FE :: Volume #13

#1432: Variable that the Russians make

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Variable that Chapter 1430 Russian makes 第1430章俄国人制造的变数 Opens the Russian directly does, hits the time like a raging fire, Fang Linyan has destroyed in the middle of the Ibaraki fort four heavy artilleries. 在俄国人这边直接开干,打得如火如荼的时候,方林岩这边已经摧毁了茨木炮台当中的四门重炮。 He also starts to meet in the middle of some forts garrison troops now, but Fang Linyan is be at sneaking under the condition, therefore opposite party in flurry, simply does not have the opportunity to discover him. 他现在也开始遇到了一些炮台当中的守军,只是方林岩乃是处于潜行状态下,所以对方在慌乱之中,也根本没机会发现他。 However Fang Linyan makes the best use of the time to seek now, is Ibaraki fort that caliber 280 millimeters main artillery, once this gadget thunders, so long as a round of shell hits, even the warship will also cause heavy losses frigidly. 不过方林岩现在抓紧时间寻找的,还是茨木炮台的那一门口径280毫米的主炮,这玩意儿一旦轰鸣起来,只要一发炮弹击中,连军舰也会遭受惨烈重创。 But he runs is running, hears the front transmitted bang a loud sound, shakes the above mud grey rustle to fall, after separating for two seconds, heard rumbling explosive sound. 而他跑着跑着,就听到了前方传来了“轰”的一声巨响,震得上方的泥灰簌簌而落,隔了两秒钟之后,又传来了“轰轰”的爆炸声。 This explosion and shake estimate have ersanshi meters away, Fang Linyan are shaken one to stagger in running, almost falls down. 这爆炸和震荡估计就发生在二三十米外,方林岩在奔跑的时候都被震得一个趔趄,差点摔倒在地。 Crossed for more than ten seconds, Fang Linyan heard had a Japanese to shout hoarsely called out: 过了十几秒钟,方林岩就听到了有一个日本人声嘶力竭的喊叫道: Enemy here!!” “敌人在这里!!” Then heard a big sound of gunfire, in the Fang Linyan heart one tight, immediately is overrunning to the yelling direction. 然后就传来了一大片的枪声,方林岩心中一紧,立即就对着喊叫的方向冲了过去。 After running out of more than 20 meters, Fang Linyan in the middle of the thick smoke saw, Li three are the face rolls up toward below in side motionless, his clothes are been incarnadine by the blood, and full is the dust, several rounds of bullets were also take advantage of opportunity to hit in his side, „” a chaotic sound. 冲出了二十多米之后,在浓烟当中方林岩就看到,李三已经是脸朝下蜷缩在了旁边一动不动,他的衣服已经被鲜血染红了,并且满是尘土,好几发子弹也是顺势打在了他的旁边,“噼里啪啦”的一阵乱响。 At this time the Fang Linyan mood dropped the valley immediately, the mood also becomes the indescribable grief and indignation, fierce started the blade soaring to aim at Li three to rush over! Immediately, Li three takes on the allied force, immediately also presented one to protect the shield. 此时方林岩的心情顿时跌落到了谷底,心情也是变得难以言喻的悲愤,猛的就启动了刃飞翔对准了李三冲了过去!顿时,李三作为友军身上,立即也出现了一个护盾。 The appearance that this protects the shield can be said as exceptionally prompt, because another bullet shot at Li three, was protected the shield kept off one next, to shoot after by this side, if according to its normal path, then the big probability will shoot through the Li three chest. 这个护盾的出现可以说是异常的及时,因为又一颗子弹射向了李三,被这护盾挡了一下之后弹到了旁边去,若是按照其正常轨迹的话,那么大概率都会射穿李三的胸口。 Appeared after Li three side, Fang Linyan grasped his body to roll toward side directly, arrived in the middle of a nearby corner! Then he is clenching teeth to pull out high explosive, after delimiting the matches to light, aimed rear area one threw. 出现在了李三的旁边之后,方林岩抱住了他的身体直接就朝着旁边滚了过去,来到了旁边的一处转角当中!然后他咬着牙掏出了一根高爆炸药,划着火柴将之点燃了之后就对准了后方一抛。 