FE :: Volume #13

#1449: Draws in the street fighting

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Chapter 1447 draws in the street fighting 第1447章拖入巷战 To be honest, the Japanese forces this time militant spirit of- At least after starting to fight the militant spirits within ten minutes. 说实话,日军此时的战斗精神--至少是在开始战斗以后十分钟内的战斗精神还是可以的。 In this ambushed situation, can still counterattack outrageously, many stubborn member's faithful executions pig suddenly tactic the order, buries to proceed to clash. 在这种被伏击的情况下,依然可以悍然还击,还有不少死硬份子忠实的执行着“猪突战术”的命令,埋着头往前冲的。 People of Pepsi United actually cannot think absolutely, dangerous situation that they must face at this time, is even if made the major military powers for it big city street fighting again over the past 100 years! Even if in has prepared, ahead of time conducted in the situation of targeted training, may be called meat grinder general existence. 只是百事联队的人们却万万都想不到,他们此时要面对的险恶局势,是哪怕再过去100年都令各大军事强国都为之头大的城市巷战!哪怕是在有所准备,提前进行了针对性训练的情况下,也是堪称绞肉机一般的存在。 Even in the past Germany swept across the steel mighty current of entire Europe, loses in the street fighting of Stalingrad, the aggressive incomparable German arm force, threw down 1 million corpses in Stalingrad that profound tunnel. 甚至当年德国席卷整个欧洲的钢铁洪流,也是在斯大林格勒的巷战当中铩羽而归,凶悍无比的德军,在斯大林格勒那幽深的巷道当中足足丢下了一百万具尸体。 But fights the most intense time, just rushed to the Soviet troops soldier in city, mean survival time not over 24 hours, military officer not over three days. 而大战最激烈的时候,刚刚赶赴城中的苏军战士,平均存活时间也不超过24小时,军官不超过三天。 Naturally, this time Nagasaki is not Stalingrad, confrontation is not Germany and Soviet these two big powerful nations. 当然,此时的长崎不是斯大林格勒,对峙的也不是德国和苏联这两大强国。 However! At present the situation of Japanese forces wants to win this street fighting, only if returns the cold war era. 但是!就目前日军的情况想要打赢这场巷战,除非是重新回到冷兵器时代。 Naturally in the ten minutes after battle, in the middle of the Baishi United stubborn member, the nut, lacked the mind already the casualties completely. Without the means that this person has general character, that does not need to mobilize directly to front. 在开战之后的十分钟内,白石联队当中的死硬份子,狂热份子,当然还有缺心眼儿的就已经伤亡殆尽了.没办法,这种人都有一个共性嘛,那就是不需要动员就直接冲前面去。 After ten minutes, in the middle of after Baishi United backbone was polished, its battle efficiency at least reduced 30%. What inversely related is, escapes that more than 1000 people that from the battlefield, 200 people had been reorganized, then put into the fight 十分钟之后,白石联队当中的骨干都被打光了之后,其战斗力至少降低了30%。此消彼长的是,从战场上逃回来的那一千余人当中,已经有两百人被整编完毕,然后投入到了战斗当中 Fang Linyan can see this from the angle of view of unmanned aerial vehicle: 方林岩从无人机的视角当中就能见到这一幕: Displays pig suddenly the almost 3000 Japanese forces of tactic, following street as if tide general welled up toward the Nagasaki city in the middle, then after swamping into more than 300 meters, front intersection here as if by an invisible dike blocking. 施展出“猪突”战术的差不多三千名日军,顺着街道仿佛潮水一般的朝着长崎城当中涌了进来,然后涌入了三百多米之后,在前方的十字路口这里仿佛被一道无形的堤坝给挡住了。 This invisible dike, comprised of the bullet, 这道无形的堤坝,就是由子弹组成的, In particular, by positive/direct two Gatling, puts up Gatling in nearby two wooden ceilings one on the left and other on the right, 200-300 composes the bullet that Morsink Na Can rifle projects! 