Chapter 1681spiderhero
第1681章蜘蛛侠Dellshrugs the regrettablesay/way:
谢黛尔耸耸肩遗憾的道:„Right? The perfume that butIuseis not the brandgoods, butisI the DIYmanufacturein a Mediterraneanfamily hotel.”
“是吗?可是我用的香水并不是什么品牌货呢,而是我在地中海旁边的一处家庭旅馆里面DIY制作的。”In the femaleassistantheartin the unstated criticismwhyold ladyonlydid smellin the automobile exhaust and parking lotengine oiltaste? Butin the surfacemaintains the politesay/way:
女助理心里面在腹诽为什么老娘只闻到了汽车尾气和停车场里面的机油味?但面上还是保持礼貌的道:„, Right.”
“哦,是吗。”Thensheseems like not willingto speakwithDell, probablyistruth that because the homogeneityrepulses. Thenturns aroundto walk.
然后她看起来也不愿意和谢黛尔多说话,咳咳,大概是因为同性相斥的道理吧.然后转身就走。Fang Linyanlooked at a Dell, thatlookas ifpleadtwocharacters:方林岩看了一眼谢黛尔,那眼神仿佛是在陈诉两个字:„This?”
“就这?”Dellraised up the slenderfingerto placeon the lipto show a faint smile, hintsFang Linyanto be patient.
谢黛尔竖起了纤长的手指放在了嘴唇上微微一笑,示意方林岩稍安勿躁。Naturally, in the Fang Linyanheartalsohad the similarquestion, wherein the elevatorhadwhatperfumeflavor? Recallscarefully, as ifalsoa littlelightbody odor! ThisFolyehobbywas rather unique.
当然,方林岩心中也是产生了同样的疑问,电梯里面哪里有什么香水味道?仔细回忆一下,仿佛还有点淡淡的狐臭呢!这个福耶迪的爱好未免过于独特了吧。Two peoplelead the wayin the garageslowly, meanwhilekeepingis looking around, shouldbe for the first time arrived here inbystanderopinion, the parkinglaterforgotwhereownberth, is then seekingat this timecarefully.
两人在车库里面慢慢前行,同时还在不停的东张西望着,在外人看来应该是第一次来到这里,停车以后忘记了自己的车位在什么地方,此时便正在仔细寻找。Finallycrossed for twominutes, behindheard the bellow of engine, quick a helldograce car of limited editionstoppedintheirside, washeadgoalFolye of Fang Linyan, and sidedoes not have the female secretary, hegot outlaterto smile the well-manneredsay/way:
结果又过了两分钟,后面传来了引擎的轰鸣声,很快的一辆限量版的地狱犬跑车就停在了他们的身边,为首的正是方林岩的目标福耶迪,并且身边已经没有了女秘书,他下车以后微笑着彬彬有礼的道:„Takes the libertydisturbs, Madame, Ismelled a completely relaxedperfumeflavoronyourbody, itmakesmethink that made the past events that onefondly remembered, where can youtellmeto buyit?”
“非常冒昧的打扰一下,女士,我在你的身上闻到了一种令人心旷神怡的香水味道,它让我想到一些令人怀念的往事,您能告诉我在哪里可以买到它吗?”Dellsmiles saying:
谢黛尔微笑道:„Youmustgo toGreece, Imoved into a family hotel of suburbs of Athens in the summer of last year, the hotel operatorbesidesrunning the business of guest, dozensmufield of flowers.”
“那您得去希腊了,我在去年夏天入驻了雅典近郊的一处家庭旅馆,旅馆老板除了经营客人的生意之外,还有几十亩花田。”„I the season that goes to the timechamaemelum nobileto put, shetaughtmeto use the volatile oil of foreignsmall yellow chrysanthemumto come the DIYperfume, butIalsohad the littletalentinthisaspectprobably, the perfume that thereforeyousmelleddid not haveotherplace to buy.”
