FE :: Volume #13

#1681: Also sees the oriental cherry

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Chapter 1679 sees the oriental cherry 第1679章又见樱花 In a flash, Fang Linyan displayed the blade soaring again! 一瞬间,方林岩再次施展出了刃飞翔! This time Fang Linyan does not forget the first thought that that person that the goal still locks, this he retaliates heart actually not, but was this person previously made a round of ice cone, solid this fellow is the anemia master status. 此时的方林岩不忘初心,目标依然锁定的还是那人,这倒不是他报复心强,而是这人先前打出了一发冰锥,坐实了这家伙乃是贫血的法师身份。 What is more important, he had used up a maintaining life method before, therefore the success ratio of Fang Linyan this blade soaring will be higher! 更重要的是,他之前已经用掉了一次保命手段,所以方林岩这一次刃飞翔的成功率会更高! Really, this master is difficult to escape this tribulation, Fang Linyan appears, when he behind, fell into 2 seconds of dizziness directly, then Fang Linyan has the blade to fall, the ray flashes, the giant thunderclap and blade light fell together, the surrounding enemy was also shocked together for a half second. 果然,这一次法师难逃此劫,方林岩出现在他身后的时候,直接就陷入了二秒的眩晕,然后方林岩手起刀落,光芒一闪,巨大的雷声与刀光一起落了下来,连带周围的敌人也是被一起震慑了半秒钟。 Glorious swordsman passive effect: The blood and thunderous also starts!! 荣耀剑士被动效果:鲜血与雷鸣同时发动!! The village double blade, the caltrop mace-like weapon, plundering the tooth of food, Miao blade and other weapons to cut together on his body! 村正双刀,铁蒺藜骨朵,掠食之牙,苗刀等六把武器一起砍在了他的身上! Lubos also pounced upon suddenly at this time, first is one bites ruthlessly, then the claw makes up, is the head hits- must know, at this time Lubos is the promotion for the leader level lifeform, its top of the head has grown a as if unicorn sharp corner/horn, and is the strange double headed dog shape. 鲁伯斯此时也是猛扑了上来,先是狠狠一口咬住,然后爪子补上一下,紧接着就是头撞-要知道,此时鲁伯斯已经是晋升为了首领级生物,其头顶已经生长出了一根仿佛独角兽似的尖角,并且还是诡异的双头犬形态。 In just two seconds, the life value of this master looked like evaporated directly! Emptied instantaneously, is good should carry the item of autotrigger on him, when the volume of blood fell 20, the body surface suddenly presented one to protect the shield! 在短短的两秒内,这名法师的生命值直接就像是蒸发了似的!瞬间就空了,好在他身上应该是携带着自动触发的道具,在血量掉落到了20的时候,体表突然出现了一层护盾! The protecting shield that this side saves a life finally is made him support the dizzy two seconds, gurgle a greatly purple bottle( fully restored medicament) to swallow down, then ran away strongly. 这一面救命的护盾总算是让他撑过了晕眩两秒的时间,“咕嘟”的一个大紫瓶子(全面恢复药剂)吞了下去,然后竭力逃走。 But, did Fang Linyan possibly let off this to the meat of mouth at this time? Was a cassock cuts directly! 可是,方林岩这时候怎么可能放过这块到嘴的肉?直接就是一记袈裟斩切了上去! He looked to to congratulate true this sword technique grandmaster asked for advice the skill of many control village double blade, this blade cut is the luck is not good, although has not triggered suddenly/violently to strike, but this master sent out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, even loud shouted desperately: 他可是找向贺真这个剑术宗师讨教了很多驾驭村正双刀的技巧,这一刀砍上去算是运气不好,虽然没触发暴击,可是这法师发出了一声凄厉的惨叫,甚至大声绝望嘶吼了出来: You, if keeps the hand again, I died you is also no better!” “你们要是再留手的话,我死了你们也好不到哪里去!” The other three promisors do not certainly dare to keep the hand, suddenly also aimed at the Fang Linyan crazy attack, however their attacks and skills lose either, either was weakened on the magic arts. 