FE :: Volume #13

#1448: The pig attacks suddenly

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Chapter 1446 pig attacks suddenly 第1446章猪突袭击 At this time, Oleg also called the military officer neat, three people who in addition Fedor brought, basically gathered the expeditionary force medium high level. 这时候,奥列格也是将军官叫齐了,再加上费多尔带来的三个人,基本上就将远征军内部的中高层集合到了一起。 After Fang Linyan sees the person came neat, then very simple say/way: 方林岩见到人来齐了之后,便很干脆的道: I must first tell great news.” “我先要告诉各位一个大好消息。” The people are very depressed at this time, hear great news four characters, is the spirit shakes, is hopeful. 众人此时都十分沮丧,听到“大好消息”四个字,也是精神一震,充满期待。 Fang Linyan rubbish: 方林岩也不废话: „The navy of Japanese attacks Nagasaki naval port matter, is false.” “日本人的海军袭击长崎军港这件事,是假的。” Without a doubt, his these words stirred the controversy all of a sudden, most people complexion is quite shocking, but quick displayed loosely long air/Qi feeling relieved appearance. 毫无疑问,他这句话一下子就引起了轩然大波,大部分人脸色都是相当震惊,不过很快就表现出了“松了一口长气”“如释重负”的样子。 Fang Linyan observed complexion of people, determined that they digest the news that oneself brought, then say/way slowly: 方林岩观察了一下众人的脸色,确定他们消化了自己带来的这个消息,然后才徐徐的道: I believe, in heart has a question, why that is I must compile such a false news.” “我相信,各位心里面都有一个疑问,那就是我为什么要编造这么一个假消息。” Then I only want to ask everyone, everyone please think well, if I have not compiled this news, then what happened?” “那么我只想反问一句大家,各位请好好想一想,如果我没有编造这个消息,那么接下来会发生什么事情?” The derived inquiry of Fang Linyan, spoke in the key of issue all of a sudden, many people frown immediately, then thought following the Fang Linyan words, then startles shivers spirit. 方林岩的这种诱导式的提问,一下子就说到了问题的关键上,不少人立即就皱起了眉头,然后顺着方林岩的话想了下去,然后激灵灵打了个冷颤。 Obviously, Fang Linyan issue only then an answer, that is the entire expeditionary force brings rushing by Nicolas and Shoigu, then all extinguishes! 很显然,方林岩的问题就只有一个答案,那就是整个远征军都被尼古拉斯和绍伊古带着冲上去,然后全灭! Oleg is a sensible person, very simple said to Fang Linyan: 奥列格是个明白人,很干脆的就对方林岩道: Your approach does not have the issue, traded my words, I can also make the similar choice with you.” “你的做法没有问题,换了我的话,我也会和你做出同样的选择。” Fang Linyan nods, then while also no one topic shifts to the Shoigu head large package the time, shifts the topic again: 方林岩点点头,然后趁着还没有人将话题转移到绍伊古头上的大包的时候,再次转移话题道: What therefore I want to say that although now we suffered the small setback, but is not anything. Haven't you detected the weakness of front these Japanese? So long as we, still die slightly earnestly competently front this group of young devils!” “所以我想说的是,现在我们虽然遭受到了一点小小的挫折,但并不算什么。你们难道没有发觉面前这些日本人的弱点吗?只要我们稍微认真一点,依然能干死面前这帮小鬼子!” The bar essence appears again, naturally was Fedor, moreover he dreaded Shoigu's aristocrat status, did not fear Fang Linyan, very simple say/way: 杠精再次出现,当然就是费多尔了,而且他畏惧绍伊古的贵族身份,可不怕方林岩,很干脆的道: Sorry, I have not looked at the weakness of opposite Japanese!” “抱歉,我可没有看出来对面的日本人的弱点!” Fang Linyan is his these words, sighs: 方林岩等的就是他这句话,叹了一口气道: In front of us the weakness of this Baishi United was really many, I said several casually.” “我们面前这支白石联队的弱点实在是太多了,我就随便说几个吧。” First, their exercise cannoneers are the unripe melon spherical object, you do not look completely their artillery hits very ruthlessly, but actually few people discovered, in situation that in we have not counterattacked, opposite artillery unexpectedly from exploding three! Now is still braving the black smoke!” “第一,他们的操炮手全部都是生瓜蛋子,伱别看他们炮打得挺狠的,但是却很少有人发现,在我们没有还击的情况下,对面的火炮居然自炸了三门!