FE :: Volume #13

#1399: Mutation

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Chapter 1397 mutation 第1397章异变 But at this time, on the Fang Linyan back mountain ridge, presented a form impressively. 而就在这时候,在方林岩背后的山脊上,赫然出现了一个身影。 This form seems like short initially and strong, but after looks at several, thought that his body sends out an indescribable terrifying to be aggressive! 这身影初看起来又矮又壮,但多看几眼之后,就觉得其身上散发出一种无法形容的恐怖霸气! Every one step treads, has the suppression together imposing manner! The time of each stepping on, has intense incomparable conquering meaning!! 每一步踏出,都是带着镇压一起的气势!每一脚踩下的时候,都带着强烈无比的征服意味!! Oriental cherry already to 樱花已至 This time oriental cherry had de-archived own strength comprehensively, even achieved in the middle of the awakens most peak boundary, from next step temperance, is close!! 此时的樱花已经全面解封了自身的实力,甚至达到了苏醒者最为巅峰的境界当中,距离下一步的锤炼者,也是咫尺之遥!! The vision of oriental cherry, first stayed above that river of not far away, congealed slightly , the indifferent vision stayed beyond dozens meters the body of Fang Linyan, say/way that suddenly opened the mouth coldly: 樱花的目光,先是停留在了不远处的那条大河之上,微微一凝之后,冷漠的目光就停留在了几十米外方林岩的身上,忽然开口冷冷的道: Why? Struggled desperately was so long, received so many crimes, finally do not die here?” “何必呢?苦苦挣扎了这么久,受了这么多的罪,最后还不是要死在这里?” You the honest point tied up before hands tied, I am also free from worry, you also little suffer hardships, the present words, I gave you a happy reason unable to find “你之前老实点束手就缚,我也省心,你也少受苦,现在的话,我连给你个痛快的理由都根本找不到了啊” Fang Linyan wiped a face, at this time his on the face is not only the blood, is the mud, seeming like somewhat is very distressed, made one feel fierce! Feeling that the whole person disperses, looks like one in the wolf of dead end in the middle of the snowstorm arrives, although tenacious tenacious stubborn, has actually also suffocated! 方林岩抹了一把脸,此时他的脸上既是鲜血,又是泥泞,看起来很是有些狼狈,却更令人觉得狰狞!整个人身上发散出来的感觉,就像是一头在暴风雪当中走到的穷途末路的狼,虽然坚韧顽强倔强,却也已经是奄奄一息! Fang Linyan looks at this time the look of oriental cherry very somewhat is unusual, he had been compelled the hopeless situation, in the look to have the flavor that is taunting obviously: 只是方林岩此时看着樱花的眼神却很是有些奇特,明明他已经被逼到了如此绝境,眼神里面却带着一丝嘲讽的味道: „Haven't you ravelled now? We before, are not fight between the space soldiers, this is the country war!! This is fights between two nationalities!!” “你现在还没有弄明白吗?我们之前,已经不是什么空间战士之间的战斗了,这是国战!!这是两个民族之间的战斗!!” At this point, the Fang Linyan look becomes swift and fierce and vicious: 说到这里,方林岩的眼神变得凌厉而凶狠: This fight, that is you do not die I continuous, even if I cannot be victorious you, throws to nip, collapses the mouthful tooth, must gnaw off your meat! You want me to tie up hands tied, that is me to betray my bloodlines, my ancestor, that is having a dream!!” “这战斗,那就是你不死我不休,我就算是打不过你,扑上来咬,崩掉满嘴牙,也要咬掉你一块肉!你要我束手就缚,那就是要我背叛我的血脉,我的祖先,那是在做梦!!” Oriental cherry indifferent say/way: 樱花漠然的道: That. You die!” “那么.你就去死吧!” He in the speech, the whole person sprinted on the direct stride. 他在说话的时候,整个人就直接大步冲刺了下来。 This sprint occupied a commanding position, when starts to sprint, had held up own long blade directly, its back is a giant full moon, therefore even more appears the imposing manner unparalleled!! 这一冲刺本来就是居高临下,而在开始冲刺的时候,就已经直接举起了自己的长刀,其背后就是一轮巨大的圆月,因此越发显得气势无双!! At this time the oriental cherry seemingly pulls rank, long blade Mei Yingdu who because lift up high do not have a sheath, but before Fang Linyan, suffers a loss under this move! 此时樱花看似托大,因为高举的长刀梅樱毒都没有出鞘,但方林岩之前就在这一招下吃了大亏! Because the body of oriental cherry is actually also hiding a rib difference short sword, this is also the Japanese warrior very common wearing a sword method, one long one short, under normal conditions the long blade murder, the short sword commits hara-kiri. 因为樱花的身上其实还藏着一把肋差短刀,这也是日本武士很常见的佩刀方法,一长一短,通常情况下长刀杀人,短刀切腹。 