FE :: Volume #5

#103: Evacuation

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After holding this variation food rust insect, side Linyan gawked staring, detected Lankete unexpectedly crooked weak to the ground, the pupil had the scattering phenomenon unexpectedly, 抓住了这只变异食锈虫以后,方林岩愣了愣,发觉兰科特居然已经歪歪斜斜的瘫软到了地上,瞳孔居然都出现了散射现象, He is startled, immediately in the past inspected to Lankete, detected that his life symptom is dissipating rapidly, quickly conducts the first aid, actually detected that is useless, but two minutes had died thoroughly. Watermark advertisement test watermark advertisement test 他大吃一惊,立即过去给兰科特检查,发觉他的生命体征正在迅速消散,急忙进行急救,却发觉根本毫无用处,只是过了两分钟就彻底死去。水印广告测试水印广告测试 Such variable also is really makes side Linyan be startled. 这样的变数也真的是令方林岩大吃一惊。 The goat took off Lankete clothes to inspect, actually detected that his back cervical vertebra position, the burnt brown blood-color mark, then in the surroundings of mark, has 78 profound hole scars impressively. 山羊脱掉了兰科特的衣服检查了一番,却发觉他的背部颈椎位置,赫然有一个焦褐色的血色印记,然后在印记的周围,有着七八个深邃的孔洞伤痕。 Obviously, this variation food rust insect has parasited in his back, and lulled his nerve, making him know nothing. 很显然,这只变异食锈虫就一直寄生在了他的背后,并且麻痹了他的神经,让他对此一无所知。 Moreover, the six steel long legs of this monster, was prick stubbornly to Lankete body, is controlling its life, even can actuate its behavior subtly, looked like the behavior of iron wireworm actuation praying mantis to be the same. 不仅如此,这只怪物的六条钢铁长腿,也是死死的刺入到了兰科特的身体内部,控制着其生命,甚至可以潜移默化的驱动其行为,就像是铁线虫驱动螳螂的行为一样。 After suffering the special pesticide sprayed, this variant direct ball comes out to flee, definitely caused heavy losses to Lankete many internal organs, making him die in the instantaneous failure. 在遭受到了特殊杀虫剂喷射之后,这只变异体直接弹出来逃离,肯定就重创了兰科特的多处内脏,让他在瞬间衰竭而死。 To be honest, side Linyan and goat have not really thought must make Lankete die, in their beforehand tentative plans, that variation food rust insect should hide in Lankete shoe sole, in pocket, box wait/etc places, 说实话,方林岩和山羊是真没想过要让兰科特死的,在他们之前的设想里面,那只变异食锈虫应该是藏在兰科特的鞋底啊,口袋里面,箱子等等地方, Simply has not expected this fellow is so cruel, parasited directly on the body, was separated wanted Lankete life. 根本没料到这家伙如此残暴,直接寄生在了身体上,一脱离就要了兰科特的命。 Words as the matter stands, only two two researchers Lankete and are also killed violently one after the other, created a very awkward matter. 这样一来的话,唯二的两个研究人员兰科特和摩奇一先一后同时毙命,就造成了一件很尴尬的事情。 side Linyan their explores, attained material and information in the hand of researchers! 方林岩他们这一路探索,拿到的资料和信息都在研究人员的手中啊! These image materials, document, and placed in a superior plate of fingernail size completely, side Linyan they are Dackland Corporation Military equipment Department, straddles zones with the research department completely, 那些影像材料,文件并且全部都放在了一个指甲盖大小的优盘里面,方林岩他们是属于达克兰公司武装部门的,与研究部门完全是跨界, Person who according to stipulation, armed department cannot inquire the information of any research department, otherwise is the irregularity. 根据规定,武装部门的人根本就不能打探任何研究部门的信息,否则就是违规操作。 Therefore is direct a point, their line enters the harvest after underground Veronica Base ------- Is more accurate a point, was almost does not have to the Dackland Corporation useful harvest. 所以直接一点来说,他们这一行进入地下维罗妮卡基地后的收获-------或者更准确一点的来说,是对达克兰公司有用的收获几乎都没了。 The goat looks on Lankete, regret sighed: 山羊在兰科特身上找了找,遗憾的叹了口气道: Does not know that superiorly where they will lend money, was really is a pity.” “不知道他们将优盘放在哪里了,真是太可惜了啊。” