FE :: Volume #13

#1434: Explodes at risk of life!

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Chapter 1432 explodes at risk of life! 第1432章拼死一炸! Shortly, the mechanism/organization armed soldiers who Fang Linyan will transform released completely, then three crossbow bolt armed soldiers flushed from inside, they put down lift the both arms, a series of collapse Bengbeng sound sound. 顷刻之间,方林岩就将自己改造的机关甲士全部释放了出来,然后三名弩箭甲士就从里面冲了出去,它们平举双臂,一连串“崩崩崩”的声音响了起来。 Japanese forces of front one crowd urgent operation on the field emplacement is calling out pitifully immediately repeatedly, falls down in abundance. The crossbow bolt that these three mechanism/organization armed soldiers provide is Fang Linyan does personally, the arrow also has the hangnail incisively, what is more abnormal also wiped the poison, so long as injected enemy within the body, that basically was dead characters. 前方一群正在炮位上紧急操作的日军立即惨叫连声,纷纷栽倒下去。这三名机关甲士配备的弩箭乃是方林岩亲手搞出来的,箭头尖锐还有倒刺,更变态的是还抹了毒,只要射入敌人体内的话,那基本上就是个死字了。 When Fang Linyan transforms these mechanism/organization armed soldiers, but also obtained the corresponding prompt, that after transforming, can choose the ownership, gives back to the azure aunt its ownership, had by oneself. 方林岩改造这些机关甲士的时候,还获得了相应的提示,那就是在改造完毕以后,可以选择归属权,是将其归属权还给青姨,还是让自己拥有。 The personal interest, that definitely is the choice has, in this case, even Fang Linyan and mechanism/organization armed soldiers attack an enemy jointly, the quality of its spoils of war is still lossless. 就个人利益来说,那肯定是选择自行拥有的了,这样的话,就算是方林岩与机关甲士联手攻击一名敌人,其战利品的品质也是无损的。 If the ownership will give back to the azure aunt, the damage that mechanism/organization armed soldier causes likely calculates that in the name of azure aunt, the quality of spoils of war will also definitely plummet. 若是将归属权还给青姨,那机关甲士造成的伤害就很可能算在青姨的名下,战利品的品质也必然会直线下滑。 Although has such advantage, the Fang Linyan last option the ownership will delimit under the azure maternal aunt's name, its reason is also very simple, the mechanism/organization armed soldier under azure aunt name will be belonged to the plot lifeform of this world, when causes the damage to the Japanese, will obtain the extra addition. 尽管有着这样的好处,方林岩最后的选择还是将归属权划到了青姨的名下,其原因也是很简单的,在青姨名下的机关甲士就会被归属于本世界的剧情生物,那么在对日本人造成伤害的时候,就会获得额外的加成。 Kings five and Li three, when attacks the Japanese soldier, can make a blade( dart) an powerful suppressed effect on get up frequently, this is because they are the standard surface expert bring the addition. 王五和李三在攻击日本兵的时候,就能经常打出一刀(镖)一个的强悍压制效果起来,这就是因为他们乃是本位面高手带来加成。 This to put it bluntly, is looked Fang Linyan must injure wants the benefit, Fang Linyan will not be penny-wise and pound foolish obviously, certainly was must guarantee the winning percentage of China. 这说白了,就是看方林岩要伤害还是要利益了,方林岩显然不会因小失大,肯定是一切都要确保中国的胜率了。 Facts showed, Fang Linyan then choice is right, is only the short two seconds, three mechanism/organization armed soldiers slaughter unexpectedly the Japanese on this field emplacement, then their within the body resounded „” crossbow trigger rotation sound. 事实证明,方林岩当时的选择是对的,只是短短的两秒钟,三名机关甲士居然就将这个炮位上的日本人屠戮一空,然后它们的体内就响起了“扎扎扎”的机括转动声。 