Finally after this round of high explosive was lit, Fang Linyan arrived at two in the heart silently from the bottom, exploded loudly! Shaking Fang Linyan is at present one black, the heart jumps crazily. 结果这一发高爆炸药被点燃之后,方林岩在心中默默倒数到了二,就轰然爆炸了开来!震得方林岩都是眼前一黑,心脏狂跳。 This makes Fang Linyan in curse Europeans doing of artisan TM in the heart clenches jaws must be any coarse work, at the same time the waistband Li three is facing forward to dash about wildly on the cat, meanwhile heard transmits behind one after another choked to cough fiercely, painful wailing sound. 这让方林岩在心中咬牙切齿的大骂着老毛子的工匠TM的干得是什么糙活儿,一面就猫着腰带着李三朝前狂奔,同时还听到身后传来了一连串剧烈呛咳,还有痛苦哀嚎声。 Obviously, pursues the Li three young devils to be not infrequent, oneself that round of high explosive should give the opposite party to come ruthlessly. 很显然,追击李三的小鬼子不在少数,自己那一发高爆炸药应该给对方来了个狠的。 However, high explosive thing Fang Linyan with also has the obvious prompt in the hand, this is the special mission goods, everything had been injured by this thing, or is the enemy who kills, will not fall any spoils of war. 不过,高爆炸药这东西方林岩拿在手中也是有明显的提示,这是特殊任务物品,凡是被这东西伤害过,或者是杀死的敌人,都不会掉落任何战利品。 Quick, Fang Linyan led Li three to arrive at a hiding place, then gave him to come horse non-, this gadget was discovered in 1805, then in 1840 about, was almost wonder drug was fashionable for a time to all diseases had the analgetic effect as one type. 很快的,方林岩就带着李三来到了一个隐蔽处,然后给他来了一针马非,这玩意儿在1805年的时候就被发现了出来,然后1840年左右,就作为一种几乎是对所有疾病都有止痛效果的“神药”而风靡一时。 Until the First World War, this gadget was widely applied on the wounded person, then after creating several million drug addicts, starts to attach great importance, then forbids. 直到第一次世界大战,这玩意儿被广泛应用在伤员身上,然后造就了数百万的瘾君子以后,才开始被重视,然后禁止。 horse who at this time on Fang Linyan provides not, is from Russian there lane, because has is unable to carry over this world the characteristics, therefore can also become effective to the Li three such indigenous people in full. 此时方林岩身上配备的马非,就是自己从俄国人那里弄来的,因为拥有“无法带出本世界”的特性,所以对李三这样的原住民也是能全额生效的。 After this hits, Fang Linyan starts to give Li three inspection wounds, actually heard Li three to choke to cough two, put out black phlegm that brings the dust, worn out say/way: 这一针打下去之后,方林岩就开始给李三检查伤口,却听到李三呛咳了两声,吐出了一口带着尘埃的黑痰,有气无力的道: Young master. I, I the main artillery of young devil exploding! Also two big powder kegs by that main artillery, the father gave it to come to have it all directly! However, the opposite party also has the strong person of grandmaster rank, does not know that was killed not to have.” “公子.我,我把小鬼子的主炮给炸了!在那主炮旁边还有两个大火药桶,老子直接给它来了个一锅端!但是,对方也是有宗师级别的强人,也不知道被炸死没。” After Fang Linyan hears Li three said like this, immediately remembered the beforehand that three radical explosion, behind sentimental that two were the powder keg is ignited. 方林岩听到了李三这样说之后,顿时就想起了之前的那三声剧烈的爆炸,感情后面的那两声就是火药桶被引燃了啊。 Therefore then Fang Linyan could not bear raise one's head toward that side to look, immediately detected the might of that two powder kegs was out of the ordinary, exploded a giant opening the fort position directly, outside sea breeze swayed, in the ground still also had the flame to sparkle, that main artillery crooked to one side. 