FE :: Volume #13

#1679: Manager of suicide

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Direct-viewing point, in promoting and providing duty, Noa space S th will give the green light in reward, gives the biggest preferential benefit in own scope of authority, reduces the task difficulty, the improvement duty reward, must therefore seize this good time to go all out. 直观一点来说,在晋升和发放任务方面,诺亚空间S号就会在奖励方面大开绿灯,在自己的权限范围内给予最大的优惠,降低任务难度,提升任务奖励,所以必须要抓住这个良好时机大干一场。 In the following standby period, Fang Linyan looks for the goat to ask that in team surplus resources, detected that besides universe point scarce, supplies, material and so on is also extra, and many purification furnace rock carbon, before is actually the goat, strolls the time taking advantage time of market to make. 在接下来的等待时间当中,方林岩去找山羊问了问团队里面剩余的资源,发觉除了通用点紧缺之外,补给啊,材料之类的还算是富余,并且还有不少精制炉岩碳,却是山羊之前逛市场的时候趁火打劫时候弄来的。 After he thinks, looked for X organizations to make a 100,000 universe point loan simply, under the agreement the world returned also- At this time may really be money to using side Henshao, then conducted the arms upgrade. 他想了想之后,干脆去找X组织弄了一笔十万通用点的贷款,约定下个世界归来就还--这时候可真是钱到用时方恨少啊,然后就去进行武器升级了。 These 100,000 points burn 7788 later, promoted LV4 the village double blade finally, but the LV4 addition was the function cut in the cassock, its name was called: Brutal mercy. 这十万点烧得七七八八的之后,总算是将村正双刀提升到了LV4,而LV4的加成则是作用在了袈裟斩上,其名字叫:无情的慈悲。 Can increase the cassock to cut 30 violent striking rates( double injuries), if the cassock cuts starts behind the enemy, then the violent striking rate/lead will increase 30 again. 可以增加袈裟斩30暴击率(双倍伤害),若是袈裟斩是在敌人背后发动,那么暴击率将会再次增加30。 Again after the resources transform the battle efficiency, Fang Linyan finally stopped tossing about, but he was to also toss about at this time motionless. 再次将资源转化成了战斗力之后,方林岩终于停止了折腾,而他此时也是折腾不动了. *** *** Re-enters the countdown of adventure world also to approach rapidly, many acquaintances also gathered at one whooped, the goat the personal connection also developed at this time, therefore received some information, nothing but was the mutual attention and so on meaning. 重新进入冒险世界的倒计时也迅速来临,有很多熟人也聚集在了一起议论纷纷,山羊这时候人脉也是拓展了开来,于是收到了一些信息,无非就是守望相助之类的意思。 To be honest, at this time Noa space S th space soldier is also somewhat flustered, after all will experience the bad risk of this adventurous world is really visible, is besieged by the entire three Noa spaces space soldiers! 说实话,此时诺亚空间S号的空间战士也都是有些人心惶惶的,毕竟经历本次冒险世界的凶险真是肉眼可见,会被整整三个诺亚空间的空间战士围攻啊! Was good because of this time, Noa space S also made very flexible adjustment. Floor -based the core principle, all Noa spaces in the general case, are unable to enforce the space soldier who subordinates unable to attack mutually, or strikes to kill the opposite party ungainful order. 好在这时候,诺亚空间S号也是做出了很灵活的变通.基于底层的核心法则,所有的诺亚空间在普通情况下,都无法强制执行隶属的空间战士互相无法攻击,或者击杀对方无收益的命令。 However, Noa space S this time actually directly issued to subordinate space soldier two branch duties, accurate, is a branch duty and a milestone: 但是,诺亚空间S号这时候却直接给麾下的空间战士发布了两个支线任务,准确的来说,是一个支线任务和一个里程碑: Milestone: Saving 里程碑:拯救 Difficulty: Legend 难度:传说 Within a limited time: This milestone is only effective in the following two adventurous world. 