FE :: Volume #13

#1400: Decisive battle in the Yellow River

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Chapter 1398 fights a decisive battle in the Yellow River 第1398章决战于黄河 After the oriental cherry said that is watching intently the eyes of Fang Linyan! 樱花说完之后,就逼视着方林岩的双眼! Japanese sabreplay, heavy imposing manner, before particularly fight, stops at nothing, doing everything possible weakens the opponent, from this even derived many unusual skills. 日本刀术,首重气势,尤其是战斗之前就无所不用其极,想尽办法的来削弱对手,由此甚至都衍生出了不少奇特的技巧。 For example former Fang Linyan has experienced of a side hearts, for example mixed the mesmeric with an eye of cutting technique of murderous aura! 比如之前方林岩就见识过的心之一方,又比如糅合了催眠术与杀气的目斩之术! If the average person facing the intently watch of oriental cherry, had estimated that was the direct stupor in the past, even if were the space soldier, will feel the both eyes stabbing pain, the leaning head avoided looking straight ahead of its vision. 若是普通人面对樱花的逼视,早就估计是直接昏迷了过去,哪怕是空间战士,也是会觉得双目刺痛,偏头避开其目光的直视。 But, the Fang Linyan corners of the mouth hold one to sneer, unexpectedly does not care at all and oriental cherry looked at each other. 可是,方林岩嘴角噙着一丝冷笑,居然满不在乎的和樱花对视了起来. Most critically, the progress that as the oriental cherry draws a sword increases, he takes to the Fang Linyan pressure also to increase progressively, but, Fang Linyan unexpectedly is really effortlessly shouldered, even starts to meet as an equal to the oriental cherry!! 更关键的是,随着樱花拔刀的进度增加,他带给方林岩的压力也是随之递增,但是,方林岩居然真的是毫不费力的就扛了下来,甚至开始与樱花分庭抗礼!! At this time the oriental cherry true attaching great importance to Fang Linyan came , Mei Yingdu the blade edge has pulled out at this time 1/5, only needed to draw a sword half, can start tyrannicalally incomparably cuts to kill! 这时候樱花才真正的重视起方林岩来,要知道,此时梅樱毒的刀锋已经拔出来了五分之一,只需要拔刀到一半,就可以发动强横无比斩杀! But dominates the might that cuts extremely to be how terrifying, by this time, the locked enemy has been able to induce to inevitably dreadful killing intent, has had no more to do with escape either, either started the flurried incomparable search help directly. 而霸极斩的威力何其恐怖,到了这个时候,被锁定的敌人必然已经能感应到其中滔天的杀意,要么已经拔腿就逃,要么就直接开始慌乱无比的寻求帮助了。 But, only then front person not only has not run away, instead stands as stable as the rock of Gibraltar. 可是,只有面前的这个人不但没有逃,反而站得稳若泰山。 Moreover, the oriental cherry could have felt that this fellow did not bluster, his body, really huge, vigorous, profound strength in slowly is storing up, very relaxed met as an equal to!! 不仅如此,樱花已经感觉得到这家伙并非是虚张声势,他的身上,真的有一股庞大,浑厚,深邃的力量在慢慢的蓄积着,很轻松的就与自己分庭抗礼!! Oriental cherry deep inspiration, he knows that front enemy is very deceitful, ran enough 200-300 li (0.5 km) under own chasing down, this then fights a decisive battle with, then said needlessly, this place has certainly what unique element. 樱花深深的吸了一口气,他知道面前的这个敌人十分狡诈,在自己的追杀下奔跑了足足有200-300里,这才回头与自己决战,那么不消说,这地方一定有什么特殊之处。 But the oriental cherry looks all around, the surroundings nothing but are the barren mountains and wild hills, the soil bank are continuous, a river winds through. Such terrain was really ordinary, do not say that in bounteous China, even should not be too common in Japan. 可是樱花环顾四周,周围无非就是荒山野岭,土坡绵延,还有一条大河流过.这样的地形真的是太普通了,不要说是在地大物博的中国,甚至在日本也不要太常见。 