FE :: Volume #13

#1685: Chaotic war

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Chapter 1683 chaotic war 第1683章乱战 Originally, what the attack drifts is a round of high-energy electron chaff shell, after this gadget explodes, shake wave energy direct role that it has in the middle of the essence of transformer, making it lose the balance temporarily. 原来,攻击漂移的是一发高能电子干扰弹,这玩意儿爆炸之后,其产生的震荡波能直接作用于变形金刚的内核当中,使其暂时失去平衡。 Described with the problem of human that quite therefore hung in / the heavy cerebral concussion condition, that surely did not have the means to fight in a short time. 用人类的毛病来形容,那就相当于是挂了个中/重度脑震荡的状态,那肯定是短时间内没办法战斗了。 Seized this opportunity, Fang Linyan discovered that a yellow brand-new Chevrolet race car seized the opportunity, a drifting flung, then in the tire braved the light smoke under the condition, fled toward nearby path with great speed. 抓住了这个机会,方林岩发现一辆黄色的崭新雪佛兰跑车抓住了机会,一个漂移甩了出来,然后在轮胎冒着青烟的状况下,火速朝着旁边的道路逃离了开去。 But its behavior as if held the hornet's nest to be the same without a doubt, immediately annoyed behind many chase. 而它的行为毫无疑问则仿佛捅了马蜂窝一样,立即惹来了身后众多的追逐者。 That yellow Chevrolet race car Fang Linyan knew certainly, famous bumblebee! Pursues his is enough six metal lives, its seems like also puts on standard war armor, the chest has the obvious tyrant day tiger to symbolize. 那辆黄色的雪佛兰跑车方林岩当然认识,大名鼎鼎的大黄蜂啊!追击他的则是足足有六名金属生命,其看起来身上还穿着制式的战甲,胸口有着明显的霸天虎标志。 These metal lives have not entered change the body shape, but was the sole presented two wheels directly, seeming like wore the roller skating shoes to be the same, but its pursuit speed least bit was not slow, under high-speed running, the wheel of under foot often scrubbed a dazzling spark in the road surface, meanwhile fired in a pursuit at the same time. 这些金属生命并没有进入变身形态,而是脚底直接出现了两个轮子,看起来就像是穿着旱冰鞋一样,但是其追击速度却半点儿都不慢,在高速奔跑下,脚下的轮子不时在路面上刮擦出一道刺眼的火花,同时还在一面追击一面射击。 However is moves the fire probably originally on the accurate aim very low reason, and these Tyrant Tianhu weapons do not have the ripple fire ability, therefore hit probability strange Di, can say that over 95 deviated. 不过大概是移动射击本来就准头很低的缘故,并且这些霸天虎的武器并没有连射能力,所以命中率奇低,可以说超过95都偏离了开去。 Even if the round can the freakish hit, actually sparkle a ray from the bumblebee surface about half meter, then its laser ejection, this should be directly the energy of bumblebee bringing protects the shield. 就算是有一发能偶然命中,距离大黄蜂表面半米左右却闪耀出来了一道光芒,然后直接将其激光弹射了开去,这应该就是大黄蜂自带的能量护盾了。 These six pursuit bumblebees during should be the ordinary member who Tyrant Tianhu organizes, but bumblebee fellow is the out-and-out elite blames, therefore striking power, defensive power, life value, skill and fight experience that oneself have, above them. 这六名追击大黄蜂的应该就是霸天虎组织当中的普通成员了,而大黄蜂这种家伙就是不折不扣的精英怪,所以无论是攻击力,防御力,生命值,还是自身拥有的技能和战斗经验,都是在他们之上的。 However this flock of tyrant day tigers overwhelm with numerical strength, if the bumblebee stops, then also can only be suppressed stubbornly, after all the ant bites to death the shape, but the combat capability of bumblebee among automobile person is also somewhat low, six obviously went beyond its area of competence by an enemy. 不过这群霸天虎人多势众,大黄蜂若是停下来的话,那么也只能被压制得死死的,毕竟蚁多咬死象,而大黄蜂在汽车人当中的战斗能力也是偏低的,以一敌六显然超出了其能力范围。 