FE :: Volume #5

#104: Not relaxed return

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Therefore the light wheel started to supplying the three main underground rivers of this underground lake water volume began, 于是光轮就开始对供应这地下湖水量的三条主要暗河动手了, Puma main body is actually a small-scale universe transport aircraft, in the middle of abandoning the field dismantles other suits the mechanical part to expand own body slowly, 普马斯的本体其实就是一架小型宇宙运输机,在废弃场当中拆解其余的适合机械部件慢慢扩展自己的机体, Naturally, so-called small in view of spaceship, how to say again, was the length surpassed 80 meters colossus, the dead weight exceeded 200 tons! 当然,所谓的“小”是针对宇宙飞船而言的,再怎么说,也是长度超过了八十米的庞然大物,自重超过了200吨! But before the atmospheric penetration, it used own unique attraction at that time, adsorbed on the earth's orbit many satellites, the space station, then took them to protect itself successfully as the temporary armor to descend. 而在当时进入大气层之前,它是利用自己的独特引力,吸附了地球轨道上不少的卫星,空间站,然后以它们为临时装甲保护住自己成功降落。 The nasa space station and Russian that space station side Linyan and goat visit, the Puma inner space, in fact is only 1/4 of its entire body. 方林岩和山羊探访到的nasa空间站和俄国空间站,还有普马斯的内部空间,实际上只是它整个身体的四分之一不到而已。 The light wheel then using Puma the essence of caterpillar band robot from abandoning the field opens, in addition two satellite space stations, combined another named Desini artificial intelligence robot, 光轮便利用普马斯从废弃场当中拆下来的履带机器人的内核,外加两颗卫星一个空间站,组合出来了另外一个叫做德西尼人工智能机器人, Its was loaded engineering aspect a series of software beforehand, quite the little brother of light wheel, is therefore shouldering the interruption or changes course the mission of that three underground river. 它被事先加载了工程方面的一系列软件,相当于是光轮的小弟了,就肩负着截断或者改道那三条暗河的使命。 Spirit train that side Linyan they just took, was Desini conducted the special re-equipping. 方林岩他们刚刚乘坐的幽灵列车,就是德西尼进行了特别改装的。 But Desini's main body, is that is excavating the river bed the giant machinery ----- Mixer, grinder, the mixture of excavator. 而德西尼的本体,就是那个正在开挖河床的巨型机械-----搅拌机,粉碎机,挖掘机的混合体。 Can very obvious looks, Desini's work is fruitful, in the middle of three underground river two had been handled by him, changes course to flow to elsewhere, but the water level of underground lake also dropped more than ten meters. 可以很显然的看出来,德西尼的工作还是卓有成效的,三条暗河当中的两条都已经被他搞定,改道流向了别处,而地下湖的水位则也是下降了十几米之多。 It is expected that after three main underground rivers were interrupted, in ten years, this grand underground lake thorough dry. 预期三条主要暗河被截断以后,在十年之内,这个宏伟的地下湖就将会彻底干涸。 But these silts that Desini unearths, the stone and so on, was fallen in the middle of some underground cracks, 而德西尼挖掘出来的那些泥沙,土石之类的,都被倾倒在了一些地下裂缝当中, Under accumulates over a long period of time, after these underground cracks were levelled, during had no intention to form one to lead to unexpectedly the path, this matter managed to construct here blood-color umbrella organization not to know. 日积月累之下,这些地下裂缝被填平了以后,无意当中居然就形成了一条能够通往外界的道路,这件事就连主持修建这里的血色雨伞组织也不知道。 *** *** After three hours, two people successfully left the dark place bottom, arrived in the ground. 三个小时以后,两人成功离开了黑暗的地底,来到了地面上。 This time is in the evening, after the place bottom constrained for a long time, is looking up to the nighttime sky that is sparkling stars, is feeling the gale that has blown desolated desert, that limitless spacious bleak feeling, in the heart stretched to give birth for the first time, really made one have move that wanted to burst into tears. 此时乃是晚上,不过在地底压抑得太久了之后,仰望着闪耀着点点繁星的夜空,感受着吹过荒芜戈壁的大风,还有四下里那种无边无际的空旷荒凉的感觉,心中都为之舒展开怀,真是令人有着想要流泪的感动。 