FE :: Volume #13

#1677: Powerful talent

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Chapter 1675 powerful talent 第1675章强大天赋 At this time, said suddenly: 这时候,欧米却突然道: Completed seven dragon bead ceremonies time, you may not have to mention this matter with us, in other words you native place after the ceremony?” “完成了七龙珠仪式的时候,你可没和我们说起过这事,那就是说你是在仪式之后回的老家了啊?” After Fang Linyan one hear of words, suddenly is somewhat flustered, is only also fluent: 方林岩一听欧米的话之后,突然有些心慌,可是也只能道: Yes, seven dragon bead ceremonies time, I received the call from peaceful city, at that time does not know this teleconference involves so many matters, therefore has not told you.” “是啊,七龙珠仪式的时候,我就接到了来自泰城的电话,当时也不知道这电话会牵扯到这么多的事,所以就没告诉你们。” „” A sound said: 欧米“哦”了一声道: Heard that star Italy , Belgium we do walk late?” “听说星意比我们都走得晚?” At this time the goat signaled with the eyes by Fang Linyan, immediately stood saying: 这时候山羊被方林岩使了个眼色,立即站出来道: Yes! She has a milestone to do in the middle of the world of boss probably.” “是啊!她好像在头儿的这个世界当中有一个里程碑要做呢。” Has not said anything, but why that vision does not know, somewhat looks at Fang Linyan to be very terrified, then her topic road for grain shipment: 欧米却没多说什么了,但那眼光不知道为什么,看得方林岩很是有些惶恐,然后她话题一转道: Goat, you first takes the detail of gate of freedom now, we first look discuss this topic again.” “山羊,伱现在先将自由之门的详细资料拿到手,我们先看一看再讨论这个话题。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Remembers that me has the cut-off time quickly, less than three hours.” “记得快一点,我这边是有截止时间的,还有不到三小时了。” The goat said immediately: 山羊立即道: Without the issue, I contacts with him immediately, how long should unable to want.” “没问题,我马上联系他,应该要不了多久。” *** *** At this time Fang Linyan rare idled, then in the middle of the squad channel has one not one is chatting, simultaneously he has not forgotten a matter, that is this time is also hanging a negative condition: Gene disorder! 此时方林岩难得的闲了下来,便在小队频道当中有一句没一句的闲聊着,同时他也没有忘记一件事,那就是此时身上还挂着一项负面状态:基因紊乱呢! This condition does not make is playing, and seems like stubborn, must return to the space to treat, the key is hanging this condition, making the Fang Linyan maximum life value upper limit reduce 65! 这一项状态可不是闹着玩儿的,并且看起来还非常顽固,必须要回到空间才能进行治疗,关键是挂着这个状态,让方林岩的最大生命值上限降低了65啊! At this time Fang Linyan related certainly Noa space S th, hopes that can handle this negative condition, the reply that finally obtains is: 此时方林岩当然就联系了诺亚空间S号,希望能够搞定这负面状态,结果获得的回复是: Eliminates the gene disorder condition to need to consume 74,042 point universe points!” “清除基因紊乱状态需要耗费七万四千四十二点通用点!” If carries out this operation, although will dispel at present on you negative condition, but will cause the inobservable consequence to you simultaneously.” “如果执行此项操作的话,虽然会祛除掉目前你身上的负面状态,但是同时会对你自身造成不可测的后果。” Whether must continue to pay the universe point, and execution clear operation.” “请问是否要继续支付通用点,并且执行清除操作。” Fang Linyan is wanting the execution time, suddenly awakened a matter, own talent promoted! Is compatible for the metal from the metal sense of touch promotion! 方林岩正要点执行的时候,突然又醒悟起了一件事,自己的天赋升级了啊!从金属触觉提升为了金属亲和! Also because of sudden reason, and talent promotion and skill are different, not some careful explanations, which things therefore oneself this talent promoted not to know specifically, can only feel, when touched the metal to be easier-to-use. 