FE :: Volume #13

#1676: Seeking revenge for the slightest grievance

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Chapter 1674 seeks revenge for the slightest grievance 第1674章睚眦必报 Moreover, Eris is a seeking revenge for the slightest grievance person, the abyss feudal lord has not spoken the truth to him, directly caused him to suffer the enormous extra loss during the process of curse, therefore, Eris if naturally wants the means to make up! 不仅如此,厄里斯更是一个睚眦必报的人,深渊领主没有对他说实话,直接导致他在诅咒的过程当中遭受到了极大的额外损失,所以,厄里斯当然要想办法弥补一下! What consequence makes up for the method to cause as for this to the abyss feudal lord, he manages less than so many. 至于这弥补方法会对深渊领主造成什么样的后果,那他才管不到那么多呢。 After leaving the private of abyss feudal lord, Eris opened the address book impatiently, then starts to contact with some information peddlers: 离开了深渊领主的私人空间之后,厄里斯迫不及待的打开了通讯录,然后开始联系一些情报贩子: Has the latest information of abyss feudal lord to want?” “有深渊领主的最新情报要不要?” Right, right, is that abyss feudal lord, very detailed material! I told you, inside had the core intelligence!” “对,没错,就是那个深渊领主,非常详细的资料!我告诉你,里面有核心情报哦!” Did not bargain, did not do exclusive, but I ensure you were first buy.” “不讲价,不做独家,但是我保证你是第一个买到手的。” What? 120,000 universe points? Excuse me, did not bargain.” “什么?十二万通用点?不好意思,不讲价.” Meanwhile, returned the magician in oneself dwelling to mix some reagent, but on his retina presented one to urge anxious information very much, what speech was among the black Mamba sisters rosy cloud: 与此同时,重新回到了自己住处的魔术师正在调制某种试剂,而他的视网膜上却出现了一条催得很急的信息,说话的乃是黑曼巴姐妹当中的霞: Came out? Came out?” “出来了吗?出来了吗?” Came out.” “出来了。” How to say?” “怎么说?” He indeed lost the strength of destiny, the strength has the drop inevitably, therefore is also holds up to my punishment high, falls gently, only punished my 100,000 universe points.” “他的确是失去了命运的力量,实力必然有下降,所以对我的处罚也是高高举起,轻轻落下,只罚了我十万通用点而已。” 100,000 universe points. On his style, this truly left a loophole, if when he most flourishing, you at least need to break a hand!” “十万通用点.就他的行事风格来说,这确实是网开一面了,若是在他全盛的时候,你至少要断一只手!” To me, finishes a job is 100,000 universe points, not too big difference.” “对我来说,无论是断手还是十万通用点,都没有太大的差别。” You have thought that did the abyss feudal lord lose the words of strength of destiny, what to do your daughter should? She suffered the person of staring of god of death, without the abyss feudal lord helps her reverse the destiny repeatedly, she has died.” “你有没有想过,深渊领主失去了命运之力的话,你女儿应该怎么办呢?她可是遭受到了死神之凝视的人,如果没有深渊领主多次帮她扭转命运,她早就死了。” I don't know either. She also has three months.” “我也不知道啊.她还有三个月的时间。” Your daughter the plot encountered staring of god of death in the god of death came, if that has the solution, then should in that plot.” “你女儿是在死神来了的剧情遭遇了死神之凝视,那么若是有解法的话,那么应该就在那个剧情中了。” I know, but the god of death came this plot not to exist as a world alone, but or hidden the duty as a triggering plot, the emergence of disorder in the middle of each adventure world, so long as in the middle of this/should adventure world had the airplane, and had the god of death the legend on the line.” “我知道,但是死神来了这个剧情并不是单独作为一个世界存在的,而是作为一个触发剧情或者是隐藏任务,在各个冒险世界当中无规律的出现,只要该冒险世界当中拥有飞机,并且存在死神的传说就行。” Regarding meets this plot fortunately / the person of duty, is unlucky, person who however, wants to experience this plot regarding these , is very difficult to encounter it exactly, because some people hit, is unable to inform me immediately, then makes me catch up.” “对于凑巧遇到这个剧情/任务的人,那么非常倒霉,然而,对于那些想要经历这个剧情的人来说,却也很难恰好遭遇它,因为即便是有人撞到了,也无法在第一时间通知我,然后让我赶来。” „. Actually, this does not have the method to think that for example: Predicts the technique.” “.