Chapter 1426raids the naval port
A thickcar(riage)barpoundedruthlesslyinhishead, ZhengXianrenonfellto the groundall of a suddensoftly, wasseveralfoot that is sending out the ozoneaimedright in the facehistrampledruthlessly, ZhengXianrenwas still insistingput out the followingseveralcharacters:
一根粗大的车杠狠狠砸在了他的头上,郑先仁一下子就软倒在地,紧接着就是好几张散发着臭气的脚丫子对准了他劈头盖脸的狠踹了下来,郑先仁依然坚持着吐出了下面几个字:„. Very ripewithprime ministerHirobumi Itou!!”
“.和首相伊藤博文君很熟啊!!”Thenthisstubbornold manfell into the severepain, lost the consciousnessthoroughly.
然后这个顽固的老头就陷入到了剧烈的痛楚当中,彻底失去了意识。A moment later, in the middle ofZheng Residencehadflamingto get madfiercely.
片刻之后,郑府当中就有熊熊烈火冒了出来。Meanwhile, some youngpeople of Zhengstoodon the mountain of distant place, looked into the distanceis sweeping across the smoke and fire that the entireChineseroomspread, wassilent, somepeoplehad tears streaming down the face, somepeopleevencried alouddirectly.
与此同时,郑家的小部分人就站在了远处的山上,眺望着席卷整个唐人屋敷的烟火,一个个都是默默无语,有的人泪流满面,有的人甚至都直接哭出声来。FromZheng Zhilong, 281years of baseindustry that Zhengestablisheshere, vanished in a puff of smoke, howcannot callthesedescendantsprofoundhearts!
自郑芝龙起,郑家在这里建立的两百八十一年基业,就此灰飞烟灭,怎能不叫这些子孙痛彻心扉!Zhenglight/onlyclenches jaws, both eyessay/waywith tears:
郑家光咬牙切齿,双目含泪的道:„Thisgroup of dogsare mixed up!! Thisgroup of bastards, ourhundredyears of baseindustry of Zheng, unravelled!”
“这帮狗杂碎!!这帮王八蛋,我们郑家的百年基业,就这么灰飞烟灭了啊!”SideisZhengfather of light/only, ZhengXianli, hehandgentlyaccording to son'sshoulder, meaningfulsay/way:
旁边则是郑家光的父亲,郑先礼,他将手轻轻的按在了儿子的肩头,意味深长的道:„Actuallyall these are also the good deeds.”
“其实这一切也是好事。”Zhenglight/onlyturns aroundsuddenly, say/way that both eyesblush:
郑家光陡然转身,双目发红的道:„Did father, whatyousay?”
郑先礼道:„Actuallyall theseweforecastonemonth ago, why will thattragedyalso happen?”
“其实这一切我们早在一个月之前就预测到了,那惨剧为什么还会发生?”Zhenglight/onlyimmediatelydelay, ZhengXianliactuallyvisionprofoundsay/way:
郑家光顿时呆滞了一下,郑先礼却目光深邃的道:„Because, ourrights to speakwere too small, alwayssomepeoplerefuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality! NowZhengin the baseindustry that the Chineseroomspreads, althoughdestroyed, butthere is no construction without destruction.”
“因为,我们的话语权太小了,总是有人不见棺材不掉泪的!现在郑家在唐人屋敷的基业虽然毁了,但是不破不立。”„Our , sincealso, andahead of timewas ready! Thenif given time, wecan certainlyreappear the magnificence of Zheng!”
“我们这一支既然还在,并且也提前做好了准备!那么假以时日,我们就一定能重现郑家的辉煌!”Heard a ZhengXianlisuchsaying, others were also encouraged, Zhenglight/onlydeepinspiration, also before thought of itself, inunfair that among the familysuffers, supercilious look, humiliation!
听到了郑先礼这样一说,其余的人也是振奋了起来,郑家光深深的吸了一口气,也是想到了自己之前在家族当中所遭受的不公,白眼,还有屈辱!Readandthis, hecould not bearlooktobelowflamingfire, in the heartcould not beargush outstrangepleasedto come, thesearrogantignorantsuperficiality, have unravelledwiththisfirenow, the futureZheng, will certainly the bathhotrebirth.