After seeing this, Fang Linyan opened the motorcycle to draw the speed to pursue immediately completely, the so fierce fight was really rare, the good time that oneself fished in troubled waters. 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩立即就开着摩托车将速度拉满追了上去,如此激烈的战斗真的是机会难得,正是自己浑水摸鱼的好时机啊。 After pursuing 45 kilometers probably, the road opposite drove a black freight vehicle, its compartment was sealing, suddenly the crown of compartment opened, then revealed one looked manufactures very much precise honey-comb launcher! 大概追出了四五公里之后,公路对面驶来了一辆黑色的货车,其车厢乃是密封着的,突然车厢的顶部打开,然后露出了一门看起来就制作得很精密的蜂巢发射器! Then this launcher on scoffed toward the sky projected many missiles, after these missiles rose more than hundred meters in the air, the rear area braved the smog to aim below to dive, locked the tyrant day tiger ordinary member who the pursuit came directly. 然后这发射器就“嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤”的朝着天空射出了多枚导弹,这些导弹升上了百余米的空中之后,后方就冒着烟雾对准下方俯冲了下来,直接锁定了追击而来的霸天虎普通成员。 The paths of these missiles are changeable, from the sky drags moves imaginary, obviously to avoid being intercepted the mobility, attacked tyrant day tiger member also can only make the circumvention to dodge the movement promptly, but the might of this missile is very obviously astonishing, after a series of explosions, unexpectedly hit completely the goal. 这些导弹的轨迹多变,在空中摇曳幻动,显然是为了避免被拦截进行的机动,被攻击的霸天虎成员也只能及时做出规避躲闪动作,但这导弹的威力明显十分惊人,一连串的爆炸之后,居然全部命中了目标。 Two tyrant day tiger members were hit directly, explode one group of scrap iron dead at the scene, but another two should evade the strategic point, on body that but the steel metal builds, emitted the flaming flame, even arms were. 有两名霸天虎成员被直接击中,炸成了一团废铁当场死亡,而另外两名则应该是避过了要害,但钢铁金属打造的身体上,也是冒出了熊熊的火焰,甚至有一名连手臂都被炸断了。 However, surplus a also complete tyrant day tiger, hit back immediately, it made an unexpected movement unexpectedly, suddenly bounced in the high-speed planing, then made a strange movement in the middle of the midair: 不过,剩余下来的一名还完好的霸天虎,立即就做出了反击,其居然做出了一个令人意想不到的动作,突然在高速滑行当中弹跳了起来,然后在半空当中做出了一个诡异的动作: That rolled up strongly, then made the movement of forward somersault in the air. 那就是竭力的蜷缩了起来,然后做出了前空翻的动作。 When forward somersault in the air time coming to an end, flung to project a steel long thorn from his back impressively high-speed, the speed that this punctured was astonishing, the might was also quite terrifying, deeply dug in rear the vehicles of bumblebee directly, came a round of base sentiment full exploding chrysanthemum! 等到前空翻即将结束的时候,赫然就从他的背部高速甩射出了一支钢铁长刺,这一刺的速度惊人,威力也是相当恐怖,直接深深扎入到了大黄蜂的车辆尾部,来了一发基情满满的爆菊! And end of this steel long thorn is also sparkling the blue spark, it is estimated that has the lightning to hurt the special effect in also the supplementary, the bumblebee changed the race car of body to produce the obvious distortion immediately, the tire and ground exuded the grating fricative, emitted a lot of light smokes, got down the roadbed on collision. 并且这钢铁长刺的尾端也是闪耀着蓝色的火花,估计在还附带有闪电伤害特效,大黄蜂变身的跑车立即产生了明显的偏斜,轮胎与地面发出了刺耳的摩擦声,冒出了大量的青烟,一头就撞下了路基。 Obviously, vehicles that if driven, this inevitably was a frigid incomparable traffic accident, even if it is estimated that inside person had the aerocyst is still hard to maintain a livelihood, the speed that after all before the bumblebee went exceeded 200 kilometers. 