FE :: Volume #13

#1675: Misfortune

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Chapter 1673 misfortune 第1673章厄运 Therefore, before suffered the flame of extinguishing world the abyss feudal lord suffered extreme distress, such bit by bit was arranged. 于是,之前将深渊领主折磨得死去活来的灭世之焰,就这么一点一点的被排了出来。 At this time, side suddenly opened a secret door unemotionally, the magician walked, but after he came , the look looked directly to a nearby cabinet, in that an unique ring was being floated in the year by the splendid attire carries calmly. 这时候,旁边突然打开了一道暗门,魔术师面无表情的走了进来,而他进来了之后,眼神就直接看向了旁边的一个柜子当中,在那里面,一枚形制奇特的戒指正被盛装在了里面载浮载沉着。 But the modeling of this ring is not other, a strange snake bit the appearance of oneself tail! 而这枚戒指的造型不是别的,正是一条诡异的蛇咬住了自己尾巴的模样! This ring seemingly treats in the cabinet, but looked that two will detect, it is only a mirror, the main body does not seem able to ascertain is unable to catch- It looks like the destiny of person unable to conjecture equally! 这一枚戒指看起来待在柜子里面,但多看两眼就会发觉,它似乎只是个镜像,本体根本就无法捉摸无法捕捉--就像是人的命运一样根本无法猜度! Saw this, the magician takes the lead saying: 见到了这一幕,魔术师率先道: „Does master, you set firm resolve finally? Stripped from own body the divine tool?” “主人,你终于下定了决心吗?将神器从自己的身体里面剥离出来了?” Although the abyss feudal lord lay down in the lava pond bottom, actually conducted the reply immediately, and that sound from passed on all directions. 深渊领主虽然躺在了熔岩池的底部,却是在第一时间内进行了回复,并且那声音还是从四面八方传过来的。 Otherwise? I had completely lost the control with the soul, implants the main body of divine tool again arrives at the words in within the body, that consumes the waste large amounts of resources in vain!” “不然呢?我已经与器魂完全失去了控制,再将神器的本体植入到体内的话,那就是白白消耗浪费大量的资源!” Strips after the main body of divine tool came out, I do not need again to consume the large amounts of resources, in the suppression and attempt assimilate above it, then can extinguish the flame of the world dispelling full power.” “将神器的本体剥离了出来之后,我就不必再消耗大量的资源在压制和尝试同化它之上,便能全力将灭世之焰给祛除掉。” The magician light say/way of: 魔术师淡淡的道: But the main body of divine tool, once after extraction, wants to implant again, then the resources of its difficulty and consumption were very terrifying.” “可是神器的本体一旦取出之后,想要再次植入的话,那么其难度和耗费的资源就十分恐怖了哦。” The abyss gets the main road: 深渊领主道: Actually, I already in the issue that the consideration will strip, the strength of destiny the divine tool supplements is truly powerful, is I! The abyss feudal lord, actually solely does not depend upon the strength of destiny to rise absolutely, until now, this divine tool had turned into my shackles from my boost! Was the time regardless it!” “其实,我早就在考虑将之剥离出来的问题了,神器附带的命运之力确实很强大,可是我!深渊领主,却绝对不是仅仅依靠命运之力才能崛起的,时至今日,这件神器已经从我的助力变成了我的桎梏!是时候抛开它了!” At this point, the sound of talking of abyss feudal lord excited: 说到这里,深渊领主的语声激动了起来: Naturally, was the time makes these stupid fellows experience to my strength again, even if did not have the divine tool, I! The abyss feudal lord, is still in the middle of one of the numerous temple Lord God!” “当然,也是时候让那些愚蠢的家伙再次见识到我的力量了,哪怕是没有了神器,我!