FE :: Volume #13

#1686: Licks not to be possible to lick, does not need to lick again

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Chapter 1684 licks not to be possible to lick, does not need to lick again 第1684章舔无可舔,无需再舔 Before Fang Linyan these enters the space time, but promoted LV4 the village double blade especially! 方林岩这一次进入空间之前,可是特地将村正双刀提升到了LV4呢! Was promoted 20 besides double blade's striking power, LV4 extra addition: The brutal mercy also cut to conduct the addition to the cassock especially, caused it from the violent striking rate/lead promotion of back blade terrifying 60! 除了双刀本身的攻击力被提升了20之外,LV4的额外加成:残酷的慈悲还特地对袈裟斩进行了加成,使其从背后出刀的暴击率提升到了恐怖的60! Therefore, after this blade cuts, although in the cassock cuts remnant soul quantity not many, actually also jumped out of 484 point violent to strike the digit, allowing this shooter to enter to being on the verge of death condition. 所以,这一刀砍出去之后,虽然袈裟斩内的残魂数量没有多少,却也跳出了一个484点的暴击数字,让这射手进入到濒死状态。 Fang Linyan has not expected the opposite party such quickly direct spatial blood, without displays without the type with enough time, its team skill was triggered, the whole person is disappearing in instantaneously at present, was left by the direct transmission. 方林岩也没料到对方这么快就直接空血了,也没来得及施展无式,其团队技能就被触发了,整个人在瞬间消失在了眼前,被直接传送离开。 Moreover, its team skill is quite high-level, after will transmit, although this fellow is in a state of being on the verge of death same place, the life value starts to restore unexpectedly continually, quick restored about 40. 不仅如此,其团队技能还比较高级,将之传送走了之后,这家伙虽然在原地陷入濒死状态,生命值居然开始持续恢复,很快就恢复了40左右。 Because being on the verge of death condition , even after is the life value restored also to take several minutes, can move, but does not touch the brittle skin that died. 因为濒死状态哪怕是生命值恢复了也要几分钟之后才能动弹,但是已经不是一碰就死的脆皮了。 Although Fang Linyan adopts the team passive skill: The blood-color war flag caught the position of opposite party quickly, but detected that the luck sincerity of this fellow was good, transmission point of descent unexpectedly after opposite mountain, and was away from his teammate is not far. 虽然方林岩通过团队被动技能:血色战旗很快就捕捉到了对方的位置,但发觉这家伙的运气真心不错,传送落点居然是在对面的山后,并且距离其队友不远。 Now Fang Linyan chases down his words, must circle a great-circle in the past, his teammate can definitely arrive at the appointed time in advance, and Fang Linyan must give up front two important plot characters, what is more important, on this person does not have the hunting mark, killed did not have the extra reward. 现在方林岩去追杀他的话,就得绕一个大圈过去,届时其队友肯定是能先行到达的,并且方林岩还得放弃面前的两个重要剧情人物,更重要的是,这个人头上是没有狩猎标记的,杀了也没有额外的奖励。 Naturally, a method, that is to make LS dive to make up the blade, but makes up the blade to be successful even, bloody key Fang Linyan must take in the past. Moreover volume of blood that this fellow restores at present, LS was also not necessarily able fast to kill. 当然,还有一个方法,那就是让哈LS俯冲下去补刀,可是就算补刀成功,血腥钥匙方林岩依然要过去拿。而且就目前这家伙恢复的血量来说,哈LS也未必能将之速杀了。 