But the oriental cherry has not actually expected, the secret of here hidden is so unexpectedly astonishing, front can make this trivial breed hunting for unexpectedly to have the sufficient strength to come with contend! The eruption of oneself this blade, was unable to run into the opponent until now. 可是樱花却没料到,此处居然隐藏的秘密如此惊人,竟然能让面前这个区区殖猎者拥有足够的力量来与自己抗衡!要知道,自己这一刀的爆发,迄今为止都还没能遇到对手啊。 Even if powerful if in the middle of that abyss king, fights tooth and nail a blade also to yield and withdraw facing oneself this!! 哪怕是强大若那个深渊当中的君王,面对自己这搏命一刀也要退避三舍啊!! At this time, oriental cherry at present starts to present 59 seconds of countdown, so long as countdown as soon as finished, a blade of that as powerful as a thunderbolt will cut! But at this time oriental cherry malignant influences also had saved vividly, if there is a situation of essence. 这个时候,樱花的眼前开始出现了59秒的倒计时,只要倒计时一结束,那雷霆万钧的一刀就会直斩而出!而这时候樱花身上的煞气也是已经积蓄到了呼之欲出,若有实质的地步。 Can clear sight, behind the oriental cherry present a huge ghost first illusion impressively, the fiendish features, the facial expression twisted fiercely, aims at Fang Linyan to grin to roar! This is the full power of peak awakens strikes!! 可以清晰的见到,樱花背后已经赫然出现了一个巨大的鬼首幻象,青面獠牙,脸容狰狞扭曲,对准了方林岩龇牙咆哮!这可是巅峰苏醒者的全力一击啊!! Fang Linyan actually still peaceful standing there, closing one's eyes, the expression is very light, looked his expression not only does not have the fear, seems anticipating anything. 只是方林岩却依然安静的站在了那里,闭着眼睛,表情很是平淡,看他的表情不但没有恐惧,更仿佛是在期待着什么。 Two people silent is confronting, why does not know, in the oriental cherry heart appears a out-of-control beyond description to feel unexpectedly, but who he is, at once presses this thought forcefully. 两人沉默的对峙着,不知道为什么,樱花心中居然浮现出一股难以形容的失控感觉,但他是什么人,旋即就将这念头给强行压了下去。 The knife skill boundary to his step person, has been able to control own mood as one pleases. 刀法境界到了他这一步的人,早就可以随心所欲的控制自己的情绪了。 However, when the oriental cherry present countdown to 30 seconds, Fang Linyan opened the eye suddenly, then the corners of the mouth revealed wiped the smile saying: 不过,就在樱花眼前的倒计时到了三十秒的时候,方林岩忽然睁开了眼睛,然后嘴角露出了一抹微笑道: You know why I can choose fight a decisive battle with you here?” “你知道我为什么要选择在这里和你决战吗?” If Fang Linyan said other, then the oriental cherry will not definitely pay attention, because he had concluded that the opposite party must certainly struggle one at this time, if knelt to beg for mercy during his sentenced in advance. 若是方林岩说出其余的话,那么樱花肯定是不会理会的,因为他已经料定对方在这时候肯定是要挣扎一番的,若是跪下来求饶都在他的预判当中。 But, in the oriental cherry heart actually also wants to know that this secret, depends on this to benefit after all, front fellow by the wound weary body, looks like not being able to kill cockroach to be the same, constrained oneself such long some time, even also compelled directly to open the big move! 可是,樱花心中其实也很想知道这个秘密啊,毕竟依托这地利,面前这家伙以伤疲之身,就像是个打不死的小强一样,生生拖住了自己这么长的一段时间,甚至还逼得自己直接开了大招! As the saying goes if not forgotten, the guide for the future, in the heart of oriental cherry, Fang Linyan must die after twenty seconds without doubt, if oneself do not meet his thread of conversation, then this huge secret radical disappearance. 有道是前事不忘,后事之师,在樱花的心中,方林岩在二十几秒后必死无疑,若是自己不接他的话头,那么这个巨大的秘密就将会彻底的消失了。 