FE :: Volume #13

#1697: This duty very Tyrant Tianhu

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Chapter 1695 this duty very Tyrant Tianhu 第1695章这个任务很霸天虎 Chapter 20 第20章 At this time star intent naturally also realized this point, looks with the look that envying the envy hates to Fang Linyan, then was also said own name to the sound wave. 此时星意自然也意识到了这一点,用羡慕嫉妒恨的眼神看向了方林岩,然后也是对声波说出了自己的名字。 However is very obvious, her legend + 1 did not have this treatment, the sound wave was only desolate nod , was saying to Fang Linyan: 不过很显然,她的传说度就没这个待遇了,声波只是冷淡的点了点头,然后就对着方林岩道: Monster blade mister, I wants to know your true purpose in coming time.” “妖刀先生,我想知道你这一次的真正来意。” Fang Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: I want to join Tyrant Tianhu- The accurate point, is joins the prestige to be shocking your excellency this faction.” “我想要加入霸天虎--准确一点来说,是加入威震天阁下这个派系。” Because my enemy stands this side the automobile person now, their jointly made me feel the intense threat, therefore I must have the reliable and powerful ally, can get through the present difficult time.” “因为我的敌人现在站在了汽车人这一边,他们的联合令我感觉到强烈的威胁,所以我也必须要拥有可靠而强大的盟友,才能渡过眼前的难关。” Then Fang Linyan is pouting to the drifting body: 然后方林岩对着漂移的身体努了努嘴: This is my gift on first meeting, in addition, if the sound wave your excellency has anything to do, then I can also help with the companion.” “这就是我的见面礼,除此之外,若是声波阁下有什么事情要去做的话,那么我也可以和同伴一起帮忙。” The sound wave stares at the body that a while drifted, then said: 声波凝视了一会儿漂移的身体,然后道: Good, your gift I accepted, but until now, but also does not have human to join Tyrant Tianhu “好,你的这件礼物我收下了,不过迄今为止,还没有人类加入霸天虎的行列” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Automobile person, had long ago made the ally with human jointly, therefore their war is stronger. Instead although Tyrant Tianhu is powerful, the interior has the huge hidden danger, by the present, if was unable to keep pace with the times, that only feared with all due respect the final destruction is also in a flash.” “汽车人在很久之前,就已经与人类联手做了盟友,所以他们越战越强。反而霸天虎虽然强大,内部却有着巨大的隐患,到了现在若还不能与时俱进,那恕我直言,只怕最后覆灭也是在弹指之间。” Heard Fang Linyan saying that Cothias, confused also made noise, gets angry the rebuttal: 听到了方林岩这么说,柯提亚,迷乱都同时出声,发怒反驳: Is impossible!” “不可能!” Stupid human, you are talking nonsense.” “愚蠢的人类,你在胡说八道。” Even the machine dog goes forward one step, bared the fang. 甚至机器狗都上前一步,龇出了獠牙。 Lubos does not show weakness to go forward with it confrontation, sent out the low roar. 鲁伯斯则是毫不示弱上前与之对峙,发出了低吼。 At this time the sound wave had not taken a stand, but after is staring at Lubos some little time, say/way that appreciated: 这时候声波却没有表态,而是盯着鲁伯斯好一会儿之后才赞赏的道: This is a very unique lifeform, seems like the metal lifeform, however its origin of life is entirely different from us.” “这是一只很独特的生物啊,看起来是金属生物,但是它的生命之源却与我们截然不同。