Therefore, Fang Linyan gave up chasing down this fellow, then very simple was pursuing to the important plot character to that simultaneously yelled: 所以,方林岩放弃了追杀这家伙,然后很干脆的对着那对身份重要的剧情人物追了上去,同时大叫道: Waits, I come.” “等一等,我是来.” The Fang Linyan words have not shouted, thought suddenly nearby huge strength impact comes, these was really the thunderbolt time, his whole person seemed pushed one ruthlessly, involuntary flew, simultaneously in the middle of the ear buzzed, could not hear any sound completely, the chest and belly position was the severe pain. 方林岩的话还没有喊出来,猛然就觉得旁边一股巨大的力量冲击而来,这一次就真的是突发事件了,他整个人都仿佛被狠狠推了一把似的,身不由己的飞了出去,同时耳朵当中更是嗡嗡作响,完全听不到任何的声音,胸腹位置更是剧痛。 Meanwhile, after this attack, the Fang Linyan life value and MP value are to sharply fall over 2/3, particularly the life value, suffered the curse of gene disorder, now suffers this round, fell below 200 points below. 同时,中了这一次袭击之后,方林岩的生命值和MP值更是锐减三分之二以上,尤其是生命值,本来就遭受到了基因紊乱的诅咒,现在又挨了这一发,跌破到了200点以下。 After numerous falling fell the ground, in the Fang Linyan mind the blank several seconds had gotten back one's composure: 重重的摔落到了地上之后,方林岩脑海里面空白了数秒钟才回过了神来: „Was I attacked?” “我被攻击了?” TMD, who is attacking me!!” “TMD,是谁在攻击我!!” Is impossible, around me does not have any threatens the enemy obviously powerful?” “不可能啊,我周围明明没有什么强大威胁敌人的?” Previously that struck, although sudden, Fang Linyan has not caught the attack that who is launches, however on the scene on these people, first removed these hostile space soldiers, because Fang Linyan 70-80% thoughts placed its. 先前那一击虽然突如其来,方林岩根本就没有捕捉到是谁发起的攻击,但是在场的就这么些人,首先排除掉那些敌对的空间战士,因为方林岩七八成的心思都放在了其身上。 Tyrant Tianhu that fellow is punching the black freight vehicle in the violent, both sides clone weak. 霸天虎的那家伙正在暴揍黑色货车,双方都分身乏术. Therefore, does not need to consume too many thoughts to guess to obtain, launches the attack is not others, before Fang Linyan, wants object who kneels to lick- Bumblebee!! 所以,不用耗费太多的心思就能猜得到,发起攻击的不是别人,正是方林岩之前想要跪舔的对象--大黄蜂!! I go against your lung!!” “我顶你个肺啊!!” And the Fang Linyan also brokenhearted discovery, this dregs male aimed at himself to raise the spear/gun unexpectedly again. 并且方林岩还心碎的发现,这个渣男居然再次对准了自己举起了枪。 Right now but is really makes Fang Linyan become angry out of shame , or because of liking living to hate my TM is helps obviously your, why do you want to hit me? Is your domestic animal, the person like this? 这下子可真的是让方林岩恼羞成怒,咳咳,或者说因爱生恨我TM明明是来帮你的,你为什么要来打我?你这个畜生,这样做还是人吗? When Fang Linyan was burning with anger at this time, neglected a very important matter: Actually stands in the angle of bumblebee has not really made the any mistake. 方林岩这时候怒火中烧之余,就忽略了一件很重要的事情:其实站在大黄蜂的角度还真没做错什么。 A man and a woman are the important personages who the bumblebee must protect the security, but Fang Linyan this sudden neutral character actually in rapid close to them. 那一男一女是大黄蜂务必要保护安全的重要人物,而方林岩这个突然出现的中立人物却在迅速靠近他们。 What is more important,( space soldier who own allied armies + reinforcements that crowd helps) was actually hit half dead by Fang Linyan this seemingly neutral character! 更重要的是,自己的盟军+援军(那群来援的空间战士)却被方林岩这个貌似中立的人物打了个半死! Obviously, in this case, the bumblebee definitely thinks that Fang Linyan was the enemy, if you were well-meant, attacks the ally that we helped to do? 很显然,在这种情况下,大黄蜂肯定认为方林岩是敌人了啊,你要是没有恶意的话,攻击我方来援的盟友干什么? What! You are still chasing the important personage who I must protect unexpectedly, looked looks like appearance that must conspire, hehe, the sediment, eats my spear/gun!! 