FE :: Volume #13

#1691: Drifting attack

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Chapter 1689 drifting attack 第1689章漂移来袭 Fang Linyan knows certainly how the ultimate secret of the world is a matter, after his fire seed source fragment solved the ultimate secret, attains, cannot bear the curious say/way: 方林岩当然知道世界的终极秘密是怎么一回事,他的火种源碎片就是解开了终极秘密之后拿到的,忍不住好奇的道: Was defeated words, then starts over from the beginning and that's the end, was temperance, didn't have the corresponding resources?” “失败了的话,那么从头再来就是了,都是锤炼者了,难道还没有相应的资源吗?” star intent said: 星意道: This secret, everyone only has the opportunity that attempts one time! If misses, is very regrettable, you missed with it.” “这个秘密,每个人都只有一次尝试的机会!如果错过,那么很遗憾,你就与之无缘了。” Fang Linyan strange say/way: 方林岩奇道: This matter, but involves world the words of ultimate secret, that has the possibility “还有这种事情,不过牵涉到世界的终极秘密的话,那还是有可能的” But at this time, Fang Linyan also understands star intent said this saying meaning, that indicated the sincerity that oneself cooperate, hopes exchanged the cooperation of Fang Linyan with the ultimate secret of this world, regarding this Fang Linyan had certainly no objection, because he to this ultimate secret was also very curious. 而这时候,方林岩也明白了星意说这话的意思,那就是表明了自己合作的诚意,希望用本世界的终极秘密来交换方林岩的合作了,对此方林岩当然没什么异议,因为他对这个终极秘密也是很好奇呢。 When two people then plan to continue to discuss, Cothias sent out the sharp electronic sound anxious say/way suddenly: 就在两人接下来打算继续谈下去的时候,柯提亚忽然发出了尖锐的电子音惶急的道: Be careful, I induced to have the transformer to be close!” “小心,我感应到了有变形金刚接近!” Fang Linyan is startled, but here the downtown area, human had joining of super hero at this time, the strength cannot be underestimated, do they really dare to act unreasonably here? 方林岩大吃一惊,这里可是闹市区啊,此时人类有了超级英雄的加入,力量不容小觑,难道他们真的敢在这里乱来? However, regarding this matter, Fang Linyan rather letter/believes its has, incredible its does not have, he blew a whistling at this time immediately, then jumped out of the freight vehicle compartment, then walks toward nearby building on the half step. 不过,对于这种事情,方林岩都是宁可信其有,不可信其无的,他此时立即就吹了一声口哨,然后跳出了货车车厢,然后就快步朝着旁边的建筑物走去。 Here is not other place, inescapable place that Fang Linyan designated in advance- A shopping mall, here extends in all directions, the exit|to speak is numerous, what is more wonderful was this time has wanted what holiday, inside sea of people, pushed watertight. 这里不是别的地方,正是方林岩事前选定的逃脱地--一处大型商场,这里四通八达,出口众多,更美妙的是此时要过什么节日了,里面人山人海,挤得水泄不通。 The people in United States of America in disguised form are oneself hostage, Tyrant Tianhu or the automobile person, have not possibly slaughtered here unscrupulously. 这些花旗国的人变相就是自己的人质,无论是霸天虎还是汽车人,都没可能在这里肆无忌惮大开杀戒的。 Is following Fang Linyan, has camouflaged a first two Lubos, in the eyes of others, it is a being with good intention clever dog dog, because in his mouth is also holding in the mouth a backpack, but this group of people definitely do not know, in this backpack is a head/number of people. 跟随着方林岩的,是已经伪装成一头二哈的鲁伯斯,在旁人的眼里面,它是一个善解人意的乖狗狗,因为其嘴里面还叼着一只背包呢,不过这帮人肯定不知道,这个背包里面是一个人头. This does not have the matter of means that the head of Cothias was determined to have the object of life, from the start cannot admit in the Fang Linyan private. 