FE :: Volume #13

#1689: Tyrant day tiger of fission

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Tyrant day tiger that Chapter 1687 splits 第1687章分裂的霸天虎 Lubos raised the claw, inserted this motorized Tyrant Tianhu chest directly ruthlessly, ruthlessly one stroke, immediately is a series of electric spark sparkles, then the black smoke emits, is a large area of short circuit. 鲁伯斯扬起了爪子,直接就狠狠的插进了这名摩托霸天虎的胸口,狠狠一划,立即就是噼里啪啦的一连串电火花闪耀而起,然后黑烟冒出,已经是大面积的短路。 Lubos bit to her head, this fellow did not have the means to feign death finally, her center module + fire seed here! Regarding the transformer such metal life, body anything is the disposable item, but only has this unable to be bad! 紧接着,鲁伯斯一口就咬向了她的头部,这家伙终于没办法装死了,她的中枢模块+火种就在这里啊!对于变形金刚这样的金属生命来说,身体什么的都是一次性道具,但唯有这个不能坏! In this case, motorized Tyrant Tianhu recognizes finally instigated, with sharp electronic synthesis sound said: 在这种情况下,摩托霸天虎终于认怂,用尖锐的电子合成音道: Does not want!!” “不要!!” Fang Linyan laughs, then held her head, does not have the pity will pull forcefully, the end of nape of the neck cross section place and so on is also sparkling squeak squeak squeak squeak the electric spark, then loses to Lubos conveniently is holding in the mouth, then did a car(riage) to swagger away in the roadside. 方林岩哈哈一笑,然后一把抓住了她的脑袋,毫无怜悯之心的将之硬生生扯了下来,脖颈断面处的线头之类的还闪耀着吱吱吱吱的电火花,接着顺手丢给鲁伯斯叼着,然后在路边搞了一辆车扬长而去。 Witnessed that all these stout and strong black women were also shocked, then quickly dialed 911: 目睹这一切的肥壮黑人妇女也是惊呆了,然后急忙拨通了911: Hey! My house was ruined by a damn motorcycle “喂!我的房屋被一辆该死的摩托车毁掉了” 911: 911: „??? Was that motorcycle dispatches a vehicle to strike down your garden?” “???是那辆摩托车出了车祸撞进了你的花园吗?” The black woman started incessantly: 黑人妇女开始滔滔不绝了起来: Of course not!! Did it launch a fearful war to my house, the war you understood? It looks like this damn country to Vietnam, launches the war that to be the same to Iraq! Oh! My pitiful Jobs was scared, it even urinates in my apple pie!” “当然不是!!它对我的房子发动了一场可怕的战争,战争你明白吗?就像是这个该死的国家对越南,对伊拉克发动的战争一样!噢!我可怜的乔布斯被吓坏了,它甚至在我的苹果派上撒尿!” Right, nearly forgot that reported to you, Jobs is the raccoon that my son adopts, before it likes the clean fellow eating the thing, specially even with being able to swim to flush “对了,差点儿忘记向你介绍了,乔布斯是我儿子收养的浣熊,它可是特别爱干净的家伙吃东西之前甚至用会水冲一冲呢” What is worth mentioning is, the black woman above words of said in two seconds, shows incisively its potential talkative talent. 值得一提的是,黑人妇女上面的话是在两秒钟之内说完的,将其潜在的饶舌天赋展现得淋漓尽致. Opposite 911 operators were also confused at this time, he even wants to bellow several to shut up, I am not only interested in your damn raccoon, but based on every hour 42.7 hourly wages( the average hourly wage of United States of America is 20.9), he can only restrain oneself temperament, is enduring language bombing of this black person woman. 对面的911接线员这时候也是一头雾水,他甚至很想大吼几句闭嘴,我对你那只该死的浣熊不感兴趣,但是基于每小时42.7的时薪(花旗国的平均时薪是20.9块),他只能克制住自己的脾气,忍受着这个黑人女人的语言轰炸。 Therefore, after enough ten minutes, operator fierce realizing, this is a boss urges repeatedly, case that must treat with emphasis! Regarding any with metal life related reporting, must include the red rank in the middle of it the popular feelings, then the close investigation and records each detail. 因此,在足足十分钟之后,接线员才猛的意识到,这是一起上司多次叮嘱,要重点对待的案子啊!对于任何与金属生命相关的报案,都必须将之列入红色级别的舆情当中,然后详细调查并且记录每一个细节。 