一念及此,他忍不住看向了下方的熊熊大火,心中也忍不住涌出了一股诡异的快意来,那些自大无知的短视者,现在就已经随着这大火灰飞烟灭了吧,日后的郑家,必将浴火重生。At this timeinZhengXianliandZhenglight/onlybehind, except for78besideguard who grasps the weapon, the numerousmore than tenpeople, thesepeoplecowerin the same place, the appearanceis thin and pale, cries on each other's shoulders, theyare not the people of Zheng, fish slip through that butescapesby luck.
此时在郑先礼和郑家光的身后,除了七八名手持武器的护卫之外,还有林林总总有十几个人,这些人瑟缩在一起,容颜憔悴,更是抱头痛哭,他们并不是郑家的人,而是侥幸逃出来的漏网之鱼。Zhenglight/onlywhenis very earlytosomegood friendsandtheirbackfamilieshas initiated the warning, somepeoplebelieve,somepeoplesnort contemptuously.
郑家光在很早的时候就对一些好友和他们背后的家族发起过警告,有人相信,有人则是嗤之以鼻。Toleave behind a lastchancetothesestubbornfriends, Zhenglight/onlygavethesegood friends and partnerspointed out a way out, wasat this time his summit of dullhill. Oncethere is anything to change, so long asescapeshere, somepeopleaid.
为了给那些固执的朋友留下一线最后的机会,郑家光给这些好友和合作伙伴指出了一条生路,就是此时他呆的这座小山的山顶。一旦有什么大变的话,只要逃到这里的话,就有人接应。Herewas called as„cloud top”by the local area- The Japanesegives a nameissuchexaggerating- then after being chaotic, sometrulypeopleescaped, the guard of Zhengalsohacks to death the rioter who severalpursued.
这里被当地称作“云顶”--咳咳,日本人起名就是这么夸张-然后乱起之后确实有人逃了出来,郑家的护卫还砍死了几名追来的暴民。As forZhenginternalperson, had conducted the last timeevacuationlast night that canwalk, mainly before is the Japanese, spreadto searchtwicecrude behaviorsto the Chineseroom is too anxiouscontinuously, thereforepersonmajority of Zhengescaped, at this timewas placedinnavelMao Village.
至于郑家内部的人,能走的已经在昨夜进行了最后一次撤离,主要是日本人之前连续对唐人屋敷搜查两次的粗暴行为太令人担忧了所以郑家的人这一次大部分还是逃出来了,此时被安置在脐毛村里面。Moreover, underZhengXianliconnivance, Zhengmoststocks of startedto fallhalf a month agoclear, is detainedin the way of auditingon the cabinetintentionally, had not been collectedto return toheadquartershere, the wealth that therefore the Zhengseveral hundredyearsaccumulatealthoughthistimewas ruinedpart, butvitalityYousave, retainedso manymanpowerin addition, shouldretain the hope of revival.
不仅如此,在郑先礼的默许下,半个月之前郑家大部分的库存都开始被清掉,然后以查账的方式故意滞留在柜上,并没有被收集回总部这里,所以郑家数百年累计起来的财富虽然这一次被毁掉了一部分,但元气尤存,外加还保留下来了这么多的人手,应该还是保留了复兴的希望。At this time, nearbythick patch of grassheard the sound, the man who a Ninjadressed updrilled, was a facial expressionindifferentAbeprofit, helooked all aroundthesepeople, thensaid:
这时候,旁边的草丛传来了响声,紧接着一个忍者打扮的男子则是钻了出来,正是神情冷漠的服部一益,他环顾了一下这些人,然后道:„Walks, shouldno onemeet againto escape, moreoverIsmelled the aura of thesewild dogs, ourreturn triptimemustbe careful.”
The wild dog in Abeprofitmouth, isat this timeforthesevagabonds and wildwarriors who the officialworks, beforetopost a rewardtohimandyour majestyinsisted that chases downdoes not put, nowplays the enormousrolein the cataclysm.