这也是没有办法的事情,柯提亚的脑袋被判定为有生命的物体,压根儿就放不进方林岩的私人空间里面呢。 Arrived at the entrance of shopping mall, Fang Linyan heard in the top of the head to transmit has the sound that the helicopter circled, he looked up, immediately frowns. 来到了大型商场的门口,方林岩就听到了头顶上传来有直升机盘旋的声音,他抬头一看,顿时皱起了眉头。 This helicopter presented the blue black painting, in the tall building in big city stood in great numbers staggers the xian soaring, the shuttle was free, even can paste the stream of vehicles flight on the street, its landing gear only had less than 2-3 centimeters from the crown of automobile at most, demonstrated extremely excellent flight skill. 这架直升机呈现出了蓝黑色的涂装,在大城市的高楼林立当中蹁跹飞翔,穿梭自如,甚至在街道上能贴着车流飞行,其起落架距离汽车的顶部顶多只有2-3厘米不到,展示出了极其高超的飞行技巧。 The wingmanship, has so been able to describe with the strange its technique regarding the human pilot, transformer but who flies regarding the dependence instinct, that is really the base holds the in addition small gift. 如此飞行技术,对于人类驾驶员来说已经可以用神乎其技来形容,但是对于依靠本能来飞行的变形金刚来说,那就真的是基操外加小意思而已。 To them, conducts such flight, looks like the swallow, the kingfisher or the dragonfly wait/etc conducted the high-speed terrain flight to be the same, is not matter at the worst. 就他们而言,进行这样的飞行,就像是燕子,翠鸟或者蜻蜓等等进行高速贴地飞行一样,并不是什么大不了的事情。 Comes across such matter very simple, Fang Linyan said to star intent: 遇到这样的事情,方林岩很干脆的对星意道: First does not chat, I by a powerful transformer staring.” “先不聊了,我被一名强大的变形金刚给盯上了。” star intent said: 星意道: Who is?” “是谁?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: His name is the drifting, probably not only does not belong to Tyrant Tianhu, is not the automobile person, said that is monetary reward hunter who a named money fights, he not only can get forms a blue black Boogardie Weilong, and can change form a helicopter.” “他的名字叫做漂移,好像既不属于霸天虎,也不属于汽车人,自称是一名为钱而战的赏金猎人,他既可以变形成一辆蓝黑色的布加迪威龙,又能变型成一架直升机。” After star intent listened, held breath cold air: 星意听了之后倒吸了一口凉气: Is he? The mental disposition of this fellow is strange and powerful, one week ago, once the team destroyed its good deed, result fellow is in a rage, killed seven people this team directly, had the patience to squat this team to be very long very much, scattered directly this group of people.” “是他?这个家伙的秉性非常古怪并且强大,在一周之前的时候,曾经有一个团队破坏了它的好事,结果这家伙一怒之下,直接将这个团队杀了七个人,更是很有耐心的蹲守了这个团队很久,直接将这帮人打散掉了。” Fang Linyan walks toward the market, sneers saying: 方林岩一面朝着商场里面走去,一面冷笑道: Hehe, he thinks that scattered a team to act in a self-serving manner? That can try greatly. I in a big market, he am away from me to estimate now, only then less than 100 meters, but there is a courage to shoot several rounds of rocket projectiles to come in?” “呵呵,他以为打散了一个团队就可以为所欲为吗?那大可以来试试。我现在可是在一处大商场里面,他距离我估计只有一百米不到,但是有胆子就射几发火箭弹进来啊?” star intent said: 星意道: You is a person enter this world? You where, I come now support you.” “你是一个人进本世界的吧?你现在在什么地方,我过来支援伱。