Therefore only used less than one second, the oriental cherry then very simple say/way: 于是只用了不到一秒钟,樱花便很干脆的道: Does not know.” “不知道。” The Fang Linyan smile said: 方林岩微笑道: You do not know that is not unusual, although after all you are half expert on China, but will be only will say eventually the Japanese of Chinese, will not understand these. Contains in my Chinese nation bone inside thing, in the middle of the bloodlines inheritance!” “你不知道却也并不稀奇,毕竟你虽然算是半个中国通,但终究只是个会说中国话的日本人罢了,不明白那些.蕴藏在我中华民族骨子里面的东西,血脉当中的传承!” After the oriental cherry listened to these words, looks all around, seen is also only the barren mountains and wild hills, the trivial rivers, bright moonlight directly link up the culmination, cannot bear say/way that snorts at contemptuously: 樱花听了这句话以后,环顾四周,见到的也只是荒山野岭,区区河流,一轮明月直挂中天,忍不住嗤之以鼻的道: Mysterious.” “故弄玄虚。” Fang Linyan deep inspiration, then points at that peacefully to flow behind slowly, but river earnest say/way: 方林岩深深的吸了一口气,然后指着身后那条安静缓慢流淌而过的大河认真的道: You know where this is?” “你知道这是什么地方吗?” The oriental cherry felt that the change of Fang Linyan tone, he also had a premonition that puzzled own issue should quick to untie, therefore is also the dignified say/way: 樱花感觉到了方林岩语气的变化,他也预感到了困扰着自己的问题应该很快就要解开了,于是也是凝重的道: Does not know.” “不知道。” The Fang Linyan say/way holds up the head to the day, then turned around to look to river: 方林岩道昂首向天,然后转身看向了身边的这条长河: I was chased down enough six hours by you, from exceeding 200 kilometers, has pursued this place from suburbs of Tianjin, I stopped. Here is the Licheng County of Jinan.” “我被你追杀了足足六个多小时,距离超过两百公里,一直从天津近郊追击到了此地,我才停了下来.这里是济南的历城县。” However the name of this river, is called “而这条河的名字,叫做” At this point, Fang Linyan stood still, say/way every single word or phrase: 说到这里,方林岩停歇了一下,一字一句的道: Yellow, river!!” “黄,河!!” These two characters said that made one feel the intense sincerity, unsurpassed dignity!! 这两个字一说出来,就令人感觉到强烈的厚重,无上的威严!! Heard these two characters, in the heart of oriental cherry immediately thump jumped. 听到了这两个字,樱花的心中顿时就“咯噔”的跳了一下。 The oriental cherry looks like Fang Linyan judgment such, will be only will truly say that the Japanese of Chinese, will only be restricted in the understanding in surface to China, actually never thorough has studied its spirit and culture. 樱花就像是方林岩判断的那样,确实只是个会说中国话的日本人而已,对中国就仅限于表面上的了解,却从未深入的去研究过其精神和文化。 However this is also very normal, Chinese nation high and low 5000 vast culture, inheritance from generation to generation, that is what kind of vast profound, the historian continues to study even in one's old age, is not necessarily have a thorough understanding, ordinary Chinese that not to mention. 不过这也很正常,中华民族上下五千年的泱泱文化,一代一代的传承而下,那是何等的浩大精深,历史学家皓首穷经,也未必能吃透,普通的中国人那就更不用说了。 As for oriental cherry such Japanese, naturally not waste energy on this, therefore , he even if knows that here is the Yellow River, without, will do not treat seriously, deeply does not want true meaning. 至于樱花这样的日本人,当然不会在这上面浪费精力,所以,他哪怕是知道这里乃是黄河,在没有特殊情况下,也会一带而过,根本不会深想其中真意。 Because of this, he fell into the Fang Linyan fatal trap!! 正因为如此,他才落入到了方林岩致命的陷阱当中!! This time Fang Linyan tight is staring at the eye of oriental cherry: 此时的方林岩紧紧的盯着樱花的眼睛: Here. Is the Yellow River! The place of origin of Chinese nation, my clan the river of mother.” “这里.就是黄河!中华民族的发源地,我族的母亲之河。” My ancestor has multiplied to live here five! Thousand! Year, even remote time.” “我的祖先在这里已经繁衍生息了五!千!