FE :: Volume #13

#1429: The ambush enters

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Chapter 1427 ambush enters 第1427章潜伏杀入 Therefore, tidies up on these watchtowers the sentry best method, long-distance kills with the hidden weapon, but the Russian does not need to count on, their battle plans one, that was just the upfront went in forever directly headstrongly. 所以,收拾这些岗楼上哨兵最好的方法,还是远程用暗器狙杀,但俄国人是不用指望的了,他们的战斗计划永远都只有一个,那就是直接刚正面莽进去。 Among expert but who this accompanying comes, is good at this type silent long-distance killing, is Li three, slow full beard these three people who Suwen, the cayenne mister brings. 可是这一次随行而来的高手当中,擅长这种无声远程狙杀的,也就是李三,徐闻,还有卡宴先生带来的徐大胡子这三个人。 Others also said very, this everyone laughs in the face of death for the country pre-war comes, did not fear oneself lose face, but feared has not grasped messes things up. 其余的人也说得很实在,这一次大伙儿舍生忘死为了国战前来,不是怕自己丢脸,而是怕没有把握误了事。 In this case, the Fang Linyan stand expressed oneself handle to be able two people , is really shocking, because the row heroes on the scene cannot find out, if the close combat, how can bully near enemy, maintaining composure tidying up. 在这种情况下,方林岩站出来表示自己搞定能其中的两个人,也是着实让人大跌眼镜,因为在场的列位豪杰都想不出若是近战的话,怎么才能欺近敌人,不动声色的将之收拾了。 In the middle of dim light of night, Fang Linyan quick melted in the middle of the darkness, vanished in the line of sight of people, Li three two people were also takes place in the distant place with Suwen. 夜色当中,方林岩很快的就融进了黑暗当中,消失在了众人的视线里面,李三和徐闻两人也是随之在远处就位。 slow full beard was touches nearby a nearby dark sentry post , indicating own also OK. 徐大胡子则是摸到了旁边的一名暗哨附近,表示自己也OK了。 According to beforehand agreement, the Fang Linyan difficulty is biggest, takes a person to handle two enemies, therefore is first acted by him. 根据事先的约定,方林岩的难度最大,要一个人搞定两名敌人,所以由他先出手。 But after he goes well, will hang up the half clothes on the watchtower, in this case, Li three will also begin with Suwen! In other words, this first artillery was started by Fang Linyan. 而他得手之后,就会在岗楼上面挂起半截衣服,这样的话,李三和徐闻也会随之动手!也就是说,这第一炮就由方林岩来打响了。 However to be honest, Fang Linyan had not really thought that this has many to be difficult, after touching watchtower side, was in the peaceful waiting, after all the person in watchtower was impossible to go on patrol, how even if to be loyal to the duty again, must rest, or drank water, went to bathroom, smokes wait/etc time. 不过说实话,方林岩还真没觉得这有多少难的,摸到了岗楼旁边之后,便是安静的等待中,毕竟岗楼上的人不可能一直都巡逻的,就算是再怎么忠于职守,也总要歇息一下,或是喝喝水,或是上个厕所,或是抽支烟等等的时候. This night value guards is sticky business, if makes again excessively severely, it is estimated that no one was a willing worker, words saying the tiger also has napping time isn't? 这夜晚值守卫本来就是个苦差事,若是再弄得过分严苛,估计就没人肯做了,话说老虎也有打盹的时候不是? Probably is the Fang Linyan luck good reason, was only five minutes, a sentry in watchtower gave the companion to greet, then creaked following the bamboo ladder crawled. 大概是方林岩运气不错的缘故,只是过了五分钟,岗楼上的一名哨兵就给同伴打了个招呼,然后顺着竹梯嘎吱嘎吱的爬了下来。 In the middle of the cold wind icy rain, Fang Linyan has been waiting in nearby retreat, after he, as soon as leaving behind, immediately sticks out suddenly launches an attack, a dagger wiped the neck. 