FE :: Volume #13

#1684: The drifting arrives

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Chapter 1682 drifting arrives 第1682章漂移登场 Under normal circumstances, the come fellow should be infatuated very much this, or has the enormous sense of achievement to be right. 在正常情况下,前来的这家伙应该很陶醉这一幕,或者是有着极大的成就感才对。 But at this time, this fellow actually got angry all of a sudden, suddenly never knows where pulled out a loudspeaker, then gets angry exclaims: 可是就在这时候,这个家伙却一下子翻脸了,突然从不知道什么地方掏出了一个扩音器,然后怒吼道: Cannot shout me the spider hero!! I am great Miles. Maurras, the spider hero is like this timid, the low level name, cannot be joined to my great!” “不许喊我蜘蛛侠!!我是伟大的麦尔斯.莫拉斯,蜘蛛侠这样怯懦,低级的名字,根本配不上我的伟大!” Heard this fellow's frontline propaganda, Fang Linyan at present immediately one brightly, almost smiles to make noise: 听到了这家伙的喊话,方林岩眼前顿时一亮,差点笑出声来: Interesting, is really interesting! A spider man of repugnant spider hero name! Moreover, he said that is Miles. Maurras, in other words, the first-generation spider hero had died, was this fellow the second-generation spider hero?” “有意思,真有意思!一个讨厌蜘蛛侠这个名字的蜘蛛人!而且,他自称是麦尔斯.莫拉斯,那就是说,第一代蜘蛛侠已经死了,这家伙是第二代蜘蛛侠了?” And now seems like, this Miles. Maurras estimated that also has schizophrenia and paranoia wait/etc problems! 并且现在看起来,这个麦尔斯.莫拉斯估计还有精神分裂症和偏执狂等等毛病呢! In Miles. Maurras angrily roars, was stranded that group of people to encounter the big problem by the fire finally, a nearby wall was collapsed by the fever loudly, then affects the place that they sought asylum, some people walk to evade in abundance, but the place is so big, immediately exuded the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 就在麦尔斯.莫拉斯怒吼的时候,被大火所困那群人终于遇到了大麻烦,旁边的一面墙壁被轰然烧塌,然后波及到了他们避难的地方,一干人纷纷走避,但是地方就那么大,立即就发出了凄厉惨叫声。 Miles. Maurras rises with a spring, then threw to start to save others, but he also can only save two people one time, can only save others back and forth in turn, after it saved several people, will evade the difficulty in imminent danger soon to collapse thoroughly. 麦尔斯.莫拉斯一跃而起,然后扑了上去开始救人,只是他一次性也只能救两个人,只能来回分批救人,而在其拯救了几个人之后,避难处已经岌岌可危即将彻底坍塌。 This time Miles. Maurras also can only brace oneself surplus four people saved completely, finally these had the accident/surprise time, when he jumps half, building there does not know that lit anything, had the explosion directly! 这一次麦尔斯.莫拉斯也只能硬着头皮将剩余下来的四个人全部拯救了下来,结果这一次就出现了意外,在他跳跃到一半的时候,大楼那里不知道点燃了什么东西,直接发生了爆炸! The carrying/sustaining their spider web exploded impulse, the flame affects, unexpectedly was cut off directly! In the middle of calling out in alarm of distant place some people, Miles. Maurras leads four people to crash toward below rapidly, but he at a crucial moment projected a spider web again, is takeoffing 78 meters place to draw finally. 承载着他们的蜘蛛丝被爆炸的冲击力,还有火焰一波及,居然直接断掉了!在远处一干人的惊呼当中,麦尔斯.莫拉斯带着四个人急速朝下坠落,不过他在千钧一发的时候再次射出了一根蜘蛛丝,总算是在离地七八米的地方将自己拉了起来。 But at this time the volume gave extra the drawback of person to appear, a madam sent out a scream, finally cannot catch steady Miles. Maurras's arm, crashed toward under directly. 