剩余的三名契约者当然也不敢留手,一时间也是对准了方林岩疯狂攻击,但是他们的攻击和技能要么就丢失,要么就法术被削弱。 What is more unthinkable, at this time Fang Linyan chases down this master, is turning away from them, therefore some people chose back of the head such strategic point to attack as if by prior agreement, has not actually expected the bullet to shoot on the back of the head of opposite party, what unexpectedly sent out was projects on the metal clang clang sound, even if hit the injury to truncate very fiercely. 更令人匪夷所思的是,此时方林岩追杀这名法师,乃是背对着他们的,所以一干人都不约而同的选择了后脑勺这样的要害进行攻击,却没料到子弹射到对方的后脑勺上,居然发出的是打到金属上的“铛铛”声,即便是命中了伤害都削得很厉害。 This situation was certainly needless to say much, Fang Linyan were the space soldier, naturally knew the thoughts of back these enemies, therefore used own latest ability: The metal is compatible, metallizes back of the head that skin directly temporarily, the physical resistance rises suddenly instantaneously, the effect is good. 这种情况当然不用多说,方林岩自己就是空间战士,当然知道背后这几个敌人的心思,于是利用了自己的最新能力:金属亲和,直接将后脑勺那一层皮肤暂时金属化,物理抗性瞬间暴涨,效果奇佳。 However, as the saying goes the ant bites to death the shape, doom interception that three enemies effective, made many troubles to Fang Linyan, clear to see that master must escape, Lubos pulled out to hail to throw a fierce tear and bite directly, this takes the dizzy 4 seconds! 不过,常言道蚁多咬死象,三名敌人的死命拦截还是有效果的,给方林岩造成了不少的麻烦,眼见得那名法师就要逃掉,鲁伯斯抽冷子就直接扑上去一记凶猛撕咬,这可是要晕眩四秒的! Four seconds of time, enough Fang Linyan has come a wave of eruption again! 四秒钟的时候,已经足够方林岩再来一波爆发了! Meanwhile, Lubos of double headed dog shape conducts the fierce tear and bite time, the lethality is also very considerable, after all is two conducts the output simultaneously. 同时,双头犬形态的鲁伯斯进行凶猛撕咬的时候,杀伤力也是非常可观,毕竟是两个头同时进行输出啊。 The village double blade, the caltrop mace-like weapon, plundering the tooth of food, the seedling blade to come again one round, the blood splash. 村正双刀,铁蒺藜骨朵,掠食之牙,苗刀再来一轮,鲜血飞溅而出。 Meanwhile, Fang Linyan also activated team skill not to have type quietly- Father's team skill, is to make your team skill unable to use! 与此同时,方林岩也悄然激活了团队技能“无式”--老子的团队技能,就是让你的团队技能用不出来! Last hurts actually to be hit by Lubos, as the head of this master emitted 26 points injury numbers, his whole person eyes open the eyes in a big way, collapsing of dying with injustice unredressed in pool of blood. 最后一下伤害却是被鲁伯斯打出来的,随着这名法师的头上冒出了26点这个伤害数字,他整个人眼睛睁得大大的,死不瞑目的瘫倒在了血泊里面。 Actually before he dies, anything that thinks, Fang Linyan can give an oral account: 其实他死前想的什么,方林岩都能一口说出来: „The team skill of labor! Why doesn't start?” “劳资的团队技能呢!为什么不发动?” Fang Linyan takes up the bloody key that he fell conveniently, suddenly also looks at the corresponding prompt without enough time, moves sideways to hide in nearby corner directly. 方林岩顺手就抄起了他掉落的血腥钥匙,一时间也来不及看相应的提示,直接一闪身就躲到旁边的拐角处。 At this time his body also has many wounds, blood directing current, but the fierce combat time adrenalin secretes fast, therefore feels the faint stuffy pain. 此时他的身上也是有多处伤口,鲜血直流,但是激战时候肾上腺素快速分泌,因此只是觉得隐隐的闷痛而已。 