年,甚至更加久远的时间。” They were born here, they grow here, they have sexual intercourse here, they multiply here, their elegy, they die of old age here here, they bury the bone to return by another type to this stretch of land here, day after day, year after year.” “他们在这里出生,他们在这里成长,他们在这里交欢,他们在这里繁衍,他们在这里悲歌,他们在这里老去,他们在这里埋骨以另外一种重新回归到这片大地上,日复一日,年复一年。” The Fang Linyan sound is not loud, is very firm, along with his words, the distant place started to hear the howling wind sound/rumor unexpectedly, as if in should with his words. 方林岩的声音不大,却很是坚定,伴随着他的话语,远处竟是都开始传来了呼啸的风声,仿佛在应和他的话语. This stretch of land seems like the without owner, is, my, has used the sweat for generations, the tears, the blood, will be skeleton infiltration bit by bit it in 5000!!!” “这片大地看似无主,可是,我的祖祖辈辈们,已经用自己汗水,泪水,鲜血,甚至是骨骸一点一点的浸润了它五千年!!!” Why you cannot kill me , because here was my ancestor multiplies to live from generation to generation several hundred generations of places!!” “你为什么杀不死我,是因为这里是我的祖先一代一代繁衍生息了数百辈的地方!!” However the alien race who east your crowds comes, not only kills and burns to plunder to snatch in our stretch of land, stopping at no evil, is more crazed, wants to covet China beloved places.” “而你们这群东来的异族,不仅在我们的这片大地上烧杀掠抢,无恶不作,更是丧心病狂,想要觊觎赤县神州这片热土。” Your crime, this/should, ten thousand, death!” “你罪,该,万,死!” At this time, in the middle of the Fang Linyan palm, had had a side seal impressively, he robbed that side mysterious ancient seal that came to from traitor to China Xie Peng chu! 这时候,方林岩的手心当中,赫然已经多出了一方印章,正是他从汉奸谢鹏处抢夺而来的那一方神秘古印! The upfront of this ancient seal is carving four characters: Hates ringless, the back is carving one ginger character. 这古印的正面刻着四个字:恨地无环,背面则是刻着一个“姜”字。 At that time showing of this ancient seal was only the simple outline, said that it was the origin of Xie Peng inborn supernatural power, Fang Linyan does not know its usage at once. 当时这一方古印的说明只是简单的概述,说它是谢鹏天生神力的来源,方林岩一时之间也不知道其用法。 However, after Fang Linyan cuts killed the big lawsuit, by the big lawsuit is disrupted, even is the family/home country destiny of destroying, immediately in addition naturally held on his body, then by this ancient seal absorption, had this to transport the potential in addition to hold, this side hated ringless ancient seal also had the huge change immediately. 但是,当方林岩斩杀了大官司之后,被大官司扰乱,甚至是毁灭掉的家国气运,顿时就自然而然的加持在了他的身上,进而被这方古印吸收,有了这运势的加持,这一方“恨地无环”的古印立即也就出现了巨大的变化。 The surface of ancient seal presented many cracks, showing of ancient seal also had the change, and also obtained the extra two attributes. 古印的表面出现了诸多的裂纹,古印的说明也随之而出现了变化,并且还获得了额外的两条属性。 Showing of ancient seal at this time is: This is a side came from the legend age ancient seal, was a treasure of antiquity great person very cherishing, its decree of promulgation must cover this seal to acknowledge becomes effective. 古印的说明此时为:这是一方源自传说年代的古印,乃是上古一位大人物十分钟爱的宝物,其颁发的旨意都要盖上此印才承认生效。 During this use process, this ancient seal with the life and death of ten million person, the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness involved the relations, therefore also involved the destiny of China. 在这使用过程当中,此古印与千万人的生死存亡,喜怒哀乐都牵扯上了关系,因此也牵扯上了华族的气运。 