FE :: Volume #13

#1433: Send out! Mechanism/Organization armed soldier

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Chapter 1431 sends out! Mechanism/Organization armed soldier 第1431章出动!机关甲士 Finally breaks the deadlock, unexpectedly is forts nearby several hundred meters away! The firepower of this fort is small, the might is weak, detected that shells after the night the ships efficiency of invasion is very low, the commanding officer of fort actually observes under the allied force to attack to be blocked, therefore then ordered fort some artilleries to shift, aims position bombardment that the Russian guarded! 最后打破僵持局面的,竟然是旁边数百米外的一座炮台!这座炮台的火力小,威力弱,发觉在夜间轰击入侵的船只效率很低之后,炮台的主官却观察到下方友军攻击受阻,于是便下令炮台当中的部分火炮转向,对准了俄国人镇守的阵地轰击! Bombardment that the fort occupies a commanding position, solid shell of backwardness although uses, but this type only comes under attack the feeling that cannot hit back not to feel better, after withstanding 2-3 rounds, Nicolas detects the despondency, can only shouted abuse is clenching teeth to order to retreat!! 炮台居高临下的轰击,虽然使用的还是落后的实心炮弹,可是这种只挨打不能还手的感觉也不好受啊,承受了2-3轮之后,尼古拉斯发觉士气低落,只能一面破口大骂一面咬着牙下令撤退!! Among the Japanese of opposite party, has the battlefield sense of smell very powerful military officer, after all stations in Nagasaki naval port such critical place, inevitably is the army elite. 对方的日本人当中,也是有着战场嗅觉十分强悍的将领的,毕竟在长崎军港这样的要害地方驻防的,必然都是陆军精锐。 Therefore after this group of Japanese soldiers only waited for the bombing conclusion of allied force, was shouting immediately board carried charge, these looked like hits the snake to hit seven cuns (2.5 cm) to be the same immediately, gave the Russian to cause heavy losses instantaneously enormously. 于是这帮日本兵只等友军的炮击一结束之后,便立即大喊着“板载”冲锋,这一下顿时就像是打蛇打七寸一样,瞬间给与了俄国人极大的重创。 In Nicolas body six ball severe wounds, at least 50 Russians were killed in retreating while still alive! 尼古拉斯身中六弹重伤,至少五十名俄国人在撤退的时候被活活打死! In this case, the Japanese here pursuing troops of swarmed to enter the statue square, definitely thinks that the general situation has decided that in the heart also idled, prepared to grasp the captive battlefield cleanup. 在这种情况下,日本人这边的追兵蜂拥进入到了雕像广场当中,肯定以为大局已定,心中也懈怠了下来,准备抓俘虏打扫战场了。 But, at this time, from nearby four condescending hiding place, sprayed four fearful large flames suddenly!! 可是,就在这时候,从旁边的四个居高临下的隐蔽处,突然喷射出了四道可怕的火舌!! Meanwhile, in the entire statue square resounded pit-a-pat pit-a-pat depressed sound! 同时,整个雕像广场上则是响起了“突突突突突突”的沉闷声! This is the most fearful infantry killer who this world presents at this time, 11.43 millimeters Maxim heavy machine gun!! 这是本世界此时出现的最可怕的步兵杀手,11.43毫米的马克沁重机枪!! This gadget invented in 1884 by British American h.s Maxim, completed the fire circulation using the fuel gas energy of gunpowder, at this time available ten years, renewal third generation. 这玩意儿是由英籍美国人h.s马克沁在1884年发明的,利用火药的燃气能量完成射击循环,此时已经问世十年,更新换代到了第三代。 These four heavy machine guns were very placed in the middle of the surrounding four secret corner, covers position that the beforehand Russian built, the formed cross fire does not have the dead angle! The limit rate of fire is every minute 600 rounds! 这四挺重机枪被安置在了周围的四个隐秘角落当中,覆盖住了之前俄国人所建立的阵地,形成的交叉火力毫无死角!