Chapter 1685roaddashes about wildly
第1685章公路狂奔ThroughHaLSangle of view, Fang Linyandetected that the bumblebeeseemed like also exploded the chrysanthemumto be the same, immediatelygave upkilling the plan of thattyrantdaytigerthoroughly, directlygotformedChevronorchid aceae, aimed at itselfto pursuebreathless.
通过哈LS的视角,方林岩发觉大黄蜂也像是被爆了菊花一样,顿时放弃了彻底干掉那名霸天虎的打算,直接变形成了雪佛兰科迈罗,对准了自己这边气急败坏的追击了过来。Butbecausebumblebeefellowis injured the heavyreason, thereforedistorts the latervehiclesseems like is also the outward appearancedamages, the endalsobraves the black smoke, butFang Linyanquickonsurpriseddiscovery, itstrunkopensunexpectedlyautomatically, thenextendedtwomechanical armsfrominside, startstravelrepairs a vehicle.
The technique that althoughthisrepairs a vehiclelooks likeinFang Linyan is quite worthdiscussingveryroughly, is completely entraining of simple and crude the badcomponents, thenexchangesonenewly, butthisautomaticservicefunctionmakesFang Linyanfeel that veryunusual, to be honest, thissupplementaryfunctionmight be considered as the archenemy who cultivates the lathe worker.
虽然这修车的手法在方林岩看来十分粗糙相当值得商榷,完全就是简单粗暴的拽掉坏零件,然后重新换上一个新的,但是这种自动维修功能还是让方林岩感觉到十分奇特的,说实话,这个附带功能堪称是修车工的大敌啊。Almostnothinghesitant, Fang Linyanaimed at a nearbysatellite townto drivedirectly, sincenowturned into a pursuedside, then must be muddy the atmospheric conditions just before a rain, rantowardpersonmanyplacesdoes not have the problem.
几乎没有任何犹豫的,方林岩直接就对准了旁边的一座卫星城驶了过去,现在自己既然变成了被追击的一方,那么肯定就要将水搅浑了,朝着人多的地方跑是没毛病的。Naturally, the populationcasualties that from thisbringsare not in the Fang Linyanconsiderationrange, after allsuperman/diamondtheselocalheroeswoodenhad considered the life of itsresident, a wardoesto collapsemore than tenbuildings, stampingseveral thousandpeople of thatis the potluck, back then did 911alsodoto collapsetwobuildingsto be all rightto worry?
当然,由此带来的人数伤亡并不在方林岩的考虑范围之内,毕竟超人/金刚这些本土英雄都木有考虑过本国居民的死活,一场大战搞塌十几栋大楼,踩死个几千人那是家常便饭,想当年911也就只是搞塌了两栋楼而已自己没事操什么心呢?However after twominutes, Fang Linyandetectedoneselfcould not do wellto make a wrongdecision, the potential that becausewill have drivenalthoughsqueezed the pinnacle, did tothiscar(riage)to lookconveniently, said that was bad, the good and evil was also BMW3departments, butthiscar(riage)withoutpassing throughanyre-equipping, mustbe explodedbyfollowing.
, The Fang Linyanroad sensewas also good , the woodhas the anomaly that the meansandbumblebeedependenceinstinctdriveto place on a par. Thislooks like a horse-ridingcoach in Sichuanto run and herdingyoungsterratio of Mongolianrides a horseis a truth, thatisfourcharacters:
再说了,方林岩的驾驶技术再好,也木有办法和大黄蜂这种依靠本能来驾驶的变态相提并论.这就像是一个四川的马术教练跑去和蒙古人的放牧少年比骑马是一个道理,那就是四个字:Bringing contempt upon oneself.
