FE :: Volume #13

#1680: Epic poem difficulty opening?

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Chapter 1678 epic difficulty opening? 第1678章史诗难度开局? Obviously, the negotiation skill of this police officer is quite adept, if Fang Linyan is really completely discouraged jumping from an upper story, then may also be moved by it. 很显然,这位警官的谈判技巧相当娴熟,如果方林岩真的是一个万念俱灰的跳楼者,那么还有可能被其打动呢。 Fang Linyan is just about to speak, his pupil actually contracts suddenly, because he sees impressively, among these six policemen, the heads of some people presented the obvious illusion target mark unexpectedly, and blood-color! 方林岩正要说话,他的瞳孔却遽然收缩,因为他赫然看到,这六名警察当中,有人的头上竟是出现了明显的幻象靶子印记,并且还是血色的! He thought of the branch duty immediately: Explanation that the blood debt blood recompenses: The soldiers of all hostile spaces appear after your field of vision, will obtain the hunting mark!! 他立即就想到了支线任务:血债血偿的说明:所有敌对空间的战士出现在你视野当中之后,将获得狩猎标记!! At once Fang Linyan detects a matter awfully, has the person of hunting mark, and is two! 旋即方林岩就发觉了一件更要命的事情,拥有狩猎标记的人并且还是两个! I depend, is this epic difficulty opening?” “我靠,这是史诗难度开局吗?” Fang Linyan has started to complain in the heart crazily, he realized a matter immediately, oneself should as a stronger side, when the assignment enters late several days, in the middle of this world should have some space soldiers to enter ahead of time, then makes up for them the flaw in strength. 方林岩在心中已经开始了疯狂吐槽,他立即意识到了一件事,自己应该是作为实力较强的一方,所以在分配进入的时候晚了几天,本世界当中应该有一些空间战士提前进入了,进而弥补他们在实力上的缺陷。 Naturally, an important point, that is the opposite party knows are oneself No. S space soldier? 当然,还有至关重要的一点,那就是对方是否知道自己是S号空间的战士? According to the speculation of Fang Linyan, that is very likely! 根据方林岩的推测,那是极有可能的! No. S space can the hostile R space, on K space wait/etc soldiers mark, although other space is unable to make own soldier exempt from this point, but can also mark you in turn! S号空间能给敌对的R空间,K空间等等战士上标记,别的空间虽然无法让自己的战士豁免这一点,但也可以反过来标记你啊! No. S space strength, ok, on you mark hit probability increases 8, the striking power promotes 25, movement / attack speed promotes 15. S号空间实力强,行,你上的标记命中率增加八,攻击力提升25,移动/攻击速度提升15。 On me the mark hit probability increases 4, the striking power promotes 15, movement / does attack speed promote 10 always? 那我上的标记命中率增加四,攻击力提升15,移动/攻击速度提升十总可以吧? In this flash, in Fang Linyan mind fast flashed through so many things, therefore he had not looked toward the under foot, direct both hands push, the whole person slid toward under directly! 在这一瞬间,方林岩的脑海里面电光石火的闪过了这么多的东西,于是他根本就没有往脚下看,直接双手一推,整个人就朝着下方直接滑了下去! Witnessed this leading sheriff immediately desperate yelled: 目睹这一幕的带队警长立即绝望的大叫了起来: FUCK! NO!!!” “FUCK!NO!!!” Then with great speed before, naturally, according to the plot of movie rushed to hold at the last minute mostly must rescue the hand of goal, will then draw slowly. 然后火速冲前,当然,按照电影的剧情多半是在最后一刻冲上去抓住了要抢救目标的手,然后慢慢将之拉上来。 However Fang Linyan actually really do not jump from an upper story, but is not willing in such time, under the place, with completely strange enemy fight! This is not he instigated, but is the discretion that its all alone makes a living as a wandering fortune-teller to have!! 