深渊领主,依然是众神殿当中的主神之一!” As if induced the mood of abyss feudal lord, he is soaking lava pond, immediately emitted massively gurgle gurgle the bubble, then the breakage, sent out a wisp of wisp of black aura fusion in one. 仿佛感应到了深渊领主的心情,他浸泡着的熔岩池当中,顿时就冒出了大量咕嘟咕嘟的泡泡,然后纷纷破裂,从中散发出了一缕一缕黑色气息融合在了一起。 These black aura formed a terrifying great face finally, fierce fierce, floated above the lava pond, for a very long time has not diverged. 这些黑色气息最后形成了一张恐怖的巨脸,狰狞凶恶,漂浮在了熔岩池上方,久久都没有散去。 After witnessing this, the magician was then silent got down no longer speaks, the abyss feudal lord separated a while to have respite slightly saying: 目睹了这一幕之后,魔术师便沉默了下来不再说话,深渊领主隔了一会儿才带着微微的喘息道: Before made you go to my hometown management, why have you been delaying?!” “之前让你去我的家乡办事,你为什么一直在拖延?!” The magicians silent a while said: 魔术师默然了一会儿道: If I said that I had the matter to delay, that was insulting the master your intelligence quotient, is insulting me, therefore, the truth was. I do not have the confidence.” “如果我说自己有事耽搁了的话,那是在侮辱主人您的智商,也是在侮辱我自己,所以,真相是.我没有信心。” The abyss feudal lord annoyed say/way of: 深渊领主恼火的道: You have the divine tool in the hand! Why doesn't have the confidence?” “你有神器在手!为什么没有信心?” The magician light say/way of: 魔术师淡淡的道: Lokey's false face is the deviation auxiliary divine tool, after obtaining this divine tool, my strength in fact reduced 20, originally anticipated that can fully restore the strength in the next world, then the strength in the middle of the following two world rises rapidly.” “洛基的假面本来就是偏向辅助的神器,得到了这件神器之后,我的实力实际上是降低了20的,本来预期可以在下一个世界全面恢复实力,然后在接下来的两个世界当中实力飞速上升。” But, I with this divine tool the soul the nature does not tally, Lokey's that wisp of remnant soul quite made the head/number of people big, it will even try about my choice to the duty, it was time makes me massacre ten babies.” “但是,我与这件神器的器魂相性并不吻合,洛基的那一缕残魂相当令人头大,它甚至会尝试左右我对任务的选择,还有一次它更是让我去杀掉十个婴儿。” Therefore, my strength growth quite difficult, even it can be said that slow, if the turtle comes at once to describe, to be honest, I have planned to look for the seller the realization. A matter, the master, you have not possibly known that in the middle of the previous world, I have fought with that monster blade directly, finally is not optimistic.” “所以,我的实力增长起来相当的艰难,甚至可以说是慢若龟速来形容,说实话,我已经打算寻找卖家将之变现了。还有一件事,主人,你可能还不知道,那就是在上个世界当中,我就与那个妖刀正面交手过了,结果并不乐观。” An abyss feudal lord brow wrinkle said: 深渊领主眉头一皱道: Why this matter didn't you tell me?” “这件事你为什么不告诉我?” The magician bitter and astringent say/way of: 魔术师苦涩的道: Because I absolutely did not have the opportunity saying that before space war, I wanted to look for you, you said that only if were the matter that the sky collapsed, otherwise do not come to be tired of you, but after space war, I radically on relation you.” “因为我根本就没有机会说,空间大战之前我想要找您,您说除非是天塌下来的事情,否则不要来烦你,而空间大战之后,我根本就联系不到您了。” The abyss feudal lord silent a while said: 深渊领主沉默了一会儿道: „Is that monster blade so strong?” “那个妖刀就这么强吗?” The