限时:此里程碑仅在接下来的两个冒险世界有效。 Content: By a set time in saves eight one's own side( isospace soldier) person, will determine to save will determine by the space. 内容:在限期内拯救八名己方(同空间战士)的人,是否判定为拯救将会由空间进行判定。 Saving the behavior must conform to the human normal values and moral outlook, and was saved the side to place in certain dangerous situation. Saves the side unable to have the intentional protracted time, builds the layout to cause the allied force to enter dangerous situation wait/etc behaviors. 拯救行为必须符合人类正常的价值观和道德观,并且被拯救方必须身处在一定的险境当中。拯救方不能有故意拖延时间,营造布局导致友军进入险境等等行为。 Once there is above illegal activities to be punished. 一旦有上述违规行为将会被严惩。 This milestone for individual milestone, is unable the group to complete.( E.g. legendary squad saved arctic circle and a F222 person, then these two heads can only calculate above someone, goat person.) 此里程碑为个人里程碑,无法团体完成。(比如传奇小队救了北极圈和F222个人,那么这两个人头只能算在某一个人头上,或者说欧米,山羊一人一个。) Reward: Obtains the brilliance title redemption( passive), when your life value reduces to being on the verge of death condition, this title your life value instantaneous will compensate automatically, and dispels overwhelming majority abnormal states, its effect with taking one bottle fully( in a big way) restores the medicament to be equal. 奖励:获得光辉称号救赎(被动),当你的生命值降低到濒死状态的时候,此称号将会把你的生命值瞬间自动补满并且祛除掉绝大部分异常状态,其效果与服用一瓶全面恢复药剂(大)等同。 The brilliance title can with any title overlaying. 光辉称号可以与任何称号迭加。 Obviously, has this milestone in addition to hold, definitely was everyone wants to be in the middle of bloody battle hacksaw range Dr. Daws isospace teammate that fell into the hopeless situation became the sweetie pie. 很显然,有着这个里程碑的加持,肯定是人人都想要做血战钢锯岭当中的道斯军医了陷入绝境的同空间队友那就成了香饽饽了啊。 The branch duty is this: 分支任务则是这样的: Branch duty: Blood debts must be paid in blood 支线任务:血债血还 Difficulty: Unknown 难度:未知 Within a limited time: This duty only in the middle of the next adventurous world effective. 限时:此任务仅在下一个冒险世界当中有效。 Content: In the middle of the next adventurous world, strikes to kill the enemy to the space soldier. 内容:在下一个冒险世界当中,击杀敌对空间的战士。 Explained: The soldiers of all hostile spaces appear after your field of vision, will obtain the hunting mark, you launch the attack to it the words, will obtain the hit probability to increase 8, the striking power promotes 25, movement / attack speed promotes 15 extra additions. 说明:所有敌对空间的战士出现在你视野当中之后,将获得狩猎标记,你对其发起进攻的话,将会获得命中率增加八,攻击力提升25,移动/攻击速度提升15的额外加成。 Reward: After you successfully strike kills the enemy, its bloody key has very high probability to start out two valuable boxes. 奖励:当你成功击杀敌人以后,其血腥钥匙有很高的概率开出两个宝箱。 Reward: You each successfully strike to kill an enemy,( promisor / will breed hunting for wait/etc) to obtain the extra universe point according to its rank, the honor value, a potential reward. 奖励:你每成功击杀一个敌人,将会按照其等级(契约者/殖猎者等等)获得额外的通用点,荣誉值,潜能点奖励。 Reward: When pass through the settlement, will strike the enemy number of killing to obtain the extra premium according to you, strikes the enemy number of killing more, the reward will turn time. 奖励:在过关结算的时候,将会按照你击杀的敌人数量获得额外奖励,击杀的敌人数量越多,奖励则会翻倍。 