FE :: Volume #5

#87: The misgivings grow thickly

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Then this matter was very obvious, this strange Kamemizu mother does not run to attack with no reason at all their. 那么这件事就很明显了,这只诡异龟水母并不是无缘无故跑来攻击他们的。 Before it should be, was driven submersibles the person in blood umbrella company to attack, attempts its capture, but it was punctured the lance to hit a target by the metal at that time although, still struggled free the rear chain successfully to run away, now this fellow sees in the past personal enemy, naturally was runs to retaliate. 它应该是之前被驾驶潜水器的血伞公司的人攻击过,试图将其捕捉,不过当时尽管它被金属刺矛射中,依然挣断了尾部的链条成功逃走,现在这家伙见到了当年的“仇人”,自然是跑来报复。 Regarding this side Linyan also felt that the overhead is big, this fellow as if sticky candy same stuck came up after all is not a long law, but under this deep water, had no alternative with it at this time, can only continue to run to go forward. 对此方林岩也感觉到相当头大,这家伙仿佛牛皮糖一样的粘了上来总归不是个长法,但此时在这深水之下,拿它也是无可奈何,只能继续向前开行而去。 But after the submersibles continued to face forward to start out more than hundred meters, this strange Kamemizu mother turns around to walk randomly, goat loose long air/Qi. 但潜水器继续朝前开出了百多米后,这头诡异龟水母就掉了个头游走了,山羊松了一口长气。 But side Linyan actually knows, this not necessarily is any good news, because this may have a more powerful lifeform on behalf of the front very much, even Kamemizu mother must dread that three branches to can only resentful however depart, therefore side Linyan can only continue to speed up the speed vanguard. 但方林岩却知道,这未必是什么好消息,因为这代表着前方很有可能存在更强大的生物,连龟水母也要忌惮三分所以只能悻悻然离去,因此方林岩只能继续加快速度前行。 This time he to this condition without the strength to hit back can be said as quite repugnant, only wanted to end this passive situation earlier. 此时的他对这种毫无还手之力的状况可以说是相当反感,只希望早点结束这种被动状况。 Suddenly, side Linyan detected the arrow on own retina started to turn toward the above to refer, in his heart moved, then pressed down broke surface the key. 忽然之间,方林岩发觉自己视网膜上的箭头开始向着上方指了上去,他心中一动,便按下了上浮键。 After the submersibles broke surface more than ten meters directly, suddenly felt that hull one light, crash-bang a wave sound sound, it surfaced unexpectedly directly. 当潜水器直接上浮了十几米之后,突然感觉到了艇身一轻,“哗啦”的一声波浪响动声,它居然直接浮出了水面。 Meets such mutation suddenly, side Linyan and goat is also startled, at this time will they in the water surface next several hundred meters places, how at least also appear surface the situation? 陡然遇到这样的异变,方林岩和山羊都同时吃了一惊,此时他们至少也是在水面下数百米的地方,怎么就会出现浮出水面的情况? However saves is soon reasonable, front forest Yan had heard underwater hotel, under water amusement park and so on construction, according to him speculated should be similar principle, here technology content very will obviously be much higher. 不过存在即合理,之前方林岩就听说过水下酒店,水底游乐场之类的建筑,根据他推测应该是类似的原理,不过这里的科技含量很显然会高出很多。 Observed all around after outside porthole place, determines and has no danger, side Linyan then opened the roof panel of submersibles. 从外面舷窗处观察了一下四周之后,确定并没有什么危险,方林岩便打开了潜水器的顶盖。 Also does not know that too for a long time suppressed the psychological process in the submersibles, thought that in this underwater air besides bringing light fishy smell, unexpectedly was impeccable, but also made one feel especially fresh. 也不知道是在潜水器里面憋太久了还是心理作用,觉得这水下的空气里面除了带着一股淡淡的腥味之外,居然无可挑剔,还令人觉得格外清新。 But side Linyan turns the head, then saw beyond twenty meters, if the submersibles of taking the form of orange stopped in a nearby simple wharf, with lake water slightly is rippling. 而方林岩一转头,便见到了二十几米外,有一艘形似橙子的潜水器若停在了旁边的一处简易码头上,随着湖水微微的荡漾着。 