***At this time, Fang LinyanalsoledLiSandengpersonto take the skiff, by starlightarrived around Nagasakikousuccessfullyto landquietly.
这时候,方林岩也带着李三等人乘坐小艇,趁着夜色悄然来到了长崎港附近成功登陆。As the saying goes the stratagemdecides, butrear drive, at this timein the middle ofNagasakikousituation is not really normal, thereforetheywill then first let the large unitwhile the bad weatherandsoonat nightfall, the visibilitywas not high, staysin the surrounding56nautical milesplaces, firstset outsquadunderstanding.
After coming ashore, in the middle ofNagasakikouconfusionmakesFang Linyanbe overjoyedimmediately, caughtseveralharborworkersdirectly, without the consumptiontoobigstrength, letsthemdirectly the special details1510saidcompletely.
After clarifyingthissituation, Fang Linyanreturned to the shipimmediately, aftercommanderShoigu of Russian sidediscussedmade the decision, since the middle ofNagasakikouisinthiscondition, then the direction of firstwave of surprise attackshouldplacein the military target, rather thancivilgoal.
摸清楚了这情况之后,方林岩立即返回了船上,与俄国这一方的指挥官绍伊古商量之后就做出了决定,既然长崎港当中乃是处于这种状况,那么第一波突袭的方向就应该放在军事目标上,而不是民事目标。Without a doubt, in the middle ofNagasakikouis biggest, is the most valuablemilitary target, isnearbynaval portdock!
毫无疑问,长崎港当中最大,也是最有价值的军事目标,就是旁边的军港船坞!This timeNagasakinaval porthas not moved, withcivilian-use portgreat distance, only thendozensmeters, butseparateswith the fence, insidealsohas the garrison.
此时的长崎军港还未搬迁,与民用港口相隔只有几十米而已,只是用围墙隔来,里面还有驻军呢。According tojustpressed for an answer the news, flagshipYoshino of JapaneseCombined Fleet conducts the repair and maintenanceininsideto the steam engine, main forceFengdaois the caseoftenfits out.
根据刚刚逼问出来消息,日本联合舰队的旗舰吉野号就在里面对蒸汽机进行检修维护,还有一艘主力丰岛号则是例常整备。However, the naval port is actually not the condition of not garrisoning! The entirenaval portpresents a typicalCglyphshape, the Ccharactercenteris the sea water, inextendingtosea the twoarms of Ccharacter, thenconstructedlarge number ofpermanentforts.
但是,军港却也并非是不设防的状态!整个军港呈现出一个典型的C字形状,C字中央乃是海水,在延伸向海洋的C字的两臂上,则是修建了大量永久性的炮台。According tobeforehandinformationinvestigation, in the middle of the naval portaltogetherhasbigforteight, stonefort12, the stonebuilds13, eachforthaslarge number ofartilleries, cansay that the firepoweris very powerful.
根据事先的情报调查,军港当中一共有大炮台八座,石炮台十二座,石垒十三座,每一座炮台都有大量的火炮,可以说火力十分强大。At this timein the middle of the Nagasakiharborwent haywire, is the authoritygovernmentdeliberatelytolerates, butnaval portplacewill not actually lose controlabsolutely, simultaneouslyaccording tomechanicalandobedient of Japanesethisnationality, the prospectguards the soldier of fortto idle is absolutely impossible.
The fleet that thereforeonceattacksmustattemptdirectly to entering port, mustface the spreadabilityfires of thesepermanentforts, thisis an out-and-outdisaster.
因此一旦突袭的舰队要尝试直接冲入港中,就要面对这些永久性炮台的覆盖性射击,这可是一场不折不扣的灾难。Ifaccording toplanssuchconventional, enters portin the usualcommercial dockdirectlylanding, according to the Russiangot up the wildout of controlstyle after battlefield, non-measurability that fightsat night, whatis more important, innaval portalsosomemassivegarrisons, whenbreaks to the Nagasakinaval portat leastmustconsume for severalhours, when the time comesYoshinoandMatsushimahave set sailto make a getaway.
