FE :: Volume #13

#1698: Five strange elder brother

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Chapter 1696 five strange elder brother 第1696章五面怪昆塔萨 How before Fang Linyan tidied up the confused entire process, the sound wave sees clearly! In fact, regarding the confused problem-making behavior, the sound wave actually also has the institute to sentence in advance, how he is actually to have a look at the handling matters wrist/skill of this monster blade. 之前方林岩怎么收拾迷乱的全过程,声波可是看得清清楚楚的呢!事实上,对于迷乱的刁难行为,声波其实也是早就有所预判的,他其实就是要看看这个妖刀的处事手腕如何。 The present sound wave did not fear that turns to own person to be ambitious, does not fear him to have something else planned, only feared that the ability of this person is insufficient, the wrist/skill is insufficient! 现在的声波不怕来投靠自己的人野心勃勃,也不怕他别有所图,只怕这个人的能力不足,手腕不够! Own present does not need the waste!!! 自己现在是不需要废物的!!! The external pressure when therefore only sound wave faction faces is too big, but the sound wave shoulder is pressing the task is too heavy, is really hopes that helped help share. 只因此时的声波这个派系面对的外部压力太大,而声波肩头压着的担子太重,实在是希望有个臂助来帮忙分担一下了啊。 At this time, confused also appeared in the side of sound wave said: 这时候,迷乱也是出现在了声波的身边道: Sir, did you regard as important to him?” “大人,你是不是对他太看重了?” The sound wave shakes the head saying: 声波摇摇头道: You feel, he obviously is human, but does the body one type make us feel the kind aura?” “你有没有感觉到,他明明是人类,可是身上却有一种让我们感觉到亲切的气息?” Confused stunned evil ways: 迷乱愕然了一下道: Probably, what's all this about?” “好像是呢,这是怎么回事?” Sound wave channel: 声波道: I the acquired material will just submit to match that side the Bottom, requested that the shake wave conducted the analysis using the heart of universe, the result of finally obtaining is, this human has 99.127 probabilities, has the relation of depth with the fire seed source, this expressed that he can also use the fire seed source strength!” “我刚刚将收集到的资料提交到了赛博坦那边,请求震荡波利用宇宙之心进行了解析,最后得出的结果是,这个人类有99.127的几率,与火种源有着深度的联系,这表示他也能够利用火种源的力量!” The confused shock said: 迷乱震惊道: How possibly! He is an out-and-out carbon base lifeform!” “怎么可能!他可是一个不折不扣的碳基生物啊!” Sound wave channel: 声波道: But his side has that two plan the shape lifeform is actually not! They are the metal lifeform, has the essential difference from our life forms, said that installs the lifeform as the construction!” “但是他身边带着的那两名拟形生物却不是!他们是金属生物,却与我们的生命形态有着本质上的区别,自称为构装生物!” „After I carefully study, basically confirmed, their vitalities must come from the fire seed source similarly, actually by another we have also never contacted the way, this may really be marvelous, we install the relations between lifeform with this construction, looks like the lion and tiger on Earth, with is the felidae animal, the contour has the obvious difference, actually can also reproduce mutually produces the descendant.” “我仔细研究之后基本确认,他们的生命力同样是从火种源当中得来的,却是以另外一种我们还从未接触过的方式,这可真是奇妙啊,我们与这种构装生物之间的关系,就像是地球上的狮子和老虎,同为猫科动物,外形却有明显的不同,却还能相互繁殖产生后代。” The fans talk foolishly: 迷乱道: I understood, must therefore ravel mystery, must hit to relate with this monster blade right?” “我明白了,所以要弄明白其中的奥秘,就要和这个妖刀打好关系对吧?” *** *** At this time Fang Linyan is driving a Ford Mustang to go on the highway with lightning speed, this car(riage) is he steals from the tyrant day tiger base, or can be said as brings justifiablily. 此时方林岩正驾驶着一辆福特野马在高速路上风驰电掣的行驶着,这辆车是他从霸天虎基地里面偷来的,或者可以说是名正言顺拿来的。 This car(riage) semblance is very low-key, seems like above that the ash throws also to have many rusty scratches, but in fact has a wild uninhibited heart- That is a 5.0 V 8 tyrannical engine, has 575 horsepowers rushing powers, being mad the field is astonishing. 这辆车外表很是低调,看起来灰扑扑的上面还有很多生锈的刮痕,但实际上却有一颗狂野不羁的心--那是一台5.0V8的强横发动机,拥有575马力的澎湃动力,气场惊人。 