自取其辱。Quick, the bumblebeestartsdirectlywith the vehicles of Fang Linyandrivingparallel, then the headlightsparkle, made the electronicsound of jarsoundjarair/Qi:
很快的,大黄蜂就直接开始与方林岩驾驶的车辆平行,然后车灯闪耀,发出了瓮声瓮气的电子音:„Stupidfellow, stopsto keep to the sidequickly, otherwiseIwill pinch the walnut the same as explodeprobablycrowdedyourhead.”
“愚蠢的家伙,赶快停车靠边,否则的话我会将你的脑瓜子像是捏核桃一样挤爆掉。”Fang Linyanshakes down the glass, thenloudlybraves the windchirpto exclaim:方林岩摇下车窗,然后顶着风噪大吼道:„Do not have a dream the idiot, Iwill hit the whole faceyourengine oilam, makesyoutaste the enginecylinder scuffingwhile convenient the taste.”
“别做梦了蠢货,我会把你的机油打得满脸都是,顺便让你尝尝发动机拉缸的滋味。”Finallyhiswordshave not said, the bumblebeehiton a leaningfrontdirectly, Fang Linyanquicklygrasps the steadysteering wheel, but the vehicle door of bumblebee also openssuddenly!
A mechanical armextended, oneheldherevehicle door, „”will rip, feels sorry for the vehicle doors of BMWthreedepartmentsto look like the paperstickssimply, directlyveryrelaxedpullsunder.
一支机械臂伸了过来,一把就抓住了这边的车门,“咔嚓”一声就将之撕了下来,可怜宝马三系的车门简直就像是纸糊的一样,直接就被很轻松的直扯而下。Comes acrosssuchmatter, Fang Linyan was also speechless, your was notacts shamelessly, could not solve the driver, firstsolved the car(riage)? Thismayreallynot take the commonroad.
遇到这样的事情,方林岩也是无语了,你这不是耍赖吗,解决不了司机,就先解决车?这可真是不走寻常路啊。Most critically, Fang LinyandrivesvehiclesleftShanyouto evade, was seized the opportunityaftermore than tensecondsby the bumblebee, a mechanical armknockedin the windshieldglass, immediately„dang” a loud sound, before the entire, windshieldwas shakencrushes, thatglasssedimentfellFang Linyanimmediatelywhole headis.
更关键的是,方林岩驾驶着车辆左闪右避,在十几秒之后还是被大黄蜂抓住了机会,一机械臂就敲在了前挡风玻璃车窗上,顿时“咣当”一声巨响,整个前挡风玻璃都被震得粉碎,那玻璃渣子顿时落了方林岩满头满脸都是。In this case, Fang Linyannot affected is almost not possible, hedistressedincomparablecontrolvehiclesare moving aside, butonedoes not pay attentionto hear„dang”one, unexpectedly after is , the vehicle doorwas pulled.
在这种情况下,方林岩不受影响几乎是不可能的,他狼狈无比的操控车辆躲闪着,但一不留神就又听到“咣当”一声,竟是后车门被扯了下来。To be honest, Fang Linyanneverhas really receivedso the predicament, can only loudlyexclaim:
说实话,方林岩真的从未受到过如此窘境,只能大吼道:„Now my speedexceeded170kilometers, onceturns over, Ido have the matternot to know, thewoman but who youprotectwill certainly die!!”
大黄蜂冷酷的道:„The person who Imustprotecthad died, herlifehas nothing to dowithme.”
“我要保护的人已经死了,她的死活与我无关。”„Ha!!”Fang Linyanshock: „ClownunexpectedlyisI! That is that Ikillpersonallyunexpectedly the most importanthostage?”
“哈!!”方林岩震惊了:“小丑竟然是我自己!我亲手弄死的那个居然是最重要的人质?”But he corners of the mouthrevealat oncewipedto sneer, sinceyoudid not care about the hostage, I must be timid to act, therefore the directsteering wheelaimed around bumblebeeto hit, simultaneouslyclamored:
但他旋即嘴角就露出了一抹冷笑,既然你都不在乎人质了,那我难道还要缩手缩脚,于是直接一方向盘就对准了旁边的大黄蜂撞了过去,同时叫嚣道:„Has nothing to dowithyou? Good! Thathad nothing to dowithme, comehits, diesin any case must draw the padback!!”
