-3步就死在了桌子旁边, Has a horizontal plan on the table, but most regions were polluted by the blood, on the horizontal plan is also pressing a skeleton head ....... 在桌子上有一张平面图,但大部分区域都被鲜血污染了,平面图上还压着一个骷髅头....... Can look, the owner of skeleton head to sudden bad risk basic on does not have any guard, is bending over one's desk observes the map his is beheaded directly, the head fell on the table, lost the body of head no use to throw down toward the rear area, simultaneously from neck cavity place blowout a lot of blood! 看得出来,骷髅头的主人对突然出现的凶险根本就没有任何防范,正在伏案观察地图的他被直接斩首,脑袋掉在了桌子上,失去头颅的身体无助朝着后方摔倒,同时从脖腔处喷出大量的鲜血! Another person also plans to revolt, but his strength is far with the terrifying enemy obviously, was pricked the chest by what sharp weapon directly, then after selecting flew, pounds ruthlessly on about five meters wall. 另外一个人还打算反抗,但他的力量显然与恐怖的敌人相差甚远,被什么利器直接刺入胸膛,然后挑飞之后狠狠砸在了五米开外的墙壁上。 Originally side Linyan has felt about own inference analysis capability somewhat proudly, but now he is actually the first time sincere thought that this ability has the huge side effect. 本来方林岩一直都对自己的推理分析能力觉得有些骄傲,但现在他却是第一次深切的觉得这个能力还是有巨大副作用的。 He looks at these corpses, being able not help that before starting returns to original state they dead , is cut to kill, even can feel their then astonishments, no use, desperate ....... only without pain, the speed that because the death arrived was too fast, making them absolutely would have no opportunity feeling pain. 他看着这些尸体,情不自禁的就开始还原他们死前被斩杀的那一幕,甚至能感觉到他们当时的惊愕,无助,绝望.......唯独没有痛苦,因为死亡降临的速度太快,让他们根本就没有机会感受痛苦。 At this time, the goat said suddenly: 这时候,山羊忽然道: Boss, you comes to see this.” “头儿,你来看这个。” side Linyan the half step arrives at the place that the goat said that immediately the complexion changes, originally in the middle of a nearby corner, presented a large-scale rhombus object. 方林岩快步走到了山羊所说的地方,顿时脸色一变,原来在旁边的一个角落当中,出现了一具大型的菱形物体。 This rhombus object does not know its use specifically, seems like by Wuling crystal that the transverse cutting opens, its high approximately three meters diameter approximately two meters , the middle had been emptying but actually. 这菱形物体具体也不知道其用处,看起来就像是被横切开的五菱晶体似的,其高约三米直径约两米,已经倒了下来,中间是空着的。 The key is this circular cylinder most striking characteristics, is around it on five water chestnut profiles, unexpectedly has the strange unusual design, seems like the expression of some evil strange callous lifeform, is entirely different from the facial expression of human, somewhat poker face face that abstraction flavor. 关键是这圆柱体最为醒目的特征,则是它周围的五个菱型面上,居然都有着诡异奇特的图案,看起来就像是某种邪恶诡异冷酷的生物的表情,与人类的脸容迥然不同,有几分扑克脸人脸那种抽象化的味道。 The expression in each rhombus surface also has nothing in common, respectively is happy, the anger, sorrow, thinks, fears. 每个菱形面上的表情也都各不相同,分别是喜,怒,忧,思,恐。 This rhombus object center, then has the dense and numerous boxworks, side Linyan put out a hand to touch, detected that inside grid was tenacious and soft, under inside actually can only hold the thing of finger size, seemed like to preserve anything used. 这菱形物体的中央,则是有着密密麻麻的蜂窝状网格,方林岩伸手去触摸了一下,发觉里面的网格坚韧而柔软,里面却只能容纳下手指头大小的东西,似乎是为了保存什么东西用的。 In the flank of this rhombus object, side Linyan discovered the thing of doubtful writing, this language seems like intense arrangement building, various black rectangles, the square, the triangle comprised, but also somewhat flavor of procedure/program code in inside. 在这菱形物体的外侧,方林岩发现了疑似文字的东西,这种文字看起来就像是密集排列的建筑物似的,由各种黑色的长方形,正方形,三角形组成,还有几分程序编码的味道在里面。 Sentence that such writing writes, looks like row of architectural complex that extends fluctuating, as if had been compiled precisely the circuit wafer, seemingly is full of a mechanical precise flavor. 