After this great person dies, this ancient seal also along with offering sacrifice by idol, by the incense and candle sacrificial offering several hundred years, it will be been inseparable with the destiny of China from now on, melts as one, although a lot of years also have not vacillated. 这位大人物死后,这一方古印也被随祀在了神像旁边,被香火祭祀了几百年,自此其与华族的气运密不可分,融于一体,虽千百年亦不曾动摇。 Wears the special effect( passive): Unity is strength, carries this ancient seal in Nine Provinces( Hebei, yan, azure, slow, raises, Jing, Henan, cool, when harmony) middle stops over, will receive the Huaxia destiny in addition to hold, your luck value increase. 佩戴特效(被动):众志成城,携带此古印在九州(冀,兖,青,徐,扬,荆,豫,凉,雍)当中逗留时,将会受到华夏气运的加持,你的运气值提升。 Specifically speaking, the probabilistic event obtains the increase of middle-grade scope toward the possibility that the good direction develops, you in conduct after the temple wait/etc religious places in worships, obtains the probability of corresponding blessing to promote 50. 具体来说,概率性事件往好的方向发展的可能性得到中等幅度的提升,你在对庙宇等等宗教场所内进行祭拜之后,获得相应祝福的概率提升50。 All clansmen who have the Chinese bloodlines to raise a rank to your good sensitivity automatically, before the promotion of neutrality for friendly, before friendly promotion for respect, and so on. 所有拥有华族血脉的族人对你的好感度自动提升一个等级,之前中立的提升为友善,之前友善的提升为尊敬,以此类推。 Wears the special effect( passes on the torch): After activating this special effect, once your life value reduces, then this ancient seal will add to restore for you automatically, the price will be in the middle of the ancient seal destiny value will consume continually. 佩戴特效(薪火相传):激活此特效之后,一旦你的生命值降低,那么此古印将会为你自动进行补充恢复,代价是古印当中的气运值将会持续消耗。 Before the destiny value was consumed completely, your life value will obtain the continuous supplies! Moreover, after activating this special effect, only if the destiny value consumption completely, otherwise you will not die. 在气运值被消耗殆尽之前,你的生命值都会得到源源不断的补给!不仅如此,在激活此特效之后,除非是气运值消耗殆尽,否则的话你将不会死亡。 Explained: After this special effect was activated, in the middle of the dragon vein close to Nine Provinces, the restored life value are more, if left in the Nine Provinces range, that expires completely. 说明:此特效被激活之后,越是靠近九州当中的龙脉,恢复的生命值就越多,若是离开了九州范围内的话,那就完全失效。 At present in the middle of ancient seal surplus destiny values: The life value that 79 points, each destiny value restores is( 95 ~ 950 points) 目前古印当中剩余的气运值:79点,每一点气运值恢复的生命值为(95~950点) *** *** This mysterious ancient seal, was Fang Linyan dares with the oriental cherry on just positive/direct the energy! 这一枚神秘古印,就是方林岩敢于和樱花刚上正面的底气! Also special effect that because this passes on the torch, therefore Fang Linyan does not hesitate to flee more than 200 kilometers, arrived at this Yellow River to turn the head with it to fight a decisive battle! 也正是因为这薪火相传的特效,所以方林岩才不惜奔逃两百多公里,来到了这黄河边才转头与之决战! Before entering this world, Fang Linyan knows in Nine Provinces really to have the view of dragon vein, the world dragon vein has Kunlun Mountains, then extends toward the Eastern fission. 在进入本世界之前,方林岩就知道九州大地上确实有龙脉的说法,天下龙脉出昆仑,然后朝着东方分裂延伸。 Finally then formed 14 dragon veins, nine mountains dragons and five Water Dragons. 最后则是形成了十四条龙脉,九条山龙与五条水龙。 mountain dragon respectively is Tianshan, Kunlun Mountain, Mount Emei, Qinling Mountains, Taihang Mountains, Changbai Mountains, Hengshan, Mount Tai and Hengshan, four mountains Sacred Mountains of China that also often said. 山龙分别是天山、昆仑山、峨眉山、秦岭、太行山、长白山、恒山、泰山、衡山,也就常说的四山五岳。 