Although by enemy collection fire, but dodges + step position suppression, the magic shield that in addition Fang Linyan this time Athena Yukita provides reduces the wound, the high quota of bringing dodges, the Fang Linyan life value also fell 1/4, the magic value fell half, that is absolutely also strength of the war. 虽然被敌人集火,但是闪避+阶位压制,外加方林岩此时的雅典娜之佑提供的魔法盾减伤,还有自带的高额闪避,方林岩的生命值也就掉了四分之一,魔法值掉了一半,那是绝对还有一战之力的。 The decontaminating solution will fall on after the wound carelessly, Fang Linyan held breath immediately cold air, the wound is nipped by the liquid medicines transmitted a severe pain, but this pain instead aroused Fang Linyan ominous, previously that cut the melon to cut vegetable/dish common slaughtering is really makes him somewhat wallow. 草草将消毒水倒在了伤口上之后,方林岩顿时倒吸了一口凉气,伤口被药水咬得传来了一阵剧痛,而这痛楚反而激起了方林岩的凶性,先前那砍瓜切菜一般的杀戮真的是让他有些沉迷其中。 But Lubos when the Fang Linyan processing wound, to/clashes to socialize with the enemy, for he won preciously this therapy for 56 seconds, after wrapping up one carelessly, Fang Linyan detected that the opposite party three people have not walked unexpectedly, immediately the eyes narrow, goes out to slaughter on the strategic place. 而鲁伯斯在方林岩处理伤口的时候,就冲出去与敌人周旋,为他赢得了这宝贵的疗伤五六秒,草草包扎了一番之后,方林岩发觉对方三人居然还没有走,顿时双眼一眯缝,就要冲出去大开杀戒。 At this time, LS that not far away from the sky circled warns suddenly, on the retina of Fang Linyan the red light flashed continually, he image that fed back toward Ha LS looked immediately, immediately opened the eye. 只是就在这时候,不远处在空中盘旋的哈LS突然示警,方林岩的视网膜上红光连闪,他立即朝着哈LS这边反馈过来的影像看了过去,立即睁大了眼睛。 Originally in downstairs, several car(riage)s had opened with great speed, is the head has a Dodge race car, is opening the door male Fang Linyan that gets out to look familiar, immediately made him scold a bad language. 原来就在楼下,已经有好几辆车火速开了过来,为首的有一辆道奇跑车,正在开门下车的男子方林岩十分眼熟,顿时就让他骂了一句脏话。 Originally, the one who pushes to the front to take the lead is a short and stout person, the body also wears a tattered windproof coat, the back writes „the world martial arts, only slow broken eight characters. 原来,一马当先走在前面的是个矮胖子,身上还穿着一件破破烂烂的风衣,背后写着“天下武功,唯慢不破”八个字。 This person of semblance seemingly of undistinguished appearance, even the entire image and potato are quite similar, actually made the extremely profound impression to Fang Linyan. 这人外表看起来其貌不扬,甚至整体形象和土豆颇为类似,却给方林岩留下了极其深刻的印象。 Because he is the oriental cherry, 因为他是樱花, Past front king, today's oriental cherry, 昔日的锋王,今日的樱花, Has the oriental cherry of strongest lethality!! 拥有最强杀伤力的樱花!! Among space soldier who Fang Linyan faces, besides the abyss feudal lord, is the oriental cherry gives his oppression strength to be most intense, that blade that this fellow cuts, the terrifying tyrant cuts extremely, really makes a great show of one's talents, enduring is the world crown, until now in the Fang Linyan midnight dream returned appeared several times!! 方林岩面对的空间战士当中,除了深渊领主之外,就是樱花给他的压迫力最为强烈,这家伙斩出的那一刀,恐怖的霸极斩,真的是锋芒毕露,堪为天下冠,迄今为止都在方林岩的午夜梦回中数度出现!! Obviously, the oriental cherry catches up to come to here should hurriedly to come for Fang Linyan, he should have many words to say naturally, if can dip the blood of Fang Linyan to rub the mill knife to be better while convenient. 很显然,樱花急匆匆赶来这里应该是为了方林岩而来的,他应该有很多话想要说当然,若能顺带蘸着方林岩的鲜血磨磨刀就更好了。 Therefore, the reason returned to the body of Fang Linyan immediately, he narrowed an eye, is sending out to Lubos followed own instruction, aimed at the front three enemies to rush rapidly. 