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: „Before we come back, the person by net Corporation were being besieged, at that time definitely was flustered, therefore definitely recording the USB of important information hiding.” “我们回来之前,他们正在被冈布奥公司的人围攻,当时肯定是人心惶惶,所以必然会将记录了重要资料的u盘给藏起来。” Then two people had the conflict, simply does not have the opportunity to take the USB, in this case, we , to find the superior plate that was deliberately hidden to be very difficult.” “接下来偏偏两人又起了冲突,根本没机会去取u盘,在这种情况下,我们要想找到被刻意藏匿起来的优盘很难了。” We walk, can catch the variation food rust insect to be good, I just lost an detection, the demonstration is unknown strange thing, what relations as for without result also has? Wasn't Delto says very clearly? He the vertical merit was promoted before is enough.” “我们走吧,能抓到变异食锈虫就不错了,我刚刚丢了个侦查,显示是未知奇物呢,至于没有成绩又有什么关系?德尔托不是说得很清楚吗?他之前立的功升职都足够了。” *** *** After several minutes, two people then left this underground nuclear power station, then took the road back. 几分钟以后,两人便重新离开了这处地下核电站,然后重新走了回头路。 Yes, before is, they first time that path that goes to that underground lake, 是的,就是之前他们第一次前往那地下湖的那条道路, This road was the past blood umbrella company uses the underground rift valley reconstruction, side Linyan still remembered very clearly, two people in underground also met a running spirit train unexpectedly, drove that train unexpectedly was a deceased person. 这条路是当年的血伞公司利用地下的裂谷改建而成的,方林岩还记得很清楚,两人在地下居然还遇到了一艘开行的幽灵列车,驾驶那列车的竟然是个死人。 At that time although side Linyan did intentionally calmly, but in fact thought that the scalp sent in the hemp core some rounds cold, but he knows that oneself cannot be chaotic, once were chaotic, goat fellow did not have the pillar more troublesome. 当时方林岩虽然故作镇定,但实际上还是觉得头皮发麻心里面有些发寒的,只是他知道自己不能乱,一旦乱了的话,山羊这家伙没有了主心骨就更麻烦了。 At this time two people return old, actually arrived at half to stop, crawled directly in a crown of nearby big stone, top the dangerous axle from cavern was also close. 此时两人重返旧地,却走到了一半就停了下来,更是直接爬到了旁边的一块大石头的顶部上,距离洞穴顶部的悬轨也是近在咫尺。 The goal that at this time they come, is actually waiting for this spirit train. 此时他们前来的目的,其实就是在等待这幽灵列车。 Probably was only ten minutes, heard bang bang the sound to transmit, that somewhat terrifying spirit train came from the darkness again, opened directly. 大概只是过了十来分钟,就听到了轰隆轰隆的声音传来,那辆有些恐怖的幽灵列车再次从黑暗当中现身,直接开了过来。 The side forest Yanshan sheep looks one, immediately stands up to be ready in full battle array, when then this spirit train arrived around time, two people catch up to jump over simultaneously, climbed nearby the hand, then leapt forward the compartment directly. 方林岩山羊对望一眼,立即站起身来严阵以待,然后等到这辆幽灵列车开到了旁边的时候,两人同时发力就跳了过去,攀住了旁边的把手,然后直接跃入到了车厢当中。 Can see, in the compartment is empty, what seat and so on does not have completely, or was disassembled directly, in the middle of the compartment is very dirty, dripping wet everywhere is the surplus crushed stone mud and so on thing, and all compartments seemed like the subway such to make a connection, only then behind the cab welded a back plate. 可以见到,车厢里面都是空荡荡的,什么座椅之类的全部都没有,或者说是直接被拆卸了下去,车厢当中很脏,湿淋淋的到处都是剩余的碎石泥浆之类的东西,并且所有的车厢都像是地铁那样被打通了,只有驾驶室后方焊上去了一块挡板。 Moreover, after they board, flew high to float an alarm one thing that as if from the distant place unexpectedly is sparkling the red light, with strange synthesis sound said: 不仅如此,他们上车以后,从远处居然凌空漂浮过来了一个闪耀着红光的仿佛警报器一样的东西,用古怪的合成音道: Warning, warned again, please indicate the status, will otherwise start copes with the intruder procedure/program.” “警告,再次警告,请表明身份,否则将会启动对付入侵者程序。” side Linyan said immediately loudly: 方林岩立即大声道: Do not be anxious, the treasure, Burton long live!” “别紧张,宝贝,瑟波顿万岁!” Heard side Linyan the words, in the middle of this alarm red light started to switch over the yellow light slowly, then continued to synthesize the sound said with the machinery: 听到了方林岩的话,这警报器当中的红光开始徐徐切换成了黄光,然后继续用机械合成音道: „Who are you?” “你们是什么人?” The goat said immediately: 山羊立即道: We are elder brother controls the man Friday!” “我们是昆塔莎主宰者的忠实仆人!” Heard this reply, the alarm stopped the sparkle, no longer spoke, flew away directly, tacitly approved their existence evidently. 