FE :: Volume #13

#1435: Capturing

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Chapter 1433 captures 第1433章攻陷 But beyond this ruins several hundred meters, headed by had been neared the wharf by the good number three ships forcefully, in some shore also many Japanese in crazy is yelling, even is opening fire to the ships. 而就在这一片废墟下方的几百米之外,以由良号为首的三艘舰船已经强行接近了码头,在岸边还有不少日本人在疯狂的喊叫着,甚至对着船只开枪。 However, all these efforts, as if praying mantis arm, when car(riage) such laughable, such no use! 但是,这一切努力,都仿佛螳臂当车那样的可笑,那样的无助! A Russian round of salvo on ships deck, these impenetrably thickheaded fellows are calling out pitifully dropping down. 船只甲板上的俄国人一轮齐射,这些冥顽不灵的家伙就惨叫着倒下。 Flame, dark, the blood, the gunsmoke, falls into the turbulent bountiful harbor, all these factors combine in together, making this time Nagasaki as if old mans role in yuan drama world ukiyoe resemble, emitted the unusual charm. 火焰,黑暗,鲜血,硝烟,陷入动荡的富饶港口,这一切因素组合在一起,让此时的长崎仿佛一副末世浮世绘似的,散发出了奇特的魅力。 Burns flaming fire Nelson to have the inertia, takes the lead to attempt not to decelerate crude entry berth- this style is also the unusual Russian! 燃烧着熊熊大火的纳尔逊号带着惯性,率先尝试不减速粗暴的进入泊位-这种风格也是非常的俄国人! Huge bow numerous hits on trestle. The firm trestle swayed several, the front the start distortion, the break, was good because of the latter half trestle endures the test finally, retained. 庞大的船头重重的撞击在了栈桥上。坚固的栈桥摇晃了几下,前方咔嚓咔嚓的开始扭曲,断裂,好在后半段栈桥终于经受住了考验,保留了下来。 Several springboards on the frame above, drank the drunken Russian to shout wildly the rallying cry of Wula massively, is red is opening the eyes the spear/gun, as if the tide broke in the middle of the naval port generally 紧接着,几块跳板就架在了上面,大量喝得醉醺醺的俄国人正在狂喊着“乌拉”的战斗口号,红着眼开着枪,仿佛潮水一般冲入了军港当中 The Japanese government does not think, China will launch an attack outrageously in this time this place unexpectedly, wildly arrogant they chose start to make Nagasaki this city start the turbulence, at this time actually the panic-stricken discovery completely lost the control to the entire situation!! 日本政府怎么也不会想到,中国居然会在此时此地发起了一次悍然的袭击,骄狂的他们选择了开始让长崎这座城市开始动荡,此时却惊恐的发现对整个局势完全失去了掌控!! *** *** Within a half hour, 半个小时之后, Fang Linyan is dragging the serious step, put up Li of looking deathly pale three to walk lamely, arrived at statue garden here. 方林岩拖着沉重的步伐,架着脸色惨白的李三一瘸一拐的走了下来,来到了雕像花园这里。 This place passed through continually the bloody battle, the crude unruly Russians by repelling forcefully, were then killed in the way of hand-to-hand fighting continually here, therefore with the field littered with corpses described that was says lightly. 此地经过了连番血战,连粗暴桀骜的俄国人都在这里被硬生生的击退,然后又以白刃战的方式杀了回来,因此用尸横遍野来形容都是说得轻了。 The air inside is sending out an ill-smelling flavor, that is the aura of blood and gunsmoke mix. 空气里面散发着一股难闻的味道,那是鲜血和硝烟混合的气息。 At this time has probably twenty people to bustle about here, they from ship the logistic personnel, are responsible for treating with battlefield cleanup a series of work. These people are mainly found by Qiao Jia, they handling these things, an important mission, acts as the accompanying the armed forces merchant, is responsible for handling and purchasing the spoils of war. 此时有大概二十几个人正在这里忙碌着,他们是从船上下来的后勤人员,负责治疗和打扫战场一系列的工作。这些人主要都是由乔家找来的,他们除了做这些事情之外,还有一个重要的使命,就是充当随军商人,负责打理和收购战利品。 The merchant, the investment must seek the return, what is well-known, in the wealth of the belt/bring blood in the middle of the war obtaining, that is the profit is biggest. But Qiao as this expeditionary force biggest investor, should eat this biggest cake. 