Naturally, the key point is each reporting and registers together this kind of case, will attain 500 rewards! This also means that operator following is looking forward to delight that receives the bonus, actually wants the pain is enduring chatterbox bombing of this black woman. 当然,重点是每上报并且登记一起这类案子,将会拿到500块的奖励!这也意味着接线员接下来一面憧憬着拿到奖金的甜美,一面却要痛苦的忍受着这个黑人妇女的话痨轰炸. Therefore, when the government determined this matter, and starts uses the manpower to trace, is a half hour, such long time to others fortunately, but regarding Fang Linyan, enough he has made a getaway. 所以,等到政府这边确定了此事并且开始动用人手追查的时候,已经是半个小时了,这么长的时间对其余的人来说还好,但是对于方林岩来说,已经足够他逃之夭夭了。 Regarding human, forms an alliance with the automobile person is also only expedient measure, what advantage can fish from these big fellows is most important, having a few words wasn't says very straightforwardly? 对于人类来说,与汽车人结盟也只是权宜之计而已,能从这些大块头身上捞到什么好处才是最重要的,有一句话不是说得很直白吗? Not eternal ally, eternal benefit, 没有永恒的盟友,只有永恒的利益, As several countries gain the advantage from the behavior of surveillance transformer, particularly has the remarkable progress in technical, now all countries in the world also double to pay attention regarding the traces of transformer activity. 随着好几个国家从监视变形金刚的行为当中获得好处,尤其是在科技方面有着明显的进步,现在世界各国对于变形金刚活动的蛛丝马迹也都加倍关注了起来。 *** *** Fang Linyan does not know, oneself escapes because of a chatterbox of black woman unexpectedly. 方林岩也不知道,自己居然因为一个黑人妇女的话痨而逃过了一劫。 He has sat in a van body truck at this time, is talking with that motorized Tyrant Tianhu happily- naturally, what is happy is Fang Linyan, only surplus head a mood of tyrant day tiger definitely missed the extreme. 他此时已经坐在了一台厢式货车里面,正在和那名摩托霸天虎愉快的交谈着-当然,愉快的是方林岩,只剩余下来一个脑袋的霸天虎的心情肯定是差到了极点的。 Said that you name.” Fang Linyan carefully observes front head to say. “说吧,你叫什么名字。”方林岩仔细观察着面前的这颗头颅道。 This female Tyrant Tianhu seems somewhat very depressed, helpless sighs: 这名女性霸天虎看起来很是有些沮丧,无奈的叹了一口气道: Cothias.” “柯提亚。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Before our conversations start, I must tell you very much earnestly a matter: You to me are only a captive, and is only an ordinary captive, that can be replaced momentarily, in fact are yourself also very clear is a small role not?” “在我们的交谈开始之前,我必须要很认真的告诉你一件事:你对我只是一个俘虏而已,并且只是一个普通的俘虏,随时可以被取代的那种,事实上你自己也很清楚自己是个小角色不是吗?” Therefore, if during I hold your has any danger, any accident/surprise, my default is you annoys, will therefore pinch to explode you to store up all memories center modules immediately, did you understand my meaning?” “所以,如果在我抓住你的这期间有任何危险,任何意外,我都默认是你惹来的,因此会在第一时间捏爆你储存所有记忆的中枢模块,你听懂了我的意思吗?” Cothias complexion very ugly/difficult to look at say/way: 柯提亚脸色很是难看的道: Knew.” “知道了。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Very good, then the first issue, actually today what happened? Let you, in New York does attack brutally?” “很好,那么第一个问题,今天究竟发生了什么事情?让你们在纽约这个地方大打出手?” Cothias depressed say/way: 柯提亚郁闷的道: Sound wave Sir discovered through the hacker technological means an information, said human, when outdoors observation starry sky Sagittarius, had no intention to photograph the unusual ray, the sound wave Sir thought that very possible was the unusual condition of fire seed source fragment stimulation time, requested us to follow up.” “声波大人通过黑客技术手段发现了一个情报,说是有一个人类在户外观测星空人马座的时候,无意当中拍摄到了奇特的光芒,声波大人觉得那很可能是火种源碎片激发时候的异状,就要求我们跟进。” But, the red spider Sir actually thinks that this is the trap under damn human arrange/cloth, therefore the request cannot pay attention, we have the feeling of being at a loss.” “但是,红蜘蛛大人却认为这是该死的人类布下的陷阱,所以要求不能理会,我们也是有着无所适从的感觉。” Hears here, Fang Linyan understood immediately, originally in Tyrant Tianhu is splitting noisily! 