FE :: Volume #13

#1690: World ultimate secret

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Chapter 1688 world ultimate secret 第1688章世界终极之秘 Because of as far as he knows, the reproduction way of transformer actually has several types: 因为据他所知,变形金刚的繁殖方式其实是有好几种的: The first way, after forming the machinery inducts the special intelligent module of compilation. 第一种方式,是在组建机械之后导入编写的特殊智能模块。 The hoisting jack creation machine dinosaur, the turning the sod brave general city creation takes this road for the iron ankylosaurus, the transformer but who this will cause the birth was short in intelligence, after the need , the learn/study and training of Tianchang time, and is not necessarily able to grow to the ideal condition( naturally, there are smoothly can grow). 千斤顶创造机器恐龙,挖地虎将城市创造为铁甲龙就是走得这条路,但这样会导致诞生的变形金刚在智力方面有所欠缺,需要后天长时间的学习和培养,并且未必能成长到理想的状态(当然,也有可以顺利成长的)。 The second type is the well-known fire seed source injects the life, must carry out this operation to under the fire seed source energy abundant condition conduct. 第二种就是广为人知的火种源注入生命,要执行此操作必须要在火种源能量充沛的境况下进行。 This way is the most perfect transformer reproduces the way, therefore however derivation the life is also most powerful perfect. 这种方式是最完美的变形金刚繁殖方式,因此而衍生出的生命也是最强大完美的。 The third way, with matching Bottom star the well on fire seed source was related, it is connecting the essence that matches Bottom, will produce a lot of liquid fire seeds non-periodically. 第三种方式,就与赛博坦星球上的一口火种源之井有关了,它连通着赛博坦的内核,会不定期的产生大量的液态火种。 The liquid fire seed of sufficiency, can play has the powerful perfect mechanical life the effect. 足量的液态火种,也可以起到产生强大完美的机械生命的效果。 However, once ruled to match a Bottom star elder brother clan, transformed the well of fire seed source directly, by the liquid fire seed as the main raw material, mixed fluid the thing of named origin, was used for the lot manufacturing the transformer to enslave for it. 但是,曾经统治赛博坦星球昆塔莎一族,直接改造了火种源之井,以液态火种作为主要的原料,调制出了一种叫做起源之液的东西,进而用来批量制造出变形金刚供其奴役。 The manufacture way is also the simple and crude, the fluid of origin will put the full giant pond, then throws the metal part to go in toward inside directly, under normal circumstances, after five to six hours, the metal part that throws has certain probability to become the transformer. 其制造方式也是简单粗暴,将起源之液放满一个巨大的池塘,然后直接往里面扔金属部件进去,在正常情况下,五到六个小时之后,丢进去的金属部件就有一定概率成为变形金刚。 After 12 hours, is unable hatching the metal part of transformer to be fished entirely, then changes one batch, until fluid of expiration this batch of origin. 十二个小时之后,无法“孵化”出变形金刚的金属部件就被统统捞出来,然后换下一批,直到这一批起源之液失效。 Naturally, is very low through the transformer position that such method makes, is situated in the floor of society, and is congenitally deficient in the wisdom and strength, is similar the retarded child in the middle of human, most situations bear the burden of responsibility, enslaves at will. 当然,通过这样的的方法弄出来的变形金刚地位很低,乃是处于社会的底层,并且在智慧和力量方面都先天不足,就类似于人类当中的低能儿,大部分情况都是任劳任怨,随意奴役。 What is worth mentioning is, can give in the middle of the special intelligent module of mechanical life, increased few liquid fire seeds. 值得一提的是,能够赋予机械生命的特殊智能模块当中,就添加了少量的液态火种。 Therefore, in the middle of the multiplication pattern of transformer, does not exist like human, the men and women unify then reproduce, as soon as the birth were the neutrality. 所以,变形金刚的繁衍模式当中,是不存在像人类这样,男女结合然后繁殖的,他们一出生就是中性。 The transformer can become lifeform the place of core lies in own fire seed, but the fire seed is ignites very much difficultly, needs the ignition of fire seed source. 变形金刚能成为生物的核心之处就在于自身的火种,而火种是很难自行燃起的,需要火种源的点燃。 