现在都还在冒着黑烟!” Second, they make a long and wearisome journey, come from far away, before hit very happily to our people, these rookies actually forgot a matter, their logistics military baggage could not follow! According to my survey, the beforehand that exchange of fire, should wipe out their most ammunition reserves.” “第二,他们长途跋涉,远道而来,之前冲着我们的人打得挺开心的,这些菜鸟却忘记了一件事,他们的后勤辎重根本就跟不上了!根据我的测算,之前的那一次交火,应该打掉了他们大部分的弹药储备。” Third, you do not know to detect, when the final hand-to-hand fighting, the opposite party to/clashes is almost scattered in disorder formation, could not see the formation completely, if were not our person casualties were too at that time heavy, and Nicolas simply has not directed, at that time can make them eat to owe greatly!” “第三,你们不知道有没有发觉,在最后的白刃战的时候,对方冲上来几乎是散乱阵型的,完全看不出队列了,如果不是当时咱们的人伤亡太重,并且尼古拉斯根本没有指挥,当时就能让他们吃个大亏!” Others are listening to the analysis of Fang Linyan, immediately gawks, pondered that detected probably also is really that a matter? 其余的人听着方林岩的分析,顿时为之一楞,细想一下发觉好像还真的是那么回事呢? At this time, side Fedor stood suddenly a humanity: 这时候,费多尔身边突然站出来了一个人道: He said right, but also leaked a point.” “他说得没错,不过还漏了一点。” This person speech, Fang Linyan is startled immediately, immediately looked. 这个人一说话,方林岩顿时就吃了一惊,立即看了过去。 Originally she unexpectedly is a woman! But at first glance, this woman is robust, quite tall and strong, outside lengthened one country character face, in addition the head also wears a hat, really seems like with the woman hangs not Shanggou. 原来她竟然是个女人!而从外表看来,这女人虎背熊腰,相当魁梧,外加长了一张“国”字脸,加上头上还戴着一顶帽子,真的看起来和女人挂不上沟。 But this woman speech, others seem like not unexpectedly accidental, but also respects. 而这女人一说话,其余的人看起来居然都并不意外,还十分尊重。 Fang Linyan realized immediately this woman is not simple, access road/simply said: 方林岩立即意识到这女人不简单,便道: „, What also leaked?” “哦,还漏了什么?” This woman said with the low and deep and hoarse sound: 这女人用低沉而嘶哑的声音道: Japanese just opened fire fortunately a little, but behind became one piece directly randomly.” “日本人刚开枪的时候还好一点儿,但后面就直接乱成一片了。” Those present were the slippery customers, one hear of her words understood what meaning. 在场的人都是老油条了,一听她的话就明白什么意思。 Now what the army is popular is the volley, is the well-trained army, the sound of gunfire in opening fire is neat, several hundred people touch off the trigger simultaneously, the sound of gunfire sounds actually only then a sound, at that time was sharpest. 现在军队流行的是排枪,越是训练有素的军队,在开火的时候枪声就越是整齐,几百人同时扣动扳机,枪声听起来却只有一响,在当时就是最精锐的了。 But hits is hitting the sound of gunfire large expanse of only to explain two possibilities continually, first usually trains rarely, the raining effect is very bad, the soldier fills the speed of bullet to have slow quickly, second is the rifle has the issue, hits two spears/guns met jamming or smelly child breakdown. 