After thishits, Fang Linyanhears the sound that the back rowheavy itemfellfalls, obviouslywas that woman of severe woundtumblesnearbyfloorfrom the back rowseat, thenexuded a painfulmoan that was hardto contain.
Obviously, she of severely woundedconditionfacingsuchcollision, isfelt that exceptionallyuncomfortable, it is estimated thatcametwosimilardashing to enteragainis on the verge of death.
After thismatterhappened, Fang Linyanfeltimmediately the bumblebeerestrained, no longer conducted the crudecollisiontooneself, butstartsto attemptto open the behavior of car(riage)shameless. BMWthreedepartments, quickwas openedwellseems likeabandonmentcar(riage).
这件事发生了之后,方林岩立即就感觉到了大黄蜂收敛了很多,不再对自己进行粗暴的碰撞,而是开始尝试无耻拆车的行为。好好一辆宝马三系,很快就被拆得像是一辆报废车似的。If the vehicle ownersinthis, guaranteemustshed bitter tears, ownlovecar(riage)looked like the timemagic, in an instantturned the 20years later abandonmentappearances
车主若是在此的话,保准要痛哭流涕,自己的爱车就像是中了时光魔法,转眼就变成了二十年之后的报废模样Right now is also center the Fang Linyansoft rib, in this case, Fang Linyanrepairing a vehicletechnology, even if is the worthy of the reputationworld'sfirstalsouseless, canrepair a vehiclein the situation of thishigh-speedtravel, only ifFang Linyanfirstturns into an automobileperson.
这下子也是正中方林岩的软肋,在这种情况下,方林岩修车技术纵然是是名副其实的全球第一也没用啊,能在这种高速行驶的情况下修车,除非方林岩先变成一个汽车人。Butdiscardedthiscar(riage) is also equivalentdiscardedhismaneuvering force. CanmakeFang Linyanrun into the area of densely populatedto become the bubble.
而废掉了这辆车也就相当于废掉了他的机动力.能让方林岩逃入人烟稠密的地区成为泡影。Was goodalsodiscoveredbecause ofFang Linyan the weakness of bumblebee, before thatwasthisboy, said that did not care about the life of hostageis the deadduckis obstinate argumentative, perhapsthiswomannamedShannonwas not so important, but, cannoteasilygive up, role that evenkilled.
好在方林岩也发现了大黄蜂的一个弱点,那就是这厮之前说不在乎人质的命是死鸭子嘴硬,或许这个叫做乔珊娜的女人并不是那么重要,但是,也不是可以轻易放弃,甚至弄死的角色。Whendetectedoneselfopeningcar dealershiptobumblebeetoavoid, Fang Linyanintentionallytowardbumpyplace, evenisnearbyvehicleshits, compelling the bumblebeeto allow to pass throughorrescue.
在发觉自己对大黄蜂的拆车行为躲避不开的时候,方林岩就会故意朝着颠簸处,甚至是旁边的车辆撞过去,逼得大黄蜂让路或者援救。Even the bumblebee can only helplessopens firetoward an oppositeheavycard, the radicalexplosionmadeitbe rumbled the roadbed, this was also avoidsFang Linyanhittingintentionallyto the opposite party, causedcollisionreallyoccurrence.
After both sidesdisplayed their wisdom and bravery for severalminutes, Fang Linyanactuallyheardrear areaheard the giantbellow, then sixmotorcyclesexpelledfrom the rear area, onthesemotorcyclesuniformwears the knight of blackhelmet, the bodywore the tight-fittingclothing/taking, can only distinguishmen and womenafter the stature- twowomenwerewas raisedcurled upwards, hadtoconcave-convexoutstanding person.