什么!你居然还在追赶我要保护的重要人物,一看就像是要图谋不轨的样子,呵呵,渣滓,吃俺一枪!! This spear/gun, made the Fang Linyan licking dog dream be disillusioned directly, let he had wrong paid eventually the feeling, but after Fang Linyan suffered a spear/gun, clear to see that group of space soldiers also rushed to distance that two plot characters in 50 meters. 这一枪,直接就让方林岩的舔狗梦破灭了,也让他生出了“终究还是错付了”的感觉,而方林岩挨了一枪之后,眼见得那群空间战士也冲到了距离那两名剧情人物五十米之内. The Fang Linyan look suddenly became callous: 方林岩的眼神陡然变得冷酷了起来: Therefore I do not have to choose, since cannot make you love me for a lifetime, that makes you hate me. Bah bah, since the automobile person cannot have a liking for me, I kneel to lick again one time!” “所以我已经没得选择了啊,既然不能让你爱我一辈子,那就让你恨我.啊呸呸呸,既然汽车人看不上我,那我就再跪舔一次!” In a flash, before he is fast to/clashes, then rise with a jump, avoided another gunshot of bumblebee! 一瞬间,他就快速前冲,然后一跃而起,躲开了大黄蜂的又一次枪击! The explosive sound just resounded in it behind, the Fang Linyan whole person has displayed the blade soaring again, but also the remnant shadow in the middle of midair also attracted a fireball, five 7.62 MM steel core bullets, then vanish gradually pale. 爆炸声刚刚在其身后响起,方林岩整个人已经再次施展出了刃飞翔,还在半空当中的残影也是吸引了一枚火球,五颗7.62MM的钢芯子弹,然后才渐渐淡去消失。 When he presents again time, had arrived at the back of that middle-aged man directly, the blade soaring is such sharp! 等他再出现的时候,已经是直接来到了那个中年男子的背后,刃飞翔就是这么犀利! Fang Linyan has even thought that intercepted his later excuse, naturally must match the speech that sings in good voice and with feeling, certainly can behave righteously, the indignant glorious image molds thoroughly. 方林岩甚至已经想好了拦截下来他之后的说辞,当然还要搭配上声情并茂的演讲,一定能将自己见义勇为,路见不平的光辉形象彻底塑造起来。 Makes these two indigenous people know well oneself rescue their difficulties, pays, painstaking efforts. 好好让这两名原住民知道自己援救他们的艰难,付出,还有良苦用心。 The opening that however Fang Linyan directed the story, has not actually guessed correctly the story the result 然而方林岩一手导演了故事的开头,却没猜到故事的结局 This middle-aged man in seeing Fang Linyan appears after oneself front, immediately stares on the eyes in a big way, covered the chest directly weak, then looked the color of pain, the right hand covered the chest, fell to the ground to twitch directly, quick started to roll the eyes! 这中年男子在见到方林岩出现在自己面前之后,立即就双眼瞪大,直接捂住了胸口瘫软了下去,然后面露痛苦之色,右手捂住了胸口,直接倒地抽搐了起来,很快就开始翻白眼了! On the retina of Fang Linyan also presented the desperate prompt: 方林岩的视网膜上也出现了令人绝望的提示: Important plot character: Because Vetter Vichy was frightened by you, therefore the heart attack entered the dying condition, you must take most responsibility to its outbreak!” “重要剧情人物:老维特维奇因为被你惊吓,因此心脏病发作进入了垂死状态,你要对其发病负大部分责任!” Saw this, Fang Linyan is dumbfounded immediately: 见到了这一幕,方林岩顿时傻了眼: Not? This type will be protected the important plot character who should anti- hit by the automobile person very much, how to enter the dying condition!!!” “不是吧?这种会被汽车人保护的重要剧情人物应该很耐打的啊,怎么会就这么进垂死状态!!!” Actually the life value of this middle-aged man is very high, first is actually injured when the beforehand chase war, then traffic accident to protect that female received the heavy injury, therefore became rubbed on the severely wounded unlucky brittle skin. 