咳咳,商人嘛,投资也是要寻求回报的,众所周知的是,在战争当中获得的这种带血的财富,那是利润最大的。而乔家作为这一次远征军最大的投资方,也理应吃到这最大的一块蛋糕。 The body of Japanese by optional moving to one side, was set aside a central big stretch of open area, for the Russian and Chinese who body placing dead, the wounded person is nearby placed nearby barracks. 日本人的尸体被随意的挪到了一边,腾出了中央的一大片空地,用于摆放死去的俄国人和中国人尸体,伤员则是被就近安置到了旁边的营房了。 At this time some people have noticed Fang Linyan and Li, was hurried to greet, then led them to go to bind up a wound the treatment side on the preparation. 这时候已经有人注意到了方林岩和李三两人,急忙上来迎接,然后就准备带他们去旁边裹伤治疗。 But at this time, the Li three eyes sent suddenly, yelled a old slow, worked loose was supporting by the arm his person, runs over toward nearby open area directly, then shocked incomparably arrived by a corpse, the direct both feet one knelt softly. 而这时候,李三的双眼忽然发了直,大叫了一声老徐,就挣脱了搀扶着他的人,直接朝着旁边的空地跑了过来,然后震惊无比的来到了一具尸体旁边,直接双脚一软跪了下来。 This corpse from top to bottom covered with blood, almost together the good meat, do not wipe off the blood stain on his face to see clearly its true colors, is military 3 d highest place in hanun Suwen! A big bow makes superb. 这尸体浑身上下血肉模糊,几乎都没一块好肉了,要擦掉他脸上的血污才能看清楚其真面目,正是武探花徐闻!一手大弓使得出神入化。 Suwen three was unknown with Li, but two people feel like old friends at the first meeting in the journey, discussed very congenially! 徐闻本来和李三是素不相识的,只是两人在旅途当中一见如故,谈得很是投机! Said that one is the 3 d highest place in hanun of royal government, one was on issued a warrant for arrest the list thief, that was eight bamboo poles cannot project on together, two people became the good friend. But this friendship does not have enough time to ferment again. 说起来一位是朝廷的探花,一位是上了通缉榜单的大盗,那是八竿子都打不到一块儿的,偏偏两人就成了好友.可是这友情却已经再也没有足够的时间来酝酿了。 Shouted after two old slow, the Li three voices choked, actually in unbelievable shaking the head, does not attend to the chest front the wound splitting completely, blood following gauze little flowed, quick accumulated a small deep pool below ground. 多喊了两声老徐以后,李三的声音都哽咽了,却还是在难以置信的摇着头,完全不顾自己胸前的伤口已经裂开,鲜血顺着纱布一点点的流淌了下来,很快就在下方的地面上积成了一个小潭。 By three high storekeeper in Li is the sound low and deep say/way: 在李三旁边的这名高掌柜则是声音低沉的道: slow Tanhua in the observation building, the arrow not empty sent at that time, killed more than ten young devils continuously, but oneself are also in the body four balls, the blood almost drains off, was held directly.” “徐探花当时在瞭望楼上,箭无虚发,连续射杀了十几名小鬼子,但是自己也是身中四弹,鲜血几乎为之流干,被直接扶了下去。” But the young devil counter-attacked afterward, slow Tanhua saw that the circumstance is not wonderful, did not attend to dissuading, binds bound up a wound goes forth to battle again, because the left hand was injured the bow, raised the broadsword to rush, finally died in battle on the first line “但是后来小鬼子反扑的时候,徐探花见到情势不妙,就不顾劝阻,裹了裹伤再次上阵,因为左手受伤开不了弓了,就提着大刀冲上,最后战死在了第一线上” Fang Linyan arrived at side lamely, his vision has taken a fast look around these corpses, discovered many familiar facial features, even Li Ju subordinate also has the larger part to be one of them. These is a top real man! 方林岩一瘸一拐的来到了旁边,他的目光扫视过这些尸体,发现了好多熟悉的面容,甚至李沮的手下也有一大半在其中.这些都是个顶个的好汉子! They spare nothing, travels to distant lands to come, finally perishes to be in this foreign country, sacrificed the final one breath dying in battle battlefield, supports their to this nationality, to this country loyal. 他们不惜代价,远渡重洋而来,最后殒身在这异国他乡,豁出了最后一口气战死疆场,支撑他们的正是对这个民族,对这个国家的忠诚啊。 