magicians sigh: 魔术师叹了一口气道: If I use the strength of divine tool, beats him not to have the issue, but actually only then 30% opportunities retain him, but, I received the accurate information, above said very clearly, side this time monster blade also has the helper!” “若我动用神器之力的话,击败他是没有问题的,可是却只有30%的机会留住他,但是,我接到了确切的情报,上面说得很清楚,此时的妖刀身边还有帮手!” At this time, I actually can only hurry to that world single-handedly, in this case, I in the past was actually meaningless, that was the behavior of no odds of success, therefore on the lord said that I deliberately am delaying the time I not to deny this point, asking the master to punish.” “可是在这个时候,我却只能单枪匹马的赶去那个世界,在这种情况下,我过去其实是毫无意义的啊,那是毫无胜算的行为而已,所以主上说我是在故意拖延时间我并不否认这一点,请主人责罚吧。” Say/Way that the abyss feudal lord coldly: 深渊领主冷冷的道: Since is this, you pay 100,000 universe point fines.” “既然是这样的话,你交十万通用点罚款吧。” The magicians partly kneel in the place, the hand according to the chest front, then deeply bowed, then withdrew. 魔术师半跪在地,将手按在了胸前,然后深深鞠躬,接着就退后了下去。 When the magician will soon leave, the abyss feudal lord said suddenly: 在魔术师即将离开的时候,深渊领主突然道: Your daughter's matter, I will try to find the solution.” “你女儿的事情,我会想办法的。” The magicians nod saying: 魔术师点点头道: Many thanks master.” “多谢主人。” Looks form that the magician leaves, the abyss feudal lord is unemotional, after own room front door closure, say/way that coldly: 看着魔术师离开的身影,深渊领主面无表情,直到自己的房间大门关闭上之后,才冷冷的道: Really, my here situation had the turbulence, the following will of the people dispersed.” “果然,我这边的情况一出现了动荡,下面的人心就都散了啊。” Broadcast a hoarse sound in the middle of the dark corner of room, then hehe saying with a smile: 在房间的黑暗角落当中则是传来了一个沙哑的声音,然后呵呵的笑道: „Isn't this way things should be? A company cash flow had the problem, are two months do not pay out the wages or little pay out the wages, are the resignation tide and lay-off tide?” “这不是人之常情吗?一个公司现金流出现了问题,两个月不发工资或者少发工资,是不是接下来就是辞职潮和裁员潮呢?” The abyss feudal lord light say/way of: 深渊领主淡淡的道: I consumed 800 Biska data streams to ask you to come, was not listens to you to speak the sarcastic remark, Eris.” “我耗费了八百点比斯卡数据流请你过来,不是来听你说风凉话的,厄里斯。” That shadow also came, he seemingly big tall and strong, the head wears a dome ceremonial hat, the body wears a straight wool suit, on the neck will be wears a purple scarf, the hair will set upright a smooth big long hair combed straight back in the future, its contour will seem like 50 years old of elegant bearings British gentlemen. 那个黑影也是随之现身了,他看起来高大魁梧,头上戴着一顶圆顶礼帽,身上穿着一袭笔挺的羊毛西装,脖子上则是围着一条紫色的围巾,头发则是往后竖了个光溜溜的大背头,其外形看起来乃是五十来岁风度翩翩的英国绅士。 If said that has anything to be special, that is on his left shoulder is then squatting impressively a monster different monkey. 若说是有什么特殊的,那便是其左边肩头上赫然蹲着一只妖异的猴子。 This monkey has a pair of big ear, the hair of top of the head all fell bare, both eyes only surplus deep black hole, the time of but carefully looking, inside actually will sparkle occasionally dim light, his claw seems to be the chicken feet is the same, the length is actually chicken feet 34 times, seem very evil. 