FE :: Volume #13

#1427: The war casualty of Chinese room spreading

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The war casualty of Chapter 1425 Chinese room spreading 第1425章唐人屋敷之殇 As for opening Tang thing Shop in the middle of Nagasaki, even if the Japanese opens, was flushed by these vagabonds equally, hits to pound crazily, grabs, once some people come out to prevent, was cut and injured directly at the scene even hacks to death. 至于开在长崎当中的唐物店铺,哪怕是日本人开设的,一样被这些浪人冲了进去,疯狂打砸,劫掠,一旦有人出来阻止的话,直接就被当场砍伤甚至砍死。 A lot of blood flowed following nearby crevice, even has spread on the street in a business area. 大量的鲜血顺着旁边的石缝流淌了出来,甚至一直都蔓延到了街面上。 However so chaotic Nagasakikou, compared with other place is orderly. 但是如此混乱的长崎港,比起另外的一个地方都算是有秩序的了。 If because Fang Linyan they approach again, can detect the place that the flame soars to the heavens is not Nagasakikou, but is the Chinese room several li (0.5 km) away spreads there, the flaming fire four is plundering there, Chinese businessmen in desperate is weeping and wailing, worships on bended knees is yelling, use that the place shouts oneself hoarse but has no, 因为若是方林岩他们再靠近一些的话,就能发觉火光冲天的地方并不是长崎港,而是几里外的唐人屋敷那里,熊熊大火在那里肆掠着,华商们在绝望的哭喊着,跪拜在地声嘶力竭的喊叫着,可是并没有任何的用处, These base and low ricksha puller is action in groups, in their hands takes usually is called directs car(riage) bar the thing, that is used to tow to entrain the wooden stick of human-drawn cart, on the wooden and simple and honest face revealed cruel and pleased grinning fiendishly, loud is shouting the worker's chant, as if celebrates a holiday the general excitement and hot tempered. 那些本来卑微的人力车夫则是成群结队的行动,他们手中提着平时被称为“引车杠”的东西,那是用来拖拽人力车的木棒,木然而憨厚的脸上露出了残忍而快意的狞笑,大声的喊着号子,仿佛过节一般的兴奋和暴躁。 So long as this fellows saw the Chinese throws not does not have the face chaotic hit, saw the perfect store front, directly flushed the looting, strong X, set on fire. 这帮家伙只要见到了华人就扑上去没头没脸的乱打,见到了完好无损的铺面,就直接冲进去洗劫,强X,放火。 This originally lively, bountiful, even if suddenly the Tang prosperous times recovered, if beautiful the place of illusion, is degenerating into the fearful blood hot hell, these as if slave generally was tame the ricksha puller to change into the malicious ghost instantaneously, trampled to destroy the place that this was once making them make a living base and low ruthlessly. 这个本来繁华,富饶,甚至恍然若大唐盛世复原,美若幻梦的地方,正在沦为可怕的血火地狱,那些本来仿佛奴隶一般温驯人力车夫在瞬间化为了恶鬼,狠狠践踏毁灭着这个曾经让他们卑微谋生的场所。 As the saying goes the wind results from azure duckweed end, the wave becomes among in Weilan, this turmoil actually has many omens, ten days ago, the Japanese came Akagi and Hiryu, blocked the harbor directly, simultaneously the land set out several thousand soldiers, requests forcefully to the Chinese room spreads to conduct contraband goods search. 有道是风起于青萍之末,浪成于微澜之间,这场动乱其实早就有着很多预兆了,早在十天之前,日本人就开来了赤城号和飞龙号,直接堵住了港口,同时陆上出动了数千名士兵,强行要求对唐人屋敷进行“违禁品搜查”。 Such behavior made one be filled with righteous indignation without doubt, at that time most Chinese businessmen advocated the strong negotiation, but during the Chinese room spread the influence biggest, the right to speak strongest Zheng is not willing to stand to take the lead, unexpectedly also persuaded everyone to obey the authority in turn. 