Read and this, Fang Linyan was saying to the high storekeeper: 一念及此,方林岩对着高掌柜道: „The following expense that this series of things have, deducted in my here income is good.” “这一系列事情产生的后续费用,都在我这边的收益里面扣除就好了。” Fang Linyan said or has the energy, in knowing him brought to invest this expedition action almost all incomes, only then, Uncle Qiao Jia promised personally, Qiao's all incomes in this expedition action, had Fang Linyan 10%. 方林岩这么说还是有底气的,在知道他将几乎所有的收益都拿来投入到了这次远征行动当中只有,乔家大爷就亲自许诺,乔家在这一次远征行动当中的所有收益,都有方林岩的10%。 Relations of both sides in this degree, it can be said that a Rong Jurong, suffered if either one suffers. 双方的关系到了这个程度上,可以说是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 The business dealing in this world, is the risk and benefit is always proportional, this Russian rash to the port behavior, no doubt almost does is annihilated, but after this adventure success, the income actually is also extremely rich. 这世界上的商业行为,历来都是风险和利益成正比的,这一次俄国人的冒失冲港行为,固然几乎搞得全军覆没,但这一次的冒险成功之后,收益却也是极其丰厚。 At this time did not say other, only in the Nagasaki naval port are stopping two warships: Yoshino and Matsushima have let this military action directly this. 此时不说别的,单是长崎军港里面停着的两艘军舰:吉野号和松岛号就已经直接让这一次军事行动回本了。 The Yoshino fast cruiser is the Japanese Navy warship in Chinese-Japanese Sino-Japanese naval battle, is its Combined Fleet's 1st guerrilla force flagship. 这其中,吉野号快速巡洋舰是中日甲午海战中的日本海军主力舰,是其联合舰队第一游击队旗舰。 This ship is made by Britain Armstrong Ordnance Factory, on January 3 , 1892 began, on December 20 of the same year launched, on September 30 , 1893 completed, at that time Japan paid 2.73 million Japanese Yen expensive price. 该舰由英国阿姆斯特朗兵工厂制造,1892年1月3日开工,同年12月20日下水,1893年9月30日建成,当时日本为之付出了273万日元的昂贵代价。 The Japanese Yen has not depreciated at this time, equivalent to Qing dynasty the words of currency unit, the purchase price of this cruiser surpassed 1.002 million silver. 要知道,此时日元还没有贬值,折合清朝的货币单位的话,这艘巡洋舰的购买价格超过了一百万两白银。 And Japan also installed the artillery distance gauge after the purchase, the torpedo tube, many quick-fire artilleries and so on extra add-on components, these must spend additionally, the emperor claimed at that time to purchase this ship only has food every day. 并且日本在购买之后还加装了火炮测距仪,鱼雷发射管,多门速射炮等等额外附加装置,这些都是要额外花钱的,天皇当时都声称为了购买此舰每天只吃一顿饭。 Not only this, because now situated in a war on the eve, various countries is expanding armaments wantonly, battleship gadget is in the absolute seller's market, did not say that you draw cash can buy, even the Qing dynasty was therefore insulted at this time. 非但这样,现在因为处于一战前夕,各国都在大肆扩张军备,战舰这玩意儿还是处于绝对的卖方市场,不是说你拿钱就能买到的,甚至清朝在这时候就因此而受辱。 At the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, Li Gongzhang consults with Chilean Navy, wants to purchase their Bailang. Encalada, this was a displacement achieved 4500 tons battleship, the tonnage firepower, surpassed at that time all ships of Beiyang fleet comprehensively. 就在甲午战争的时候,李宫彰就接洽智利海军,想要购买他们的白朗古.恩卡拉达号,这是一艘排水量达到了4500吨的战舰,无论是吨位火力,都是全面超过当时北洋舰队的所有舰船。 However, initial time Li Gongzhang bids 1 million silver, Chile actually rises in prices repeatedly, finally Li Gongzhang even bid 2.302 million silver, Chile expressed unexpectedly, regardless of how much money did not sell. 但是,最初的时候李宫彰出价百万白银,智利方面却是一再涨价,最后李宫彰甚至出价到了两百三十万两白银,智利竟表示无论多少钱都不卖了。 But Matsushima does not have Yoshino to be expensive, but also is one of the Japan warships. 而松岛号虽然并没有吉野号昂贵,但也是日本的主力舰之一。 If nothing else, you opened to sell to Li old man these two battleships, he had/left 5.002 million money is also willing. 别的不说,你将这两艘战舰开回去卖给李老头子,他出五百万两银子也是肯的。 