其极限射速为每分钟600发! But the standard weapon of Japanese present army, is Murata rifle, the single loading, the single-shot manual fire, this gadget can project ten rounds every minute, is in the middle of Japanese Army may be called elite existed- premise is the rifle was unable to jam. 而日本人现在的军队的制式武器,则是村田步枪,单发装填,单发手动射击,这玩意儿每分钟能射出十发,已经是日本陆军当中堪称精锐的存在了-前提是步枪还不能卡壳。 Therefore, 300-400 Japanese forces that in just ten seconds, break in Russian Popular Front ground are fatal, in that position just likes the flesh slaughterhouse! 所以,在短短的十秒钟内,冲入俄国人阵地上的300-400名日军就死伤惨重,那阵地上恍若血肉屠场! The northeast mounted bandit Li full beard group of people who the cayenne mister directs acted finally, they have not fallen short of the anticipation of Fang Linyan, bears patiently the present, then used the failure of Russian to make the bait, created the heavy losses to the Japanese at one fell swoop. 卡宴先生指挥的东北马匪李大胡子这帮人终于出手了,他们也并没有辜负方林岩的期待,隐忍到了现在,然后利用了俄国人的失败来做诱饵,一举给日本人造成了重创。 What is more terrifying, heavy machine gun that low and deep bellow covered the fragmentary sound of gunfire! 更恐怖的是,重机枪那低沉的轰鸣声掩盖住了零零碎碎的枪声! These sounds of gunfire sound very disorderly, actually listens to be actually orderly carefully, often three gunshots resound during the same period of time, this is actually among Japanese forces platoon leader who because the cayenne mister will have attacked, Sergeant and so on mark. 这些枪声听起来很杂乱,其实仔细听去其实是有规律的,往往三声枪响都在同一时间内响起,这却是因为卡宴先生早就将来袭的日军当中的小队长,军曹之类的标记了出来。 Naturally, this mark is his special capability, the person who also only then he himself and assigns can see how as to distinguish and mark among the Japanese forces grass-roots officer in the night, naturally was also the personal ability of cayenne mister. 当然,这标记乃是他的特殊能力,也只有他自己和指定的人能看到,至于怎么在夜间识别并且标记出日军当中的基层军官,当然也是卡宴先生的个人能力了。 Then, these mounted bandits were divided into ten groups, one group, then each group chooses the same goal to ambush every three people directly!! 然后,这些马匪被分成了十个小组,每三人一组,然后每个小组选择同一个目标直接进行狙击!! This is in the middle of the modern warfare the commonly used ambush tactic, first gets rid of the military officer, the following soldier is in a state of disunity. 这就是现代战争当中常用的狙击战术,先干掉军官,下面的士兵就是一盘散沙。 This group of Northeast mounted bandits were the old spear/gun cunning people, the way of usually practicing the spear/gun was 50 meters away wipes out the fragrance of ignition directly, three person simultaneous firing goals, that guaranteed the absolute success ratio of killing. 这帮东北马匪本来就是老枪油子了,平时练枪的方式都是在50米外直接打掉点燃的香头的,三个人同时射击一名目标,那就确保了狙杀的绝对成功率。 Since the cayenne mister provided enough four very Maxim heavy machine guns to this group of mounted bandits, then definitely on other weapon also very thoughts. 卡宴先生既然给这帮马匪都配备上了足足四挺马克沁重机枪,那么肯定在其余的武器方面也很上心思。 The rifle that the mounted bandits use is also one of the world's most advanced rifles, Morsink Na Can rifle, Russia will go into production officially for two years, formed the generation gap steamroll to Murata rifle that currently the Japanese forces use, the adept shooter can fire every four seconds one time. 马匪使用的步枪也是当下世界上最先进的步枪之一,莫辛纳甘步枪,俄国才正式将之投产两年,对目前日军使用的村田步枪形成了代差碾压,娴熟的射手每隔四秒钟就能射击一次。 