很显然,若是由人驾驶的车辆的话,这必然是一场惨烈无比的车祸了,估计里面的人就算是有气囊也是难以活命,毕竟之前大黄蜂行驶的速度超过了两百公里。 Is good when the bumblebee hits the roadbed, should to protect the passenger in car(riage), therefore directly in this out-of-control instantaneous chose got forms the mechanical man shape, supported the ground to unload the strength with the hand, probably because of injured reason, therefore this hand also in instantaneous „” broke off, its joint place jump spluttered a lot of electric spark. 好在大黄蜂撞下路基的时候,应该是为了保护车内的乘客,所以直接就在这失控的瞬间选择了变形成机械人形态,用手撑住了地面以卸力,大概是因为受伤的缘故,所以这只手也是在瞬间“咔嚓”折断,其关节处跳跃溅射出了大量的电火花。 Then the bumblebee whole person tumbled to fall to fly, sparks/Mars with rock flashed in the collision continually. 然后大黄蜂整个人都翻滚摔飞了出去,在与岩石的碰撞当中火星连闪。 But projects the tyrant day tiger that this punctures also to pay the enormous price, that long thorn flies to shoot, its body disintegrated directly: 而射出这一刺的霸天虎也是付出了极大的代价,那一枚长刺飞射出去的时候,它的身体就直接解体了: The slit between joints increases rapidly, each components start to separate, the pale black engine oil starts to divulge, the electric wire terminal of being cut off is sparkling the pale blue ray 关节之间的缝隙迅速变大,每个零件开始分离,淡黑色的机油开始泄露,断掉的电线末端闪耀着淡蓝色的光芒 When he falls to the ground, is turned into the countless components, scatters on the entire highway everywhere, was thin crash-bang rolling completely half street, naturally also caused the transportation big jamming. 等到他重新落地的时候,已经是噼里啪啦变成了不计其数的零件,在整条高速路上四处散落,稀里哗啦的滚满了半条马路,当然也导致了交通大堵塞。 Seized this opportunity, but also is living, but the severely wounded three tyrant day tiger members do not hesitate all lifted gun to aim at that black freight vehicle fire, moreover that also complete tyrant day tiger member while the neutral of fire, direct alignment the black freight vehicle approached. 抓住了这个机会,还活着但是重伤的三名霸天虎成员不惜一切的举枪对准了那辆黑色货车射击,另外那名还完好的霸天虎成员趁着火力压制的空挡,直接对准了黑色货车逼近了过去。 Can see dealing of black freight vehicle is also very simply simply, he directly in the way of giving up a rook to save a king, directly got formed the robot shape, kept the compartment same place. 可以见到黑色货车的应对也是十分简单干脆,他直接以弃车保帅的方式,直接变形成了机器人形态,却将车厢留在了原地。 But after the launcher of compartment fires a round missile, again did not have the sound, that automobile person was a tumbling hides in the rear area of compartment, will regard the bunker. 而车厢的发射装置再次发射一轮导弹之后就没了动静,那名汽车人则是一个翻滚躲藏在了车厢的后方,将之当成了掩体。 After the compartment withstood the bombardment of jointly Tyrant Tianhu member, braves on the thick smoke instantaneously, blasts out loudly, obviously its bulletproof explosion-proof function does not well, because has it anti- to live in the first wave of attack in front, the black freight vehicle changed the robot that formed to hide behind a nearby bulk rock with the strength smoothly. 车厢承受了霸天虎成员的联手轰击之后,瞬间就浓烟直冒,轰然炸开,显然它的防弹防爆功能做得并不好,不过因为有它在前面抗住第一波攻击,黑色货车变形成的机器人已经顺利借力躲藏到了旁边的一大块岩石后面。 But at this time, the compartment was ruined the forward flight to project that round of missile to explode directly, that three tyrant day tiger members covering, then the giant shock-wave and flame its harvesting, changed to several piles of scrap iron. 而这时候,车厢被毁掉之前飞射出了那一轮导弹已经直接爆炸,将那三名霸天虎成员给覆盖了进去,然后巨大的冲击波和火焰将其收割,化作了几堆废铁。 