This climbs up on, made one suffer many hardships, 这一路攀援而上,还是让人吃了不少的苦头, Especially goat in being cut off in a situation of arm, if not for two people are the promisors, the body digitization strength far ultra average person, at least must spend time of time otherwise. 尤其是山羊在断掉了一只手臂的情况下,若不是两人都是契约者,身体数据化实力远超普通人,否则的话至少也要多花一倍的时间。 Circling is so, two people are also many abrasions, blood-stained. 绕是如此,两人身上也是多处擦伤,血迹斑斑。 At night not suitable walks in the middle of this wilderness, in addition two people are also exhausted, therefore looked for the lee to set up the military tent simply. 夜晚不宜在这种荒野当中行走,外加两人也是精疲力尽,所以干脆就找了避风处搭起了军用帐篷。 Outside this tent has the camouflage protective color painting, using to be very safe, two people opened several boxes of self-heating individual dry rations, two bottles of Vodka, eats while drinks at the same time, by chatted in the sleeping bag. 这帐篷外有迷彩保护色涂装,使用起来很安全,两人开了几盒自热单兵干粮,还有两瓶伏特加,边吃边喝的同时,也靠在了睡袋里面聊天。 Naturally the elite mechanical warrant officer stands night watch outside. 当然精英机械准尉在外面守夜。 After dry rations heating, dried beef food liquor, quick eats to the heart's content, is stranded intent to raid, then heavy goes off. 等到干粮加热以后,一口牛肉干一口饭一口酒,很快就酒足饭饱,困意袭来,然后便沉沉睡去。 Two people have rested next day in the afternoon gets out of bed, wakes up later extends stretches, only thought that from top to bottom bone joint in creaking sound, the muscle is also sore incomparable, good spiritually restored 7788 wearily. 两人一直睡到了第二天的下午才起床,醒来以后伸一伸懒腰,只觉得浑身上下骨头骨节都在嘎吱嘎吱的响,肌肉也是酸痛无比,好在精神上的疲倦恢复了七七八八。 After eating a thing casually, side Linyan then said to the goat: 随便吃了点东西以后,方林岩便对山羊道: We must act now separately.” “我们现在要分头行动了。” Goat „”, quite the somewhat moved feeling said: 山羊“啊”了一声,颇有些怅然若失的感觉道: What's wrong? Such early?” “怎么?这么早啊?” side Linyan referred to the top of the head saying: 方林岩指了指头顶道: Do not forget, at this time three big biochemical companies are paying close attention to this nearby situation, they have existence of personal satellite, we must return to the headquarters to receive the reward respectively ........ “你别忘了,此时三大生化公司都在密切关注这附近的情况,他们可是拥有私人卫星的存在,我们还要分别回到总部去领取奖励........” Although the probability is very small, words that but we act together, may be patted by the satellite, must reduce the variable to be good as far as possible.” “虽然概率很小,但是我们一起行动的话,还是有可能被卫星拍到的,要尽量减少变数才行。” The goat shrugs saying: 山羊耸耸肩道: Good, if you have what need my place ....... “好吧,若你有什么需要我的地方.......” Then he made a telephoning hand signal: 然后他做出了一个打电话的手势: Prompt call I.” “及时call我。” side Linyan smiles saying: 方林岩微笑道: That is natural.” “那是当然的。” Two people then go separate ways quickly, side Linyan has not actually chosen toward the recent Sandor small town, because he very clear there , although may meet the allied force very much, but bigger possibly runs into the enemy. 两人很快便分道扬镳,方林岩却并没有选择往最近的桑多尔小镇去,因为他很清楚在那里虽然很有可能遇到友军,但更大的可能是遇到敌人。 After all until now, is the strength of Dackland Corporation is strongest, most makes other two companies dread. 毕竟迄今为止,还是达克兰公司的实力最强,最让其余的两个公司忌惮。 After he examined a map, choice the strong pulse area that is actually another more difficult path, the destination is leaves Puma who deep sleep makes on the line, 他查看了一下地图之后,选择的却是另外一条更加艰难的道路,目的地则是离开沉睡的普马斯制造出来的强脉冲区就行, After there, opens Delto to give him that directly to control control of biochemical weapon, this gadget brings the transmission coded signal function, the person in Dackland Corporation naturally can walk. 