于是接下来方林岩忍不住伸出头朝着那边看了过去,顿时就发觉那两个火药桶的威力非比寻常,直接将炮台阵地炸出来了一个巨大的豁口,外面的海风都吹拂了进来,地面上依然还有火光闪耀着,那门主炮都歪斜到了一边。 At this time actually listens to Li three to say grieved: 此时却听李三惨然道: Young master, I estimated that was hit the strategic point, my my is not good! But my doing right by ancestor, did right by the master who taught me this time!!” “公子,我估计是被打中了要害,我我这是不行了!但我对得起祖宗,对得起教我这一身功夫的师父了!!” He firmly grabbed the hand of Fang Linyan, the breathing rapidly say/way: 他紧紧的抓住了方林岩的手,呼吸急促的道: Young master, I have not married the wife, but after running into you, the Yang Guafu of decision Tianjin Wulizhuang married, henceforth living well, Yang Guafu daughters changed a statement to call my father.” “公子,我还没有娶老婆,但是遇到了你以后,就决定将天津五里庄的杨寡妇娶了,从此好好的过日子,杨寡妇的女儿都改口叫我爹了。” „After I die, the young master can you help look after their mother and child, then told them, I died in battle for our country!!! Oh!!” “我死以后,公子您能不能帮忙照看一下她们娘俩,然后再告诉她们,我是为了咱们国家而战死的!啊!!啊哟!!” The Li three last pitiful yell, because of Fang Linyan in the flash, has actually acted, if the electricity, with plundering the tooth of food his wound inside bullet selecting, then scattered the Yunnan white medicinal powder with great speed, wrap. 李三最后一声惨叫,却是因为方林岩在一瞬间,已经出手若电,用掠食之牙将他伤口里面的子弹给挑了出来,然后火速撒上云南白药,包扎。 Finally Fang Linyan ill-humored say/way: 最后方林岩才没好气的道: Relax, you must to the words that Yang Guafu spoke, oneself said, I do not help!” “放心,你要对杨寡妇说的话,自个儿说去,我不帮这个忙!” Then Fang Linyan fed Li three to eat up several bright red safe, this was actually the good medicine of hematischesis, was in the national capital the great masters of Qingyutang disposes personally. 然后方林岩又喂李三吃下了几颗鲜红的保险子,这却是止血的良药,乃是京师里面庆余堂的大师傅亲手配置的。 The horse non- pain-relieving, oral administration safe, externally applies the Yunnan white medicinal powder, in addition Fang Linyan makes a move to select the bullet, this four-barrel simultaneous/uniform , the Li three injuries no longer deteriorate finally, but if in a short time wants to begin actually is also not possible. 马非止痛,口服保险子,外敷云南白药,再加上方林岩出手挑子弹,这四管齐下,李三的伤势终于不再恶化,不过短时间内要想和人动手却也是不可能的了。 At this time Fang Linyan is the mood is also heavy, the Li three light-body times could be said as extremely wise, but in front of facing the lining up in formation volley of Japanese soldier, seemed without the significance, you hid a spear/gun, could not hide the chaotic spear/gun to fire! 此时方林岩也是心情沉甸甸的,李三的轻身功夫可以说是极其高明了,可是在面对日本兵的列队排枪面前,也是显得毫无意义,你躲得了一枪,躲不了乱枪齐发! Therefore, above this battlefield, is really seven points by the luck, three points by strength. 所以啊,在这战阵之上,真的是七分靠运气,三分靠实力。 However at this time, in the middle of the bay of distant place transmitted suddenly bang bang a series of artillery sounds, broadcast this sound in rain the cold wind icy rain suddenly , was really big his unexpected! 不过就在这时候,远处的海湾当中忽然传来“轰隆”“轰隆”的一连串炮响,在冷风冷雨当中突然传来了这声音,也是真的大出他的意料之外! When the shock, Fang Linyan quickly sets out, looks toward nearby bay in the middle. 在震惊之余,方林岩急忙直起身来,朝着旁边的海湾当中看去。 At this time the Fang Linyan position was in the nearby of fort, the field of vision is excellent, even if can still see in rain the wind and rain of deep in the night, had enough three ships in the night impressively, and ships both sides muzzles are still going all out to emit the flame, aimed in the middle of this Nagasaki naval port the direct impact on come. 