Five Water Dragons respectively are HLJ, the Yellow River, the Huai River, the Yangtze River and Pearl River. 五条水龙分别是HLJ、黄河、淮河、长江、珠江。 Because of the above view, the ruler emperor in this stretch of land said that is 95 supreme. 正是因为上面的说法,这片大地的统治者皇帝才自称为九五至尊。 Fang Linyan in Tianjin, detected at that time oneself nearest were the Yellow River dragon vein, therefore dashed about wildly in this direction, but the place of Yellow River flowing through, is known as the place of origin of Chinese nation, therefore without a doubt, displayed to pass on the torch to display in a big way here it effect. 方林岩当时在天津的时候,发觉自己距离最近的就是黄河龙脉,所以才往这个方向狂奔,而黄河流经之处,更是号称中华民族的发源地,所以毋庸置疑,在这里施展薪火相传就能将之效果发挥到最大。 Regarding Fang Linyan, mysterious ancient seal, although can carry over this world, but, this mysterious ancient seal was actually seriously limited very in the use, for example went to magic world / the interstellar world / even in the middle of the spent clay world, this gadget discarded directly. 对于方林岩而言,神秘古印虽然是可以带出本世界的,但是,这枚神秘古印在使用上其实是受到了非常大的限制,比如去了魔法世界/星际世界/甚至废土世界当中,这玩意儿就直接废掉了。 Therefore Fang Linyan without hesitation chose the current use, facing oriental cherry with hunting for the enemy of king same rank, if can take consuming this powerful item the heavy losses or strikes to kill as the price, then does not certainly owe!! 因此方林岩毫不犹豫的就选择了当前使用,面对樱花与猎王同等级的敌人,若是能以消耗掉这件强大道具为代价将之重创或是击杀,那么当然不亏!! Draws back one step, even if mysterious ancient seal cannot stand off the prestige energy that the oriental cherry the tyrant cuts extremely, at this time Fang Linyan also has the invincible this card in a hand not to use, then can still guarantee that he moves out. 退一步来说,就算是神秘古印都敌不过樱花的霸极斩的威能,此时方林岩却还有无敌这张底牌没有使用,那么依然能保证他全身而退。 Looks at front Fang Linyan, the oriental cherry put out long air/Qi slowly, unexpectedly is enjoyable says with a smile: 看着面前的方林岩,樱花徐徐的吐出了一口长气,居然舒心一笑道: Very good, very good!” “很好,很好!” I since learn blade, for fear that is the enemy who faces is weak, could not bring the pressure on me, such enemy, will only consume my energy in vain, wasted my vitality in vain!” “我自从习刀以来,唯恐的就是面对的敌人不够强,给我带来不了压力,这样的敌人,只会徒然消耗我的精力,白白浪费我的元气!” Now seems like, you as a hone, are qualified! Worth lets me whole-heartedly!” “现在看起来,你作为一块磨刀石来说,还是合格的!值得让我全力以赴!” Few words, the oriental cherry showed the powerful confidence and war intent, and in facing Fang Linyan raised under the premise of this card in a hand, but oriental cherry here countdown, came to the end finally. 寥寥几句话,樱花就展现出了强大的信心和战意,并且还是在面对方林岩掀出了这张底牌的前提下,而樱花这边的倒计时,终于走到了尽头。 His back ghost first illusion, has seemed extremely clear, then face upwarded to angrily roar instantaneously, exudes one to roar! 他背后的鬼首幻象,已经显得极其清晰,然后瞬间仰天怒吼,发出了一声咆哮! Oriental cherry one on the left and other on the right void middle, stretched out two to proliferate the tattoo impressively, the arm that the muscle dragon tied, his skin presented the indigo blue, clear spiral grain, but the palm only had three fingers wonderfully, the nail long incomparable. 紧接着,樱花的一左一右虚空当中,赫然伸出了两只遍布刺青,筋肉虬结的手臂,其皮肤呈现出靛蓝色,还有清晰的螺旋纹理,而手掌只有三根手指,指甲奇长无比。 These two arms also held Mei Yingdu the hilt together, then aimed at Fang Linyan to divide under! 这两只手臂也是一起抓住了梅樱毒的刀柄,然后对准了方林岩直劈而下!
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