FE :: Volume #13

#1450: Frigid

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Chapter 1448 is frigid 第1448章惨烈 Because the point of blade was hidden at this time, no one can see, will therefore make the enemy lose was vigilant the heart. 因为此时刀的锋芒被藏了起来,根本就没有人能看见,因此就会让敌人失去了警惕之心。 Moreover, the point of blade, although is strong, is actually typical just may not be long, is the sharp point, more needs to hide and raise! 不仅如此,刀的锋芒虽然强,却是典型的刚不可久,越是锐利的锋芒,越是需要藏和养! Growth rate a person's among life and death is most astonishing, let alone in this foreign country, world-wide all enemy time, what experience is ten million people the bloody battlefield that preys on together. 一个人在生死之间的生长速度是最惊人的,何况还是在这异国他乡,举世皆敌的时候,经历的还是千万人在一起搏杀的血腥沙场。 Therefore, presents the sensibility of these big experts is extremely deep, is not only the king five, even is very arrogant, Li Ju who must maintain the grandmaster rack in middle is also having the huge change similarly unknowingly. 所以,在场这几名大高手的感悟都是极深的,不仅仅是王五,甚至就连十分高傲,要维持宗师架子的李沮同样也在不知不觉当中产生着巨大的改变。 When he was witnessing that Master stronger Eight Trigrams (gossip) gate Dong leaves behind carelessly, directly after several rows of foreign-made small arms make into the screen, then directly swallowed saliva, directly joined Fang Linyan to advocate strongly small team that established. 当他在目睹比自己更强的八卦门董师傅不慎落单,直接被几排洋枪打成筛子之后,便直接咽下了一口唾沫,直接加入到了方林岩力主建立的小团队当中。 At this time their small team has walked randomly in the surrounding, strikes to kill almost 78 Shintoism believers. But if several people separatedly independent combat, even if several masters, it is estimated that same has been injured heavily. 此时他们这个小团队已经在外围游走,击杀了差不多七八名神道教徒。但若是几人分开单打独斗的话,哪怕是几位宗师,估计一样已经受伤不轻了。 Do not look before them, cuts the deicide Taoism disciple looks very relaxed, that is because several people jointly attack jointly, and also makes the reason of game of opponent paralysis beforehand. 别看他们之前斩杀神道教徒看起来很轻松,那是因为几人联手合击,并且还事先做局麻痹对手的缘故。 Master Huo, Li Ju, king five, again in addition, although is not the grandmaster, the hidden weapon and qing gong have Li of grandmaster strength three, 霍师傅,李沮,王五,再加上一个虽然不是宗师,暗器和轻功都有宗师实力的李三, These four people kill people jointly also not the relaxed words, then the individual strength of killed person feared that must be close to the standard surface ceiling. 这四个人联手杀人都还不轻松的话,那么被杀的人的个人实力怕是要接近本位面的天花板了。 In fact these Shintoism believers long-distance altogether have the cult tactic attack, the close combat time fierce does not fear, even if suffocation time, but can also hug the person to use the technique of blood exploding directly, perishes together, is very hard to deal with. 实际上这些神道教徒远程共有邪术攻击,近战的时候悍不畏死,哪怕是奄奄一息的时候,还能抱着人直接施展血爆之术,与人同归于尽,十分难缠。 The expert of grandmaster level can the single deicide Taoism disciple, actually no means guarantee oneself can without injuring to strike to kill, let alone in fast changing battlefield. 宗师水准的高手能单杀神道教徒,却没办法保证自己就能无伤击杀,更何况还是在瞬息万变的战场上。 End of Qing big expert journey Tinghua was also the expert of grandmaster rank, and also the right prime of life, was skilled in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) gate roaming to fight the step, same poured under the volley of Eight-Nation Alliance. 清末的大高手程庭华也是宗师级别的高手,并且还正当盛年,精通八卦门的游斗步伐,一样倒在了八国联军的排枪下。 The Baishi United Shintoism believer almost 50-60 people, after joining the Nagasaki street fighting, had killed almost more than 200 Russian soldiers, but they also died about 40 people. 白石联队当中的神道教教徒差不多有50-60人,加入到了长崎巷战当中之后,已经足足杀死了差不多两百多名俄国士兵,而他们也死了四十人左右。 