而打着打着枪声连成片则只能说明两个可能,第一平时训练很少,训练效果很糟糕,士兵填装子弹的速度有快有慢,第二就是步枪有问题,打两枪就遇到了“卡壳”或者“臭子儿”的故障。 This woman then also said: 这女人接着又道: Although the Japanese the issue is many, however their attack levels are strong, first bombs, then the land mine explodes, has wiped out we less than half person directly, what is more important, the hand-to-hand fighting of opposite party is fierce, should be the hearsay Japanese warrior, even I eight people who notice an appearance not outstanding small fellow to massacre Cossack Guard directly, and oneself return safe and sound unexpectedly!” “尽管日本人这边问题多多,但是他们的攻击层次非常强,先炮击,然后地雷炸,直接就已经打掉了我们一小半的人,更重要的是,对方的白刃战非常厉害,应该就是传闻当中的日本武士,甚至我注意到一个貌不出众的小个子直接杀掉了哥萨克卫队的八个人,并且自身居然毫发无伤!” When she spoke, Fang Linyan has inquired her related news, is called Lyubushin, it is said was raised by the female wolf, after being grown, had the space in Cossack mounted bandit, ominous clear. 在她说话的时候,方林岩已经打探到了她的相关消息,叫做柳德米拉,据说是被母狼养大的,成年之后就在哥萨克马匪当中有了一席之地,凶名昭著。 At this point, Lyubushin looked at Fang Linyan one , to continue saying: 说到这里,柳德米拉看了方林岩一眼,继续道: I suspected very much, these skill very excel Japan warriors who in the middle of the hand-to-hand fighting present, grasped these people of mysterious strength to be similar to the Chinese, cope with their best ways, pulls open the distance concentrated fire power strafe.” “我很怀疑,白刃战当中出现的这些身手十分高强的日本武士,与中国人当中掌握了神秘力量的那些人类似,对付他们的最好办法,就是拉开距离集中火力扫射。” At this time saw that some people support oneself viewpoint, and can also discover the recent argument, Fang Linyan supports to say immediately: 此时见到有人支持自己的观点,并且还能找出新的论据,方林岩立即支持道: Really, continued I alone to notice the Japanese here issue, believes that everyone has also looked, but was first said by me, therefore, I suggest now on the decided next step battle plan.” “果然,不止我一个人注意到了日本人这边的问题,相信各位也早就看出来了,只是被我抢先说出来了,所以,我建议现在就敲定下一步的战斗计划。” Because to be honest, me thought that beforehand Mr. Shoigu and Nicolas are in the middle of not the normal condition, Mr. Nicolas does not have the means to speak actually again, words that if Mr. Shoigu wakes up. That was not easy to do.” “因为说实话,我觉得之前的绍伊古先生和尼古拉斯都处于不正常的状态当中,尼古拉斯先生倒是没有办法再说话,万一绍伊古先生醒来的话.那就不大好办了。” Fang Linyan front words no one hear, but the behind those words had a point all of a sudden, spoke of their concealed worry place. 方林岩前面的话没什么人听,但是后面那句话却一下子说到了点子上,也说到了他们的隐忧处。 Yes, if Shoigu wakes, what to do but can also lead us to bring death?” “是啊,万一绍伊古醒过来,还要带着我们去送死怎么办?” Immediately, the entire team revolved in the extremely efficient way! But those present are the old birds, Oleg who theoretically can decide temperate, is suiting this joint situation, therefore quick drew up a battle plan, then in a hurry execution. 顿时,整个团队以极高效的方式运转了起来!而在场的人都是老鸟,理论上能拍板的奥列格又性格温和,正适合这种群策群力的场合,所以很快就制订出了一个战斗计划,然后匆匆的执行了下去。 Quick, the expeditionary force the probably 200-300 people retreated toward Nagasaki, because among this group of people the reason of seemingly quite a lot wounded person, therefore the Japanese thinks little, thought that this is the normal operation. 