所以,理智马上就回到了方林岩的身上,他眯缝了一下眼睛,然后对着鲁伯斯发出了跟随自己的指令,迅速的对准了前方的三名敌人冲了上去。 Yes, in the Fang Linyan heart had the thought of travelling obviously, but looked that he throws the imposing manner of going forward at this time, actually clearly is to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, connects the appearance that front these three people must get rid of together. 是的,方林岩心中明明是生出了跑路的念头,但看他此时扑上前去的气势,却分明是想要乘胜追击,连接下来面前这三个人都要一起干掉的样子。 Yes, this is during fight manipulating strategically, the technique of launching a psychological attack. 是的,这就是战斗当中的勾心斗角,攻心之术。 Because Fang Linyan wants to remove, must therefore attack, if he wants to continue to kill people, then the proper approach should be sets the weak appearance to draw back anxiously, then tempts the person to attack. 正是因为方林岩想要撤,所以才要攻,如果他想要继续杀人,那么正确的做法应该是做出虚弱的样子急退,进而引诱人来攻。 This is in the middle of the military tactics empty solid it, actually empty truth. 这就是兵法当中虚则实之,实则虚之的道理。 But these three people at this time in the heart are also exceptionally shocking and terrified, because was struck the position of that legal system occupation kills to be different, is in the middle of oriental cherry team important one. 而这三个人此时心中也是异常震惊和惶恐的,因为被击杀的那名法系职业的身份地位可不一样,乃是樱花团队当中的重要一员。 Most critically, their three people had not turned on the water before slightly, whole-heartedly this in the face of the interception bred hunting, went crazy general attacked! 更关键的是,他们三个人之前是丝毫都没有放水,全力以赴的在拦截面前这名殖猎者,发疯了一般的进行攻击! But, this fellow actually as if crazy soldier same hard of came, to carry their attacks forcefully master Ruika killing! What is more fearful, this fellow seems like has not received anything to injure unexpectedly is the same, is sporty, even in the look also brings a point to disdain with rampantly! 可是,这家伙却仿佛狂战士一样的硬来,扛着他们的攻击硬生生将法师瑞卡给杀了!更可怕的是,这家伙看起来居然都还没有受到什么伤害一样,活力十足,甚至眼神里面还带着一点不屑和嚣张! Fang Linyan fired into another reputation to lead the person of hunting mark again, his attack it can be said that blustered, was the deceptive attack, actually can actually melt momentarily empty is the reality, turned into the storm from the probe. 方林岩再次冲向了另外一名头上带着狩猎标记的人,他这一次进攻既可以说是虚张声势,是佯攻,其实却随时都可以化虚为实,从试探变成强攻的。 By the Fang Linyan present strength, even if not open the big move, must kill a promisor is also ten seconds of matter, don't forget, he also hid an grenade eagle LS card in a hand! This fellow can also make the good output similarly. 方林岩现在的实力,哪怕是不开大招,要杀一个契约者也就是十秒钟的事情,别忘了,他还藏了一手雷鹰哈LS的底牌呢!这家伙同样也能打出不俗的输出。 Finally both sides fight, Fang Linyan sighs in the heart immediately, because this promisor seems like the defensive power is not low, and Fang Linyan also made MISS, considering that the opposite party may have very much fully restores the medicament not to use, therefore wanted fast to kill is very difficult. 结果双方一交手,方林岩立即在心中叹了一口气,因为这个契约者看起来防御力不低,并且方林岩还打出了一次MISS,考虑到对方很有可能还有全面恢复药剂没有使用,所以想要速杀很难了。 Never must underestimate own opponent!” “永远都不要低估自己的对手!” This is the Fang Linyan hear of many space soldiers have mentioned the iron rule! 