其实,这也并不是没有法子可想的,比如说:预言术。” Has person very few of such ability, and every time uses to pay the huge price one time, will therefore have the person usual situation of prediction technique to keep the secret.” “拥有这样能力的人非常之少,并且每使用一次就要付出巨大的代价,所以拥有预言术的人通常情况都会保守秘密的。” I inquired the related news two days ago.” “我在两天前打听到了相关的消息。” „!!! What? Did you determine?” “!!!什么?你确定?” I can only determine, this person definitely knows who will predict the technique, because she obtained the direction of prediction technique, decisively huge resources that gave up pains building, then approached to the side of another person, now seems like, she achieved wishes.” “我只能确定,这个人一定知道谁会预言术,因为她就是得到了预言术的指引,果断放弃了身边苦心打造的庞大资源,然后去靠近到另外一个人的身边,现在看起来,她如愿以偿了。” Who is this person?” “这个人是谁?” star intent.” “星意。” Is she!? Right, she before was Baron, old oak tree that group of people mixed up, actually actually and monster blade joined up to cope with us in the previous world. Therefore, I must know that will predict the person of technique, first did ask her to chat?” “是她!?对了,她之前是和戴文男爵,老橡树那帮人混在一起的,却在上个世界却和妖刀联合起来对付我们了。所以,我要知道那个会预言术的人,就得先去找她谈谈了?” I want also only to be able, after all, you how much time unable to wait like this.” “我想也只能这样了,毕竟,你已经没有多少时间可以等了。” *** *** After returning to the space, Fang Linyan can still feel a frigid atmosphere of fight reconstruction, 重归空间之后,方林岩依然能感觉到了一种战斗重建的惨烈气氛, Even if in his personal lodging space, were many several unexpected visitors, these fellows seem like full spider, the tight post on the wall, its contour could be said as quite flat, even thickness over one centimeter, the area will not actually exceed one square meter. 哪怕是在他的私人住宿空间当中,也多了几名不速之客,这些家伙看起来就像是多足蜘蛛似的,紧紧的贴在了墙壁上,其外形可以说是相当扁平,甚至厚度不会超过一厘米,覆盖面积却超过了一平方米。 On spider named uroctea the contour and Earth is quite similar, but its surface is sparkling one dark colored metal luster. 其外形与地球上的一种叫做“壁钱”蜘蛛颇为类似,不过其表面则是闪耀着一种暗黑色的金属色泽。 When Fang Linyan stays the line of sight in one on solitarily, on the retina quick presented the related explanation: 方林岩将视线停留在其中一只身上的时候,视网膜上很快就出现了相关的说明: EPIC four biological repair tools, will not pose any threat to you, will not leak your any secret, please regard a ornament it then.” “EPIC肆型生物修复工具,不会对你造成任何威胁,也不会泄露你的任何机密,请将其当成一件装饰物即可。” Carefully after observing for several seconds, Fang Linyan detected, on the wall of own private lodging space, covered entirely one after another trace of different sizes, the mildew spot that this trace is somewhat similar after on the wallpaper immerses presents. 仔细观察了几秒钟之后方林岩就发觉,自己的私人住宿空间的墙壁上,布满了一团一团大小不等的痕迹,这痕迹有些类似于墙纸上面浸了水以后出现的霉斑。 However approached to look, after touching one again next, thought that the ecchymosis that after this gadget was more like the human body made an effort to attack, presents, the feel soft, and heard that also had a light decayed flavor. 不过走近了看一看,再触摸一下之后,就觉得这玩意儿更像是人体被用力打击以后出现的瘀斑,手感软绵绵的,并且闻起来还有一股淡淡的腐臭味道。 But these biological repair tools are lie to bend down at these ecchymoses, then stretched out the mouth apparatus to prick in the wall to restore. 而这些生物修复工具就是趴伏在这些瘀斑上,然后伸出了口器刺入墙壁内进行修复。 The frequency that they restore is quick, but each scar must undergo several restores, for example in front of Fang Linyan this ecchymosis, is first crawled by a large-scale biological repair tool, exhausts inside slough, then it went to the next ecchymosis. 它们修复的频率还是很快的,不过每一块瘢痕都要经过好几次修复,比如方林岩面前这块瘀斑,首先由一只大型的生物修复工具爬上去,把里面的腐肉挖掉,然后它就去下一个瘀斑了。 Second comes to complement with the new biological tissue packing, then flashes the person, third comes the color polish 紧接着,第二只就过来用新的生物组织填充补全,然后又闪人,第三只过来上色打磨 Fang Linyan thought that in the middle of own personal lodging space has not come under the direct attack, unexpectedly had the so big problem, the remainders are harmed the serious degree can be imagined. 