FE :: Volume #13

#1678: Mysterious office

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Chapter 1676 mysterious office 第1676章神奇会所 Looks up, Fang Linyan saw near the small lake to have a pavilion, two people are sitting there chat, because the parapet blocking therefore could not see their lower part. 抬头望去,方林岩见到了小湖边有一处凉亭,有两个人正坐在那里闲谈,因为栏杆遮挡所以看不到他们的下半身。 Young people seem somewhat very cautious, the full beard of another middle-aged person whole face, is seems very talkative, on the pavilion central table is putting a basin fresh flower. 一个年轻人看起来很是有些拘谨,另外一个中年人满脸的络腮胡子,则是显得十分健谈,凉亭中央的桌子上则是放着一盆鲜花。 Two people saw Fang Linyan, beckons to him with a smile , indicating to greet. 两人见到了方林岩,都笑着给他招了招手,表示打了个招呼。 Looks at this environment repair, said that is washes to cut only needs 500 high-end private office also some people to believe that how can be the place that the principal gene biochemistry transforms? 看这环境这装修,说是洗剪只需要500的高端私家会所也有人信啊,怎么会是主打基因生化改造的地方? More particularly, the entrance is a small lake, seems like and does not have any path to opposite pavilion, and does not have the ship, seemed like as if can only swim the past? 更独特的是,大门口就是小湖,看起来并没有任何的道路通往对面的凉亭,并且也没有船,看起来仿佛只能游过去? After the vulture arrived here, then looks in the bosom, put out a metal card to brush in the gate, after waiting for several seconds, in the pavilion middle-aged person lifted, then took out a thing of bead appearance from the bosom, threw into the lake directly. 秃鹫来到这里之后,则是在怀中找了找,拿出了一张金属卡在门上刷了一下,等待了几秒钟之后,凉亭里面的中年人则是抬起了头来,然后从怀里面取出了一枚珠子模样的东西,直接扔进了湖中。 Immediately, Fang Linyan detected in lake water lily unexpectedly moved all of a sudden, then aimed at itself to approach, he at this time the astonished discovery, that water lily and following pot unexpectedly were a body. 顿时,方林岩就发觉湖里面的“睡莲”居然一下子动了,然后对准了自己靠近了过来,他这时候才惊愕的发现,原来那睡莲和下面的花盆居然是一体的。 Moreover, its underwater part unexpectedly is a great fish, pot is part of fish head, even water lily unexpectedly is also a part of this great fish. 不仅如此,其水下的部分居然是一条巨鱼,“花盆”乃是鱼头的一部分,甚至就连“睡莲”居然也是这条巨鱼的一部分。 All these sound unthinkable, thinks that the alligator usually in the stance of preying on time, this fellow did reveal a head to come out? In the flattening, above will add on some nymphaea tetragona angustatas to have the taste. 这一切听起来令人匪夷所思,想一想鳄鱼平时在捕食时候的姿态吧,这家伙是不是就露了个脑袋出来?将之扁平化,上面加上些睡莲就有内味儿了。 As for water lily thing is not the real water lily, is more similar to the steamed crab pliers above down that type of thing, is the typical symbiont. 至于睡莲这东西也不是真的睡莲,更类似于大闸蟹钳子上面的绒毛那种东西,乃是典型的共生物。 And some animal mimicry get up that ratio really resembles, subaquatic plant that for example the sea anemone simulates, for example hymenopus coronatus wait/etc. 并且有的动物拟态起来那比真的都像,比如海葵模拟出来的水下植物,又比如兰花螳螂等等。 However, this great fish strongest place is, that on his head water lily , is not only the contour is lifelike, is the beam energy spread sends out the fragrance of water lily, this was really very rare. 不过,这头巨鱼最强之处在于,其脑袋上的那朵“睡莲”不仅是外形惟妙惟肖,更是能散发出睡莲的香味,这就真的是十分难得了。 After this great fish hovers, stopped directly in the entrance, the vulture jumped to step on the fish to conduct the back, Fang Linyan also jumped, originally he thinks that conducted the back in the fish is very difficult to come to a stop, because in its concept, on this not only had the scale and had the mucilage, can not fall launching to be good. 