听到这里,方林岩顿时就明白了过来,原来霸天虎里面在闹分裂啊! According to the material showed, the prestige can let the leader who all Tyrant Tianhu were sincerely convinced heavenshaking only, but after he was missing mystically, Tyrant Tianhu inside careerist jumped. 根据资料显示,威震天是唯一能让所有霸天虎心服口服的领袖,但他神秘失踪之后,霸天虎里面的野心家就都跳了出来。 Even if the prestige heavenshaking also , the red spider has never suppressed own ambition, is the prestige is missing let alone heavenshaking? No wonder Tyrant Tianhu will be being been pressing hitting by the automobile person. 哪怕是威震天还在的时候,红蜘蛛都从未压制过自己的野心,更何况是威震天失踪?难怪霸天虎会被汽车人压着打。 This can also explain, oneself acts to Cothias this tyrant day tiger obviously, the prestige had nothing to change, probably was because the present prestige has not died heavenshaking, Cothias was determined as a side of rebellion, oneself in the middle of the traitor to tyrant day tiger acted, naturally should not have the matter. 这也可以解释,自己明明对柯提亚这个霸天虎出手,声望却没有什么变化了,大概是因为现在威震天还没死,柯提亚被判定为叛乱的一方,自己对霸天虎当中的叛乱者出手,当然不应该有事了。 Therefore Fang Linyan initiated questioning, then finds from the mouth of Cothias, the sound wave is heavenshaking to the prestige, the mission of his faction, was to find to overawe angel it to become Tyrant Tianhu the leader. 于是方林岩就发起了追问,然后从柯提亚的口中了解到,声波是对威震天忠心耿耿的,他这个派系的使命,就是要找到威震天使其重新成为霸天虎的领袖。 But the red spider does not hope very much obviously the prestige came back heavenshaking, his goal is to collect enough fragment, then takes this officially to become Tyrant Tianhu the leader as the merit. 而红蜘蛛很显然就不希望威震天回来了,他的目的就是搜集到足够的碎片,然后以此为功绩正式成为霸天虎的领袖。 These secrets can hear in the mouth of Cothias this tyrant day tiger obviously, Fang Linyan thinks, said: 这些隐秘显然在柯提亚这个霸天虎的口中才听得到,方林岩想了想之后道: Then in Tyrant Tianhu also has other faction?” “那么霸天虎里面还有别的派系吗?” Cothias said: 柯提亚道: Has, the faction on Earth, overawed a day of Sir before , but also complies to cooperate with us reluctantly, but overawes a day of Sir to be missing now, they worked were not credible, it is said the red spider Sir sent the past transaction caravan to be seized by them.” “有的,还有一支本来就在地球上的派系,之前威震天大人在的时候,还勉强答应和我们合作,但是现在威震天大人失踪,他们做事就不怎么靠谱了,据说有一次红蜘蛛大人派过去的交易商队都被他们强抢了。” Fang Linyan strange say/way: 方林岩奇道: In tyrant day tiger also has such influence? What did they call?” “霸天虎里面还有这样的势力吗?他们叫什么?” Cothias shakes the head saying: 柯提亚摇摇头道: Does not know, I only know they came Earth for a long time, his leader is called the shrapnel, excelled at the electric current attack, and several replicas.” “不知道,我只知道他们来地球很长时间了,其首领叫做弹片,擅长电流攻击,并且有好几个复制体。” At this time, Fang Linyan saw Cothias to reveal the color of hesitation, immediately compelled to ask: 这时候,方林岩见到柯提亚露出了沉吟之色,立即逼问道: You may , to be clear, if said that is not groundless, and was also checked the coming out words by me, then I can only massacre you.” “你可要想清楚了,要是说的话不尽不实,并且还被我查了出来的话,那么我就只能杀掉你了。” Cothias puts on a long face saying: 柯提亚哭丧着脸道: I have not wanted to conceal, but did not determine that this matter really exists, what to do if spoke incorrectly you to kill me?” “我没有想要隐瞒,只是不确定有这件事真的存在,万一说错了你杀了我怎么办?” Fang Linyan then said immediately: 方林岩便立即道: Doesn't matter, you saying that you know, I naturally can judge as for the genuine and