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Wal-Mart Supermarket No. 171 shop.” “沃尔玛超市171号店。” star intent said: 星意道: Good, I immediately, you carefully.” “好,我立即出发,你小心点。” Crossed for about one minute, she said suddenly: 过了一分钟左右,她突然道: Here collected one with the drifting related news, according to half a month ago material showed, the drifting had issued the announcement at the forum in network, he needed the energy blocks of seven units and weight surpasses five grams fire seed source fragments together, some people can achieve the words that he requested, then the drifting pledges to do three matters for it, even including devotes life to for it temporarily.” “我这里搜集到了一条与漂移有关的消息,根据半个月之前的资料显示,漂移已经在网络上的论坛上发出了公告,他需要七单位的能量块和一块重量超过五克的火种源碎片,有人能达成他要求的话,那么漂移承诺就会为其做三件事,甚至包括为其临时效命。” Fang Linyan hesitates saying: 方林岩沉吟道: Energy block is among the transformer hard currency, seven unit energy blocks should be the drifting want to oneself, but the fire seed source fragment had no use to the transformer, when the multiplication clansman a little use, this to really be felt strange the lying trough!!” “能量块是变形金刚当中的硬通货,七单位能量块应该是漂移给自己要的,但是火种源碎片对变形金刚来说没有什么用处了啊,只是在繁衍族人的时候有点用处,这可真是奇怪了卧槽!!” Originally at this time, the glass curtain wall of entire market dang a loud sound, instantaneous thorough shatter, loudly collapsing, is then good because of the position that this time collapses is in a market stage. 原来这时候,整个商场的玻璃幕墙“咣当”一声巨响,瞬间彻底破碎,然后轰然垮塌,好在此时垮塌的位置乃是在一处商场内部的舞台里面。 At this time stage also in intense arrangement, only then 2-3 staff in busy, therefore the affected person was few. 这时候舞台还在紧张的布置当中,只有2-3个工作人员在忙碌,所以被波及的人很少。 From crack whistling whistling flew several minute vehicles of basketball sizes, its superficial honey-comb seemed to be same, then these flight vehicles distributed the entire market rapidly, then simultaneously started to broadcast the voice: 紧接着,从破口当中“呼呼呼呼”的飞进来了十几个篮球大小的微型飞行器,其表面仿佛蜂巢一样,然后这些飞行器就迅速分布到了整个商场当中,然后同时开始播放语音: Fellow residents, here is New York No. 5 Bureau, according to accurate lead that we receive, many terrorists mixed in the market to conduct the terrorist activities, for the safety of you and surrounding resident, please immediately stop the activity, both hands holds to squat same place.” “各位市民,这里是纽约市第五分局,根据我们收到的确切线报,有多名恐怖份子混入到了商场里面进行恐怖活动,为了您和周围市民的安全,请立即停止活动,双手抱头蹲在原地。” Warning! This is not the exercise, this is not the exercise! Please carry out this operation in ten seconds, all consequences that from this has are proud.” “警告!这不是演习,这不是演习!请在十秒内执行此操作,由此产生的一切后果自负。” After hearing this news, in the market security personnel also appear quickly, then commanded that the customers fall face down, this matter had took the lead, then others under the heard mentality, started to comply, naturally also had a thorn opposition, these flight vehicles directly with the anaesthetic rifle 11 roll-calls, this situation were controlled unexpectedly in several minutes!! 听到了这个消息之后,商场里面的保安人员很快就随之出现,然后喝令顾客们趴下,这种事情有了带头的,那么其余的人在从众心理下,纷纷都开始照做,当然也有刺头反对的,那些飞行器就直接用麻醉枪一一点名,这局势居然在几分钟内就被控制住了!! Saw this, Fang Linyan responded certainly, the action that these drifted very much obviously time is under the official authorization! After both sides unify, immediately displayed the astonishing strength. 见到了这一幕,方林岩当然反应了过来,很显然这一次漂移的行动已经得到了官方的授权!双方结合起来之后,顿时就发挥出了惊人的力量。 At this time Fang Linyan also can only lie to bend down in the middle of the crowd, mind inside anxious is thinking the countermeasure, he is thinking in this market at least also swamped into several thousand people, to verify own status, oneself will screen at least to take a half hour? 