Penalty: Once receives this duty, you lash out after the space soldier, will obtain a black skeleton mark, this mark will appear in its top of the head above one meter place continually, only then the space soldier can see, after returning to the space, can dispel, and can only conduct dispelling under the intervention of space will. 惩罚:一旦接受此任务,你对己方空间战士出手攻击之后,就会获得一个黑色骷髅标记,此标记将持续出现在其头顶上空一米处,只有己方空间战士才能看见,回到空间后才能祛除,并且只能在空间意志的干预下进行祛除。 Dispelling price: Unknown. 祛除代价:未知。 Looks at this milestone and duty, Fang Linyan was also the deep feeling Noa space S th thinking through a matter, particularly branch duty finally that: Dispelling price unknown, may be called the finishing touch. 看着这里程碑和任务,方林岩也是深深的感觉到了诺亚空间S号的用心良苦,尤其是支线任务最后那一句:祛除代价未知,更是堪称点睛之笔啊。 As the saying goes stems from frightened unknown, everyone knows that also wants the internal strife under this situation, the space wants certainly the cruel methods heavy fine, but the specific content of this heavy fine did not tell you, kept a clasp to you. 有道是恐惧就源于未知,大家都知道在这局势下还要内讧,空间肯定是要下狠手重罚的了,但是这重罚的具体内容就偏不告诉你,给你留个钩子。 Everyone toward oneself will most fear unavoidably the punished that aspect thinks, this restricted being ready to make trouble of certain greedy fellows very much effectively. 每个人难免就会朝着自己最怕被罚的那方面去想,这就很有效的制约了某些贪婪家伙的蠢蠢欲动了。 When the Fang Linyan recollections stagger xian, ray hold, the transmission gate has opened greatly, goat and the others come one by one and Fang Linyan hits the fist, waves to say goodbye, then 11 walked into the light gate. 就在方林岩浮想蹁跹的时候,光芒大盛,传送门已经开启,山羊等人挨个过来和方林岩撞拳,挥手道别,然后一一走入到了光门当中。 Looks form that the teammate departs, in the Fang Linyan heart is also some desolate Szo's feelings, that should be the mood of leaving depart from! However his heart had taken risk and is slaughtered by various types exercises firmly like the iron stone, at once drives away this mood, then one step entered into the light gate. 看着队友离去的身影,方林岩心中也是有些萧索的感觉,那应该是别离的情绪吧!不过他的心早就被各种冒险和杀戮锻炼得坚如铁石,旋即就将这情绪驱离,然后一步迈入了光门。 *** *** Starts to enter the adventurous world. 开始进入冒险世界. Starts the allocated proportion data. 开始配比数据. In vast universe, 浩瀚的宇宙里, The seed everywhere birth miracle of life, 生命的种子到处诞生奇迹, Is adapting to the place multiplication that oneself grow to live, 在适应自身成长的地方繁衍生息, Carbon base lifeform crazy reproduction speed, 碳基生物疯狂的生殖速度, The tenacious vitality of silicon-based lifeform, 硅基生物的顽强生命力, Metal life body brave clever in fighting, 金属生命体的勇武善战, Formed the colorful different race, 形成了多姿多彩的不同种族, These race majority probably parallel lines are the same, 这些种族大部分都像是平行线一样, For trillion years never connect, 亿万年来从未交汇, Until one day, the vault of heaven of Earth on has delimited black smoke, 直到有一天,地球的天穹上划过了一道黑烟, A spaceship of out-of-control crashed in the middle of the dry and desolated desert, 一艘失控的飞船坠落在了干燥而荒芜的沙漠当中, Two from the gene level entirely different race, started a fatalistic meet since then!! 两个从基因层面都截然不同的种族,从此开始了一场宿命般的相遇!! Fang Linyan opened the eye slowly, both eyes quickly restored by the absent-minded condition, then in heart steep one tight! 