fake, really false.” “没关系,你就把你知道的说出来,至于真假我自然会判断,真的假不了。” Cothias hesitant evil ways: 柯提亚犹豫了一下道: I am red spider Sir school of , last month, because the prestige was shocking your excellency to be missing for more than one year, heard that the shake wave Sir will come Earth, the red spider Sir somewhat was very anxious, handed down the order to us, wanted us to seek has the material of unique energy to receive cordially a distinguished guest.” “我是属于红蜘蛛大人手下的这一派的,在上个月的时候,因为威震天阁下已经失踪一年多了,听说震荡波大人会前来地球,红蜘蛛大人很是有些焦虑,就对我们传下了命令,要我们寻找一些拥有独特能量的物质来款待一位贵宾。” After Fang Linyan listened, somewhat is very curious: 方林岩听了以后很是有些好奇: „The material of unique energy, aren't your hard currency the energy blocks?” “独特能量的物质,你们的硬通货不是能量块吗?” Cothias said: 柯提亚道: Energy block is to maintain our life must the spare parts, but some fondness unique fellows will also try other energy ore, looking like human eats the rice bread is the staple food, actually does not repel the feed fruit to be the same.” “能量块是维系我们生命的必备品,但有的癖好独特的家伙还会试试别的能量矿石,就像是人类吃米饭面包为主食,却也不排斥进食水果一样。” Fang Linyan interested say/way: 方林岩饶有兴趣的道: „, You did anything specifically.” “具体一点,你们搞来了什么东西。” Cothias said: 柯提亚道: Uranium mine.” “铀矿。” Fang Linyan stayed, at once realizes this is a very important information! 方林岩呆了呆,旋即就意识到这是一个很重要的信息啊! The shake wave and sound wave are shocking to the prestige, one is his adjutant, another is his majordomo! 震荡波和声波都对威震天忠心耿耿,一个是他的副官,另外一个则是其大管家! The shake wave guarded to match Bottom according to the prestige heavenshaking order, he arrives at the words of Earth now, Tyrant Tianhu the interior must certainly have the imbalances, the red spider definitely does not do the shake wave and sound wave collaborates. 震荡波本来是根据威震天的命令镇守赛博坦,他现在一来到地球的话,霸天虎的内部肯定就要出现失衡现象,红蜘蛛这边肯定是搞不过震荡波和声波联手的。 Therefore, is not difficult to infer, the distinguished guest status that the red spider must meet with is very special: 所以,不难推断出,红蜘蛛要会见的这个贵宾身份很是特殊: First, its strength is tyrannical, can place on a par with the sound wave in the heart of red spider. 第一,其实力强横,在红蜘蛛的心里面是能够与声波相提并论的。 Second, this person is not getting an idea to offend the person of prestige heavenshaking faction. 第二,这个人并不在意会得罪威震天派系的人。 Therefore Cothias will also put out this matter no wonder alone. 因此也难怪柯提亚会将这件事单独拿出来讲。 Fang Linyan hesitated a while, suddenly the look flashes, earnest interrogation: 方林岩沉吟了一会儿,突然眼神一闪,认真的质问道: Then the last issue, why you can contact these secrets?” “那么还有最后一个问题,为什么你能接触到这些秘密呢?” Cothias sighs, even has endless feeling sad and humiliation said: 柯提亚叹了一口气,甚至带着无尽的心酸和屈辱道: Because I at that time when the choice shape, chose the human female appearance our transformer is sexless, was actually male and female. I thought the human female contour is quite attractive.” “因为我当时在选择形态的时候,是选择了人类女性的样子我们变形金刚本来是无性别的,其实是不分男女的。我只是觉得人类女性的外形比较好看而已。” However before arriving at Earth, does not have this function, therefore the outward appearance seems like the female transformer is actually quite rare, therefore, red spider Sir, when receives the guest or the ally, always likes asking us to go together, therefore I will know some secrets.” “而在来到地球之前,是没有这个功能,所以外观看起来像是女性的变形金刚其实是相当少见,因此,红蜘蛛大人在接待客人或者盟友的时候,就总是喜欢叫上我们一起去,所以我就会知道一些秘密.” Heard the words of Cothias, Fang Linyan had not detected what questionable point, instead found it very interesting. 听到了柯提亚的话,方林岩也没有发觉什么疑点,反而觉得挺有意思的。
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