这样的行为无疑令人义愤填膺,当时大部分的华商就主张强硬交涉,可是在唐人屋敷当中势力最大,话语权最强的郑家都并不愿意站出来带头,居然还反过来劝说大家顺从当局。 All said that any opposite party wants the wealth, everyone endured on the past, I and Prime Ministers Hirobumi Itou were very ripe and so on mourning angry words. 全说些什么对方只是想要钱财,大家忍一忍就过去了,我和伊藤博文首相很熟之类丧气话。 In this case, how can everyone? Only can look the army that helplessly Japanese opens, first conducted being in chaotic situation searching to pick, the firearms in Chinese businessman hand, blade and so on tracked down and suppressed completely, but also seized more than ten young fellows who while convenient dared to revolt against. 在这种情况下,大家能怎么样呢?只能眼睁睁的看着日本人的军队开进来,先进行了一番鸡飞狗跳的搜捡,将华商手中的枪械啊,刀之类的全部搜剿了,还顺带抓走了十几个敢于反抗的小伙子。 As for patrol leader who the beforehand Chinese businessmen do, hehe, that definitely is announced as the illegal organization completely, dismisses forcefully, lead similarly was grasped. 至于之前华商们搞出来的巡逻队,呵呵,那肯定是全部被宣布为非法组织,强行解散,领头的同样被抓了。 Naturally, finally leaves also blew a perquisite ruthlessly! 当然,最后离开的时候还狠狠刮了一把油水! Three days ago, like this searched to pick massively came again one time, this time Chinese businessmen had also felt not right, but they had a mind to resist even, has a mind to be incapable, can only look wooden the Japanese army bluffed and blustered, even the kitchen knife and wooden club regarded the contraband goods to search. 三天之前,这样的大规模搜捡又再来了一次,这时候的华商们也已经感觉到了不对,可是他们就算是有心抗拒,已经是有心无力了,只能木然的看着日本军队耀武扬威,甚至连菜刀和木棍都当成违禁品搜走了。 Naturally, that old man Zheng Xianren is still talking endlessly, said that what Itou prime minister brought along a letter/believes to me especially, said that is the current political situation is difficult, making our these people be psychologically prepared with Empire of Japan co-prosperity mutual benefit, this facilitates in the middle of smoother integration Japan. 当然,还有那个老头子郑先仁还在喋喋不休,说什么伊藤首相特地给我捎来了一封信,说是时局艰难,让我们这些人做好与大日本帝国共荣互利的心理准备,这才方便更加顺利的融入日本社会当中。 Although the path is tortuous, although everyone suffered the economical loss, makes the Japanese government be regarded as the person on one's own side us rather than the second-rate national, all these sacrifices were worth. 道路虽然曲折,大家虽然蒙受了经济上的损失,却让日本政府将我们看做是自己人而不是二等国民,这一切牺牲都是值得的了。 But after this oneself plunder next day again ruthlessly one walked, many people are not willing to listen to Zheng Xianren words, even many Chinese businessmen start with despising the look looked, Zheng spreads the position to suffer a disastrous decline in the Chinese room instantaneously, the reputation and prestige arrived at the valley. 但这一次日本人再次狠狠搜刮了一番走后,已经没多少人肯听郑先仁的话了,甚至有不少华商开始用鄙夷的眼神看了过来,郑家在唐人屋敷当中的地位瞬间一落千丈,就连口碑和声望都到了谷底。 The turmoil starts from this morning, a Chinese businessman goes out the plan was called a manpower ricksha to go out, actually detected that usually the obvious manpower ricksha vanished everywhere unexpectedly! 动乱则是从今天上午开始的,一名华商出门的时候打算叫一辆人力黄包车出门,却发觉平时到处可见的人力黄包车居然绝迹了! After he consumes the big vigor found one, directly sits to scold cart driver two, lets him quickly, has not actually noticed the look of cart driver no longer has become base and low and curries favor with, but is vicious and cruel. 他耗费了好大的劲儿才找到了一辆之后,直接坐上去就呵斥了车夫两句,让他赶快出发,却没有注意到车夫的眼神已经不再变得卑微和献媚,而是凶狠与残忍。 