或者具体一点来说,就是由正面的两台加特林,一左一右架在旁边二层木楼上的加特林,还有200-300把莫辛纳甘步枪射出的子弹组成的! Japanese forces completely not awfully before to/clashes, is under so powerful firepower network, the extreme terrain of in addition street, the tactic of this time / the limitation of equipment, really can be said as many dying many! 日军完全是不要命了的前冲,可是在如此强大的火力网下,外加街道的特殊地形,还有这个时代的战术/装备的局限性,真的可以说是来多少死多少! Crossed for three minutes, in Gatling's positive/direct direction 40 meter/rice places, had stacked a row of as if causeway general terrifying corpse dam directly! 只是过了三分钟,在加特林的正面方向四十来米处,就已经直接堆起了一排仿佛长堤一般的恐怖尸坝! This corpse dam the corpse constitutions by several hundred Japanese forces, they take place of the fallen completely, even attempted to cross the body of companion to continue to charge, what a pity so the behavior of iron can only obtain a reward of round of bullet finally 这尸坝完全就是由几百具日军的尸体构成的,他们前仆后继,甚至尝试翻过同伴的尸体继续冲锋,可惜如此头铁的行为最后只能获得一发子弹的奖赏 While more than 3000 Japanese forces were hit stops, enters on more than 300 meters streets in Nagasaki, has turned into the Asura Slaughterhouse general scene completely, the Japanese forces of dying has not felt, living the person has started to fall into to frightened and flurried. 就在这三千多名日军被生生打停的同时,进入长崎的这三百多米街道上,已经完全变成了修罗屠场一般的景象,死掉的日军已经没有感觉了,活着的人则已经开始陷入到恐惧和慌乱当中。 Because they thought that in all directions is an enemy! Absolutely does not have the safe place, avoided behind the bunker obviously, the back was the wall, but the bayonet held to put on the wall suddenly directly, dug in the heart of companion from the back. 因为他们觉得四面八方都是敌人!根本就没有安全的地方,明明躲避到了掩体后面,背后就是墙壁,可是冷不防就有一把刺刀直接捅穿墙壁,从后背扎入同伴的心脏。 This is fearful of street fighting! 这就是巷战的可怕性! In the World War II, the German arm force even also used. frank coordination tactic at Stalingrad and Soviet troops street fighting, under the cover of tank, still hits badly beaten, loses the step 在二战时期,德军甚至还使用了步坦协同战术在斯大林格勒与苏军巷战,在坦克的掩护下,依然撞得头破血流,铩羽而归。 Let alone is at this time to the city street fighting completely vacant Japanese forces? 更何况是此时对城市巷战完全茫然的日军? Let alone this Baishi United is only one by the regiment of marginalization! The supplies, the ammunition and so on usually is the direct third sequence provides, after Jiawu makes war, does not provide directly! 更何况这支白石联队只是一支被边缘化的联队!补给,弹药之类在平时都是直接第三序列发放,甲午开战以后,直接就不发放了! In fact, they can catch up to come to here, completely depends upon in team scurrying about of three space soldiers, gives all-out support, they paid a big price, convincing the local county magistrate, opened the warehouse to conduct the supplies to Baishi United in private. 事实上,他们能够赶来这边,都完全是依靠队伍里面的三名空间战士的上蹿下跳,竭力支持,他们付出了不小的代价,才“说服”了当地的知事,私下开启了仓库才对白石联队进行了补给。 Even before embarking, Baishi United many soldiers flowed the tears excitedly, the reason their entire five months had only eaten three onigiri every day, in particular, in the morning, in the afternoon two. 甚至在出发之前,白石联队很多士兵都激动的流淌下来了眼泪,原因是已经他们整整五个月每天只吃到了三个饭团,具体一点来说,上午一个,下午两个。 The onigiri only then the baby fist size, inside is then clamping a seaweed, the only vegetable/dish is the soy sauce, the parenthesis: Limit. 饭团就只有婴儿拳头大小,然后里面夹着一点海藻,唯一的菜是酱油,括号:限量。 Therefore, these soldier overwhelming majorities contract the malnutrition or the anemia, surplus a few are two same places. 所以,这些士兵绝大多数都患有营养不良或是贫血,剩余的少数则是两种一起得。 