FE :: Volume #13

#1696: The world who does not know Monarch

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Chapter 1694 world who does not know Monarch 第1694章天下谁人不识君 Worry as for Cothias, in the heart of Fang Linyan naturally was clear, this fellow was not only is small, but also the red spider faction, that affirmation inborn did not recruit sound wave here person to treat sees. 至于柯提亚的担忧,方林岩的心中当然是一清二楚了,这家伙不仅是个小喽啰,而且还是红蜘蛛派系的,那肯定天生不招声波这边的人待见。 Usually runs up to the sound wave the domain to come up, hehe, has one crowd of extraordinary human unexpectedly in the past, if both sides have not come to an arrangement about that to serve the interest of outsiders, once were caught is dismantled to skin also has the possibility. 平时跑到声波的地盘上去也就罢了,呵呵,居然还带着一群实力不凡的人类过去,万一双方没谈妥那就是吃里扒外了啊,一旦被抓到被拆骨扒皮也是有可能的呢。 However when now chooses a person, Fang Linyan must comfort her, therefore laughed, taps her head saying: 不过现在正是用人之际,方林岩也要安抚一下她,于是哈哈一笑,拍了拍她的脑袋道: You could rest assured that the sound wave Sir is a smart person, now we give a present to him in the past, does not go to make war with him. Also, if we will really aim by the sound wave, then definitely first aims at me, when the time comes brought your travelling general headquarters responsibly!” “你放心,声波大人是个聪明人,现在咱们过去是给他送礼的,又不是去和他开战的。再说了,如果咱们真的会被声波针对,那么肯定是先针对我,到时候负责带你跑路总行了吧!” Cothias keeps silent, seemed like by Fang Linyan convincing, the affirmation how but in his heart to think only then she knew, regarding this Fang Linyan did not have the means that after all oneself also had a more important matter to consider. 柯提亚默不作声,看起来似乎是被方林岩给说服了,不过其心中怎么想的肯定只有她自己知道了,对此方林岩也没办法,毕竟自己还有更重要的事情要考虑呢。 Quick, the front appeared factory district that braves the thick smoke, the speed of vehicles slow, finally in an entrance place that is called Hank Iron and Steel Plant stops. 很快的,前方出现了冒着浓烟的工厂区,车辆的速度慢了下来,最后在一处叫做汉克钢铁厂的门口处停下。 The result is quick, the gate guard is putting on a serious face to prepare to catch up with the person, then Fang Linyan pulls out the backpack, hears Cothias to synthesize the sound said with the electron: 结果很快的,门卫就板着脸走了过来准备赶人,然后方林岩掏出背包,就听到柯提亚用电子合成音道: We are look for Mr. Raffard.” “我们是来找拉法尔先生的。” The gate guards shake the head, wooden say/way: 门卫摇摇头,木然的道: Here does not have Mr. Raffard, walks quickly.” “我们这里没有拉法尔先生,快走吧。” At this time Fang Linyan had detected this gate guard obvious is not right, this time Cothias installs in backpack inside head/number of people shape, where some normal people see her are the so calm responses? 此时方林岩就已经发觉这门卫明显的不对劲了,此时的柯提亚还是装在背包里面的人头形态,哪里有正常人看到她是如此淡定的反应? Actually listens to Cothias then saying: 却听柯提亚接着道: Heard that Mr. Raffard is doing the business in outer space.” “听说拉法尔先生是在做太空方面的生意。” Was triggers the corresponding key words probably, in the two eyes of gate guard suddenly presented the electronic eye unique red ray, sized up this car(riage), access road/simply said: 大概是触发到了相应的关键字,门卫的两只眼睛中突然出现了电子眼独特的红色光芒,上上下下打量了这辆车,紧接着便道: Asks Raffard unable from the main entrance to enter, in front of you goes from the alley turn left.” “找拉法尔不能从正门进,你们前面左转从小路进去。” According, there that the gate guard refers to really has an alley, but is usually keeping off the roadblock, side also has such as private territory, non- please do not enter and other slogans. 