The black freight vehicle by one strength, the direct diversion had also killed five tyrant day tigers, can say that has displayed the pinnacle own characteristics, but also caused him surplus that perfect tyrant day tiger approached front to start near body war directly. 黑色货车以一已之力,直接牵制并且干掉了五名霸天虎,可以说将自己的特点已经发挥到了极致,但也导致了他被剩余下来的那名完好无损的霸天虎直接逼近到了面前开始了近身战。 Once result black freight vehicle by near body, were hung to hit under the robot shape completely, encountered surplus Tyrant Tianhu suddenly/violently to beat up, three fist two feet make its head distort, an eye was hit to explode, the glass fragments scatters, squeak squeak makes noise on behalf of the electric spark of breakdown. 结果这黑色货车一旦被近身,在机器人形态下就完全被吊打,遭到了剩余霸天虎的一顿暴揍,三拳两脚就让它脑袋变了形,一只眼睛都被打爆掉了,玻璃碎屑四溅,代表故障的电火花吱吱作响。 Saw after this, Fang Linyan is clear, originally this black freight vehicle is also the ordinary member of automobile person, but underwent very extreme transformation, therefore the long-distance striking power is astonishing, naturally also caused in other aspects is to fight five dregs. 见到了这一幕之后方林岩才明白,原来这黑色货车也是汽车人的普通成员而已,只是经过了很极端的改造,所以远程攻击力惊人,当然也就导致了在其余方面就是战五渣。 At this time, the distant place injured bumblebee cannot certainly look on that the allied force was killed, attempt after diligently pulled out several times, the length thorn that pricked within the body did not have the means to draw out, can only raise complete that hand, the lifting the spear/gun aimed fire, attempted to ease the pressure of black freight vehicle. 这时候,远处受伤的大黄蜂当然也不能坐视友军被杀,努力的尝试拔了几次之后,那根刺入体内的长刺却始终没办法拔出,只能举起完好的那只手,举枪瞄准射击,尝试缓解黑色货车的压力。 But perhaps is injured, perhaps is the bumblebee original marksmanship is not accurate, the member who consecutively several have not projected on Tyrant Tianhu, but at this time LS of Fang Linyan in the middle of through sky discovered, the rear area has two people in running away of staggering along, these two people is a man and a woman, man 40 years old is, female obvious is younger, it is estimated that only has over 20 years old. 但或许是受伤,或许是大黄蜂本来枪法就不怎么准确,连续几下都没打到霸天虎的这名成员,而这时候方林岩通过天空当中的哈LS发现,后方已经有两个人在跌跌撞撞的逃走,这两个人为一男一女,男人四十来岁,女的明显年轻许多,估计只有二十多岁吧。 The men were being supported by the arm the difficult advance by the woman, walks several steps to send out to retch. 男人是被女人搀扶着艰难前进,走几步就要发出干呕。 Before obviously, they ride in the bumblebee cab, it is estimated that received the heavy injury in the traffic accident, is forced to do can only run in advance, the bumblebee in the rear area brings up the rear. 很显然之前他们是乘坐在大黄蜂驾驶室里面,估计是在刚才的车祸里面受到了不轻的伤害,逼于无奈只能先行跑路,大黄蜂在后方断后。 The Fang Linyan seeing that great happiness, oneself really wishes coming true, these two people should with the automobile person relations very good crucial character . Moreover the bumblebee is also injured evidently, 方林岩见状大喜,自己真是心想事成啊,这两个人应该是与汽车人关系非常不错的关键性人物,而且大黄蜂看样子也受了伤, This means the opportunity did come? 这岂不是意味着机会来了? Now first clash to tidy up that tyrant day tiger. Then displays the god to fall the technique, called the god of god of plant to cause to give these two rule by people wounds, oneself conducted repair to the bumblebee- this was the perfect script, this prestige feared that was not must be friendly from the neutral jump directly, direct link respect?? 