但这时候额外带人的弊端就出现了,一名女士发出了一声尖叫,终于没能抓稳麦尔斯.莫拉斯的胳膊,直接朝着下方坠落了下去。 Position that she falls to the ground from ground still more than seven meters high, moreover is head down, once really falls down that almost to die without doubt. 她落地的位置距离地面依然有七米多高,而且是头朝下的,一旦真的掉下去那几乎是必死无疑。 At this time, the form threw together directly, when the madam will soon fall to the ground will hit horizontally, after this madam was hit departed several meters, falls to the ground a tumbling, then immediately covers the waist pain moan. 就在这时候,一道身影直接扑了出去,在女士即将落地的时候将之横撞出去,这女士被撞飞出了几米之后,落地一阵翻滚,接着立即捂住腰痛苦呻吟不已。 But the people of onlooking are very clear, to her, but can also make the sound is greatest was lucky. 但旁观的人都很清楚,对她来说,还能发出声音就已经是莫大的幸运了。 Life-saving Fang Linyan, he actually also for Miles. Maurras cleans up, its goal naturally is to want with Miles. Maurras drew in the point to relate, if this fellow also had that a wee bit emotional quotient, then should be able to come and greets. 救人的正是方林岩,他其实也是在为了麦尔斯.莫拉斯擦屁股,其目的当然是想要和麦尔斯.莫拉斯拉上点关系了,倘若这家伙还有那么一丁点情商的话,那么应该是会过来和自己打个招呼的。 What Fang Linyan has not expected, oneself throw the life-saving time, below has a sharp nail unexpectedly! That flash of life-saving is very graceful, but after saving the complete human, this nail in his body stroke a long opening, but also gripped the larger part to go , the pain resulted in Fang Linyan to look fierce. 方林岩没料到的是,自己扑出去救人的时候,下面居然有一颗尖利的钉子!救人的那一瞬间很帅,但是救完人之后,这颗钉子在他的身上划出了一条长长的口子,还扎了一大半进去,痛得方林岩龇牙咧嘴的。 I go, how to have been walking the mildew to transport today?” “我去,怎么今天一直都在走霉运?” When Fang Linyan is thrown into confusion processes the wound, Miles. Maurras also put down three people of rescuing smoothly, then walked came to say to Fang Linyan: 等到方林岩手忙脚乱的将伤口处理好,麦尔斯.莫拉斯也是顺利放下了救的三人,然后走了过来对着方林岩道: You think that was great Miles let slip a moment ago! Made a mistake, I had prepared to rescue her at that time! Perhaps without you, she will not have been injured!” “你以为刚才是伟大的麦尔斯失手了吗!错了,我当时已经准备营救她了!如果没有你的话,她说不定还不会受伤呢!” Fang Linyan did not argue with him, the smile said: 方林岩也不和他争辩,微笑道: Yes, was I takes the liberty.” “是,是我冒昧了。” Obviously, the reply of Fang Linyan is big Miles. Maurras's unexpected, his cold snort/hum a sound said: 很显然,方林岩的回答大出麦尔斯.莫拉斯的意料之外,他冷哼了一声道: You know well.” “你知道就好。” After he walked several, turn head said: 等到他走了几步以后又回头道: Just looked that you that throws a little skill, do you name?” “刚刚看伱那一扑还是有点本事的,你叫什么名字啊?” The Fang Linyan smile said: 方林岩微笑道: Called me knIfe.” “叫我knIfe吧。” Miles. The Maurras slight nod, then arrives at the crowd center again, shuts the eyes, holds up cheers that the both arms listen respectfully to people, seemingly suitable enjoyment. 麦尔斯.莫拉斯微微点头,然后再次来到人群中央,微闭双眼,举起双臂聆听人们的欢呼声,看起来相当的享受。 Fang Linyan looks at his appearance, showed a faint smile, rides the motor: 方林岩看着他的样子,微微一笑,骑上了摩托: Interesting, is really interesting, innermost feelings are sensitive, frail, spider hero who even feels inferior, he even does not conceal oneself dislike to the spider hero name to be really good, I have wanted to know impatiently in the middle of this world Mr. Tony Stack!” “有趣,真是有趣,一个内心敏感,脆弱,甚至自卑的蜘蛛侠,他甚至毫不掩饰自己对蜘蛛侠这个名字的厌恶真棒,我已经迫不及待的想要认识一下这个世界当中的托尼斯塔克先生了!” *** *** After five minutes, Fang Linyan rushed to the battle place, at this time he has seemed like and snatched the robbers in bank to be similar, conducted large scale changing costume to the facial features. 