FE :: Volume #13

#1426: Capture

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Chapter 1424 captures 第1424章俘获 This idea production, then the careful deduction, made the eyes of Fang Linyan open immediately, breath rapid. 这个想法一产生,然后仔细一推演,立即就让方林岩的双眼都睁大了,呼吸都急促了起来。 He aimed at front these soldiers to raise up the middle finger without hesitation, then drank to scold: 紧接着,他毫不犹豫的对准了面前的这几个士兵竖起了中指,然后喝骂道: Stupid red deer!” “愚蠢的马鹿!” In order to strengthen the persuasive power of language, Fang Linyan also spat saliva toward their front while convenient! 为了增强自己语言的说服力,方林岩还顺带朝着他们的面前吐了一口唾沫! Can see, when first that officer entered in the middle of the violent anger all of a sudden, both eyes slightly flood red, on the forehead is the blue vein explodes splits, several other soldiers also straightened up the body simultaneously, then aimed at Fang Linyan to shout angrily loudly. 可以见到,当先那名士官一下子就进入了暴怒当中,双目微微泛红,紧接着额头上更是青筋爆绽,其余的几名士兵也是同时挺直了身体,然后对准了方林岩大声怒喝了出来。 The response of Fang Linyan was phlegm spits on the face of opposite party again. 方林岩的回应则是再次一口痰吐到了对方的脸上。 This all of a sudden, that officer lost the reason very much simply, drinks is scolding „the damn Chinese pig and so on words loudly, then drew a pistol directly, aims at Fang Linyan to touch off the trigger directly! 这一下子,那名士官很干脆的失去了理智,大声喝骂着“该死的支那猪”之类的话,然后直接拔枪,对准了方林岩直接扣动了扳机! Has saying that this fellow really can begin not the model. 不得不说,这家伙真的是能动手就不哔哔的典范。 However, before he draws a pistol to open fire, Fang Linyan in advance has sentenced this matter, very simple one drew Sugihira Sichuan, kept off before the body. 不过,在他拔枪开火之前,方林岩已经早已预判到了这件事,很干脆的一把就将杉平川拉了过来,挡在了身前。 A series of sounds of gunfire made a sound immediately, the unlucky Sugihira Sichuan looked at dumbly in same place, unbelievable looks several blood holes that on own chest came out, then fell to the ground dejected, the body is still twitching unceasingly. 一连串的枪声顿时响了起来,倒霉的杉平川呆立在了原地,难以置信的看着自己胸口上多出来的几个血洞,然后颓然倒地,身体还在不断抽搐着。 A sound of gunfire sound, in the deck others looked immediately, then happen to discovered Sugihira Sichuan killed, a military officer gets angry immediately exclaims: 枪声一响,甲板上其余的人立即就看了过来,便正好发现了杉平川被打死的这一幕,一名军官立即怒吼道: Yoshijiro, you are making anything, lays down the spear/gun!” “由次郎,你在做什么,把枪放下!” At this time but Yoshijiro detected after oneself have not killed Fang Linyan, is the anger soars to the heavens, ignores to the scream, but continues to open fire, his companion also draws a pistol to attack directly. 可是这时候由次郎发觉自己并没有打死方林岩之后,更是怒火冲天,对喊叫声置若罔闻,而是继续开火,他身边的同伴也是直接拔枪攻击。 Fang Linyan actually does not counter-attack at this time, shrank behind nearby wall directly, whatever the opposite party opened fire again and again. But at this time, Fang Linyan nearby cabin gate hit, another military officer also heard outside exchange of fire sound to poke head. 方林岩此时却根本不反击,直接缩到了旁边的墙壁后面,任由对方连连开火。而这时候,方林岩旁边的舱室门则是打了开来,另外一名军官也是听到了外面的交火声探出头。 This military officer is not others, before had received Nakamura of Fang Linyan bribe. 这军官不是别人,正是之前收过方林岩贿赂的中村。 The opportunity will Fang Linyan of this time miss? Loudly calls out to save a life, aimed at this military officer to throw, seemed like Fang Linyan to save others, actually actually hugged Nakamura around the middle, takes advantage of opportunity to entrain him. 