Obviously, the submersibles of this orange shape are many years ago opens of exploration, it is estimated that inside researchers have died, but they several years ago the transportation vehicle that comes is perfect. 很显然,这艘橙子形状的潜水器就是多年之前开进来探索的那一艘,估计里面的研究人员都已经死翘翘,不过他们几年前开来的交通工具还完好无损。 side Linyan sized up a surrounding environment, detected that here is an area is about several thousand square meters small lake, the lakeside has massive algae and reed class plant growth, luxuriant, grows very vigorously lush. 方林岩打量了一下周围的环境,发觉这里是一个面积约为好几千平方米的小湖,湖边有着大量的藻类和芦苇类植物生长,蓊蓊郁郁,生长得十分蓬勃茂盛。 On the leaf blades of these plants also has the unusual metallic luster unexpectedly, on the surrounding wall some dust are densely covered, but results in smoothly does not seem like the nature formation. 这些植物的叶片上居然也有着奇特的金属光泽,周围的墙壁上有些灰尘密布,但是平滑得根本就不像是自然形成的。 By that simple wharf, is a circular tunnel portal, the inside as if also leaf of front door, but the arrow is the entrance of straight directional tunnel, 在那个简易的码头旁边,就是一个圆形的隧道口,里面似乎还有一扇大门,而箭头则是笔直的指向隧道的入口, However at this time, side Linyan has not gone in eagerly, but first examined own submersibles, because this gadget before comes was collided ruthlessly several, the surface was needless saying that proliferates the scar. 不过这时候,方林岩并没有急于进去,而是先查看了一下自己的潜水器,因为这玩意儿在之前进来的时候被狠狠碰撞了几下,表面不用说,已经是遍布伤痕。 side Linyan is a very cautious person, has not pondered to win the forethought defeat, in must certainly find the escape route before, must therefore first guarantee that a return trip does not have the issue. 方林岩是一个很谨慎的人,未虑胜先虑败,在进入之前肯定要将退路找好,所以得先确保一下回程没问题。 Finally under this inspection, detected immediately the situation is not wonderful. Originally the body surface of that strange Kamemizu mother should bring some type of strong acid unexpectedly, when clashes with it, the outer covering of submersibles was all right at that time, actually has started to be corroded by the strong acid. 结果这一检查之下,顿时就发觉情况不大妙。原来那诡异龟水母的体表居然应该是带着某种强酸,所以在与之发生碰撞的时候,潜水器的外壳当时没事,其实已经开始被强酸腐蚀。 Now according to side Linyan the calculation, even if finds the way to process immediately, the outer covering of this submersibles even should still not become by the eating-thrown very thin, it is estimated that will be very difficult to support in the face of the hydraulic pressure, do not say that will also have that only to be strange Kamemizu mother to wait to continue to intercept at the return trip. 现在根据方林岩的推算,就算是马上想办法处理,这潜水器的外壳就算不被蚀穿也将会变得很薄,估计在水压面前都很难撑过去,更不要说还有那只诡异龟水母在回程的时候等着继续拦截呢。 Read and this, side Linyan can only look at other that submersibles, his run-up inspected, pleasantly surprised detected that condition of this submersibles came was much better, but was still the issue of power source and fuel needs to solve. 一念及此,方林岩只能将目光转向了另外的那一艘潜水器,他跳上去检查了一下,惊喜的发觉这艘潜水器的状况比自己开来的那一艘要好得多,不过依然是电源和燃料的问题需要解决。 Is good is not too difficult this type of matter opposite party forest rock, the fuel the submersibles of the damage from comes newly-opened pulls out directly, in submersibles that then injects this orange shape on line. 好在这种事情对方林岩来说并不是什么太难,燃料直接从新开来的这艘损坏的潜水器当中抽出来,转而注入这艘橙子形状的潜水器中就行。 Must solve as for the issue of power source is also very simple, will damage the accumulator cell on submersibles to unload directly, transports to build the line to the orange shape submersibles in the line. 至于电源的问题要解决也很简单,直接将损坏潜水器上的蓄电池卸下来,搬运到橙子形状的潜水器上面去搭好线就行。 