双方斗智斗勇了好几分钟之后,方林岩却听到了后方传来了巨大的轰鸣声,然后便有六辆摩托车从后方撵了上来,这些摩托车上清一色都是戴着黑色头盔的骑士,身上穿着紧身服,只能从身材上分辨男女-有两个女人都是前凸后翘,凹凸有致的尤物。Most critically, sixmotorcyclesafter the re-equipping, onitssideexhaust pipeare installed with a veryM600machine guncompletely, andbrings the small-scalerocket projectilelauncher, nearby the headlightalsohas a high-frequencylaserlauncher!
The mightcansayquitepowerful, buton the motorcycle the distinctivetyrantdaytigersymbolized that markedtheirstatus.
威力可以说相当强大,而摩托车上棱角分明的霸天虎标志则是标明了它们的身份。Theappearance, explodes the vehicles that pursuing troopstookon the bang, is goodbecause ofinsidepassengeris the spacesoldier, althoughnodied, butdefinitelyisdirtyin an extremely difficult situation.
其一出现,就轰爆了一辆追兵乘坐的车辆,好在里面的乘客都是空间战士,虽然没有一个死掉,但肯定是灰头土脸狼狈不堪的。However, thespacesoldierteam that comesto pursuedemonstrated the goodcoordinatingimmediately, althoughtheybeforeseemed like that was suppressedstubbornlybyFang Linyan, was actually becauseFang Linyanwas too strong, andalsoheld its personnelscatteredweakness, did not representthemto be weakabsolutely.
A quickcar(riage)startsintentionally the pull back, onthisvehiclehas a spacesoldier who is good atreading the strength, candisplay the wide scope the readingstrengthshield! The mainuse of thisshielddoes not absorb the injury, butmakes the attack of enemyoriginateby the distortionfalls, is similarto the refraction that in the rayinjectionwaterbrings.
The rearthesesixmotorsopen fire, the bullet of machine gunwas deviatedmost probably, the laser that even the ripple firehaswas also refractedone side, althoughread the strengthshieldalsoto be routedquickly, butseizedthisopportunity, the long-distanceshooters in teamalsolaunched the counter-attackin abundance.
后方的这六辆摩托纷纷开火,机枪的子弹被偏离了大半,甚至连射出的激光也被折射到了一边,尽管念力盾很快也被击溃,但抓住了这个机会,团队中的远程射手也是纷纷发起了反击。Fang Linyanbusymiddlesaw, before , after being raised , the femalerider who curls upwardsalthoughwears the helmet, was actually also exploded the headby a spear/gun! Butthisonbloodsplashveryfrightenedpicture, becauseactually the neckplace of femaleriderrevealed the sponge of packingunexpectedlyappearedespeciallyfunnyfunny.方林岩百忙当中就见到,一名前凸后翘的女骑手虽然戴着头盔,却也被一枪爆头!但这本应鲜血飞溅十分惊悚的画面,却因为女骑手的脖子处居然露出了填充的海绵而显得格外的滑稽搞笑。Originally, the rider on thesesixmotorcycles are completely the plasticstuffed dummies, is similarexistenceinpendant, itsintentioncovers certainly their ears and eyes, meanwhilehas the function of certaintacticaldeceit, for example didn't thisstuffed dummymodelabsorb an injury of round of sniper's riflebullet?
原来,这六辆摩托车上的骑手全部都是塑料假人,类似于挂件的存在,其用意当然是掩人耳目,同时还有一定战术欺骗的作用,比如这个假人模特不就吸收了一发狙击枪子弹的伤害吗?Ifthisspear/gunhitson the chassis, even if the metallife is the same does not feel better.
The rearexchange of firecontinued the short less than more than tenseconds, twoare named as„roadtrial”motorizedTyrantTianhuwas wreckedat the scene, emitted the billowingblack smoke, lookedthoughttrulyis the product that the qualitydoes not go through a strategic pass.