不过方林岩却也不是真的要跳楼,而是不愿意在这样的时间,地点下,和完全陌生的敌人战斗!这不是他怂,而是其孤身一人闯荡江湖必须要具备的谨慎!! In fine weather and favorable geographical position is not the place that choose, with quantity unknown, the situation unclear enemy fight, Fang Linyan this type asked the steady fellow wholeheartedly cannot the wave. 在天时地利都不是自己选择的地方,和数量未知,情况不明的敌人战斗,方林岩这种一心求稳的家伙是一定不会浪的。 After falling 78 meters, the Fang Linyan fierce depth inspires, in the black pupil has the different light sparkle, then the psychic force starts to consume, directly stimulates most recent talent: The metal is compatible. 下落了七八米之后,方林岩猛的深吸了一口气,黑色的瞳孔里面有异光闪耀,然后精神力开始消耗,直接激发了最新获得的天赋:金属亲和。 Immediately, the Fang Linyan right hand surface changed to the silver-white color rapidly, that is one type looks on the indestructible metal luster! 顿时,方林岩的右手表面迅速化作了银白色,那是一种看起来就坚不可摧的金属色泽! Temporarily metallizes: Titanium alloy!! 暂时金属化:钛合金!! Then a Fang Linyan fist on bang in front glass curtain wall! Only heard „” a loud sound, on the curtain wall to appear presented a large cave/hole impressively, regarding this large cave/hole, the nearby presented the dense and numerous as if spider web fissure. 然后方林岩一拳就轰中了面前的玻璃幕墙!只听得“啪啦”一声巨响,幕墙上出现了赫然出现了一个大洞,围绕着这个大洞,附近更是出现了密密麻麻仿佛蜘蛛网似的裂痕。 After a Fang Linyan fist penetrated the glass curtain wall, was takes advantage of opportunity to hold the edge of curtain wall, wanted to draw support from this action the impulse that came the cushion whereabouts to bring. 方林岩一拳击穿了玻璃幕墙之后,更是顺势抓住了幕墙的边缘,想要借助这个举动来缓冲下落带来的冲击力。 Only hears „” a series of chaotic sounds, Fang Linyan only felt in the finger slits to have the innumerable fragments and glass scraps/condescend splashed, but least bit did not have the pain, because the whole person the huge falling strength slid fast ten meter/rice, this stopped. 只听得“噼里啪啦”的一连串乱响,方林岩只觉得指头缝隙之间有无数碎片和玻璃屑飞溅了出来,可是却半点儿都没有痛感,整个人都因为巨大的下坠力道快速下滑了十来米,这才停了下来。 The glass wall of building is also because this grasps, left behind a huge glass crack that directly is ten meter/rice, seems like together frigid incomparable scar, heard several people of calling out in alarm sounds from crack there, the matter that Fang Linyan does very much obviously suddenly gave to frighten them. 大厦的玻璃外墙也是因为这一抓,直接留下了一道长达十来米的巨大玻璃破口,远看起来就像是一道惨烈无比的疤痕似的,从破口那里也是传来了好几人的惊叫声,很显然方林岩突然搞出来的事情将他们给吓到了。 After the hand stressed steadily one curving chase for type thoroughly, Fang Linyan very relaxed caught up, then plunged into inside room directly. 手上彻底抓稳了一处弯曲的铁框架之后,方林岩很轻松的发力一荡,便直接跳入到了里面的房间当中。 Here had not been rented obviously, the basic repair, everywhere is the dust, was makes Fang Linyan this unexpected visitor save many argument. 这里显然还没有被租出去,只有基本的装修,到处都是尘埃,也算是让方林岩这个不速之客省了不少的口舌。 At the same time the stride walks outward at the same time, Fang Linyan changed a new coat while convenient, put on a wig, puts out the appearance that a document made to look while walking again, changes the walking posture while convenient, then walked very much confidently. 一面大步往外走的同时,方林岩顺带换上了一件新外套,戴上了一顶假发,再拿出了一份文件做出边走边看的模样,顺带改变一下走路的姿势,便很坦然的走了出去。 