FE :: Volume #5

#105: Attempting the throne

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Veronica Laboratory matter makes at this time can be said as big, in the middle of Dackland Corporation almost all people are paying close attention to this matter. 维罗妮卡实验室这件事此时闹得可以说是非常大,达克兰公司当中的几乎所有人都在密切关注此事。 Why Delto will have bad luck , because the inside connection of this time network Corporation has sent back the news, net Corporation obtains benefits astonishingly lower level Veronica Base. 德尔托为什么会倒霉,就是因为此时冈布奥公司的内线已经发回了消息,冈布奥公司在维罗妮卡基地下层获益惊人。 As the saying goes does not contract the poor trouble to be uneven, this compares crosswise, these information and materials that Delto has seemed extremely ordinary. 有道是不患贫患不均,这横向一比较起来,德尔托带回来的这些情报和资料就显得太过普通了。 The additional above forest rock they had not fed in the news again, and in the middle of the team that keeps has on several people to have the installment life detector, showed that their life signs have vanished, almost on the person who solid kept already the view of being annihilated. 再加上方林岩他们一直都没传回消息,并且留下来的团队当中有好几个人身上有安装生命检测器,显示他们的生命迹象已经消失,几乎就坐实了留下来的人已经全军覆没的这种说法。 In the middle of Dackland Corporation also has certainly the faction and internal fight, then logical gives the marginalization Delto. 达克兰公司当中当然也有派系和内斗,便顺理成章的将德尔托给边缘化。 Because of this, when side Linyan sent out the contact signal as the survivor, this news almost vibrated the entire high level. 正因为这样,在方林岩作为生还者发出了联络信号的时候,这个消息几乎震动了整个高层。 President Mr. Larson in company has made written comments directly, said that must inquire personally side Linyan this only survivor, others cannot contact with it ahead of time. 公司的总裁拉尔逊先生已经直接批示,说是要亲自询问方林岩这个唯一生还者,其余的人不能提前与之接触。 But Hawley they were bribed as sending under custody, the name that to send under custody interrogated side Linyan to play an edge ball while convenient, nothing but was to combine threats with inducements, as far as possible gave solid the Delto incompetent this matter! 而霍利他们作为押送者则是被买通,以押送的名义顺带审问方林岩打个擦边球而已,无非就是要威逼利诱,尽可能的将德尔托无能这件事给坐实! If this matter had not been grasped present, then definitely is you can fool your superiors but you can't fool your subordinates, lets it go, if were held ironclad evidence, then the issue was big! Ignores the president orders the big hat to buckle, that must unable to eat to capture! 这种事情倘若没被抓现行,那么肯定是瞒上不瞒下,不了了之,但是一旦被人抓住了真凭实据,那么问题就大了!只是一顶“罔顾总裁命令”的大帽子扣下来,那就要吃不了兜着走! What to do what to do what to do?” “怎么办怎么办怎么办?” Hawley three people of this time where can also attend to combining threats with inducements? It looks like like ants on a heated pan is so anxious simply, only thought that the time crosses such rapidness in this moment. 霍利三人此时哪里还顾得上威逼利诱?简直就像是热锅上的蚂蚁那样焦躁,只觉得时间在这一刻过得如此之快。 One of them quickly goes forward to come to see side Linyan the injury, and attempt gives him to wrap up, how side Linyan possibly made him achieve wishes, two people pestered in the same place. 其中一人急忙上前来看方林岩的伤势,并且尝试给他包扎,方林岩怎么可能让他如愿,两人就扭缠在一起。 But at this time, on nearby wall also transmitted a sound that suddenly brings being inwardly angry: 而这时候,旁边的墙壁上忽然也是传来了一个带着愠怒的声音: Hawley, sufficed! Closes camera matter 2-3 minutes also can be said as the line and interference problem!” “霍利,够了啊!关闭摄像头这种事情2-3分钟还可以说是线路和干扰问题!” You close the camera entire five minutes now! The person in inspection office is not good to deceive, your damn favor may be called to drink the coffee excluding the irregularity by the inspection office, now immediately restores to record to me.” “你现在关了摄像头整整五分钟了!