若是按照常规计划那样,直接在平时的民用码头上入港登陆,依照俄国人上了战场之后的狂暴失控风格,还有黑夜战斗的不可测性,更重要的是,军港里面还有大量驻军,所以等到冲入到长崎军港当中至少是要耗费好几个小时的,到时候吉野号和松岛号早就启航逃之夭夭了。Therefore, to achieve the strategic goal, eats these twowarships of Japanese, only then means that thatfirstdispatchesbysmall scalefort of the elite armyrapidsurprise attacknaval port, firstdestroyedmajority the fort, thencanbreak in the Nagasakinaval portin the threeships of open seaoutrageously, directlytoanchoringYoshinoandMatsushimastarts!
所以,要想达到战略目的,将日本人的这两艘军舰都吃掉的话,只有一个办法,那就是先派遣出小规模的精锐部队迅速突袭军港两边的炮台,将炮台先摧毁了大部分,接下来在外海的三艘船只才能悍然冲入长崎军港,直接对停泊的吉野号和松岛号下手!both sidesequaledsome little time, asked the person of familiarterrainto discusstogether,thinks the elite armyquantity of dispatchingcannotbe less than200people, butalso was very over difficult500people of quantities.
双方合计了好一会儿,又叫来了熟悉地形的人一起商议,一致认为派遣出去的精锐部队数量不能少于两百人,但却也很难超过五百人的数量。Thereasonis very simple, thatisto achievenearbyattacks the words of Nagasakinaval port, thatmustmake the ships of transportingpersonnelnearbyland.
其原因很简单,那就是要做到就近突袭长崎军港的话,那就得让运送人员的船只就近登陆。Thisnearbysuits the place that the bigshipapproaches shoreonly then the Nagasakiharbor, threebigshipscannot shoulder the deliveryability, can only depend uponusuallytransports the drinking watersupplies the skiff, and must put ingroping, thishas the enormousrisk.
这附近适合大舰靠岸的地方就只有长崎港口而已,三艘大舰是肩负不起投放能力的,只能依靠平时运送食水补给的小艇,并且还要摸黑投放,这可是有极大风险的。At this timecanuse, only thenfourskiffs, eachskiffdelivers the fully-armedsoldier, at mostalso15people, and must takeat night the line of sight not goodenormous risk- The positive/directregion of thisNagasakinaval port , the shoreregionhasmanyreefs. Oncebumped intois needlessto say!
此时能动用的,只有四艘小艇而已,每一艘小艇运载全副武装的战士,顶多也就十五人,并且还要冒着夜晚视线不好的巨大风险--要知道,这长崎军港的正面区域倒也罢了,岸边区域却是有不少礁石的。一旦碰上的话就不用说了吧!Most critically, mustarrive at the ebb tideimmediately the time, has caughtthisnearbypersonto ask, once after the ebb tide, will come out the siltshallow seas and tidelandsreveal of shore, once the personwalks, the siltcanfall into the calf, evenis the position of waist, that was really in a dilemma.
更关键的是,马上就要到退潮的时间了,已经抓来这附近的人问过,一旦退潮之后,就会将岸边的淤泥滩涂露出来,人一旦走上去的话,淤泥会陷入到小腿,甚至是腰部的位置,那就真的是进退两难了。Therefore, some peoplearrange the landingdeliverymilitaryimmediatelyurgently, result'sfirstbatch of deliverieshave problems, in the middle offourskiffs, twostrike a reefunexpectedly, only thentwosuccessfullyarrive in the shore.
所以,一干人立即就紧急安排登陆投放兵力,结果第一批投放就出了问题,四艘小艇当中,竟是有两艘触礁,只有两艘成功抵达岸边。Thenalthoughsearchestwosecuritycanalsreluctantly, actuallyonly thentwoskiffstransported, disposable can only put in30people, whenfinally the ebb tidestarted, the population of shore was also less than400people.