What, you said that the space doesn't have the direct zone function? Brothers, that is must receive money, now the Fang Linyan entire legend squad is even poor wishes one could to sell the buttocks, naturally a penny saved , a penny earned. 什么,伱说空间不是有直接变装功能吗?兄弟,那可是要收钱的,现在方林岩甚至整个传奇小队都穷得恨不得去卖屁股,当然能省则省了。 Also Fang Linyan is being chased down by one group of hostile space soldiers now, he even using space zone function, but on the head is actually going against a shining mark, that changed a loneliness, can only coax the indigenous people. 再说现在方林岩可是在被一群敌对空间战士追杀,他就算是利用空间变装功能,但脑袋上面却顶着一个明晃晃的标记,那岂不是变了个寂寞,只能哄一哄原住民了。 Fang Linyan at this time also not anxiously, when is the line start the moon/month was black, because Fang Linyan observes the milestone to have several is to request to look for missing people, therefore Fang Linyan assigned the choice to summon Lubos, its sense of smell tracking system was really powerful. 方林岩此时也并没有急着出去,而是直接启动了月黑之时,因为方林岩观察到里程碑当中有好几项都是要求寻人,所以方林岩指定选择召唤了鲁伯斯,它的嗅觉追踪系统实在是太给力了。 Adopted the random summon as for flying unit Fang Linyan, therefore is quick, a hair had/left the big bird of sharp neighing sound to make a dazzling entrance! 至于飞行单位方林岩则是采取了随机召唤,于是很快的,一头发出了尖利嘶鸣声的大鸟闪亮登场! It seems like it can be said that powerful, the feather of both wings presented the metal general material quality sky blue, middle also circled the pale blue thunder and lightning, in the middle of the eyes is burning the clear red soul flame. 它看起来可以说是威风凛凛,双翅的羽毛呈现出了金属一般材质的天蓝色,当中还盘旋着淡蓝色的雷电,双眼当中则是燃烧着澈红色的魂焰。 It fell the Fang Linyan shoulder time, his sharp claw deeply grasped, making the skin of Fang Linyan feel that one type tore the general ache. 它落到了方林岩肩头的时候,其尖锐的爪子更是深深抓了下来,让方林岩的皮肤都感觉到了一种撕扯一般的疼痛。 Quick, appeared about its introduction in Fang Linyan at present. 很快的,关于它的介绍就出现在了方林岩的眼前。 thunder Yingha LS 雷鹰哈LS Leader level lifeform 首领级生物 When Rexach of old age in the blade edge mountain hunting, split complete thunder Yingluan from a stomach pouch of crystal stone lizard accidentally. 当晚年的雷克萨在刀锋山狩猎的时候,无意中从一头晶石蜥蜴的胃囊里面剖出了一枚完整的雷鹰卵。 In most of the time, Rexach saw after thunder Ying egg , the matter that handles is raises one fires, then places in the fire to bake it. 在大多数时候,雷克萨看到雷鹰卵后做的事情就是升起一堆火,然后将它放在火上烧烤。 When thunder Yingluan the surface starts to send out „” and light sound cracks, Rexach above will smudge on raises Reyes forest land hot pepper, after baking for 20 seconds, will scatter Shu Xincao's powder, will then eat it. 当雷鹰卵的表面开始发出“咔嚓”的轻响并且开裂的时候,雷克萨就会在上面涂抹上提瑞斯法林地辣椒,烘烤二十秒之后再撒上舒心草的粉末,然后吃掉它。 Regarding the food person demon and Rexach of beast person hybrid, eats such a to roast the ripe thunder Ying egg to make his mood maintain one joyfully all day- till discovering the Mitra's son's randomly excrement in room. 对于食人魔与兽人混血的雷克萨来说,吃掉这么一枚烤熟的雷鹰卵能让他的心情保持愉悦一整天-直到发现米莎的儿子在屋里乱拉的屎为止。 However, when Rexach discovered in the middle of surprisedly this thunder Ying egg transmits palpitates intermittently, even also contains the strong vitality time, in his heart a softest corner/horn was touched. In the past he also met a small wolf that has the tenacious vitality, then opened own legendary life. 不过,当雷克萨惊奇的发现这枚雷鹰卵当中传来阵阵悸动,甚至还蕴藏着强大的生命力的时候,他心中最柔软的一角被触动了。