并且因为事发突然的缘故,并且天赋升级和技能不同,不会有仔细的说明,所以自己连这项天赋具体升级了哪些东西都不知道,只能感觉到在触碰金属的时候更好使了。 According to the explanation of Noa space S is not difficult to infer, at present this gene disorder condition is not pure to oneself harmful, but while having huge injury, actually strengthened own talent! 根据诺亚空间S号的说明不难推断出,目前这基因紊乱状态并不是单纯的对自己有害的,而是在产生了巨大伤害的同时,却又强化了自己的天赋! Although currently speaking, the too big use of metal compatible talent to oneself, has not as if satisfied own hobby, is useful in certain specific world, or treats to the lifeform that oneself summoned. 虽然就目前来说,金属亲和天赋对自己来说并没有太大的用处,似乎只是满足自己的爱好,在某些特定的世界才有用,或者说是给自己召唤来的生物进行治疗。 However, in the Fang Linyan heart felt like, this time's strengthening does not have the advantage, he until now, had at least heard the strengthened skill, the strengthened equipment, the rare person said can strengthen the talent. 但是,方林岩心中隐隐觉得,此时的这种强化也并不是没有好处的,至少他迄今为止,听说过强化技能,强化装备,却罕有人说能强化天赋的。 Even if some people achieve this point, is still the accident of sorts, then can promote after a series of complicated duties, is almost the matter of only happening by happy circumstance. 就算是有人做到这一点,也是机缘巧合,然后经过一系列繁复的任务才能升级,几乎是可遇而不可求的事情。 Under the accident of sorts like oneself, costs a little time to promote the talent with ease, that also is really very rare. 像自己这样机缘巧合之下,轻轻松松耗费一点儿时间就能提升天赋,那还真的是很罕见的。 Therefore, Fang Linyan then starts to attempt to use own talent ability to get up, starts to inject the psychic force toward the metal compatible this talent in the middle , under this tries, immediately the eyes straighten!! 所以,方林岩便开始尝试使用自己的天赋能力起来,开始朝着金属亲和这项天赋当中注入精神力,这一试之下,顿时双眼发直!! Originally, after activating metal compatible this talent, Fang Linyan can simulate the metallization some body spot unexpectedly directly temporarily, and can also maintain its basic function: 原来,在激活了金属亲和这项天赋之后,方林岩居然可以将身体某个部位直接暂时模拟金属化,并且还能保持其基本功能: For example the metallized heart, it can after obtaining the metal general defensive power, unexpectedly can also continue to beat the blood supply, 比如金属化心脏,它能在获得了金属一般的防御力之后,居然还能继续跳动供血, The metallized brain, it can also continue to ponder, 金属化大脑,它还能继续思考, Metallized that two spheres, it can also continue to hold the vision! 金属化那两个圆球,它还能继续保有视力! If needs to enter the naked sword at crucial moment empty-handed, can temporarily the metallized right hand, if will be knocked the back of the head fiercely, then metallized back of the head- This spot can choose freely, however is limited in the area of body surface, only has two palm sizes probably. 假如在关键的时候需要空手入白刃,就能暂时金属化右手,假如会被人猛敲后脑勺,那么就金属化后脑勺--这个部位可以自由选择,但是在体表的覆盖面积有限,大概就只有两个手掌大小。 Meanwhile, Fang Linyan can also choose to simulate the metallized concrete type, gives an example, if wants own right hand to pass through the crowded wire netting in no wound situation, can simulate the metallized mercury( are you have not misread, mercury is one of the metal). 同时,方林岩还能选择模拟金属化的具体类型,举个例子来说,如果想要自己的右手在无伤的情况下穿过密集的铁丝网,就可以模拟金属化水银(是的你没看错,水银就是金属的一种)。 If must choose with the opposite party meets the tough head-on with toughness, simulation metallization titanium alloy. 如果要选择与对方硬碰硬,就模拟金属化钛合金。 If must choose to put in the high-temperature the environment, simulation metallization melting point highest metal tungsten. 