And side Linyan also has one exactly on the tool, pulls out directly the Nicole Lemer's tool holder, rolls up the sleeves does, 并且方林岩还恰好带着一应工具,直接将尼可勒梅的工具盒掏出来,挽起袖子就干, Does to half of times, suddenly thinks that summoned the time of elite mechanical warrant officer also to cool, naturally called it, when the coolie helped. 干到一半的时候,忽然想起来召唤精英机械准尉的时间也是冷却了,自然就将其叫出来当个苦力帮忙。 The goat sees this in side is also somewhat dumbfounded, because side Linyan transformed the behavior of submersibles to subvert his cognition to the mechanician completely. 山羊在旁边看到这一幕也是有些目瞪口呆,因为方林岩改造潜水器的行为完全颠覆了他对机修工的认知。 As the saying goes the expert puts out a hand, apparent has. 有道是行家一伸手,便知有没有。 That type adept, if the passing clouds and flowing water general operation, as if chef solution ox such calm of accomplishing a task with ease, letting the person only to describe with praising to the heavens. 那种娴熟到若行云流水一般的操作,仿佛庖丁解牛那样游刃有余的从容,让人只能用“叹为观止”来形容了。 What is the art? A matter achieved the pinnacle, is the art. 什么是艺术?一件事做到了极致,就是艺术。 The killing fish labor 16 seconds of China process an eight jin (0.5 kg) big fish, pick out the bone to skin also sliver the fish fillet it, externally in the market causes to surround, this is the art. 中国的杀鱼工十六秒处理完一条八斤重的大鱼,剔骨扒皮还将其切成鱼片,在国外市场上引起围观,这是艺术。 The Yangzhou cuisine master chef 6400 blades sliver thousand chrysanthemums the tofu, this is also the art. 淮扬菜大厨六千四百刀将豆腐切成一朵千针菊,这也是艺术。 Kartzke of King alliance just scratches the surface six combinations, same can toss about to have a liking for dozens, this similarly is the art! 王者联盟的卡兹克蜻蜓点水六连跳,一样能让人翻来覆去看上几十遍的,这同样是艺术! At this time the goat from the side forest ichor, in the deft service technique, felt that type was worth seeing a hundred times to come a flavor again, realized that type of artistic air beyond description. 此时山羊就从方林岩精准,麻利的维修手法里面,感觉到了那种百看不厌想要再来一遍的味道,体会到了那种难以形容的艺术气息。 Naturally, regarding goat layman who does not have the culture to watch the fun, side Linyan the operation makes him come the review the words, definitely is the lying trough really tm strong five characters. 当然,对于山羊这种没文化看热闹的外行来说,方林岩的操作让他来点评的话,肯定就是卧槽真tm强五个字。 However regarding the expert, side Linyan the operation will disclose the much information. 不过对于内行来说,方林岩的操作则会透露出很多信息。 At this time no one had noticed, in the darkness of tunnel access place, the luminous spot of dim is sparkling, this seemingly ordinary luminous spot looks like the eye to be the same, recorded side Linyan a series of movements completely. 此时谁也没有留意到,在隧道入口处的黑暗当中,有一个熹微的光点正在闪耀着,这个貌似普通的光点就像是眼睛一样,将方林岩的这一系列动作都全部记录了下来。 After anchoring the orange shape submersibles here repaired, side Linyan thinks, will then open the diving pattern, making its most hulls submerge underwater, will then advance reeds more than hundred meters away to hide. 将停泊在这里的橙形潜水器修理完毕了之后,方林岩想了想,然后将打开了浮潜模式,让其大部分的艇身都没入到了水下,然后将之推到了百余米外的芦苇丛当中隐藏了起来。 Here ray was very weak, beyond the normal condition next more than ten meters looks is not clear, beyond more than hundred meters is completely dark, hidden flawlessly. 这里的光线本来就很弱,正常情况下十几米外就看不真切了,百余米外完全是漆黑一片,隐藏得天衣无缝。 Two people arrived at that dark tunnel portal front, then under the arrow instruction that on the retina presented. 紧接着,两人就来到了那黑沉沉的隧道口前方,然后在视网膜上出现的箭头指示下走了进去。 Entered, few several meters, side Linyan and goat two people drew back, because only is a darkness, is completely pitch-dark that the normal person enters inside, has almost no difference from the blind person simply. 进入了其中以后寥寥数米,方林岩和山羊两人就退了出来,只因为里面乃是一片黑暗,完全是属于伸手不见五指的那种,正常人走进里面,简直就和瞎子几乎都没有任何区别。 