听到了这回答,警报器就停止了闪耀,也不再说话,直接飞走了,看样子是默认了他们的存在。 At this time the goat then looked one with side Linyan, walked toward the front. 这时候山羊便和方林岩对望了一眼,朝着车头走了过去。 To be honest, at that time saw the skeleton pilot drives this mysterious train to shuttle back and forth from the darkness, really shocked two people, at this time arrived on this gadget, naturally must make to come to light. 说实话,当时看到了骷髅驾驶员开着这辆神秘火车从黑暗当中穿梭出来,真的是将两人惊呆了,此时来到了这玩意儿上面,当然要弄个水落石出。 After two people came to the cab, indeed saw on the driving position sits a skeleton pilot. 等两人来到了驾驶室以后,的确看到了驾驶位上面坐着一个骷髅驾驶员。 However, he sat in directly here motionlessly, was the specially-made protection clothes makes his skeleton complete probably, is insufficient the skeleton to split open to be defeated and dispersed, but, in the final analysis it was a pure skeleton, with driving two characters could not have any relations. 但是,他就直接坐在了这里一动也不动,大概是身上特制的防护衣服使其骨骼完好,不至于骨架迸裂溃散,但是,说到底它就是一具单纯的骨架,和驾驶两个字扯不上任何的关系。 This train, is the dependence artificial intelligence operates in the control completely! 这辆列车,完全就是依靠人工智能在操控运行! Went probably about ten minutes of hour, the spirit train stops slowly, can see that under the distant place is sending out the strange huge machinery that thunders impressively, this gadget seems like the mixer, the grinder, the mixture of excavator. 大概行驶了十来分钟小时左右,幽灵列车徐徐停下,可以见到远处下方赫然有一台正在发出轰鸣的古怪庞大机械,这玩意儿像是搅拌机,粉碎机,挖掘机的混合体。 After the spirit train approached, under whiz pulled out thick long leather hose to come up, crude top behind several meters of compartment. 等到幽灵列车靠近了以后,下方嗖的一声就抽了一根粗长的皮管子上来,粗暴的顶进车厢的后部好几米。 This root diameter surpasses two meters thick length leather hose on a creeping motion, starts to spray a lot of soil sand and crushed stone in broken bits to come in toward the compartment, is good has back plate together behind the cab, otherwise separates a while two people certainly to be made mudskipper. 紧接着,这根直径超过两米的粗长皮管子就一阵蠕动,开始朝着车厢里面喷射大量的细碎泥土砂石进来,好在驾驶室后方有着一块挡板,不然隔一会儿两人肯定都要被弄得泥猴似的。 After most compartments installed the soil sand and crushed stone in broken bits, the spirit train started again, this time is the round trip top-grade goods drives past. 当大部分车厢里面都装上了细碎的泥土砂石之后,幽灵列车就再次启动了,这一次是往回头路开过去的。 After opening the difference not mostly hour fully, the spirit train starts to stop slowly, then starts to download in the middle of the compartment silt. 整整开了差不多半个小时后,幽灵列车就开始徐徐停下,然后开始卸掉车厢当中的泥沙。 Its unloading cargo method is also very special, behind cab that back plate inclines slightly, then fights such like pushing of bulldozer, slowly pushes toward the rear area. 它的卸货方法也很是特别,驾驶室后方的那块挡板微微倾斜,然后就像推土机的推斗那样,慢慢的朝着后方推过去。 Because in the middle of the compartment majority is the moist silt, and chassis is in the front to be high, tailstock low position, therefore unloads cargo is quite convenient. 因为车厢当中大部分都是潮湿的泥沙,并且车体还是处于车头高,车尾低的位置,所以卸货起来还是相当方便的。 After side Linyan and goat two people saw this, then jumped down the spirit train directly, because here is terminal, the good time of free rider to have been gone forever. 方林岩和山羊两人见到了这一幕之后,便直接跳下了幽灵列车,因为这里已是“终点站”,搭便车的好时光已经一去不复返了。 