冷风冷雨当中,方林岩早就在旁边的僻静处等着了,当他一落单之后,立即暴起发难,一匕首就抹了脖子。 Before during Fang Linyan and Japan's ad hoc army fought, has deliberately collected the data of ordinary Japanese soldier, belonged to attack defends low blood few that types high, therefore fell by the Fang Linyan second directly, unexpectedly also fell a key, was received by Fang Linyan. 之前方林岩与日本的特遣军战斗当中,就刻意搜集过普通日本士兵的数据,属于攻击高防御低血少那种,所以直接就被方林岩秒掉了,居然还掉落了一把钥匙,被方林岩直接收起。 On the unlucky egg as for surplus that watchtower was simple, Fang Linyan approaches directly, reduced in 40 meters, a round of blade soaring nearby body, the dagger wiped the direct second to kill. 至于剩余下来那名岗楼上的倒霉蛋就简单了,方林岩直接靠近过去,缩短到了四十米之内,一发刃飞翔就近身,匕首一抹就直接秒杀。 Then Fang Linyan neatly and quickly that fellow clothes of solving, built on nearby parapet, at this time was the wind rainy night, the line of sight was not good, usually no one will also gain ground to have a look frequently, the probability of therefore by the enemy being discovered was very low. 然后方林岩三下五除二就将那家伙身上的衣服给解了下来,搭在了旁边的栏杆上,此时本来就是风雨夜,视线不好,平时也没有人会经常抬头看看,所以被敌人发现的概率很低。 The eyesight and aural acuity of slow full beard are excellent, the action watching surface of Fang Linyan, therefore takes the lead to begin, moves sideways from nearby shadow, then fierce raising hand, a throwing knife on to bind in distant place beyond more than ten meters in the middle of the forehead in dark sentry post. 徐大胡子的眼力和耳力极好,将方林岩的行动都看在了眼里面,于是率先动手,从旁边的阴影当中闪身出来,然后猛的扬手,一飞刀就扎在了远处十几米外暗哨的眉心当中。 This dark sentry post was killed by the second immediately, does not have the throat repeatedly, collapsing slowly on the ground. 这暗哨顿时被秒杀,连声也没吭,就徐徐的瘫倒在地上。 At this time Li three they have also waited is not impatient with Suwen, discovered after the signal that Fang Linyan sends, immediately looks one, silent several 1,2,3 in heart, then simultaneously in the enemy to another sentry post tower acts. 此时李三和徐闻两人也是早就等得不耐烦了,发现了方林岩释放出来的信号之后,立即对望一眼,在心中默数1,2,3,然后同时对另外一座哨塔上的敌人出了手。 Finally at this time had/left the basket, on the Li three swallow darts had violently poisonously, therefore after flying to shoot in to bind the vest of enemy, this fellow fell to the ground immediately softly. However Suwen is having that flash of arrow, sentry unexpectedly unexpected happening walked one step toward side, finally this arrow shot on his arm! 结果这时候又出了篓子,李三的燕子镖上是有剧毒的,所以飞射出去扎中了敌人的背心之后,这家伙就立即软倒在地。但是徐闻在出箭的那一瞬间,那哨兵居然鬼使神差的朝着旁边走了一步,结果这一箭就射在了他的胳膊上! This sentry is one staggers immediately, but also without ravelling what's the matter time, saw that the companion the mouth has spat collapsing of foam on the ground! In his heart one tight, wants to lift the hand to take up the chest front the whistle to sound, but how habitually uses the hand right hand actually unable to make an effort. 这哨兵立即就是一个踉跄,还没弄明白怎么回事的时候,就见到同伴已经口吐白沫的瘫倒在了地上!他心中一紧,就想要抬起手来拿起胸前的哨子吹响,但惯用手右手却怎么都使不上力。 Carefully looked , the sentry discovered, originally on own arm had been gripped an arrow to go in ruthlessly, in trembling rocking, and initial numbness has passed, at this time has the severe pain transmission. 仔细一看之后哨兵才发现,原来自己的胳膊上已经被狠狠扎了一支箭进去,正在颤巍巍的晃动,并且最初的麻木已经过去,此时已经有剧痛感传来。 „Does enemy raid?!!!” “敌袭?!!!” In sentry heart steep one tight, then immediately changes into the left hand to take the whistle, but his left hand just bumped into the whistle , after at this time thought that at present one black, then anything does not know. 哨兵心中陡的一紧,然后立即就换成左手去拿哨子,只是这时候他的左手刚刚碰到了哨子之后就觉得眼前一黑,然后什么都不知道了。 Originally, Fang Linyan in next door sentry post building is paying close attention to here sound, after detecting Suwen lets slip, immediately again displays the blade soaring to clash, got rid of this sentry directly. 原来,正是隔壁哨楼上的方林岩在密切关注这边的动静,一发觉徐闻失手之后,立即就再次施展刃飞翔冲了过来,直接干掉了这个哨兵。 After Suwen strikes lets slip, in heart one tight, immediately is bad on the secretly thought, annoying incomparable. 徐闻一击失手之后,心中一紧,立即就暗道糟糕,懊恼无比。 However, it is expected that middle siren has not actually sounded, after more than ten seconds, the pleasant surprise arrives, Fang Linyan stood from the stockade of sentry post building, to under is waving. 不过,预料当中的警笛声却迟迟没有吹响,十几秒之后,惊喜降临,方林岩从哨楼的栅栏旁边站了起来,对着下方挥挥手。 The people were loose simultaneously long air/Qi, then looked one, immediately waved to hint to conduct the next action. 众人都是同时松了一口长气,然后对望一眼,立即挥手示意进行下一步行动。 After twenty seconds, saw the fellow who three wear the kimono has shirt unbuttoned walked, completely disregards the cold wind icy rain, looked at the posture that walked on obvious drinking, and a fellow is singing taking in a net folk song loudly. 二十几秒钟之后,就见到了三个身穿和服的家伙敞胸露怀的走了过来,完全无视冷风冷雨,一看走路的姿势就明显的喝多了,并且还有个家伙大声的唱着“拉网小调”。 Naturally, is odd as for its singing sound, became the scene of accident miserably, but the drunkard, making anything is not unusual, greatly lies down whistling rests in own urination is also a substantial number. 当然,至于其歌声则是怪里怪气的,惨成了车祸现场,不过醉鬼嘛,做出什么事情都不稀奇,躺在自己的小便里面呼呼大睡的也是为数不少的。 On this day in Nagasakikou the turmoil became what appearance, these four guarding the door sentries are also very clear, after at nightfall, probably passed by here vagabond and wild warrior is also a substantial number, therefore after they looked at one, and does not care. 这一天长崎港内动乱成了什么样子,这四名看门的哨兵也是很清楚,入夜以后像是路过这边的浪人和野武士也是为数不少,所以他们看了一眼之后并不在意。 However, clear to see these three drunkards walked toward the naval port entrance unexpectedly staggering, is the sentry of head walks up immediately, scolded loudly: 不过,眼见得这三个醉鬼居然朝着军港门口踉踉跄跄的走了过来,为首的一名哨兵立即就走上前去,大声呵斥道: Eight! Is here the place that your idiots can come to? Quickly gets the hell out?” “八嘎!这里是你们这些蠢货能来的地方吗?赶快滚蛋?” That drunkard of singing marched forward two steps, then stunned say/way: 唱歌的那名醉鬼继续向前走了两步,然后愕然的道: „Did bastard, what you say?” “混蛋,你说什么?” That sentry is not the good nature, walked to take up the butt to pound directly, the drunkard was hit to stagger, then one pulled taut the neckband of sentry. 那名哨兵也不是好脾气的,走上去拿起枪托就直接砸了过去,那醉鬼被打了个趔趄,然后一把就扯住了哨兵的领口。 The drunkard other two companions of actually do not depend on, immediately flushed, in mouth in room oh is kyoodling, what cannot hear clearly to shout is anything. 醉鬼剩余的两名同伴却不依了,立即冲了上来,嘴巴里面“屋里哇啦”的乱叫着,也听不清喊的是什么。 