如果要选择伸进高温的环境,就模拟金属化熔点最高的金属钨. However, simulates the metallized object, Fang Linyan must contact beforehand has conducted the scanning to be good, issue of this point to Fang Linyan is not big, his likes doing the machine() fellow, the body takes various metalloid components is not very normal? 但是,模拟金属化的对象,方林岩必须事先接触过进行扫描才行,这一点对方林岩来说问题也不大,他这个喜欢搞机(器)的家伙,身上带上各类金属零件不是很正常的吗? These components naturally become to forging by various metals. 这些零件当然就由各种金属给锻造而成的了。 After studying a while ability, Fang Linyan tasted suddenly, then could not bear complained: 研究了一会儿这个能力之后,方林岩突然回味了一下,然后忍不住自我吐槽了一下: „, Summoned the metal life even, even can I turn into the metal life?” “靠,召唤金属生命就算了,连我自己都要变成金属生命了吗?” Obviously, metal sense of touch talent promotes after the metal is compatible, its use degree can be said as significantly was raised, will not seem like beforehand such, appears quite the weak, therefore after Fang Linyan hesitated one next, immediately made judged: 很显然,金属触觉这个天赋提升为金属亲和之后,其使用程度可以说是大幅度提升了,再也不会像是之前那样,显得颇为鸡肋,因此方林岩沉吟了一下之后,立即就做出了判断: This negative effect cannot dispel! For example loses 65 life value upper limits, this metal compatible talent is more important!” “这负面效果不能祛除!比如损失65的生命值上限来说,这金属亲和天赋更加重要!” Perhaps from the present, exchanges itself slightly to suffer a loss like this, but do not forget, the talent can still continue to promote!” “或许从现在来看,这样的交换自己还是略有吃亏的,但是不要忘记了,天赋是依然可以继续升级的!” And on this day bestowed on the way of promotion is not difficult to infer, the self-absorption the abyss feudal lord cloned the soul fragment of body, obtained the so big promotion, was very obvious, so long as ate the soul of abyss feudal lord again, own talent can promote again.” “并且这天赋升级的途径也不难推断出来了,自己吸收了深渊领主克隆体的灵魂碎片,就获得了如此大的提升,那么很显然,只要再吃掉深渊领主的灵魂,自己的天赋就能再次提升了。” After these things, Fang Linyan chose very much simply otherwise, then continued to inquire: 在考虑到了这些东西之后,方林岩很干脆的选择了否,然后继续查询: Whether unable to eliminate the gene disorder condition, but alleviates?” “能否不清除基因紊乱状态,只是进行缓解?” Noa space S th reply also arrives instantaneously: 诺亚空间S号的回复也是瞬间来到: At present in the special period, this function is frozen temporarily, but can go to trade in the middle of the area the attempt to conduct the related operation.” “目前处于特殊时期,此功能暂时被冻结,不过可以前往交易区当中尝试进行相关操作。” Special period?” Fang Linyan is somewhat astonished, at once awakens. “特殊时期?”方林岩有些讶异,旋即就醒悟了过来。 At this time Noa space S in stage of reconstruction after the disaster, therefore should in the hand the resources be beset with problems, oneself this requests it to achieve, it is estimated that extremely troubles, therefore did not meet this form. 此时诺亚空间S号处于灾后重建的阶段,所以应该手中资源捉襟见肘,自己这个要求它能做到,估计是太过麻烦所以不接这个单子了。 Attempts as for the transaction area that it is said, was similar to X organizations very much obviously, the capsule science and technology, starry sky financial group wait/etc influences. 至于它所说的交易区尝试,很显然就是类似于X组织,胶囊科技,星空财团等等势力了。 If said that the space internal transaction is the planned economy, then these influences as the effective supplement of space transaction, were the typical market economies, some small businesses that the space could not have a liking for were very important to the space soldier, then gave them to do. 若说空间内部的交易是计划经济的话,那么这些势力作为空间交易的有效补充,就是典型的市场经济了,空间看不上的一些小业务却对空间战士很重要,那么就交给他们来做了。 