“我去的时候正是罗马洋甘菊盛放的季节,她教会了我利用洋甘菊的精油来DIY香水,而我好像在这方面还有一点点天赋,所以你闻到的香水并没有别的地方能买到。”Folyelooks that Dell'seyesmilesaid:
福耶迪看着谢黛尔的眼睛微笑道:„Inthisworld anything has the price, not? If not, thatis the pricetag is not very certainly high.”
“这世界上任何的东西都有价格,不是吗?如果没有,那一定是价码不够高。”Sheaffershouldbelistened toFolyehas double meaning, raised the chinslightly:
谢菲尔应该是听出了福耶迪的一语双关,微微昂起了下巴:„Right, can how muchmoneyletmy husbandto liveto continueto accompanyinmyside?”
“是吗,那多少钱能让我的丈夫能重新活过来继续陪在我的身边?”Folyesmilewas stiffimmediately.
福耶迪的笑容顿时僵硬了一下。StandingFang Linyandiscovered that two peoplechattedto ascend the skyfinally, implorelongair/Qi, immediatelyfelt relievedwhile convenient the subordinate who sighed with emotion the beautifulgodreallyto deal with the manto havemany skills!
The followingmatterwas needless saying that manorwoman, oncefell into the middle offranticbeing in love, thenworkeddoes not have the rationality, let aloneFolyefacedinthisKing?
接下来的事情就不用多说了,无论是男人还是女人,一旦陷入了狂热的爱恋当中,那么做事情就毫无理性可言的,更何况福耶迪面对的还是此中王者?Fang Linyanafterundergoing2-3hours of waiting, obtainedFolyeonachieving wishesin the support in economic aspectandpersonal connection, thenhas the harvestgreatly, healmostrecorded more than 200pages of information.方林岩在经过了2-3个小时的等待以后,就如愿以偿的得到了福耶迪在经济方面和人脉方面的支持,然后大有收获,他差不多记录下来了两百多页的信息。Buthewhen the inquirymaterial is quite not satisfactory, homepageslowdid not sayrepeatedly, but alsovirus!!
而他在查询资料的时候也相当不顺心,网页频频卡顿不说,还中了病毒!!Is goodtheseinformation that washesis beingquiteuseful, screenfrom the voluminousinformation, Fang Linyanthen must conduct nextstepscreening, it is expected thatfinallycangainthreetofivecoreclues.
好在淘来的这些信息都是相当有用的,一条条都是从浩若烟海的信息里面筛选而出,方林岩接下来还要进行下一步的筛选,预期最终能从中获取三到五个核心线索。Healsoroughlyravelledat this timein the middle of this worldapproximatebackground and situation:
他此时也大致弄明白了本世界当中的大致背景和情况:Regardingmatching the metallife of Bottomstar, the energyblockistheirorigin of life, is almost equivalent to the importance of air+water+foodtohuman.
对于赛博坦星球的金属生命来说,能量块就是他们的生命之源,差不多相当于空气+水+食物对人类的重要性。Forlarge-scale( Fang Linyanfactoryproduction capacityblockthatissmall scale) gains the energyblock, matchedhigh-rank and ruler of Bottomstarcreates the sourceto be able the matrix, thisthingcanthroughdestroying the star in universe( with the solarsamestar) obtains the energyblock.
为了大规模(方林岩的工厂生产能量块那是小打小闹)的获取能量块,赛博坦星球的上位者和统治者创造出了源能矩阵,这东西可以通过摧毁宇宙中的恒星(和太阳一样的星球)来获得能量块。However, beforewas very longleaves behind an iron rule, thatdid not destroyis maintaining the life the star. Becausethatmeans that the innumerabledependencestars the life of survivaldied.
不过,从很久之前就遗留下来了一条铁律,那就是不摧毁正在维系生命的恒星。因为那会意味着无数依靠恒星而生存的生命死去。Butwith the lapse of time, matchesnearby the Bottomstar the rapidreduction of starquantity, matchedon the Bottomstarto have a high-rankdegenerationdiamondto have the idea of Sun, becausehethought that humanwas the inferiorrace, the humblelifeform, diedalsodied.