方林岩缓缓的睁开了眼睛,双目由失神状态迅速恢复,然后心中陡的一紧! Originally, this time Fang Linyan position is in rooftop of building, and he is sitting down exhausted in the rooftop edge, backs on the wall, the both feet is hanging, under the buttocks is about 40 cms in width cement eave corner/horn, but on the streets below more than hundred meters places the person comes and goes, obviously has not noticed his time bomb. 原来,此时的方林岩的位置乃是在大楼的天台上,并且他正瘫坐在了天台边缘,背靠墙壁,双脚悬空,屁股下面是宽约40厘米的水泥檐角,而下方百余米处的街道上人来来往往,显然还没有注意到他这个定时炸弹。 Near the left hand of Fang Linyan, puts the beer that half can is drinking to remain, several medicine bottles, in the mouth and nose smoke the liquor air/Qi however, strong bitter and astringent flavor. 方林岩的左手边,放着半罐喝剩下来的啤酒,还有好几个药瓶,口鼻里面则是熏然的酒气,还有浓重的苦涩味道。 I do not have the acrophobia luckily.” “幸好我没有恐高症。” Fang Linyan in the say/way that in the heart rejoices. 方林岩在心中庆幸的道。 Then he understands rapidly oneself current situation, very obviously, what Fang Linyan replace is a unlucky egg that wants to commit suicide, this fellow estimated that carried the debt to have no way out, therefore arrived in this roof rooftop, it is estimated that did not have the courage to jump, therefore first drank the beer + the calm class medicine to cause the lethargic sleep. 然后他就迅速明白了自己当前的处境,很显然,方林岩替换的是一个想要自杀的倒霉蛋,这家伙估计身上背了一屁股债走投无路,所以来到了这楼顶天台上,估计没有勇气跳下去,于是先喝下了啤酒+镇静类的药物使自己昏睡。 Then in lethargic sleep, so long as turns over/stands up slightly, fell down to play the effect of suicide directly 然后在昏睡当中只要稍微一翻身,就直接掉下去起到自杀的效果了 However is very obvious, since he had been replaced by Fang Linyan, will then definitely escape this pitiful destiny. 不过很显然,既然他已经被方林岩顶替,那么肯定就会摆脱这悲惨的命运了。 At this time is in the middle of the protective condition, Fang Linyan cannot move, can only observe the surrounding environment. 此时还是处于保护状态当中,方林岩并不能动弹,只能观察周围的环境。 But in his front 50 meters places, one places the giant LED screen in skyscraper, above has is broadcasting wear yellow sports attire a splendid goal artistic collection of No. 23 black person player, ringside also the old person who looks like the KFC head picture smiles very brightly. 而在他的面前五十米处,有一面安置在摩天大厦上的巨型LED屏,上面有正在播放一个穿着黄色球衣的23号黑人球员的精彩进球集锦,场边还有一个酷似肯德基头像的老人笑得很灿烂。 Can see, No. 23 player confronts, is one crowd wears the blue sports attire, on the sports attire has the player who the white sets upright the mark, including to wear 12 th black big to be especially striking, but after he loses the competition, seems like is not depressed, but is grinning to reveal the mouthful becoming known tooth, smiles very happily. 可以见到,23号球员对阵的,是一群穿着蓝色球衣,球衣上有着白色竖纹的球员,其中有个身穿12号的黑大个格外醒目,不过他输掉比赛以后看起来并不怎么沮丧,而是咧着嘴露出了满嘴的大白牙,笑得十分开心。 Why does not know, after Fang Linyan saw this black big, in the heart steep the production on the mood that detested, at once he recovers, should this be suicide the mood of unlucky egg? 不知道为什么,方林岩看到了这个黑大个之后,心里面就陡的产生出了十分憎厌的情绪,旋即他就回过神来,这应该是自杀的倒霉蛋的情绪吧? Suddenly, Fang Linyan felt that nearby beer jar flowed the liquid, but faint yellow the gonorrhea, the bubble are many, then these liquids started to infiltrate the handwriting in the dry floor: 忽然之间,方林岩感觉到了旁边的啤酒罐子当中流淌出来了液体,淡黄色而白浊,泡沫很多,然后这些液体开始在干燥的楼面上浸润出了字迹: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, welcome to the adventurous world.