This is also the special modification of Fang Linyan, the mechanism/organization armed soldiers after installs the crossbow bolt that shoots to be spatial the both arms on thoroughly, will again load, only if fills the good 80 crossbow bolts to shoot in advance spatially its within the body, needs to move the supplies every. 这也是方林岩的特殊改动,机关甲士在将双臂上安装的弩箭彻底射空以后,就会重新进行装填,除非是将其体内预先填装好的八十支弩箭射空,才需要人手动补给。 At this time other six mechanism/organization armed soldiers also closed, formed two heavy shield mechanism/organization armed soldiers before, the mechanism/organization armed soldiers of four advance, protected three crossbow bolt mechanism/organization armed soldiers in middle formation. 此时其余的六台机关甲士也是一拥而上,形成了两台重盾机关甲士在前,四台突进形的机关甲士在后,将三台弩箭机关甲士护在当中的阵型。 Witnesses all these, Fang Linyan satisfied nod, then directs it by the battle formation advance, after waiting for them to go out of 20-30 meters, then lit high explosive, will force under nearby Anfang artillery directly. 目睹这一切,方林岩满意的点了点头,然后指挥其以战斗队形突进,等它们走出了20-30米之后,便点燃了一支高爆炸药,直接将之塞进了旁边的岸防炮下方。 Does this matter time, Fang Linyan was also has the preparation to the gadget that the Europeans did, when lit the high explosive to stand beyond five meters, then after one will throw acted, immediately ignores the image sneaked in behind nearby stone wall, the curling up body shrank the leg, looked very distressed. 做这件事的时候,方林岩也是对老毛子搞出来的这玩意儿早就有了心理准备,在点燃高爆炸药的时候就站出了五米之外,然后将之一投掷出手后,立即就不顾形象的钻进了旁边的石墙后面,蜷身缩腿,看起来十分狼狈。 Really, careful of Fang Linyan is very wise, he heard bang a loud sound, the eardrum is the severe pain is incomparable! The above stone dust fell. 果然,方林岩的小心是非常明智的,紧接着他就听到了“轰”的一声巨响,耳膜都是剧痛无比!上方的石块灰尘噼里啪啦的落了下来。 When he recovers to look, immediately somewhat stares dumbfounded: The effect that originally this explodes is not good, but was too good. 等他缓过劲儿来一看,顿时都有些瞠目结舌:原来这一炸的效果不是不好,而是太好了。 Fang Linyan must ruin obviously is only Anfang artillery below operations installation, but bandit doing high explosive as if measures a little in a big way, therefore might especially fierce, unexpectedly ruined the Anfang artillery following stone platform directly directly. 方林岩要毁掉的明明只是岸防炮下方的传动装置,只是毛子这一次搞的高爆炸药似乎量有点大,所以威力格外的猛,居然直接将岸防炮下面的石台都直接毁掉了。 Therefore laid aside the place of Anfang artillery, at this time has produced the landslide, Krupp Anfang artillery that this consumed the large amount of money because the foundation was destroyed, already after the explosion resounds tumbled gets down to below more than ten meters hillsides. 所以本来放置岸防炮的地方,此时已经产生了塌方,这门耗费了巨资的克虏伯岸防炮因为根基被毁,已经在爆炸响起之后滚落到下方十几米的山坡下去了。 After seeing this, Fang Linyan satisfied nod, then went to chase own mechanism/organization armed soldier. 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩满意的点了点头,然后就前去追赶自己的机关甲士了。 At this time they have killed on another field emplacement, several Japanese soldiers are resisting stubbornly, then saw that advance under the mechanism/organization armed soldier both feet spouted flame suddenly, the vanguard speed rose suddenly suddenly, hit to fly two Japanese soldiers. 此时它们已经杀到了另外一座炮位上,还有几名日本兵在负隅顽抗的,便见到一头突进形的机关甲士双脚下方突然喷出了一股火焰,前行速度遽然暴涨,一头就撞飞了两名日本兵。 