Who even many sabreplay famous experts revolve this long short sword, developed many powerful killing laws and schools, for example renowned one-eyed sword bold willow health/life Jubei used was the double blade, its school for willow Shengxin the Yin class/flow. 甚至很多刀术名家都围绕这长短刀的佩法,开发出了不少强大的杀法和流派,比如著名的独眼剑豪柳生十兵卫使用的就是双刀,其流派为柳生新阴流。 The oriental cherry is also so, Mei Ying of sheath poisonously has not been to display in his hands at this time the cudgel play, for the deceptive attack and broken move, the left hand is grasping the rib difference: Mirror tree-fern 2 salol true is killing! 樱花也是如此,没有出鞘的梅樱毒在他手中此时是施展的棍术,用于佯攻和破招,左手握着的肋差:镜沙罗才是真正的杀着! This will not present the weapon generally, once comes seems the venomous fang of poisonous snake is the same, met with the blood inevitably! The wound that on Fang Linyan that spreads across 99% come from its masterpiece. 这把武器一般不会出现,一旦现身的话就仿佛是毒蛇的毒牙一样,必然会见血!方林岩身上那纵横交错的伤口90%九都是来自于它的杰作。 This blade cuts to fall, feeling is not sharp, but is vigorous verve, that seems to be even the mountain range must it huge oppression strength in a state of collapse. 这一刀斩落,给人的感觉并不是锋锐,而是浑厚刚猛,那是仿佛连山峦都要将之崩摧的巨大压迫力。 Fang Linyan is evades not to be possible at this time to evade, both hands grasp to hold the village to be positive. The leech kept off before the body, 方林岩此时已是避无可避,双手握持住村正.蛭挡在了身前, Only listens to clang a loud sound, the Fang Linyan whole person was cut to fly, more than ten meters away, after falling to the ground, tumbled 78! The chest was whirlwind had/left bloody water! 只听“锵”的一声巨响,方林岩整个人都被斩飞了出去,足足有十几米远,落地之后还翻滚了七八圈!胸口更是飚出了一道血水! This is the fearful place of oriental cherry, Mei Ying of right hand cuts to fly poisonously directly you, the mirror tree-fern 2 salol of left hand was cut that flash that flies to lose control to make a move in the enemy fast, as if puts to death by dismemberment the enemy to leave behind a wound on his body equally. 这就是樱花的可怕之处,右手的梅樱毒直接斩飞你,左手的镜沙罗在敌人被斩飞失控的那一瞬间快速出手,仿佛凌迟敌人一样在其身上留下一道伤口。 Before Fang Linyan did not have the means facing this move, can only resist hardly! On him are many wound that dozens red meat whirled around, even oriental cherry the appearance of that short sword mirror tree-fern 2 salol has not seen. 之前方林岩就是面对这一招毫无办法,只能硬抗!他身上多了数十条红肉翻卷的伤口,甚至连樱花的那一把短刀镜沙罗的样子都没见到。 Oriental cherry fighting method is seemingly impregnable, Fang Linyan such anomaly does not have the strength to hit back in its front, very big drawbacks, that is the injury is not high. 樱花这种打法看似无懈可击,方林岩这样的变态在其面前毫无还手之力,却还是有一个很大的弊端的,那就是伤害不高。 The negative impact that after this is this world attribute compresses, brings, particularly in space soldier to war, but must be hurt by PVP rule fetter to cut in half. 这就是本世界属性压缩之后带来的负面影响,尤其是在空间战士对战之时,还要受到PVP规则的束缚伤害减半。 However this is also very normal, in the world does not have the perfect move, person who is good has the patience because of the oriental cherry very much, otherwise these will not pursue 400 li (0.5 km) to Fang Linyan one close behind the other time, the pursuit time surpasses for six hours! 不过这也很正常,天底下就没有完美的招数,好在樱花是一个很有耐心的人,否则的话这一次对上方林岩也不会衔尾直追四百里,追击时间超过六个小时! He did not mind killing Fang Linyan that bit by bit puts to death by dismemberment probably, nothing but consumes some strengths. 他并不介意就这么一点一点像是凌迟的干掉方林岩,无非就是多耗费一些力气而已。 However he responded like this actually is also makes Fang Linyan relax, the matter that Fang Linyan most is worried about was the opposite party is enraged to losing the reason, came up to open the big move without delay directly, displayed the blade of destiny: Tyrant Jizhan. 不过他这样的反应其实也是让方林岩松了一口气,方林岩最担心的事情就是对方被激怒到失去了理智,二话不说一上来就直接开大招,施展出命运之刀:霸极斩。 To be honest, had witnessed Fang Linyan of that blade has a lingering fear now, thought that is cutting unable to withstand. 说实话,曾经目睹过那一刀的方林岩现在都心有余悸,觉得对着自己砍过来是顶不住的。 