此时的这个机会方林岩怎么会错过?大叫一声救命啊,就对准了这军官扑了上去,看起来方林岩是在救人,其实却将中村拦腰一抱,顺势将他拽了出来。 Needless saying that following Yoshijiro and the others have killed to get angry, was a volley hit , Nakamura was also hit to fall to the ground immediately, the pain yelled. 不消说,后面的由次郎等人已杀红了眼,又是一排枪打了过来,咳咳,中村立即也是中弹倒地,痛苦大叫。 Saw this situation, by Nakamura orderlies startled and anger, a person draws a pistol to counter-attack immediately, another person to/clashes the plan to rescue Nakamura. 见到了这情形,中村旁边的勤务兵又惊又怒,一人拔枪马上反击,另外一个人冲出去打算将中村救回来。 To be honest, Yoshijiro was to also feel is not right at this time, because he himself only wants to kill that damn native of China clearly, but that humble native of China has not killed now, instead was two people on one's own side dies. 说实话,由次郎此时也是感觉到了不大对劲,因为他自己很清楚只想打死那名该死的支那人,可是现在那个低贱的支那人没有打死,反而是两名自己人死了。 Yoshijiro is very clear, then waits for own, inevitably is the court martial, the trial, executes by shooting, in his heart emerged a fear immediately. 由次郎很清楚,接下来等待自己的,必然是军事法庭,审判,还有枪决,他的心中顿时就涌现出来了一阵恐惧。 The counter-attack that Nakamura's orderly launches is very accurate, a round of bullet shoots, shoots Yoshijiro nearby Xitian directly but actually, moreover this is a round of standard exploding head, in the Xitian pitch-dark eye socket flows the thick blood rapidly, the mixture of brain fluid, the hands and feet also in the unconsciousness is twitching. 紧接着,中村的勤务兵发动的反击十分精准,一发子弹射来,将由次郎旁边的西田直接射倒,而且这是一发标准的爆头,西田黑洞洞的眼眶里面迅速流淌出浓稠的血液,脑浆的混合物,手脚也在无意识的抽搐着。 Saw this, in Yoshijiro's heart also fears, but at this time, witnessed good friend Xitian was killed, another soldier Takeuchi on instantaneous head, is getting angry to bellow to clash, overthrew the orderly to revenge for Xitian directly. 见到了这一幕,由次郎的心中也更加恐惧,而就在这时候,目睹了好友西田被杀,另外一名士兵竹内瞬间上了头,红着眼大吼着冲了出去,直接就打倒了勤务兵为西田报了仇。 What is more important, in his mouth shouted that four characters that may be called revealing: 更重要的是,他口中喊出来的那四个字堪称振聋发聩: May you be punished by heaven traitor!!” “天诛国贼!!” After these four characters appear, is often representing „under to subdue|grams in the history of Japan the behavior, even when assassinates the statesman, the murderer is also often shouting this slogan. 这四个字出现之后,在日本的历史里面往往就代表着“下克上”的行为,甚至在刺杀政治家的时候,凶手也往往大喊着这个口号。 But this gadget in Japanese history kills greatly, before looking like must kill officer of Qing dynasty, shouted that counter- regains eyesight clear, immediately obtained the political commanding point. 这玩意儿可是日本历史上的大杀器,就像是要弄死清朝的官儿之前,大喊一声反清复明,马上就取得了政治上的制高点。 Yoshijiro in this flash is also if enlightened: 由次郎在这一瞬间也是若醍醐灌顶: Right, we in the turmoil, we are not rejecting these decayed bureaucrats, we are saving this country! They have no right to try me, we are just!!” “对啊,我们并不是在动乱,我们是在剔除这些腐朽的官僚,我们是在拯救这个国家!他们无权审判我,我们是正义的!!” After the brain appeared such thought that Yoshijiro was also shouting instantaneously may you be punished by heaven traitor the slogan, then brought the spear/gun to clash. 脑子里面浮现出了这样的念头之后,由次郎也是瞬间大喊着“天诛国贼”的口号,然后带着枪冲了出去。 