FE :: Volume #5

#106: Miracle

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Larson as a president, such demeanor has, nods saying: 拉尔逊身为总裁,这样的风度还是有的,点点头道: Good, without issue.” “好的,没问题。” Therefore side Linyan was then brought a guest room, although here is only the Dackland Corporation lodge temporarily room, but usually provides to the directors uses, inside repair is very luxurious, not under five-star hotel, and under the crack in a door does not have the small card that the stopper comes. 于是方林岩接下来就被带到了一处客房当中,虽然这里只是达克兰公司内部的临时住宿房间,但平时都是提供给董事们使用的,里面的装修十分豪华,不下于五星级大酒店,并且门缝下面没有塞进来的小卡片。 After side Linyan walks went, detected that outside some people are still guarding, he felt relieved, therefore comfortable taking a shower, then changed the bathrobe to go right to sleep. 方林岩走了进去之后,发觉外面依然有人守卫着,他更加放心了,于是舒舒服服的冲了个澡,然后换上了浴袍倒头就睡。 Approximately after resting for three hours, side Linyan was awakened by nearby telephone sound, then inside heard a gentle female voice: 大约睡了三个小时以后,方林岩被旁边的电话声唤醒,然后里面传来了一个温柔的女声: Respectable distinguished guest, I am your private steward love Lena, guest Mr. Delto who you make an appointment with also five minutes arrives at the building, therefore I officially informed your one especially.” “尊敬的贵宾,我是您的私人管家爱丽娜,您约见的客人德尔托先生还有五分钟到达大厦,所以我特地来知会您一声。” side Linyan rubbed the awake song sleepy eyes, then wears the clothes to oneself, washing, telephoning lets the person delivers some eating come while convenient, then he starts to sit , on the sofa eats fries in oil the onion circle, the guest room gate is sounded. 方林岩揉了揉惺忪的睡眼,然后给自己穿上衣服,洗漱,顺带打电话让人送些吃的来,然后他开始坐在沙发上吃起油炸洋葱圈的时候,客房门被敲响了。 side Linyan goes to open the door, entrance Delto. 方林岩前去开门,门口正是德尔托。 He looks very travel-worn, the suit is wrinkled, the appearance somewhat is very thin and pale, in the middle of the eyes filled the blood threads, but the facial expression is actually quite inspired. 他看起来很是风尘仆仆,西装皱巴巴的,样子很是有些憔悴,双眼当中充满了血丝,但神情却是相当振奋。 Originally, after he returns, has net Corporation and that side Chir Corporation news passed on, particularly net Corporation, can definitely with earning described full. 原来,在他回归以后,恰好就有冈布奥公司和芬奇尔公司那边的消息传了过来,尤其是冈布奥公司,完全可以用赚得盆满钵满来形容。 Moreover, the surplus teams are annihilated doubtful this bad news are make the aspect have one misfortune after another. 不仅如此,剩余的队伍疑似全军覆没这个坏消息更是让局面雪上加霜。 Old enemy Jeeter seized this opportunity immediately, sparing no effort launched the attack to Delto, takes advantage of a favorable situation his marginalization, adjusted the branch of Mexico. 宿敌基特立即抓住了这个机会,不遗余力的对德尔托进行了攻击,乘势将他边缘化,调到了墨西哥的分部去。 To be honest, originally Delto accepted fate, thought that this aspect is very difficult to overturn, oneself a long time will be unable to recover, never expected that side Linyan is living unexpectedly, and also highlighted the surprise-attack forces to fish from Mexico him!!! 说实话,本来德尔托自己都认命了,觉得这局面很难翻盘,自己在很长一段时间内都会一蹶不振了,没想到方林岩居然活着回来,并且还突出奇兵将他从墨西哥捞了回来!!! And what is more important, so long as side Linyan has not died, is equivalent to the special action crew that at that time established also, then Delto is still a team leader, can continue to have various then privileges and treatments. 并且更重要的是,只要方林岩没死的话,那么就相当于当时建立的特别行动支队还在,那么德尔托就依然是队长,能够继续拥有当时的各种特权和待遇。 If side Linyan also attained a more important information and so on thing ....... Delto's this time biggest desire was not rendered meritorious service, can make him be reinstated to be well satisfied. 倘若方林岩还拿到了更加重要的情报之类的东西.......