Then elongated arm upper part revolving, the long blade in his hand delimits the arc blade glow that cold light sparkled immediately, then chopped to turn the surrounding 34 enemies. 然后伸长了手臂上半身一个旋转,其手中的长刀立即划出了一圈寒光闪闪的弧形刀芒,便剁翻了周围的三四个敌人。 The Japanese soldier luck is not good, was wiped the neck directly, immediately a big head non-stop flew, the blood spurts crazily, the dead shape is frigid! 有一名日本士兵运气不好,直接被抹了脖子,顿时一颗好大头颅直飞了起来,鲜血狂喷,死状惨烈! Such actual combat effect, lets Fang Linyan satisfied nod , before continuing to/clashes, destroyed a heavy artillery instantaneously again. 这样的实战效果,让方林岩满意的点了点头,继续前冲,瞬间就再次摧毁了一门重炮。 The Fang Linyan good luck to stop, then he bumped into two crowds urgently the Japanese who came to reinforce, among this fellows combined existence of vagabond the elite and excelled at the hand-to-hand fighting unexpectedly, looked was not good to deal with. 只是方林岩的好运气就到此为止了,接下来他就迎面撞上了两群紧急前来增援的日本人,这帮家伙当中居然混杂了精英和擅长白刃战的浪人的存在,一看就不好应付。 The words that however gives the devil his due, Fang Linyan adds on the mechanism/organization armed soldier who these transform, has with this group of Japanese fights, but the key of issue is, the goal that Fang Linyan battles against at this time is not the murder. 不过平心而论的话,方林岩加上这几头自己改造的机关甲士,与这帮日本人还是有得一战的,但问题的关键是,方林岩此时开战的目的根本就不是杀人啊。 He must as soon as possible destroying in the middle of this fort that main artillery, otherwise, once enters port the ships to be attacked and sunk in suddenly, the above several thousand Russian mercenaries are buried in the fish abdomen, the expeditionary force that these forms time personally cannot do well must be annihilated in this! 他要尽快的摧毁掉这座炮台当中那门主炮,否则的话,一旦突入港内的船只被击沉,上面的数千名俄国雇佣兵葬身鱼腹,这一次亲手组建的远征军搞不好就要全军覆没在此! Therefore, Fang Linyan can only clench teeth, then suppresses to withdraw from the stealth condition, to enemy a hugeness pleasant surprise idea, the mechanism/organization armed soldiers and reinforcements that whatever oneself control fought in one, oneself continued to face forward to touch. 所以,方林岩只能咬咬牙,然后压制住从隐身状态当中脱身,给敌人一个巨大“惊喜”的想法,任由自己操控的机关甲士与援军战在了一起,自己继续朝前摸了过去。 This time he must make the best use of the time, in mechanism/organization armed soldiers of the defense strength while fort by attract the fast conduct, otherwise missed this time, feared that was does not have the opportunity again. 此时的他必须抓紧时间,趁着炮台内的防御力量被机关甲士吸引住的时候快速行事,否则的话错过了这个时机,怕是就再也没有机会了。 Only used less than one minute of time, Fang Linyan successfully touches nearby the artillery room that tyrannical main artillery was. 只用了不到一分钟的时候,方林岩就成功摸到了那门强横主炮所在的炮室附近。 For rushing to time, he even when accelerated to run exuded the obvious sound of footsteps, this even made a nearby Japanese sentry look around startled, was good because of this fellow should be only an ordinary soldier, the sensation is not high, therefore Fang Linyan cannot expose. 为了赶时间,他甚至在加速奔跑的时候发出了明显的脚步声,这甚至让旁边的一名日本哨兵愕然张望了起来,好在这家伙应该只是个普通士兵,感知并不高,所以方林岩没能暴露。 At this time Fang Linyan rushes, then saw another round of shell has filled to complete, side is standing the sergeant had held up the control flag in hand high, simultaneously in the mouth also starts the reciprocal: 此时方林岩赶到的时候,便见到了又一发炮弹已经填装完成,旁边站着的军曹已经高高举起了手中的指挥旗,同时口中也开始倒数: Three, two “三,二” Why does not know, after hearing the countdown of this fellow, in the Fang Linyan heart also wells up a feeling of intense incomparable being faced with imminent disaster! As if this artillery the success rumbles, will then have not good matter. 