方林岩觉得自己的私人住宿空间当中并没有受到直接攻击,居然都出现了如此大的问题,其余部分受到伤害的严重程度可想而知。 He was just about to go out at this time with the goat they converges, at present suddenly flashes, presented the obvious suggestive news: 他这时候正要出门与山羊他们汇合,眼前突然一闪,出现了明显的提示性消息: According to the data flow analysis that recently presented that you in the next adventure, might go to the following adventure world to explore.” “根据最近出现的数据流分析,你将会在下一次冒险当中,有可能前往如下冒险世界进行探索。” A: The terrifying hurricane world, you will go to the mid-19 th century North Carolina continent, experiences fearful hurricane.” “A:恐怖飓风世界,你将前往十九世纪中叶的北卡罗莱纳洲,经历一场可怕的飓风。” B: The spent clay world, you become trial here, now had the opportunity of returning.” “B:废土世界,你就是在这里成为了试炼者,如今有了重返的机会。” C: The metal life world, one crowd of powerful mechanical lives invaded Earth, their behaviors to existence of human will pose the huge threat, you can prevent their actions, or joins them, but please note, the choice joins their words, you will face the extra difficulty.” “C:金属生命世界,一群强大的机械生命入侵了地球,它们的行为将会对人类的存在造成巨大的威胁,你可以阻止他们的行动,或者是加入他们,但是请注意,选择加入他们的话,你将会面对额外的难度。” Please seven minutes in 17 seconds choose in three hours, if because exceeded this time, the world that then you go to be locked, I am not then able to intervene. 请在三小时七分钟十七秒内进行选择,因为若是超过了这个时间,那么你前往的世界就会被锁定,我便无法进行干预了。 Came!” Saw this long prompt, Fang Linyan knows that this was Mobius mark starts to fulfill the commitment to oneself. “来了!”见到了这一长串提示,方林岩知道这是莫比乌斯印记开始对自己兑现承诺了。 After he looked in a hurry, immediately locked the C option, without a doubt, this world has the thing that oneself most needed! That can give the metal with the powerful item of life: Fire seed source fragment. 他匆匆看完了之后,立即就锁定了C选项,毫无疑问,这个世界有着自己最需要的东西!那就是能赋予金属以生命的强大道具:火种源碎片。 Own powerful skill: When the moon/month is black, evolves to come from this, after going to this world, main line duty anything's Fang Linyan actually did not spare a glance. 自己的强大技能:月黑之时,就是由此演变而来的,去了这个世界之后,主线任务什么的方林岩其实都不屑一顾了。 Fang Linyan then also inquired, detected that own teammate more or less also relied on the strength of Mobius mark to resurrect, therefore they also obtained such ability. 方林岩接着又询问了一下,发觉自己的队友或多或少也是借助了莫比乌斯印记的力量复活的,所以他们也同样获得了这样的能力。 Although oneself need to go to the metal life world, but everyone is a collective, must solicit their suggestions, therefore Fang Linyan said in the middle of the squad channel immediately this matter, after others listened, first exclaimed in surprise one has this benefits to be really good beside, then starts to study the choices of three world. 自己虽然需要去金属生命世界,但大家都是一个集体,也必须要征求他们的意见,所以方林岩立即就在小队频道当中说了这件事,其余的人听了以后,先是惊叹了一番有这个福利真好之外,然后就开始研究起三个世界的选择来。 Finally except for expressed that has beyond the interest in the spent clay world, others do not have the opinion. 结果除了欧米表示对废土世界有兴趣之外,其余的人都没有意见。 Fang Linyan needs certainly to communicate at this time, inquired in detail, knew, originally entered a spent clay world besides the joint trial, following has gone in one time, in the middle of that time entry, she discovered a huge secret. 方林岩此时当然就需要与欧米沟通,详细的询问了一番之后才得知,原来欧米除了联合试炼进入了一次废土世界之外,后续又进去过一次,在那一次的进入当中,她发现了一个巨大的秘密。 That is in the middle of the spent clay world, unexpectedly pure lands! The spent clay destroys at the atomic warfare, but has the country to provide for a rainy day, ahead of time in the subsurface formation the huge shelter, placed a large number of people. 那就是废土世界当中,居然还有一片净土!废土毁于核战,但是已经有国家未雨绸缪,提前在地下建造出了庞大的庇护所,安置了大量的人口。 This is also because in this world has the huge incomparable underground empty reason, even the area must surpass the sum total of Britain and France.( In reality XZ underground also has huge underground space, area = three Taiwan.) 这也是因为这个世界上拥有庞大无比的地下空洞的缘故,甚至面积要超过英国和法国的总和。