现在自己先冲出去将那名霸天虎收拾了。然后施展神降术,召来植物之神的神使来给这两人治伤,自己则是给大黄蜂进行修理-这是完美的剧本啊,这声望怕不是直接要从中立跳过友善,直达尊敬?? Therefore Fang Linyan drove to pursue without delay, arrived at side two people directly, then smiled in their astonished looks, finally was just about to speak time, heard suddenly side broadcast the sound of a series of machine-gun burst. 于是方林岩二话不说就开车追了上去,直接来到了两人身边,然后在他们惊愕的眼神当中微笑了一下,结果正要说话的时候,猛然就听到了旁边传来了一连串机枪扫射的声音。 Also Fang Linyan responded strange quick fortunately, hurried moved sideways, but also suffered an ammunition clip solid, and on several rounds of bullets also had various special effect unexpectedly, anything froze the combustion poison wait/etc, making him feel burning hurting. Even the tire of vehicles was hit shrivelled. 也是亏得方林岩反应奇快,急忙一个闪身,但也是结结实实挨了一梭子,并且中的几发子弹上居然还有各种特效,什么冰冻燃烧中毒等等,让他觉得身上火辣辣的疼。甚至连车辆的轮胎都被打得瘪了下来。 At this moment Fang Linyan draws instantaneously fully on the anger value, no doubt some few words saying well: The life always fills the accident/surprise, but must be so skillful, the labor is just about to exploit one's connections with this important plot character, did the matter to this critical moment some people unexpectedly? 这一刻方林岩瞬间就怒气值拉满,固然有一句话说得好:人生总是充满了意外,但要不要这么巧的,劳资正要和这重要剧情人物拉关系,到了这关键时刻居然就有人来搞事了? In this case, Fang Linyan immediately passed in the air LS to lock the opponent, that unexpectedly was a space soldier! 在这种情况下,方林岩立即通过了空中的哈LS锁定了对手,那竟然是一名空间战士! The occupation is the precise shooter, what hand-held is salvo rifle AK-M, camouflage clothing camouflaged excellently, is therefore detected before unexpectedly. 其职业乃是精确射手,手持的是一把连发步枪AK-M,身上的迷彩服伪装得极好,因此在之前居然都没有被发觉。 And this fellow should not be a person is fighting, general yiliangbai meters away, 45 people have been catching up fast! Obviously they should also be in the middle of a team, received the corresponding rescue mission to catch up in a hurry. 并且这家伙应该不是一个人在战斗,大概在一两百米外,已经有四五个人正在快速赶来!很显然他们应该也是一个团队当中了,接到了相应的救援任务匆匆赶来。 Fang Linyan suppresses the anger, then loudly exclaimed loudly: 方林岩强忍怒气,然后放声大吼道: I am also save others.” “我也是来救人的。” Finally opposite one hear of Fang Linyan big roar, instead hit immediately vigorously, flung two rounds of grenades to come directly, explodes Fang Linyan dirty that to express the hostility completely with practical action. 结果对面一听方林岩的大吼声,立即反而打得更起劲了,更是直接甩了两发枪榴弹过来,炸得方林岩灰头土脸的那完全就是在用实际行动表示敌意。 Damn also saves others? Our team laborious doing duty, brushes the prestige, for this reason also died two brothers, fished with great difficulty this action that saved the key man.” “狗日的还来救人?我们团队辛辛苦苦的做任务,刷声望,为此都还死了两个兄弟,好不容易捞到了这次拯救关键人物的行动。” Your this bastard acts swiftly to get there first unexpectedly, takes the lead to curry favor with, if this really tacitly approved your existence, that was equal to a biggest cake was divided by you? Hitting is you this bastard who comes the fingers/tiger mouth to seize the food!” “你这王八蛋居然捷足先登,率先卖好,这要是真的默认了你的存在,那岂不是等于最大的一块蛋糕就被你分走了吗?打得就是伱这个来虎口夺食的王八蛋!” Suffered continuously several, Fang Linyan was in the clay buddha heart also had the fire, angrily roared directly, then flushed! 连续挨了几下,方林岩便是泥菩萨心里面也是有了火,直接怒吼一声,然后冲了出来! Then his whole person was passed through by several rounds of bullets, actually vanished in the midair gradually, presented again time, had arrived at that precise shooter impressively behind. 