五分钟之后,方林岩就赶到了开战的地方,这时候他已经看起来和抢银行的劫匪差不多了,对面容进行了大幅度的改扮。 After arriving here , Fang Linyan discovered, have come is very lately long very much obviously, because usually after the fight ended New York police of long in coming had pulled up the warning line at the scene, saves others or not, Fang Linyan actually also missed a good play. 来到这里之后方林岩才发现,很显然自己已经来迟了很久,因为素来都是在战斗结束后才姗姗来迟的纽约警察已经在现场拉起了警戒线,所以无论救人与否,方林岩其实也都错过了一场好戏。 However the trivial warning line cannot certainly block Fang Linyan footsteps forward, after he looks a place stopped the motor, very much with ease mixed, then just walked more than ten meters to see a nearby giant container was stepped on shrivelled, the citrus fruits that inside sends flow the juice everywhere, sent out the smell of irritating the nose. 不过区区警戒线当然不能够挡住方林岩向前的脚步,他找了个地方停好摩托之后,就很轻松的混了进去,然后刚走了十几米就见到了旁边的一个巨大的集装箱被踩得瘪了下来,里面运送的柑橘到处流汁,散发出了刺鼻的气味。 This container with High Speed Rail the gadget of compartment same volume, steps on thus it can be seen is shrivelled in a big way its fellow physique! 要知道,这集装箱可是和高铁的车厢同等体积的玩意儿,由此可见踩瘪它的那家伙块头有多大! Heaves in sight, was one is smashed into the office building two automobiles, was pinched the huge fingerprint that in the flat automobile trunk left behind to show, it can on two buildings not depend upon oneself that 274 horsepowers turbosupercharged engines. 紧接着映入眼帘的,是一辆被砸入到了办公楼二层的汽车,被捏扁汽车尾箱上留下的巨大指印显示,它能上二楼绝非是依靠自身那台274马力的涡轮增压发动机。 Fang Linyan saw that two policemen are squatting in the front ground whispered, carefully looked, detected in front of them scattered one pile of lengths to achieve half meter alloy steel-case, was very difficult to imagine human, if a spear/gun can be what fate, could not do well has gasified directly. 方林岩又看到有两名警察正蹲在了前方的地面嘀嘀咕咕的,仔细一看,发觉他们面前散落着一堆长度达到了半米的合金钢弹壳,很难想象人类要是中了一枪会是什么下场,搞不好已经直接气化了吧。 At this time Fang Linyan detected that arrived late has the advantage of arriving late, New York police will have prospected 7788 on the spot, one group of people in 35 gathered the pile, is conducting extraction matter witness wait/etc work, he only needed to stay the stealth condition to peep in the past on the line, collected to the useful thing on OK. 这时候方林岩就发觉晚到有晚到的好处了,纽约警察已经将现场勘察得七七八八了,一帮人都在三五聚堆,在进行提取物证等等作业,他只需要保持隐身状态过去偷窥一眼就行,收集到对自己有用的东西就OK。 However at this time, Fang Linyan suddenly discovered the thing that several police surround normally as if somewhat does look familiar? 不过在这时候,方林岩突然发现了好几个警察正常围观的东西似乎有些眼熟? Sight that can be clear about, that side container obvious hollow, then detected that above is mounting big pack ice! 可以清楚的见到,那边的集装箱明显的凹陷了下去,然后就发觉上面镶嵌着一大块冰! This pack ice obvious is different from the ordinary ice piece, the chilly weather, looked like that type on the Antarctic glacier freezes several tens of thousands of years of solid ice to be the same, even if close to nearby one meter, on the flesh will produce the goosebumps, tied thick hoar frost by the container surface of hitting a target. 