This time Huai Department is dominating the customs, 5 million money were also 2-3 years can the turnover come out, but two battleships were different, under this potential of being in inverse proportion, one plus one reduced, Beiyang Fleet was equivalent to Japanese Combined Fleet presented the disparities of four warships. 这时候的淮系可是把持着海关,五百万银子也就是2-3年就能周转出来了,而两艘战舰却不一样,这此消彼长之势啊,一加一减之下,北洋水师就相当于和日本联合舰队出现了四艘主力舰的差距。 Now the situation arrives in this, when you Li old man don't want to win little Japan? Doesn't want to learn from Zuo Zongtang to be the national hero? 现在局势都到了这份儿上,你当李老头子不想打赢小日本儿?不想学着左宗棠做个民族英雄? *** *** At this time, some people came one after another, before clear to see moment, good brothers who also met to drink wine together at this time already person ghost different way, was wear a look of the sad color. 这时候,陆续也有人过来了,眼见得片刻之前还一起碰头饮酒的好兄弟此时已经人鬼殊途,一个个也都是面带悲戚之色。 Fang Linyan sighs, patted the Li three shoulders, then led in him nearby room, here has the special doctor to treat the wound. 方林岩叹了一口气,拍了拍李三的肩膀,然后将他带到了旁边的屋子里面,这里已经有专门的大夫来进行治伤了。 The way of here treating actually is also China and West union, there is a doctor of Chinese medicine who is good at treating the bone fracture red wound, there is a whole body to send out the liquor air/Qi, because Russian military doctor of scarlet nose in the middle of the expeditionary force the Russian occupies the absolute quantity, therefore Russian military doctor is busy at being heavily engaged, the doctor of Chinese medicine is quite idle. 在这里治疗的方式却也是中西结合,既有擅长治疗骨折红伤的郎中,也有浑身散发着酒气,大红鼻子的俄国军医不过因为远征军当中俄国人占据绝对数量,所以俄国军医这边忙得是不可开交,郎中这边还相当清闲。 In accepting the bonesetting of senior doctor of Chinese medicine, clear creates at the same time, Fang Linyan is also somewhat curious, cannot bear examine the method of treatment of Russian military doctor, finally detected that the processing wound ways of these fellows are really make one stare dumbfounded, nothing but is three broad-ax: 在接受老郎中的正骨,清创的同时,方林岩也是有些好奇,忍不住去查看俄国军医的治疗方法,结果发觉这些家伙的处理伤口方式真的是令人瞠目结舌,无非就是三板斧: Is painful very very much gives horse non-, 痛得十分厉害的就给来一针马非, The pain results in fiercely not throws two bottles of Vodka to pass, what, but also is shrieking with pain? That comes two bottles of Vodka again, till getting drunk! 痛得不怎么厉害的就丢两瓶伏特加过去,什么,还在喊痛?那就再来两瓶伏特加,直到喝醉为止! If remains unconscious to receive the internal injury, that lets blood this directly came from the mysterious therapy of ancient Egypt! Also had been authenticated by great Cambridge Medical School, can the effective balanced body fluid, alleviate the symptom. 若是昏迷不醒受到内伤的,那就直接放血这可是源自古老的埃及的神秘疗法!又被伟大的剑桥医学院认证过,可以有效的平衡体液,缓解症状。 On Great Britain this time medicine teaching material clear writes: If the bloodletting therapy is invalid, that explained a matter, the put blood were not enough. 大英帝国此时的医学教材上明明白白的写着:如果放血疗法无效,那就说明一件事,放的血还不够多。 The first president Washington of US because of the bloodletting therapy, fails to respond to medical treatment, therefore passed away, therefore the patients can feel relieved greatly, even you was incurable and dead because of the bloodletting therapy, still is honored can the cause of death be the same with Mr. Washington 美国的首任总统华盛顿就是因为放血疗法,医治无效所以去世的,所以病人们大可以放心,就算是伱因为放血疗法而不治身亡,也是很荣幸的可以与华盛顿先生死因相同 In this case, Fang Linyan saw exactly Master Huo delivers the good friend Sun Fumin to treat the wound, then asked Master Huo the Russian soldiers who lined up to diagnose for side together. 在这种情况下,恰好方林岩见到霍师傅送着好友孙福民来治伤,便叫上了霍师傅一起为旁边正在排队的俄国士兵诊治。
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