这只猴子有着一对大大的耳朵,头顶的毛发全部秃掉了,两只眼睛都只剩余下来了深深的黑洞,但仔细看去的时候,里面却偶尔会闪耀出一丝幽光,其爪子更是仿佛鸡爪一样,长度却是鸡爪的三四倍,看起来就十分邪恶。 Eris touched a head of monkey, then pulled out a silver nature knife to hold appreciatively in the hand: 厄里斯抚摸了一下猴子的脑袋,然后掏出了一把银质小刀在手中把玩着: You make me come, looks at the magician? Is the object of curse he?” “你让我来,就是看一看魔术师的?诅咒的对象就是他?” The abyss gets the main road: 深渊领主道: Of course not, I am need you to help me curse a person, making him be encumbered at the following some time misfortune!” “当然不是,我是需要你帮我诅咒一个人,让他在接下来的一段时间里厄运缠身!” Eris very refreshed say/way: 厄里斯很爽快的道: Opposite party , if too strong, then must increase price.” “对方若是太强的话,那么得加码了。” In the abyss feudal lord eyes has the sharp ray to flash: 深渊领主眼中有尖锐的光芒一闪: „Does famous incantation king also want to renege on a promise? The opposite party is only breeds hunting.” “大名鼎鼎的咒王也要反悔吗?对方只是个殖猎者而已。” After Eris listened, obvious relaxing of said: 厄里斯听了之后明显的松了一口气道: Good, I display the words of technique of misfortune, but also needs two material to need you to provide. First, is I have raised to you, the black pearl of sea of abyss, second, is goods of opposite party, if the hair, the blood, the tissue was better.” “好,我施展厄运之术的话,还需要两件施法材料需要你提供。第一,是我对你提起过的,深渊之海的黑珍珠,第二,是对方的一件随身物品,如果是头发,血液,身体组织就更好了。” The abyss feudal lord will point at according to the temples, projected a ray from his eye, projected on opposite wall. 深渊领主将手指按在了太阳穴上,从他的眼睛当中射出了一道光芒,投影在了对面的墙壁上。 That was Fang Linyan suffered the gene disorder in the middle in world impressively, then coughed up blood, appearance that in the middle of the nostril bled. 那赫然是方林岩在里世界当中遭受了基因紊乱,然后咳血,鼻孔当中淌血的模样。 Then presented the feature article, flowed the blood that to fall into the ground from the Fang Linyan nostril, was absorbed fast. 接着出现了特写,从方林岩鼻孔里面流淌出来的血液落入到了地上,然后快速被吸收。 What is worth mentioning is, is Chino's package kerchief is having the function probably continually, the Fang Linyan appearance that therefore the abyss feudal lord projects is completely fuzzy, looking like on the lens covered big group mist to be the same. 值得一提的是,大概是奇诺的包头巾在持续产生作用,所以深渊领主投影出来的方林岩样子完全是模糊的,就像是镜头上笼罩了一大团水雾一般。 Then the abyss feudal lord wrist/skill turns, then put out a small bottle to give Eris: 然后深渊领主手腕一翻,便拿出了一个小瓶子递给了厄里斯: This is his blood.” “这是他的鲜血。” The abyss feudal lord aimed at the inside room to beckon: 紧接着深渊领主对准了里间招了招手: Comes out the black pearl belt/bring of sea of abyss.” “把深渊之海的黑珍珠带出来。” Walked the retinue who comes out two mummies to dress up from inside, it in tandem pushed a giant water clan cabinet to walk, but in the water clan cabinet is rippling, unexpectedly is completely dark red such as the thick liquid of blood. 从里面走了出来两名木乃伊打扮的仆从,其一前一后的推着一个巨型的水族柜走了进来,而水族柜里面荡漾着的,居然全部都是殷红如血的粘稠液体。 After these two retinues the water clan cabinet opened, inside that blood-color liquid completely released, revealed unexpectedly is a black merpeople! 