此时方林岩也是只能趴伏在了人群当中,脑海里面紧张的想着对策,他本来想着这商场里面至少也涌入了几千人,要想核实自己的身份,将自己筛查出来还是至少要半个小时的吧? Finally in the minute vehicle resounded the sound again: 结果微型飞行器里面再次响起了声音: Everyone raised the head, the gaze is away from your recent flight vehicle, the goal that we do this is to screen the terrorist, protects you and family member, the neighbor, the safety of friend, therefore please must understand, if refuses to do this, you are the terrorist, or in harbor terrorist!” “所有人抬起头,注视距离您最近的飞行器,我们这样做的目的是为了筛查恐怖份子,保护您和家人,邻居,朋友的安全,所以请务必理解,如果拒绝这样做的话,您就是恐怖份子,或者说是在包庇恐怖分子!” Also asked fellow good residents to pay attention, if your side some people tried to evade, resisted this behavior, for your security, please report promptly, we will give 1000 dollars reward!” “也请各位良好市民注意了,您身边如果有人试图逃避,抗拒这个行为的,为了您自己的安全,请及时进行举报,我们将给予一千美金的奖励!” After hearing this sound, Fang Linyan also produced immediately is stuck the feeling on face by a palm of the hand, then saw that these people raised the head, then in the minute vehicle stretched out the camera, aimed at everyone face to scan the past 听到了这声音之后,方林岩顿时也产生了被一巴掌糊脸上的感觉,然后就见到那些人纷纷抬头,然后微型飞行器里面就伸出摄像头,对准每个人脸部扫描了过去 Saw this scene, Fang Linyan was also startled: 见到了这场面,方林岩也是大吃一惊: Face recognition technology?! Then and is the database relevant information ratio right? This is in 2009, the BJ Olympic Games just crossed, an oil AND meter singing sound of still reverberates in the ear, unexpectedly United States of America has played was so smooth, this is the technical promotion that the steel hero brings, dividend that the transformer introduces?” “人脸识别技术?!然后再和数据库里面的相关信息比对?这可是2009年啊,BJ奥运才刚刚过完,油AND米的歌声还在耳边回荡,居然花旗国这边就已经玩这么溜了,这是钢铁侠带来的科技提升,还是变形金刚引入的红利?” However at once Fang Linyan feels indifferently: 不过旋即方林岩就觉得无所谓了: Facial recognition that is also indifferent, before I passed through the look to change costume, sweeps not to have the means with me.” “面部识别那也无所谓啊,之前我是经过了相貌改扮的,扫出来也是拿我没办法。” Finally Fang Linyan also in hesitant, rings out on hearing nearby sound of gunfire suddenly, then three lay to bend down in the man of ground to jump, aimed at a nearby minute vehicle to open fire again and again, the weapon that they carried along not only had the salvo pistol, Woods mini submachine gun that can fold( in CS B + 3 + 4 that)! 结果方林岩还在犹豫的时候,冷不防就听到旁边枪声大作,然后有三个本来趴伏在地上的男子跳了起来,对准了旁边的一台微型飞行器连连开火,他们随身携带的武器不仅有连发手枪,还有可以折迭的“乌兹”微型冲锋枪(CS里面B+3+4那把)! Suddenly the sound of gunfire rings out, this minute vehicle was hit immediately braved the black smoke, was crooked toward side slid several meters, bang exploded, the fragment flew immediately randomly, the crowd of that region disrupted immediately, no longer started honest lying on the ground, but bawled is rushing on ahead to dash about wildly. 一时间枪声大作,这台微型飞行器立即被打得冒了黑烟,然后歪歪斜斜朝着旁边滑行了几米,轰隆的一声爆炸开来,碎片顿时乱飞,那个区域的人群顿时打乱,不再开始老老实实的趴在地上,而是哭叫着夺路狂奔。 Immediately looked like holds the hornet's nest to be the same, the surplus minute vehicles aimed immediately that side gathered the past. 顿时就像是捅了马蜂窝一样,剩余的微型飞行器立即就对准了那边聚集了过去。 The result seized this opportunity, several people stand, including fellow seems like very bold stood, the windproof coat that the body wears flutters, holds up the dual spears/pistols rampantly, the mouth is holding in the mouth cigarette, first „” opened fire to hit two people, shouted wildly to stand to escape, then saw that others did not have the sound, was two spears/guns. 