FE :: Volume #13

#1688: Female Tyrant Tianhu

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Chapter 1686 female Tyrant Tianhu 第1686章女性霸天虎 The bumblebee clone weak, the space soldier strength of pursuit cannot, therefore Fang Linyan can run calmly, but also slowed down a vehicle speed to throw into nearby greenbelt this stupor full beard while convenient. Otherwise, this fellow was abandoned the words on road, poor life difficult insurance. 大黄蜂分身乏术,追击的空间战士力不能及,所以方林岩得以从容跑路,还顺带减缓了一下车速才将这昏迷的大胡子丢进了旁边的绿化带.否则的话,这家伙就这么被遗弃在公路上的话,小命难保啊。 Obviously, the advantage of motorcycle absolutely not on road, but in state of roads complex downtown area, its skill far ultra automobile of seizing every opportunity, therefore Fang Linyan aimed at the city of not far away to drive immediately fast. 很显然,摩托车的优势绝对不是在公路上,而是在路况复杂的闹市区里面,其见缝插针的本事远超汽车,所以方林岩立即对准了不远处的城市快速驶去。 The opposite party cast off a long truncation by oneself, so long as enters the downtown area, that could not see including own car(riage) rear light. 对方本来就被自己甩开了一长截,只要一进入闹市区,那更是连自己的车尾灯都看不到了。 After starting out less than two kilometers, Fang Linyan detected unexpectedly rear area came the pursuing troops! He knits the brows, because does not need to look knows, in this case can also catch up, can distort similarly, jumped down motorized Tyrant Tianhu from the interchange. 开出了不到两公里之后,方林岩居然发觉后方又来了追兵!他皱了皱眉,因为不用看就知道,在这种情况下都还能赶上来的,就只有同样可以变形,从立交桥上一跃而下的摩托霸天虎了。 Regarding Fang Linyan, even if at this time facing bumblebee, is not willing to see motorized Tyrant Tianhu, because these fellows look very domineering and tyrannical, a word does not open fire at earliest convenience that type! Fang Linyan has not dared to hit back. 对于方林岩而言,此时哪怕是面对大黄蜂,也不愿意见到摩托霸天虎的,因为这些家伙看起来很是强横霸道,一言不合就开火那种!偏偏方林岩还不敢还手。 Because he had offended the automobile person at this time, with it relations already directly to degree of hatred, if relates to get into a deadlock with Tyrant Tianhu again, that really became alienated oneself in the world, did the world-wide all enemy. 因为他此时已经得罪了汽车人,与之关系已经直接到了仇恨的程度,若是再与霸天虎关系闹僵,那就真的成了自绝于天下,搞成举世皆敌了。 Most critically, rear motorized Tyrant Tianhu does not seem like the appearance that can exchange well, Fang Linyan felt if after oneself hand over that USB, the opposite party cannot do well to turn around to walk, perhaps also rumbles conveniently a oneself spear/gun, does not have any reward, that is Fang Linyan is hard to accept. 更关键的是,后方的这摩托霸天虎看起来并不像是可以好好交流的样子,方林岩觉得自己若是将那U盘交出来之后,对方搞不好转身就走,说不定顺手还轰自己一枪,没有任何奖励,那就是方林岩难以接受的了。 In this case, Fang Linyan rather pinches the USB in own, came out to say the intelligence analysis of again. Most critically, for this information, Tyrant Tianhu does not hesitate to expose lots of manpower, pursues bumblebee and the others to hit in New York this place, it is estimated that in which value is very mostly high. 在这种情况下,方林岩宁愿将U盘捏在自己手里面,将其中的情报分析了出来再说。更关键的是,为了这一份情报,霸天虎不惜暴露大量人手,在纽约这种地方追着大黄蜂等人打,估计其中的价值多半很高。 After the brain has transferred these thoughts, the Fang Linyan then very simple acceleration leaves, following that motorized Tyrant Tianhu actually also unambiguous, opened fire directly, but also often projects a round of rocket projectile to come out, entered the gangster movie pattern that again, when Zhongda Street chase opens fire. 脑子里面转过了这些念头之后,方林岩便很干脆的加速驶离,后面的那一辆摩托霸天虎却也毫不含糊,直接就开火了,还不时射出一发火箭弹出来,再次进入了警匪片当中大街追逐开火的模式。 Is away from lively downtown area also several hundred meters times shortly, motorized Tyrant Tianhu projected a rocket projectile again, Fang Linyan conducted the circumvention promptly. The accurate aim of rocket projectile is not obviously good, is away from his 67 meters away place to blast out loudly, but, making his unexpected matter happen: 眼看距离繁华闹市区还有几百米的时候,摩托霸天虎再次射出了一枚火箭弹,方林岩及时进行了规避。