这时候方林岩所处的位置乃是在炮台的附近,视野极好,哪怕是在夤夜的风雨当中依然能见到,在黑夜当中赫然有足足三艘舰船,并且舰船两侧的炮口还在拼命喷吐着火焰,对准了这长崎军港当中直冲过来。 Is that ships of head is not other, by good, at this time is still being braved the blue smog that curls by good number that main artillery front that they seize, the previous that artillery is it sends very much obviously. 为首的那艘舰船不是别的,正是被他们缴获的“由良”号,此时由良号的那门主炮前方还在冒着袅袅的蓝色烟雾,很显然先前的那一炮正是它所发出来的。 Saw this, Fang Linyan was startled immediately, because everyone has said before, must carefully handle affairs in the open sea mobile three ships, only if saw after clear pyrotechnic signal that own surprise attack team sent out, can penetrate. 见到了这一幕,方林岩顿时大吃一惊,因为大家在之前就已经讲好了,在外海机动的三艘舰船一定要谨慎行事,除非是看到了自己的这支突袭队发出的明确烟火信号之后,才能突入。 After all has these three ships to take the subsequent hand, even attacked the Nagasaki naval port to be defeated, these three ships changed a place to land, this expedition planned same is not the failure, let escape the two day ship in Nagasaki naval port at most. 毕竟有这三艘船作为后手,即便是攻击长崎军港失败了,这三艘船换个地方登陆,这一次的远征计划一样不算失败,顶多只是放跑了长崎军港内的两艘日舰而已。 But once, three ships enter the Nagasaki naval port rashly, has very big probability to be attacked and sunk, that means to lose 100 percent, this risk and income are not cost-effective. 可是,一旦三艘船贸然进入长崎军港的话,就有很大的概率被击沉,那就意味着满盘皆输,这风险和收益不划算啊。 But with by good bombing, periphery counterattack of coastal defense fort, the flame starts to sparkle in the middle of the entire naval port rapidly, Fang Linyan then sees impressively, by the good the decks of numbers and on other two ships, is standing many Russians who the shadow shadow manifests, their left hand holds a gun, the right hand brandishes Vodka to bellow to yell, some people even take off the pants to urinate toward the position of Japanese 但随着“由良”号的炮击,还有周围岸防炮台的还击,火光开始迅速在整个军港当中闪耀,方林岩便赫然看到,由良号和其余两艘船只的甲板上面,影影倬倬的都站着不少俄国人,他们左手持枪,右手挥舞着伏特加大吼大叫着,有人甚至脱下裤子朝着日本人的阵地撒尿 This flash Fang Linyan understood, after their group of Chinese left, on ship surplus the Russian went to the cargo hold to find immediately the place that put the liquor, then started to drink fiercely. 这一瞬间方林岩就明白了过来,他们这群中国人离开了之后,船上剩余下来的俄国人就立即去货舱找到了放酒的地方,然后开始猛喝了起来。 But became confused the Russian of mind only to be able with an animal to describe by the alcohol: That is the brown bear of being in heat, very simple displays incisively own no brain upfront headstrong characteristics, therefore heard in the middle of the Nagasaki naval port a crackle of gunfire sound, immediately is shouting Wula, requesting the captain to aim in the naval port to clash. 而被酒精冲昏了头脑的俄国人就只能用一种动物来形容:那就是发情的棕熊,很干脆的将自身的无脑正面莽的特性发挥得淋漓尽致,因此听到了长崎军港当中炮声一响,立即就大喊着“乌拉”,要求船长对准军港里面冲了过来。 Obviously, the captain and crew of responsible driving have definitely also argued strongly based on reason, but as can be appreciated: In facing one group of Russians who are brandishing the guns, and drinks the drunken Russian time, argued with them is not sane, and also insufficiently respected about own life. 