稽查处的人可不是那么好糊弄的,你那该死的人情可不包括违规操作被稽查处叫去喝咖啡,现在马上给我恢复录像。” Hawley wiped cold sweat of forehead, then to nearby microphone stutter say/way: 霍利抹了一把额头的冷汗,然后对着旁边的麦克风结结巴巴的道: Listened to me saying that Symons, had/left an accident/surprise, but believed me, matter also in control.” “听我说,西蒙斯,出了点意外,不过相信我,事情还在掌控当中。” Opposite Symons delay probably five seconds, bellowed that side the microphone immediately: 对面的西蒙斯呆滞了大概五秒钟,立即在麦克风那边大吼了起来: Operator, puts through that side the interrogation chamber video signal to me immediately, immediately, immediately, if you do not think your brain fluid splash to the monitor on!” “接线员,马上给我接通审讯室那边的视频信号,马上,立刻,如果你不想自己的脑浆飞溅到显示器上的话!” Probably after three seconds, Symons saw in the interrogation chamber picture, side Linyan is pestering with Hawley's subordinate in the same place, his heart sank immediately, then as if on the buttocks the cigarette butt burnt from the chair is shot all of a sudden, loudly exclaimed: 大概三秒钟之后,西蒙斯就看到了审讯室里面的画面,方林岩正在和霍利的手下扭缠在一起,他的心立即沉了下去,然后仿佛屁股上被烟头烫了似的一下子从椅子上弹了起来,大吼道: Everyone takes the spear/gun, immediately with me interrogation chamber!!” “所有人带上枪,马上跟我去审讯室!!” *** *** After two minutes, Symons hand according to stock, complexion pale was saying to Hawley: 两分钟之后,西蒙斯将手按在了枪柄上,脸色铁青的对着霍利道: Very good, Hawley, you returns me to your trust!! You have complied with my anything!!” “很好,霍利,你就是这么回报我对你的信任的!!你答应过我什么!!” Hawley's desperate big shouts: 霍利绝望的大喊道: My tomb to my father pledged, I hit his several fists, and ensure cannot examine of wound! His finger is he himself breaks off!!!” “我对我父亲的坟墓发誓,我只是打了他几拳,并且保证还是验不出伤的那种!他的手指是他自己折断的!!!” Symons seized Hawley's collar to roar loudly: 西蒙斯揪住了霍利的衣领大声咆哮道: Facing the president and fellow big directors' interrogation, I can stop up their mouths with your words?!!!” “面对总裁和各位大董事的质问,我能拿你的这句话去堵住他们的嘴巴吗?!!!” My responsibility hands over in this person the hand of boss perfectly! He has problems now, I am the dereliction, since he has the autonomy tendency, why early not autonomy late not autonomy, after you inquired contrary on autonomy?” “我的职责就是将这个人完好无损的交到boss的手里面!他现在出了问题,我就是渎职,他既然有自残倾向,为什么早不自残晚不自残,偏偏在你违规讯问以后就自残了?” Facing Symons's interrogation, Hawley had nothing to say in reply suddenly unexpectedly, therefore no one noticed that the side forest rocky spit corner/horn revealed sneered. 面对西蒙斯的质问,霍利一时间竟是无言以对,因此根本就没有人留意到方林岩嘴角露出的那一丝冷笑。 About this matter, Symons does not dare to press, because the eyewitness surpassed the reasons of five people, Symons cannot press. 关于这件事,西蒙斯不敢压,并且因为目击者超过了五个人的缘故,西蒙斯也根本压不下来。 Therefore he can only send a telegram to give the president immediately, and matter will talk clearly, then applied to neglect duty on own initiative, this occupied initiative also to rescue 12, after all side Linyan did not have the too big matter, will not at least delay the proper business. 所以他只能在第一时间致电给总裁,并且将其中的事情都说清楚,然后主动申请失职,这样的话占据主动权自己还能抢救一二,毕竟方林岩没有出太大的事情,至少不会耽误正事。 Mistake also actually Hawley's face that in the final analysis, Symons violates, practicing favoritism this matter is very common, although there is a mistake, is insufficient is that type not irrecoverable. 说到底,西蒙斯犯的错也只是却不过霍利的情面而已,徇私这种事情很常见,虽然有错,也不至于是那种无法挽回的。 Naturally, as for troublemaker Hawley of this matter, Symons definitely is dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist, will first preserve says again. 当然,至于这件事的肇事者霍利,西蒙斯肯定就是死道友不死贫道,先将自己保住再说了。 