火箭弹的准头显然不行,在距离他六七米远的地方轰然炸开,但是,令他意料之外的事情发生了: After rocket explosion, the fragment that splashes touched and went side the engine of Halley motorcycle unexpectedly directly, carried over a series of sparks/Mars, but also delimited an opening the calf of Fang Linyan, immediately was the blood long class/flow. 火箭弹爆炸之后,飞溅起的碎片居然直接擦过了哈雷摩托车的发动机侧面,带出了一连串火星,还将方林岩的小腿都划出了一条口子,立即就是鲜血长流。 Meanwhile, the engine noise of Halley motor immediately becomes worn out, looking like the senior citizen is the same in coughing and gasping, simultaneously the engine speed rapidly drops. 同时,哈雷摩托的引擎声立即就变得有气无力起来,就像是老年人在咳喘一样,同时发动机转速迅速下降。 Obviously, this round of rocket projectile rendered meritorious service, not only wounded Fang Linyan, even engine also together move of Halley motor. 很显然,这一发火箭弹立功了,不仅击伤了方林岩,甚至连哈雷摩托的引擎也一起中招。 Fang Linyan criticizes the father to walk the mildew to transport in the heart today everywhere, even rocket projectile fragment type of thing can hit „a round into soul does the effect come out? 方林岩在心中暗骂老子今天怎么处处都在走霉运,连火箭弹碎片这种东西都能打了个“一发入魂”的效果出来? But the brutal reality actually put at front, at this time Fang Linyan could not attend to thinks, while the speed of present motorcycle also calculates in not low situation, changed to a big way the accelerator, then located a house to drive past toward the side more than hundred meters, the direct midway jumped off to jump into the garden in this house. 但残酷的现实却摆在了面前,此时方林岩也是顾不得多想,趁着现在摩托车的速度还算不低的情况下,将油门转到了最大,然后朝着旁边百余米处一处房屋开了过去,直接中途跳车扑入到了这一处房屋的花园当中。 Fang Linyan just fell to the ground, heard dá dá the gunshot, a row of bullet swept, under he has no alternative can only resist hardly, is good to dodge is triggered, an ammunition clip bullet only three rounds. 方林岩刚刚落地,就听到了“哒哒哒”的枪响,一排子弹直扫了过来,他无可奈何之下只能硬抗,好在闪避被触发,一梭子子弹只中了三发。 But this is from the attack of tyrant day tiger, injures does not discount, the life value and magic value fell a big truncation again, and a spear/gun hit on the buttocks approached the gate position very much, almost came out-and-out millenniums to kill. 但这是来自于霸天虎的攻击,伤害不打折的,生命值和魔法值再次跌了一大截,并且还有一枪打在了屁股上很靠近门的位置,差点就来了个不折不扣的千年杀。 After Fang Linyan is hit, does not dare to continue to lie, cannot do well next second of the rocket projectile that has range killing came, the hemorrhoids patient who as if can only look fierce was the same, covers the buttocks to enter in the middle of the house lamely, then to being shocked a stout and strong black woman greets directly flees toward the basement. 方林岩中枪以后也不敢继续趴着,搞不好下一秒拥有范围杀伤的火箭弹就又来了,只能龇牙咧嘴的仿佛痔疮患者一样,捂着屁股一瘸一拐的窜进了房屋当中,然后对惊呆了的一个肥壮黑人妇女直接打了个招呼就往地下室里面窜。 Successfully ran into, Fang Linyan first summoned Lubos, then starts to clench teeth to give itself to process the wound. 成功逃入了其中之后,方林岩第一时间就将鲁伯斯召唤了出来,然后就开始咬着牙给自己处理伤口。 Really looks like such that Fang Linyan sentences in advance, this Tyrant Tianhu does not dare to intrude rashly, first fire wanton bombing one said again, therefore the Fang Linyan turtle enters the basement sentences in advance appears very wise. 果然就像是方林岩预判的那样,这霸天虎也不敢贸然闯入,先火力压制狂轰滥炸一番再说,所以方林岩龟进地下室的预判就显得十分的明智。 But the opposite party stops over for a long time outside, Fang Linyan more feels somewhat suspiciously, because automobile person that black missile truck made profound impression on him before- this fellow carries too far in remote precision even can one dozen five, after once near body , can only be pressed on the ground hits. 而对方在外面逗留得越久,方林岩就越觉得有些可疑,因为之前汽车人那辆黑色导弹卡车就给他留下了深刻的印象-这家伙在远程火力方面走极端甚至可以一打五,然而一旦近身之后就只能被压在地上打。 