But these conducts the mountainous region forced march time, therefore( sways back and forth to act shamelessly in the powerful intervention of that three space soldiers, makes a tearful scene to hang oneself), each soldier attained the supplies of eight onigiri, you said that they can not be excited, can not be excited? 而这一次进行山地强行军,所以在那三个空间战士的强力干预(打滚撒赖,哭闹上吊)下,每个士兵拿到了八个饭团的补给,你说他们能不兴奋,能不激动吗? The luck the calamity depends on, this group of Japanese soldiers do not know Chinese that beheading food the proverb. 只是福兮祸所依,这帮日本士兵就不知道中国那句断头饭的俗语啊。 Therefore, the morale of Baishi United also started quickly to have the collapse, and this collapse as if plague general crazy disseminated. 于是,白石联队的士气也就开始迅速的产生了崩溃,并且这种崩溃仿佛瘟疫一般的疯狂传播了开来。 Naturally, these Japanese soldiers is also has some different kind to exist, that is the elite team that the believer of Shintoism composes, two space soldiers were involved. 当然,这些日本士兵当中也是有着一些异类存在的,那就是神道教的教徒组成的精英队,还有两名空间战士加入到了其中。 The believers of these Shintoism usually combine in the soldier and common, however their roles are enormous, must be responsible for cutting to kill among the Russian grass-roots officer, paralyzes its command system. 这些神道教的教徒平时混杂在士兵里面并不起眼,但是他们的作用极大,要负责斩杀俄国人当中的基层军官,瘫痪其指挥系统。 Therefore, after detecting the Japanese forces was ambushed, this group of people left the team, entered in nearby construction, they may, no matter anything pig suddenly tactic, the assassination were they most adept forte. 所以,在发觉日军遭受到伏击之后,这帮人就离开了队伍,进入到了旁边的建筑里面,他们可不管什么“猪突战术”,暗杀才是他们最拿手的长项。 Naturally, at this time the king five and the others cannot stand by, moves forward to meet somebody directly. 当然,这时候王五等人也不能袖手旁观,直接就迎了上去。 To be honest, this time interception manpower is quite frail, its basic reason on the body of Nicolas that devil, this fellow brought in the middle of the similar expeditionary force 70% grenadiers to go to the suicide attack together, front has said that the grenadier has the close combat intercept capability, therefore did the pressure very much to be big. 说实话,这一次的拦截人手相当单薄,其根本原因还是在尼古拉斯那死鬼的身上,这家伙带了差不多远征军当中70%的掷弹兵一起去自杀性攻击,前面就说过,掷弹兵是具备近战拦截能力的,因此搞得压力很大。 Was good were many joining of Zheng this group of China local bullies because of this time, provided the almost 40-50 experts to help, and also provided the reinforcement strength one after another full power. 好在这时候多了郑家这群华族地头蛇的加入,也提供了差不多有40-50名好手帮忙,并且还陆续全力提供增援力量。 Before these manpower the larger part is them , the guard bodyguard who hires, other one less than half only recognized the Japanese vagabonds who money did not recognize people- China had the traitor to China, then Japan will also certainly have the traitor. 这些人手里面一大半是他们之前雇佣的护卫保镖,另外一小半则是只认钱不认人的日本浪人了-中国有汉奸,那么当然日本也会有国贼了。 This batch of Japanese China's hundred years of operations here are also the no small matters, before was done in a terrible fix by the Nagasaki government, now slow had been mad, naturally in the heart the complaint is extremely deep. 这一批日本华族在这里的百年经营也是非同小可,之前被长崎政府这边搞得焦头烂额的,现在缓过了气来,当然心中怨念极深。 This feeling looked like the spare tire to clearly recognize finally the goddess true colors were the same- father loves with you seriously, contains to be inclusive, finally damn am I unnecessary that? 