其实这位中年男人的生命值本来是挺高的,却是在之前的追逐战当中先受了伤,然后车祸时为了保护那女子又受了不轻的伤势,所以就成了一蹭就重伤的倒霉脆皮了. In addition he witnesses Fang Linyan( that group of space soldiers) to attack brutally with oneself good friend, therefore was approached after by Fang Linyan, at heart one anxious, immediately sends on the sickness. 再加上他亲眼目睹方林岩与自己的好友(那群空间战士)大打出手,所以被方林岩逼近以后心里一紧张,立即就病发。 Fang Linyan felt in the final analysis oneself walked faded to transport 说到底方林岩都觉得自己走了衰运啊 Naturally, Fang Linyan do not know, the so-called luck is not good, that is real. Walks to fade to transport! That was the abyss feudal lord finds the person to suppress his luck intentionally. 当然,就连方林岩自己都不知道,所谓的运气不好,那是真.走衰运!那是深渊领主找人来故意压制了他的运气。 At this time that female has gone crazy to clash generally, called out crazily: 这时候那女子已经发疯了一般的冲了过来,狂叫道: Father, father!!” “爹地,爹地!!” At this time stood in middle-aged man Fang Linyan of is really somewhat helpless, but he was away from two people to be extremely near at this time, automobile person that group of space soldiers do not dare to act rashly, that was really cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 此时站在了中年男子身边的方林岩真的是有些不知所措,而他此时距离两人极近,无论是汽车人还是那群空间战士都不敢妄动了,那真的是投鼠忌器。 Especially that group of space soldiers, on the retina presented the clear prompt, and this prompt or blood red: 尤其是那群空间战士,视网膜上都出现了清晰的提示,并且这提示还是血红色的: Important target Mr. Vetter Vichy, you must protect at present has been at the severely wounded dying condition, please examine its situation rapidly!” “XXXXXX,你们目前要保护的重要对象老维特维奇先生已经处于重伤垂死状态,请迅速查看其情况!” Under such prompt, who also dares to act rashly? Could not do well a small stone to want his life. 在这样的提示下,谁还敢轻举妄动呢?搞不好一枚小石头就要了他的命了。 The female swayed several men, then raised the head Fang Linyan that looks at stands numbly, cries to scold with high voice: 那女子摇晃了几下男子,然后抬起头看着麻木站在旁边的方林岩,尖声哭骂道: Your this devil, your bastard! Has to plant to me comes, what is starting to father's such old person is? Domestic animal, bastard!” “你这个魔鬼,你这个混蛋!有种冲着我来啊,对着父亲这样的老人下手算什么?畜生,王八蛋!” The scream exit|to speak of this female, Fang Linyan also received the prompt immediately: 这女子的喊叫声一出口,方林岩也是立即收到了提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you to important plot character: The negative impact that Mr. Vetter Vichy exerts made it be in a state of severe wound directly, you prestige among automobile person reduced 786 points, you among the relations with automobile people turned into the hatred.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你对重要剧情人物:老维特维奇先生施加的负面影响直接使其陷入了重伤状态,你在汽车人当中的声望降低786点,你与汽车人之间的关系变成了仇恨。” Among automobile person certain members had obvious hostility to you- for example bumblebee.” “汽车人当中某些成员对你产生了明显的敌意-比如大黄蜂。” Saw such prompt coldly, the Fang Linyan look all of a sudden. To being concerned about face, the opportunity of licking not to me, does that want you also to have what using? 见到了这样的提示,方林岩的眼神一下子就冷了下来.给脸不要脸,连舔的机会都不给我,那要你还有何用? Therefore, the Fang Linyan backhand aimed at this female is a blade cut, happen to cut on her incessant foul-mouthed, making her cursing sound stop suddenly, can only the pain covered the face to struggle on the ground. 