这巨鱼游动过来之后直接就停在了门口,秃鹫一跳就踩到了鱼背上,方林岩也随之跳了上去,本来他以为在鱼背上很难站稳的,因为在其观念当中,这上面既有鳞片又有粘液,能不摔下水就不错了。 Finally after the Fang Linyan both feet steps on, unexpectedly the touch looks like the cotton to be the same, the both feet at least fell into the fish back 67 centimeters! 结果方林岩双脚踩上去之后,居然触感就像是棉花一样,双脚至少陷入到了鱼背当中六七厘米! Then the fish back muscle contracts rapidly, that feeling looked like has several hands also from hold his ankle area in all directions, it can be said that air planted, quite sturdy. 然后鱼背部的肌肉迅速收缩,那种感觉就像是有几只手同时从四面八方抓住了他的脚踝似的,可以说是落地生根,相当的牢靠。 Fish on peaceful swims away, passed through that pavilion the time toward the distant place, chatted two people who to look in inside immediately, showed the smile. 鱼儿紧接着就安静的朝着远处游去,经过了那凉亭的时候,在里面闲谈的两个人立即看了过来,露出了微笑。 Then, the matter that they handle made Fang Linyan stare in a big way the eye all of a sudden! 然后,他们做的事情一下子就让方林岩瞪大了眼睛! Originally, these two people jumped down the water unexpectedly directly, swam the front of great fish to show the way, can see that they did not have the leg unexpectedly, but was the merpeople, merman! 原来,这两个人居然直接跳下了水,紧接着就游到了巨鱼的前方领路去了,可以见到他们居然没有腿,而是人鱼,男性人鱼! Moreover, on its table is placing that basin fresh flower unexpectedly also moved, then soared directly the midair, is following these two manatees the line, carefully looked that can detect, this fresh flower seemed like seems like some large-scale insect unexpectedly or is the birds! 不仅如此,其桌子上摆放着的那盆“鲜花”居然也是动了一下,然后直接飞翔到了半空当中,跟随着这两头人鱼而行,仔细看去就能发觉,这鲜花看起来居然像是某种大型昆虫或者是鸟类! So the feeling makes Fang Linyan exclaim, he has started to understand at this time red giant star shop why reputation extraordinary was good, this passing through the gate gave the person one demonstration of authority! 如此感受让方林岩惊叹不已,他此时已经开始明白红巨星这家店铺为什么口碑出奇的好了,这一进门就给了人一个“下马威”啊! Fresh flower insect that very obviously, here water lily fish, the male fish person, can fly, is the gene modification products that red giant star shop makes. 很显然,这里的睡莲鱼,男性鱼人,还有会飞的鲜花昆虫,都是红巨星这家店铺弄出来的基因改造产品。 Here gives the first impression of person, is this place with the gene, biochemical project and so on does not touch on slightly completely, is more like the office. 这里给人的第一印象,是此地与基因啊,生化工程之类的完全不沾边,更像是会所。 Then, the boss of red giant star again personally the first impression smashing that you establish, this will make the extremely profound impression on you without a doubt, showed their unique strengths. 然后,红巨星的老板再亲手将你建立起来的第一印象粉碎,这毫无疑问会给你留下极为深刻的印象,彰显出了他们独特的实力。 This move of actually unusual hackneyed stuff, the dozens years ago novels like with this repertoire, for example the roadside beggar changes to change to the charming prince suddenly, the younger sister noticed that here screamed at the scene excitedly, psychological feeling of satisfaction explosive table. 这一招其实非常老套,几十年前的小说就喜欢用这种套路,比如路边乞丐突然摇身一变化作帅气王子,妹子看到这里当场就兴奋尖叫,心理的满足感爆表。 Even the anomalous form of this repertoire is also very eye-catching, for example some simpleton lead meeting on the way young beggar, asked her to eat meal immediately food tens of thousands, hundred Marriott car(riage)s that but also operated Canadian goose ordering down clothing in addition very simple delivered. 