到了那里以后,直接打开德尔托交给他那个可以操控生化兵器的操控器,这玩意儿是自带发送加密信号功能的,达克兰公司的人就自然就能找上门来。 Only used the half-day time probably, side Linyan was separated from the pulse area on the walk, 大概只用了半天时间,方林岩就步行脱离了脉冲区, After three hours, he was delivered to rallying point 220 km away named Larkey by an all-terrain vehicle, there it is said is an emerging small town, because discovered newly the oil field appeared prosperous. 三个小时以后,他被一辆越野车送到了220公里外的一个叫做扎拉吉的聚集点,那里据说是个新兴的小镇,因为新发现了油田而显得兴盛了起来。 Here he and Dackland Corporation the person in telephones, but, meets the person of telephone is not Delta, actually before is, by side Linyan has taunted that fellow named Jeeter. 在这里他与达克兰公司的人通了电话,不过,接电话的人不是德尔塔,却是之前被方林岩嘲讽过的那个叫做基特的家伙。 This let the production that in the side forest core sample was in no position the indistinct anxiety. 这让方林岩心中无由的产生了隐隐约约的焦虑。 Eight after hours, he by one gulf stream commerce machine, was delivered to Dackland Corporation to be located in the headquarters in San Francisco directly, 八个小时以后,他就被一架“湾流”商务机,直接送到了达克兰公司位于旧金山的总部, At this time, side Linyan has known that own anxiety came from where, because in the commerce on the airplane, had reaches 16 to wear the black suit, the unemotional person followed in side. 这时候,方林岩已经知道自己的焦虑来自何处了,因为在商务机上,就足足有多达十六名身穿黑色西装,面无表情的人跟随在了旁边。 This group of people first conducted searching to him, then the name of protection follows in the side, actually looks to monitor. 这帮人先对他进行了搜身,然后就以保护之名跟随在侧,其实一看就是为了监视。 And among this group of people, at least has existences of ten experiment bodies, obviously Dackland Corporation opposite party forest Yan quite attaches great importance. 并且这帮人当中,至少都有十名实验体的存在,可见达克兰公司对方林岩是相当的重视。 After entering the headquarters in Dackland Corporation, side Linyan detected oneself first sent in a place that was similar to the interrogation chamber, came to look for his man who was on three arms wears the blue white shoulder patch, was the member of Ministry of Interior. 进入到了达克兰公司的总部以后,方林岩发觉自己先被送入到了一处类似于审讯室的地方,进来找他的是三个手臂上戴着蓝白色臂章的男子,正是内务部的成员。 And right that man seemingly because of what Modoc event, but also had been threatened by Delto. 并且右边的那个男子貌似因为什么莫多克事件,还被德尔托威胁过。 After meeting, sits in the central that man very not polite illuminated side Linyan the eyes with the spotlight directly, then showed own document saying: 一见面之后,坐在中央的那名男子就很不礼貌的直接用射灯照住了方林岩的眼睛,然后出示了自己的证件道: Wynch, I am vice-minister Hawley of Ministry of Interior, your trouble was big.” “温奇,我是内务部的副部长霍利,你这一次的麻烦大了。” side Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Go away, I do not want to speak with you.” “滚开,我不想和你说话。” Then regardless of this man said anything, side Linyan tosses about is these words. 然后无论这个男子说什么,方林岩翻来覆去都是这一句话。 The words saying that anybody has the temperament, let alone this man also has the duty! After side Linyan such continual resentment several times, this man also got angry, he usually was also the powerful person, in the heart naturally wells up a hot gas channel/angrily said: 话说任何人都是有脾气的,何况这男子还带着任务而来!被方林岩这么连续怼了几次以后,这男子也怒了,他平时也是位高权重的人,心里面自然就涌出来了一股火气道: Very good, Mr. Wynch, it seems like you are not certainly willing to coordinate?” “很好,温奇先生,看来你是一定不肯配合的了?” side Linyan said indifferently: 方林岩漠然道: Go away, I do not want to speak with you.” “滚开,我不想和你说话。” Hawley's look became gloomy, the corners of the mouth actually revealed wiped the smile saying: 霍利的眼神变得阴郁了起来,嘴角却露出了一抹微笑道: Very good, Wynch, it seems like you had not known about me very much. I hope can be more peaceful solves this matter, but seems like you not to plan now to my opportunity, therefore I thought it is necessary to make you know why others will call my executioner!” “非常好,温奇,看来你对我还不是很了解。