这块冰明显的与普通的冰块不同,寒气逼人,就像是在南极冰川上那种冻结了数万年的坚冰一样,哪怕是靠近到附近一米内,肌肤上都会产生鸡皮疙瘩,被射中的集装箱表面也是结了一层厚厚的白霜。 And this ice piece outward appearance seems like is not completely same as the normal ice, is more similar to the blade, the arrow and so on weapon. 并且这冰块外观看起来完全就和正常的冰不大一样,更类似于刀,箭之类的武器。 But in the tip of this ice piece, Fang Linyan discovered gadget that looks familiar very much, that is one looks like the leaf very much the butterfly, but after looks at two, will detect, it is actually a leaf that seems like the butterfly. 而在这冰块的尖端内部,方林岩发现了一件很眼熟的玩意儿,那便是一只很像叶子的蝴蝶,但是多看两眼之后就会发觉,它其实是一片很像是蝴蝶的叶子。 Saw this leaf, Fang Linyan thinks immediately a person, that was star intent. 看到了这片叶子,方林岩立即就想到了一个人,那就是星意。 „Did she also come? Right! Her activation technique can also activate the metal similarly, but the fire seed source fragment is exactly the same as its ability, but the definition activates the metal, therefore she came this world is also natural.” “她也来了?对了!她的活化术同样也是能活化金属的,而火种源碎片与其能力如出一辙,只是限定活化金属而已,所以她前来这个世界也是理所当然了呢。” Ok, first does not go to manage her, in the final analysis, she, although help, but I also 11 returned, but also pledged that shelters her in Kula's subordinate, then handles own matter to be important routinely.” “算了,先不去管她,归根结底算起来,她虽然帮了我不少忙,但是我也都一一回报了,还承诺在德库拉的手下庇护她,那么按部就班的做自己的事情要紧。” After continue nose a while, Fang Linyan suddenly saw that nearby most police as if hit the chicken blood to be the same, finished up the work in hand directly, then rushes over toward the police vehicle. 继续查探了一会儿之后,方林岩忽然见到旁边的大部分警察仿佛打了鸡血一样,直接放下了手中的工作,然后朝着警车冲了过去。 Then several police vehicles „” flushed, looked that the appearance of that start knows the fellow who drives stepped on the bottom the accelerator directly, the tire braved the light smoke directly. 接着好几辆警车就“呜哇呜哇”的冲了出去,看那起步的模样就知道开车的家伙直接将油门踩到了底部,轮胎都直接冒青烟了。 In the Fang Linyan heart moves, knows that must have the important matter to happen, immediately slightly ran several steps to step up to the motor with, finally at this time he tread several motors to be unresponsive fiercely, the lying trough came to anchor unexpectedly! 方林岩心中一动,知道必有大事发生,立即小跑了几步跨上摩托就跟了上去,结果这时候他猛蹬了几下摩托都毫无反应,卧槽居然抛锚了! Today amn't I so satisfactory? Is walking the mildew to transport everywhere?” “今天我怎么这么不顺心?处处都在走霉运?” Fang Linyan are the repairing a vehicle expert, begins touches knows that this motor at least needs to cultivate/repair ten minutes, can only stroll in side, found an automobile very not politely, Fang Linyan using the metal sense of touch opens the vehicle door to sit, then makes the contacts the ignition to form a coherent whole. 方林岩自身乃是修车专家,上手一摸就知道这摩托至少要修个十来分钟,只能在旁边逛了逛,找到了一辆汽车,方林岩很不客气的就利用金属触觉打开车门坐了进去,然后搭线点火一气呵成. In the lively New York street, Fang Linyan , to tail these police vehicles is very easy, after on was high-speed, Fang Linyan then summoned LS, making it play the role of satellite, oneself distant followed beyond the rear view mirror apparent distance of police vehicles, radically was. 