After running probably 200-300 meters, changed the running direction probably, therefore the Chinese businessman smelled smelling, then frowns, then he said: 大概奔跑了200-300米之后,大概是变化了奔跑的方向,所以华商嗅了嗅,然后皱起了眉头,然后他就道: „Do you drink very early in the morning? How such big wine taste?” “你一大早就喝了酒?怎么这么大的酒味?” Cart drivers still silent is running, the Chinese businessman can only see he low and stocky body, the sweat that on the neck flows, actually cannot see the expression of this person. 车夫依然沉默的奔跑着,华商只能看到他低矮而敦实的身躯,还有脖子上面流淌出来的汗水,却并不能看到这个人的表情。 Why does not know, the Chinese businessman feels suddenly is somewhat flustered, although is the broad daylight, but his actually one types walk the frightened feeling stark naked in darkness, therefore he shouted immediately called out: 不知道为什么,华商忽然觉得有些心慌,虽然是光天化日,可是他却有一种赤身裸体行走在黑暗里面的恐惧感觉,所以他立即喊叫道: Stops! Stops, I must get out!” “停下来!停下来,我要下车!” But this cart driver not only has not stopped the footsteps, instead starts to accelerate to run, then turned rapidly into a nearby alley. 可是这车夫非但没有停住脚步,反而开始加速奔跑,然后迅速拐入到了旁边的一条小巷当中。 Can see, in this alley, is actually revealing the ricksha puller of upper body everywhere, the person in their middle loud speeches, other person is providing to chew the smoke and sake to them. 可以见到,这条小巷里面,却到处都是袒露着上身的人力车夫,有一个人正在他们的中间大声说话,另外的人则是在发放嚼烟和日本清酒给他们。 Therefore many cart drivers have become to the present drunken, the eyes are red, and will also raise the arm to shout one occasionally! 因此不少的车夫到现在都已经变得醉醺醺的,双眼通红,并且还会偶尔举起手臂大喊一声! After this cart driver drew this alley this Chinese businessman, all ricksha pullers turned the head to look simultaneously, by dozens pairs red filled the eye of blood threads to look that is what experienced? 当这名车夫将这位华商拉到了这条小巷当中之后,所有的人力车夫都同时转头看了过来,被几十双红色的充满了血丝的眼睛看过来是什么体验? In brief this Chinese businessman was almost frightened immediately urinates the pants, he jumps out of the car(riage) to run away without delay, feels the top of the head severe pain suddenly, the whole person is dizzy, fell down directly, he arrived here ricksha puller to extract a stick by drawing, pulled out directly on his back of the head. 总之这名华商顿时都几乎被吓得尿了裤子,他二话不说跳下车就想逃走,却猛然觉得头顶剧痛,整个人天旋地转,直接就倒在了地上,正是被拉他来到这里的人力车夫抽出了一根棍子,直接抽在了他的后脑勺上。 This Chinese businessman's final feeling, is own consciousness is losing rapidly, and by rapid drawing to the endless hell, these usually seemingly endured humiliation, bears the burden of responsibility, the honest simple and honest ricksha puller, has torn up oneself camouflage, the incarnation malicious ghost!! 这名华商最后的感觉,就是自己的意识正在迅速丧失,并且被迅速的拖入到了无尽的地狱当中,这些平时看起来忍辱负重,任劳任怨,老实憨厚的人力车夫,已经撕掉了自己身上的伪装,化身恶鬼!! Throughout the morning, the Chinese room spreads inside similar robbing, steals the behavior to start to emerge one after another incessantly, when afternoon time, drinks the drunken ricksha puller is not glad to commits murder in the hidden place, went to the street to start to parade directly to assemble, loud recklessly is shouting the slogan. 整个上午,唐人屋敷里面的类似抢劫,偷盗行为就开始层出不穷,等到下午的时候,喝得醉醺醺的人力车夫已经不甘于只是在暗处行凶,直接走上了街头开始游行集会,大声肆意的喊着口号。 Even if there is Chinese businessman to be hit badly beaten, expels with rabbit, police in side indifferent looks at all these, even the corners of the mouth also hold are wiping to sneer. 哪怕是有华商被打得头破血流,撵得和兔子似的,警察只是在旁边冷漠的看着这一切,甚至嘴角还噙着一抹冷笑。 