Therefore, this turmoil rapid was magnified, to be honest, the personnel on this warship presented the polarization, high-level old, majority is lethargic, and also colludes with Dongxiang well such person, seeks to obtain profit. 于是,这一场动乱迅速的被扩大化了,说实话,这艘军舰上的人员本来就呈现出了两极分化,高层年龄比较大,大部分都是暮气沉沉的,并且还与东乡井这样的人勾结,谋取私利。 But younger of underlying bed, came under the influence of Meiji Restoration thought that in the heart also had hot blooded of promotion country, what naturally was more important was the high level benefits that not to have their shares. 而中低层的年龄较小,更是受到了明治维新思想的影响,心中还有振兴国家的热血,当然更重要的是高层捞到的好处也没他们的份儿。 Sur- Japanese unique class culture, higher grades from school will form to the lower grade suppresses absolutely, in the middle of the army is so, therefore the separate feeling is particularly bright. 外加日本特有的阶层文化,从学校起高年级的就会对低年级形成绝对压制,军队当中更是如此,因此割裂感分外鲜明。 Therefore, Yoshijiro they shouted that may you be punished by heaven traitor looks like blasting fuse, lit the shipboard accumulation for a long time contradiction all of a sudden, lets conflict the comprehensive upgrade. 所以,由次郎他们喊出来的这一声“天诛国贼”就像是导火索似的,一下子就点燃了舰上积累已久的矛盾,让冲突全面升级。 Saw this, Fang Linyan chuckled in the heart, this progress and imagined did not have much difference. Quickly hits, the conflict is more intense is better! 见到了这一幕,方林岩就在心中窃喜,这进展和自己想象的没有太大的区别啊。赶快打起来吧,冲突越激烈越好! The time that very obviously, the fight continues is not quite long, represented by Yoshijiro and the others the young guard starts obviously gets the winning side, very obviously, because they had the population advantage, profits in the age and physical ability greatly. 很显然,战斗持续的时间并不太久,以由次郎等人为代表的少壮派就开始明显的占据上风,很显然,因为他们既占据了人数优势,在年龄和体能方面也是大占便宜。 What is more important, became confused the soldier of mind by „the principle of righteousness mostly hot blooded, appears fierce does not fear, therefore it can be said that victories. 更重要的是,大部分被“大义”冲昏了头脑的士兵热血非常,显得悍不畏死,因此可以说是节节胜利。 Was good considered because of the design of warship by situation that the enemy invaded, therefore its channel interior and cabin help the defense, might be considered as was easily defensible. 好在军舰的设计就考虑到了被敌人入侵的情况,所以其通道内部和舱室都是利于防守,堪称是易守难攻。 And the high-level personnel agglomeration of warship is also located in the captains cabin, cockpit and other critical regions, therefore the control of this warship temporarily also in high-level hand. 并且军舰的高层人员聚集地也多位于船长室,驾驶舱等要害区域,所以这艘军舰的控制权暂时都还在高层手中。 Clear to see colleague dropping down tragic deaths, these damn soldiers have the advantage, after the angry soldier even popular indignation enormous two hold, hangs to death while still alive, the management is also obvious being scared. 眼见得身边的同僚一个个倒下惨死,那些该死的士兵已经占据了优势,愤怒的士兵甚至将民愤极大的二副抓住之后活活吊死,管理层也是明显的慌了神。 To them, is the life peak time, fished much money promotions to be hopeful, that does not certainly want dead here. 对于他们来说,正是人生巅峰的时候,捞到了不少的钱还升官有望,那当然不想死在这里啊。 In this case, Fang Linyan thought that the conditions were ripe, was saying to Fujii: 在这种情况下,方林岩觉得时机成熟了,对着藤井道: Fujii, we person on one's own side who works for the Dongxiang well Sir, at present my can also solve immediately the means of difficult position.” “藤井桑,我们都是为了东乡井大人效力的自己人,眼下我还有一个能解决当下困境的办法。” Fujii is utterly confused at this time, is considering to commit hara-kiri the time the dying poem, how to think that Fang Linyan can also say such proposition unexpectedly, immediately said: 藤井此时都心乱如麻,都在考虑切腹时候的绝命诗了,怎会想到方林岩居然还能说出这样的提议,立即道: What good proposition does reckless Monarch have? Quickly said!” “胡君有什么好的提议吗?