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Yes, your lives begin in the fire seed source, is popular in the fire seed in within the body, but follows my lifeform is to begin in the alchemy, is popular in the gold metallurgy core in within the body, I will name as the construction to install the lifeform, it seems like that with the machine dog is similar, actually from the root is two entirely different species.” “是的,你们的生命始于火种源,兴于体内的火种,而跟随我这头生物则是始于炼金术,兴于体内的炼金核心,我将之命名为构装生物,它看似与机器狗是同类,其实从根源上是两个截然不同的物种。” The sound wave nods saying: 声波点了点头道: „Very interesting. Good, your gift I accepted, although monster blade your reputation is very big, strength also enough, the person but who any wants to join Tyrant Tianhu, must undergo an inspection, this does not aim at you, but is the custom.” “很有意思.好,你的礼物我收下了,不过虽然妖刀你的名声很大,实力也足够强,但是任何想要加入霸天虎的人,都要经过一次考核,这不是针对你,而是规矩。” In the middle of the tyrant day tiger, this is called the maiden voyage ceremony, we will inspect the spoils of war that attains to hold a grand welcome ceremony with you!” “在霸天虎当中,这被称作首航仪式,我们会用你们考核所拿到的战利品举办一场盛大的欢迎仪式!” Fang Linyan looks at the sound wave channel: 方林岩看着声波道: Good, without issue, if I completed the maiden voyage ceremony, tyrant day tiger that then can be acknowledged by you?” “好,没问题,若是我完成了首航仪式,那么就是能被你们承认的霸天虎了吧?” Sound wave channel: 声波道: Yes.” “是的。” Fang Linyan points around star intent saying: 方林岩指着旁边的星意道: This is my companion, at that time to have drifting whereabouts and relevant information, therefore she can only mix in the middle of the automobile person camp. Therefore actually gets rid of the drifting also to have her merit, the sound wave Sir, does she also complete the maiden voyage ceremony not to have the issue together?” “这是我的同伴,当时为了掌握漂移的行踪和相关情报,所以她只能混入了汽车人阵营当中。所以其实干掉漂移也有她的一份功劳,声波大人,她也一起完成首航仪式没问题吧?” The sound wave nods saying: 声波点点头道: Ok, I a little urgent matter must do now.” “可以,我现在有点急事要去做。” At this point, the sound wave lifted raised hand the silicon link data saving ganglion. 说到这里,声波举了举手中的硅环数据存储神经节。 „The matter about maiden voyage ceremony, confused can arrange.” “关于首航仪式的事,迷乱就能安排。” Then he then entrains to side confused said: 接着他便把迷乱拽到旁边道: You can handle the maiden voyage ceremony?” “你能搞定首航仪式的吧?” Confused hehe is saying with a smile immediately: 迷乱立即嘿嘿笑着道: Father( in transformer slang this word will also be used to call respectable elder), that is a super perfect maiden voyage ceremony. Naturally, the premise is the monster blade mister can bring back to enough much spoils of war.” “老爹(变形金刚俚语里面这个词也会用来称呼尊敬的长者),那将是一次超级完美的首航仪式。当然,前提是妖刀先生能带回足够多的战利品。” Sound wave very simple turns around to leave, seems like this dialogue to stop there, but, on the confused in nuclear electron screen actually received a few words: 声波很干脆的转身离开,看起来这场对话就此终结,但是,迷乱的内核电子屏上却收到了一句话: Screwed up the words of this matter, you can consider to trade a brand-new manganese steel skeleton.”( The meaning of threatening, is similar to must break your leg) “搞砸了这件事的话,你就可以考虑换一副全新的锰钢骨架了。”(威吓的意思,类似于要打断你的腿) Confused has the chill in the air immediately, quickly protested: 迷乱立即就心生寒意,急忙抗议: NONONONO, the father, I likes the present skeleton, it is I from matching Bottom brings! It has witnessed my love!!” “NONONONO,老爹,我喜欢现在的骨架,它是我从赛博坦带过来的!它见证过我的爱情!!” Naturally, the confused protest is invalid, can only wooden was standing same place a while, then arrived at Fang Linyan and the others the front. 当然,迷乱的抗议无效,只能木然的在原地站了一会儿,然后重新来到了方林岩等人的面前。 