后方的交火只是持续了短暂的十几秒钟不到,两名被命名为“公路审判者”的摩托霸天虎被击毁当场,冒出了滚滚黑烟,一看就觉得确实是属于质量不过关的产品。Howeverregarding the metallife, the bodywas wreckeddid not mean the death, so long asitscentermodule, thatis still equivalentwill trade a bodyin the future, then can also stage a comeback.
不过对于金属生命来说,躯体被击毁了并不意味死亡,只要其中枢模块还在,那就相当于日后换个身体,那么还能卷土重来。ButfourmotorizedTyrantTianhuincrease speedagain, itsmotorizedlinersprayedtwo78-meterbluetailflame, increased speedinstantaneouslyin a big way, thendrove a road surfacepitch, simultaneouslysoaredtaking offto glide, gotformedin the midair a person of shape, thenaimed at the frontto open fireviolently!
The words saying that thesefourmotorizedTyrantTianhuinstantaneouseruptionfirepoweralso are really powerful, flashFang Linyanfeltoneselfplace oneselfin the middle of the hail of bullets, is the explosive sound, the bulletfliesto shoot the soundeverywhere, even the thick smokeis billowing.
Obviously, TyrantTianhuthisattackit can be said thatno restriction of any kind, directlyFang Linyancovering, althoughwill not deliberately aimto attackhim, butalsobelongs, onceinjures accidentallydoes not care.
很显然,霸天虎这一次的攻击可以说是百无禁忌的,直接将方林岩给覆盖了进去,虽然不会刻意瞄准攻击他,但也属于一旦误伤也不在乎。At this timeFang LinyannoticesthroughHaLSangle of view, on the bumblebeebeforehandmouthsaidveryruthlessly, at this important moment is also unambiguous, initiativechanges the bodyurgently, blockssmall missile that twofired, the explodedappearanceis quite distressed, the Fang Linyanrange estimatewas blown off the oil sump, has not nearly smiledto make noise.
此时方林岩通过哈LS的视角注意到,大黄蜂之前嘴上说得很狠,在这关键时刻也是毫不含糊,主动紧急变身,挡住了两发射来的小型导弹,被炸的样子相当狼狈,方林岩目测连油底壳都被炸飞了,差点儿都没笑出声来。ButthesefourmotorizedTyrantTianhuafterchanging the bodyfall to the ground, speedinevitablecame under the influence, bythesespacesoldiercollectionfires, was then wreckedtwoagain, surplustwoescapeunder the cover ofcompanion.
但这四辆摩托霸天虎在变身落地之后,速度无可避免的受到了影响,被那些空间战士集火,然后再次击毁了两台,剩余两台在同伴的掩护下逃过一劫。Seizedthisopportunity, Fang Linyantowardsideonedozen of steering wheels, turnedanotherroad, this timehehad listenedfrom the sound of engine, thisBMWthreewerehas borne the pressure that toomanysedansshould notbear, will soon strikethoroughly, therefore, was the timelooks for the escape routetooneself.
抓住了这个机会,方林岩朝着旁边一打方向盘,拐上了另外一条路,此时的他已经从发动机的声音听了出来,这辆宝马三系已经承受了太多轿车不应该承受的压力,即将彻底罢工,所以,是时候给自己找退路了。Was goodbroughtcheatingbecause ofFang Linyan: HaLS, lettinghimto have an extraangle of view, to the terrain within surroundingmore than tenkilometersknows from A to Z, thereforeaimed at the place that settled onto speed away.
好在方林岩自带了一个作弊器:哈LS,让他能拥有一个额外的视角,对周围的十几公里内的地形了如指掌,所以就对准看中的地方疾驰了过去。Butthisplaceimpressivelyis an interchange.
而这地方赫然乃是一座立交桥。Whendrives the interchange, Fang Linyansteps on the acceleratorat this timedirectly, the enginealsomakes the sound that shouted oneself hoarseto be unable to withstand the load, increases speedsuddenly.