赶快说出来啊!” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: In this boundless sea, may have the foreign aid, on my bringing three freighters, in addition has almost 200-300 sailors, although the battle efficiency definitely is inferior to the soldier, but some numerical advantages.” “这茫茫大海上,可不是没有外援的啊,我这一次带来的三艘货船上面,加起来还是有差不多200-300名水手的,他们虽然战斗力肯定不如士兵,但是有数量优势啊。” Now can while the cockpit also in our hands, close up toward my ships, then makes them come the help, I look to start soldier also such 70-80 of rebellion, by the present estimated that did not have, should be able very relaxed still chaotic situation.” “现在可以趁着驾驶舱还在咱们手里,朝着我的船只靠拢,然后让他们过来帮忙,我看发动叛乱的士兵也就那么70-80个,到现在估计还没有了,应该能很轻松的平定乱局。” After hearing the Fang Linyan words, Fujii went to and others immediately discusses, then started to present the intense quarrel, Fang Linyan was also indifferent, is casual they to quarrel there is heavily engaged. 听到了方林岩的话之后,藤井立即就去和其余的人商议去了,然后开始出现了激烈的争吵,方林岩也无所谓,随便他们在那里吵得不可开交。 His embarking goal is to evade the inspection of warship in any case, this basic purpose was to definitely achieve, regardless of then had what condition to gain. 反正他这一次上船的目的是为了躲过军舰的检查,这基本目的肯定是达到了,接下来无论发生什么状况都是赚的。 Really the incorrect words, Fang Linyan wraps the life-saving jacket in one toward the water to jump, in his private, the oxygen cylinder and small-scale underwater propulsion system are prepared, can very easy roaming go back. 实在不行的话,方林岩套着救生圈就往水里面一跳,他的私人空间里面,氧气瓶和小型水下推进器都是齐备的,可以很轻松的游回去。 However quick, the difference of Japanese here leadership was resolved, because mobilizes the soldier of rebellion to start to attack the engine room, if hesitates, where engine room falling to the enemy ships toward started unable to grasp, the straw to grasp that Fang Linyan gave could not hold. 不过很快的,日方这边领导层的分歧就解决了,因为发动叛乱的士兵已经开始攻击轮机舱,倘若再犹豫的话,轮机舱一沦陷船只往哪里开都掌握不了,方林岩给出来的这根救命稻草都抓不住了。 Therefore quick, the day ship starts to close up toward the merchant ship of distant place, and makes the flag indicator, requesting them to provide the help. 于是很快的,日舰就开始朝着远处的商船靠拢,并且打出旗语,要求他们提供帮助。 Fang Linyan also while slipped out at this time randomly, changed one military uniform, at this time also no one paid attention to tie up in the lifesaving skiff of gunwale, was driven away by him directly. 方林岩这时候也是趁乱溜了出去,换上了一套军服,这时候也没人注意拴在舷边的救生小艇,被他直接开走了出去。 Quick, the day shipboard sailors detected is not right, another three merchants started toward here unexpectedly slowly, then the warship of one's own side is also the initiative closes up. 很快的,日舰上的水兵就发觉了不对劲,另外三艘商船居然朝着这边徐徐开了过来,然后己方的军舰也是主动配合靠拢。 They anxious under sped up the offensive, but saw high-level this time of hope is to also clench teeth to insist, both sides dozen it can be said that bustling, difficult. 他们急切之下加快了攻势,但看到了希望的高层此时也是咬牙坚持,双方打得可以说是热火朝天,艰苦非常。 However, after the distance was reduced to a certain extent, three merchants present „” glyph the day ship to surround, then orders, in merchant ship deck sailor chaotic spear/gun fires, immediately attacks the rebellion Japanese forces on deck to wail day after day, even cannot lift. 