德尔托此时的最大愿望也不是什么立功了,能让他官复原职就心满意足了。 Yes, this is really the idea that Delto is from the heart!! 是的,这真的就是德尔托发自内心的想法!! Because in this world has the thing that many makes you become accustomed , after losing, knows its precious. 因为这世界上有很多让你习以为常的东西,失去了以后才知道它的珍贵。 For example air, 比如空气, For example water, 比如水, For example azure meter/rice, 比如青色的米, For example once made you feel that agitated incomparable / is popular wants to drop / loses hair steatorrhea / losing sleep has a headache about / the work...... 比如一度让你觉得烦躁无比/兴欲减退/脱发脂溢/失眠头疼/的工作...... *** *** Then, side Linyan then starts to tell oneself lead the person to enter the experience of Veronica underground laboratory, 接下来,方林岩便开始讲述自己带人进入维罗妮卡地下实验室的经历, At this time Delto asked a person to come, making him defer to the convention sound recording record in side. 这时候德尔托叫了一个人过来,让他在旁边按照惯例录音记录。 In order to avoid troubling, all things that side Linyan told were real. 为了避免麻烦,方林岩讲述的所有东西都是真实的。 As for thing that these he is not willing to disclose, was knocked down by oneself, oneself did not have attention wait/etc excuses to dodge, no one can show that in any case he is lying. 至于那些他不愿意透露的东西,则是以自己被打晕了,自己没注意等等借口搪塞了过去,反正也没有人能证明他在说谎。 When side Linyan talked about finally, Delto somewhat regrettable sighing, the thing that because side Linyan spoke perhaps had the attraction very much, but thing actually has not actually supported. 等到方林岩讲到了最后,德尔托有些遗憾的叹了口气,因为方林岩讲的东西或许很有诱惑力,可是却没有实际的东西来佐证啊。 But waits for the company to organize again an action team goes, the person in net Corporation is not a deceased person, has evacuated there even ruins. 而等公司再组织一支行动队前去的时候,冈布奥公司的人也不是死人,想必早就将那里搬空甚至毁掉了吧。 At this time, his vision brilliant looks at side Linyan, knows that he should before boarding the airplane searches to pass away, only hopes that he can hold back one trick, thing that brought from inside in advance conceals, could not bear gather up to go, lowers the sound saying: 这时候,他目光灼灼的看着方林岩,知道他应该在上飞机之前就被人搜过身,只希望他能留一手,将从里面带出来的东西预先藏了起来,忍不住凑上前去,压低了声音道: Hey, Wynch, your experience is splendid, and my eloquence, although with x ability same stick when I was 20 years old, but cannot convince these fellows ....... “嘿,温奇,你的经历非常精彩,并且我的口才虽然和我20岁时候的x能力一样棒,但并不能说服那些家伙.......” Behind that you can take the solid stuff, although has not said that but looks at Delto that straightforwardly but hunger and thirst look, side Linyan knows that he wants anything. 后面那句“你可以把干货拿出来了”虽然没说出来,但是看德尔托那直白而饥渴的眼神,方林岩就知道他想要什么。 However, what Delto has not actually expected, side Linyan shows a faint smile, the convenience will place by a tea table box on donut to push. 不过,德尔托却万万没有料到的是,方林岩微微一笑,顺手就将放在茶几上的甜甜圈旁边的一个盒子推了过来。 If Delto has not misread, this box is the western-style pastry box that in the hotel brings, in this hotel casual can discover dozens to come...... the look that therefore he uses to have doubts looked. 如果德尔托没看错的话,这个盒子就是酒店里面自带的西点盒而已,这个酒店里面随随便便就能找出几十个来......所以他用疑惑的眼神看了过来。 side Linyan lifts the chin to him, hints Delto to open. 方林岩对他抬抬下巴,示意德尔托打开。 After opening, Delto detected that in the box altogether has the two kinds thing, 开启之后,德尔托发觉盒子里面一共有两样东西, One thing is the sauce red flesh lump of finger size, looks as if seems like squid tentacle, what is strangest, that meat the creeping motion of keeping is still contracting, as if inside has inexhaustible vitality. 一样东西是指头大小的酱红色肉块,看起来仿佛像是鱿鱼触手似的,最诡异的是,那块肉还在不停的蠕动收缩着,仿佛里面有无穷无尽的生命力似的。 Moreover one thing, is a bottle of as if eye drops size, inside thinks of several drops of blue liquids. 