按照门卫所指的,那里确实是有一条小路,只是平时是挡着路障的,旁边还有诸如“私家领地,非请勿入”等标语。 Naturally, had permission of gate guard, the roadblock and so on definitely moved out of the way. 当然,有了门卫的允许,路障之类的肯定就自行挪开了。 Turns into the later 200-300 meters, in the rear area of Hank Iron and Steel Plant, entered a spacious abandoned field probably. 拐入进去之后200-300米,大概是在汉克钢铁厂的后方,就进入到了一座宽大的废弃场当中。 This inside chocked up the discarded metal of supplies recycling, including tattered vehicles, abandoned airplane, even the tattered wheel hull wait/etc, may be called all kinds, dazzling. 这里面摆满了供给回收的废弃金属,包括破烂的车辆,废弃的飞机,甚至还有破烂的轮船壳等等,堪称五花八门,琳琅满目。 Suddenly, nearby two tattered heavy-duty truck fierce starts, one on the left and other on the right clamps the car(riage) that Fang Linyan takes in the center, rear area heavy card vehicle roof, arbitrary before withstand/top, finally was pushes on a platform of giant punch press unexpectedly. 突然之间,旁边的两辆破烂的重型卡车猛的启动,一左一右的将方林岩乘坐的这辆车夹在了中央,后方又有一辆重型卡车顶了上来,蛮横的将之前顶,最后竟是推送到了一台巨型冲压机的台子上。 This punch press is starting, is " billowing , smoky ", the bellow is giant, above has giant big steel steelyard weight! 这冲压机乃是启动着的,黑烟滚滚,轰鸣声巨大,上面更是有着一个巨型大钢砣子! Once falls, even the public transportation oversize vehicle can compress two meters it like this, one meter wide high density metal clod, once the above sash-weights fall, vehicles inside estimates no one to return alive, and will turn into the 10 x 5 x 5 centimeter square scrap of 一旦落下来的话,连公交车这样的大型车辆都能将之压缩成两米长,一米宽的高密度金属坨子,一旦上面的吊锤落下来,车辆里面估计无人生还,并且会变成10x5x5厘米的正方形小块 In this case, Fang Linyan also can only act immediately, shouts loudly: 在这种情况下,方林岩也只能立即出面,大声喊道: I have the prestige to be shocking your excellency news!!” “我有威震天阁下的消息!!” Fang Linyan this shouted, really got quick results, that three worn-out heavy-duty truck also changed the body immediately, turned into the tall and strong steel guy, but the chest had Tyrant Tianhu to symbolize. 方林岩这一句喊出来,果然是立竿见影,那三辆破旧重型卡车也是立即变身,变成了魁梧的钢铁大汉,不过胸口却带有霸天虎标志。 However do not look that these three fellow physiques are big, but not necessarily the strength on certain, the individual battle efficiency and contour of transformer has certain relations, but is not the determining factor, core thing that decides its strong and weak, is the fire seed exuberant degree in within the body. 不过别看这三个家伙块头大,但未必实力就一定强,变形金刚的个人战斗力和外形有一定关系,但并不是决定性因素,决定其强弱的核心东西,则是体内的火种旺盛程度。 The fire seed is exuberant, expressed that its explosive force is stronger, the battle efficiency is fiercer, this will not be wrong. 火种越是旺盛,就表示其爆发力越强,战斗力越猛,这却是不会错的。 After hearing the Fang Linyan words, that tyrant day tiger guy who leads both hands makes a fist immediately, the say/way of jar sound jar air/Qi: 听到了方林岩的话之后,其中领头的那名霸天虎大汉立即双手握拳,瓮声瓮气的道: Leader where?” “领袖在哪里?” Fang Linyan laughs saying: 方林岩哈哈一笑道: This matter did I possibly say here? Did not see that the sound wave Sir I will not say.” “这种事情我怎么可能在这里说出来?