这样的文字写出来的句子,就像是一排延绵起伏的建筑群似的,又仿佛是被精密编写过的电路板,看起来充满着一种机械般精密的味道。 However, side Linyan and goat cannot understand meaning, can only it record silently. 不过,方林岩和山羊都不能明白其中的意思,只能将之默默的记录下来。 Regarding this large-scale rhombus object, has several mechanical devices, they should be the things that the blood umbrella organization brings especially, is used to open this Wuling crystal especially, and obviously was very successful. 围绕着这大型的菱形物体,有着好几台机械设备,它们应该就是血伞组织特地带来的东西,特地用来开启这个五菱晶体,并且很显然成功了。 Naturally, their successes regarding his, are the unusual misfortunes, because the successful price is to pay with own life. 当然,他们的成功对于其自身来说,是非常的不幸,因为成功的代价就是付出自己的生命。 Regarding the entire blood-color umbrella organization, absolutely is not the good matter, this makes they emotionally entwined all these be destroyed in a moment painstakingly in a short time thoroughly! 对于整个血色雨伞组织来说,也绝对不是什么好事情,这使得他们苦心绸缪的这一切都在短时间内彻底毁于一旦! *** *** After the investigation was clear here situation, side Linyan and goat look one, detected that the arrow on retina remains, and accurate direction front, 在调查清楚了这里的情况以后,方林岩和山羊对望一眼,发觉视网膜上的箭头依然存在,并且准确无误的指向了前方, There impressively leaf of closed steel gateway, but skids the way by about evidently opening, therefore the gate thickness will not be many. 那里赫然有一扇紧闭的钢铁门户,不过看样子是以左右滑动开启的方式,所以门的厚度并不会太多。 Moreover, had the cutter that the people of blood umbrella organization brought in side, side Linyan just tried is very easy-to-use, to open the door seemingly is not the difficult matter. 不仅如此,在旁边就有血伞组织的人带来的切割机,方林岩刚刚试过还很好用,所以要想开门貌似也并不是什么困难的事情。 However, when they arrive that leaf pushed the sliding door front, side Linyan feels the abnormal risk, that feeling looks like some people to arrive with the knife point simply on own throat is the same, but cold sharp danger, once opens this door, will immediately have the extremely not good matter to happen. 但是,就在他们走到了那一扇推拉门前方的时候,方林岩就觉得异常危险,那种感觉简直就像是有人用刀尖抵在自己喉咙上一样,冷锐而危险,一旦打开这扇门,立即就会有极其不好的事情发生。 Obviously, side Linyan absolutely is not a person of iron, therefore he instigated very much simply, but must walk the words are unwilling. 很显然,方林岩绝对不是一个头铁的人,所以他很干脆的怂了,但要就这么走了的话却并不甘心。 Therefore side Linyan gets a sudden inspiration, making the elite mechanical warrant officer hold the cutter to go to operate, oneself walk from afar, once there is any matter definitely to travel immediately. 于是方林岩灵机一动,让精英机械准尉抱着切割机前去操作,自己走得远远的,一旦有什么事情肯定就可以马上跑路。 However, when the elite mechanical warrant officer hugs the cutter is walking up, side Linyan suddenly felt is not right, his spirit seemed invaded anything, it can be said that is cool. 不过,就在精英机械准尉抱着切割机走上前去的时候,方林岩忽然感觉到不大对劲,他的精神当中仿佛被侵入了什么东西,可以说是凉浸浸的。 Looked like in the mouth to contain a popsicle, after seeming like three days of not on large sizes, suddenly below was filled half had frozen opening to go. 就像是嘴巴里面含了一根冰棒,又像是三天没上大号以后,突然下面被灌了半支冻过的开塞露进去。 The elite mechanical warrant officer stopped side Linyan the order unexpectedly on own initiative, slowly has turned around, at this time can see, in its eyes released the blue spooky ray unexpectedly, and look had the fluctuation, even the pupil extremely profound feeling of electronic eye. 紧接着,精英机械准尉居然主动中止了方林岩的命令,缓缓的转过了身来,此时就能见到,它的双眼之中居然释放出了蓝幽幽的光芒,并且眼神有了波动,甚至电子眼的瞳孔极其深邃的感觉。 Simple, it as if had oneself soul in the flash!! 简单的来说,它仿佛在一瞬间有了自己的灵魂!! It opens the mouth with the indifferent language gas channel/angrily said unexpectedly: 紧接着,它居然开口用冷漠的语气道: Human, if I am you, will not conduct such stupid behavior.” “人类,如果我是你,就不会进行这样愚蠢的行为。”
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