结果抓住了这个机会,又有几个人站起来,其中有一个家伙看似非常豪放的站了起来,身上穿着的风衣飘扬,举起双枪,嘴里嚣张的叼着一支烟,先“啪啪”开枪打中了身边的两个人,狂叫着让身边的人站起来逃,然后见到其余的人没动静,又是啪啪两枪。 Right now immediately awakens side the fear in person heart, the aspect chaos, then welled up toward the surrounding, but side this fellow also leads three trusted subordinates, the eldest child to do the misdemeanor, they have not been idling, aimed at the in the air minute vehicle is a strafe. 这下子顿时唤醒了旁人心中的恐惧,局面大乱,然后朝着外围涌了出去,而这家伙身边则也是带着三名亲信,老大在干坏事,他们也没有闲着,对准了空中的微型飞行器就是一阵扫射。 Originally, these two groups of people are in the middle of the New York Reactionary gang members, approximately good to carry out the illegal transaction here, it seems like that the their very clear market person many places of are actually also safer, finally was actually injured accidentally by Fang Linyan. 原来,这两拨人乃是纽约黑帮当中的成员,约好在这里进行进行非法交易,看来他们也很清楚商场这种人多的地方其实更安全,结果却被方林岩给连带误伤了。 Speaking of that the strengths of these two waves of people are really strong, the firearms had also been transformed specially, is powerful, the marksmanship is ruthless and- Can be elected to come here criminal syndicate ringer is the bravo, the elite who great waves wash out the sand comes out! 你还别说,这两波人的实力还真强,枪械也是被特别改造过的,威力巨大,枪法更是又狠又准--能被选来这里的黑帮枪手都是亡命徒,大浪淘沙出来的精英! The environment that they must face, hit the yacht tender mold with the spear/gun frequently, hit does not permit to knock the aspect of gong on the grave mound, in person who under this environment survived, was often more abnormal than in the actual combat certain shooting champions. 他们要面对的环境,经常都是拿枪打准了游艇嫩模,打不准就坟头敲锣的局面,在这种环境下生存下来的人,往往都比某些射击冠军在实战当中还要变态。 Therefore do not look that these minute vehicles have more than ten, but anti- does not hit, put in an appearance is ruined the larger part. 所以别看那些微型飞行器有十几台,但并不耐打,一照面就被毁掉了一大半。 Seized this opportunity, Fang Linyan was also prepares to hide in the middle of the startled crowd, mixed to escape toward outside in inside together, finally Lubos kept off in his front suddenly, then lifted the chin hinted itself to hold in the mouth the package to have the sound. 抓住了这个机会,方林岩也是准备躲在了惊慌的人群当中,一起混在里面朝着外面逃了出去,结果鲁伯斯突然挡在了他的面前,然后抬起了下巴示意自己叼着的包有动静。 Fang Linyan received the package, then partly squatted in the corner opened the zipper, revealed that the metal head/number of people of feeling the frightened feeling, but Cothias immediately impatient say/way: 方林岩接过包,然后半蹲在墙角拉开了拉链,露出了那个充满了惊悚感的金属人头,而柯提亚立即迫不及待的道: Do not go out, the vehicles that you drove before once were found, will then lock your appreciation quickly, does the human government have this technology I not to know, but Tyrant Tianhu definitely has this technology, and can also make massive transformation A machine dog carry this module, their battle efficiencies are not perhaps good, but is used to supervise your behavior not to have the issue.” “不要出去,你之前驾驶的车辆一旦被找到的话,那么会很快就锁定你的体味,人类政府有没有这个技术我不知道,但是霸天虎是肯定有这个技术的,并且还能让大量的改造A型机器狗搭载这个模块,它们的战斗力或许不行,但用来监察你的行为还是没问题的。” Heard the words of Cothias, Fang Linyan suddenly felt the own beforehand threat is very wise, if not for explicit told this fearing death female Tyrant Tianhu, once had an accident I first to kill you, she will coordinate well? 