所以,方林岩反手就对准了这女子就是一刀砍了过去,正好就砍在了她那张滔滔不绝的臭嘴上,让她的大骂声戛然而止,只能痛苦的捂着脸在地上挣扎着。 Then Fang Linyan for a penny and for a pound, a dagger on the thorn in front the chest of Vetter Vichy, displayed the bloodthirsty spider soul while convenient, making it continue to deduct the life value. 然后方林岩一不做二不休,一匕首就刺在了面前老维特维奇的胸口,顺带还施展出了嗜血蛛魂,让其持续扣除生命值。 At this time some people and others had not expected under the Fang Linyan pain the killer- Because he has actually been able to do properly speaking, therefore was also shocked. 这时候一干人等也没料到方林岩痛下杀手--因为按理说他其实早就可以这么干了,因此也是惊呆了。 Therefore that several space soldiers in not far away cursed immediately angrily, another fellow also made made him regret at least eight -and-a-half hour of actions, he shot a round of grenade to come to Fang Linyan. 于是不远处的那几名空间战士立即愤怒大骂了起来,另外一个家伙也是做出了令其后悔了至少八个半小时的举动,他对方林岩射了一发枪榴弹过来。 Regarding the average person, the rate of fire of grenade is quick, wanted the veteran in battlefield to be able hears sound to drop to the ground immediately, and launch of grenade must in the vision of veteran, but regarding the space soldier of inborn war machine, the grenade from the launch to that 12 seconds of landing, enough has been able to handle a lot. 对于普通人来说,枪榴弹的射速已经是很快的了,要战场上的老兵才能闻声立即卧倒,并且枪榴弹的发射还得在老兵的视线范围内,但是对于天生战争机器的空间战士来说,枪榴弹从发射到落地的那一两秒钟,已经足够可以做很多事情。 Moreover, Fang Linyan detected own by the dynamic energy, care of destiny was started, his steep had an intense premonition, shoots a bullet that soon to hit own head also to produce suddenly/violently to strike in the left! 不仅如此,方林岩发觉自己的被动能力,命运之眷顾发动了,他陡的生出了一股强烈的预感,在左边射来的一颗子弹即将命中自己的脑袋并且产生暴击! Therefore, Fang Linyan very simple was sideways to conduct dodging, simultaneously when saw the grenade projected, directly grasped that unlucky woman, kept off in own front. 所以,方林岩很干脆的偏头侧身进行了闪避,同时在一看到枪榴弹射出的时候,直接抓起了那个倒霉女人,挡在了自己的面前。 Oh, NO!!” “噢,NO!!” Witnesses this brutal one, launched grenade that fellow to exude a sad and shrill and desperate big shout immediately! 目睹这残酷的一幕,发射枪榴弹那家伙立即发出了一声凄厉而绝望的大喊声! Believes me, even if were his on 0 is trampled a foot layer on layer/heavily, the sound that sends out absolutely will not be louder. 相信我,哪怕是他的0O上被人重重踹了一脚,所发出的声音也绝对不会更大了。 Next second, after his grenade explosion, on the retina sprang one to let he almost desperate news: 下一秒,他的枪榴弹爆炸之后,视网膜上就弹出了一条让他几乎绝望的消息: Promisor 92 AUD, because your grenade caused 317 damage to important plot character Shannon, therefore made it enter the severely wounded condition.” “契约者92AUD号,因为你的枪榴弹对重要剧情人物乔珊娜造成了三百一十七点伤害,所以使其进入了重伤状态。” Among automobile person certain members presented the visible drop to your friendly.” “汽车人当中的某些成员对你的友好度出现了明显的下降。” You the prestige among automobile person deduct 2000 points, this determination for miss shot, if has same matter again, will then directly enter the hatred list.” “你在汽车人当中的声望扣除两千点,本次判定为误击,如果再发生同样的事情,那么将直接进入仇恨名单。” After seeing this series of cruel prompts, this fellow dumbfounded directly, nearby companion also can only the comfort say with good intention: 看到了这一系列残忍的提示后,这家伙直接呆住了,旁边的同伴也只能好心安慰道: Chauny, does not want milk sob that for has sprinkled, we should look forward.” “乔尼,不要为了已经洒掉的牛奶哭泣,我们应该向前看。” Chauny's painful moan, 2000 prestige, he cost five days, consumed over half of net worth to attain 2400 prestige! And prestigious tall Juqian two in the middle of team- this is can attain the extra premium!! 