不见到声波大人我是不会说的。” These three guys looked one, then one of them turned the head to look to side, in a while, saw that a mechanical monster ran fast, was a great general of sound wave hand/subordinate control: Machine dog. 这三个大汉对望了一眼,然后其中一人转头看向了旁边,没过多久,就见到一头机械怪物快速奔跑了过来,正是声波手下控制的一员大将:机器狗。 It is sparkling at this time all over the body the dark blue metal ray, each components made polishing + crystallization processing, seemingly filled the union of strength and beautiful! 它此时通体都闪耀着深蓝色的金属光芒,每一块零件都做了抛光+晶化处理,看起来充满了力量与美的结合! With it compared with one, other imitation machine dogs became the typical sham and knockoff goods, only then it, can be the transformer in the true sense. 与之一相比起来,其余仿制的机器狗就成了典型的赝品和山寨货,只有它,才算得上是真正意义上的变形金刚。 The machine dog looks at Fang Linyan, in the eye projects light beam suddenly, but in the light beam presents the total information image of sound wave, he looks still appears the low-key dignity, with depressed electronic sound said: 机器狗看着方林岩,眼中突然投射出了一道光束,而光束里面则是呈现出声波的全息影像,他看起来依然显得低调威严,用沉闷的电子音道: „Do you have the news of great leader?” “你们有伟大的领袖的消息?” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Yes, according to my speculation, overawed a day of Sir to encounter plotting, then submerged in the deep sea, this can explain why he disappeared without a word, and is unable to find him, because the sea water isolated the launch of requesting reinforcements signal.” “是的,根据我的推测,威震天大人是遭到了暗算,然后沉没在了深海里面,这就可以解释为什么他音讯全无,并且始终无法找到他,因为海水隔绝了求援信号的发射。” Fang Linyan makes such inference not to run off at the mouth, that but obtains from star intent mouth at present quite popular authoritative view. 方林岩做出这样的推断也不是信口胡说,而是从星意口中得到的一个目前比较流行的权威说法。 Obviously, the sound wave should also hear this deduced, then very simple say/way: 很显然,声波应该也早就听说过这个推论了,便很干脆的道: You said that overawed a day of Sir to suffer plotting, was he who who plotted against?” “你说威震天大人是遭受到了暗算,那么是谁暗算的他?” Say/Way that Fang Linyan maintains composure: 方林岩不动声色的道: Who gained the advantage to be biggest at this matter, that was who did.” “谁在这件事上获得了好处最大,那就是谁干的。” Sound wave channel: 声波道: You say the red spider? Did these things that then you spoke have the evidence?” “你是说红蜘蛛吗?那么你讲的这些东西有证据吗?” Speaking of the following these words time, the sound wave the obvious demonstration has not come patiently, obviously its patience is very limited. 说到了后面这句话的时候,声波已经明显的展示出不耐烦来,显然它的耐心已经很是有限了。 Has Fang Linyan also actually been waiting for his these words? The corners of the mouth revealed one to say with a smile trivially: 方林岩却也早就等着他的这句话呢?嘴角露出了一丝微笑道: Naturally has!” “当然有!” The sound wave has not expected Fang Linyan to say unexpectedly, after staying stayed, said: 声波也是没料到方林岩居然会这么说,呆了呆之后道: Right? Where?” “是吗?在哪里?” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: According to my investigation, detected that favors is overawing day of Sir missing incident to have the significant suspicion the drifting of automobile person.” “根据我的追查,发觉倾向于汽车人的漂移在威震天大人失踪一事方面有重大的嫌疑。” Therefore, I looked for red spider that side undercover, making her tempt the drifting to enter my ambush trap, I succeed will drift to cause heavy losses, compelling him only to open the urgent pattern to abandon the body to escape to