After removing Shintoism believer who Fang Linyan their small teams cut to kill, almost one Shintoism believer, needs the Russian to use six elite soldiers to exchange, moreover this is in the battlefield, obviously of this group of fellow strengths. 去掉方林岩他们这个小团队斩杀的神道教徒之后,差不多一个神道教徒,就需要俄国人这边用六个精锐士兵来交换,而且这还是在战场上啊,可见这帮家伙实力之强。 If not for the Chinese businessman dispatched a group of guard manpower to come urgently, could not do well must direct broken be encircled by Shintoism believer surprise-attack forces, then the surplus Shintoism believers attacked the headquarters, brought the massive loss to the Russian. 若不是华商这边紧急调遣了一批护卫人手过来,搞不好就要被神道教徒这一支奇兵直接破围,然后剩余的神道教教徒直攻指挥部,给俄国人带来巨大的损失了。 *** *** “呼” Fang Linyan is clenching teeth, thrust aside a corpse, was then convenient to puncture the plundering food tooth on his chest to pull out. 方林岩咬着牙,用力推开了身上的一具尸体,然后顺手将刺在其胸口上的掠食之牙拔了出来。 Immediately, blood spraying, splashing the Fang Linyan half body is, shaking that but he does not care at all, wiped a face then to stand strenuously. 顿时,鲜血喷射而出,溅了方林岩半边身体都是,但他满不在乎的甩甩头,抹了一把脸然后吃力的站了起来。 In the middle in nearby ruins is is also thin crash-bang a chaotic sound, the king five and Li Ju from the house of collapsing also touched, two people look dirtily very distressed, is good sends because of the Japanese here earthquake frequency, therefore the construction characteristics are the multipurpose bamboos, paper material, what art is light thin is the lord, therefore received some flesh wounds. 紧接着,旁边的废墟当中也是“稀里哗啦”一阵乱响,王五和李沮两人从坍塌的房屋里面也摸了出来,两人看着灰头土脸的十分狼狈,好在日本这边地震频发,所以建筑特点乃是多用竹,纸材料,讲究的是“轻”“薄”为主,所以只是受到了一些外伤。 Some people seem so distressed, because Baishi United is not the fuel-efficient lamp, accurate, opposite space soldier is also cruel and merciless, after detecting game is as good as lost, to avoid the Russian while winning the pursuit, causes to be annihilated, therefore sent out more than 200 kamikaze warrior to bring up the rear. 一干人之所以显得如此狼狈,还是因为白石联队这边也不是省油的灯,准确的来说,对面的空间战士也是心狠手辣,发觉大势已去之后,为了避免俄国人趁胜追击,导致全军覆没,因此又派出了两百多名“神风武士”断后。 This more than 200 people were filled secret medicine of Shintoism, turned numbly, only knows puppet who command prompt, the death to them is completely an extrication, the key is, their bodies tied the arms large number of bombs, the Russian of pursuit were suffering the big hardship before this fellows. 这两百多人都是被灌下了神道教的秘药,变成了麻木不仁,只知道服从命令的傀儡,死亡对他们来说完全是一种解脱,关键是,他们身上绑着大量炸弹,追击的俄国人就在这帮家伙面前吃了大苦头。 Since used this move, Fang Linyan this group of people also turned into opposite key strike target. At least 20-30 kamikaze warrior takes place of the fallen to clash to here, thanks to Fang Linyan prompt through unmanned aerial vehicle, discovered enemy eye, that impressively is a crow. 既然动用了这一招,方林岩这帮人也变成了对面的重点打击对象。至少20-30名“神风武士”前仆后继对这边冲过来,多亏方林岩及时通过无人机,发现了敌人的“眼睛”,那赫然是一只乌鸦。 The good Fang Linyan prompt discovery, used the dark gold/metal weapon 38 big to cover a spear/gun to wipe out this crow, causing these kamikaze warriors to turn into the headless fly all of a sudden, otherwise they greatly were troublesome. 还好方林岩及时发现,利用暗金武器三八大盖一枪打掉了这只乌鸦,导致那些神风武士一下子就变成了无头苍蝇,否则的话他们就有大麻烦了。 Nevertheless, to these kamikaze warriors also made the huge trouble, their present distressed appearances also do obeisance its bestow. 尽管这样,冲过来的这些神风武士也造成了巨大的麻烦,他们现在的狼狈模样也是拜其所赐的。 Quick, Master Huo and Li three were also rescued from nearby ruins, at this time several people are the body are wounded. 很快的,霍师傅和李三也从旁边的废墟里面被救了出来,此时几人都是身上带伤。 Li three injuries are most serious, the beforehand chest old wound has not healed, what result good skillful unfortunately was the contracting place comes all of a sudden, the complexion pain to turn white at this time. 这其中李三的伤势最重,之前的胸口旧伤还没有愈合,结果好巧不巧的是患处又被来了一下子,此时脸色都痛得发了白。 