不过,当距离被缩短到了一定程度上之后,三艘商船呈现出“品”字形将日舰包围了起来,然后一声令下,商船甲板上的“水手”乱枪齐发,顿时就打得甲板上的叛乱日军哀嚎连天,甚至连头都抬不起来。 At this time Fang Linyan basically can confirm, Tsarist Russia also by UK , France compelling, therefore not to have pit in this special military action anxiously. 这时候方林岩基本可以确认,沙俄这边也是被英法给逼急了,所以在这一次的特别军事行动当中没有坑自己。 The war is examines the battle efficiency without doubt the best way, after opening fire, can look, embarks these fellows from Vladivostok is the senior veterans, even if opens fire on the ship, is very high, and is fearless facing the counter-attack of enemy. 战争无疑是检验战斗力的最佳方式,一开火之后就看得出来,从海参崴上船这些家伙都是资深老兵,哪怕是在船上开火,准度也是很高的,并且面对敌人的反击无所畏惧。 Quick, with day ship high-level initiative, on merchant ship sailor starts to go on board, at this time did not have so many observation and sighting equipment, day ship these high levels to be hit the ghost crying god to be howling, is only hoping the reinforcement can be more, does not grasp the concrete detailed quantity. 很快的,在日舰高层的主动配合下,商船上的“水手”开始登船,这时候还没有那么多观瞄设备,日舰这些高层被打得鬼哭神嚎的,只盼望着救兵能更多一些,根本就把握不到具体的详细数量。 The Japanese forces when continuously rebels were killed thoroughly, the day shipboard leadership detected is not right, why these merchant ship sailors all are the Russians, moreover their quantities were also too many!! 一直等到叛乱的日军被彻底干掉,日舰上的高层才发觉了不对劲,为什么这些商船水手全是俄国人啊,而且他们的数量也太多了吧!! The issue is they detect now not right time, has been too late, the critical position on entire warship was controlled completely. 问题是他们现在发觉到不对劲的时候,已经是为时已晚,整个军舰上的要害位置都全部被控制住了。 Moreover these people, if gives life for one's country, the courage at risk of life fighting, will not collaborate with Dongxiang well and the others. 而且这些人倘若是有为国捐躯,拼死一战的勇气的话,也不会和东乡井等人同流合污了。 When several angry Japanese forces military officers want sticks out suddenly launches an attack, the fate directly made into the hornet's nest, but others when facing the pitch-dark muzzle, can only sigh woefully were choosing submitting. 当好几名愤怒的日军军官想要暴起发难的时候,下场就是直接被打成了马蜂窝,而其余的人在面对黑洞洞的枪口的时候,只能哀叹着选择了屈服。 Without a doubt, put in an appearance on the success captures one day ship, this time acted without doubt a good sign! Grasped this day ship as well as its high level in the hand, then did not need to fear again met other day ships, even when entered Nagasakikou also to save the innumerable troubles. 毫无疑问,一照面就成功俘虏一艘日舰,这无疑是给此次行动开了个好兆头啊!将这一艘日舰以及其高层抓在了手里面,接下来既不用再怕遇到其余的日舰,甚至在进入长崎港的时候也省掉了无数的麻烦。 At this time Fang Linyan also extremely rejoiced oneself are in 1895 modern times, if changed into modern age, that was not possible to make the captive warship, but also made Japan come by the matter of being kept in the dark completely. 此时方林岩也是万分庆幸自己乃是在1895年的近代,若是换成现代的话,那是不可能做出俘虏军舰,还让日方完全被蒙在鼓里的事情来的。 After an interrogation, Fang Linyan only knew the details, originally the patrol direction of Combined Fleet truly here, does not run up to here by the good number, similarly is also because that side the Dongxiang well urged too urgently, therefore ran to hit the wild game, made the extra income. 经过了一番审问之后,方林岩这才知道了详情,原来联合舰队的巡逻方向确实是不在这里,由良号跑到这里来,同样也是因为东乡井那边催促得太急,所以跑出来打野食,捞外快的。 