In this case, the Chinese room spreads inside person to be scared, many people planned that runs away toward outside, is originally continuously raining, path slippery difficult line, but left the Chinese room to spread inside and outside 2-3 on some paths, has ambushed the robbers and bandits and vagabonds, in this desolate and uninhabited place, the murder seized property is unscrupulous. 在这种情况下,唐人屋敷里面的人一个个都慌了神,不少人都打算朝着外面逃走,可是本来就阴雨连绵,道路湿滑难行,而离开了唐人屋敷2-3里外的一些道路上,都早就埋伏有盗匪和浪人,在这荒无人烟的地方,杀人劫财更是肆无忌惮。 After the 4 : 00 pm, the police who during the Chinese room spreads look one, then leisurely however left, after they walk, these Japanese ricksha pullers are unscrupulous, here constrains for a long time them, finally started own revelry. 等到下午 4 点之后,唐人屋敷当中的警察对望一眼,然后就施施然的离开了,他们一走之后,那些日本人力车夫更是肆无忌惮,在这里压抑已久的他们,终于开始了自身的狂欢。 Can very obvious feeling, these ricksha pullers mix in the fellows of many harboring ulterior motives, these people seem like with them dress up to be the same, in fact is glib, seduces them with some provocative languages, and before , the misery that they receive and suffered to put the blame in the Chinese. 可以很明显的感觉到,这些人力车夫当中混入了不少别有用心的家伙,这些人看起来和他们打扮一样,实际上都是能说会道,不停的用一些煽动性的语言来诱惑他们,并且将之前他们受到的苦难和折磨归咎到了华人身上。 In such a case, when some people took the lead to crash in a Chinese businessman shop, then in the valuable thing will lose everywhere is time, the devils in these ricksha puller hearts were released finally, started to yell flushed, then started to ignite simply. 在这样的情况下,当有人带着头冲进了一家华商店铺,然后将里面值钱的东西丢得到处都是的时候,这些人力车夫心中的魔鬼终于被释放了出来,开始哇哇大叫着冲了进去,然后索性开始点火. Looks at this, on a male face showed the brutal smile, now draws in a net the time to these damn natives of China! 看着这一幕,一名男子脸上露出了残酷的微笑,现在对这些该死的支那人收网正是时候啊! To be honest, he had looked that these dirty Chinese people are not pleasing to the eyes, they are one crowd of parasites, blood sucking on the body of Empire of Japan unceasingly, large! If not for above instructed explicitly said the time has not arrived, his police chief must sweep away here. 说实话,他早就看这些肮脏的华族人不顺眼了,他们就是一群寄生虫,在大日本帝国的躯体上不断吸血,肥大!若不是上面明确指示说时机未到,他这个警察总长早就要将这里一扫而空。 Is good is getting bigger and bigger because of present government's here deficit, takes a fund to make up for the state treasury urgently needed, he waited till this good news finally, was the time draw in a net! 好在现在政府这边的赤字越来越大,急需要一笔款项来弥补国库,他终于等到了这个好消息,是时候收网了! It looks like in this Chief Head, removes the Chinese room to spread the advantage of this malignant tumor to have three. 在这位总长看来,除掉唐人屋敷这个毒瘤的好处有三。 First, naturally is to make up for the country to use. 第一,当然是弥补国用。 Second, can actually shift the contradictions of domestic these outcastes, lets them the revelry on these despicable clear people bodies, vented the resentment in heart, benefitted the stability of society. 第二,却能转移国内那些贱民的矛盾,让他们在这些卑劣的清国人尸体上狂欢,将心中的怨气发泄出来,有利于社会的稳定。 Third, day clear both countries at present in battle condition, therefore can also play eliminates the domestic environment, avoids the spies in clear country's making the destruction the matter. 第三,日清两国目前还是在交战状况,因此也能起到肃清国内的环境,避免清国的奸细做出破坏的事情来。 