Therefore, when the heavy machine gun end of mission starts to change the magazine, this surrounding Japanese forces grass-roots officer is also killed over 20, in addition this time or night fighting, therefore Japanese forces very normal went haywire immediately. 因此,当重机枪停止射击开始换弹夹的时候,这周围的日军基层军官也被狙杀了超过二十名,外加此时还是夜战,因此日军很正常的就立即就陷入到了混乱当中。 At this time said strictly the words that stationed here Japanese forces 1500 people, equivalent to eight brigades, were attacked by the beforehand Russian Commando unit suddenly, at least 200 people therefore lose the battle efficiency, in addition the positional warfare of Director Nicolas killed to injure almost more than 200 Japanese forces. 此时严格说起来的话,驻扎在这里的日军一千五百人,折合八个大队,被之前的俄国突击队骤然突袭,至少有两百人因此而失去战斗力,加上尼古拉斯指挥的阵地战又打死打伤了差不多两百多名日军。 At this time the combat losses of Japanese forces achieved were close to 500 people, was the northeast mounted bandit who the cayenne mister directed to that it came ruthless, let the Japanese forces in the instantaneous casualty 300-400 people, in addition many grass-roots officers. 此时日军的战斗减员就达到了接近五百人,然后就是卡宴先生指挥的东北马匪对其来的这一下狠的了,让日军在瞬间死伤了300-400人,外加不少基层军官。 In this case, the Japanese forces in port is the casualties of being worthy of the reputation more than half! 这样的话,驻港日军已经是名副其实的伤亡过半! Not only so, on the cayenne mister this time retina of presented an explicit space prompt: 非但如此,卡宴先生此时的视网膜上更是出现了一条明确的空间提示: Congratulates you, breeds hunting for XXX th, northeast mounted bandit Yang Wei who you control / assisted in the smoke Misaki to cause 284 damage to Japanese infantry chief!” “恭喜你,殖猎者XXX号,你控制的东北马匪杨威对日本步兵大队长/中佐烟中三崎造成了284点伤害!” Japanese infantry chief / assisted in the smoke Misaki dead.” “日本步兵大队长/中佐烟中三崎死亡了。” Assists in the smoke Misaki's status is quite special, is the secondary time node character, the history of this world will have certainly subtle change,” “中佐烟中三崎的身份相当特殊,乃是次要时间节点人物,本世界的历史将产生一定微妙的变化,” You the degree of contribution on war progress bar obtained the large scale promotion!!!” “你在战争进度条上的贡献度获得了大幅度提升!!!” „The Japanese army morale that you is attacking is seriously battered!” “伱正在攻击的日本军队士气遭受到重创!” Your nearby Japanese army went haywire.” “你附近的日本军队陷入到了混乱当中.” After this series of prompts appear, cayenne mister steep staring in a big way eyes, he is almost unbelievable looks that this long platoon as if brushes the prompt of screen, looked continuously 2-3, knows oneself were really the award!! 这一系列的提示出现之后,卡宴先生陡的瞪大了双眼,他几乎是难以置信的看着这一长排仿佛刷屏似的提示,连续看了2-3遍,才知道自己真的是中了大奖!! Ha.” “哇哈哈哈.” The cayenne mister could not bear exude a series of laughing wildly sounds, because he knows, probably secondary time node character actually received the numerous protections, words real countless sufferings and hardships that usually wanted to assassinate. 卡宴先生忍不住发出了一连串的狂笑声,因为他知道,像是次要时间节点人物其实都是受到了重重保护的,平时想要刺杀的话真的千难万难。 However, marvelous of history is, the great person often dies of unimportant person's hand. 但是,历史的奇妙性就在于,大人物往往死于小人物之手。 It looks like several presidents in US dead of assassination- these presidents are historically illustrious: Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, McKinley. 就像是美国的好几任总统都死于暗杀-这几位总统都是在历史上赫赫有名的:林肯,加菲尔德,肯尼迪,麦金莱。 However who knows that assassinates the murderer names of their four people? 但是谁知道暗杀他们四个人的凶手名字? The blasting fuse of First World War, is also shouldered by an unimportant person, the throne successor Franz of Austro-Hungarian Empire was gunned down by a young student. 