甚至这种套路的变体也是非常抓人眼球的,比如某呆子主角路遇小乞丐,立即请她吃饭一顿饭几万块,还将身上的加拿大鹅订制羽绒服外加开的百万豪车很干脆的送出去。 The latter actually changes to change to the young girl cook to be exquisite , and family background is noble, as soon as the villain listens to her background to frighten is scared out of one's wits, immediately kneels down to beg for mercy or escape in a panic. 后者却摇身一变化作妙龄少女厨艺精湛并且家世高贵,反派一听她的来头吓得魂不附体,马上跪下求饶或者仓皇逃跑。 What reader to this few Nuzhen is wants unable to remember difficultly, even also created several hundred same humanities for her. 那读者对这少女真的是想要记不住都难,甚至还为她创作了好几百篇同人文呢。 Because the following process has guiding of vulture frequent guest, actually did not need to relate in detail, nothing but changes the clothes, sent the thing, got the hand sign, on have three building meals, ask while convenient drunk 接下来的过程因为有着秃鹫这个熟客的带路,其实也就不用细说了,无非就是换衣服,寄东西,领手牌,上三楼点套餐,顺带还问问喝没喝酒 Quick, Fang Linyan saw this inside authority: Dr. Lavin. 很快的,方林岩就见到了这里面的权威:拉文博士。 This is 50 -year-old blonde men, mild-mannered and cultivated, has a limpid blue eye, what is most unique, unexpectedly what his body puts on is a Chinese-style clothing, above also has the design of black bamboo. 这是一个五十来岁的金发男子,温文尔雅,有着一双清澈的蓝眼睛,最独特的是,他的身上居然穿着的是一件唐装,上面还有墨竹的图案。 After a careful research and diagnosis, Dr. Lavin said that on Fang Linyan the gene disorder phenomenon is not rare, he has also experienced almost about hundred cases. 经过了一番仔细的研究和诊断之后,拉文博士表示,方林岩身上的这种基因紊乱现象并不算罕见,他也是见识过差不多近百例了。 In the middle of this about hundred cases, over half of people in three years gradually is separated from this disorder phenomenon, was equivalent to the self-recovery. 这近百例当中,超过一半的人会在三年内渐渐的从这种紊乱现象当中脱离出来,相当于自愈了。 When told that here, Dr. Lavin for the understanding, side several drops of reagents will drip into one cup of clear water directly, after swaying one next, the clear water turned into the brown red rapidly. Then Dr. Lavin said to Fang Linyan: 在讲述到这里的时候,拉文博士为了方便理解,直接将旁边的几滴试剂滴入到了一杯清水里面,摇晃了一下后,清水迅速变成了棕红色。然后拉文博士对方林岩道: Your present situation is a bit like to this.” “你现在的情况就有点类似于这样。” But after waiting for 30 seconds, can obvious sight, cup inside start the color lamination, the upper-level color shoals, but the cup bottom started to turn into the scarlet red. 而等了三十秒之后,就可以明显的见到,杯子里面开始颜色分层了,上层的颜色变浅,而杯底则开始变成了深红色。 Dr. Lavin then points at the cup to say to Fang Linyan: 拉文博士便指着杯子对方林岩道: „The body of person is a very mysterious and fine artware, inside contains the strength big is actually not able to imagine to you, let alone powerful space soldier?” “人的身体是一件非常神秘而精美的艺术品,里面蕴藏着的力量其实大到你无法想象,更何况还是强大的空间战士?” You actually only need to wait for patiently, the disorder in within the body slowly will be tranquil like this cup of water, the life naturally can look for they best outlet, then finally achieves the perfect coordinated unification, at that time you can very relaxed obtains to want all that.” “你其实只需要耐心的等待,体内的紊乱就会像这杯水一样慢慢平静下来,生命自然会寻找到它们最好的出路,然后最后达到完美协调的统一,那时候你就能很轻松的获得想要的一切。” To be honest, Fang Linyan thought that Dr. Lavin said very much reasonable, thinks later to feel, or first is so passable? 