Lest other three sentries the companion are also angry, heart today must tidy up well these drunkards, usually these vagabonds in the street saw oneself grovel either, either fears it like the tiger, today filled two cups of horse urines to overturn the heavens unexpectedly? 另外的三个哨兵唯恐同伴也是大怒,心道今天要好好的收拾一下这些醉鬼了,平时这些浪人在街头看到自己要么就点头哈腰,要么就畏之如虎,今天灌了两杯马尿居然要翻天? Therefore they flushed together, wants to give this group of bastards to leave behind a profound lesson. 于是他们就一起冲了上来,想要给这帮混蛋留下一个深刻的教训。 However after they clash, immediately panic-stricken discovery, these three drunkard unexpectedly all of a sudden incarnations for savage Asura!!! 咳咳,然而他们冲上来之后,立即就惊恐的发现,这三个醉鬼居然一下子化身为了凶残的修罗!!! That person that first to/clashes but actually, is Dong strong who practices to pass the back fist, he can act to perform in this play, is actually because among expert of coming, only then he can speak Japanese. 最先冲上来的那人倒也罢了,乃是练习通背拳的董强,他能出面演这场戏,却是因为在前来的高手当中,只有他能说日语。 Other two drunkard one are Master Huo, another is to excel at eagle claw merit Sun Fumin, the expert who two people can sneak attack fight a battle to force a quick decision after the close combat! 另外的两个醉鬼一个是霍师傅,另外一个则是擅长鹰爪功的孙福民,两人都是在近战当中能够偷袭之后速战速决的高手! The clear to see four sentries were attracted, Sun Fumin takes the lead to launch an attack: 眼见得四名哨兵都被吸引了过来,孙福民就率先发难: The butt that gib or derrick pounds, then the right hand extends a check, directly front the two eyeballs of enemy bloody dug, wiped on the throat of opposite party conveniently finished up. 伸臂一架砸下来的枪托,然后右手一伸一勾,就直接将面前敌人的两颗眼珠子血淋淋的挖了出来,紧接着顺手就在对方的咽喉上一抹就完事儿了。 In short one second, this Japanese sentry covered the throat on both hands, the pain falls to the ground slowly. 短短的一秒钟内,这名日本哨兵就双手捂住了喉咙,徐徐痛苦倒地。 His eyes were dug, the Adam's apple by the direct crumb, in the throat can only make giggle the sound, the life went to him rapidly. 他的双眼被挖,喉结被直接捏碎,喉咙里面只能发出了“咯咯咯”的声音,生命已经迅速离他而去。 When this Japanese sentry just fell to the ground, Sun Fumin is by a even/including sentry massacres. 就在这名日本哨兵刚刚倒地的时候,孙富民已经是连旁边的一名哨兵都杀掉了。 This he is time both hands first empty shakes before the opposite party, attracts its attention, kills truly is actually being below silent pulls up the Yin leg, tramples directly after the crotch of opposite party exploded thick liquid Ushimaru, an eagle claw rips the Adam's apple to stop work for the day. 这一次他是双手先在对方面前虚晃,吸引其注意力,真正杀着却是下方一记无声无息的撩阴腿,直接将对方的胯下踹成了爆浆牛丸之后,一记鹰爪撕喉结收工。 Feels sorry for the strengths of these four sentries actually is also good, once after by near body, really if as if the slaughter pig slaughter sheep is the same. Because they face, is the place of strongest that group of experts Chinese national capital! Really is in ten thousand selects to select! 可怜这四名哨兵的实力其实也算是不错的了,一旦被近身之后就真的仿佛若屠猪宰羊一样。因为他们面对的,乃是中国京畿之地最强的那群高手啊!真的是万中挑一选拔出来的! After some people controlled the main gate sentry rapidly, immediately informs the Russian mercenary who the distant place was detailed, making them come quickly. 一干人迅速控制了门岗之后,立即通知远处被选派来的俄国雇佣兵,让他们赶快前来。 Commander Nicolas who at this time commands this task force, is an out-and-out Tsarist Russia major, the duty is one of the seventh row of army corps battalion commanders, has the prestige very much, he usually is unfeeling, however in direction strength impeccable. 