不知道为什么,听到了这家伙的倒计时之后,方林岩心中也是涌出来了一股强烈无比的大难临头的感觉!仿佛这一炮若是成功轰出去的话,那么就会发生很不好的事情。 Therefore, deeply inspires be at stealth condition under he, pulled out a round of high capacity bomb to light from the bosom directly, then gripping in the palm, the long body, will then come from the concealment, then a round of blade soaring aimed at that cannoneer to rush over. 所以,处于隐身状态下的他深吸了一口气,直接从怀中掏出了一发高爆炸弹点燃,然后将之攥在了手心里面,接着长身而起,从隐蔽物后面现身,然后一发刃飞翔就对准了那名炮手冲了过去。 Because Fang Linyan operates like this, even if the after control flag of sergeant wields layer on layer/heavily next, this heavy-caliber heavy artillery cannot exude the giant bellow, because the cannoneer had been in a state of three-second dizziness. 正因为方林岩这样操作,所以军曹的指挥旗哪怕是重重挥下之后,这门大口径重炮也没能发出巨大的轰鸣声,因为炮手已经陷入了长达三秒的眩晕状态。 But Fang Linyan then cannot make anything, he quietly appears, when cannoneer behind, saw a that sergeant very simple foot trampled to oneself. 可是方林岩接下来也没能做出什么事情,他悄然出现在炮手身后的时候,就见到了那名军曹很干脆的一脚对自己踹了过来。 The time of this trampling, in the air presented bang depressed sound, and speed is much faster. 这一脚踹过来的时候,空气里面都出现了“轰隆”的沉闷响声,并且速度还快得惊人。 Fang Linyan evades not to be possible radically to evade, can only with meet this foot unyieldingly, the fate was the whole person is trampled to fly, vomited while convenient three tooth and a big blood, simultaneously life value plummeting half. 方林岩根本避无可避,只能用脸硬接这一脚,下场就是自己整个人都被踹飞了出去,顺带呕出了三颗牙齿和一大口鲜血,同时生命值骤降一半。 Obviously, this sergeant is also a powerful Karate powerhouse! This gust of wind foot makes conduct Fang Linyan be seriously battered immediately rashly. 很显然,这名军曹也是一位强大的空手道强者!这一记疾风脚顿时就让贸然行事的方林岩遭受重创。 However, in suffering a half second before this foot, Fang Linyan already the lit high explosive threw the under foot of cannoneer quietly. 不过,在挨了这一脚之前的半秒钟,方林岩已经将被点燃的高爆炸药悄然丢到了炮手的脚下。 On the scene of this sergeant, why is also Fang Linyan does not throw the high explosive directly the reason, he when saw this sergeant, felt very strong oppression strength from his body. 这名军曹的在场,也是方林岩为什么不直接投掷高爆炸药的原因,他在见到了这名军曹的时候,就从其身上感觉到了非常强的压迫力。 Therefore, oneself throw the high explosive the fate, may be intercepted directly by it, but once the opposite party had the protection, then wants to attack on the countless sufferings and hardships again- therefore only wish causes its means of activation, was approaches lost again. 所以,自己投掷高爆炸药的下场,是有可能被其直接拦截下来的,而对方一旦有了防备,那么再想突袭就千难万难了-所以唯一想要使其生效的办法,就是自己靠近了再丢。 Fang Linyan just fell to fall the ground layer on layer/heavily, the ear heard bang a loud sound, is the scalding hot air wave heads on, this time Fang Linyan was blown to fly by the air wave again, can only clench teeth stubbornly grasped the head, the body rolled up, the whole person was dizzy, transmitted the severe pain from top to bottom continuously! 