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,欢迎来到冒险世界。” You the status in the middle of this world are: Enters financial circle manager of duty newly.” “你在本世界当中的身份为:一名新入职的金融界经理。” You obtained the main line duty: Spans the race the sentiment.” “你获得了主线任务:跨越种族的感情。” Duty synopsis: In the middle of this world, is hiding many powerful metal lives, they have the standpoint respectively, was divided into the faction to be mutually hostile, simultaneously the government on Earth had also known their existence, but kept secret.” “任务简介:在本世界当中,隐藏着多名强大的金属生命,他们各有立场,也分成了派系互相敌对,同时地球上的政府也已经知道了他们的存在,只是秘而不宣。” Task definition: In 20 days, achieves the respect with the relations of any metal life( hatred- neutrality- friendly- respect- respect- worship)- Naturally, high best.” “任务内容:在20天内,与任何一名金属生命的关系达成尊敬(仇恨-中立-友善-尊敬-崇敬-崇拜)--当然,更高最好。” Warned: If you are unable to complete this task, will then be deducted 200,000 universe points.” “警告:如果你无法完成此任务,那么将会被扣除二十万通用点。” Your contour has crossed the camouflage, can integrate into this world perfectly, you have learned this world's mainstream common language, after leaving this world forgets.” “你的外形已经过伪装,能完美融入本世界,你已习得本世界主流通用语言,在离开本世界后遗忘。” More completes the task early, the acquired advantage is bigger.” “越早完成任务,获得的好处就越大。” Prompt: You can, in this world( including this world as well as extends the world) middle to obtain the following milestone.” “提示:你可以在本世界(包括本世界以及延伸世界)当中获得如下里程碑。” Star chain end matter: In does not injure( including physical body and spirit) Eilon. In Musker's situation, convinced him to drop the star chain plan, and made him ruin the storage related information personally the supercomputer dark blue.” “星链终结者:在不伤害(包括肉体和精神)艾隆.马斯克的情况下,说服他放弃星链计划,并且让他亲手毁掉储存相关资料的超级电脑深蓝。” „The anger of Indian: Goes to break Yacheng, completes Gamba Teece ceremony, lets sink the dormancy in 5000 ghost satisfaction.” “印第安之怒:前往断崖城,完成岗巴蒂斯仪式,让沉眠在其中五千年的亡魂满意。” Do not let harm you loyally: Told LeBron James personally, and made him believe that class that went to Lakers to play a ball game and meet Kobe.” “别让忠诚害了你:亲口告诉勒布朗詹姆斯,并且让他相信会去湖人打球并且接科比的班。” Pacifist: You have not injured in this world( including spirit and body) any indigenous people.” “和平主义者:你在本世界内没有伤害(包括精神和身体)任何一名原住民。” Ahead of time detonates: You stop over , in the middle of this world, ahead of time initiates conflict between Russia and Ukraine.”( This milestone is legend milestone) “提前引爆:你逗留在本世界当中的时候,提前引发俄罗斯与乌克兰之间的冲突。”(此里程碑为传说里程碑) Then is the typefaces of three overstriking: 接下来是三条加粗的字体: Based on your title, three hidden milestone clues were triggered: 基于你的称号,有三条隐藏里程碑线索被触发: Mysterious curse: Please go to New York 17 main roads the poison of bar of metal, looks for Captain Moonta. 神秘的诅咒:请前往纽约十七大道的金属之毒酒吧,寻找蒙塔船长。 The blood of mercury: Please go to Houston's third mental institution, seeks for the former retired detective gold/metal. Carter. 水银之血:请前往休斯顿第三精神病院,寻找前退休探员金.卡特。 Providing for a rainy day: Feeling that leads Kobe Bryant to experience to plane crash one time, during this process must guarantee that Kobe Bryant does not receive the mild above injury, making him to taking the helicopter has the trauma, making his this lifetime refuse to take the helicopter. 未雨绸缪:带领科比布莱恩特体验一次坠机的感觉,在此过程当中必须确保科比布莱恩特不受到轻度以上的伤势,使其对乘坐直升飞机产生心理阴影,让他这辈子都拒绝乘坐直升飞机。 