go.” “所以,我找了个红蜘蛛那边的卧底,让她引诱漂移进入了我的伏击陷阱,我成功将漂移重创,逼得他只能开启紧急模式抛弃身体逃命而去。” The car(riage) that at this time we drive, drifts the body that was abandoned, heard that several advanced technologies of inside application match the latest achievement on Bottom star.” “此时我们开过来的这辆车,就是漂移被抛弃掉的躯体,听说里面应用的几种先进技术还是赛博坦星球上的最新成果。” After the sound wave listened to the Fang Linyan words, immediately was hinting to nearby tall and strong transformer, this fellow walked up, stretched out own finger, can see that its front knuckle as if pen cap same fell off, revealed inside sharp drill bit, then went against penetrate in the fuel tank position of vehicles. 声波听了方林岩的话之后,立即对着旁边的魁梧变形金刚示意了一下,这家伙走上前来,伸出了自己的手指,可以见到其前方的指关节仿佛笔帽一样脱落了下来,露出了里面的尖锐钻头,然后顶在了车辆的油箱位置穿透了进去。 His eyes are sparkling, seems like the data lamp that on the computer hard disk flickers to be the same, the parameter that will obviously obtain transmitted the past to the sound wave. 紧接着,他的双眼闪耀着,看起来就像是电脑硬盘上忽明忽暗的数据灯一样,显然是将自己获得的参数给声波发送了过去。 Separated a while, the sound wave channel: 隔了一会儿,声波道: This truly is drifts the body of this rebel, evidence that then you said?” “这确实是漂移这个叛徒的躯壳,那么你说的证据呢?” Fang Linyan put out one thing unhurriedly, he opened before: Silicon link data saving ganglion. 方林岩又不慌不忙的拿出了一样东西,正是他之前开出来的:硅环数据存储神经节。 This gadget said that very clear, inside material with matching the Bottom special the way conducted the encryption, must ask in the transformer to have the strong person of technical ability to decode the translation- Naturally, this introduction has not considered goat such anomaly. 这玩意儿的介绍说得很清楚了,里面的资料是用赛博坦内部特殊的方式进行了加密,必须要找变形金刚里面拥有科技能力的强人才能解码翻译--当然,这介绍没有考虑到山羊这样的变态。 Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: At the eyesight of sound wave Sir, can certainly be able to see this is anything! It body from drifting, if the drifting participated did not favor the prestige being shocking your excellency action, then can certainly find the traces from this.” “以声波大人的眼力,当然能看得出这是什么东西!它来自漂移的身上,若是漂移参加了不利于威震天阁下的行动,那么从这里面一定能找到蛛丝马迹。” When Fang Linyan put out the silicon link data saving ganglion, the main body of sound wave is staying in the middle of a laboratory, here everywhere is the electric current of sparkle, the incomplete transformer limbs, non-stop jumping out of various types of data stream screens. 就在方林岩拿出了硅环数据存储神经节的时候,声波的本体正呆在了一处实验室当中,这里到处都是闪耀的电流,残缺的变形金刚肢体,还有不停跳出各种数据流的屏幕。 The front of sound wave is a giant display screen, the screen divides into two, the left is the mass data class/flow of beat, the right transmits the real-time image and sound that the machine dog is seeing. 声波的面前就是一块巨型显示屏幕,屏幕一分为二,左边是跳动的大量数据流,右边则是传递着机器狗看到的实时影像和声音。 But by the sound wave is also standing another person, the figure of this fellow obviously wanted to be smaller, it is estimated that also only arrived at the position of sound wave waist, its five senses being an excellent likeness skeleton, the head in tandem had two eyes, the shoulder both sides arms also had four, the tone very somewhat was extremely arrogant: 而声波旁边还站着另外一个人,这家伙的身形明显要小很多,估计也只到了声波腰部的位置,它的五官神似骷髅,脑袋一前一后都有两只眼睛,肩膀两侧的手臂也有四只,口气却很是有些狂妄: This human is lying, the great prestige is missing heavenshaking, drifts this fellow is not on Earth, this matter and drifting have no relations! Let me kill him, I like making the lubricating oil with the blood of human.” “这个人类在说谎,伟大的威震天失踪的时候,漂移这家伙根本就不在地球上呢,这件事和漂移没有什么关系!