这两个仆从将水族柜打开了之后,把里面的那血色液体全部都释放了出来,露出的居然是一条黑色的人鱼! This gadget only then palm of the hand size, and in beautiful merpeople least bit with legend is not similar, the body black scale thick fin, the mouthful is the sharp chaotic tooth, the lower jaw has the octopus tentacle common beard as if , the clown is ominous and wicked, the eyes light/only brave ominously, if by this fellow biting of ruthlessly, then at least can have half jin (0.5 kg) meat is not possible. 这玩意儿只有巴掌大小,并且与传说中的绝美人鱼半点儿都不相似,身上黑鳞厚鳍,满嘴都是尖锐的乱牙,下颌拥有仿佛章鱼触手一般的胡须,又丑又凶又恶,双眼凶光直冒,若是被这家伙狠狠的咬上一口的话,那么至少就能有半斤肉都没有可。 Eris walks up, careful is looking at carefully it, suddenly, this fellow is opening mouth to vomit unexpectedly dark green mucilage to Eris, then yelled with raw hate, was actually dodged by Eris with ease, but this mucilage fell on nearby floor, immediately as if met the strong acid such to incite to make noise, emitted a lot of ill-smelling smog. 厄里斯走上前去,仔细的端详着它,突然之间,这家伙居然对着厄里斯张嘴就呕出了一口墨绿色的粘液,然后凶狠大叫,却被厄里斯轻松闪了开去,而这粘液落到了旁边的地板上,立即仿佛遇到了强酸那样滋滋作响,冒出了大量的难闻烟雾。 Eris sees that to clap hands to laugh saying: 厄里斯见状抚掌大笑道: Good good, the little thing is very lively, is the quality goods.” “不错不错,小东西很是活泼呢,是上等货色。” Then Eris one will grasp, ignores its appearance of jumping for joy, opened mouth to nip to its one, „” such fresh chewed directly. 然后厄里斯一把就将之抓了起来,不顾其活蹦乱跳的样子,张嘴对其一口就咬了下去,“咔嚓”一声直接就这么生嚼了。 However looks at Eris's expression, is actually frowning to push the eye, eats very painfully. 不过看厄里斯的表情,却还是皱着眉头挤着眼睛,吃得十分痛苦的。 After he black pearl eats this neatly and quickly, unexpectedly before pulled out, is holding appreciatively that the small silver blade, brandished a blade to cut own small finger, then placing on a pure white dinner plate. 等到他三下五除二将这“黑珍珠”吃掉之后,居然就掏出了之前把玩着的那把小银刀,一挥刀就将自己的小手指切了下来,然后将之摆放在了一个洁白的餐盘上。 The small finger that will also cut away as if cuts the beef steak to be the same, patient will sliver the scrap, then places neatly, squeezed out some blood to come out to drench from the wound place above, finally looked to that monster different monkey of shoulder. 紧接着,又将切掉的小手指仿佛切牛排一样,耐心的一片一片的将之切成了小块,然后摆放整齐,又从伤口处挤出了一些鲜血出来淋在上面,最后才看向了肩头的那只妖异的猴子。 Dear Mr. Beesley, come, we had the work to do.” “亲爱的比斯利先生,来吧,我们有活儿要干了。” Eris at this time the whole face is the affable smile, as if cut away finger is not own is the same. 厄里斯此时满脸都是和蔼可亲的笑容,仿佛被切掉的手指根本就不是自己的一样。 That monster different monkey threw, wolfing down ate a cleanness that finger, was baring grinning to Eris, lifted the chin. 那只妖异的猴子扑了上去,狼吞虎咽的将那根手指吃了个干净,紧接着就对着厄里斯龇了龇牙,抬了抬下巴。 Eris then put out that to think of the small bottle of Fang Linyan blood to give this Mr. Beesley, this monkey also raised head to drink, but, after separating for several seconds, this Mr. Beesley has turned the head suddenly, did not make the sound, used the pitch-dark eye socket to look at Eris, then licked the tongue! 厄里斯便拿出那装着方林岩血液的小瓶子递给了这位比斯利先生,这只猴子也是一仰头将之喝了下去,不过,隔了几秒钟之后,这位比斯利先生突然转过头去,也不发出声音,就用黑洞洞的眼眶看着厄里斯,然后舔了舔舌头! Eris complexion changes, immediately frowns to criticize two, but after hesitant one next, held up the small silver blade in hand, unexpectedly sheared own nose directly, then put Mr. Beesley in front tray. 