很快的,远征军这边大概有200-300人就朝着长崎市区里面撤退了回去,因为这帮人当中看起来颇多伤员的缘故,所以日本人不以为意,觉得这是正常的操作。 However after crossing for five minutes, withdrew 400 people, the Japanese starts to think that some were not right, but now is very obvious, defends stubbornly the trap, waits for the Russian stupid pig directly to clash to bring death the Japanese forces internal mainstream opinion, therefore continues to wait and see. 但是过了五分钟之后,又撤走了四百人,日本人开始觉得有些不大对劲了,但现在很明显,固守陷阱,等待俄国蠢猪直接冲上来送死还是日军内部的主流意见,所以还是继续观望。 Then crossed for a half hour, Japanese here started to be somewhat anxious, why hasn't the Russian flushed to bring death? 接下来又过了半个小时,日本人这边开始有些焦躁了,为什么俄国人还不冲上来送死呢? Then the show operated, as sudden raising of several rounds of signal flares, at this time frontline almost surplus several hundred Russians, were shouting simultaneously ran away to go toward the rear area! Looks like defeated and dispersed to be the same evidently directly. 然后骚操作来了,随着几发信号弹的突然升起,此时前线差不多剩余下来的几百名俄国人,同时大喊着朝着后方逃窜而去!看样子就像是直接溃散一样。 Saw this appearance, has also waited for the anxious Japanese is fierce quickly grasping the meaning of something, however the mechanical upper and lower layer system lets them only to wait for the above order. 见到了这模样,早就等待得焦躁不安的日本人也是猛的一激灵,但是刻板的上下级制度让他们只能等待着上面的命令。 After the Japanese military officer high level also started a vigorous discussion at this time, most people think that the Russian the demoralization, has started to travel, therefore then issued the order of charge, and is most extremely arrogant pig suddenly tactic. 日本军官高层此时也展开了一番激烈的讨论以后,大部分人都认为俄国人已经士气崩溃,开始跑路,于是便下达了冲锋的命令,并且还是最狂妄的“猪突”战术。 So-called pig suddenly tactic, translating is blind several former to/clashes, a group of soldier brings the weapon to face forward to dash about wildly on the line. 所谓的“猪突”战术,翻译过来就是“瞎几把前冲”,一大群士兵带着武器朝前狂奔就行。 However, after discovering the Russian evacuates, under reports high-level here need 34 minutes, but the Japanese forces high level argued 34 minutes, then issues the instruction to the soldier, before the soldier is ready again to/clashes, that at least also takes five minutes. 不过,发现俄国人撤离之后,下方汇报到高层这里需要三四分钟的时间,而日军高层争论了三四分钟,然后再对士兵下达指令,士兵再做好准备前冲,那至少也要五分钟。 Therefore, the Russian at least has ten minutes of first escaping cushion time at this time, then considers the battlefield distance between both sides, therefore, displays pig the Japanese forces of tactic at least to need to run almost more than 1000 meters to be able suddenly to expel. 因此,俄国人这时候至少已经有十分钟的先逃缓冲时间,再考虑到双方之间的战场距离,所以,施展“猪突”战术的日军至少要奔跑差不多一千多米才能撵上去。 But makes such supposition premise, establishes after the Japanese forces embark, the Russian stopped the footsteps immediately, in foundation that no longer runs away, if calculates on the Russian running away speed again, sorry, the author past math teacher kidney of empty, therefore the author could not calculate. 而做出这样的假设前提,是建立在日军出发之后,俄国人立即停下了脚步,不再逃走的基础上,如果再计算上俄国人逃走速度的话,抱歉,作者当年的数学老师肾虚,所以作者算不出来了。 In brief, the Japanese forces then pursued crazily, then after they broke in the Russian force position, came a pleasant surprise directly! 