当年他也是遇到了一头拥有着顽强生命力的小狼,然后开启了自己的传奇人生。 Therefore, Rexach decides to hatch this thunder Yingluan, then to commemorate that, but ally black wolf LS of death, will name it LS. 所以,雷克萨决定将这枚雷鹰卵孵化出来,然后为了纪念那头为了自己而死的战友黑狼哈LS,也将之取名为哈LS。 Under Rexach this legend's training, strength growth of LS very rapidly, when three years old, even can draw the fight with grown wondrous beauty. 在雷克萨这名传奇英雄的调教下,哈LS的实力增长得十分迅速,在三岁的时候,甚至就能与成年奇美拉战斗了。 As thunder Ying, it inborn has the ability of control thunder and lightning, therefore the emitting lightning arrow became its ordinary attack method, and occasionally will also emit the fearful lightning chain. 作为一头雷鹰,它天生就拥有操控雷电的能力,所以喷吐闪电箭就成了它的普通攻击手段,并且偶尔还会喷吐出可怕的闪电链。 For a long time shuttles back and forth in the dark cloud and thunder, making LS grasp one move to hide attacks the skill of enemy in the thunder, exuded the giant thunder bellow at the same time, advanced more than hundred meters instantaneously, in all enemies to shuttle way caused the thunder and lightning damage also to cause its dizziness 1.5 seconds. 长时间在乌云和雷霆当中穿梭,使哈LS掌握了一招可以隐藏在雷霆当中冲击敌人的技巧,发出巨大的雷霆轰鸣声的同时,瞬间突进百余米,给穿梭途径上的所有敌人造成雷电伤害并且使其眩晕1.5秒。 Naturally, LS under Rexach's training, learned absorbs the strength from the blood and pain of enemy, whenever it successfully wounds an enemy time time, the striking power and attack speed will promote 10, the duration 60 seconds, can overlay high five times. 当然,哈LS在雷克萨的调教下,也学会了从敌人的鲜血与痛苦当中汲取力量,每当它成功击伤敌人一次的时候,攻击力和攻击速度就会提升十,持续时间60秒,最高可以迭加五次。 thunder Ying as half element lifeform, has the long life span, when Ha LS did not have thoroughly grown, Rexach has induced ancestor's summon therefore to pass away, LS is therefore deeply grieved, fasts dead. 雷鹰作为半元素生物,拥有着漫长的寿命,所以在哈LS还没有彻底成年的时候,雷克萨就已经感应到了先祖的召唤因此而逝去了,哈LS因此悲痛欲绝,绝食而死。 The powerful gold metallurgy master's to the Ha LS loyal sentiment appreciates, then comes back to life it becomes the construction to install the lifeform, enabling it to hover in the middle of the horizon again. 一位强大的炼金术士对哈LS的忠贞感情非常欣赏,便将其复生成为了构装生物,让它可以再次翱翔于天际当中。 After summoning, Fang Linyan conducted the camouflage to it immediately, making its contour seem like a Detroit robin, this bird was quite common in North America. 召唤出了之后,方林岩立即对其进行了伪装,使其外形看起来像是一只底特律知更鸟,这种鸟儿在北美相当常见。 Primary cause that Fang Linyan does, because LS contour is extremely unique, looks does not seem like the lifeform of standard surface, once will appear in the main body shape will definitely cause lots of people to surround strongly. 方林岩这么干的主要原因,还是由于哈LS的外形太过独特,一看就不像是本位面的生物,一旦以本体形态出现的话那么肯定会引起大量人强势围观的。 Then Fang Linyan hesitant, is without the summon exclusive goon to to congratulate true, is he has not mainly considered that now clear first slaughters, completes the main line task first, therefore the Fang Linyan urgent matter, is makes a move to weigh the weight of enemy at present. 接下来方林岩犹豫了一下,还是没有召唤专属打手向贺真,主要是现在他也没有考虑清楚是先大开杀戒,还是完成主线任务先,所以目前方林岩的当务之急,就是出手称一称敌人的斤两。 Had LS to take own informer, Fang Linyan also thought that suddenly pressure one light, properly speaking before this time him, was startled jumps from an upper story to travel, at this time should go downstairs to leave fast, but Fang Linyan must do exactly the opposite, followed the staircase to walk toward the position of rooftop directly. 