此时统领这支特遣部队的指挥官尼古拉斯,则是一名不折不扣的沙俄少校,职务乃是第七列兵团的营长之一,很有威望,他平时为人冷酷无情,但是在指挥实力上无可挑剔。 This time they after receiving the signal are also startled, because here is also in dresses ranks the stage, this group of Chinese already without alarming Japanese successfully occupied the front door? 此时的他们在接到信号以后也是大吃一惊,因为这边还处于整队阶段,这帮中国人就已经在没有惊动日本人的情况下成功占据大门了? However, Nicolas on ship, to attain more Vodka quotas, asked for advice several mysterious Eastern martial arts, therefore on doubtful brought the team to clash rapidly. 不过,尼古拉斯在船上的时候,为了拿到更多的伏特加配额,也是领教了好几次神秘的东方武术,因此就半信半疑的带着队伍迅速冲了进去。 At this time was late at night, was not the time that most people moved, Fang Linyan and the others after solving the entrance sentry post, with great speed before suddenly, then arrived at road fork to stop, here is standing erect a statue, was father of Yamamoto Gonnohyoe Japanese Navy, occupying land area probably 2-3 mu, therefore was called the statue garden. 这时候本来就是深夜,并非是大部分人活动的时间,方林岩等人在解决了门口的哨位之后,火速突前,然后就来到了一条岔口处停了下来,这里竖立着一尊雕像,便是日本海军之父山本权兵卫,占地大概有2-3亩,因此被称为是雕像花园。 Before the action, Fang Linyan they have gotten so far as the approximate topographic diagram of Nagasaki naval port, as the saying goes provides for a rainy day, this matter must be done, the basic information investigation must have. 在行动之前,方林岩他们就已经弄到了长崎军港的大致地形图,有道是未雨绸缪,这种事情就肯定要做的,基本的情报调查必须要有的。 According to the information showed, Nagasaki naval port here has the two brigades of Nagasaki Division to guard anytime, but these two brigades arrange discontentedly, roughly about 1500 people. 根据情报显示,长崎军港这里随时都有长崎师团的两个大队驻守,不过这两个大队并不满编,约莫一千五百人左右。 But the left path in statue garden road fork, then to lead to Nagasaki Division that two military compound of brigade , the right path in this road fork, then led to the fort group of harbor two sides high place, Fang Linyan they , to go to wipe out the fort, that is a road which must be taken. 而雕像花园这个岔口的左边道路,则是通向了长崎师团的那两个大队的军营之中,这个岔口的右边道路,则是通往了港口两边高处的炮台群,方林岩他们要想前去拔除炮台,那便是必经之路。 Only used for less than five minutes, a Russian of a group of panting also rushed to here hurriedly. 只用了五分钟不到,一大群气喘吁吁的俄国人也是匆匆忙忙的赶到了这里。 Detected really after can silent penetration to statue garden here, this group of Chinese were make Nicolas regard with a special fondness- But at this time can be sent to make the task force, definitely is also Nicolas brings old elite, therefore starts to arrange person hand/subordinate to start immediately to conduct the intense arrangement defense, the work of firebase. 发觉真的能够无声无息的深入到雕像花园这里之后,这群中国人是让尼古拉斯另眼相看了--而此时能被派来做特遣队的,肯定也是尼古拉斯带老的精锐,于是立即就开始安排手下的人开始进行紧张的布置防御,火力点的工作。 If in the cold war era, 200 people wants to intercept 1500 people of impacts, only if can depend upon to be similar Jianmenguan such strange dangerous terrain is not possible, but even if this time firearm time, actually also absolutely is a very difficult fight. 若是在冷兵器时代,两百来人想要拦截住一千五百人的冲击,那除非是能依靠类似剑门关那样奇险地形不可,而哪怕是此时的热兵器时代,却也绝对是一场十分艰难的战斗。 At this time, Fang Linyan also arrived at Nicolas's front, very sincere say/way: 在这时候,方林岩也来到了尼古拉斯的面前,很诚恳的道: „Before on the ship, my many offended, but that was for the victory! Now, we can fight side-by-side here together, that also for victory, for our countries!” “之前在船上的时候,我多有得罪,但是那是为了胜利!