The bumblebeealsowantsto followat this timedirectly, butone side ofitsthis timeenginenot onlyemitted the black smoke, evenalsopresented the open fire, before obviously, TyrantTianhu the attack was also makesitpay the enoughbigprice.
大黄蜂此时也想直接跟上,但它此时的引擎一侧不仅冒出了黑烟,甚至还出现了明火,很显然之前霸天虎的攻击也是让它付出了足够大的代价。Although the automatic repairsystemhas activatedat this time, the fire extinguisherstartsto have the function, butin a short timebumblebeeincreases speedthatdefinitely unable to get up, thereforethreeis the suddeneruptionalsosomewhathas more desire than energyregardingBMW.
虽然此时自动修复系统已经激活,灭火器开始产生作用,但是短时间内大黄蜂的提速那肯定是起不来,因此对于宝马三系突然的爆发也是有些心有余而力不足。Whenthiscar(riage)arrived at that path of interchangepeak, Fang Linyanverysimpleloosened the steering wheel, both feettreadruthlesslytrodin the car(riage)bottom, thenerupted the hugestrength, kicked out the railingdirectly, aimed under traffic lane more than 20meters away to drop down.
The fiercewindheads on, Fang Linyannarrowed the eye, the expression was actually verycalm.
狂烈的风扑面而来,方林岩眯缝起了眼睛,表情却是十分镇定。As forwhyjumps offdoesn't have the drivinggatemovement? Naturallyisbecausevehicle doorbybumblebeebastardpulling.
至于为什么跳车的时候没有开车门的动作?当然是因为车门已经被大黄蜂这王八蛋给扯下来了啊。In others opinion, Fang Linyantheactioncommits suicidewithout doubt, butin factat this time, onbelowtraffic lane the Halleymotorcycle of restoring the oldeditionpassed throughexactly, drivesitsis a full beard- yes, isthatphysiqueis stout and strong, the whole bodytattoo and tattoo, have the beardto look at not the affablefull beard.
在旁人看来,方林岩的这举动无疑是自杀,但实际上这时候,下方的车道上恰好有一辆复古版本的哈雷机车经过,驾驶它的是一个大胡子-是的,就是那种体态肥壮,满身纹身和刺青,留着胡须一看就不好惹的大胡子。Fang Linyanlockedthisfull beardto take the goaldirectly, a round of bladesoaringflung, thenappearedinhimbehind, the left handtook advantage of opportunityonquick of eye and hand a dragon's head that held the motorcycle, the right handknockedall of a suddenfaintedthisunluckyegg.方林岩直接锁定了这个大胡子作为目标,一发刃飞翔就甩了过去,然后出现在了他的身后,左手顺势就眼疾手快的一把抓住了机车的龙头,右手则是一下子就敲晕了这个倒霉蛋。Thefull beard of this timeon„timid young girl inspiring tenderness”lying downin the bosom of Fang Linyan, thatpicturetrulysomespicyeyes.
此时的这个大胡子就“小鸟依人”的躺在了方林岩的怀中,那画面确实有些辣眼睛。RegardingFang Linyan, sincehas attained the essentialitem: After USB, cansay that wastrip has not been made in vain, butunderpresent, wantingeven/includingShannonto carry offtogether is not very realistic, thereforefound the wayto travelimmediatelyis also normal.
The peoplecannotbe too corrupt, the words that does not walk, it is estimated that the USB and womenwere hard.
人不能太贪,再不走的话,估计U盘和女人都难以到手了。Seesthis, some peoplesomewhatare scared, theyhave not expectedFang Linyanto havesuchshowto operateunexpectedly.
Side canpursue the Fang Linyanbumblebeeactuallyto have no timeonlyto attend toat this time, because ofdon't forget, the femalehostage who the bumblebeecared aboutalsoon the vehicle, he can only change the BMWthreedepartments that the bodyrobotshapeinterceptedthatout-of-controlimmediately.
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