The pushing back feeling that a foot accelerator brings can make the girls on many copilot scream, naturally, can even fling the car(riage) rear light unable to see the rear pursuing troops in travelling. 一脚油门下去带来的推背感能让很多副驾驶上的女孩尖叫起来,当然,也能在跑路的时候将后方的追兵甩得连车尾灯都看不见。 That motor by Fang Linyan is distorted by Cothias, she in the material meaning has betrayed the red spider now, and also screwed up the matter, therefore also can only join the sound wave. 紧接在方林岩旁边的那辆摩托则是由柯提亚变形而成的,她现在已经实质意义上背叛了红蜘蛛,并且还将事情搞砸了,所以也只能加入声波这边。 As for she is like this young the body, Fang Linyan is very relaxed made one set to her before was much better than- confused is also nothing opinion, these also had several points to take as bad luck that must send meaning of god of plague quickly. 至于她这样的小喽啰的机体,方林岩很轻松就给她弄了一套比之前好得多的-迷乱也是没有什么意见,这其中还带着几分自认倒霉要赶快打发走瘟神的意味。 But Fang Linyan when assembles the new body, was finds the way to modify several designs. 方林岩在组装新机体的时候,也是想办法改动了一下其中的几处设计。 This did not mean that Fang Linyan is really the talent overflows to this situation, looked that two can gesticulate to the body of transformer, but is the transformation of this too many technique content has not in fact been acting according to circumstances to Cothias, conducts the accurate ordering behavior. 这并不是说方林岩就真的是天才横溢到这种地步,看两眼就能对变形金刚的躯体指手画脚了,而是这种并没有太多技术含量的改造实际上在给柯提亚量体裁衣,进行精准的订制行为。 In particular, Fang Linyan has not counted on the plan that now Cothias fights, can make the reconnaissance, hitting to overcome the hand is very good. 具体一点来说,方林岩现在也没有指望柯提亚战斗的打算,能做一做侦察,打打下手就很不错了。 Therefore deleted its most weapon dispositions, then moved on the energy output of this part the power, simultaneously gave back to her to install on the glide tail wing, enabling her when necessary to attempt to glide 200-300 meters. 所以就删减掉了其大部分的武器配置,转而将这部分的能量输出挪到了动力上,同时还给她加装上了滑翔尾翼,让她在必要的时候可以尝试滑翔出200-300米。 Such a small modification, made Cothias have an extra ability much, made her pleasantly surprised extremely. But achieves all these Fang Linyan not to make anything shockingly to the stunning design, was only the small transformation a mentality. 这样的一个小小改动,却让柯提亚自身多出了一种额外的能力,也让她惊喜万分。而做到这一切的方林岩也没有做出什么惊艳到令人叹服的设计,只是小小的转换了一下思路罢了。 How then do you plan to do?” star intent is twisting a madam cigarette with the slender finger, then graceful attracted tastes. “接下来你打算怎么做呢?”星意用纤细的手指捻着一支女士香烟,然后优雅的吸了一口道。 Fang Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: you guesses.” “伱猜。” star intent looks at Fang Linyan saying: 星意看着方林岩道: Mr. Bucher that bad body, I guess that you affirmed the plan the strength solves using god of Yassin Tos's plant, the god technique that the group of Greek numerous god also really somewhat strengths that to be honest, you make, the Spiritual God grants particularly, besides having the number of times limits, but also is really very easy-to-use.” “布克先生那糟糕的身体,我猜你肯定打算利用植物之神雅辛托斯的力量来解决,说实话,你弄出来的这帮希腊众神还真的有几分实力,尤其是神灵赐予的神术,除了有次数限制之外,还真的是非常好用。” This was also the free trial strategy of foundation, looks like these fellows who on the street sold the powder, after meeting the fresh face, will always provide the opportunity that several times tested free. After you used to be used to it, it is estimated that was paid the reward the time.” “不过这也是很基础的免费试用策略了,就像是街上卖粉的那些家伙,遇到了新面孔之后,总是会免费提供几次试用的机会呢。当你用习惯了之后,估计就是付报酬的时候了。” Fang Linyan laughs saying: 方林岩哈哈一笑道: This very fair not? The destiny has labelled the pricetag to all that you had, even if you went to the supermarket with one box of Okamotozaki, must take out money.” “这很公平不是吗?命运早就给你拥有的一切标注好了价码,哪怕你去超市拿一盒冈本,也得掏钱啊。” star intent said: 星意道: Do not change the topic to be good? Will first plan to say us to discuss?” “你不要岔开话题好不好?