第一次世界大战的导火索,同样也是由一个小人物挑起的,奥匈帝国的皇位继承人斐迪南大公被一名青年学生枪杀。 This is the strength of unimportant person!! 这就是小人物的力量!! Therefore, the unimportant person makes very small probability direct breakthrough to defend layer on layer/heavily, gives these historically dark ink serious wound to leave behind the fellow heavy losses of name. 所以,小人物是有很小概率直接突破重重防御,给与这些在历史上浓墨重彩留下自己名字的家伙重创。 This mounted bandit mister Yang Wei, is hits transports/fortunes greatly general, helped the cayenne mister directly. 这名马匪先生杨威,也是撞大运一般,直接成全了卡宴先生。 After witnessing in this time battlefield, Nicolas who is seriously injured showed special characteristics of outstanding commander immediately, he spared nothing to howl immediately loudly: 目睹了此时战场上的这一幕之后,身受重伤的尼古拉斯立即就展现出了一名优秀指挥官的特质,他立即不惜代价的大声吼叫了起来: Stops!! Stops!!!” “停!!停!!!” Draw blades, Cossack!!!” “拔刀,哥萨克!!!” Shouted last time, Nicolas's corners of the mouth even flowed the bloody foam! 喊出最后一句的时候,尼古拉斯的嘴角甚至流淌出来了血沫子! But after hearing his these words, the Russian eyeball that is running away was immediately red, as if simultaneously filled half jin (0.5 kg) Vodka to resemble, simultaneously shouted loudly: 而听到了他的这句话之后,所有正在逃走的俄国人眼珠子立即都红了,仿佛同时灌了半斤伏特加似的,同时高呼道: Draw blades, Cossack!!” “拔刀,哥萨克!!” Then stopped escaping together, turns around, pulls out the sickle of waist to aim at the front battlefield direct impact in the past. 然后一起停止逃跑,转身,抽出了腰间的弯刀对准了前方的战场直冲了过去。 This seemingly not wonderful words, regarding the Cossacks, have the infinite charm averagely, because only it is the rallying cry of Cossacks, is representing being unafraid of death, unprecedented! 这句看似平平无奇的话,对于哥萨克人来说,却是拥有着无限的魔力,只因为它就是哥萨克人的战斗口号,代表着视死如归,一往无前! When this crowd of life and death counter-attack, the Russian who launched the hand-to-hand fighting directly broke in the Japanese forces time, this Japanese army collapsed immediately, they were extremely low on the morale, lost grass-roots officer's direction, in addition was in the night combat, therefore most people made the normal response- Turns around to escape. 当这群决死反击,直接展开了白刃战的俄国人冲入到了日军当中的时候,这一支日本军队立即就崩溃了,他们本来就士气极其低落,又失去了基层军官的指挥,外加还是处于夜间战斗,所以大部分人都做出了再正常不过的反应--转身就逃。 At present in the middle of the Nagasaki naval port chaotic situation, the Japanese wants to organize the effective counter-attack again the words, that at least was one hour in the future. 就目前长崎军港当中的混乱情况来说,日本人想要再次组织起有效反击的话,那至少都是一个小时往后了。 Obviously, the cayenne mister also knows this point, he very simple orders to Li full beard, making him take the person to reinforce the attack fort, but he himself actually found a place to lie down, started to dress wound on the arm 很显然,卡宴先生也知道这一点,他很干脆的就对李大胡子下了命令,让他带上人去增援攻击炮台的,而他自己却是找了个地方躺了下来,开始包扎着自己手臂上的伤口 Yes, cayenne mister in this entering the war team, but he thought that others are the big probability could not guess correctly own status, because his present look is a typical Russian! In fact, the main body of this fellow mixed directly in the middle of Nicolas's team. 是的,卡宴先生就在这一次参战的队伍中,但他觉得别人是大概率猜不到自己身份的,因为他现在相貌乃是个典型的俄罗斯人!事实上,这家伙的本尊就直接混在了尼古拉斯的队伍当中。 *** *** In cayenne mister, when under gives full play, Fang Linyan has not been idling similarly, in the middle of this network of forest belts fort each heavy artillery thunders, makes him feel anxious! 就在卡宴先生在下方大显身手的时候,方林岩同样也没有闲着,这林冈炮台当中的每一次重炮轰鸣,都让他觉得为之揪心! The age of below three ships almost surpassed for 15 years, although anything of maintenance maintenance also does is proper, but its age puts on there is being the fact. 下方的三条船只的年龄几乎都超过了十五年,尽管保养维护的什么做得都还算到位,但是其年龄在那里放着乃是事实。 In the middle of the network of forest belts fort achieved 120 millimeters caliber above heavy artillery number enough six, once bang, then the direct artillery bombs and sinks one is not absolutely strange. 林冈炮台当中达到了120毫米口径以上的重炮数量足足有六门,一旦轰准了的话,那么直接一炮轰沉一艘是绝对不奇怪的。 In this case, the situation is definitely urgent! 在这种情况下,局势肯定非常紧迫! Was good because of this time, Fang Linyan already taking advantage of nearby shadow, used dark and sneaks successfully mixed in the network of forest belts fort, this time he stayed in the middle of the network of forest belts fort by that 260 millimeters main artillery. 好在这时候,方林岩已经借着旁边的阴影,利用黑暗和潜行成功混入了林冈炮台,此时的他就停留在了林冈炮台当中那门260毫米的主炮旁边。 But here also 78 people protect, and Fang Linyan can very obvious feeling, these 78 people, at least have the experts of two grandmaster ranks. 但这里同样也有七八个人守护,并且方林岩可以很明显的感觉到,这七八个人当中,至少有两名宗师级别的高手。 Before he and Li Sanlian hand coped with a expert Sakazaki of grandmaster rank is just quite strenuous, under this time situation, if he came, feared that must make into the pig head directly! 之前他和李三联手对付一名宗师级别的高手坂崎刚已经是相当吃力,在此时的局势下,若是他就这么现身的话,怕是要直接被打成猪头! Was good because of Fang Linyan usually is a stratagem decided that but rear drive person, since he dared to dive, that also had confidence that can serve own purpose, naturally, under this aspect, must certainly use a card in a hand. 好在方林岩素来都是个谋定而后动的人,他既然敢于潜进来,那也就有把握能达到自己的目的,当然,在这局面之下,肯定是要动用一张底牌的了。 When Fang Linyan slightly hesitates, suddenly heard the outside to hear a series of intense cheers, in the Fang Linyan heart one tight, quickly looked toward outside! 就在方林岩略一迟疑的时候,突然听到了外间传来了一连串激烈的欢呼声,方林岩心中一紧,急忙朝着外面看了过去! Immediately detected an Krupp artillery muzzle original twenty meters away also braves the curling light smoke, in the middle of below harbor, Nall warm port place has ignited the fire, the entire ship started to have the obvious condition at an angle. 顿时发觉原来二十几米外的一门克虏伯炮炮口还冒着袅袅青烟,下方的港湾当中,纳尔温号的左舷处已经燃起了大火,整艘船都开始有了明显的倾侧状况。 Matter that very obviously, Fang Linyan most is worried about happened! On the present situation, Nall warm is in imminent danger, once it submerged but actually , the above No. several hundred Russian soldier was buried in the fish abdomen, that must affect to plan greatly. 很显然,方林岩最担心的事情发生了!就眼下的情况,纳尔温号已经是岌岌可危,它一旦沉没了的话倒也罢了,上面的几百号俄国士兵葬身鱼腹,那就要影响大计划了啊。 Facing so the situation, Fang Linyan is also deep inspiration, knows oneself cannot hesitate, he very simple touching to a nearby room. 面对如此情形,方林岩也是深深的吸了一口气,知道自己不能再犹豫了,他很干脆的摸到了旁边的一个房间当中。 This room almost 200-300 squares, are windowless, inside is spreading an irritating the nose gunpowder flavor, heard that quite somewhat irritates the nose, the ground is scattering some tattered lumber, tilts, several spatial barrels. 这个房间差不多有200-300个平方,没有窗户,里面蔓延着一股刺鼻的火药味道,闻起来颇有些呛人,地上散落着一些破烂的木料,覆布,还有几个空桶。 