另外一样东西,则是一个仿佛眼药水大小的瓶子,里面装着几滴蓝色的液体。 Delto's look seems like somewhat at a loss at first, but actually held breath afterward cold air, took the hand of box somewhat to tremble. 德尔托的眼神最初看起来有些迷惘,但后来却倒吸了一口凉气,拿着盒子的手都有些发抖了。 „, This, this, this ....... “难道,这,这,这.......” Speaking of behind, Delto's voice somewhat shivers and stutters. 说到后面,德尔托的声音都有些颤抖和口吃。 side Linyan said: 方林岩道: This is, that I said is the tentacle sample of semimetal variation lifeform Kamemizu mother. But in this small bottle, installed can become effective to all semimetal variation lifeform, spans the time sufficiently the high-energy toxic agent!” “这就是我所说的,那是半金属变异生物龟水母的触手样本。而这个小瓶子里面,装的就是可以对一切半金属变异生物生效的,足以跨越时代的高能毒剂!” Actually the second thing is the light wheel according to the pesticide that the formula of storage mixes. 咳咳,其实第二件东西就是光轮按照储存的配方调制出来的杀虫剂而已。 Naturally, this does not hinder side Linyan to give a big on name to it, and he truly can take this small bottle pesticide to point at Dackland Corporation the nose loud say/way of fellow experts, I do not aim at anyone, I felt that you are Le color ....... 当然,这并不妨碍方林岩给它取一个高大上的名字,并且他确实是可以拿着这一小瓶杀虫剂指着达克兰公司的各位专家的鼻子大声道,我不是要针对谁,我觉得觉得你们都是乐色....... Delto stood up immediately the body, closed the box, he holds the appearance of this western-style pastry box is looking like holds follower of chalice simply, trembling and devout incomparable. 德尔托立即站起了身来,关上了盒子,他捧着这只西点盒的样子简直就像是捧着圣餐杯的信徒那样,战战兢兢而虔诚无比。 side Linyan sees Delto's form, the corners of the mouth showed a smile, then very simple stretches oneself, lay down the bed to come up. 方林岩看着德尔托的身影,嘴角露出了一丝微笑,然后很干脆的就伸了个懒腰,重新躺到了床上去。 Why he must accumulate helps Delto who painstakingly ponders be reinstated, the reason has, 他为什么一定要苦心积虑的帮助德尔托官复原职,原因有很多, For example loyal can always be awarded, even if your enemy will also appreciate this moral character. 比如忠诚总是能得到褒奖的,哪怕是你的敌人也会赞赏这种品格。 Also for example Delto this person at least moral behavior is good, opposite party forest Yan also has to be similar to the appreciation for being recognized, this is side Linyan the return. 又比如说德尔托这个人至少人品还是不错的,对方林岩也有类似于知遇之恩吧,这是方林岩的回报。 However, the most important reason, is the benefit. 不过,最重要的原因,还是利益。 On the present situation, these things in side Linyan the hand, basic on the display its maximum value, will submit to be embezzled directly very much easily, easy by person marginalization. 就现在的局势来说,这些东西在方林岩的手上,根本就发挥不出其最大价值,直接提交上去很容易就会被人吞没,轻而易举的被人边缘化。 As the saying goes some Imperial Court people quite serve as an official, said your line, you are good, is not good good also! 有道是朝中有人好做官,说你行,你就行,不行也行! Above has the person, only then three points of merit can also to you calculate that becomes the ten points. 上面有人,只有三分功劳也能给你算成十分。 Above no one, the merit may only calculate that to you very becomes a point, 上面没人,十分功劳有可能只给你算成一分, What is more important, Delto at this time and side Linyan is an online grasshopper, he subordinate leadership as side Linyan, they are the relations that a Rong Jurong damages all damages, 更重要的是,德尔托此时和方林岩是一根线上的蚂蚱,他身为方林岩的直属领导,两人是一荣俱荣一损皆损的关系, If he wants to show that oneself merit, cannot certainly go round for side Linyan is overly proud! 他要想证明自己的功劳,就一定绕不开为方林岩表功! *** *** Two samples that Delto submits rapid sent off, 德尔托提交上去的两份样本迅速的被送走, In the middle of the group chief expert Dr. Hancock was very recently heavyhearted, because net Corporation and that side Chir Corporation obtained a lot of research samples, making his affiliated researcher break through the bottleneck rapidly, the technological strength is also progressing by leaps and bounds instantaneously, but the company actually no news passed on. 