先将计划说出来我们商量商量?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: „Before tyrant day tiger, that three do that plans kidnap you to look?” “霸天虎之前策划的那三起绑架你有看过吗?” star intent said: 星意道: Naturally.” “当然。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Appraises.” “评价一下。” star intent smiled immediately: 星意顿时笑了起来: Un very Tyrant Tianhu very prestige heavenshaking style.” “嗯很霸天虎很威震天的风格。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Therefore my plan is actually very simple, showed from the material, Mr. Bucher without a doubt is an amorist, in his brain flows is that liquid of prostate secretion, but the body restricted his profligacy.” “所以我的计划其实很简单,从资料当中显示,布克先生毫无疑问是个好色之徒,他的大脑里面都流淌的都是前列腺分泌的那种液体,只是身体制约了他的放荡。” Therefore, I planned that makes him leave that defense stern mansion using the woman automatically, then saves his life using the god of here strength of plant, from beginning to end Mr. Bucher do not know this is one in view of his kidnapping case, but will regard this is a wonderful colorfulness meets.” “所以,我打算利用女人让他自动离开那座防卫森严的豪宅,然后利用植物之神这边的力量保住他的生命,从头到尾布克先生都不会知道这是一起针对他的绑架案,而会将这当成是一场美妙的艳遇。” After star intent listened, hesitates saying: 星意听了之后沉吟道: Your plan has a premise, that must have a woman to be able Mr. Bucher the fan to not be oneself is good, to be honest, I do not have this confidence.” “你的这个计划有一个前提,那就是必须要有一个女人能将布克先生迷得神魂颠倒才行,说实话,我没有这个信心。” The Fang Linyan smile said: 方林岩微笑道: Naturally is not you.” “当然不是你。” star intent surprised say/way: 星意惊奇的道: „It is not I, is you?? Is Mr. Bucher a bisexuality?” “不是我,难道是你??布克先生是个双性恋吗?” At this point, she has hidden one's smile, and also smiles is beautifully attired. 说到这里之后,她已经掩口而笑,并且还笑得花枝招展的。 Fang Linyan shows a faint smile saying: 方林岩微微一笑道: A few words that I appreciate very much, that gives the specialized person to do the specialized matter. But currently my in the hand has such candidate.” “我很欣赏的一句话,那就是将专业的事情交给专业的人来做。而现在我手上就有这么个人选。” Her name was Dell, was the beautiful god sends to my able assistant, to be honest, is attracting the aspect of man, I have not seen compared with she stronger person, that is not domain that I can understand “她叫谢黛尔,是美神派给我的得力助手,说实话,在吸引男人的这方面,我就没有见过比她更强的人了,那已经不是我所能理解的领域” By a Fang Linyan such saying, star intent could be said as more curious, even was it can be said that charmed. 方林岩这么一说,星意可以说是更加好奇,甚至可以说是神往了。 Without experiences the god technique that the beautiful god has granted personally, then star intent definitely snorts contemptuously to the view of Fang Linyan, but she will definitely not do that now, because she has felt that strength. 若是没有亲自体验过美神赐予的神术的话,那么星意肯定对方林岩的说法嗤之以鼻,但是现在她肯定不会这么做的,因为她已经感受到了那种力量。 That seedling source from the strength of human instinct, that hormone secretion -based strength!! 那种源自人类本能的力量,那种基于荷尔蒙分泌的力量!! Even if 20 years of paralysis on the wheelchair, even only then eyelid active well-known scientist, but also after having Einstein, greatest astonishing title, one of the usual hobbies, watches the going all out performance of showgirl due to the promotion of testerone. 哪怕是瘫痪在轮椅上二十年,甚至只有眼皮能动的著名科学家,还拥有爱因斯坦之后最伟大的惊人头衔,平时的爱好之一,也是在男性荷尔蒙的推动下观赏脱衣舞娘的卖力表演呢。 Fang Linyan then pulled out the cell phone to telephone, simply speaking several, then stopped the car(riage), turned the head to say to star intent: 紧接着,方林岩便掏出了手机打了个电话,简单的讲了几句,然后就停下了车,转头对星意道: Really regrettable, now Dell a little matter does not have the means to come immediately the help, therefore we four hours of times for free activity, your side did have the matter that what waited to handle?” “真遗憾,现在谢黛尔有点事情没办法立即过来帮忙,所以我们有四个小时的自由活动时间了,你那边有什么等着去办的事情吗?” star intent knows Fang Linyan inquiry is the ultimate secret of this world, she did not sell what climax, took out a thing booth of small stone appearance very much refreshedly in the palm. 