As for the words that Hawley spoke is really false, that is actually unimportant, you do everyone unable to get out the matter, then you are an out-and-out waste. 至于霍利所说的话是真是假,那其实都不重要,你他妈的将事情搞得大家都下不来台,那么你就是个不折不扣的废物。 But in Dackland Corporation cannot allow permits Feiwu to exist. 而达克兰公司里面是不能容许废物存在的。 Quick, in short a half hour, side Linyan this matter spread over entire Dackland Corporation directly about, naturally is several likes several to worry. 很快的,在短短半个小时内,方林岩这件事就直接传遍了整个达克兰公司的上下,自然是几家欢喜几家愁。 After president Larson hears the news, interrupts an important meeting temporarily, left the table in the halfway, chooses returned to the headquarters to come square forest Yan directly. 总裁拉尔逊闻讯以后,也是临时中断了一场重要会议,在半途上离席,选择了直接回返总部来见方林岩。 However these then had the elases to raise the objection time directly, said that was on this Wynch cannot do well to hide the huge secret, otherwise, how some people will plan that eliminated a potential informant to him? Therefore then the request participates in the meeting in side together. 不过这一次便直接有董事会成员提出了异议,说是这个温奇身上搞不好隐藏着巨大的秘密,否则的话,怎么会有人打算对他灭口?于是便要求在旁边一起参与会见。 President Larson also regarded a hot potato side Linyan at this time, and pressure is also very big, then allows four big directors to participate in the meeting together. 总裁拉尔逊此时也是将方林岩当成了一个烫手山芋,并且压力也很大,便允许四名大董事一起参与会见。 As for processing to Symons is falls half level to be transferred to another post, but Hawley's duty by to rub, was then given Ministry of Interior processing. 至于对西蒙斯的处理则是降半级调职,而霍利的职务则是被一撸到底,然后交给了内务部处理。 *** *** When midnight 11:45, side Linyan was led into a brilliantly illuminated conference room. 在半夜11点45分的时候,方林岩被带入到了一处灯火辉煌的会议室里面。 His side is standing four unemotional experiment bodies, there is to protect his meaning, there is to control his meaning in inside. 他的身边站着四名面无表情的实验体,既有保护他的意思,也有控制他的意味在里面。 Then, he saw four big directors who president Larson and attended, these five people are the air/Qi field are also full, are full of the flavor that high-rank kept aloof, after all they can also decide the life and death of tens of thousands of person in an instant. 接着,他就见到了总裁拉尔逊和列席的四位大董事,这五个人也都是气场十足,充满了上位者高高在上的味道,毕竟他们一念之间也能决定成千上万人的生死。 Prologue that does not have any prelude, has no, Larson on say/way of coming straight to the point: 没有任何的前奏,也没有任何的开场白,拉尔逊就开门见山的道: Wynch, I must know you at all things of Veronica Laboratory lower level!” “温奇,我要知道你在维罗妮卡实验室下层发生的一切事情!” side Linyan lifted the eye, looks at Larson saying: 方林岩抬起了眼睛,看着拉尔逊道: Who are you?” “你是谁?” Larson sinking sound said: 拉尔逊沉声道: I am president Larson, they are the four big directors in company.” “我是总裁拉尔逊,他们是公司的四位大董事。” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Sorry, the 11 th stipulation of security provision Mr. President, after me enters special panel attains, I since start to carry out the task to get up, had entered the special state, in this state, only if my subordinate higher authority died, otherwise, I cannot disclose any information to others.” “抱歉,总裁先生,根据我进入特别小组以后拿到的保密条款的第十一条规定,我自从开始执行任务起,就已经进入了特殊状态,在此状态下,除非我的直属上级死亡,否则的话,我不能将任何信息透露给其余的人。” Larson complexion immediately changes, immediately was saying to nearby secretary: 拉尔逊脸色顿时一变,立即对着旁边的秘书道: Immediately checks has such stipulation.” “马上去查一查是不是有这样的规定。” Larson's secretary is definitely one in a ten thousand, astute incomparable, when side Linyan spoke immediately started to search for the relevant information, only waited for Larson to ask said immediately in a low voice: 拉尔逊的秘书肯定是万里挑一,精明无比,在方林岩说话的时候立即就开始搜寻相关信息,只等拉尔逊一发问就立即低声道: Yes, this