Fang Linyan tried the abilities of several new societies, own hand, eye, ear and so on conducts metallizes temporarily, then left the private residence, goes to Exchange Square. 方林岩尝试了好几次新学会的能力,不停的将自己的手啊,眼睛啊,耳朵之类的进行暂时金属化,然后就离开了私人住所,前往交易广场。 After arriving at outside, Fang Linyan discovered, the space is also repairing everywhere, and had the shape to be similar to the jellyfish common giant biological repair tool, they replaced in the middle of the human society the common crane, the machine shop truck, the excavator wait/etc. 来到了外面之后方林岩才发现,空间内部也是到处都在修复中,并且出现了形状类似于水母一般的巨型生物修复工具,它们取代了人类社会当中常见的吊车,工程车,挖土机等等. The diameter that each restores the tool exceeded five meters, in addition the arm length even is more than ten meters! 每一个修复工具的直径都超过了五米,加上腕足长度甚至有十几米! After meeting the crack, this type of giant lifeform tool will force in own some arms, then started to secrete some material to cause the arm and space interior slowly fuses in together, shuts off the arm to be of great success again, so restore method, was Fang Linyan hears something never heard of before. 遇到了破口之后,这种巨型生物工具就会将自己的一部分腕足塞进去,然后开始慢慢分泌某种物质使腕足与空间的内部融合在一起,再切断腕足就大功告成了,如此修复手段,也是方林岩闻所未闻的。 Because of everywhere in overhaul, therefore sat elevator such type of drive to cancel in the space before probably, can only depend upon simultaneous developments in the past, is good will still show the route indicator on the retina, this avoided the awkwardness of many group of blind sickness patients. 正因为到处都在大修,所以之前在空间内部像是坐电梯那样的传动方式就取消了,只能依靠两条腿走路过去,好在视网膜上依然会出示指路牌,这避免了很多路盲症患者的尴尬。 After arriving in the middle of the transaction area, Fang Linyan first looked for X organizations, after all oneself are carrying out in -depth cooperation with them, but said after own situation, X organizations expressed that somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 来到了交易区当中以后,方林岩第一时间就去找了X组织,毕竟自己在与他们进行深度合作嘛,不过说了自己的情况之后,X组织这边表示有些力不从心。 Most critically, in they very regrettable expression organization the expert about gene very unfortunate died, and dies of the previous attack exactly- this unlucky egg felt not right wants to evacuate the time, hitting the direct skeleton not saves by a magic ball. 更关键的是,他们很遗憾的表示组织里面关于基因的专家非常不幸的死掉了,并且就恰好就死于上一次的袭击当中-这个倒霉蛋感觉到不对劲想要撤离的时候,被一枚魔法弹给击中直接尸骨无存。 What awfully who is this magic ball is hits not to know, because it has the effect of spreadability killing. 更要命的是这枚魔法弹是谁打出来的都不知道,因为它带有覆盖性杀伤的效果。 What regarding this can Fang Linyan also say? Only can smile bitterly to shake the head. 对此方林岩还能说什么呢?只能苦笑摇头。 Then Fang Linyan went to the capsule science and technology, such that just like he sentences in advance, capsule science and technology in view of the surface lies in the weapon, the equipment, is not gene domain that is biochemical. 接下来方林岩又去了胶囊科技,不过正如他预判的那样,胶囊科技的针对面还是在于武器,装备,并不是基因这种属于生化方面的领域了。 Was good provided an information the capsule science and technology finally, said that was in all shops, is called red giant star was expert in gene science and technology, after many space soldiers met broken hand the injury of foot, will run to come to here to make them help the limbs rebirth. 好在胶囊科技这边总算是提供了一份情报,说是所有的店铺里面,有一家叫做“红巨星”的在基因科技方面有专精,有很多空间战士遇到断手断脚的伤势之后,就会跑来这里让他们帮忙肢体重生。 