乔尼痛苦的呻吟了一声,两千点声望啊,他足足耗费了五天的时间,消耗了超过一半的身家才拿到了2400点声望!并且在团队当中声望高居前二位-这可是能拿到额外奖励的!! Now because the shameless movement of that bastard, all on draining water. 现在就因为那个混蛋的一个无耻动作,所有的一切就付诸东流水了。 I must kill that bastard! I must twist then to force in the toilet his head.” “我要杀了那混蛋!我要把他的脑袋拧下来然后塞进马桶里面去。” Chauny starts to raise the fist to bellow, only nearby teammate seems like the interest in lack pitifully, because they already before deputy team chief Thompson- is uses in AK that precise shooter mouth to know, unexpected visitor very that this kills suddenly, the close combat striking power exceptionally is at least terrorist. 乔尼开始扬着拳头大吼着,只可惜旁边的队友看起来兴趣缺缺,因为他们已经从副队长汤普森-就是之前使用AK的那名精确射手口中得知,这个突然杀出的不速之客非常之强,至少近战攻击力异常恐怖。 Naturally, this point they have looked in just two seconds from Thomson's life value rapid evaporation. 当然,这一点他们已经从汤姆森的生命值在短短的两秒内迅速蒸发看出来了. After this unlucky woman was held by Fang Linyan was shield, others are all of a sudden were also honest, including bumblebee and she. 这倒霉女人被方林岩抓住做了挡箭牌之后,其余的人也是一下子老实了,包括大黄蜂和她自己。 But that unlucky man Mr. Vetter Vichy twitched, the corners of the mouth overflowed a blood, then died thoroughly, 而那个倒霉的男人老维特维奇先生则是抽搐了一下,嘴角溢出了一股鲜血,然后彻底死掉, But after he died, everyone on the scene received the notice, Fang Linyan also proposes a hatred value of big automobile person happily. 而他死去了之后,在场的所有人都接到了通知,方林岩也是喜提一大笔汽车人的仇恨值。 Meanwhile he notices on the corpse to have a thing in sparklingly, carefully looks at this gadget unexpectedly is a USB, but this flash only then the space soldier can see, this was obviously prompts very much obviously. 同时他注意到尸体上有一件东西正在闪闪发光,仔细看去这玩意儿竟然是一只U盘,而这闪光只有空间战士才能看到,很显然这是个非常明显的提示了。 At this time, Tyrant Tianhu that ordinary member already violent treachery , he although got rid of the black freight vehicle, actually pulled out by the bumblebee hails in a spear/gun bang the thigh, immediately the mobility dropped most likely (80%), now was pressed behind a rock suffered the wanton bombing, but that rock estimated how long could not support. 这时候,霸天虎的那名普通成员已经惨遭毒手,他虽然干掉了黑色货车,却被大黄蜂抽冷子一枪轰中了大腿,立即机动性下降了八成,现在被压在了一块岩石后面遭受狂轰滥炸,不过那岩石估计也撑不了多久了。 Fang Linyan very simple lent money in own pocket U, then grasped that unlucky Shannon, regarded before her shield put the body, some people immediately are cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, can only helpless looks at Fang Linyan retreating step by step, then led Shannon to board, then drove to leave. 方林岩很干脆的将U盘放到了自己的口袋里面,然后抓起了那个倒霉的乔珊娜,拿她当成挡箭牌放到了身前,一干人顿时投鼠忌器,只能无奈的看着方林岩一步一步的退走,然后带着乔珊娜上车,然后驾车驶离。 At this time everyone also received Shannon by the prompt of severe wound, does not dare to attack the automobile of Fang Linyan driving, if the traffic accident caused this woman dead, that prestigious value can fall 3000 points crazily? 此时大家也都收到了乔珊娜被重伤的提示,也不敢攻击方林岩驾驶的这辆汽车了,万一车祸导致了这女人死亡,那声望值岂不是要狂降三千点?
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