在繁华的纽约街头,方林岩要想跟住这几辆警车还是非常容易的,等到上了高速之后,方林岩便召唤出了哈LS,让它起到人造卫星的作用,自己远远的在警察车辆的后视镜视距之外尾行,根本就是神不知鬼不觉。 Quick Fang Linyan detected that a front small town is which black smoke soars to the heavens, circling that the space two mechanical flight vehicles are also keeping, the diving attack, its contour seems like somewhat similar to the birds, the build is small, but is very flexible, and its firepower is two laser cannon, is quite violent. 很快的方林岩就发觉前方的一处小镇子是哪个黑烟冲天,天上还有两只机械飞行器正在不停的盘旋,俯冲攻击,其外形看起来有些类似于鸟类,体型偏小,但是十分灵活,并且其火力是两门激光炮,相当猛烈。 Under their continuous attacks, in the middle of the town construction collapses unceasingly, below enemy was suppressed big exceptionally. 在它们持续不断的攻击下,镇子当中的建筑不断坍塌,下方的敌人被压制得异常头大。 Fang Linyan lost an detection in the past, demonstrated its name immediately: 方林岩丢了个侦查过去,立即就显示出了其名字: Magnetic tape soldier laser bird advanced version.” “磁带战士激光鸟改进型。” However, are other attributes completely???, With the world difficulty promotion, the step position growth of space soldier, investigated this specialized very strong matter to need the specialized person do probably. 但是,其余的属性全部都是???,随着世界难度的提升,还有空间战士的阶位成长,像是侦查这种专业性很强的事情就必须要专业的人来做了。 Investigates public skill that this everyone has, needs the sensation attribute + the support of corresponding skill, can obtain the useful information. 侦查这个人人都拥有的公共技能,必须要感知属性+相应技能的支持,才能得到有用的信息。 Is good regarding Fang Linyan, can know the information that laser bird three characters, gains is enough. 好在对于方林岩来说,能知道“激光鸟”三个字,所获取的信息就已经足够了。 However, at this time, the distant place came a blue black Boogardie Weilong suddenly, the speed of this race car is extremely fast, it is estimated that has exceeded 300 kilometers, feeling looks like the terrain flight to be the same simply. 但是,就在这时候,远处突然开来了一辆蓝黑色的布加迪威龙,这辆跑车的速度极快,估计已经超过了三百公里,给人的感觉简直就像是贴地飞行一样。 It also demonstrated extremely high road sense, evaded in so high-speed under left Shanyou, the vehicles have not lost control unexpectedly! 偏偏它还展示出了极高的驾驶技术,在如此高速下左闪右避,车辆居然都还没有失控! Suddenly, this car(riage) one turns toward side, unexpectedly drives a pitch. Boeing 747 such colossus, getting -off speed also only needs 270 kilometers! 忽然,这辆车朝着旁边一拐,居然驶上一个斜坡。要知道,波音747这样的庞然大物,起飞速度也就只需要270公里而已啊! Under so astonishing high-speed, this Boogardie Weilong non-stop flew certainly, then distorted in the in the air tumbling unexpectedly directly, changed to a powerful metal life that grasped the double blade. 在如此惊人的高速下,这辆布加迪威龙当然是直飞了起来,然后在空中一个翻滚居然直接变形,化作了一名手持双刀的强大金属生命。 A its blade divided to was away from oneself recent laser bird, but this laser bird clearly has guarding, the both wings one was hid, and rear area suddenly presented two engines, violent spraying the red-orange flame, increased speed to be far away from this fellow instantaneously. 它一刀就劈向了距离自己最近的激光鸟,不过这激光鸟显然已经有了提防,双翅一偏算是躲了过去,并且后方突然出现了两个引擎,猛烈的喷射出橘红色的火焰,瞬间提速了起来远离了这家伙。 This metal life ejected another long blade suddenly, accurate cutting on the body of laser bird, dividing into two, will cut in half directly, braving the thick smoke to circle falls toward, then explodes after 2-3 seconds loudly. 