Why as for doesn't look for the space to heal directly? That naturally had the price difference, do not look that Fang Linyan they made money fiercely, but spent also astonishingly, regarding many space soldiers, planned carefully, a penny saved , a penny earned. 至于为什么不找空间直接愈合?那当然是其中有差价了,别看方林岩他们赚钱厉害,但是花钱也惊人啊,对于很多空间战士来说,都是精打细算,能省则省的。 Spends in red giant star there, will have three days of delays besides the time of limbs rebirth, actually almost can save 10,000 universe points , the business was very no wonder good. 在红巨星那里进行消费,除了肢体重生的时间会有三天的延迟期之外,却差不多能省下一万通用点,也难怪得生意很好了。 However, Fang Linyan soon discovered a matter, that is the position of red giant star as if on another, there comparison remote( probably to rent few reasons of space payment). But after arriving at the transaction area, the space does not provide the automatic way service, therefore he could not find unexpectedly, therefore Fang Linyan also can only seek help in the squad channel. 不过,方林岩很快就发现了一件事,那就是红巨星的位置似乎在另外一层,那里比较偏僻(大概是给空间缴纳的租金较少的缘故)。而来到了交易区之后,空间都已经不提供自动寻路服务,所以他居然找不到,于是方林岩也只能在小队频道里面求助了。 Is good because of the vulture expressed oneself are very familiar with there, and spends to hit the 20% discount the diamond membership card, was then initiative to bring Fang Linyan to pass. 好在秃鹫表示自己对那里很熟悉,并且还有消费能打八折的钻石会员卡,便主动过来带方林岩过去了。 After meeting, the vulture was saying to Fang Linyan: 一见面之后,秃鹫就对着方林岩道: Boss, red giant star here advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, the words of advantage are first-class, charge somewhat low about 10, but the drawback is also very obvious, is not good because of security, therefore has been denounced.” “头儿,红巨星这里有利有弊,好处的话就是技术一流,收费偏低十左右,但是弊端也很明显,在保密方面不大好,所以一直被人所诟病。” Fang Linyan hesitates saying: 方林岩沉吟道: Security? Specifically?” “保密方面?具体一点呢?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: They will sell the corresponding customer material, although will not write the name of customer directly, but falls to the eyes of person with high aspirations , is still a big hidden danger.” “他们会出售相应的客户资料,虽然不会直接写出客户的名字,但是落到有心人的眼里面,依然是个不小的隐患。” Naturally, because were many like this additional income, therefore the red giant star here performance-to-price ratio is highest, you must process hidden danger here the words, must consider such factor.” “当然,也正是因为多了这样的额外收入,所以红巨星这里的性价比是最高的,你要在这里处理身上隐患的话,就必须要考虑这样的因素。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Here treats must accept their conditions?” “在这里治疗就必须接受他们的这条件吗?” The vulture said: 秃鹫道: Also can pay the security fee, however words as the matter stands, in the expense were very high.” “也可以缴纳保密费用,但是这样一来的话,费用上就很高了。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: First had a look to say again.” “先去看看再说吧。” Under the leadership of vulture, after waiting till the place, Fang Linyan discovered, originally the position of this shop is really covert, in trading market the alley in north, the surroundings is receives to sell the ore, the crystal and so on shop. 在秃鹫的带领下,等到了地头之后方林岩才发现,原来这家店铺的位置真是隐蔽,在交易市场的最北边的一条小巷里面,周围都是收售矿石,晶体之类的店铺。 In these shops also has these big influences the strong point that is hard to attain, what after all the big influence is tasteful is attended to every detail, looks like the visitor in big supermarket definitely specializing in selling the sex toy shop are much more. 