这种感觉就像是备胎终于认清了女神的真面目一样--老子拿你当真爱,不停的包容包容包容,最后他妈的我才是多余的那个? Therefore, this group of merchants also clearly recognized the reality, knows that the dog coin Japanese government is , when the pig butchers, therefore gave up the fantasy, the effort of therefore supporting is also enormous. 因此,这帮商人也是认清了现实,知道狗币日本政府就是要将自己当猪来宰,所以放弃了幻想,因此支援起来的力度也是极大。 Although the expeditionary force obviously occupies the initiative in the battlefield at this time, but in this near body fights hand-to-hand in the middle of the hand-to-hand fighting, does not have the advantage, is the believer of Shintoism exceptionally is mainly flagitious, it can be said that crazy incomparable, fierce does not fear, trades the life the matter by the life should not be too many. 尽管此时远征军明显在战场上占据主动权,但在这种近身肉搏白刃战当中,却并不占据优势,主要是神道教的教徒异常凶残,可以说是疯狂无比,悍不畏死,以命换命的事情不要太多。 If the king five and the others were newly-arrived, without the baptism of experience war, then died here is really the matter of big probability! Because tangled warfare in independent preying and battlefield on rivers and lakes is completely two matters. 若是王五等人初来乍到,没有经历战争的洗礼,那么在这里死掉真的是大概率的事情!因为江湖上的单独搏杀和战场上的混战完全是两码事。 At this time the heroic fierce brave king five, are arrogant indifferent Li Ju, changed the clothes that the ordinary soldier wore without exception, on the face also wiped the ash intentionally, and five people were go hand in hand, in the middle of ordinary the squad with the expeditionary force had no difference, even looked more distressed. 这时候无论是豪迈悍勇的王五,还是高傲冷漠的李沮,都无一例外换上了普通士兵穿的衣服,脸上还故意抹了灰,并且五个人都是结伴而行的,与远征军当中普通的小队没有什么区别,甚至看起来更加狼狈。 The believers of after two Shintoism saw them, in the middle of the eyes gushed out the bloodthirsty ray immediately, then threw extremely anxiously, what one of them uses is the katana, what another person uses is a long spear/gun. 两名神道教的教徒见到了他们之后,双眼当中顿时涌出了嗜血的光芒,然后就急不可待的扑了上来,其中一人使用的是武士刀,另外一人使用的是长枪。 Plunders with the believer of long spear/gun , a spear pierces leaves, immediately sees that enemy who bears the brunt „” pitiful yell, sways back and forth to turn around to escape, seemingly frightens scared shitless general. 用长枪的教徒一掠而下,一枪刺出,顿时就见到首当其冲的那名敌人“啊”的惨叫了一声,打了个滚转身就逃,看起来吓得屁滚尿流一般。 This believer has not expected a spear/gun that own this wins to be shunted unexpectedly! This fellow exceptionally is usually proud, was known as that under any Shizugatake spear/gun, is angry immediately toward nearby steps, then long spear/gun shouting punctures again. 这教徒也没料到自己的这志在必得的一枪居然会被躲开!这家伙平时可是异常自负,号称什么贱岳一本枪的,立即大怒之下朝着旁边一踏步,然后长枪“呼”的一声再次刺出。 This midway changes, it can be said that makes his aura turn wells up, the whole person obstructs. 这一次中途变招,可以说是让他气息翻涌,整个人都为之一窒。 This looks like during basketball training turning back to run to be the same, the whole person with the strength resistance that previously released, that will definitely cause an obvious sluggish movement. 这就像是篮球训练当中的折返跑一样,整个人都在与自己先前释放出来的力量对抗,那必然会导致有一个明显的迟滞动作。 Therefore at this time, the man who seemingly shrank suddenly is long the body to stick out suddenly, if whole person surreptitious general floating on, a palm on racket on the right arm of this fellow. 因此就在这时候,一名看起来畏畏缩缩的男子陡然长身暴起,整个人若诡魅一般飘然而上,一掌就拍在了这家伙的右臂上。 If this palm attacks to the face gate strategic point or chest of believer, that this believer also has the opportunity of counter-attack, because this critical part, is definitely meeting the tight protection, but right arm such non- fatal region, is actually negligent in the guard. 