The existence significance of fire seed source looks like the matches, the cigarette lighter is the same, injects the initial strength to the newborn transformer chest cavity, making him grow out of nothing is lit, then forms the fire seed of flaming combustion. 火种源的存在意义就像是火柴,打火机一样,给初生的变形金刚胸腔里面注入最初的力量,使其从无到有被点燃,然后形成熊熊燃烧的火种。 within the body of each transformer has the fire seed, this thing looks like the heart of human is so important, if the fire seed extinguishes, that is representing dissipation of life.( Changed in two pillar to be held to put on chest by prestige heavenshaking blade, fire seed extinguishes.) 每个变形金刚的体内都有火种,这东西就像是人类的心脏那样重要,要是火种熄灭,那就代表着生命的消逝。(变二里面柱子被威震天一刀捅穿胸膛,火种就灭了。) As for the position in within the body fire seed is looked transformer liked personally, the metal life, permits DIY own body and organ, so long as happy good. 至于体内火种的位置则是看变形金刚的个人喜好了,金属生命嘛,允许DIY自己的身体和器官,只要开心就好。 This like human, the important organ position basically was not fixed. 这就不像人类了,基本上的重要器官位置都是固定的。 Why as for said basically, after all has the special example, in the medicine even has the proper noun: Splanchnodiastosis sickness. 至于为什么说基本上呢,毕竟还是有特殊例子,医学上甚至有专有名词:内脏异位症。 For example spreads very broad shooting dead natural enemy- Heart long in the right heart person, for example endometriosis wait/etc. 比如流传很广的枪毙天敌--心脏长在右边的右心人,又比如子宫内膜异位症等等。 However, if the pure fire seed extinguishes, is some very rare methods can make the fire seed reignite, for example will lead the module to insert in the chest to light.( This means not necessarily are effective to everyone.) 不过,若只是单纯火种熄灭的话,还是很罕见的有一些手段能让火种重燃,比如将领导模块插进胸膛里面重新点燃。(不过这个办法未必对所有人有效。) Therefore, red spider and the others like having the female transformer companion unexpectedly, was really makes Fang Linyan somewhat curious. 因此,红蜘蛛等人居然喜欢有女性变形金刚陪伴,实在是令方林岩有些好奇了。 When two people dialogues will soon continue, on the retina of Fang Linyan jumped out of one line of characters suddenly: 就在两人的对话即将继续的时候,方林岩的视网膜上突然跳出了一行字: You really in this world!” “你果然在这个世界里面!” Person who Fang Linyan looks at a round of news, immediately knows was star intent, then returned to the covered passageway immediately: 方林岩一看发消息的人,立即就知道是星意了,便立即回复道: You through the fee/spent that transmitting this news charges, if the amphi-position surface communication that is used to judge, the universe point that then consumes at least is five figures, but your information estimated that only spent several hundred universe points, right, I now am very poor, without the means and you chatted.” “你是通过发送这条消息收取的费用来判断的把,如果是跨位面通讯,那么耗费的通用点至少是五位数,但你这条信息估计只花了几百通用点,对了,我现在很穷,没办法和你多聊。” star intent opened the ball window pattern directly, this she to 5000 points, two people can chat one time for two hours, performs to reveal the rich woman style. 星意直接开启了弹窗模式,这样的话她一次性给五千点,两人可以畅聊两个小时,尽显富婆风范。 Then her curious say/way: 接着她好奇的道: I heard that you must go to the spent clay world! How do you meet the solo flying unexpectedly?” “我听说你们是要前往废土世界啊!怎么你居然会单飞?” Fang Linyan evades the question, shows a faint smile saying: 方林岩避而不答,微微一笑道: In fact, I know you before one hour 50 minutes in this world.” “事实上,我在一小时50分钟之前就知道你在这世界里。” star intent surprised say/way: 星意惊奇的道: How do you know?” “你怎么知道?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I went to that factory in Long Island, then saw there leaf that you activate- it was frozen in the half ice piece.” “我去了长岛的那个工厂,然后在那里见到了你活化的叶子-它被冻在了半截冰块里面。” star intent grasped the key point of matter immediately: 星意立即就把握到了事情的重点: I just received the message, this duty came across very big setback, between two people who must protect has a severe wound, be at being on the verge of death condition, another thorough death , and duty goods were also won, is it possible that is you do?” “我刚刚收到了消息,这一次任务遇到了很大的挫折,要保护的两个人当中有一个重伤,处于濒死状态,另外一个彻底死亡并且任务物品还被夺走,莫非是你做的?