总之,日军接着就疯狂的追了上来,然后他们冲入到了俄军阵地当中之后,直接就来了个惊喜! Rumbling rumbling!!” “轰轰轰轰轰!!” Land mine! 地雷阵! Before Nicolas had the treatment that one group of Europeans are rushing to enjoy, the Japanese was left intact also enjoyed, and land mine was products imported intact that Japan made- this defensive weapons Fang Linyan their direct marine transportation will certainly not occupy the freight charge, but was searches for directly from the warehouse in Nagasaki. 之前尼古拉斯带着一群老毛子冲上去享受到的待遇,日本人原封不动的也享受到了,并且连地雷都是日本这边弄来的原装货-这种防御性武器方林岩他们当然不会直接海运过来占据船力,而是直接从长崎的仓库里面搜来的。 This time Nagasaki in the position of Japan, north / on / the position of broad random city with the present to China was similar, the trivial land mine can definitely do. 这个时代长崎在日本的地位,就和现在北/上/广任意一座城市对中国的地位类似了,区区地雷肯定是能搞来的。 Also was this time time press, the front Russian manpower work was also coarse, the present land mine precision is not high, otherwise, this group of pig Japanese suddenly feared that was must be killed 1/3 at the scene. 也是这时候时间紧迫,前方的俄国人手活儿又糙,现在的地雷精度也不高,否则的话,这帮猪突的日本人怕是当场就要被炸死三分之一。 For all this, was exploded after by this round of land mine is dirty, the group of Japanese in Baishi United are still treading the gunsmoke, was shouting kills, before continuing to/clashes, was what gave them the so huge courage? 尽管如此,被这一轮地雷炸得灰头土脸之后,白石联队的这帮日本人依然踏着硝烟,大喊着“杀给给”,继续前冲,是什么给了他们如此巨大的勇气呢? Naturally is the emperor, naturally is the Samurai spirit, naturally was the glory of soldier is embarrassed I unable to arrange. 当然是天皇阁下,当然是武士道精神,当然是军人的荣耀不好意思我编不下去了。 Supports them to continue to pursue the charge, is front runs away distressedly, the back of Russian seemingly is defeated- You looked that these put on a high and mighty act Russian probably pitiful rabbits are the same, was running away to us the buttocks directly, don't the soldiers in Empire of Japan pursuing the courage of enemy have? 支撑他们继续追击冲锋的,是前方狼狈逃走,看起来丢盔弃甲的俄国人的背影--你看这些趾高气昂的俄国人都像是可怜的兔子一样,将屁股对着我们直接逃走了,难道大日本帝国的军人连追击敌人的勇气都没有吗? Therefore, is a full chase war- naturally, this is in the eyes of Japanese forces military officer. 所以,接下来就是一场酣畅淋漓的追逐战-当然,这是在日军将领的眼里面。 This Baishi United dispatches to carry out pig suddenly tactic, enough over 3000 soldiers, surplus was the old, weak, sick, and disabled, after all pig suddenly the core element of tactic was a huge crowd, counter-balanced the fire superiority of opposite party with the advantage of population, served the purpose of instantaneous broken enemy. 这一次白石联队派遣出去执行“猪突”战术的,足足超过三千名士兵,剩余下来的都是老弱病残了,毕竟“猪突”战术的核心要素就是人海,用人数的优势来抵消对方的火力优势,达到瞬间破敌的目的。 Quick, a Japanese forces soldier of a group of panting pursued into the Nagasaki city, they have not known what oneself must face was what aspect, because instead reduced to yell with the distance of Russian rapidly excitedly: 很快的,一大群气喘吁吁的日军士兵就追入到了长崎城当中,他们还不知道自己要面对的是什么局面,反而因为与俄国人的距离迅速缩短而兴奋喊叫了起来: „The Empire of Japan military transports/fortunes prosperously!” “大日本帝国武运昌隆!” Routs this group of Russians who eat the horse dung!” “击溃这帮吃马粪的俄国人!” Gentlemen, make a name for oneself today!” “诸君,功成名就就在今日!” Who cuts the enemy head to be most, tonight must