现在,我们能在这里一起并肩作战,那也是为了胜利,为了我们的国家!” Major mister, after this fights, I hope that can also ask you to drink one cup, expressed my apology.” “少校先生,这一战之后,我希望还能请你喝一杯,表达我的歉意。” The Nicolas slight nod, then said: 尼古拉斯微微点头,然后道: you this performance is very strong, is very splendid, subverted me the impression completely to the Chinese!” “伱们这一次的表现很强,很出色,完全颠覆了我对中国人的印象!” At this point, Nicolas stood at attention, aimed at Fang Linyan good a Russian military salute: 说到这里之后,尼古拉斯立正,对准了方林岩行了一个俄式的军礼: All for our countries! Wish the good luck!” “一切为了我们的国家!祝好运!” Then, his then does not return turned around to leave. 然后,他便头也不回的转身离开了。 At this time, suddenly Fang Linyan heard „” one, turned the head to look, a Japanese is covering the throat to fall to the ground rapidly softly, originally military 3 d highest place in hanun Suwen has crawled at this time in the beforehand sentry post tower, he occupied a commanding position to see an enemy threw on clothing, therefore then drew the fire directly, struck to go well! 这时候,突然方林岩听到了“嘣”一声,转头看去,一名日本人正捂住了喉咙迅速软倒在地,原来武探花徐闻此时已经爬到了之前的哨塔上,他居高临下看到了一名敌人披衣出来,于是便直接开弓射击,一击得手! To be honest, when this Russian is unprepared, this arrow at least strove to them the time of much preparing the cushion, If nothing else, dug a bunker to come out much, cannot do well can save several human lives much, it can be said that value thousand gold (daughter). 说实话,在这俄国人立足未稳的时候,这一箭至少又给他们争取到了不少准备缓冲的时间,别的不说,多挖一个掩体出来,搞不好就能多救几条人命,可以说是价值千金。 At this time the Fang Linyan also very clear time press, actually arrived in front of slow full beard saying: 此时方林岩也很清楚时间紧迫,却来到了徐大胡子面前道: Now everyone crosses a river in a boat together, is grasshopper on a rope, I did not distribute the duty to you, did you seek for the fighter aircraft?” “现在大家同舟共济,都是一根绳上的蚂蚱,我就不给你们分派任务了,你们就自行寻找战机吧?” Then Fang Linyan greeted one to touch directly upward. 然后方林岩招呼了一声就直接往上摸了过去。 Obviously, the statement of Fang Linyan made slow full beard be shocked all of a sudden, instruction that because him received, obeys the order of Fang Linyan, therefore after he vacant several seconds, immediately found the way to contact with his secret big shot cayenne mister. 很显然,方林岩的表态一下子就让徐大胡子愣住了,因为他这边接到的指示,就是听从方林岩的命令,于是他茫然了数秒钟之后,立即就想办法与其幕后的大佬卡宴先生联系了起来。 But the idea of Fang Linyan is also very simple, now before this aspect is actually , imagines badly is more difficult, because in the beforehand plan, thought has the big probability not to have the means to attack the Nagasaki naval port immediately. 方林岩的想法则也是很简单的,现在这局面其实是比自己之前想象的更恶劣艰难一些,因为在之前的规划里面,是觉得有大概率没办法在第一时间内攻击长崎军港的。 Therefore, in the situation of obvious disadvantage, must display in a big way the battle efficiency of everyone! 因此,在己方明显劣势的情况下,必须要将每个人的战斗力都发挥到最大! Obviously, oneself do not have the means slow full beard group to achieve this point, can enable its battle efficiency to display incisively, inevitably is that bit space soldier cayenne mister, 很显然,自己是没办法让徐大胡子这群人做到这一点的,能使其战斗力发挥得淋漓尽致的,必然是那位空间战士卡宴先生,
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