可是随着时间的推移,赛博坦星球附近恒星数量的迅速减少,赛博坦星球上有一名上位者堕落金刚就打起了太阳的主意,因为他觉得人类是低劣的种族,低贱的生物,死了也就死了。Howeverthisalsocaused the opposition of matching other Bottominternalpeople, thisblasting fuseinitiatedto matchBottomstarinternalcontradictionrapidly, both sidesstartedto attack brutally.
但是这也导致了赛博坦内部其余人的反对,这个导火索就迅速引发了赛博坦星球内部的矛盾,双方开始大打出手。Inwar of continuing, matchedBottom'senergyto be in a state ofdepletion, an automobilepersonseized the opportunity, broughtto match the divine object on Bottomstar: The fire seedsourcesuccessfullyflees, actuallysufferedTyrantTianhu the pursuit.
在持续的战争当中,赛博坦的能源陷入了枯竭状态,一名汽车人抓住了机会,带着赛博坦星球上的神物:火种源成功逃离,却遭受到了霸天虎的追击。Whenwill soon arrive atEarth, thisautomobilepersonby the severe wound, the spaceship of driving is also out-of-controlexplodes, inradicalexplosion, divine object: The fire seedsourcecaused heavy losses, thensplita lot offragments, as ifmeteor showergeneralcrashtoEarthon, andwas distributedineach region.
The fire seedsourcewill not be destroyed, it has to restore, the characteristics of fusion, twofragments after, canseem liketwowater dropsto gather togethersuch, fusesflawlessly.
火种源是不会被摧毁的,它更是拥有可以自行修复,融合的特性,两块碎片在靠近之后,就能像是两滴水聚在一起那样,融合得天衣无缝。However, the fire seedsourceinternalenergyhad bordered onto exhaust, afterthisfission, itsfragmentfell into the dormant statedirectly, mustdirectly conduct the manualsearch is not very realisticin the Earthsuchbigplace, because a biggestfire seedsourcefragmentdoes not exceed the palm of the handsize, and contourdoes not have the obviouscharacteristics.
但是,火种源内部的能量本来就已经濒临耗尽,这一次分裂过后,其碎片直接就陷入了休眠状态,要在地球这样大的地方直接进行人工搜寻很不现实,因为最大的一块火种源碎片都不超过巴掌大小,并且外形也没有明显的特征。However, fire seedsourcefragment have the mahupt effect, only then( eruptsinspecific the solar flare, universestormmovesfrequently, universemagnetic storm), or the energyaccumulatesto the certain extenttime, the fragment of fire seedsourcewill activatetemporarily, sends out the unusualrayto illuminate the horizon, thencontinuesquietly.
不过,火种源碎片自身也具备聚能效应,只有在特定的时候(太阳耀斑爆发,宇宙风暴频繁活动,宇宙磁暴),或者能源积累到一定程度时候,火种源的碎片会暂时激活,发出奇特的光芒照亮天际,然后继续沉寂。Therefore, the automobilepersonandTyrantTianhuthenarrived on Earth, started to compete for the fire seedsourcefragmentstarted the war, in the meantime, the degenerationdiamondstilldid not lose heartit is said that is hitting the sourceto be able the idea of matrix.
The automobilepersonandbetween the warTyrantTianhuhas continued for threeyears, at first when TyrantTianhuis strong, the strengthis obviously strongto plan, but the automobilepersonat crucial moments, actuallyforms an allianceto cope withTyrantTianhuwithhuman, thisrecruited the effect.
汽车人与霸天虎之间的战争已经持续了三年,最初时霸天虎非常强势,力量明显强出一筹,但是汽车人在关键时刻,却与人类结盟来对付霸天虎,这一招收到了奇效。EvenTyrantTianhu the leaderprestigeheavenshakingalsofalls into a trapin a fight, encounters the surprise attackto be then missingmystically.