集团当中首席专家汉考克博士最近本来很是忧心忡忡,因为冈布奥公司和芬奇尔公司那边都获得了大量的研究样本,让其旗下的研究员迅速突破了瓶颈,技术储备也是在瞬间突飞猛进,可是公司这边却没有什么好消息传过来。 In this case, after he knew seems like the company obtained epoch-makingly research sample, immediately reckless at the same night caught up. 在这种情况下,当他得知了貌似公司获得了“划时代”的研究样本之后,立即就不顾一切的连夜赶了过来。 Then in studies after two samples in a hurry, this doctor took the data that is coming out freshly to treat suddenly in same place entire five minutes, seeming like some are distracted, was unconscious, 然后在对两份样本匆匆研究之后,这位博士拿着新鲜出炉的数据忽然待在了原地整整五分钟,看起来已经是有些精神恍惚,神志不清了, Then, the doctor spoke a few words suddenly: OMG! 然后,博士忽然说了一句话:omg! In the middle of that speech sound has the awe unexpectedly. 那话声当中竟是带着敬畏。 After several hours, research department's research to two samples comes out freshly. 数个小时以后,研究部门对两份样本的研究新鲜出炉。 To the evaluation of pesticide is, spans the time the product, enough 11 ingredients are not the materials that on Earth can seek , highly suspicion is outside the product of higher civilization, has extremely important scientific research conservation value. 对杀虫剂的评测是,跨越时代的产物,其中足足有十一种成分都不是地球上能寻找到的物质,高度怀疑是地外高等文明的产物,具有极其重要的科研保存价值。 The evaluatio of finally giving is B, but the potential gave S. 最后给出的评估价值是b,不过潜力给出了s。 However, reported to the evaluation of Kamemizu female tentacle flesh lump, was integrated the top-secret documents unexpectedly directly, the company can see that this evaluation reported that even not over 10 people. 但是,对龟水母触手肉块的这一份评测报告,竟然直接就被纳入到了绝密文档当中,公司内部能看到这份评测报告的,甚至不会超过十个人。 The quantity that Dackland Corporation such colossus, all staff add even must over 60,000 people! 要知道,达克兰公司这样的庞然大物,所有员工加起来的数量甚至要超过六万人啊! Needless saying that this report, quick was delivered to the president Larson Bedroom desk, with that black silk half wet lace underpants of side to having less than ten centimeters. 不消说,这一份报告,很快就被送到了总裁拉尔逊卧室当中的办公桌上,与旁边的那条黑丝半湿蕾丝内裤相距只有十厘米不到。 Larson shoved open that only to build the furry palm on oneself chest gently, then took advantage of opportunity nearby bed. So was naked is arriving at the desk front to take up this new report. 拉尔逊轻轻的推开了那只搭在自己胸膛上面的毛茸茸手掌,然后顺势下了旁边的大床。就这么赤裸着走到了办公桌前方拿起了这份新出炉的报告。 Several seconds, the eye narrowed immediately slightly: 只是了几秒钟,眼睛顿时微微眯缝了起来: „...... This increment seemed like the miracle to be the same! In which element allocated proportion, in which active member, perfect to astonishing situation!” “......这一份样本就像是神迹一样!其中的元素配比,其中的活性分子,都完美到了惊人的地步!” My general knowledge had been subverted completely!!” “我的常识已经被完全颠覆了!!” This increment all elements, can unable to find on Earth by right should, what has not thought that after they combine, unexpectedly has the so marvelous effect.”, “这份样本当中的所有元素,在地球上都可以找得到,万万没想到的是,它们组合起来以后,居然有如此奇妙的效果。”、 Were too few, were too few! We need many sample materials, so long as to again my 200 grams, no! 150 grams sample, I have the confidence to let our flagship product improvement entire one generation of performance!” “太少了,太少了!我们需要更多的样本素材,只要给再我两百克,不!一百五十克的样本,我有信心让我们的主打产品提升整整一代的性能!” Evaluatio: S, potential: S!” “评估价值:s,潜力:s!” Stared at this to report fully for five minutes, Larson with the finger in the in the air imaginary point, presented a virtual keyboard immediately, then started the digit dialing. 整整凝视了这一份报告五分钟,拉尔逊用手指在空中虚点了一下,顿时就出现了一个虚拟键盘,然后开始拨号。
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