让我去杀了他,我喜欢用人类的血液来做润滑油。” Heard the words of this fellow, the sound wave put out a hand to grasp suddenly, seized his neck saying: 听到了这家伙的话,声波突然伸手一把将之抓了起来,掐住了其脖子道: Confused, your stupid fellow, when here was one's turn you to independently decide.” “迷乱,你这个愚蠢的家伙,这里什么时候轮到你自做主张了。” Confused is sound wave influence is responsible for the information, it can change forms the cell phone, the computer, the tape recorder wait/etc, can enter the network with the astonishing speed black! Therefore although character stupid arrogant, was still in very important position side the sound wave. 迷乱乃是声波势力方面负责情报的,它能变形成手机,电脑,录音机等等,更是可以用惊人的速度黑入网络!所以性格虽然愚蠢自大,依然在声波身边占据了很重要的位置。 Confused has not expected the sound wave to get angry suddenly, on the neck was pinched sent out squeak squeak squeak the electric spark immediately, immediately dances with joy struggled, then the resolution said strongly: 迷乱也没料到声波突然翻脸,脖子上被立即掐得发出了“吱吱吱”的电火花,立即手舞足蹈的挣扎了起来,然后竭力分辨道: Sound wave Sir, what I said is real, has drifted and overawes the death of day of Sir not relate.” “声波大人,我说的是真的啊,漂移和威震天大人的死没关系的。” Say/Way that the sound wave coldly: 声波冷冷的道: Detaining of drifting not Gu Wei heavenshaking Sir, betrayed Tyrant Tianhu, his rebel damn! However, drifting of strength, even if can also disperse into the first echelon in all Tyrant Tianhu!” “漂移不顾威震天大人的挽留,背叛了霸天虎,他这个叛徒早就该死了!但是,漂移的实力之强,哪怕是在所有霸天虎里面也是能排入第一梯队的!” I asked you, did you have the ability to hit the drifting to give up the body, making it so distressed!?” “我问你,你有没有能力打得漂移连身体都放弃了,让它如此狼狈!?” Confused difficult say/way: 迷乱艰难的道: Cannot, in addition the machine dog and laser bird could.” “不能,加上机器狗和激光鸟或许可以。” The sound wave shakes the head saying: 声波摇头道: Your own strong point is to collect the information, the strong point of laser bird is to investigate and makes a harassing attack, the strong point of machine dog is to sneak the surprise attack, your three add, does not have three fight shapes, excels at upfront combat the opponent of drifting.” “你自己的长处是收集情报,激光鸟的长处是侦查和袭扰,机器狗的长处是潜行突袭,你们三个加起来,也不是拥有三种战斗形态,擅长正面作战的漂移的对手。” Even if adds on me together , can only drive back the drifting at most, cannot make him distressedly to giving up the situation of body!” “哪怕是加上我一起,也顶多只能将漂移逼退,也不能让他狼狈到放弃身体的地步!” At this point, the sound wave will fling in the corner directly confused, lets his pain is covering the head: 说到这里,声波直接将迷乱甩到了墙角里面,让他痛苦的捂着脑袋: Red spider rebel carried off Tyrant Tianhu most strengths, making our present manpower very embarrassed!” “红蜘蛛这个叛徒带走了霸天虎大部分的力量,让我们现在的人手十分窘迫!” This human, even if has not attained to overawe the day of Sir missing information, but had indicated he has the sufficient strength, and is also willing to stand in our side, this is enough! Our present manpower are deficient, this necessary strength for new life joins.” “这个人类就算是没有拿到威震天大人失踪的情报,但已经表明了他拥有足够的实力,并且还愿意站在我们这一方,这就已经足够了!