我本来希望能和平一些解决这件事的,但现在看起来你并不打算给我这个机会,所以我觉得有必要让你知道别人为什么会叫我刽子手!” He was saying these words time, to rear area is waving saying: 他说着这句话的时候,对着后方挥了挥手道: Switches off the camera.” “把摄像头关掉。” Then, a Hawley fist pounded on side Linyan the belly! 然后,霍利一拳就砸在了方林岩的肚子上! This fellow is skilled in the inquisition by torture obviously, hits side Linyan spot is completely the suitable ache, and cannot examine that injures. 这家伙显然非常精通刑讯,打方林岩身上的部位全部都是相当疼痛并且还验不出伤来的那种。 The pain beat side Linyan about two minutes, Hawley was loose the loose bow tie, breathes air cooled is smiling the hand: 痛殴了方林岩两分钟左右,霍利才松了松领结,喘着气冷笑着罢了手: Now were you some words want to say to me?” “现在你是不是有些话想要对我说了?” side Linyan raised the head, his hair hangs, the eye looked from the slit to Hawley, after putting out saliva of belt/bring blood, suddenly said: 方林岩抬起头,他的头发垂下来,眼睛从缝隙里面看向了霍利,吐出了一口带血的唾沫后忽然道: „Did you just seemingly make one switch off the camera?” “你刚刚貌似让人关掉了摄像头?” Hawley sneers saying: 霍利冷笑道: Naturally, here, but my domain!” “当然了,这里可是我的地盘!” The side forest rocky spit corner/horn revealed wiped the smile saying: 方林岩嘴角露出了一抹微笑道: In other words, if you hit my matter to leak out, should have greatly troublesome very!” “那就是说,如果你打我的事情泄露出去的话,应该有很大麻烦的吧!” Say/Way that Hawley derode: 霍利讥刺的道: Yes, however you thought that this matter will leak out?” “是啊,然而你觉得这种事情会被泄露出去吗?” In this time Huo Lixin has had success feeling, because he knows, this diehard element is willing to open the mouth to exchange with the inquisitionist generally, then explained that their hearts against have collapsed, that then nothing but takes advantage sells a good price. 此时的霍利心中已经生出了“成功”的感觉,因为他知道,这种死硬分子一般肯和审讯者开口交流,那么就说明他们的心防已经崩溃,接下来无非打的算盘就是卖个好价钱而已。 However, at this time side Linyan actually lifted slowly by both hands that the handcuffs live, on the face is shown the secretive smile, sluggish say/way: 不过,这时候方林岩却慢慢的抬起了被铐住的双手,脸上露出了诡秘的微笑,慢吞吞的道: I, feel...... the meeting!” “我,觉得......会!” But when he spoke, side Linyan had gripped the little finger of left hand with the right hand, toward rear area stubborn past, broke off to fold directly it the angle of sticking to the back of the hand!! 而就在他说话的时候,方林岩已经用右手握住了左手的小指,咔嚓的一声将之朝着后方拗了过去,直接将其掰折到了紧贴手背的角度!! Moreover, side Linyan acts shows no mercy whatsoever, broke off the ring finger of oneself left hand one after another, the middle finger, the index finger, exhibited the strange condition to call a halt until the entire left hand. 不仅如此,方林岩出手的时候更是毫不容情,接连又掰断了自己左手的无名指,中指,食指,直到整个左手都呈现了诡异的状态才停手。 Looks at his appearance, as if breaks off is not own finger is ordinary!! 看他的模样,仿佛掰断的根本就不是自己的手指一般!! A lot of cold sweat explanations that on side Linyan the forehead braves, he is actually not relaxed in this time. 只是方林岩额头上冒出来的大量冷汗说明,他在此时其实也并不轻松。 He looks that Hawley's expression has not changed, the corners of the mouth reveal that wiped the smile that derode maintains looks like carves on the face. 只是他看着霍利的表情始终都没有变化,嘴角露出来的那一抹讥刺的微笑保持就像是刻在了脸上似的。 Ended!!!......” “完了!!!......” Saw the injury on side forest Iwate palm, the Hawley three people of back above cold sweat bit by bit braved, because their these comes square forest Yan time in fact is the irregularity! 看到了方林岩手掌上的伤势,霍利三人脊背上面的冷汗都是一点一点的冒了出来,因为他们这一次来见方林岩实际上是违规操作!
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