This small fellow Tyrant Tianhu seems like the somewhat unruly appearance, but the Fang Linyan legend + 4 deterrent forces are very strong, what is more important, self-examines confused is not the opponent of drifting, but the drifting actually had been hit by this group of people does not want the body. 这个小个子霸天虎看起来就有些桀骜不驯的样子,不过方林岩传说度的威慑力还是很强的,更重要的是,迷乱自问不是漂移的对手,而漂移却已经被这帮人打得连身体都不要了。 Confused can not respect about human, but it actually must respect the strength! Therefore this fellow suppressed in the heart on the surface to disdaining of human. 迷乱可以对人类不尊重,但是它却必须要尊重力量!所以这家伙还是在表面上压制住了心中对人类的不屑。 However actually does not like human confused genuinely, let alone made them join Tyrant Tianhu, must therefore let his honest that is almost not possible. 不过迷乱却是从心眼里不喜欢人类,更别说让他们加入霸天虎了,所以要让他老老实实那几乎是不可能的。 Only used for two seconds, the confused seven nuclear high-energy processors, can make these two damn human that forms in one's mind a flawless ingenious plan( it to think) give way before difficulties. 只用了两秒钟,迷乱的七核高能处理器就构思出了一个天衣无缝的妙计(它自己认为的),想必能让这两个该死的人类知难而退。 Therefore was saying to Fang Linyan confused: 于是迷乱对着方林岩道: Now our is short-handed, therefore there are the fellows who have betrayed Tyrant Tianhu much had not obtained the proper penalty, therefore you only needed to get rid of a person to complete the maiden voyage ceremony, this was his material.” “现在我们的人手不足,所以有不少出卖过霸天虎的家伙都还没有得到应有的惩罚,因此你们只需要干掉一个人就能完成首航仪式了,这是他的资料。” Fang Linyan received the material of this person to look, immediately knits the brows slightly, this fellows named Golan is not the average person, once was the governor, Congressman, and son now is the major general of military. 方林岩接过了这个人的资料一看,顿时微微皱眉,这位叫做戈兰的家伙可不是一般人,曾经任州长,议员,并且儿子现在已经是军方的少将。 Moreover, it is said that he also relates the sworn friend with a huge enterprise manager, frequently attended the cocktail party hand in hand, the name of this enterprise is: Stack industry. 不仅如此,据说他还与一家庞大的企业老总关系莫逆,经常联袂出席酒会,这家企业的名字是:斯塔克工业。 In fact, confused has actually wanted to get rid of Golan, but this has the pulmonary emphysema, the condyloma acuminatum, the rheumatoid arthritis, the old fogy of Parkinson's disease makes the sound wave think that is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt-, although this old man will be weak will as if bite to death by a mouse! 事实上,迷乱其实早就想干掉戈兰了,可是这个身患肺气肿,尖锐湿疣,风湿性关节炎,帕金森病的老家伙却让声波都觉得投鼠忌器-尽管这老头子虚弱得似乎会被一只老鼠咬死! Each flaw that Golan shows, seems like a trap of careful preparation! 戈兰露出的每个破绽,看起来都像是一场精心预备的陷阱! Therefore, the confused present threw this hot potato to front monster blade, if he can complete, then solved one for the sound wave Sir greatly troublesome, if could not complete, hehe, then on dirty getting the hell out! 所以,迷乱现在就将这个烫手山芋丢给了面前的妖刀,他若能做好,那么就为了声波大人解决了一个大麻烦,若是做不好,呵呵,那就灰头土脸的滚蛋吧! Saw the Fang Linyan hesitant appearance confused, in starts to admire at heart his comes quick-wittedly, then the say/way of jar sound jar air/Qi: 迷乱看到了方林岩的犹豫模样,在心里都开始佩服其自己的机智来,便瓮声瓮气的道: What's wrong? Did you fear?” “怎么?你怕了?” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: Feared? Hehe, this duty actually also and does not have any greatly, found Mr. Gland who this was good at hiding with emphasis, is coming a spear/gun to his head.” “怕了?