(现实里面XZ地下也有庞大的地下空间,面积=三个台湾省。) This group of people say as the voter, the person in ground said that for is zebra, this is an unusual prejudice name-, because the person in ground to go on living, must withstand the radiation and excessively strong ultraviolet ray, therefore after taking off the clothes , the skin color is in sharp contrast- Actually dependence food, the clear water, large number of obsolete munitions receive in exchange for the valuable variation resources from their hands. 这帮人自称为选民,将地面上的人称为是“斑马”,这是一种非常歧视性的称呼-因为地面上的人为了活下去,要承受辐射和过强的紫外线,所以脱了衣服以后皮肤颜色黑白分明--却依靠食物,清水,还有大量陈旧的军火从他们手里面换取宝贵的变异资源。 These variation resources overwhelming majorities from radiated variation lifeform after the atomic warfare, naturally, in these variation lifeform, included variation human. 这些变异资源绝大多数都是来自于核战后受到辐射的变异生物,当然,这些变异生物里面,也包括了变异人类。 The huge secret that mouth said that has the complicated relation with the voter! The biochemical science and technology of voter has actually raised in the astonishing level, clue that if attains according, unravelling thoroughly explores, team everyone should be able to attain a very precious clone body. 欧米嘴里所说的巨大秘密,就与选民有着千丝万缕的联系!选民的生化科技其实已经提升到了惊人的水平上,所以若是按照欧米拿到的线索,抽丝剥茧的深入探索下去的话,团队当中的每个人都应该能拿到一具非常宝贵的克隆体。 This clone experience places the space private residence, whenever the owner enters before the adventure world, the clone body will conduct the backup automatically, in this case, once you were cut to kill in the adventure world, actually can also return to the clone body, obtains the opportunity of staging a comeback. 这克隆体会安置在空间内部的私人住所当中,每当拥有者进入到冒险世界当中之前,克隆体就会自动进行备份,这样的话,一旦你在冒险世界当中被斩杀,却还能回归克隆体当中,获得卷土重来的机会。 After Fang Linyan heard such view, thought this is a rare opportunity, can the extra many life come out, in any event is the space soldier long-awaited matter, regarding the promotion of entire team is also considerably large. 方林岩听到了欧米这样的说法之后,也是觉得这是个难得的机会啊,能够额外多一条命出来,无论如何都是空间战士梦寐以求的事情,对于整个团队的提升也是相当大的。 At this time Crespo also said suddenly: 此时克雷斯波也忽然道: My promotion breeds the hunting for duty to be best the spent clay world, the difficulty will reduce.” “我的晋升殖猎者任务最好去废土世界,难度会降低很多。” After hearing Crespo's words, Fang Linyan also somewhat hesitated immediately, besides the above factor, the income that goes to the spent clay world to yield in view of the entire team, goes to the income of metal life world , to promote the Fang Linyan individual. 听到了克雷斯波的话之后,方林岩顿时也有些迟疑了,除了上述的因素之外,前往废土世界获得的收益是针对整个团队的,前往金属生命世界的收益,是提升方林岩个人的。 Obviously, since Fang Linyan formed the squad, that must certainly take the larger situation into account sometimes. 很显然,既然方林岩组建了小队,那肯定有的时候就要以大局为重。 Was good because of this time, the goat said suddenly: 好在这时候,山羊忽然道: „The income of spent clay world is very important, moreover that world is also has special significance to the boss, actually, has the means to satisfy both sides.” “废土世界的收益很重要,但是另外那个世界对头儿也是意义非凡,其实,也不是没有办法两全其美的。” „? How satisfying both sides law? You said that looks.” “哦?怎么个两全其美法?你说说看。” Fang Linyan said immediately. 方林岩立即道。 The goat said: 山羊道: In our hands is pinching legend quota that is the tight goods in great demand. Attracted lots of people to propose that traded with me, the chip that they took was also all sorts of strange and unusual, making me broaden the outlook.” “咱们手里面捏着的传说度名额那可是紧俏货。吸引了大量的人前来提出和我交易,他们拿出来的筹码也是千奇百怪,让我大开眼界。” „A item that a person takes the impression is profound to me, is called the gate of freedom, after activating this item ! Can locate somebody's the position to team, then makes team inside person go through freely.” “其中一个人拿出来的一件道具给我印象深刻,叫做自由之门,激活这件道具之后!