stipulation on March 11 of last year through the board of directors, is signed next day personally the written comments by you, then carries out in the entire company.” “是的,这条规定是在去年三月11日通过的董事会,次日由您亲自签字批示,然后在整个公司内部执行。” side Linyan then said at this time: 方林岩此时却接着道: At that time in separating, my subordinate higher authority Delto received the severe wound, therefore was separated from the battlefield, did he die now?” “当时在分开的时候,我的直属上级德尔托受到了重伤,所以脱离了战场,请问他现在死亡了吗?” President Larson complexion ugly, but in nearby big director eyes actually showed the happy expression: 拉尔逊总裁脸色难看了起来,但旁边的一位大董事眼中却露出了笑意: I am big director Francis, Delto am also living now, and is healthy.” “我是大董事佛朗西斯,德尔托现在还活着,并且非常健康。” Heard the words of this big director, side Linyan is also at present one bright, oneself waited for a long time allied force to appear finally, relaxes in secret, secretly thought Delto really had the faction, and strength of this faction was good, inside had the high level of apex. 听到了这位大董事的话,方林岩也是眼前一亮,自己等待已久的友军终于出现了,同时也暗中松了一口气,暗道德尔托果然还是有派系的,并且这个派系的实力还算不错,里面有顶尖的高层。 Therefore, after his present heart decided that then very simple say/way: 所以,他现在的心定下来了之后,便很干脆的道: „, According to the security provision of company, I will only be responsible for Mr. Delto, and before seeing him will not reveal anything, otherwise, I will accept at least the confinement six months, the penalty of highest death penalty ------ Fellow presidents, the big director, are you not possible to want my irregularity?” “那么,根据公司的保密条款,我将只会对德尔托先生负责,并且在见到他之前不会吐露任何东西,否则,我将会接受至少禁闭六个月,最高死刑的惩罚------各位总裁,大董事,你们不可能要我违规操作吧?” At this time President Larson and other three big director complexions were very ugly, they currently have bi the disgusting feeling of dog. 此时拉尔逊总裁和其余的三个大董事脸色都十分难看了起来,他们现在就有一种哔了狗的恶心感觉。 High-rank and those with vested interests as entire Dackland Corporation, participated in the rule of formulation fettering unexpectedly personally to one by oneself! 身为整个达克兰公司的上位者和既得利益者,居然被自己亲手参与制定的规则给一手束缚住了! Some things, can snort contemptuously to it in the back, thought that gadget deceives the person, even can say that my tm is the rule. 有的东西,背地里可以对其嗤之以鼻,觉得那玩意儿就是糊弄人的,甚至可以放话说我tm就是规则。 But in public -------- Especially in also the big directors clearly stand in public occasions in the opposite, the basic fig leaf wants. 但在公开场合--------尤其是在还有一位大董事显然站在对立面上的公开场合上,基本的遮羞布还是要的啊。 side Linyan looks at Francis Sidong: 方林岩看着佛朗西斯道: Big director mister, I in the middle of the underground base in Veronica Laboratory, obtained the fantastic discovery, this discovery, is the past blood umbrella company longs for that took has not actually attained, and I am certain, can make the company existing technology obtain the major breakthrough!” “大董事先生,我在维罗妮卡实验室的地下基地当中,获得了惊人的发现,这个发现,是当年的血伞公司都渴望拿到手却没有拿到的,并且我可以肯定,能让公司现有的技术获得重大突破!” At this time Francis or Larson and the others, simultaneously excitedly look changes, Larson even sinking sound said: 此时无论是佛朗西斯还是拉尔逊等人,同时都勃然色变,拉尔逊甚至沉声道: Wynch, you know the words that you speak now what are representing?” “温奇,你知道你现在说的话代表着什么吗?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: My present spirit is quite normal, and words that naturally will speak for oneself are responsible, so long as you shout Delto now, I naturally hand over these things, now, I want to find a peaceful place to take a bath, then rests?” “我现在的精神相当正常,并且当然会为自己所说的话负责,只要你们现在叫来德尔托,我自然就将这些东西都交出来,现在,我想找个安静的地方洗个澡,然后休息一下可以吗?”
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