我们现在的人手匮乏,需要这样的新生力量加入。” Therefore, confused, your idiot do not independently decide to neglect our guests! Go! Brings to see me them.” “所以,迷乱,你这个蠢货不要自做主张怠慢了我们的客人!去!将他们带来见我。” The sound wave made an effort the confused head to hit on nearby hard wall, confused does not dare to say anything, honest crawled from the corner, then buried to sneak off rapidly. 声波用力将迷乱的脑袋在旁边的硬墙上撞了一下,迷乱也不敢多说什么了,老老实实的就从墙角爬了起来,然后迅速埋着头溜走。 Obviously, this fellow seems like the black person bad boy of youth rebel period, only then the sound wave like this of noble character and high prestige the fellow who and can also use the violent means that can tidy up docile it. 很显然,这个家伙很像是青春叛逆期的黑人坏小子,只有声波这样德高望重并且还能施展出暴力手段的家伙,才能将之收拾得服服帖帖。 Probably after five minutes, the Fang Linyan some people entered in the middle of this secret base, saw sound wave fellow, it big tall and strong, is sparkling from top to bottom the crystal light, in the middle of the sent out electronic sound has an unusual charm, can have the resonance. 大概五分钟之后,方林岩一干人就进入了这一处秘密基地当中,见到了声波这个家伙,它高大魁梧,浑身上下都闪耀着点点晶光,发出的电子音当中有一种奇特的魅力,能让人心生共鸣。 Welcome arrives at the No. 7 secret base, fellow friends.” “欢迎来到第七号秘密基地,各位朋友。” The Fang Linyan stand said: 方林岩站出来道: Sound wave your excellency, I am a manager Ducker of financial company. Moore- naturally, this is only I the necessary status to cover their ears and eyes needing.” “声波阁下,我是一家金融公司的经理达克.摩尔-当然,这只是我为了掩人耳目所需要的必备身份而已。” Believes that you had seen in the middle of human these super soldiers, for example likes dressing up odd of spider, for example wears a scientist of steel armor, I am also their similar.” “相信您曾经见到过人类当中的那些超级战士,比如喜欢将自己打扮成一只蜘蛛的怪癖者,又比如身穿一袭钢铁铠甲的科学家,我也是他们的同类。” However I in the metal domain, have the advantageous strong capability, has the battle efficiency of certain extent, they called me the monster blade, knew you very much happily.” “而我在金属领域,有着得天独厚的强大能力,同时也具备一定程度的战斗力,他们都叫我妖刀,很高兴认识您。” Heard Fang Linyan to introduce itself officially, the electronic sound of sound wave had the change immediately, became surprised: 听到了方林岩正式介绍自己,声波的电子声顿时出现了变化,变得惊疑了起来: Monster blade? Are you unexpectedly the monster blade? I have listened to your name! Matches on the Bottom star even to have your some hearsay.” “妖刀?你居然是妖刀?我听过你的名字!赛博坦星球上甚至都有你的一些传闻呢。” Cothias heard Fang Linyan after exposing the name , the whole face was shocking immediately: 柯提亚听到了方林岩自曝名字之后,也顿时满脸震惊: You!! You are the monster blade, no wonder the drifting Sir must defeat under the one-to-one condition in your hands.” “你!!你就是妖刀,难怪漂移大人在一对一的状况下都要败在你的手里。” Even strange, usually looked down upon the human confused, could not bear look to Fang Linyan: 甚至就连性格古怪,素来都看不起人类的迷乱,也忍不住看向了方林岩: „Did I see the monster blade unexpectedly?” “我居然见到了妖刀?” Sees an own registration character, shook so many tyrant day tigers unexpectedly, in the Fang Linyan heart was quite self-satisfied, this was the legend + 4 terrifying might, might be considered as the world no one not to know Mr . 见到自己一报名字,居然就震住了这么多的霸天虎,方林岩心里面还是颇为得意的,这就是传说度的恐怖威力啊,堪称是天下无人不识君了。 Even these metal lives must sell the reputation tent/account! 甚至就连这些金属生命也要卖自己名声的帐!
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