就能定位到队伍当中的某人的位置,然后让队伍里面的人自由穿行。” But, using this door needs the meritorious value, and some severe conditions, for example I and boss situated in the different potential surfaces in the middle , the boss stop over for one hour in my potential surface, will disburse 5000 universe points, two hours are 10000, three hours 20000, four hours 40000, and so on.” “不过,使用这扇门是需要功勋值的,并且还有一些苛刻条件,比如我和头儿处于不同的位面当中,头儿在我的位面逗留一个小时,就会支出5000通用点,两个小时就是10000,三个小时20000,四个小时40000,以此类推。” And this expense will also promote with our space grade promotion, being possible to breed hunting for is a price, awakens was more expensive, but must continue to rise in prices.” “并且这个费用还会随着咱们的空间等级提升而提升,有可能殖猎者是一个价格,苏醒者就更贵了,还要继续涨价。” After Fang Linyan listened to the words of goat, hesitates saying: 方林岩听了山羊的话之后沉吟道: „Is your meaning?” “你的意思是?” Goat very simple say/way: 山羊很干脆的道: We act simply separately, simultaneously goes to two different world, then supports through the gate of freedom mutually. At the same time meets the words of matter, another side can help rapidly.” “咱们干脆分头行动,同时前往两个不同的世界,然后通过自由之门来相互支援。一边遇到事儿的话,另外一边就可以迅速来援。” However, after hearing the words of goat, is actually first stands the opposition saying: 不过,听到了山羊的话之后,欧米却是第一个站出来反对道: „It is not good! At present this aspect, we, if meets Noa space R th, Noa space K th and they form an alliance a person of side, will then have the condition that dies to fight inevitably, in this case the strength of scattered team, that is brings about own destruction!” “不行!眼下这局面,我们若是遇到诺亚空间R号,诺亚空间K号和他们结盟一方的人,那么必然将会出现死斗的状况,在这种情况下分散团队的实力,那是自寻死路!” We also had the dead enmity with abyss feudal lord group of people let alone, outside the environment could be said as bad to the pinnacle!” “更何况我们还与深渊领主这帮人结下了死仇,外环境可以说是恶劣到了极致呢!” After listening to words, Fang Linyan hesitated a say/way: 听了欧米的话之后,方林岩沉吟了一番道: Abyss feudal lord did not need to fear him actually temporarily.” “深渊领主这边倒是暂时不用怕他了.” Then Fang Linyan then these experience in hometown said time, but this experience is also makes the surrounding person hear to be very soul-stirring, feels unthinkable. 然后方林岩便将自己这一次在家乡的经历说了出来,而这段经历也是让周围的人听得很是惊心动魄,觉得匪夷所思。 Therefore.” Fang Linyan makes the summary: “所以.”方林岩做总结: Abyss feudal lord powerful place, is the strength of destiny he controls is really powerful, making one feel that the fairy measures not, but I had discarded from the plant root general, looks like a poisonous snake to give to capture his venomous fang, therefore everyone did not need extremely to be worried.” “深渊领主强大之处,就是他所掌控的命运之力实在强大,令人感觉到神鬼莫测,可是我已经从根子上将之废掉了,就像是一条毒蛇将其毒牙给拔掉,所以大家也就不用太过担心了。” At this point, Fang Linyan thinks: 说到这里之后,方林岩想了想: But, the divine tool is not only the source of strength, actually also bears. After I do that also had the drawback, that likely causes the abyss feudal lord to have no ideological problems weighing on the mind, the recovery period reduces significantly, can duplicate/restores come out to cope with us ahead of time, the probability that but the next world presents is not big.” “不过,神器既是力量之源,其实也是负担。我这么做之后也是产生了弊端,那就很可能导致深渊领主轻装上阵,恢复期大幅度缩短,能提前复出来对付我们,但是下个世界出现的概率不大。” After the people listened, is the mood surges upward, those present have the bitter hatred with the abyss feudal lord, Crespo is the exciting say/way: 众人听了之后也是情绪高涨,在场的人都与深渊领主有深仇大恨啊,克雷斯波更是兴奋的道: Without the strength of divine tool, I wants to ask for advice the abyss feudal lord was actually fierce, when the time comes can trample his buttocks ruthlessly.” “如果没有神器之力的话,我倒是很想领教一下深渊领主的厉害了,到时候可以狠狠的踹他的屁股。” I will cut open his neck, making his blood drain off slowly!” “我会割开他的脖子,让他的血慢慢流干!” You did not have that opportunity, I will roast the dried meat him directly.” “你没那个机会了,我会直接将他烤成肉干的。” „.” “.”
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