甚至霸天虎的首领威震天在一次战斗当中也是落入了陷阱,遭遇到了突袭然后神秘失踪。Thisalsobecomes the turning point that TyrantTianhu and automobilepersonthisfight, lost the tyrantdaytiger of leaderfacing the alliance of automobileperson+human, retreats in defeat again and again, startsoncompeting for the fire seedsourcefragmentis in the obviousdisadvantage.
这也成为了霸天虎与汽车人这一战的转折点,失去了领袖的霸天虎面对汽车人+人类的联盟,节节败退,开始在争夺火种源碎片上处于明显的劣势。Naturally, TyrantTianhuis so unwillingfacing the aspect, seems fermentingwhatconspiracy.
After the approximatebackground of thisworldravelled, Fang Linyanalsosuddenlyreceived a message:
The gunsmoke when in the middle of a factory in Long Island, is having the fierceincomparableexchange of fire, fightscalerelativebig, fightproducesevencanseeoutside78blocks, the explosive soundevenspread56 km away.
在长岛的一处工厂当中,正发生了激烈无比的交火,战斗规模相当之大,战斗时产生的硝烟甚至在七八个街区外都能见到,爆炸声甚至传出了56公里外。Afterseeingthisnews, the Fang Linyanfirstintuitionshouldis relatedwith the metallife and spacesoldier, after allNew Yorkpresents the words of criminal syndicategun battleto be very common, but the useexplosive soundspreadsheavy weapons56 km away, thismayon the breakthroughbottom line.
在看到了这条消息之后,方林岩的第一直觉应该与金属生命和空间战士有关,毕竟纽约这个地方出现黑帮枪战的话很常见,但是动用爆炸声传出56公里外的重型武器,这可就突破底线了。Reactionary gangor the police, both sidesare actually scrupulously following the correspondingtacit understanding and bottom line, oncesurpassedthisconservativebottom line, thenboth sidesgreatlytroublesome.
无论是黑帮或者警察,其实双方都恪守着相应的默契和底线,一旦超过了这个墨守成规的底线,那么双方都有大麻烦。But the heavy weapons, are the policeherebottom line of! Daresto destroy the person in thisbottom line, evenreactionary gang'sinternalneutralwill defectto cope withhim.
而重型武器,就是警察这边的底线!敢于破坏这底线的人,甚至连黑帮内部的中立者都会反水来对付他。Afterreceivingmessage, Fang Linyanjumped upimmediately a motorcycle, thenaimed at the destinationto speed awayto go, thisgadgetis the New Yorkstreet'ssecondconvenienttransportation vehicle, the firstconveniencenaturallywas a helicopter, but before thisgadgetused, mustapply for the route, quite a lottrouble.
After speeding awaywith lightning speed, Fang Linyanrushed toexchange of fire, witnessed of accident sitealsofeelsimmediatelysomewhatshocking, seeing onlyofficethick smokeis billowing, itscentralspotshouldbe hitby the energyweapon, at leastpresenteddiameterfivemetersmanyhollow.
一阵风驰电掣的疾驰之后,方林岩赶到了交火现场,目睹事发现场的一幕也顿时觉得有些触目惊心,只见一座写字楼浓烟滚滚,其中央部位应该是被能量武器击中,至少出现了一个直径五米多的凹陷。But the hollowpositionemitted the billowingthick smoke, whatis more alarmed, undercover of thick smoke, has the scarlet red of cigarette buttash fireas ifto be partly visible, looking like the magmais ordinary.
而凹陷的位置冒出了滚滚浓烟,更令人触目惊心的是,在浓烟的掩盖下,有着仿佛烟头余烬的深红色若隐若现,就像是岩浆一般。Thisindicated that hitcorepositionhasmassiveresidual energies, the temperature is extremely still high, even the concrete and steel barhadhalfdissolved state, veryobviously, after by such a round of attackhit, will definitely sprinklea lot offragmentwreckage under of office, will continueto fall, thereforeon the streethassomepeople the painfulmoanpitiful yell!