please drink the rushing current to offer a sacrifice to( clear wine).” “谁斩下敌人头颅最多的,今晚要请喝濑祭(清酒)。” I must try the blade with the body of Russian, my family/home spreading reputation blade certainly is four torso famous articles!” “我要用俄国人的尸体来试刀,我这把家传名刀一定是四胴名器!” „.” “.” After they are nipping the tail of Russian continued to pursue more than 300 meters, distance of both sides was getting more and more near, only then 30-40 meters, the front heard sharp incomparable sound of whistle suddenly, ran away suddenly the distressed incomparable that group of Russians toward the two sides one on the left and other on the right divided to continue to run away. 当他们咬着俄国人的尾巴继续追出了三百多米之后,双方的距离越来越近了,只有30-40米,前方突然传来了一声尖锐无比的哨子声,逃窜得狼狈无比的那群俄国人忽然朝着两边一左一右的分了开来继续逃窜。 Several Russians seemed like too tired to move any further, first threw toward side the rifle, then lay toward the ground directly, then both hands held to tumble several to roll up. 有几个俄国人看起来实在跑不动了,先将步枪朝着旁边一扔,然后直接就往地上一趴,然后双手抱头翻滚了几下蜷缩了起来。 The group of Japanese soldiers who following pursue were shocked, then laughed wildly in abundance, they fought so many years wars, thought that the first time is really saw such show operation! 后面追击的这帮日本士兵都惊呆了,然后纷纷狂笑了起来,他们打了这么多年的仗,觉得真是第一次见到这样的骚操作! You said that the opposite party this was the surrender, has not actually raised both hands, you said that he did want to continue to resist stubbornly? Even the weapon lost, with buttocks to oneself? 你说对方这是投降了吧,却又没有举起双手,你说他想要继续顽抗呢?连武器都丢了,拿屁股对着自己? Appearance dreadful Japanese forces ran pant, finally looks that several Russian guys lie, with the big ass to oneself, was having a bold idea immediately, could not bear putting out a hand flexure the pants crotch. 一名长相猥琐的日军本来跑得气喘吁吁的,结果看着几个俄国大汉趴下来,拿大腚对着自己,顿时产生了一个大胆的想法,忍不住伸手挠了挠裤裆. However, with the front two horse-drawn vehicles by crude moving out of the way, two Gatling appeared in their line of sight impressively, this group of Japanese soldiers have not responded, Gatling's barrel has started to emit the long flame! 不过,随着前方的两架马车被粗暴的挪开,两架加特林赫然出现在了他们的视线当中,这帮日本士兵还没有反应过来,加特林的枪管就已经开始喷吐出了长长的火焰! But Gatling fires, in the middle of street two sides house, stretched out the pitch-dark muzzle simultaneously, then opens fire!! Directly formed the most fearful cross fire network. 而加特林一打响,街道两边房屋当中,也是同时伸出了黑洞洞的枪口,然后一齐开火!!直接就形成了最可怕的交叉火力网。 At this time conducts the main body of ambush, is advances that 600-700 people of withdrawal to constitute, although the population are few, the weapon firepower that but disposes is actually quite powerful. 此时进行伏击的主体,就是先行撤走的那600-700人构成的,他们虽然人数较少,可是配置的武器火力却是相当强悍。 Weapon that because they carry, after is gathered all weapons of entire expeditionary force, again direct ration, 因为他们携带的武器,乃是集合了整个远征军的所有武器后,再直接配给的, Was ordered that group of people who remain behind is also glad to carry out this order- the brothers, because front withdraw carry off some weapons, then oneself can have no ideological problems weighing on the mind in travelling. 被命令留守的那批人同样乐于执行此命令-因为前面撤走的兄弟多带走一些武器,那么自己在跑路的时候就能轻装上阵了啊。
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