接下来虽然算是勉强探出来了两条安全水道,却只有两艘小艇进行运送,一次性只能投放三十人,最后等到退潮开始的时候,岸边的人数还不到四百人。Howeverin the middle of this series ofbad news, mixes the goodnewsto exist, thatis the Russian who thisemploymentcomes at least infighting will, isverypowerful, quota that forthisfirstcomes ashore, some peoplealmostquarrelled to hit.
不过这一连串的坏消息当中,还是掺和有好消息存在的,那就是这一次雇佣而来的俄国人至少在战斗意志方面,还是非常强大的,为了这首先上岸的名额,一干人都争吵得几乎要打起来了。At this time after coming ashore, isrubs the fistto apply the palm, wantsto go all out an appearance, slightlyby the widowedenemynumerous, the thoroughenemydo not go the terrified of taking risk. Mouthswere foul-mouthed, eitheris scoldingto shut outnot to have the liquorto drink, eitherwas complaininghownot to have started.
此时上岸之后,一个个都是磨拳搽掌,想要大干一场的模样,丝毫都没有要以寡敌众,深入敌国前去冒险的惶恐。一个个嘴里骂骂咧咧的,要么就在数落嫌弃没有酒喝,要么就在埋怨怎么还不开打。At this time, Fang Linyanactuallyfiveand the othersgatheredwith the kingatone, the sea breezeclamped the raindropto sprinkle, the coldrain soakedbody, in addition the cold windblew, the average peoplemusttrembledirectly.
这时候,方林岩却和王五等人聚集在了一起,海风夹着雨点洒落了下来,冷雨湿身,再加上冷风一吹,普通人都要直接发起抖来。However, at this time the men on thisgroup of rivers and lakes, breathing are quite loud, twentyencircledcirclepersonally, did not dividewhathigh and lowsize, in the heart is actually surging a surgingmoodbeyond description.
但是,此时这群江湖上的汉子,一个个的呼吸声都极为粗重,二十几个人围成了一个圈儿,不分什么尊卑大小,心中却都涌动着一股难以形容的激荡情绪。In the circlecentralstone, is puttingaltar/jarliquoranddozensbowls, the kingfivewalks up, fills to the brim the liquorin turnthendistributesto the people, thenheholds up the bowl, soundlow and deepsay/way:
在圈子中央的石头上,放着一坛酒和几十个碗,王五走上前去,将酒依次倒满然后分发给众人,接下来他举起碗来,声音低沉的道:„Mykingfivesways back and forthon the rivers and lakesfrom16years old, the big or smallbodyafterseveral hundredwars, sometimesfor the brothersloyalty, sometimesis the personafter the rivers and lakesare involuntary, but every fights, helplessverywithterrified, felt the day that thistool bittakes oathwhenis a head.”
“我王五从十六岁就在江湖上打滚,大小身经数百战,有时候是为了兄弟义气,有的时候是人在江湖身不由己但是每一战之后,都很无奈和惶恐,都觉得这刀头歃血的日子什么时候是个头。”„But, today, makes light or traveling thousands of milesinme, standson the land of thisyoungdeviltime, the martial arts that the lifetimepracticeswere usedin the most correctplacefinally. Ifelt,thisis the peaks of mykingfivethis whole life!! For the principle of righteousness, forwewere not bulliedby the youngdevil, Ionlyfeel the highest honor!!!”
“但是,今天,在我不远千里而来,站到这小鬼子的土地上的时候,毕生习练的武术终于被用在了最正确的地方.我觉得,这是我王五这辈子的巅峰!!为了大义,为了咱们不受小鬼子欺负,我只觉得无上光荣!!!”„Finally, Iwantto say the words that pulls out the pit of the stomach, canwithdie in battlehere, ismykingfivebiggestbeing honored!! Does!!”
“最后,我想说一句掏心窝子的话,能与诸位战死在这里,是我王五的最大的荣幸!!干了!!”Is listening to the kingfivewords, thenliquor in the cupdid, everyoneon the scenefeelshot bloodedupwells, the weatheris cold, arrives at the myriadheroic feelings in chest! Goes tothisforeign country, rises spiritedlyto laugh in the face of deathforstriving to improve of nationality, sobehavior, althoughhundreddie with no regrets!!