这说明被击中的核心位置有着大量的残余能量,温度依然极高,连混凝土和钢筋都出现了半溶解状态,很显然,被这么一发攻击命中之后,在写字楼的下方肯定会洒落大量的碎片残骸,而且还会持续掉落,因此街道上有一些人正在痛苦呻吟惨叫!Fang Linyansharplywas rushing to timeto have no intentionto act, actuallysaw that belowhad an automobileto be poundedhalfwastecondition, the people on driver and copilotareblood runs down one's face, does not know that diedor the stuporpassed, on the back seat the pair of childis actually going all outto bawl, becauseactually the vehicle doordistortioncould not come out.方林岩本来急着赶时间无意出手,却看到下方有一辆汽车都被砸成了半废状态,司机和副驾驶上的人都已经是血流满面,也不知道是死了还是昏迷过去了,后座上却有一对儿童在拼命哭叫,却因为车门变形出不来。
The keyis the automobilefronthas startedto belch smoke, obviouslypossiblyexplodesat any time, in this case, listening to the bawlingsound of child, Fang Linyan unable to achieveto see somebody in danger and do nothing, let alonepassesthat sidebattlefieldnot to race against timenow.
关键是汽车车头已经开始冒烟,显然随时都可能爆炸,在这种情况下,听着儿童的哭叫声,方林岩还是做不到见死不救的,何况现在过去那边的战场也不是争分夺秒。Therefore, hiseyesnarrow the eyes, immediatelyharnessesmotorizedoneto flingto stopinside, thenmakes an effortto open the vehicle door, lord/ the person on copilotto rescuetwochildrenin additionsimultaneously, naturally, withouthavinganythingjustsaved the complete humanon the coincidenceevent that the automobileexploded.
所以,他双眼一眯,立即驾着摩托一个甩尾在旁边停下,然后用力拉开车门,将两个孩子外加主/副驾驶上的人同时救了出来,当然,也没有发生什么刚救完人就汽车爆炸的巧合事件。Saw that somepeopletake the lead, andalsosaves otherssmoothly, thereforeotherpassers-byalsoclose, buton the officehas startedto light a fire, severalpeoplewere strandedby the flame, can only bawlto beckonin the window, this made one want to help but unable.
见到有人领头并且还顺利救人,所以其余的路人也是一拥而上,不过写字楼上面已经开始燃火,有好几个人被火焰所困,只能在窗边哭叫招手,这就让人爱莫能助了。Fang Linyanis just aboutto ride a bicycleto leave, actuallyhears the distant placetransmittedsuddenlystrangely the whistling sound, sound that air-splitting after looking like anything moveshigh-speed, sends out!方林岩正要骑车离开,却听到远处突然传来了奇怪的唿哨声,就像是什么东西高速移动之后发出的破空声!
After severalseconds, sees the high-speedvanguard of distant placeunexpectedlyhuman formobjecton the avenue, andsprays the transparentspider web, thenuses the way of having the swing! Canadvanceseveral hundredmeters every secondon the New Yorkavenue of heavy traffic.
几秒钟之后,就见到远处居然有一个人形物体在大街上高速前行,并且还是喷射出透明的蜘蛛丝,然后使用打秋千的方式!每秒钟就能在车水马龙的纽约大街上突进数百米。Sawthisfellow, the eye of Fang Linyanshoneall of a sudden, say/way that muttered:
见到了这个家伙,方林岩的眼睛一下子就亮了起来,喃喃的道:„No wonder the promptsaid that thisworldhasexistence of supernatural force, the fellowappearedunexpectedly! Thensuchwords0.1giantloopholesalsomade up.”
“难怪提示说本世界有超自然力量的存在啊,那家伙居然出现了!那么这样的话.一个巨大的漏洞也就补上了。”Whatloophole? Thenis the subject of thisworld is actually steelmetallife the struggle of pair of hero, automobilepersonVSTyrantTianhu, humanactuallyin the face ofthesetwobiglives, actually can only with the dozensoy saucedescribed.