有了哈LS作为自己的耳目,方林岩也是陡然觉得身上的压力一轻,按理说此时他之前都被惊得跳楼跑路了,此时就应该快速下楼离开,可是方林岩偏偏就要反其道而行之,直接顺着楼梯朝着天台的位置走了过去。 Walked several steps, heard above flip-flop a series of sounds of footsteps passed on, Fang Linyan stands in the line of sight blind spot of corner, is waiting for peacefully. 只是走了几步,就听到了上方“噼噼啪啪”的一连串脚步声传了过来,方林岩站在拐角处的视线盲区里面,安静的等待着。 He is actually paying attention to LS to take to oneself another angle of view at this time, only above waited for that group of police to clash getting down time, Fang Linyan steep moving sideways, quickly, an blade soaring rushes directly. 他此时却在关注哈LS带给自己的另外一个视角,只等上面的那群警察冲了下来的时候,方林岩陡的闪身而出,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,一记刃飞翔就直接冲了上去。 But Fang Linyan aiming is not others, in a reputation presented the space soldier of hunting mark, moreover Fang Linyan also chose that best kill very much shameless. 方林岩瞄准的不是别人,正是一名头上出现了狩猎标记的空间战士,而且方林岩还很无耻的选择了最好杀的那个。 What? How to determine best kill? Naturally looks at the position. 什么?怎么判定最好杀呢?当然是看站位了。 The adventure that the space soldier experiences were many, can be said as to own localization heart in exceptionally clear, ringer, bowman, master wait/etc brittle skin occupations in march, very natural after will fall to, position of team, the close combat occupation will arrive close to the team front section position. 空间战士经历的冒险多了,对自己的定位心里面可以说是异常的清楚,枪手,弓手,法师等等脆皮职业在行进的时候,很自然的就会落到队伍的中后位置去,近战职业则是会来到靠近队伍前段的位置。 Naturally, has the gruffness of iron the common road, in front of non- strategic place, but this person 90% after experiencing 2-3 world died, as for remaining ten? 当然,也不是没有头铁的憨憨不走寻常路,就非要冲前面,不过这种人百分之九十在经历2-3个世界后就死翘翘了,至于剩下来的十呢? 9 people corrected oneself wrong custom, therefore continues Gou dwell, naturally, 1 continues own does not take the common road, and really rushes. 有九的人改正了自己的错误习惯,于是继续苟住,当然,还有一的就是继续自己的不走寻常路,并且真的闯出来的。 Therefore, Fang Linyan chose the position that fellow near the bottom directly, arrived at him using the blade soaring instantaneously behind, a Fang Linyan dagger held finally, actually the discovery plundered the feel that the tooth of food punctured to be empty, this knows that original gripped in the illusion unexpectedly. 所以,方林岩直接就选择了站位靠后的那个家伙,瞬间就利用刃飞翔来到了他的身后,结果方林岩一匕首捅了过去,却发现掠食之牙刺进去的手感空荡荡的,这才知道原来自己居然扎到了幻象上。 But Fang Linyan is careful looked, detected this person seems like unexpectedly slick like the strip loach, unexpectedly ahead of schedule felt oncoming of danger, was first leaving behind one clone same place, then flashed before directly, point of descent also happen to the side of teammate! 方林岩再仔细一看,才发觉这人看起来居然油滑得像条泥鳅一样,居然提早就感觉到了危险的来临,先在原地留下了一个分身,然后直接就闪现了出去,落点还正好在队友的身边呢! The attack of blade soaring is actually divided into two: 要知道,刃飞翔的攻击其实是分为二段的: First is to use weapon of soaring / wind blade attack enemy, then the Fang Linyan instantaneous advance, is leaving behind the afterimage same place. 第一段是利用飞翔的武器/风刃攻击敌人,然后方林岩瞬间突进,在原地留下残像。 Second is to trigger the dizziness, then Fang Linyan can act in a self-serving manner. 第二段才是触发晕眩,然后方林岩就可以为所欲为了。 