星意知道方林岩询问的就是本世界的终极秘密,她也不卖什么关子了,很爽快的取出了一块小石头模样的东西摊在了掌心里面。 This is the essential item: Loses the crystal! The information that I attain at present is, when this loses the trichite to have the ray, inside will present the revelation, but must make it send out the ray the premise, must obtain an approval of great soldier.” “这就是关键道具:遗晶!我目前拿到的信息是,当这块遗晶发出光芒的时候,里面就会出现天启,而要让它发出光芒的前提,是必须要获得一位伟大战士的认可。” Fang Linyan frowns immediately: 方林岩顿时皱起了眉头: Revelation? This was somewhat similar to the view of religion.” “天启?这可是有些类似于宗教的说法了。” Then he referred to that small stone: 然后他指了指那块小石头: Can trace?” “可以摸一摸吗?” Naturally.” star intent handed over very much simply. “当然。”星意很干脆的递了过来。 Fang Linyan received this gadget, detected the material quality that it touches was somewhat similar to unexpectedly just congealed soon resin, hard middle some elasticities, in addition also had no characteristics. 方林岩接过了这玩意儿,发觉其摸起来的材质居然有些类似于刚刚凝结不久的松脂,坚硬当中又有些弹性,除此之外也没有什么特点了。 He is just about to put down it, actually in the heart moves suddenly, used own talent ability directly: The metal is compatible. 他正要将其放下,却突然心中一动,直接动用了自己的天赋能力:金属亲和。 Immediately, with the slow consumption of psychic force, a unique strength lost in the middle of the crystal bit by bit to infiltrate toward this, Fang Linyan surprised staring in a big way eye! Own talent ability is unexpectedly effective to this gadget. 顿时,随着精神力的缓慢消耗,一股独特的力量朝着这块遗晶当中一点一点渗透了进去,方林岩惊讶的瞪大了眼睛!自己的天赋能力对这玩意儿居然有效。 What did this indicate? It unexpectedly is one metal, or in the middle of this gadget metal component surpassed over 50. 这说明什么?它居然是一种金属,或者说这玩意儿当中的金属成分超过了50以上。 In addition, Fang Linyan detected own strengthened talent ability took to itself pleasantly surprised. 不但如此,方林岩发觉自己被强化后的天赋能力更是带给了自己惊喜。 Can feel, with metal compatible continues to pour into, in this crystal is hiding the thing starts to be stimulated, was transformed a picture, somewhat injected own mind very much difficultly. 可以感觉到,随着金属亲和的持续注入,这块晶体里面隐藏着的东西开始被激发,然后被转换成了一帧一帧的画面,很是有些艰难的注入了自己的脑海。 He starts to see, several wear the metal steel long skirt, even the face and flesh have the obvious metal sense of reality female to float in in the air, his hair is more like circles to interlock in the same place metal spring, this appears strange and powerful. 他开始看到,好几名名身穿金属钢铁长裙,甚至脸部和肌肤都有着明显金属质感的女性漂浮在了空中,其头发更像是盘旋交错在一起的金属弹簧,这一幕显得诡异而强大。 However can look, these metal females just experienced one to struggle hard, the body has the blade to cut the pitching chisel general new scar especially, some even suffered the head to be broken out livingly, the chest was torn completely, revealed the structure of inside massive components and spiral spiral striation. 但是看得出来,这几名金属女性刚刚经历了一番苦战,身上尤有刀砍斧凿一般的新鲜伤痕,有的甚至遭受了脑袋被活生生劈开,胸口被完全撕扯开,露出了里面大量零件和螺旋纹的结构。 A mysterious strength direct essence turned into the crystal block, fixed them in the middle of the midair. 一股神秘的力量直接实质化成了晶块,将她们固定在了半空当中。 On the below lead grey metal floor, has the complicated dense texture and design, seems like the celestial chart in universe. 其下方的铅灰色金属地板上,有着繁复稠密的纹理和图案,看起来就像是宇宙中的星图。 However what is more noticeable, on these floors has the countless skeleton, is the metal lifeform, the hands and feet of being cut off, only remains half of heads, but also is sparkling electric wire that incites the blue spark, even still emits the red light in the twinkle the diode. 不过更引人注目的是,这些地板上有着累累的尸骨,都是金属生物的,断掉的手脚,只残留一半的头颅,还在闪耀着滋滋蓝色火花的电线,甚至还有依然在闪烁发出红光的二极管. All these make Fang Linyan feel one metal lifeform was in sole possession of ice-cold brutal! 