呵呵,这个任务其实也并没有什么了不起,重点就是找到这位善于隐藏的戈兰先生,然后对着他的头上来一枪。” But, the whereabouts of Mr. Gland is actually hard to grasp, the basic reason was he applies in the usual life surpassed the time the science and technology, but these things were Stack industry provide to his, the ordinary technology was very difficult to break open his firewall.” “不过,戈兰先生的行踪其实乃是非常难以掌握的,根本原因就是他在平时的生活当中应用了一些超越时代的科技,而这些东西乃是斯塔克工业提供给他的,普通的技术很难破开他身边的防火墙。” Therefore, I get rid of Mr. Gland not to have the issue, but the premise is confused you must go with me.” “所以,我去干掉戈兰先生没问题,但前提是迷乱你得和我一起去。” What!!” Cried out strangely confused. “什么!!”迷乱怪叫了一声。 Fang Linyan calm say/way: 方林岩淡定的道: „Did I say insufficiently am clear? The goal that my maiden voyage ceremony designates does not have the issue, but the opposite party was being protected by the powerful high tech, keeping me from confirming that the whereabouts of opposite party, but I do not excel in this aspect.” “我说得还不够清楚吗?我的首航仪式选定的目标没有问题,但是对方被强大的高科技保护着,让我无法确认对方的行踪,而在这方面我并不擅长。” But, was confused you to be different, you can change as the notebook and cell phone, was the most powerful hacker, can at the maximum speed in the middle of the entry network with no trace, there are intelligence service that you provided, then can successfully complete this duty.” “但是,迷乱你就不一样了,你可以变身为笔记本电脑和手机,更是最强大的黑客,能以最快的速度不留痕迹的进入网络当中,有了你提供的情报服务,那么才能够顺利将这个任务完成。” Confused has not expected unexpectedly is such result! Was this lifts the stone to pound the foot? He in the tyrant day tiger not by fighting to grow perceptibly, immediately the subconscious rejection said: 迷乱万万没料到竟然是这样结果!这是搬起石头砸自己脚了?他在霸天虎里面可不是以战斗见长的啊,立即下意识的拒绝道: OH, sorry, I thought that cannot join your actions.” “OH,抱歉,我觉得并不能参加你们的行动。” Fang Linyan observed closely his eye, pursues asks: 方林岩盯住了他的眼睛,追问道: „, Why?” “哦,为什么?” Say/Way that made excuses confused ; 迷乱支支吾吾的道; Because I also a little very important matter must do.” “因为我还有一点儿很重要的事要做呢。” Fang Linyan actually presses on step by step: 方林岩却是步步紧逼: Doesn't matter, has any important matter to tell me, I go to and sound wave Sir ask favor, is confused you to be really important, we need you.” “没关系,有什么重要的事情告诉我,我去和声波大人求情,迷乱你真的非常重要,我们需要你。” Confused one hear of Fang Linyan must look for the sound wave unexpectedly, immediately is scared! Before his mind gives birth to the sound wave all of a sudden just before leaving the threat, the sound wave may not have to suggest that obviously he does the matter here! 迷乱一听方林岩居然还要去找声波,顿时慌了神!他的脑海里面一下子就生出声波临行前的威胁,很显然声波可没有暗示他在这里搞事呢! Therefore, said confused immediately: 所以,迷乱立即道: Wait, wait/etc! Sound wave Sir now also very busy, do not disturb him, my I.” “等等,等等!声波大人现在也非常的忙,你不要去打扰他,我我.” Fang Linyan looks that the confused smile said: 方林岩看着迷乱微笑道: Therefore you do want to get rid of Golan that old fogy with us?” “所以你还是要和我们一起去干掉戈兰那个老家伙吗?” Confused immediately stutter, he detected that for the first time human so hateful, unexpectedly lets itself how, regardless to reply that is awkward, is really in a dilemma! 