Obviously, here is used to store up the gunpowder the place, but does not know when was soared, usually should not some people. 很显然,这里是用来储存火药的地方,只是不知道什么时候被腾空了,平时应该也不会有人来。 After entering here, Fang Linyan pulled out a palm of the hand size directly the Pikou bag, then the breaking by biting finger, smudged the blood above, heard in this Pikou bag presented „” the sound. 进入到了这里之后,方林岩直接就掏出一只巴掌大小的皮口袋,然后咬破手指,将血液涂抹在了上面,紧接着就听到这皮口袋里面出现了“咔嚓咔嚓”的响声。 Fang Linyan takes this Pikou bag to sway falling toward outside, quick saw the bag mouth to extend an arm, then the bag mouth was supported in a big way, an mechanism/organization armed soldier crawled! 方林岩拿着这皮口袋就朝着外面摇晃着倾倒,很快的就见到袋口伸出了一只手臂,然后袋口就被撑大,一名机关甲士就从中爬了出来! This looks very strange, looks like the bag mouth of this Pikou bag is another potential surface exit|to speak, but the mechanism/organization armed soldiers are also continuous crawls from inside. 这一幕看起来很是诡异,就像是这皮口袋的袋口乃是另外一个位面的出口似的,而机关甲士也是源源不断的从里面爬出。 The key is if the azure aunt in can discover, on these fellows has the obvious modification trace, for example these mechanism/organization armed soldiers are completely the blade shield soldiers, armor is the standard of clear(ly) army, puts on directly. 关键是若是青姨在的话就就能发现,这些家伙身上有着明显的改动痕迹,比如这些机关甲士本来全部都是刀盾兵,身上的铠甲都是明军的制式,直接穿上的。 However now several are changed to change beyond all recognition: 但是现在其中有好几个都被改得面目全非: For example the mechanism/organization armed soldier who this time presents grasps to hold the great shield, wears two heavy armor, the special division defends. 比如此时出现的这一名机关甲士就是握持巨盾,身穿两层重甲,专司防御的。 Both mechanism/organization armed soldier direct armor that also for example then present do not put on, both hands were also downloaded by the simultaneous/uniform wrist, the bayonet that what replaces it is two pitch-dark pipes, above the pipe the card cold light is also sparkling, in the middle of each pipe can the continuous emission ten crossbow bolts come out, each crossbow bolt length approximately three cuns (2.5 cm), over 30 meters in range! 又比如接下来出现的两名机关甲士直接铠甲都不穿了,双手也被齐腕卸掉,取而代之的是两个黑洞洞的管子,管子上方还卡着一把寒光闪闪的刺刀,每一根管子当中可以连续发射十枚弩箭出来,每一支弩箭长约三寸,射程超过30米! This transformation obviously lets the mechanism/organization armed soldier principal long-distance attack, once the enemy near body crossbow bolt can also use two bayonets to counter-attack. 这种改造明显就是让机关甲士主打远程攻击,一旦敌人近身弩箭也可以利用两把刺刀进行反击。 The both legs of several mechanism/organization armed soldiers had also been modified, appearing is thick and long, and four arms, these are the advance units of high maneuvering force high lethality, so long as there is an opportunity to crash in the enemy pile, that will be blowing the big piece reign of terror instantaneously. 还有几名机关甲士的双腿也被改动过,显得又粗又长,并且还有四条胳膊,这些就是高机动力高杀伤力的突进单位,只要有机会冲进敌人堆里面,那就会在瞬间刮起大片腥风血雨。 Fang Linyan after the transformation on the helpless discovery, oneself transforms from now on mechanism/organization armed soldiers as if to give own Pikou bag to be incompatible with the azure aunt, in this Pikou bag can install more than ten mechanism/organization armed soldiers to be a cinch, but now can only install next nine. 只是方林岩在改造之后就无奈的发现,自己改造过后的机关甲士仿佛与青姨送给自己的皮口袋格格不入似的,之前这皮口袋里面可以装十几名机关甲士不在话下,而现在则只能装下九名了。
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