This motorized Tyrant Tianhu mobility, the flexibility, the remote precision is also powerful, but he hesitates to advance in the house entrance, means it under the close combat regarding interior complex terrain has dreaded? 这名摩托霸天虎的机动性,灵活性,还有远程火力同样强大,而他在住宅门口踟蹰不前,是不是也意味着它对于房屋内部这种复杂地形下的近战有所畏惧? Read and this, Fang Linyan came the spirit immediately, made the best use of the time to start to process the wound, then after oneself the leg tied the arms a tourniquet, the life value starts continually to reply. 一念及此,方林岩顿时来了精神,抓紧时间开始处理伤口,然后给自己腿上绑了一根止血带之后,生命值开始持续回复了起来。 At this time Fang Linyan had not used LS advantage to appear, the enemy regarding this is unwatchful, can therefore very relaxed observation its every action and every movement, detect after this motorcycle Tyrant Tianhu continuously fly upon, throughout peripheral going on patrol in house, the meaning that do not approach. 这时候方林岩一直没有动用哈LS的好处就显现了出来,敌人对此是毫无戒备,因此可以很轻松的观察其一举一动,发觉这摩托车霸天虎连续猛烈攻击了一阵之后,就始终在房屋的外围巡游不前,始终没有要靠近过来的意思。 Without a doubt, this is completely solid Fang Linyan to its close combat is the suspicion of weakness! Simultaneously Fang Linyan also guessed correctly wishful thinking that this fellow hits now waits certainly for gains without pains here, simultaneous call reinforcements. 毫无疑问,这完全是坐实了方林岩对其近战乃是弱点的猜想!同时方林岩也猜到了这家伙现在所打的如意算盘那当然是在这里守株待兔,同时呼叫援军了。 Hehe.” “呵呵.” Regarding this Fang Linyan sneered, thought that the idea of this fellow was really naive: 对此方林岩冷笑了一下,觉得这家伙的想法真的是太天真了: You think that like this I did take you not to have the means?” “你以为这样我就拿你没办法了?” After waiting for ten seconds, the Fang Linyan decisive braving waist left the cave, finally this behavior drew on a series of wanton bombing immediately! Does dirtily his shrank in the middle of the cave again. 等待了十来秒之后,方林岩果断的冒着腰离开了地窖,结果这个行为立即就招来了一连串的狂轰滥炸!搞得他灰头土脸的再次缩进了地窖当中。 Fang Linyan self-examined has done very much carefully, the entire journey camouflaged own figure, the action of advance by creeping might be called flawless, how to be detected? 方林岩自问已经做得很小心了,全程都遮蔽住了自己的身形,匍匐前进的行动都堪称天衣无缝,怎么就被察觉了呢? At once he realized that opposite enemy is not human, but is a metal life. 旋即他才意识到对面的敌人根本就不是人类,而是一台金属生命。 The way of their sensation world, is with human entirely different, there is an eye such image color seizure device, there is using the sweep unit that infrared detects. How the concealed movement before Fang Linyan does again proper, action again how careful, but actually takes in everything at a glance on the scanner of infrared. 他们感知世界的方式,可是与人类截然不同的啊,既有眼睛这样的图像色彩捕捉装置,也有利用红外线来侦测的扫描装置.方林岩之前的掩蔽动作做得再怎么到位,行动再怎么小心,可是在红外线的扫描仪上却是一览无遗。 After gasping for breath, Fang Linyan makes a determined effort in the heart: Cannot delay the time again, what to do if Tyrant Tianhu the reinforcements arrived, comes to come hardly hardly! 喘了口气之后,方林岩在心中一发狠:不能再拖延时间了,万一霸天虎援军到了怎么办,硬来就硬来! Therefore, Fang Linyan fled again , he welcomed a baptism of hail of bullets without a doubt again, but while the attention of this fellow completely on Fang Linyan, in the slanting thorn has a form like lightning to flee directly, put the body of this fellow all of a sudden! 于是,方林岩就再次窜了出去,毫无疑问的,他再次迎来了一场枪林弹雨的洗礼,但是趁着这家伙的注意力全部都在方林岩身上的时候,斜刺里已经有一道闪电般的身影直接窜了出去,一下子就扑在了这家伙的身上! This form Lubos! 这身影正是鲁伯斯! Fang Linyan this move of clear(ly) cultivated/repaired the trick that the plank road did something secretly to be seemingly simple, actually was really effective, after all Lubos this construction installed the lifeform not to have the body temperature, naturally not visualization under infrared detection installment. 方林岩这一招明修栈道暗度陈仓的伎俩看似简单,其实还真有效,毕竟鲁伯斯这头构装生物是没有体温的,当然就不会在红外线侦测装置下显形了。 