迷乱顿时又结巴了起来,他第一次发觉人类是如此的可恶,居然让自己无论怎么回答都非常尴尬,真的是进退两难! Was good stands finally the solution contour because of this time star intent: 好在这时候星意终于站出来解围道: Since is this, then we do put a Golan horse for the time being? When the confused mister had free time we to tidy up him to be good again, how did you say?” “既然是这样的话,那么我们就暂且放戈兰一马吧?等到迷乱先生有空了我们再去收拾他好了,你说怎么样呢?” Confused looked like fishes straw to grasp immediately said loudly: 迷乱立即就像是捞到了一根救命稻草似的大声道: Right, right, I am this meaning.” “对,对,我就是这个意思。” Also was lucky the transformer has not sweated this function, otherwise, confused this time definitely was full head the cold sweat. 也是多亏了变形金刚没有排汗这个功能,否则的话,迷乱此时肯定是满头冷汗了。 star intent then said: 星意便接着道: If so, then the goal of our maiden voyage ceremony “如果是这样的话,那么我们首航仪式的目标” Fang Linyan said suddenly: 方林岩突然道: I hope that do not let me run is too far, I trouble repugnantly, if does this matter to need to leave New York, then I rather look for the sound wave Sir, said that is willing to get rid of Golan.” “我希望别让我跑太远,我讨厌麻烦,如果干这件事需要离开纽约的话,那么我宁愿去找声波大人,说愿意去干掉戈兰了。” To be honest, now the Gland two characters regarding confused are completely the taboo terms, like Boss king recently estimates that will be uncomfortable to 209 this numbers is a truth, after he hears Fang Linyan has the threat words, sighs very simple pressed several on nearby screen, then has the sorrowful mood of abandoning something as beyond redemption: 说实话,现在“戈兰”两个字对于迷乱来说完全是禁忌词,就像王老板最近一段时间估计会对209这个数字非常不爽是一个道理,他听到了方林岩带着威胁的话之后,叹了一口气很干脆的在旁边的屏幕上按了几下,然后带着破罐子破摔的悲哀心情道: At present in New York trouble, only then so many, did yourself choose one?” “目前在纽约的麻烦只有这么多了,你自己选一个吧?” Fang Linyan looked to the screen, detected the duty very Tyrant Tianhu + prestige that gave was shocking, was not kidnapping, killed people, or does the destruction. 方林岩看向了屏幕上,发觉给出的任务都很霸天虎+威震天,不是绑架,就是杀人,抑或是搞破坏。 However suddenly, Fang Linyan saw a duty introduced during presented the familiar inscription, that is the New York 17 main roads! 不过忽然之间,方林岩看到了一个任务介绍当中出现了熟悉的字样,那就是纽约十七大道! Fang Linyan remembers very clearly, in the middle of hidden milestone that oneself receive, has mentioned here. 方林岩可是记得很清楚,自己所接到的隐藏里程碑当中,就提到过这里。 …… …… Mysterious curse: Please go to New York 17 main roads the poison of bar of metal, looks for Captain Moonta. 神秘的诅咒:请前往纽约十七大道的金属之毒酒吧,寻找蒙塔船长。 This milestone by Mobius mark has marked the high value, naturally, Fang Linyan is also very clear, the back of high value means the high risk. 这个里程碑可是被莫比乌斯印记标记过的高价值的呢,当然,方林岩也很清楚,高价值的背后意味着高风险。 After narrowing the eye was measuring advantages, Fang Linyan access road/simply said: 眯缝着眼睛权衡了一下利弊之后,方林岩便道: I must make this duty, kidnaps Bucher.” “我要做这个任务,绑架布克。” After hearing the choice of Fang Linyan confused, somewhat surprised looked at his one eyes, the difficulty of this kidnapping duty may be big, they had at least been defeated three times. 迷乱听到了方林岩的选择以后,有些吃惊的看了他一眼,这个绑架任务的难度可不小啊,至少他们已经失败了三次了。 But kidnapping this matter, the first successful probability without a doubt is biggest, once the goal had the protection, then the difficulty will multiply. 而绑架这种事情,第一次成功的概率毫无疑问是最大的,一旦目标有了防备,那么难度就会倍增。 And Bucher is also a status prominent important personage, his this lifetime only did right a matter- that threw a good embryo. 并且布克也是一位身份显赫的重要人物,他这辈子只做对了一件事-那就是投了个好胎。 