这是方林岩听多名空间战士都谈起过的铁律! Since makes up mind, Fang Linyan makes a feint, ejected two rounds of smoke shell directly, in the middle of the corridor like this relatively narrow area, speed strange quick who the smoke shell becomes effective, almost flooded in two seconds middle. 既然拿定了主意,方林岩虚晃一枪,直接抛出了两发烟雾弹,在楼道这样的相对狭小区域当中,烟雾弹生效的速度奇快,几乎在两秒钟内就充斥在了当中。 At this time three people are definitely with trepidation, for fear that in such environment by defeat in detail, is actually not known Fang Linyan is to make the best use of the time to travel directly. 此时三人肯定是提心吊胆的,唯恐在这样的环境下被各个击破,却不知方林岩已是抓紧时间直接跑路了. At this time the oriental cherry definitely was directly soars without a doubt has the fight the region, therefore Fang Linyan entered nearby restroom Gou dwell directly, when the battle condition vanished, first dismissed Lubos temporarily, then opened Chino's the initiative condition of package kerchief, opened the stealth, slips out. 这时候毫无疑问樱花肯定是直奔发生战斗的区域,所以方林岩直接就进了旁边的厕所苟住,等到战斗状态一消失,先将鲁伯斯暂时解散,然后开启奇诺的包头巾的主动状态,开启隐身,神不知鬼不觉就溜了出去。 When Fang Linyan left the building, after entering the boundless huge crowd, on his retina started to present the handwriting: 等到方林岩离开了大厦,进入到了茫茫人海当中之后,他的视网膜上开始出现字迹: Time: On July 10 , 2007, 1 : 00 pm.” “时间:公元2007年7月10日,下午1时。” Place: North American New York( 74 ° W , 40.43 ° N)” “地点:北美洲纽约(西经74度,北纬40.43度)” Scene: The Americas of electrical time / have the supernatural force( lifeform) / ultra giant lifeform / silicon-based lifeform “场景:电气时代的美洲/拥有超自然力量(生物)/超巨型生物/硅基生物” This scene forms three big conditions.” “本场景形成有三大条件。” 1, Einstein / Izaak. Newton and other essential space and time node characters followed the historical orbit natural death.” “一,爱因斯坦/艾萨克.牛顿等关键时空节点人物遵循历史轨迹正常死亡。” 2, the Cretaceous Period period, causing the reason of dinosaur extinction to detonate seed for the slave of elder brother „” weapon. ” “二,白垩纪时期,导致恐龙灭绝的原因为昆塔莎之奴引爆“种子”武器。” 3, matched the civil strife of Bottom star not to proliferate, leads the module to be retained.” “三,赛博坦星球的内乱没有扩散,领导模块被保留了下来。” Difficulty: Difficult( B level)” “难度:难(B级)” Sensation of pain weakening: 30 “痛觉削弱度:30” Personal ability extra sepcific rating: 0.” “个人能力额外强化度:0。” At present scene exploration: 0.00 “目前场景探索度:0.00” Looks the handwriting that these present, Fang Linyan spitting gently exhales, then he starts to plan the following behavior. 看着这些出现的字迹,方林岩轻轻的吐出了一口气,然后他开始计划接下来的行止。 The bloody key that legal system occupation keeps, Fang Linyan has not opened, its reason has two points. 那名法系职业留下来的血腥钥匙,方林岩并没有开启,其原因有两点。 First the equipment and skill of promisor he cannot have a liking for now. 一来是契约者的装备和技能他现在不怎么看得上了。 Secondly now the vulture and Crespo just resurrected, and must promote breeds hunting, is short of money, but team inside universe point is at the scarce stage, now has owed almost 500,000 foreign loans, Fang Linyan must certainly return nurturing to parents the team as the team leader. 二来现在秃鹫和克雷斯波刚刚复活,并且要晋升殖猎者,正是缺钱的时候,而团队里面通用点处于奇缺的阶段,现在已经欠了差不多五十万的外债,方林岩作为队长肯定要反哺一下团队。 And before the goat, has said that this type has very big probability to turn on the bloody keys of two valuable boxes to be called the spoon of expedition in the market, the price has been rising, the present bubble is very heavy. 并且山羊之前就说过,这种有很大概率开启两个宝箱的血腥钥匙在市场上被称为征战之匙,价格一直在上涨,现在的泡沫很重。 