The goat pulled out the map from the bosom, distinguished a position carefully, was saying to side Linyan: 山羊从怀中掏出了地图,仔细的辨别了一下方位,然后对着方林岩道: Walks here.” “走这边。” Two people then rapid disappearance in darkness. 两人便迅速的消失在了黑暗当中。 *** *** All these what's the matter? 这一切是怎么回事呢? This a matter that must detect from it front forest Yan mentions, 这就要从之前方林岩发觉的一件事情说起, That is he detected the before water level of underground lake compares for more than six years, dropped, initially the blood-color umbrella organization base in the underwater dock that the underground lake deep place about 15 meters construct, now instead is higher than the water surface three meters. 那就是他发觉地下湖的水位比起六年多前下降了很多,当初血色雨伞组织基地在地下湖深处十五米左右建设的水下船坞,现在反而高于水面三米。 All these secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators are not others, is to the Puma loyal and devoted light wheel. 这一切的幕后黑手不是别人,正是对普马斯忠心耿耿的光轮。 Initial time, the light wheel definitely is knows all things that the person in blood umbrella company handles, but the superiority feeling of higher intelligent life will let it not a regarding matter. 最初的时候,光轮肯定是知道血伞公司的人做的一切事情的,但高等智慧生命的优越感让它并不将之当成一回事。 It looks like the explorer to discover that in own camp has several birds to fly into departs, responded that not necessarily expels it, perhaps also throws the remnant thick soup cold rice to eat. 就像是探险家发现自己的营地里面有几只鸟飞进飞出的,反应未必就是赶走它,说不定还丢点残羹冷饭给它吃呢。 Let alone in the heart of light wheel, blood umbrella company crowd of human is the out-and-out low life, its weight/quantity not necessarily has the bird in human heart heavy...... 更何况在光轮的心中,血伞公司这群人类就是不折不扣的低等生命,其分量未必都有人类心中的鸟重...... However, when blood umbrella company that group of people intrude arbitrarily, even after opening the boxes of that only five blaming, made the light wheel have the sense of crisis, the significance that after all it had, extinguished the hazard factor as far as possible, assured the safety of his master. 不过,当血伞公司那群人擅自闯入,甚至打开了那只五面怪之箱以后,却让光轮有了危机感,毕竟它存在的意义,就是尽可能消弭危险因素,保证其主人的安全。 In this case, the light wheel designed many defense plan, that plan that finally selects is powerful, having self-confidently, even if were the past sound wave attack, resistance a half hour did not have the issue. 在这种情况下,光轮设计了多套防御方案,最后选中的那一套方案强大无比,有自信哪怕是当年的音波来袭,抵抗个半小时也是没问题的。 But, implements this set of plan biggest difficult problem, is this broad profound underground lake!! 可是,实施这套方案最大的难题,就是这个宽阔深邃的地下湖!! The water source on other stars, in fact is one very rare resources, equipment and weapon that in the defense plan that therefore the light wheel arranges use, is completely the non- waterproofing! 水源在其余的星球上,实际上是一种非常少见的资源,所以光轮布置的防御方案里面所用到的器材和武器,全部都是不防水的! Can say like this, these things in the design, simply have not considered the matter in this aspect. 或者可以这样说,这些东西在设计的时候,就根本没考虑过这方面的事情。 In this case, the light wheel can only think the means first arranging the water of this underground lake to say again. 在这种情况下,光轮只能想办法先将这地下湖的水给排掉再说。 However after exploration, this underground lake is the surrounding area dozens square kilometers bottom, quite therefore the bottom of basin, the geological structure is also quite stable, to walk the water direct platoon is almost not possible. 不过经过勘探以后,这个地下湖乃是方圆几十平方公里的最低点,相当于是盆地的底部,地质结构也是相当稳定,要想将水直接排走几乎是不可能的。 But, the light wheel can only think another means that that cannot achieve draining water the words, did not make you continue the catchment to come to be able the general headquarters! This is the scheme of removing firewood from under the pot. 无奈之下,光轮就只能想了另外一个办法,那就是做不到排水的话,不让你继续汇水进来可以总行了吧!这就是釜底抽薪的计谋。
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