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, is I does.” “没错,是我做的。” star intent sighs: 星意叹了一口气道: Your behavior may really be unexpected, I currently in the team, having the larger part think that is the variant person does.” “你的这行为可真的是令人意想不到,我现在所处的团队里面,有一大半都认为是变种人做的呢。” Fang Linyan said startled: 方林岩愕然道: Variety person!? You say ten thousand Ciwang that type?” “变种人!?你是说万磁王那种?” After the words say, Fang Linyan responds at once, in the world of this transformer, human has presented the spider hero, the steel hero, well what then the variant person X fights the appearance of police also to have unusual? 在话说出口之后,方林岩旋即才反应了过来,在这个变形金刚的世界里面,人类已经出现蜘蛛侠,钢铁侠了,那么变种人X战警的出现又有什么好稀奇的呢? In some sense, the green giant, the spider hero such monster, similarly is also existence of variant person. 从某种意义上来说,绿巨人,蜘蛛侠这样的怪物,同样也是变种人的存在呢。 Facing the response of Fang Linyan, star intent is very simple say/way: 面对方林岩的反应,星意则是很干脆的道: According to our investigations, the variant person in this world + the super heroic extremely abnormal that type, for example has not waved to extinguish the fleet, ten thousand Ciwang who even Golden Gate Bridge, the stadium pulls up, revelation such monster has not existed.” “根据我们的调查,本世界的变种人+超级英雄没有太过变态那种,比如挥手灭舰队,连金门大桥,体育场都拔起的万磁王,还有天启那样的怪物都是不存在的。” Human facing the transformer, can only say that at this time has the ability of self-preservation negotiations, did not have the strength of suppression. The simple point, the top strength in human was weakened, but probably with the diamond wolf, the black widow, the eagle-eyed such similar strength actually changed, each city can stress one in a big way.” “人类此时面对变形金刚,只能说拥有自保谈判的能力,还没有将之压制的实力呢。简单一点来说,人类中的顶级战力被削弱了,但是像是与金刚狼,黑寡妇,鹰眼这样类似的战力却变多了,每个城市都能抓一大把出来。” After Fang Linyan listened , had an approximate understanding of this world, started to calculate. 方林岩听了之后也是对本世界有了个大致的了解,开始盘算了起来。 But the response of star intent is also strange quick, hesitated evil ways: 而星意的反应也是奇快,沉吟了一下道: Somewhat felt strange, attacks the automobile person not to seem like your attitude.” “有些奇怪了,袭击汽车人不像是你的作风啊。” Fang Linyan asked back: 方林岩反问道: You thought that what my attitude is?” “那你觉得我的作风是什么样的?” star intent said: 星意道: Should be the same with me, stands in a domineering side, then maintains the attitude of muddling along to the duty, seeks the fire seed source with single-hearted devotion, because to us, the fire seed source is actually the best reward!” “应该和我一样,站在强势的一方,然后对任务保持得过且过的态度,专心谋取火种源,因为对我们来说,火种源其实就是最好的奖励!” The Fang Linyan forced smile said: 方林岩苦笑道: You said right, but why I do not know, after entering this world, starts to continue the mildew to transport “你说得没错,但是我也不知道为什么,进入了本世界之后就开始持续走霉运” Then Fang Linyan 1510 said own experience, finally helpless sighing of summarized: 接着方林岩就将自己的经历一五一十的说了,最后无奈的叹了一口气总结道: Therefore, is not I do not want to join the automobile person, but is the automobile person does not want me.” “所以,不是我不想加入汽车人,而是汽车人不要我。” Ha “哈哈哈” star intent circles usually must make the image of virtuous young woman, at this time is to also smile out of breath, but she separated a while access road/simply said: 星意绕是平时要做出淑女的形象,此时也是笑得上气不接下气,不过她隔了一会儿便道: Your this situation must bring to the attention, must good describe by the simple luck. Dofe told me, he knew at least five types in view of the person luck curse technique, if so, then you must bring to the attention, quickly tried to find the solution from the solution of root general.” “你这种情况还是要引起重视了,不能以简单的运气不好来形容。