Obviously, after this key gives the goat, can the maximum benefit, trade at present in the team the scarcest universe point. 很显然,这把钥匙交给山羊之后,才能将利益最大化,换来目前团队里面最稀缺的通用点。 Regarding Fang Linyan, main line duty, milestone and so on completely secondary, can do the fire seed source fragment in this world, that is the direction that first needs to try hard. 对于方林岩来说,主线任务啊,里程碑之类的全部都是次要的,能在这个世界当中搞到火种源的碎片,那才是第一需要努力的方向。 Under such premise, standing in the human and an automobile person side is the natural matter, this is actually not because the income is high, because the trouble is small, the difficulty is low, this can make Fang Linyan have more energy and time completes own mission. 在这样的前提下,站在人类和汽车人一方就是理所当然的事情,这却并不是因为收益高,而是由于麻烦小,难度低,这才能让方林岩有更多的精力和时间去完成自己的使命。 But Fang Linyan current urgent matter, then must first ravel oneself to enter many days late, now this world already first entered that group of people evolved to what degree specifically, naturally, which allied forces was ravels oneself also to have. 方林岩目前的当务之急,则是要先弄明白自己晚进入了多少天,现在这个世界已经被先进入的那群人具体演化到什么程度了,当然,还有就是弄明白自己还有哪些友军。 Yes, in Fang Linyan this time impression, all from No. S space almost can be regarded as the ally, even if both sides had the conflicts of interest, still has the big probability not to begin, this is the most important foundation of cooperation. 是的,在方林岩此时的观感里面,所有来自S号空间的几乎都可以被视为盟友了,就算是双方发生了利益冲突,也是有大概率不会动手,这就是合作的最重要的基础。 Therefore, the matter that Fang Linyan then handles collects the information, analyzed various information. The origin of information can collect from the network, can collect from the news. 所以,方林岩接下来做的事情就是收集情报,分析各种信息了。情报的来源可以从网络上搜集,可以从新闻里面搜集。 Naturally, conveniently quickly, holds a hostile space soldier, then inquired the outcome from his mouth, but this was a easier said than done matter, in addition Fang Linyan now single-handedly, therefore did not consider. 当然,最为方便快捷的,还是去抓住一个敌对的空间战士,然后从他的嘴里面询问究竟,但这是一件知易行难的事情,外加方林岩现在单枪匹马,所以不考虑了。 Does not have the consumption too big strength, Fang Linyan to know, this time point that oneself cut into will be 2009 at the end of June, will place the Los Angeles of United States of America, at this time the time of information large explosion has begun to take shape, the issue that therefore Fang Linyan must face now will not be the information are too few, but will be the information are too many! 没有耗费太大的力气,方林岩已经知道,自己切入的这个时间点乃是2009年的6月底,身处花旗国的洛杉矶,此时信息大爆炸的时代已经初具规模,所以现在方林岩所要面对的问题并不是信息太少,而是信息太多! How to remove the redundant thing from the voluminous lots of information, will need the information that to look from inside actually is also tests the skillful matter very much. 怎样从浩若烟海的大量信息当中去掉冗余的东西,从里面将自己需要的信息找出来其实也是一件很考验技巧的事情。 And this main line duty is time to also put somewhat is very broad, but also means that could not provide more clues. 并且这一次的主线任务也是放得很是有些宽泛的,但也意味着提供不了更多的线索。 Therefore, regarding the average person, is really confused facing this aspect at this time, even does not know that should start from where. 所以,对于普通人来说,此时面对这局面就真的是一头雾水,甚至根本不知道应该从何处下手了。 Naturally, Fang Linyan like this, he will not have drawn up the corresponding plan. 当然,方林岩不会这样,他早就制订好了相应的计划。
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