During these two attacks, the probably 0.1 second of gaps, Fang Linyan thought that is almost impossible some people able to hold this loophole, but never expected that meets today unexpectedly! 这二段攻击当中,大概有0.1秒的间隔,方林岩觉得是几乎不可能有人能抓住这个漏洞的,但是没想到今天居然遇到了! This person held these 0.1 second of difference to flash before, but also is keeping an afterimage to confuse Fang Linyan same place. 这人就抓住这0.1秒的时间差闪现了出去,还在原地留下来了一个残像迷惑方林岩 Said one while convenient: In the usual actual combat, Fang Linyan likes the way of using the wind blade, is because the wind blade confidentiality is extremely strong, making a move time cannot look completely, does not have the indication, but throws the words of weapon, obviously are many in this aspect difference, but injures is higher. 顺带说一句:在平时的实战当中,方林岩更喜欢采用风刃的方式,便是因为风刃隐蔽性极强,出手的时候完全是看不出来的,毫无征兆,而投掷武器的话,就明显在这方面差很多,只是伤害更高。 Obviously the use of blade soaring is to very advance and control, does not lack selects the injury, therefore the wind blade became Fang Linyan most loves. 很显然刃飞翔的用处是突进和控制,并不缺那么点伤害,所以风刃就成了方林岩的最爱。 The opposite party are also acts in harmony very much obviously well-trained, initiated counter-attack in the flash! The one who made Fang Linyan not think, the enemy had four unexpectedly! 对方很显然也是训练有素配合默契,在一瞬间就发起了反扑!令方林岩都没想到的是,敌人居然足足有四个! Besides that policeman of beforehand frontline propaganda, other is the space soldier! Only then in two numbers of people have the hunting mark , because two are the neutral spaces, their four are forming a team very much obviously temporarily, is thinking four dozens one can handle? 除了之前喊话的那名警察之外,其余的都是空间战士!之所以只有两人头上有狩猎标记,是因为还有两人乃是中立空间的,很显然他们四个是在临时组队,想着四打一怎么也能搞定了吧? In just one second, Fang Linyan by a round of ice cone, a bullet of eagle of round of desert, the curse technique that arrives at instantaneously is hit, but! Prompt that Fang Linyan receives, actually demonstrated that attacks his three people is completely promisors, directly by his time breeding hunting for status pressing stubbornly. 就在短短的一秒钟内,方林岩就被一发冰锥,一发沙漠之鹰的子弹,还有一个瞬间降临的诅咒术所击中,但是!方林岩收到的提示,却显示出攻击他的三人全部都是契约者,直接被他此时的殖猎者身份给压得死死的。 The low rank space soldier hits the high rank words, has the step position suppression, the ordinary attack has certain probability to lose, the magic arts have certain probability failure, even if the negative condition hit successfully, the duration will still reduce. 要知道,低阶空间战士打高阶的话,是有阶位压制的,普通攻击有一定概率丢失,法术有一定概率失败,即便是负面状态命中成功了,持续时间也会降低很多。 Over 30 dodging additions that in addition Fang Linyan also + 4 legend bringing dodging additions, oneself had at this time, therefore the fire of eagle of ice cone technique and desert presented MISS, only then that named weary curse became effective, its effect is to let the Fang Linyan traveling speed reduces 30, but the duration was weakened for 33 seconds. 再加上方林岩这时候还有传说度带来的闪避加成,自身本来拥有的30以上的闪避加成,所以冰锥术和沙漠之鹰的射击都出现了MISS,只有那个叫做“疲劳诅咒”的生效了,其效果是让方林岩移动速度降低30,但是持续时间被削弱到了33秒。 Fang Linyan long smiles, heart must arrange itself to enter this world no wonder late, originally is such truth. 方林岩一声长笑,心道难怪要安排自己晚进入本世界,原来是这么个道理啊。
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