佐多夫告诉我,他知道至少五种针对人运气的诅咒术,如果是这样的话,那么你一定要引起重视,赶快想办法从根源上将之解决。” Fang Linyan listened to the back of the body a cold say/way: 方林岩听了之后心中一凛道: Yes, I will attach great importance.” “是,我会重视的。” star intent then access road/simply said: 星意接着便道: Since is this, then duty goods in your hands?” “既然是这样的话,那么任务物品在你的手里面了?” Fang Linyan is not sincere regarding star intent, certainly must hold back one trick, therefore access road/simply said: 方林岩对于星意也不是推心置腹的,肯定是要留一手,于是便道: You know that what that duty goods are?” “你知道那任务物品是什么吗?” star intent said: 星意道: According to my comprehensive analysis judgment, dies Vetter Vichy in your hands is a senior photographer, the mountaineer, he before photographed meteor shower after Sierra Nevada, to the newspaper office and magazine company conducted the contribution, has the newspaper office and magazine company of many years of cooperation with it respectively published his work in the paper media and network.” “根据我的综合分析判断,死在你手里面的老维特维奇是一位资深的摄影师,登山家,他在之前在内华达山脉处拍摄一场流星雨之后,就向报社和杂志社进行了投稿,与之有着多年合作关系的报社和杂志社分别在纸媒和网络上刊登了他的作品。” Then he becomes the automobile person and sweetie pie in Tyrant Tianhu the eyes, fought for by both sides, now seems like, he sends a picture in network is the overtaken reason, in the left bottom of that picture, presented the unusual flash, but the flash similarity that this flash and fire seed source send out Gundam/reaches as high as over 80%!” “接下来他就成为了汽车人和霸天虎眼中的香饽饽,被双方同时争抢,现在看起来,他发在网络上的一张照片就是其被追截的原因,在那张照片的左下角,出现了奇特的闪光,而这闪光与火种源发出的闪光相似度高达八成以上!” But from this picture, is unable to follow up a clue to trace the exact location that the flash originates, but are not related, what is well-known, a photography of photographer may be called pans for gold, a back of successful picture, has fully reaches several hundred even several thousand waste manuscripts, had these things, discovers the origin of unusual flash to be a cinch.” “但是从这张照片上,还是无法顺藤摸瓜追踪到闪光来源的具体位置,不过没关系,众所周知的是,一位摄影师的拍摄堪称淘金,一张成功照片的背后,足有多达数百张甚至数千张的废稿,有了这些东西,找出奇特闪光的来源不在话下。” Therefore, that duty goods is a USB, accurate, is Vetter Vichy the USB of picture is used to preserve itself to photograph.” “所以,那件任务物品就是一个U盘,准确的来说,就是老维特维奇用来保存自己拍摄下来的照片的U盘。” If Vetter Vichy is also living, then his + U plate inside picture can cause to find the probability of unusual flash position to turn is close to the percentage hundred, but he dies now, this USB was in this world found that fire seed source fragment the only clue.” “如果老维特维奇还活着,那么他+U盘里面的照片能使找到奇特闪光位置的概率变成接近百分百,但现在他死了,这块U盘就是这世界上找到那块火种源碎片的唯一线索了。” Fang Linyan listened to later stretch/leisurely to exhale saying: 方林岩听了以后舒出了一口气道: Said, before ten seconds, I do not know that in hand the USB was so important.” “讲真,在十秒钟之前,我都不知道手里面的这块U盘如此重要。” star intent said: 星意道: How do you plan to do?” “你打算怎么做?” Fang Linyan smiles self-confidently: 方林岩自信一笑: Sorry, I am not used to share my plan, even including my teammate, because this type of thing said does not work.” “抱歉,我不习惯将自己的计划与人分享,甚至包括我的队友,因为这种东西说出来就不灵了。” star intent silent a while, does not know in the organization language, is thinking other things, then say/way slowly: 星意沉默了一会儿,也不知道是在组织语言,还是在想着一些别的事情,然后才徐徐的道: This world is my second entry, but actually knew huge secret about this world, is called the ultimate secret of this world, this secret, is temperance tells me, he entered in the middle of this world repeatedly four times, when enters for the third time determined this secret existence.” “这个世界是我第二次进入,但是却知道了一个关于这个世界的天大的秘密,也被称为本世界的终极秘密,这个秘密,是一位锤炼者告诉我的,他反复进入了这个世界当中四次,在第三次进入的时候确定了这个秘密的存在。” Then , he when enters for the fourth time, starts to struggle toward this secret whole-heartedly, only pitifully when was away from this secret to only have the one pace to be defeated.” “然后,他在第四次进入的时候,就开始全力以赴朝着这个秘密奋斗,只可惜在距离这个秘密只有一步之遥的时候失败了。”
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