这一掌若是攻向教徒的脸门要害或者说胸口,那这教徒还有反扑的机会,因为这种要害部位,肯定会着紧防护的,但是右臂这样的非致命区域,却是疏于防范。 After the believer who therefore this causes the spear/gun suffered this next, immediately wants to counter-attack actually detected that slowly one step, the key was he that flash of palm had not just felt, after separating for one second, was to discover the arm worn out and aching unexpectedly is unusual, suddenly lifted somewhat to be unexpectedly difficult. 因此这名使枪的教徒挨了这一下之后,立即想要反击却发觉慢了一步,关键是他刚刚中掌的那一瞬间还不觉得,隔了一秒钟之后竟是发现手臂酸软异常,一时间抬起来居然都有些困难。 What this startled end lets his no small matter, can only draw back toward the rear area immediately anxiously, but in him that flash that catches up to draw back anxiously, is not known where from raised the silt that to sprinkle a face. 这一惊端的是让他非同小可,只能立即朝着后方急退,可是在他发力急退的那一瞬间,就被不知道从什么地方扬起的泥沙洒了一脸。 The believer who this causes the spear/gun angrily roars, only felt at present after one is black, immediately in the long spear/gun dance the hand, wants to protect own strategic point, however the right arm of worn out and aching makes him catch up the difficult, chaotic dance long spear/gun as if child vaudeville fights, seemingly funny laughable. 这名使枪的教徒怒吼一声,只觉得眼前一黑之后,立即将手中长枪狂舞,想要护住自己的要害,但是酸软的右臂却让他发力艰难,乱舞的长枪仿佛孩童杂耍打架,看起来滑稽可笑。 This believer throat one cool, flew from side a butterfly that staggered xian to drag, tight post on his throat. 紧接着,这名教徒喉头一凉,从旁边飞来了一只蹁跹摇曳的蝴蝶,紧紧的贴在了他的咽喉上。 This butterfly is not the other butterfly, naturally is the butterfly dart that Li three displays, in the middle of their school, handed down the dragonfly dart, the butterfly dart, the swallow dart three big hidden weapons. 此蝴蝶非彼蝴蝶,当然是李三施展出来的蝴蝶镖,他们门派当中,传下了蜻蜓镖,蝴蝶镖,燕子镖三大暗器。 The characteristics of swallow dart are the speed quickest lethality are ordinary, the characteristics of dragonfly dart are the line of march are hard to judge, lethality middle-grade. The butterfly dart speed is slowest, as if the butterfly staggers xian, after once dart, will continue injured, the might is most astonishing. 这其中燕子镖的特点是速度最快杀伤力一般,蜻蜓镖的特点是行进路线难以判断,杀伤力中等。蝴蝶镖速度最慢,仿佛蝴蝶蹁跹,可是一旦中镖之后就会持续遭受到伤害,威力最为惊人。 Another Shintoism believer sees the same side to be in danger, then rescues crazily, his fierce blade divided to kept off in oneself front enemy. 另外一名神道教教徒见到同门遇险,则是疯狂来救,他猛的一刀劈向了挡在自己面前的敌人。 That person strives to lift the blade to keep off, immediately was stuffy snort/hum, the whole person backed up several steps, even grasped on the long blade that held to be divided a long scar, clear to see this has discarded the blade. 那人勉力举刀一挡,顿时闷哼了一声,整个人倒退了好几步,甚至握持的长刀上面都被劈出来了一道长长的伤痕,眼见得这把刀已经是废掉了。 After this Shintoism believer blade breaks out the enemy, immediately inclusion to weak chicken painter's brush immediately the level, does not return aimed at the allied force to rush over. 这名神道教教徒一刀劈开敌人之后,立即将之划入到了“弱鸡”“彩笔”的水准当中,立即头也不回的对准了友军冲了过去。 He looks can be said as accurate, so long as rescue appropriately, then the brothers have a vitality. 他看得可以说是极准,只要自己救援得当,那么兄弟还有一番生机。 But at this time, the believer of this Shintoism felt that suddenly some are not right, accurate, that is the surrounding these enemies looked that own look is not right!! 