很显然,负责的驾驶的船长和船员肯定也据理力争过,但是可以理解:在面对一群挥舞着枪支的俄国人,并且还是喝得醉醺醺的俄国人的时候,和他们争辩并不理智,并且对自己的生命也不够尊重. At this time this damn aspect Fang Linyan does not certainly want it to happen, but since had happened, then can only face the reality. 此时这该死的局面方林岩当然不愿意它发生,但既然已经发生了,那么就只能面对现实。 Good, now the pressure is at least smaller, the energy of fort inside value garrison troops team at least needs to branch out these three ships that the larger part copes with rush!” “好吧,至少现在我们的压力小了很多,炮台里面的值守军队的精力至少要分出一大半来对付闯进来的这三艘船!” Fang Linyan drew a conclusion in the mind rapidly, then, he looked into a surrounding situation rapidly: 方林岩在脑海里面迅速得出了一个结论,然后,他迅速的眺望了一下周围的情形: King five and Master Huo they do very well, until now, had at least paralyzed more than 50% forts, but the enemy crossed the attacked flurried time after now, obviously the later destruction work will be very getting more and more difficult.” “王五和霍师傅他们干得很不错呢,迄今为止,已经至少瘫痪了一半以上的炮台,不过现在敌人渡过了被突袭的慌乱期之后,很显然之后的破坏工作会越来越难。” Japanese arranges the fort around Nagasaki naval port, has the larger part, patching that 30 years ago construct maintains today, these fort inside cannon firing distances and precisions were very limited, even if its shell hit our ships, the destructive power will not be big.” “日本人布置在长崎军港周围的炮台,有一大半都是于三十年之前修建的了,修补维护到了今日,这些炮台里面的大炮射程和精度都十分有限,其炮弹即便是击中了咱们的船只,破坏力也并不会很大。” After pondering here, the Fang Linyan vision stayed above the places of more than 200 meters places finally, there every several seconds, will emit flame! But there, is the position of network of forest belts fort. 思考到这里之后,方林岩的目光最终停留在了上方两百多米处的地方,那里每隔数十秒,就会喷吐出一股火焰!而那里,也是林冈炮台的位置。 Before network of forest belts fort, has said that builds with the Ibaraki fort, it puts into port the threat of ships to, even larger part close to other forts. 林冈炮台之前就说过了,和茨木炮台一起新修的,它对下方进港舰船的威胁,甚至接近其余炮台的一大半。 Fang Linyan looks all around, only then looked deathly pale to receive severely wounded Li three, surplus was raises eyes all the enemy! But the present condition, do oneself have the choice? 方林岩环顾四周,只有脸色惨白受到了重伤的李三,剩余下来的则是举目皆敌!但就眼前的这状况来说,自己还有选择吗? He patted the Li three shoulders, said in a low voice: 他拍了拍李三的肩膀,低声道: I first bring you to arrive in nearby shrubbery, that side is very safe, should no one go, I must go to network of forest belts artillery Taiwan Affairs Office, the ship that otherwise, under puts into port is very dangerous.” “我先带伱到旁边的灌木丛里面,那边很安全,应该没有人会去的,我得去将林冈炮台办了,不然的话,下方进港的船很危险。” After Li three listened, immediately struggled evil ways: 李三听了以后立即挣扎了一下道: !!! Young master, I accompany you to go together.” “咳咳,咳咳!!!公子,我陪你一起去。” Fang Linyan puts out a hand, carried him, then brought the safe place, this said in a low voice: 方林岩一伸手,就将他背了起来,然后带到了安全的地方,这才低声道: You have not been able to move now, the hemorrhage of internal organs just stopped, first raising, otherwise wants the deceased person! My TM does not want to help you take care of the widow!” “你现在还不能动,内脏的出血才刚刚止住,先养着,不然要死人的!我TM才不想帮你照顾寡妇!” After saying, did not wait for Li three answering, turned around to vanish in the darkness directly. 说完了之后不等李三回话,直接转身就消失在了黑暗当中。 At this time the Japanese already restored from the former attacked flurry, especially those not yet destroyed fort, mobilizes the manpower to start to conduct defends , is commands the cannoneer as soon as possible toward below intruder open fire. 