At this time the large-scale fight does not have, the sporadic sound of gunfire is still resounding unceasingly, it can be said that the victory and defeat has decided that this fought a native of Tsarist Russia the casualty to be extremely heavy, was mainly the casualties that Nicolas this fellow brought to rush to deliver goods to the doorstep time that to cause hand/subordinate on own initiative. 这时候大规模的战斗已经没有了,只有零星的枪声还在不断响起,可以说是胜负已定,这一战沙俄人这边死伤极重,主要就是尼古拉斯这家伙带着手下主动冲上去送货上门那一次造成的伤亡。 Was attacked ruthlessly painful Russian after getting winning side, was displays unprecedented cruel and crazy, spared nothing to nip the person in Baishi United to pursue stubbornly, even if were faced bringing up the rear kamikaze warrior such terrifying monster, same was fearless. 被狠狠打痛了的俄国人在占据了上风之后,也是表现出了前所未有的暴戾和疯狂,不惜代价的咬着白石联队的人死死追击,哪怕是面对断后的“神风武士”这样的恐怖怪物,也一样是无所畏惧。 The final result without doubt is quite frigid, in the middle of the entire Baishi United, only had 400-500 people can hear the hometown and singing sound at most again, these 400-500 people even must including fall behind on the way cannot follow more than 200 people of large unit. 最后的结果无疑是相当惨烈的,整个白石联队当中,顶多只有400-500人能再听到故乡的和歌声了,这400-500人甚至还要包括途中掉队没能跟上大部队的两百多人。 But the Russian of pursuit because of the kamikaze warrior, Shintoism god officer abnormal existence, withstood the huge battle loss similarly again. 而追击的俄国人因为神风武士,神道教神官这种变态的存在,同样也是再次承受了巨大的战损。 The fight nationality, crazy is the instinct, after loss and so on was A in the past considered. 战斗民族嘛,狂化乃是本能,至于损失之类的都是A过去之后再考虑。 Regarding this Fang Linyan without said anything, because he knows that said also invalid, since Nicolas brings own subordinate is bringing death, expeditionary force here strength would have no on own initiative to other Japanese cities to initiate the possibility of attack. 对此方林岩没有多说什么,因为他知道说了也无效,而且自从尼古拉斯带着自己的部下去送死以后,远征军这边的实力也就没有了主动对其余的日本城市发起攻击的可能。 Such being the case, Russian do not care about their casualties, oneself also being disinclined managed such bird matter. 既然如此,俄国人自家都不在乎自家的伤亡,自己也懒得管这样的鸟事了。 After several people support by the arm mutually was returning to the camp, their distressed appearances make one have a scare, particularly Zheng That side person, a series was calling makes one bring to treat the wound. 几人相互搀扶着回到了营地之后,他们的狼狈模样还是让人吓了一跳,尤其是郑家那边的人,一连串的吆喝着让人带着去治伤。 After an inspection, Fang Linyan blood are many, but overwhelming majority are others, as for silt azure abrasion and so on small wound was needless saying that what making him puzzle was the index finger of right hand is pounded by the stick ruthlessly, now has swollen the carrot to be the same, looked affects the activity very much. 一番检查之后,方林岩身上鲜血很多,但绝大部分都是别人的,至于淤青擦伤之类的小伤就不用说了,让他困扰的是右手的食指被棍子狠狠砸了一下,现在已经肿成了胡萝卜一样,看起来都很是影响活动。 In the treatment, Fang Linyan direct heavy went off, to manipulating, this rests is almost 34 hours. 在治疗当中,方林岩就直接沉沉睡去了,任由摆弄,这一睡就是差不多三四个小时。 In the dimness, Fang Linyan felt that the injured finger was being manipulated, then narrowed the eye to look. The result detected and changes a doctor to come, and was black and thin, but also was very diminutive, saw oneself looked, immediately came 90 degrees depth to bow, then feared and humble say/way: 在朦胧当中,方林岩感觉到自己受伤的手指正在被摆弄着,便眯缝着眼睛看了看。结果发觉又换了个医生过来,并且又黑又瘦,还十分矮小,一见到自己看了过来,立即就来了个90度的深鞠躬,然后恐惧而谦卑的道: Your excellency of respect, below is the Shibasaki friends one, is honored for your excellency finger very much conducts the diagnosis treatment, if made the pain carelessly your excellency, then please must forgive.” “尊敬的阁下,在下乃是柴崎友一,很荣幸为阁下的手指进行诊断治疗,如果不慎弄痛了阁下的话,那么请务必宽宥。” Nearby Russian force military doctor also said that the medical skill of this Japanese local man (Han) medicine was good, was skilled to the treatment of flesh wound especially, has treated and cured the wounded person of dozens traumatic injuries, therefore asked him to come to be Fang Linyan treats especially. 