Kidnaps him to have two big difficulties, how first breaks through blocks to arrive at his front layer on layer/heavily, second, will then be how living he will carry off. 绑架他有两大难点,第一是怎么突破重重封锁来到他的面前,第二,则是怎么将活着的他带走。 Here has to mention that Bucher's concrete condition, he is less than 30 years old of youth, actually contracts the congenital heart disease, naturally under the function of paper money ability, this disease was under very good control. 这里就不得不提到布克的具体状况了,他是个三十岁不到的青年,却患有先天性心脏病,当然在钞能力的作用下,这个疾病得到了很好的控制。 But Bucher after age 18, wallowed at not the relentless party, the illegal drugs, the nature, in the middle of all night long revelry, logical has the huge hidden danger body to be turned into a mess. 可是布克在18岁之后,就沉迷于毫无节制的派对,违禁药品,性,通宵达旦的狂欢当中,顺理成章的将本就有着巨大隐患的身体搞得一塌糊涂。 Even under normal condition, side Bucher momentarily six -memeber medical team stands by. 即便是在正常状况下,布克身边都随时有一支六人医疗团队待命。 And in the middle of his mansion, consumed the large amount of money to purchase a series of expensive medical equipment, for can rescue it anytime and anywhere- however these equipment even can maintain an operation of large-scale specialized hospital. 并且在他的豪宅当中,就耗费了巨资购买了一系列的昂贵医疗设备,为的就是可以随时随地对其进行抢救-而这些设备甚至都可以维持起一个大型专科医院的运作了。 Therefore, kidnapping him is not perhaps difficult, but makes him live is kidnapped, made one have a headache. 所以,绑架他或许不难,但是让他活着被绑架,却是非常令人头疼。 After choosing concrete mission, Fang Linyan received the related duty, on the retina presented the prompt: 在选择好了具体的任务之后,方林岩就接到了相关任务,视网膜上出现了提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you successfully obtained the camp duty: Kidnaps Bucher.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你成功获得了阵营任务:绑架布克。” Task definition: Takes away from his mansion Bucher, then forces his parents to disclose some crucial information.” “任务内容:将布克从他的豪宅里面带走,进而迫使其父母透露一些关键性的信息。” Duty time limit: 48 hours.” “任务限时:48小时。” Duty reward: Tyrant Tianhu related prestige.” “任务奖励:霸天虎相关声望。” Warned: During the entire process, Bucher cannot receive the mild above injury, its life value cannot reduce to below 90, otherwise the duty complete failure, you will lose in certain Tyrant Tianhu important personage's trust, simultaneously will issue a warrant for arrest by the human society.” “警告:在整个过程当中,布克不能受到轻度以上的伤害,其生命值不能降低到90以下,否则任务彻底失败,你将会失去某些霸天虎内重要人物的信任,同时会被人类社会通缉。” After Fang Linyan narrows the eye carefully was reading one, looks confused wanted Bucher's latest material, then threatened to extort some small gadget to him again, went to do well the new body of Cothias is direct. 方林岩眯缝着眼睛仔细阅读了一番之后,找迷乱要了布克的最新资料,然后对他再次威胁勒索了一些小玩意儿,又去将柯提亚的新身体弄好就直接出发了。 What is worth mentioning is, because Fang Linyan chose some brand-new materials especially, Cothias is very satisfied with own new body, thought that own battle efficiency at least promoted over 20. 值得一提的是,因为方林岩特地挑选了一些全新的材料,柯提亚对自己的新身体还是很满意的,觉得自己的战斗力至少提升了20以上。 After Fang Linyan drove to leave the front door of iron and steel plant, the sound wave also quietly appeared in the middle of a nearby workshop, gazed after him to go far away. 方林岩驾车离开了钢铁厂的大门之后,声波也是悄然出现在了旁边的一栋厂房当中,目送他远去。
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