方林岩刚刚重重摔落到地面,耳朵当中就听到了“轰”的一声巨响,紧接着就是灼热的气浪扑面而来,这时候的方林岩再次被气浪所吹飞,只能咬着牙死死的抱住头部,身体蜷缩了起来,整个人都是天旋地转,浑身上下接连不断传来剧痛! However in the heart of this Fang Linyan has not cursed the Russian is far-fetched, instead the might of hope this round of high explosive the bigger the better. 不过这一次方林岩的心中就没有咒骂俄国人的不靠谱了,反而希望这一发高爆炸药的威力越大越好。 After five seconds, Fang Linyan suppresses the dizziness and illness, opened the eye to size up toward the surroundings, detected that nearby was also lying down lying this way and that many Japanese forces, the appearance of this fellows can say that were much more distressed. 五秒钟之后,方林岩强忍住眩晕和不适,睁开了眼睛朝着周围打量了过去,发觉附近也是横七竖八躺卧着不少日军,这帮家伙的模样可以说比自己还狼狈得多。 Situated in the explosion core region, was almost shaken to fly directly, even if did not die at the scene, is still the quarrel/corners of the mouth, the nostril, the corner of the eye overflows a lot of blood, painful is struggling on the ground, do not say that was the attack. 处于爆炸核心区域的,几乎都被直接震飞了出去,就算是不当场死掉,也是口角,鼻孔,眼角都溢出大量的鲜血,痛苦的在地上挣扎着,就更不要说是攻击了。 This explosion looks like the touchstone to be the same, all of a sudden the powerhouse and ordinary soldier on the scene differentiated. 这爆炸就像是试金石一样,一下子就将在场的强者与普通士兵区分了开来。 At this time can also stand only then two people, one is that tramples flies the Fang Linyan sergeant, although this fellow can also stand, but also creakies evidently, a being completely muddled appearance. 此时还能站着的就只有两个人,一个就是那名一脚踹飞方林岩的军曹,这家伙虽然还能站着,但是看样子也是摇摇欲坠,一副晕头转向的样子。 Another is thin, the explosion has the time to transport the wooden crate outside ten meter/rice, should be the wooden crate absorbed most explosion energies, therefore he can also continuation stand, but also creakied. 另外一个身材瘦小,爆炸发生时候正在十来米外搬运着木箱,应该是木箱吸收了大部分的爆炸能量,所以他还能继续站着,但也是摇摇欲坠了。 But now this sergeant quick slow the vigor had come, draws a sword from the waist directly, then bellowed to throw ruthlessly! 而现在这名军曹已经很快缓过了劲来,直接从腰间拔刀,然后大吼一声就要狠狠的扑了过来! Fang Linyan actually thought at this time clearly the next action, he this sergeant is showing a faint smile to this in front , the whole person has disappeared in the air instantaneously, waits for Fang Linyan to present the time again, already to his back. 方林岩这时候却是将下一步行动都想得清清楚楚,他对着这个面前这个军曹微微一笑,整个人已经是瞬间消失在了空气当中,等方林岩再出现的时候,已经是到了他的的背后。 He displayed the blade soaring again!! 他再次施展出了刃飞翔!! Therefore the sergeant also fell into three seconds of stupor time, these three seconds, enough Fang Linyan lights high explosive again, loses side. In the middle of powder keg!! 因此军曹也陷入了三秒钟的昏迷时间,这三秒钟的时间,足够方林岩再点燃一支高爆炸药,丢到旁边的.火药桶当中!! Rumbling rumbling!!” “轰轰轰轰轰!!” This that then produces one after another explodes, looked like puts big fireworks, the nighttime sky of entire Nagasaki was been sparking by this ray, raising the head that the residents could not help looked, even the bay by the ships of fire baptism, was being noticed here! 接下来产生的这一连串爆炸,就像是盛放出了一大片的焰火,整个长崎的夜空都被这光芒闪亮,居民都情不自禁的抬头看了过来,甚至就连海湾当中正在被炮火洗礼的船只,都注意到了这边! This explosion, made Fang Linyan discard half life directly, he only felt to have a dizzy spell, the chest seems pressing big stone, the whole person disliked wants to vomit, could not have spat. 这一次的爆炸,直接就让方林岩丢掉了半条命,他只觉得头晕目眩,胸口仿佛压着一块大石头似的,整个人都烦恶欲呕,偏偏都还吐不出来。 In fact, Fang Linyan can also live now, is completely because he held the high explosive to explode the beforehand 34 seconds to do a matter, he displayed the blade soaring once again. 