旁边的俄军军医也解释说,这个日本本地的汉医的医术还是不错的,对外伤的治疗尤其精通,已经救治了几十名跌打损伤的伤员,所以请他来特地为方林岩进行治疗。 After giving Fang Linyan conducted a detailed inspection, the Shibasaki friends caught several large leech, then made him lie in the finger swelling place blood sucking of Fang Linyan, this method of treatment looked very frightened, the effect was actually good, quick relieved the Fang Linyan pain. 在给方林岩进行了一番详细的检查之后,柴崎友一抓来了几条肥大的蚂蟥,然后让其趴在了方林岩的手指肿胀处吸血,这治疗方法看起来十分惊悚,效果却是奇佳,很快就缓解了方林岩的疼痛。 Because the wounded person are too really many, therefore the doctor was busy at work, left behind a Fang Linyan person to continue drowsily in this, has not expected several minutes later, nearby pushing sliding door was entrained directly, walked a person. 因为伤员实在太多,所以医生就忙活去了,留下了方林岩一个人在这继续昏昏欲睡,没料到过了几分钟,旁边的推拉门直接被拽开,走进来了一个人。 This person Fang Linyan has not thought, unexpectedly is Lyubushin, that country character face grows seems like female Cossack of man! She seemingly has no flesh wound at this time, but the complexion is actually exceptionally pale, looks at Fang Linyan saying: 这个人方林岩都没有想到,居然是柳德米拉,那个国字脸长得很像是男人的女哥萨克!她此时看起来没有什么外伤,但脸色却是异常苍白,看着方林岩道: You know that military officer that side some people have been establishing contacts now, lost the serious responsibility to frame much this fight on your body, like this caused that side the military to be big to your opinion.” “你知道吗,现在军官那边有人一直在串连,将这一次战斗损失惨重的责任罗织了不少在你的身上,这样导致军方那边对你的意见非常大。” Fang Linyan stayed, then said with a smile: 方林岩呆了呆,然后一笑道: If I have not guessed that wrong, should the person who does this matter be Roman Satsuo?” “若我没有猜错的话,做这件事的人应该是罗曼萨夫吧?” Lyubushin gawked saying: 柳德米拉愣了愣道: „Does you know?” “伱知道?” Fang Linyan actually does not know, he is that guesses blindly. 方林岩其实并不知道,他是盲猜的这一手。 But actually thinks can infer, then the expeditionary force had been hit remnantly, was almost impossible to have what decisive fight. 但其实想一想就能推断出来,接下来远征军已经被打残,几乎不可能有什么决定性的战斗了。 That this time Roman Satsuo( cayenne mister) did not use advantage on the status to do something, made short rope/obstruction that blame to Fang Linyan, among two people after all no friendship, was the interest relations of red fruits. 那这个时候罗曼萨夫(卡宴先生)不利用自己身份上的优势来做些事,给方林岩使点绊子那才是怪了,两人之间毕竟没什么交情,都是红果果的利益关系。 Moreover the information that according to Fang Linyan attains indicated, in a war with Baishi United, Roman Satsuo also suffers a loss, his direct descendant subordinate, that group of Northeast mounted bandits first suffered the surprise attacks of several Shintoism believers, was killed the damaging severely vitality. 而且根据方林岩拿到的情报显示,在与白石联队的一战当中,罗曼萨夫也吃了大亏,他的嫡系手下,那群东北马匪先是遭受到了几名神道教徒的突袭,就被杀得大伤元气。 Then in evacuation, runs into the kamikaze warrior who fierce did not fear, finally only then few 56 people escaped the birth day. 接下来在撤离的时候,又遇到了悍不畏死的神风武士,最后只有寥寥五六人逃出生天。 Strength sharp drop that Roman Satsuo on grasps at this time, if naturally wants the means to strive for the right to speak in other aspects. 罗曼萨夫此时手上掌握的力量大幅度下降,当然要想办法在其余的方面争夺话语权了。 However if the theory manipulates strategically Fang Linyan also not to fear anyone, Roman Satsuo can seek for the Russian internal support, is own Chinese status false? 不过若论勾心斗角方林岩同样也没有怕过谁,罗曼萨夫能寻找俄国人内部的支持,难道自己的华人身份是假的? If said that the Russian grasped the strength, then the Chinese is grasping the wealth! 若说俄国人这边掌握了力量的话,那么华人这边就掌握着财富!
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