什么漏洞呢?便是本世界的主题其实是钢铁金属生命的双雄之争,汽车人VS霸天虎,人类其实在这两大生命面前,其实只能用打酱油的来形容。After all a eveninterplanetary navigationonlystarted, onlyattemptedto explore the race of Moonandsparks/Mars, howpossiblywithcoming from match the Bottomstar, the Cretaceous Periodperiodsseveral hundreds of millionsyears ago cancross the metallife of star seato contend?
毕竟一个连星际航行都才刚刚起步,只尝试探索了月球和火星的种族,怎么可能与来自赛博坦星球,在数亿年前的白垩纪时期就能远渡星海的金属生命抗衡?In the movie, raised the strength of gunpowderweaponandhumanforcefully, actuallythinks that does not conform to the reason.
The lionwill not form an alliancewith the ant, the forming an alliance between automobilepersonandhumanhas a typicalloophole.
狮子是不会和蚂蚁结盟的,汽车人与人类之间的结盟就存在着一个典型的漏洞。At this time the appearance of spiderherofullyshowed a matter, in the middle ofhumanhas the superhero, theyshortened the strength between human and metallivessignificantly, thispromotion was not only the strength in individual.
The steelhero, the octopusdoctor, greendemonsuchfellowappears, canlet the entirecountry, evenhumanracescientific and technical strengthprogresses by leaps and bounds! In this case, humancanplay the pivotalthirdpositionextremelyin the automobilepersonVSTyrantTianhufight!
钢铁侠,章鱼博士,绿魔这样的家伙出现,也是能让整个国家,甚至人类这个种族科技实力突飞猛进的!这样的话,人类才能在汽车人VS霸天虎的战斗当中起到举足轻重的第三极的地位!Thatwearspiderclothing/taking, after wearing the fellow of redheadgeararrived at the scene, directlyarrived above side of been strandedthesepeople, butmade the Fang Linyansurprisedsay/way, thisfellowsquattedon the billboard, has not begunto save othersdirectly, buthad the yawnto seem like a being bored to deathappearance.
那个穿着蜘蛛服,戴着红色头套的家伙抵达了现场以后,直接就来到了上方被困的那些人的旁边,但令方林岩惊奇的道,这家伙只是蹲在了广告牌上,并没有直接动手救人,而是打起了哈欠看起来一副百无聊赖的样子。Butlooks at the surroundingpersonis a comfortabappearance, obviouslythisboy the first time was notdid, after seeingthis, in the Fang Linyanheart the bigfeelingwas curious, thereforedid not walksimply. Inhisheartfaintfeeling, the style of spiderherowhenherelooking at the standardsurface, rushing to the battlefieldis actually more important.
The crowd that surroundsin the middle ofsidestartssomepeopleto talk in whispers, thenseveralpeopleyelledsimultaneously:
紧接着,在旁边围观的人群当中开始有人窃窃私语起来,然后就有好几个人同时喊叫了起来:„Great, heroic, charming, powerful, benevolentMiles. Maurras! Pleasesavethesehelplesspeople!”
After theyshouted, immediatelyis urgingnearbyperson:
他们喊完了之后,立即就催促着旁边的人:„Quickly, withshouting!!”
“赶快,跟着喊!!”Due to the promotion ofsuch, the shout of some peoplelooks likemakes a snowmanto be the same, the soundis getting more and more loud.
在这样的推动下,一干人的喊声就像是滚雪球一样,声音越来越大。Listened toyelling of thisgroup of people, the spiderheroto stand, both handshuggedin the chest front, the chinraisedslightly, seems like the time of enjoyingis a focus of public attentionlike this.
The fire intensity in buildingis getting bigger and bigger, thatgroup of been strandedpeoplewere scared, at this time after hearing, withdoubling the bigsoundyelled:
大楼上的火势越来越大,那群被困的人本来是吓傻了,此时听到了之后也是用加倍大的声音喊叫了起来:„Askedyouto saveus!”
“求求你救救我们!”„Great, heroic, charming, powerful, benevolentMiles. Maurras! Weneedyourhelp.”
“伟大,英勇,帅气,强大,仁慈的麦尔斯.莫拉斯!我们需要您的帮忙。”„Spiderherolong live!!”
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