The reason that even goes back to deal with thought that that was the weather is not good, the disorientation in the wind and rain, the entire warship almost struck a reef in the severe weather, thanks to shipboard leadership millions of people are all of one mind, unity is strength, worked overtime( here slightly to fall 500 characters), paid the huge sacrifice to be able the warship to open. 甚至连回去应付的理由都想好了,那就是天气不好,在风雨里面迷航了,整艘军舰差点在恶劣天气里面触礁,多亏舰上的领导层万众一心,众志成城,加班加点(此处略掉五百字),付出了巨大的牺牲才能将军舰开回来。 In brief if read this report, will immediately feel the above person not only cannot punish by the good number high level, even does not give out prize the chapter of metropolis/can conscience to have the shame to them. 总之若是看了这一份报告,立即就会觉得上面的人不但不能责罚由良号的高层,甚至不给他们发个奖章都会良心有愧. In this case, Fang Linyan and the others discussed that then the decision leaves behind Guggenheim this ship not to put into port in the open sea when the time comes, docking on the island of distant seas, this ship will serve as the final escape route, at this time then dashed to Nagasaki!! 在这种情况下,方林岩等人商量了一下,便决定到时候留下古根海姆这艘船在外海不进港,将之停靠在了远海的海岛上,这艘船就是用作最后的退路,这时候便直扑长崎!! At this time Fang Linyan looked at the war progress bar again, detected that in taking after good number, the winning percentage of China increased 3 points unexpectedly directly, at this time the space soldiers in Japan have been startled. 此时方林岩又再看了看战争进度条,发觉在拿下了“由良号”之后,中国一方的胜率居然直接提升了三个点,想必此时日本一方的空间战士已经大吃一惊了吧。 Read and this, the corners of the mouth of Fang Linyan revealed wiped the smile, this group of people should fondly remember a next present time well, because they will soon discover, this was only the start of nightmare!! 一念及此,方林岩的嘴角露出了一抹微笑,这帮人应该好好怀念一下现在的时光,因为他们很快就会发现,这只是噩梦的开始!! *** *** After seven hours, by good number lead, another two merchant ship Nall moderate Froster follows, had arrived at outside Nagasakikou. 七个小时以后,在由良号的领头下,另外两艘商船纳尔温和福斯特号紧随其后,已经来到了长崎港外面。 At this time the weather is black, can actually see that side Nagasaki sky is slightly red, then discovered close to some later again, this Japan the liveliest harbor, as if fell into one type at this time manic incomparable abnormal excited, the entire harbor seems boiling, police who the key should present, military police and so on also vanished does not see. 此时天色已黑,却能见到长崎那边的天空都是微红的,再靠近一些之后便发现,这个日本此时最繁华的港口,似乎陷入到了一种狂躁无比的畸形兴奋当中,整个港口仿佛都在沸腾,关键是本来应该出现的警察,宪兵之类的也消失不见。 On the street has massive to entangle the white bottom red glowing sun cotton tape, wears the vagabond of kimono to appear and disappear, in the hand is raising the katana, takes a section of road to brandish a blade to shout loudly: 街道上有着大量头缠白底红日布带,身穿和服的浪人出没,手中提着武士刀,走上一段路就挥刀高喊: Chinese private land journey!”( Chinese tumbles out our lands) “中国人私土地出行!”(中国人滚出我们的土地) Meanwhile they used the mad dog same vision to observe closely everyone, once detected that possibly was the China, immediately rushed with the foot tramples, with scabbard pounding ruthlessly, if the opposite party must resist, then drew a sword to cut directly. 同时他们用疯狗一样的目光盯住了所有人,一旦发觉可能是华族的,立即就冲上去用脚踹,用刀鞘狠狠的砸,若是对方还要抵抗的话,那么就直接抽刀出来砍了。
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