Two people discussed that finally chose used that item: Dark enemy, 两人商量了一下,最后选择了使用那一件道具:黑暗敌人, Therefore two people obtained the night vision ability simultaneously, present darkness immediately if the tide removes generally, the color in the whole world vanished, is only left over the black and white two colors, but other things outlines clear presented on the retina. 于是两人都同时获得了夜视能力,眼前的黑暗顿时就若潮水一般褪去,整个世界的颜色都消失了,只剩下黑白两色,不过其余东西的轮廓都清晰的呈现在了视网膜上。 In the middle of this tunnel portal junks quite a lot, what desk, cabinet and so on thing everywhere is, looked as if experienced catastrophe. 这隧道口当中杂物颇多,什么办公桌啊,柜子啊之类的东西到处都是,看起来仿佛经历了一番浩劫似的。 Walks backward, is detected that the entire tunnel space distorts, even the steel load-bearing pillar of twist deformation poked from side, without night vision ability, is troublesome. 向后走去,更是发觉整个隧道空间都变了形,甚至还有扭曲变形的钢铁承重柱子从旁边戳了出来,若是没有夜视能力的话,那么非常麻烦。 side Linyan arrived at the front of tunnel portal to detect at this time, inside tunnel naturally does not form absolutely the channel that 100% manpower built, after the hand touched thought start place quite ice-cold hard, was the feel of practical metal. 方林岩这时候来到了隧道口的前方就发觉,里面这条隧道绝对不是自然形成的了,百分之百的人工打造的通道,用手一摸之后更是觉得着手处相当冰冷坚硬,乃是切切实实金属的手感。 Also has the weld mark that the high temperature burns in the edge of this tunnel, making side Linyan think that somewhat wondered the use of this gadget is anything. 在这隧道的边缘则还有高温烧灼的焊接痕迹,令方林岩觉得有些纳闷这玩意儿的用处到底是什么。 After entering the tunnel twenty meters, side Linyan discovered one on the left and other on the right two channels, and on the retina branched out two arrows to refer, this explained that both channels can arrive at the duty place, this time map roughly presented the y glyph shape. 进入到了隧道当中二十几米之后,方林岩两人就发现了一左一右两条通道,并且视网膜上则分出了两个箭头指了上去,这说明两条通道都是能够到达任务地点的,此时的地图大致呈现出y字形状。 When below that path is comes the channel, two people stayed in the middle intersection. 下方的那条道路就是来时的通道,两人呆在了中间的路口处。 Discussed simply, two people chose the left channel, but walks less than 20 meters to detect here dead end probably, because the front leaf of front door blocked the way impressively. 简单讨论了一番之后,两人就选择了左边通道,但走进去大概不到二十米就发觉这里此路不通,因为前方赫然有一扇大门挡住了去路。 This leaf of front door clumsy thick durable, looked is belongs firmly anti- makes, big industrialization that type, did not strive for only striving for artisticly practical, the thickness estimate can over 30 centimeters. 这扇大门粗笨厚实耐用,一看就是属于坚固耐造,大工业化那种,不求美观只求实用,厚度估计都能超过三十厘米。 Although by the front door has the controller, but nearby controller obviously suffered the tremendous strength to collide, therefore unfortunately distortion damage. 大门旁边虽然是有控制器的,但旁边的控制器明显遭受到了巨大的力量碰撞,因此不幸变形损坏。 Moreover, on the goat wall here also discovered should be the mark that prevents to become lost, two have used fluorescent baton, 不仅如此,山羊在这里的墙壁上还发现了一个应该是防止迷路的标记,还有两根使用过的荧光棒, Obviously, the person of blood-color umbrella had also come to here before similarly, and after detecting here dead end, then very decisive made a detour. 很显然,之前血色雨伞的人同样也是来过这里,并且发觉这里此路不通之后,便很果断的绕道而行。 side Linyan after that controller was studying a while, then very somewhat curious say/way: 方林岩对着那控制器研究了一会儿之后,便很是有些好奇的道: Really was blamed, this controller was obsolete, and looked at inside components work and so on, is completely the former Soviet Union, the style of Russia, and at least was when the 1960s-1970s made, from the present minimum 30-40 years.” “真是怪了,这控制器非常老旧啊,并且看里面的零件做工之类的,全部都是前苏联,俄罗斯的风格,并且至少都是在上个世纪60-70年代的时候制造的,距离现在起码30-40年了。” „Will such components, how appear in the underground vestige of so high tech?” “这样的零件,怎么会出现在如此高科技的一处地下遗迹里面?”
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