可是就在这时候,这名神道教的教徒突然感觉有些不对劲,准确的来说,那就是周围这些敌人看自己的眼神不对劲!! Why they looked oneself look like looks that a deceased person is common? 他们为什么看自己就像是看着一个死人一般? This believer loudly calls out suddenly, immediately turns around, then saw a ray heads on, he quickly extends the blade to keep off, then at present a black anything does not know. 这教徒猛然大叫一声,立即转身,然后便见到了一道光芒扑面而来,他急忙伸刀去挡,然后眼前一黑就什么都不知道了。 But in the eye of Fang Linyan, after this believer blade broke out the king five, then turns away from the king five, to side overtaking in a hurry. 而在方林岩的眼中,这教徒一刀劈开了王五之后,便背对王五,对着旁边匆匆的赶了过去。 At this time, the king five aimed at him instead to divide on a blade suddenly , this in king five hand the blade, were just divided was cut off most. 这时候,王五陡然就一刀对准了他反劈了过去,要知道,王五手中的这把刀,是刚刚被劈得断掉了大半的啊。 This blade just divided, silent, as if murmur brook, light rain sleek/moist dust, silently, 这一刀刚刚劈出去的时候,无声无息,仿佛潺潺溪流,轻雨润尘,悄然无声, Until neared behind this believer time, this broke the blade thoroughly!! 直到抵近到了这教徒背后的时候,这把刀才咔嚓一声彻底断裂了开来!! But after, it becomes a breaking blade of being worthy of the reputation, this makes a great show of one's talents, kills intent to peel spits, a blade cuts to kill the opposite party! 可是,当它成为了一把名副其实的断刀之后,这才锋芒毕露,杀意剥吐,一刀将对方斩杀! Before going to Japan, king five, once prepares and person begins, is the wind and cloud is completely turbulent, as if a fierce descending the mountain tiger, roared to angrily roar, forestalls opponent by a show of strength. 在来到日本之前,王五一旦准备和人动手,完全是风云汹涌,仿佛一头凶猛的下山虎,咆哮怒吼,先声夺人。 However after the present king five goes to Japan, after the bloody battle, in the life and death battlefield several, is the point is reserved, washes the cosmetics. In personally experienced the multiple bad risks, witnessed after many good friends died in battle, comprehended the hole of Tibet character to decide! 但是现在的王五来到日本以后,历经血战,在生死战场上走了数遭,已是锋芒内敛,洗尽铅华。在亲身经历了多次凶险,目睹了多名好友战死以后,领悟到了“藏”字的窍决! He all killing intent, the strength has restrained most core at this time, at times exercises to whet. Before Fang Linyan, looks that the king five entire journey make a move, after closing the eye, as if saw a palatial great mountain ridge, the mountain ridge trend is vast and hazy, the trees are luxuriant, breeze slow to come, leaf big wave is intermittent, seems like very gentle. 他此时已经将所有的杀意,力量收敛到了最核心当中,时时锻炼磨砺。方林岩之前看着王五的全程出手,闭上眼睛之后,就仿佛看到了一座巍峨博大的山岭,山岭走势莽莽苍苍,树木蓊郁,微风徐来,还有叶涛阵阵,看似十分平和。 Only then cuts that flash of killing in the king five blades, has peeped to bend down for a long time fierce tiger to roar, in the middle of the bush of cover from the mountain jumps out, does a lot of talking to suck the blood, crazy fierce fierce, however kills people ominously! 只有在王五出刀斩杀的那一瞬间,一头早就窥伏已久的猛虎才咆哮了一声,才从山中茂密的灌木当中窜出,磨牙吮血,狂猛狰狞,凶然杀人! When is the blade most fearful? 刀在什么时候最可怕? This is the king five practices the blade the first day, his master asked that his issue, the king five then answers were, that flash that the blade will be cutting was most fearful. 这是王五练刀的第一天,他的师父问他的问题,王五当时的答案是,刀在将斩下的那一瞬间最可怕。 Heard his reply, the master said that he has the talent very much. 听到了他的回答,师父表示他很有天分。 However, if at this time the king five answered this issue, he can telling master without hesitation. 但是,此时若是王五来回答这个问题,他会毫不犹豫的告诉师父。 The blade in the sheath is most fearful. 刀在鞘中是最可怕的。
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