只是这名金属生命突然抛出了另外一把长刀,准确的斩在了激光鸟的身体上,直接将之一分为二,切成了两半,冒着浓烟打着旋儿朝着下方落下,然后在2-3秒后轰然爆炸。 Another laser bird sees that has frightened is scared out of one's wits, travels crazily. 另外一只激光鸟见状,早已吓得魂不附体,疯狂跑路。 But this metal life during the process of whereabouts, distorted to change to a heavy helicopter again! In the landing beforehand danger dangerous drew, increases speed can be said as especially astonishing, aimed at the laser bird of going far away to project two missiles, then the front aerial cannon also opened fire, projected a firing line. 可是这名金属生命在下落的过程当中,再次变形化作了一架重型直升机!在落地之前险之又险的拉了起来,提速可以说是格外惊人,对准了远去的激光鸟就射出了两枚导弹,然后前方的机炮也是随之开火,射出了一条火线。 That laser bird goes all out flexibly changes, wants to attempt to travel, the clear to see must escape ascends to heaven, but the missile actually in in the air instantaneous splits, changed to 78 projectiles, rumbling the explosion, will cover. 那只激光鸟拼命机动变向,想要尝试跑路,眼见得就要逃出升天,可是有一枚导弹却在空中瞬间分裂,化作了七八枚子弹头,轰轰轰的爆炸了开来,将之覆盖了进去。 This laser bird also caused heavy losses to by this explosion, could not maintain the current condition, changed to a magnetic tape that directly braved the thick smoke crashed directly. 这只激光鸟也是被这爆炸重创,根本维系不了当下的状态,直接化作了一盘冒着浓烟的磁带直接坠落了下去。 Two laser birds die in just several seconds wounded, under transmitted a depressed electronic combination tone suddenly: 两只激光鸟在短短十几秒内一死一伤,下方陡然传来了一个沉闷的电子合成音: Drifting!! You obviously are Tyrant Tianhu, why wants, for the stupid automobile person does work for?” “漂移!!你明明是霸天虎,为什么要为了愚蠢的汽车人效力?” Turns into the metal life of helicopter to drift with the sharp sound said: 变成直升机的金属生命漂移用尖利的声音道: Shut up, I am the monetary reward hunter, I fight for money.” “闭嘴,我是个赏金猎人,我为了金钱而战。” After saying, drifting under helicopter shape whiz whiz whiz hit more than ten rounds of rocket projectiles to go out, exploded one group of people in the town directly is off their feet. 说完了之后,直升机形态下的漂移又“嗖嗖嗖”的打了十几发火箭弹出去,直接在镇子里面将一帮人炸得人仰马翻。 Was good because of this time, under projected a round of attack suddenly, this attack was similar to air gun such is unsubstantial, can manifest in line of sight was the place visited air has some hair glassy, hit all of a sudden drifted this powerful transformer. 好在这时候,下方突然射出了一发攻击,这攻击就类似于空气炮那样毫无实体,能体现在视线方面的就是所过之处空气有一些毛玻璃状,一下子就命中了漂移这个强大的变形金刚。 But this fellow few has three transformers of shapes, although dodges facing this round of attack rapidly, but eventually because of extremely towering reason, therefore cannot avoid. 这家伙可是为数不多的拥有三种形态的变形金刚,尽管面对这一发攻击迅速闪避,但是终究还是因为太过突兀的缘故,所以没能躲开。 The drifting after move seems like the outward appearance to have no change, but the entire helicopter suddenly appeared crooked, that feeling looked like the pilot to drink drunkenly, then flew on distressed incomparable alignment by directly, even the landing gear also hit side others chimney 中招之后的漂移看起来外观没有什么变化,可是整个直升机突然就显得歪歪扭扭了起来,那种感觉就像是驾驶员喝得醉醺醺了似的,然后直接就狼狈无比的对准旁边飞了过去,甚至起落架还撞断了旁边人家的烟囱
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