On this day, is the Chinese room spreads one day of destruction, is these is base and low seems like the weeds with the mole cricket same vagabond, a day of cart driver revelry, their incarnations heartily for demon, are trampling these fat and blood of past top dog, the big mouth sucks , the resentment in heart also dissipates. 这一天,是唐人屋敷毁灭的一天,也是那些卑微得像是野草和土狗一样的浪人,车夫狂欢的一天,他们尽情的化身为魔物,践踏着那些昔日人上人的膏血,大口吮吸,心中的怨气也是随之消散。 In this piece as if sweeps across in the middle of the terrifying riot of the world, during Zheng spreads the oldest family as the Chinese room, naturally is also bearing the brunt! 在这片仿佛席卷天地的恐怖暴乱当中,郑家作为唐人屋敷当中最大的家族,当然也是首当其冲的了! Lots of rioters gather at outside of Zheng, innumerable both hands are brandishing, in the hand is gripping the stone and wooden stick, meanwhile blots out the sky, scream that as if the ocean waves come in waves generally: 大量的暴民聚集在郑家的外面,无数双手都在挥舞着,手中攥着石块和木棒,同时还有铺天盖地,仿佛海浪一般滚滚而来的喊叫声: Clear country slaves work with all one's might.” “清国奴死受。” Clear country slave Japan journey.” “清国奴日本出行。” Insect kills( massacres these damn maggots) ” “虫殺”(杀掉这些该死的蛆虫)” „.” “.” Japan before the Flood, its construction must consider a very important matter, that resists earthquakes the harm that and reduced earthquake brings, mostly what therefore their building materials use is the grass, the paper, bamboo strip wait/etc things. 日本从上古时代开始,其建筑就要考虑到一件很重要的事情,那就是抗震和减少地震带来的伤害,所以他们的建筑材料就多半用的是草,纸,竹条等等东西。 The merit of this gadget was the house collapsing basically not the deceased person, but the shortcoming was also very obvious, was not solid. 这玩意儿的优点就是房子震塌了基本不会死人,但缺点也很明显,不怎么结实。 The mansion of Zheng is also this, although what constructs is Huafeng, but constructs is actually the artisan in Japan, was attacked slightly by these rioters, the entire fence creakies. 郑家的府邸也是这样,尽管建造的乃是中华风,可是施工的却是日本的工匠,被这些暴民略微冲击一下,整个围墙都摇摇欲坠。 At this time, Zheng naturally was in constant anxiety, Zheng Xianren as if trapped/sleepy beast, in same place back and forth repeated walking back and forth, anxious incomparable, in the mouth was the say/way that muttered: 在这个时候,郑家内部当然是惶惶不可终日,郑先仁仿佛一头困兽似的,在原地来回反复的走来走去,焦躁无比,口中更是喃喃的道: Is impossible, is impossible! Our ancestors of Zheng married the Japanese female, we are the out-and-out Japanese, we are not the humble China!” “不可能的,不可能的!我们郑家的祖上娶了日本女子,我们是不折不扣的日本人啊,我们不是低贱的华族啊!” Where certainly had made a mistake, certainly had the villain to obstruct! These bastards blustered, have the police to have the deterrent of army, do they dare to clash?” “一定是有什么地方弄错了,一定是有小人在作梗!这些王八蛋只是虚张声势,有警察有军队的威慑,他们敢冲进来?” Read and this, he raised the head suddenly loudly exclaims: 一念及此,他猛然抬头大吼道: Zheng Zhong, Zheng Zhong?” “郑忠呢,郑忠呢?” Shouted continually several no one consented, in Zheng Xianren eyes had presented the blood threads, finally separated a while some people to come out the timid say/way: 连喊了几声没有人答允,郑先仁的眼中已经出现了血丝,结果隔了一会儿才有人出来怯生生的道: Majordomo followed Sir yesterday evening probably.” “大管家昨天晚上好像就跟着大爷走了。” Zheng this type inherits several hundred years of family, in the family/home also has certain rules and regulations, for example this generation of steward generations, use the gallant assiduous four characters to arrange empty, probably Zheng Zhong is a majordomo, two are in charge is Zheng Yong. 郑家这种传承几百年的家族,家里面也是有一定规制的,比如这一代管家辈的,就用忠勇勤勉四个字来排虚,像是郑忠就是大管家,二管事就是郑勇。 