说实话,方林岩觉得拉文博士还是说得很有道理的,想了想以后觉得要不就先这么凑合着? Has not actually expected at this time vulture say/way suddenly: 却没料到这时候秃鹫冷不防的道: Doctor, you said before over half of people meet the self-recovery, then a less than half person?” “博士,你之前说超过一半的人会自愈,那么还有一小半的人呢?” Dr. Lavin said: 拉文博士道: Accurate, the person of self-recovery achieved 63, surplus in the middle of 37 was divided into many situations, or maintains the present situation, even is starts to deteriorate to become the gene to break up, naturally, worst possibly died.” “准确的来说,自愈的人达到了63,剩余的37当中又分成了多种情况,或是维持现状,甚至是开始恶化成为了基因崩解,当然,最坏的可能就是死亡。” Fang Linyan shows the whites of the eyes saying: 方林岩翻了个白眼道: Good, do you have the means to process my current condition? I do not need to cure, only needed to alleviate is good.” “好吧,请问您有办法处理我目前的这种状况吗?我不需要治愈,只需要缓解就好了。” Dr. Lavin said: 拉文博士道: I understand your meaning, the gene disorder actually is also one of the evolution, is only the negative effect is quite big, you mean to hope this evolution continues to continue, as far as possible reduces the negative effect, the promotion evolution effect.” “我懂您的意思,基因紊乱其实也是属于进化的一种,只是负面效果比较大而已,您的意思就是希望这进化过程继续持续下去,尽可能的降低负面效果,提升进化效果。” Fang Linyan said immediately: 方林岩立即道: Right, I want is this result, you comprehend very perfectly my meaning.” “对,我想要的就是这个结果,您将我的意思领悟得非常完美。” Dr. Lavin said: 拉文博士道: Your situation is quite special, needs the pointed independent mixture related reagent, therefore the price is not definitely cheap, needs 110,000 universe points, and this contains the first corresponding disposition expense.” “您的这情况相当特殊,必须要针对性的单独调制相关试剂,所以价格肯定并不便宜,需要十一万通用点,并且这只是包含第一次的相应配置费用。” But, I can only guarantee a matter, that is this medicament will certainly become effective, alleviates your current symptom. However alleviates to what degree specifically, actually no means guarantee.” “不过,我只能保证一件事,那就是这药剂一定会生效,缓解你目前的症状。不过具体缓解到什么程度,却没有办法保证了。” Fang Linyan converted in the heart rapidly, the space permanently cured own problem to need to consume more than 70,000 universe points, actually drew out the radish to carry over the mud, the talent promotion effect of directly continually bringing got rid of together. 方林岩在心中迅速的换算了一下,空间根治自己的这毛病需要耗费七万多通用点,却拔出萝卜带出泥,直接连带来的天赋升级效果都一起干掉了。 Dr. Lavin offers 110,000, can actually agree with own request to conduct the perfect mixture, the words, had/left more than 30,000 universe points, but he cannot guarantee that can alleviate many negative condition. 拉文博士报价十一万,却能契合自己的要求进行完美调制,算起来的话,也就多出了三万多通用点而已,但他不能保证能缓解多少负面状态。 After hesitating, Fang Linyan thought that can make Dr. Lavin the dispensing try, but in the squad truly also falls into the economic crisis now, before seven dragon bead ceremony that were crazy fever money, although legendary squad here member was not the main force, the supplies consumption was not big, but was short of money is also the urgent matter 沉吟了一番之后,方林岩觉得是可以让拉文博士配药试试的,但是现在小队里面确实也是陷入了经济危机,之前七龙珠仪式那可是疯狂烧钱,虽然传奇小队这边的成员不是主力,补给消耗不大,但缺钱也是刻不容缓的事情 In Fang Linyan hesitant time, goat already in squad channel that item: The attribute of gate of freedom sending, basically with consistency of goat description. 正在方林岩犹豫的时候,山羊已经在小队频道里面将那件道具:自由之门的属性给发了出来,基本上和山羊描述的一致。 