Obviously, Lubos's surprise attack made this tyrant day tiger have the feeling of being caught off guard, it can only turn into the human form to counter-attack rapidly. Otherwise, the motorcycle shape under the close combat is completely the coming under attack shape of giving for nothing. 很显然,鲁伯斯的突袭令这名霸天虎有着措手不及的感觉,它只能迅速变成人形来进行反击。否则的话,摩托车形态在近战下完全是白给的挨打形态啊。 After its distortion, Fang Linyan exceptionally is immediately surprised, because after this motorized Tyrant Tianhu distorts, unexpectedly obviously can look is the female physique, the position obvious ballooning many of chest and buttocks, after seeming like these transformers arrived on Earth, by Earth on culture assimilating much. 而当其变形之后,方林岩顿时异常惊奇,因为这个摩托霸天虎变形以后,居然明显看得出来是雌性的体态,胸和臀的位置都明显鼓胀许多,看起来这些变形金刚来到了地球上以后,也被地球上的文化给同化了不少啊。 Under the Lubos fierce incomparable tear and bite and digs out to grasp, this motorized Tyrant Tianhu seems very shoddy, looks comes out to estimate that has not downloaded the wrestle module, when the personal hand-to-hand fighting also wants to take the spear/gun to come out unexpectedly to fire. 在鲁伯斯凶猛无比的撕咬和抠抓之下,这个摩托霸天虎显得十分拙劣,看得出来估计连格斗模块都没有下载,在贴身肉搏战的时候居然还想要拿枪出来射击。 This behavior- is not right, should be the idea- From head to tail obviously is wrong, only if grasped the spear/gun to fight the expert of technique, otherwise pulled out the spear/gun in close combat within such a meter, that was really and courts death no difference. 这种行为-哦不对,应该是想法--彻头彻尾都显然是错的了,除非是掌握了枪斗术的牛人,否则的话在这么一米之内的近战当中掏枪,那就真是和找死没啥区别。 Pulls out the flash of spear/gun in her, Lubos held in the mouth in her wrist/skill, then shook the head to tear violently. 在她掏枪的一瞬间,鲁伯斯一口就叼在了她的手腕上,接着猛烈摆头撕扯。 There sparkled immediately several electric lights, then had the black smoke to emit, obviously short-circuited directly, on its visual electron screen also sprang an information: 那里立即闪耀出了好几道电光,然后就有黑烟冒出,显然直接短路了,其视觉电子屏上也是随之弹出了一条信息: Left mechanical palm function breakdown, related function already winding.”( Concrete scene please refer to end matter to suffer immediate screen response after a heavy losses) “左机械手掌功能故障,相关功能已经下线。”(具体场景请参考终结者挨了一记重创后的即时屏幕反应) Originally handles affairs discrete Fang Linyan to detect that Lubos is pressing hitting this motorized Tyrant Tianhu directly, therefore is an blade soaring rushes very much simply. 本来行事谨慎的方林岩发觉鲁伯斯都将这个摩托霸天虎直接压着打,于是很干脆就是一记刃飞翔冲了上去。 Then detects this fellow should because of the reason of race talent, dizzy special effect that therefore the immunity the blade soaring brought, but the close combat really draws the hip, it is estimated that also can only bully the ordinary earthman. 然后发觉这家伙应该是因为种族天赋的原因,所以免疫了刃飞翔带来的晕眩特效,但近战真的是非常拉胯啊,估计也就只能欺负一下普通地球人而已。 On the appraisal of Fang Linyan, its foundation close combat should in LV1-LV 2, unable to be higher absolutely, but module in close combat has not installed. 方林岩的评估,其基础近战应该就在LV1-LV2之间,绝对不能更高了,而近战方面的模块一个都没有加装。 After uniting Lubos pingpong this motorized Tyrant Tianhu one punches fat, Fang Linyan is also ruthlessly had/left a foul odor. 联合鲁伯斯乒乒乓乓的将这头摩托霸天虎一顿胖揍之后,方林岩也算是狠狠的出了一口恶气。 At this time he discovered surprisedly oneself and between the relations Tyrant Tianhu and had no change, therefore then knows had the fishy. 这时候他惊奇的发现自己与霸天虎之间的关系并没有任何变化,于是便知道其中定有蹊跷。 Because before motorized Tyrant Tianhu, had requested reinforcements, therefore this place is not suitable stays for a long time, Fang Linyan is signaling with the eyes to Lubos, then impatient say/way: 因为摩托霸天虎之前曾经有求援过,所以此地不宜久留,方林岩对着鲁伯斯使了个眼色,然后不耐烦的道: Massacring, we will then manage the proper business.” “将之杀掉,我们接下来就去办正事。”
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