But the Sir in this servant population, is Zheng who before and Fang Linyan got along well very much light/only. 而这仆人口中的大爷,就是之前与方林岩很谈得来的郑家光。 Zheng Xianren gets angry exclaims: 郑先仁怒吼道: Walks well, then me does accounts with this evil creature, expels the main house gate him, cancels all rights of inheritance, Zheng Yong?” “走得好,回头我就和这个孽障算账,将他逐出家门,取消一切的继承权,郑勇呢?” Then is a silence of piece of deathly stillness, looks like the tomb same silence. 接着便是一片死寂似的沉默,就像是坟墓一样的寂静。 Zheng Xianren was mad results in the forehead blue vein to come out, the anger exclaimed: 郑先仁气得额头青筋都出来了,怒吼道: „Did others die? Is living?” “其余的人都死了吗?有没有活着的?” It seems like the somewhat slick old man to rub hands, stood anxiously, then said: 一个看起来就有些油滑的老头子搓着手,不安的站了出来,然后道: What does head of household have to tell?” “家主有什么吩咐?” Zheng Xianren unquestionable say/way: 郑先仁不容置疑的道: Stands, you from now on will be a majordomo, will go out to chat with outside that group of people, I must see their group heads!” “度立,你从现在开始就是大管家了,出去和外面那群人谈谈,我要见他们的组头!” Old man sets up the complexion first is one happy, then said in great surprise: 老头子度立脸色先是一喜,然后就大惊道: Head of household, the head of household, these people were insane, does not listen to us to speak!!” “家主,家主,那些人都疯了,根本不听我们说话的啊!!” In Zheng Xianren eyes has severe glow together to flash through immediately, stands is actually excels at being able to size up the situation, saw the old man such expression, immediately kowtows to say again and again: 郑先仁眼中顿时有一道厉芒闪过,度立却是擅能审时度势的,见到了老头子这样的表情,立即连连磕头道: Small immediately goes, immediately goes!” “小的马上就去,马上就去!” But in the vertical heart actually the direct grass the Zheng Xianren ancestor 18 generations, made a determined effort to say in the heart simultaneously, a wise man does not fight against impossible odds father does not serve, then turned around to run speedily. 但度立的心里面却直接草了郑先仁的祖宗十八代,同时发狠在心里面道,好汉不吃眼前亏老子不侍候了,然后转身一溜烟就跑了。 Zheng Xianren continues as if hot pot general ant, roves in the reception room, during is lost in thought that but he raised the head does not detect right, how in the middle of the reception room no one, he flew into a rage, thought that these servants did not have the custom more and more. 郑先仁则是继续仿佛热锅一般的蚂蚁似的,在客堂里面转来转去的,陷入了沉思当中,不过等他一抬头才发觉不对,怎么客堂当中没人了,他勃然大怒,觉得这些下人越来越没规矩了。 In the next second, the outside steep eruption big cheers and scream, then heard the disorderly sound of footsteps to aim here to attack. 只是就在下一秒,外面陡的爆发出了一大片的欢呼声和喊叫声,然后就听到杂乱的脚步声对准这边冲击了过来。 The Zheng Xianren strong self-stabilization, coughed on a large round-backed wooden armchair that sat in the hall, was planning spoke righteously scolded to clash these rioters, but the front door of reception room was also broken immediately, what rushing was a group of both eyes is red, is yelling excitedly outcastes!! 郑先仁强自镇定,咳嗽了一声坐在了正堂的太师椅上,正打算义正辞严的呵斥一下冲进来的这些暴民,但客堂的大门随即也被冲开,闯进来的是一大群双目赤红,兴奋喊叫着的贱民!! Their is sending out the sweat flavor that the wine taste and irritates the nose, hand inside is raising the club and stone, saw Zheng Xianren directly flushed, a Zheng Xianren racket table stood: 他们身上散发着酒味和刺鼻的汗臭味道,手里面提着棍棒和石块,看到了郑先仁就直接冲了上来,郑先仁一拍桌子就站了起来: Your these stupid red deer, I, but real Japanese, I “你们这些愚蠢的马鹿,我可是货真价实的日本人,我”
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