此时日本人已经从之前被突袭的慌乱当中恢复了过来,尤其是那些尚未被摧毁的炮台,一面发动人手开始进行就地防卫,一面则是喝令炮手尽快朝着下方的闯入者开炮。 When Fang Linyan snuck nearby the network of forest belts fort time, here has seen brilliantly illuminated, about 50-60 Japanese forces were at least ready in full battle array, defended the entrance of fort stubbornly, pitch-dark muzzle direct alignment outside, once heard to have what slightest sign of trouble immediately is a volley in the past. 等到方林岩潜行到了林冈炮台附近的时候,已经见到这边灯火通明,至少近50-60名的日军严阵以待,死死的守住了炮台的入口,黑洞洞的枪口直接对准了外面,一旦听到有什么风吹草动立即就是一排枪过去。 *** *** When Fang Linyan is facing so the difficult position, below Russian has also appeared the obvious declining tendency! 方林岩面对着如此困境的时候,下方的俄国人也已经显出了明显的颓势! Four charge squads that they dispatched before truly are immediately sharp, caused the huge confusion and damage to the Japanese forces, but the population are too eventually few, after the Japanese forces start to counter-attack, it can be said that is fatal, the person who can remove is also less than 1/3. 他们之前派遣出去的四支冲锋小队在第一时间确实非常犀利,给日军造成了巨大的混乱和伤害,但是终究人数太少,在日军开始反击之后,可以说是伤亡惨重,能撤回来的人还不到三分之一。 Was good retained a reason because of Nicolas at that time finally, but dispatched about 160 people to charge, but also left behind almost 80 people to construct the position statue here, in same place fortification, otherwise, can only describe with the total military defeat at this time. 好在尼古拉斯当时总算是保留了一丝理智,只是派遣出了一百六十人左右冲锋,还留下了差不多八十人在雕像这里构筑阵地,原地设防,否则的话,此时就只能用兵败如山倒来形容了。 At this time, facing the Japanese forces of charge squad the pursuit retreated, Nicolas orders, more than 80 Mausel rifles opened fire in two shooting ways, immediately overthrew was close to 20 pursuing troops. 这时候,面对追击撤退的冲锋小队的日军,尼古拉斯一声令下,八十多支毛瑟步枪以二段射的方式开火,顿时就打倒了接近二十名追兵。 The key is these 20 pursuing troops, is among the Japanese forces the sharpest that group of people, the courage, the discipline, is the physical ability, is obviously compared with other person, can suffer in the situation of surprise attack to restore in this time, then conducts the counterattack. 关键是这二十名追兵,也是日军当中最为精锐的那批人,无论是勇气,纪律,还是体能,都是明显比其余的人强的,才能在此时遭受突袭的情况下恢复过来,然后进行反突击。 Nicolas this volley hits, immediately makes Japanese commander who catches up in a hurry shout abuse, loves dearly the straight pinch of tartar! 尼古拉斯这一排枪打过去,顿时让匆匆赶来的日方指挥官破口大骂,心疼得直撮牙花子! both sides this time fight of entered the positional warfare pattern, the Japanese forces organized twice charges, actually because of the relations of night fighting, the Russian was exhibited the stance of not hesitating all persevering, was really forcefully will hit, directly caused the Japanese at least to throw down several hundred corpses in the position front! 双方此时的战斗就进入到了阵地战模式,日军组织了两次冲锋,却都因为夜战的关系,还有俄国人乃是摆出了不惜一切坚守的架势,真的是又硬生生的将之打了回去,直接导致日本人在阵地前方至少丢下了数百具尸体! However the Russian was also hits very difficultly, more than 40 individuals who the remained 80 people retreated in addition, but must guard against the Japanese forces possibly from the package clips of two wings, was the military is really beset with problems. 不过俄国人这边也是打得十分艰苦了,留守的八十个人加上撤退回来的四十多个人,还要提防日军可能从两翼的包夹,真的是兵力捉襟见肘。
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