听着王五的话,然后一口将杯中酒干了下去,在场的所有人都觉得热血上涌,天气再冷,也抵不过胸中的万千豪情!远赴这异国他乡,为了民族的自强奋起舍生忘死,如此行为,虽百死而无悔!!Underthose images and scenes, evenLithreeandLiJu, feels the chestbloodin the fever, sincereexperienceinkingfivewordsmeaning- Thiswar, kills the Japanese, pulls the dayto lean, althoughhundreddie with no regrets, thatisduring this lifehighest honor!!
在此情此景之下,甚至就连李三和李沮两人,也都觉得胸膛当中的血在烧,深切的体会到了王五的话中之意--这一战,杀倭奴,挽天倾,虽百死而无悔,那是这一生当中的无上光荣!!Butat this time, Fang Linyanalso felt choked up with emotions:
The Chinese nationhistoryis well-established, inthishigh and low5000civilization, does not know the person who many ChinamountedJapan.
中华民族历史源远流长,在这上下五千年的文明之中,也不知道有多少华族的人登上了日本本土。But, andcuts down the crimestatusby the vanquisher, represents the Chinese nationto set foot onthislandsfully-armed, oneselfandsidegroup of people are actually the opening upbeginnings of being worthy of the reputation!!
It is not the second war that the standardsurfacehas not had, saidonly the Japanese pirate of Ming Dynastytime, caused the bigdamageto the common people of myChinese nation?
姑且不算本位面还没发生的二战,单说明代时候的倭寇,就对我中华民族的百姓造成了多大的伤害?At this time during Fang Linyanis choked up with emotionswantsto bellow: ViolatesmyHan people, althoughmustexecute!!
***Ten after minutes, outside the entrancesentry post in Nagasakinaval port, fourgoing on night patrolsoldiersis taking a fast look around the surroundingsoundvigilantly,
十分钟之后,在长崎军港的门口岗哨外面,四名巡夜的士兵正在警惕的扫视着周围的动静,Naval portheavy, the safetydoes not accommodatecareless and indiscreet, in additioninNagasakikoualsohas the complementary waves of riotat this time, thereforethesefoursentrynotlaxmeanings, even if behindin the observationbuilding in top of the headalsofourcolleagues, they are also dometiculously.
军港重地,安危不容轻忽,再加上长崎港中此时还有暴乱的余波,所以这四名哨兵并没有一点松懈的意思,哪怕是身后头顶的瞭望楼上还有四名同僚,他们也是做得一丝不苟。However, thisafter allwas in 1895, the tide of JapaneseMeiji Restorationjustraisedsoonage, verticalwasthisdefensesternheavy, appearedin the eye of Fang Linyanis still full of loopholes, hebysneaking+Chino's the strong capability of packagekerchief, sliddirectlyfromentrancesentrybehindshadowthere.
The Fang Linyangoal, is the rearmore than tenmeters away twosentries in watchtower, before this is also , plansto assigntohisduty.方林岩的目标,便是后方十几米外的岗楼上的两名哨兵,这也是之前计划好分配给他的任务。Moreover, twosentryagreements in anotherwatchtowerthreebyLitwo peopletidy upwithSuwen.
不仅如此,另外一座岗楼上的两名哨兵约定是由李三和徐闻两人来收拾。According to the plan, Lithreecanknock downonewith the swallowdart, butSuwenis the eightyears ago military examinations of the imperial civil service examination system3 d highest places in hanun, canopenthreestoneDagong, he is responsible fortidying upanotherperson.
根据计划,李三用燕子镖能撂倒一个,而徐闻则是八年前的武举探花,能开三石大弓,他则是负责收拾另外一人。In others opinion, thiswatchtowerbiggestdifficultydoes not lie in the murder, but how islies insilentbeing close, the staircase in watchtoweris a 78metershighbamboo ladder, under thiscrawls, sound that cancreak, this was actually anythinglight-body the time unable to avoid.
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