But before the goat what had not mentioned, after going through this door, the space soldier current duty column was locked, is unable to be shared or received other duties, this avoids the squad members shuttling back and forth in the middle of two world very much obviously, brushes the duty reward mutually. 而之前山羊没有提到的是,穿过了这扇门之后,空间战士当前的任务栏就被锁定了,无法被共享或者接受其余的任务,这很显然是避免小队成员在两个世界当中穿梭,互相刷任务奖励的。 In addition, the gate of freedom is not the disposable item, after needs to imitate can, can use. 除此之外,自由之门并非是一次性道具,需要充能后才能使用。 Can needs one time sufficiently the cost, probably 80,000 universe points, can after sufficiently, can open five times. 一次充能是需要成本的,大概八万通用点,充能后可以开启五次。 However the goat soon discovered, the gate of freedom limited although brushed the duty reward, but these also had the loopholes to exploit, for example that type needs to collect the particular articles the milestone duties, the squad can collect some much, then gave the brothers who transmitted to complete directly. 不过山羊很快就发现,自由之门尽管限制了刷任务奖励,但是这其中也是有空子可以钻的,比如说那种需要搜集某些物品的里程碑任务,小队这边就可以多搜集一些,然后直接交给传送过来的兄弟就可以完成了。 And „the gate of freedom the master seems like to legend this thing longs , the goat just about to the material, he starts to increase price unexpectedly on own initiative, is willing to add two bottles of comprehensive reply medicament, but this gadget the hard currency, everyone is useful, and consumables. 并且“自由之门”的主人看起来对传说度这东西非常渴望,山羊这边刚要了资料,他居然就开始主动加价了,愿意多添两瓶全面回复药剂,这玩意儿可是硬通货啊,毕竟每个人都用得上,并且还是消耗品。 The goat this situation to everyone saying, everyone then had no objection, after all in the middle of the squad people more than one, the demand were naturally many, as the saying goes the difficult accent, to find the means of like this satisfying both sides is also very rare. 山羊将这情况对大家一说,大家便都没有什么异议了,毕竟小队当中的人一多,需求自然就多了,常言道众口难调,能够找到这样两全其美的办法也是很难得的。 Fang Linyan then particularly urged the goat, that legend and fully restored the medicament besides the gate of transaction freedom, traded a universe point to come out, after all now everyone lacks this thing, the goat was also understands manages immediately. 方林岩便特别叮嘱山羊,那一点传说度除了交易自由之门和全面恢复药剂之外,多换点通用点出来,毕竟现在大家都缺这东西,山羊也是心领神会立即去办。 Although the opposite party know that the goat sells the goods in the premium, but legend this thing is the use is too big, and hardly appears in the market, its rare and precious degree even can place on a par with divine tool type of thing, but the price is actually far less than the divine tool, may be called hoards as a rare commodity. 对方虽然知道山羊这边在溢价卖货,但传说度这东西实在是用处太大,并且几乎不出现在市场上,其珍稀程度甚至能与神器这种东西相提并论了,但是价格却远不如神器,堪称奇货可居。 Therefore final deal also very soaring, lets the seller can be said as ruthlessly shed a blood, but regarding the seller, still thought that has to gain. 所以最后的成交也是非常的高昂,让卖方可以说是狠狠的出了一次血,但是对于卖方来说,依然是觉得有赚的。 Because in his heart is very clear, the resources that oneself will be used to trade pound, no one dares to pledge that absolutely certainly can help him obtain legend, this thing can only describe with five characters that only happens by happy circumstance. 因为他心里面很清楚,自己将用来交易的资源砸出去,也绝对没有人敢承诺一定能让他获得传说度,这东西就只能用五个字来形容,那就是可遇不可求。 *** *** After receiving money, Fang Linyan then middle looked for Dr. Lavin immediately, making him give itself to come a customizing meal. 拿到了钱之后,方林岩便在第一时间当中去找了拉文博士,让他给自己来个量身定做的套餐。 But he also inquired while convenient issue about leak, Dr. Lavin informs confidently, and said very clearly, the material that they sell after the space verification, Fang Linyan will ponder over, detects own material, even if leaks out, is not the matter at the worst, therefore then chose acceptance decisively. 而他也顺带询问了一下关于泄密的问题,拉文博士坦然告知,并且说得很明白,他们出售的资料会经过空间审核,方林岩琢磨了一下,发觉自己的资料就算是泄露出去,也不是什么大不了的事情,于是便果断选择了接受。 The doctor estimated that is also somewhat interested in the Fang Linyan physical condition, therefore quick was appropriate to the mixture the medicament, after Fang Linyan drinks, detected own life value upper limit is to reduce 65, finally after the medicament gets into the stomach, immediately restored to reduce 52. 博士估计也对方林岩的身体状况有些感兴趣,所以很快就将药剂给调制妥当了,方林岩喝下去之后,发觉自己生命值上限本来是降低65的,结果药剂下肚以后,立即就恢复到了降低52。 And according to the view of doctor, the effect of this medicament can continue for 24 hours, therefore behind can also continue to become effective, when finished time, it is expected that can reduce to weakening 35 life value upper limits. 并且根据博士的说法,这药剂的效果能持续二十四个小时,因此后面还能持续生效,等到结束的时候,预期能降低到削弱35的生命值上限。 Then, can in retaining the foundation of metal compatible talent, but also successfully undermines about the half negative effect, is stems from Fang Linyan anticipated, his psychological bottom line restores 20 life value upper limits, at this time was 30 degrees, this red giant star really lives up to reputation. 如此一来,能够在保留金属亲和天赋的基础上,还成功削弱一半左右的负面效果,已经是出乎方林岩的预期了,他的心理底线是恢复20的生命值上限,此时达到了30的程度,这家红巨星果然是名不虚传。 Saw final time limit also less than one hour that Mobius mark gives, Fang Linyan and teammates discussed that then the decision acts separately, oneself have the fire seed source world, but the teammates go to the spent clay world. 眼看莫比乌斯印记给出的最后限时还有一个小时不到,方林岩与队友们商量了一下,便决定分头行动,自己前往拥有火种源的世界,而队友们则是前往废土世界。 Reason that because oneself Chino's package kerchief promotes again, therefore the enemy wants to trace is difficult, once came across the terrible business also to be able using the gate of short time freedom to ask the teammate to help, therefore basically also had no major problem. 自己这边因为奇诺的包头巾再次升级的缘故,所以敌人想要追踪起来更是难上加难,一旦遇到了麻烦事还能利用自由之门短时间就叫来队友帮忙,所以基本上也没有什么大问题。 Has to lead as for other teammates, similarly has the matter also to swing itself to help be the goon, really satisfied both sides. 至于其余的队友有着欧米带队,同样有事也可以摇自己过来帮忙做打手,也真是两全其美了。 As Fang Linyan successfully locked the world, other teammates also made the corresponding choice, they will go to the spent clay world to start a new journey. 随着方林岩成功的锁定了世界,其余的队友也是做出了相应的选择,他们将前往废土世界开始一段新的旅程。 In addition, the promotion of Crespo and vulture breeds hunting for the duty also one and is completed in this world, although such decision was hasty, but the present is very special period, Noa space S suffered besieging of several large spaces, therefore oneself present will not hesitate the cost enhanced the strength of space soldier. 除此之外,克雷斯波与秃鹫的晋升殖猎者的任务也将会在此世界一并完成,这样的决定虽然仓促了点,但现在乃是非常时期,诺亚空间S号遭受到了几大空间的围攻,所以自身现在也会不惜成本的提升自身空间战士的实力。
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