这一切都让方林岩感觉到了一种金属生物独有的冰冷残酷! Suddenly, a float opened the eyes in the middle of the midair metal female eye, she while looking to Fang Linyan, its head revolved suddenly, at this time Fang Linyan detected, some of her unexpectedly stretch/open face!! 突然,一名漂浮在了半空当中的金属女性眼睛睁了开来,她在看向方林岩的同时,其头部突然旋转了一下,这时候方林岩才发觉,她居然有很多张脸!! What is facing is in itself one, side the two sides also three, the back also has one finally! 正面对着自己的是一张,两边侧面还有三张,最后背后还有一张! The simple point, her head is five rhombus bodies, each side has a face of metal!! 简单一点来说,她的脑袋就是一个五面的菱形体,每一面都有一张金属的脸!! When Fang Linyan was stared, he pulled out from the illusion to immediately, then detected under own nostril hot, flowed out massive nosebleeds, even moistened the pants. 方林岩被凝视的时候,他顿时就从幻境里面被抽离了出来,然后才发觉自己鼻孔下面热乎乎的,流出了大量的鼻血,甚至将裤子都打湿了。 star intent is thrown into confusion gives itself to clean. 星意正在手忙脚乱的给自己擦拭着。 Elder brother “昆塔莎” Fang Linyan said these three characters unrestrainedly. 方林岩情不自禁的说出了这三个字。 star intent said startled: 星意愕然道: What?” “什么?” Fang Linyan looks in the middle of palm that gadget, say/way that muttered: 方林岩看着掌心当中的那玩意儿,喃喃的道: This so-called losing crystal, actually a brain from the middle of elder brother, they may once matched the evil ruler of Bottom star! Once cruel slavery the transformer long time of!” “这枚所谓的遗晶,其实是来自一头昆塔莎的大脑当中,它们可曾经是赛博坦星球的邪恶统治者!一度残酷奴役了变形金刚漫长的时间!” star intent surprised say/way: 星意吃惊的道: „? Unexpectedly is this? Right, you gripped it to be in a daze a moment ago all of a sudden, at that time this thing some were shining faintly, but quick gloomy.” “啊?竟然是这样?对了,刚才你握住它一下子就发呆了,那时候这东西有些隐隐在发光,但很快就暗淡了下去。” Fang Linyan earnest say/way: 方林岩认真的道: My strength is insufficient, the great soldier who the briefing said can activate, I estimated that should at least be the prestige is shocking, the fellow of supporting-heaven pillar such leader rank.” “我的力量不够,任务提示所说的伟大战士才能激活,我估计应该至少是威震天,擎天柱这样的领袖级别的家伙了。” Is really interesting, if this thing involved elder brother, then inside is truly hiding the huge secret!” “不过真的是有趣啊,如果这东西牵扯到了一头昆塔莎的话,那么里面确实隐藏着巨大的秘密!” Then Fang Linyan ignited, started the automobile. 然后方林岩重新点火,发动了汽车。 star intent said: 星意道: Where goes to?” “去哪里?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: You know why I will choose the duty that kidnaps Mr. Bucher? Actually if said that difficulty, gets rid of the duty of that Mr. Kun to be neater, do not forget Tyrant Tianhu to be possible not to have the means to make these fatal and covert activation lifeform.” “你知道我为什么会选绑架布克先生的任务吗?其实若说难度的话,去干掉那名昆汀先生的任务更干净利落,别忘了霸天虎可没办法弄出来那些致命而隐蔽的活化生物哦。” star intent said: 星意道: That definitely was a special reason.” “那肯定是一个特别的理由了。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Yes, because I know that has a special hidden milestone, exactly also on the New York 17 main roads, therefore thought that can have a look on the way, moreover this milestone not prerequisite demand, you can also share the advantage, naturally, the premise is if you interested.” “是的,因为我知道有一个特殊的隐藏里程碑,就恰好也是在纽约十七大道上,因此觉得可以顺路去看看,而且这个里程碑无前置需求,你也可以分享好处,当然,前提是如果你有兴趣的话。” star intent showed an impeccable smile of professional rank immediately: 星意立即露出了一个职业级别的无可挑剔微笑: I want certainly!” “我当然愿意!” *** *** Probably after 35 minutes, the Fang Linyan car(riage) stopped slowly, 大概三十五分钟之后,方林岩的车就徐徐停了下来, In fact, he saunters in neighbor before 15 minutes, continuously but where had not found the poison of bar metal, nearby this is the agglomeration of small-scale bar and disco, drinks drunkenly by the person in wall everywhere is, therefore wants to find a sober person to ask the way difficultly. 事实上,他在十五分钟之前就在附近转悠,但是一直都没有找到金属之毒酒吧在什么地方,这附近都是小型酒吧和迪厅的聚集地,喝得醉醺醺的靠在墙上的人到处都是,所以想要找个清醒的人问路都难。
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