Looks at this series of prompts, Fang Linyan only thought that this world is really full of vitality, everywhere is the opportunity. 看着这一系列的提示,方林岩只觉得这个世界真是生机勃勃,到处都是机遇啊。 But at this time, Fang Linyan suddenly felt moves, then detected that mysterious curse on this hidden milestone clue, suddenly sparkled the ray, and this ray was the blue ray and red ray sparkles alternately. He hesitant, then has known that is ghost who Mobius mark makes, therefore then said immediately: 而就在这时候,方林岩突然觉得心中一动,然后就发觉“神秘的诅咒”这个隐藏里程碑线索上面,突然闪耀起来了光芒,并且这光芒是蓝色光芒和红色光芒交替闪耀的.他犹豫了一下,然后已经知道是莫比乌斯印记弄的鬼了,于是便立即道: What situation is this?” “这是什么情况?” Mobius mark gave the prompt rapidly: 莫比乌斯印记迅速给出了提示: „The new ability that after this is I improve, obtains, can sometimes( including not be restricted in milestone to the relevant information that you obtain, main line duty, branch duty) prompts, labels the related risk or the income.” “这是我完善之后获得的新能力,在某些时候可以对你获得的相关线索(包括不限于里程碑,主线任务,支线任务等)进行提示,标注出相关的风险或者收益。” Fang Linyan immediately curious say/way: 方林岩顿时好奇的道: What meaning is that present this flash?” “那现在这闪光是什么意思呢?” Mobius mark said: 莫比乌斯印记道: Blue ray expressed the high value, the high income, the red ray represented the risk to be very big!” “蓝色光芒表示高价值,高收益,红色光芒代表风险很大!” Fang Linyan „”, nodded. 方林岩“哦”了一声,点了点头。 At this time, he felt suddenly the breeze had blown own cheek, in his heart had a clear(ly) to become aware immediately, this was formally enters the world. 这时候,他突然感觉到了微风吹过自己的面颊,他心中顿时生出了一股明悟,这是自己正式进入世界了。 Fang Linyan searched on own body, detected a name card box, inside name card introduction is: Ducker. Moore, the title is Oceania invests the manager, then in the pocket is less than four US dollars, obviously is a poor wretch. 方林岩在自己的身上搜索了一下,发觉了一个名片盒子,里面的名片介绍是:达克.摩尔,头衔是大洋洲投资经理,然后兜里面只有不到四美元,显然是个穷光蛋。 Obviously, in name card by Fang Linyan replace fellow name. 很显然,名片里面就是被方林岩替代的这家伙名字了。 But at this time, heard the rear area to hear a series of sounds of footsteps, 56 policemen flushed from the rear stair hall, usually looked comes out to have two big fat people lacks the exercise, therefore panted, was tired out of breath. 而就在这时候,听到后方传来了一连串的脚步声,紧接着五六名警察从后方的楼梯间里面冲了出来,看得出来有两个大胖子平时应该是缺乏锻炼,所以气喘吁吁,累得上气不接下气。 Is the policeman of head spreads out both hands, looks to the Fang Linyan sincere say/way: 为首的一名警察摊开双手,看向方林岩诚挚的道: Hey, Brothers, calm, do you want cigarette? Listened to me saying that the life was again bad also needs to continue, perhaps are you willing to share a next beforehand experience with me? After painful thing said that actually had nothing fearfully.” “嘿,兄弟,冷静点儿,你想要来一支烟吗?听我说,生活再怎么糟糕也是需要继续的,或许你愿意和我分享一下之前的经历?痛苦这东西说出来之后其实就没什么可怕的了。” Listened to me saying that last month I be honored received a big ritual that the wife bestowed: Green hat! And is not one is not two but is three! Believes me, my mood certainly was at that time worse than you. When you are stewed to the gills, next morning after the eye will open, will detect that this son-of-bitch will live must continue, you must detect many pleasure.” “听我说,上个月我荣幸的收到了老婆赠送来的一份大礼:绿帽!并且不是一顶不是两顶而是三顶!相信我,当时我的心情一定比你还糟糕。但是当你大醉一场,第二天早上眼睛睁开以后,就会发觉这狗娘养的生活还是得继续,你得发觉其中还是有很多乐子的。”
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