事实上,方林岩现在还能活着,完全是因为他抓住了高爆炸药爆炸之前的三四秒钟又做了一件事,他又一次施展出了刃飞翔。 This goal is actually time that stands in the short person wooden crate porter more than ten meters away. 这一次的目标却是那名站在十几米外的矮个子木箱搬运工。 Then Fang Linyan while its dizzy time, held his shoulder drawing to nearby room, this fellow keeps off while the body, the body also rolled up. 然后方林岩趁其晕眩的时候,抓住了他的肩膀将之拖入到了旁边的房间当中,将这家伙挡在身前的同时,身体也是蜷缩了起来。 Words as the matter stands, the short person porter turned into an out-and-out flesh sandbag, the key was he is also in the middle of three seconds of condition that the blade soaring caused to move cannot move, helping Fang Linyan withstand overwhelming majority impulse. 这样一来的话,矮个子搬运工就变成了一个不折不扣的人肉沙包,关键是他还处于刃飞翔导致的三秒状态当中一动也不能动,帮方林岩承受了绝大部分冲击力。 The following large explosion, the destructive power is very astonishing, made the entire less than half network of forest belts fort collapse directly, not only discarded that heavy main artillery, nearby three Anfang artilleries were also brought disaster to the mackerel shad. 接下来的这一次大爆炸,破坏力十分惊人,直接让整个小半个林冈炮台都坍塌了下来,不仅废掉了那一门重型主炮,连带旁边的三门岸防炮也都被殃及池鱼。 As for being in some people in explosion core region, in hundred that can live does not have one, that unlucky Japanese sergeant was also killed. 至于处于爆炸核心区域的一干人,能活下来的百中无一,就连那名倒霉的日本军曹也是被生生炸死了。 Separated for 56 minutes, soil that this region collapses starts crash-bang crash-bang to tumble toward, then after Fang Linyan went all out dug up to draw , from facing set, his whole face was the blood, from top to bottom was also the dust, looked very distressed. 足足隔了五六分钟,这个区域坍塌的一处泥土开始哗啦哗啦朝着下方滚落,然后方林岩一阵拼命扒拉之后从里面钻了出来,他满脸都是鲜血,浑身上下也都是灰土,看起来十分狼狈。 If crossed 1-2 minutes unable to escape again the birth day, Fang Linyan estimated oneself must be buried alive, dies in the middle of the ruins after this collapsing. 若是再过个1-2没能逃出生天的话,方林岩估计自己要被生生活埋,死在这坍塌后的废墟当中。 This time he lies on one's back, is breathing in gulps, only thought that bone from top to bottom at least broke 78, sore incomparable, the chest is also much more oppressed, wants to vomit unable to vomit, is hard to move including half finger. 此时的他仰面朝天,大口大口的呼吸着,只觉得浑身上下的骨头至少断了七八根,酸痛无比,胸口也是憋闷得出奇,想要呕吐都呕不出来,连半根指头都难以动弹。 However, Fang Linyan knows, oneself is living eventually, this is enough, he will fight at this time, the blood, after the glory threw into the brain, greedy looks at that pure and gorgeous starry sky, say/way that muttered: 但是,方林岩知道,自己终究还是活着,这就已经足够了,他这时候将战斗,鲜血,荣耀都抛到了脑后,贪婪的看着那纯净而华美的星空,喃喃的道: Really beautiful “真美啊” This flash, he unexpectedly unevenness thought of scarlet Ji. Should she return to the azure maternal aunt's side now? 这一瞬间,他居然又跳跃性的想到了赤姬.她现在应该已经回到了青姨的身边吧? Actually scarlet Ji is planned to follow him to come to Japan, but the scarlet professional female entertainer is the monster, results in the say/way that in China, once left China, rapid feeble, emaciated will be incapable, even appears the original body, Fang Linyan also can only with it going-away 其实赤姬本来是打算跟随着他来日本的,但是赤姬乃是妖,在中华大地上得的道,一旦离开了中华,就会迅速衰弱,孱弱无力,甚至现出原身,方林岩也只能与之惜别
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