听到了柯提亚的话,方林岩突然觉得自己之前的威胁还是很明智的,若不是明确的告诉这个怕死的女霸天虎,一旦出事我先弄死你,那她会这么好好配合吗? In view of the fact that Cothias said so seriously, Fang Linyan makes LS in market fly to look immediately, immediately held breath cold air. 鉴于柯提亚说得如此郑重,方林岩立即让在商场里面的哈LS飞出去一看,顿时倒吸了一口凉气。 When originally outside does not know, the exit in entire market everywhere is police, the transformation A machine dog that although Cothias said had not seen, so long as will be the person who will run away is blocked by the police, the interrogation will distinguish one to walk again! But the helicopter that the drifting turns into from the sky is circling 原来外面不知道什么时候,整个商场的出口处都已经到处是警察,虽然柯提亚所说的改造A型机器狗没看到,只要是逃出去的人都会被警察拦住,盘问识别一番再走!而漂移变成的直升机就在空中盘旋着 At this time in the Fang Linyan heart has understood, here the drifting mostly was the photography own back or the face, although oneself passed through changing costume, but a build of person cannot change, the software that so long as the use developed distinguished own build with the walking stance, same can grasp. 此时方林岩心中已经明了,漂移这边多半是拍摄下了自己的背影或者正脸,虽然自己经过了改扮,但是一个人的体型是改变不了的,只要利用开发出来的软件来识别自己的体型和走路姿态,一样能将自己抓出来。 The use stealth + Chino's package kerchief is seemingly feasible, but don't forget, Cothias demonstrated that at that time the ability of thermal energy scanning, without the truth drifted cannot. 使用隐身+奇诺的包头巾貌似可行,但是别忘了,柯提亚当时都显示出了热能扫描的能力,没道理漂移不会啊。 Therefore Fang Linyan then took advantage to steal into nearby restroom randomly, then inquired that Cothias said: 于是方林岩便趁乱溜进了旁边的厕所里面,然后询问柯提亚道: Way popularization of your transformer that thermal energy scanning?” “你们变形金刚那种热能扫描的方式普及吗?” Cothias said: 柯提亚道: Can be the energy, but is unnecessary, because human also has similar science and technology, and what is more important, I was knew you at that time in inside, and in the room the person were not many opens this function, in fact it is more in the situation that the night used.” “能是能,但是毫无必要呢,因为人类也是有类似的科技,并且更重要的是,我当时是知道你在里面,并且屋子里人不多才开启这个功能的,实际上它在夜间使用的情况更多。” „, This thing energy consumption is very high, but we these transformer fuel supplies on Earth always become serious very much, after all matched the energy block supply on Bottom somewhat to be short, either how to have the idea of Solar System?” “要知道,这东西能耗很高的,而我们在地球上的这些变形金刚能源供应一向都很是吃紧,毕竟赛博坦上的能量块供应都有些短缺了,要么怎么会打太阳系的主意?” Fang Linyan one wants also to be, whose TM egg hurt, is all right in broad daylight operates the thermal energy detection device? Moreover are the market person many places, what egg turning on the full screen the thermal energy human form have to use? Therefore thinks, hesitates saying: 方林岩一想也是,谁TM蛋疼了,没事大白天的开个热能探测仪啊?而且还是商场这种人多的地方,开启了满屏幕都是热能人形有什么卵用?于是想了想之后沉吟道: You think carefully, obviously I the following pursuing troops throwing off, why did drift also to pursue unexpectedly? You want to be clear replied again, the answer that if you give cannot make me believe that I will think that you are playing tricks.” “那你仔细想一想,明明我已经将后面的追兵给甩掉了,为什么漂移居然还能追上来呢?你想清楚了再回答,因为如果你给出的答案不能让我信服的话,那我就会觉得这其中你在捣鬼哦。”
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