接下来他整个人就被好几发子弹贯穿,却渐渐消失在了半空当中,再出现的时候,赫然已经到了那名精确射手的身后。 Edge soaring!! 刃飞翔!! This advance can be said as secretive, the opposite party has not responded with enough time, Fang Linyan( plundered the tooth of food) to hold on a dagger ruthlessly on his kidney, was the surplus four weapons savage incomparable cut. 这一记突进可以说是诡秘至极,对方根本就没来得及反应过来,方林岩就一匕首(掠食之牙)狠狠捅在了他的腰子上,然后就是剩余四件武器凶残无比的砍了上去。 Immediately, five injury numbers neat braved: 顿时,五个伤害数字齐刷刷的冒了出来: 207 points, 207点, 103 points 103点 172 points 172点 67 points 67点 48 points 48点 These round attacks, made this precise shooter lose the most strip life directly!! Even if the space soldier each other attacks to have the characteristics that the injury cuts in half, and defensive power of this fellow is quite good, but also lets him, as soon as strikes most profound. 这一轮攻击下来,直接就让这名精确射手丢了大半条命!!纵然空间战士彼此攻击有着伤害减半的特性,并且这家伙的防御力还相当不错,但是也是让他一击痛彻心肺。 However this boy estimated that also has the defense equipment of powerful, the Fang Linyan use village is positive. Smells wants to make stick prestige persistent stupor special effect, was actually resisted directly. 但是这厮估计身上也是有强力的防御装备,方林岩利用村正.嗅想要打出“棍威”的持续昏迷特效,却直接被抵抗了。 Was good was for 3 seconds because of the dizzy time of this boy, even if were the special effect of stick prestige is resisted, it is expected that after the dizziness just ended, he must face another round of new attack again!! 好在这厮的晕眩时间达到了三秒,哪怕是棍威的特效被抵抗了,预期晕眩刚刚结束之后,他也要再次面对又一轮新的打击!! In this is at a crucial moment, on this precise shooter presented one to protect the shield unexpectedly, kept off most probably, then his distressed tumbling the Fang Linyan second round of attack, was avoids reluctantly this struck. 就在这千钧一发之际,这名精确射手身上居然出现了一个护盾,将方林岩第二轮的攻击挡下来了大半,然后他狼狈的就地一个翻滚,算是勉强避开了这一击。 Moreover, this fellow does not draw back unexpectedly instead enters, abandoned the spear/gun then to draw out a army thorn on leg directly, then aimed at Fang Linyan to grip wickedly: 不仅如此,这家伙居然不退反进,直接弃枪然后拔出了腿上的一把军刺,然后恶狠狠的对准了方林岩扎了过去: Idiot ! Although the father mainly attacks the method with the spear/gun, but the foundation close combat was also promoted LV12 by me, therefore you think that near body I am a fruit cake?” “蠢货,没想到吧!老子虽然主要攻击手段是用枪,但是基础近战也被我提升到了LV12,所以你以为近身了我就是个软柿子?” The Fang Linyan eye narrowed slightly, was relaxed flashes avoided his thorn, trampled while convenient on his pants crotch, made his pain probably bend the waist directly 方林岩眼睛微微眯缝了一下,然后轻松一闪就躲开了他的这一刺,顺带一脚踹在了他的裤裆上,直接让他痛得弯下了腰 „Does the LV12 foundation close combat hang very much? Can the labor LV16 foundation close combat the steamroll you?” “LV12的基础近战就很吊吗?劳资LV16的基础近战能不能碾压你?” After giving this shooter demonstration of authority directly, Fang Linyan took advantage of opportunity and knocks the caltrop mace-like weapon, finally this broken skull effect was triggered, this fellow fell into the middle of the dizziness again, Fang Linyan remembered incorrectly the step to arrive at his back, a cassock cut to divide decisively. 直接给了这名射手一个下马威之后,方林岩顺势又敲出了铁蒺藜骨朵,结果这一次破颅效果被触发了,这家伙再次陷入了晕眩当中,方林岩一记错步就来到了他的背后,一记袈裟斩就果断的劈了出去。
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