厄里斯脸色一变,立即皱起了眉头暗骂了两句,但犹豫了一下之后,还是举起了手中的小小银刀,居然直接将自己的鼻子割了下来,然后放到了比斯利先生面前的盘子里面。 This evil incomparable monkey immediately impatient ate greatly, but after it ate clean, unexpectedly looked again to Eris, then licked the tongue again. 这只邪恶无比的猴子立即迫不及待的大吃了起来,但是它吃光了之后,居然再次看向了厄里斯,然后再次舔了舔舌头。 Witnessed this, Eris could not bear finally, aims say/way that the abyss feudal lord clenched jaws: 目睹了这一幕,厄里斯终于忍不住了,对准了深渊领主咬牙切齿的道: Actually you want me to curse anyone!!” “你究竟要我诅咒什么人!!” Eris the nose was ripped at this time, blood directing current, the image can say fiercely, if the malicious ghost is common, in the coordination his expression, is quite it can be said that scary. 厄里斯此时鼻子被割掉,鲜血直流,形象可以说狰狞若恶鬼一般,配合上他的表情,可以说是极为吓人。 Who however is the abyss feudal lord? Looks say/way that Eris coldly: 但是深渊领主是什么人?看着厄里斯冷冷的道: I had signed the contract with you, and authenticity of guarantee deed, how can you also? Wants me to request that the space does enforce?” “我已经和你签订了契约,并且保证契约的真实性,那你还要怎样呢?是要我请求空间来强制执行吗?” The muscle on Eris face beat several, then saw that in nearby evil monkey Beesley's eyes presented the dazzling blood light unexpectedly, he clenches teeth, pricked in the abdomen with the silver blade directly, a spin ruthlessly shears, cut a bulk own liver unexpectedly! 厄里斯脸上的肌肉跳动了几下,然后见到旁边的邪恶猴子比斯利的双眼里面居然出现了刺眼的血光,他一咬牙,直接用银刀刺入了腹中,狠狠的一旋一割,竟是将自己的肝脏切下来了一大块! Such bloody will take out in tray that put Mr. Beesley, that monkey threw to tuck away immediately, after finishing eating, wiped the mouth, starts the arm and sharp claw that raised to dry out in in the air empty traced, then presented several evil different incomparable symbols, being hidden gradually in void middle. 就这么血淋淋的将之取出了放到了比斯利先生的盘子里,那只猴子立即扑上去大嚼了起来,吃完了之后抹抹嘴,开始举起枯干的手臂和尖锐的爪子在空中虚描了起来,然后出现了好几个邪异无比的符号,渐渐的隐没在了虚空当中。 Became.” “成了。” Eris hatred looks at the abyss to get the main road: 厄里斯怨毒的看着深渊领主道: „The luck of this person will continuously drop, until valley.” “这个人的运气会持续下降,直至谷底。” The abyss feudal lord put out a contract, carefully looked earnestly, then nods saying: 深渊领主拿出了一张契约,仔细认真的看了看,然后点点头道: Good, you have not lied, calculates that you completed.” “好,你没有说谎,算你完成了。” Eris turns around to walk, but after the back turns around, actually revealed wiped to sneer, although he got the contract with the abyss feudal lord bamboo slip, but a few words have not said that that was on this person has an unusual strength to protect him. 厄里斯转身就走,但背转身之后却露出了一抹冷笑,虽然他是与深渊领主签领了契约,但是还有一句话却没有说出来,那就是这个人身上有一股奇特的力量在保护着他。 Therefore, what before he said was only former half a word, then half a word was, after valley, the luck of this person slowly will also restore. 所以,之前他说出来的只是前半句,而后半句则是,到了谷底之后,这个人的运气还会慢慢的恢复过来。 Because the abyss feudal lord concealed the lots obviously, causing Eris to suffer the extra loss, therefore he will certainly also hold back one trick. 因为深渊领主显然隐瞒了很多东西,导致厄里斯遭受到了额外的损失,所以他当然也会留一手。
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