这些店铺里面也是有那些大的势力难以企及的长处,毕竟大的势力讲究的是面面俱到,就像是大超市的访客肯定比专卖成人用品的店多得多。 However, according to the view of goat, the businesses of these shops usually is only expert in the middle of in a very narrow domain, can achieve the pinnacle in this aspect, therefore also many customers. 但是,根据山羊的说法,这些小店的业务通常都只专精于某个很狭隘的领域当中,在这方面能做到极致,所以也不乏客户。 Therefore, here uses the universe point transaction is not most cost-effective, the opposite party will often demand the high price! Under normal conditions is conducting by thing changed/easy thing, for example the ore trades the ore, the crystal trades the energy wait/etc. 因此,这里用通用点交易是最不划算的,对方往往都会索要高价!通常情况下都是在进行以物易物,比如矿石换矿石,晶体换能源等等。 Fang Linyan attempted to enter a shop of main business energy, when put out the domestic-made energy block( for starting moon/month was black), then the exploratory asking price, detected the price that finally the opposite party gave was really not cheap. 方林岩尝试走进了一家主营能量的店铺,拿出了自己生产的能量块(用于启动月黑之时),然后试探性的问价,结果发觉对方给出的价格还真不便宜。 Because Fang Linyan to try the relations of water, therefore he asks that then flashed the person, finally the boss was the price that opened is too instead low, pursued to report another price, and claimed that this was the final rate, oneself will not rise. 因为方林岩只是为了试水的关系,所以他问了问便闪人了,结果老板反而是自己开的价太低,又追出来报了另外一个价格,并且声称这是最后成交价,自己再也不会涨了。 Regarding this Fang Linyan beckons with the hand, then walked to converge toward the vulture of beckoning that side with a smile. 对此方林岩摆摆手,然后含笑朝着招手的秃鹫那边走了过去汇合了。 Under the leadership of vulture, Fang Linyan arrived at red giant star here finally, can see here unexpectedly in the dwelling places of two buildings. 在秃鹫的带领下,方林岩终于来到了红巨星这里,可以见到此处居然是在二楼的一处居住点里面。 Even that flash before opening the door, the association of Fang Linyan unexpected happening did not like roosting to some type unexpectedly in the dryondra, likes hidden the phoenix class lifeform in bustling streets, thus it can be seen the red giant star here low key. 甚至在开门之前的那一瞬间,方林岩居然鬼使神差的联想到了某种不喜欢栖于梧桐树,喜欢隐在闹市当中的凤类生物,由此可见红巨星这里的低调。 When entered red giant star here, actually subverted the Fang Linyan inherent impression. In his feeling, this main business biochemistry science and technology for the place of selling point, inevitably probably high-end laboratory such, the white coat personnel who walk everywhere in a hurry, is clean to reflect light the person's shadow the floor and bright and clean glass, the culture dish of finding at everywhere, the test tube and braves the biochemical trough that soaks. 然而在进入到了红巨星这里内部的时候,却是颠覆了方林岩固有的印象.在他的感觉当中,这种主营生化科技为卖点的地方,必然像是高端实验室那样,到处都是匆匆行走的白大褂人员,干净得能返照出人影的地板和窗明几净的玻璃,还有随处可见的培养皿,试管和冒着泡的生化槽。 However goes after, Fang Linyan smells unexpectedly was a flower fragrance mixed the tea aroma delicate fragrance flavor, at present appears unexpectedly was area roughly 34 mu small lake, such steric compression technology was not unusual in Noa space, Fang Linyan has become accustomed. 但是一进去之后,方林岩闻到的居然是一种花香混合了茶香的清香味道,眼前出现的居然是一个面积约莫有三四亩的小湖,这样的空间压缩技术在诺亚空间内部并不稀奇,方林岩已经习以为常了。 But the delicate fragrance flavor that in the water of this small lake also several nymphaea tetragona angustatas, Fang Linyan smell releases from the water lily. 而这小湖的水里还有几株睡莲,方林岩闻到的清香味道就是从睡莲当中释放出来的。
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