Words that however thinks carefully, oriental cherry own strength could be said as to Fang Linyan formed existence of absolute suppression, and he entered the goal of this world similarly is for the war of national destiny, did not massacre Fang Linyan on death ends all troubles. 不过仔细想一想的话,樱花自身的实力可以说是对方林岩形成了绝对压制的存在,并且他进入本世界的目的同样是为了民族气运之战,并非是杀掉方林岩就一了百了。 In this case, the oriental cherry puts in an appearance opens the big move of possibility sincerity is not high directly. After this looks like Fang Linyan enters to this world, after meeting enemy who was victorious obviously, will not use the exclamation of Athena directly is a truth. 在这种情况下,樱花一照面就直接开大招的可能性真心不高。这就像是方林岩进入到本世界之后,遇到了一个明明打得过的敌人之后,并不会直接将雅典娜之惊叹用了是一个道理。 The following fight is still lopsided, the oriental cherry has the blade, Fang Linyan is extremely reluctant catching, actually must be reduced the blood to divide to fly, meanwhile must by mirror tree-fern 2 salol counter- thorn. 接下来的战斗依然是一面倒,樱花出刀,方林岩极是勉强的接住,却还要被减血劈飞,同时还要被镜沙罗反刺一下。 But hits is hitting, the oriental cherry starts to think that is not right, because front fellow seems like, although distressed, almost the good body, has not actually seemed like not being able to kill cockroach to be the same from top to bottom together simply, strikes down his many times, he can continuation stand many times! 但打着打着,樱花开始觉得不对劲起来,因为面前这个家伙看起来虽然狼狈,浑身上下几乎都没有一块好的皮肉了,却简直像是个打不死的小强一样,无论是击倒他多少次,他就能继续站起来多少次! Really has the issue!” In the heart of oriental cherry had a clear(ly) to become aware: “果然有问题!”樱花的心中生出了一股明悟: This fellow dashed about wildly, after arriving at this, suddenly had the courage unexpectedly and I fights, I know that this fellow must rely on!” “这家伙一路狂奔,来到了这附近之后竟是突然有了胆子和我交手,我就知道这家伙必有所恃!” At this time again clear to see Fang Linyan did sway crawled from the ground, from top to bottom is the muddy water, occasionally the flourishing red blood flowed under. 这时候眼见得方林岩再次摇摇晃晃的从地上爬了起来,浑身上下都是泥水,偶尔有一丝殷红色的鲜血流淌而下。 At this time even if Fang Linyan this distressed appearance is the normal person looked, thought this fellow must die a violent death at the scene, but he does not die, unexpectedly after coming to a stop, twisted the mouth sidewise the mouth to reveal the full words tooth, aimed at the oriental cherry to say with a smile: 此时方林岩这狼狈样子哪怕是正常人一看,都就觉得这家伙要当场暴毙,但他就是不死,居然站稳了之后还咧开了嘴露出了满口白牙,对准了樱花一笑道: Time that you live doesn't have the milk to eat? With the strength?” “你生下来的时候没奶吃吗?用点力啊?” The oriental cherry had a patience person extremely, otherwise not possible year after year practice that unique pulling out sabreplay, frequently a blade cuts to consume for 20-30 hours! But was stirred up some rashes by Fang Linyan these words. 樱花本来是极有耐心的一个人,否则也不可能长年累月的练习那种独特的拔刀术,动辄一刀斩完都要消耗20-30个小时!但还是被方林岩这句话激得有些心浮气躁。 He is in a rage, will have the blade full power, suddenly engages in introspection: 他一怒之下,正要全力出刀,忽然自省: „It is not right, is this boy the person ready dead or the controlled board game piece? Uses him to consume my tyrant to cut extremely?” “不对,这小子难道是死士或者是被操控的棋子?就用他来消耗我的霸极斩?” This thought life, makes the oriental cherry think that immediately has the possibility very much, because his appears at present directly the senior steward Art facial features: 这个念头一生,立即就让樱花觉得很有可能,因为他的眼前直接浮现出来了老管家阿尔特巴的面容: „Did this damn old fox, is it possible that do his puppet this reckless Zhiyun? Even if I now used the detection skill, to its information of acquisition is also few, basic on examination the critical data of this boy!” “这个该死的老狐狸,莫非将这个胡芝云搞成了他的傀儡?我现在哪怕是动用了侦查技能,对其获得的信息也是寥寥,根本就查看不到这小子的关键数据!” This seems like hunts for the writing skill of king fellow, I remember that hunts for the king to have a special skill, can dodge tracing of enemy, in other words hoodwinked the information is also a cinch.” “这很像是猎王这家伙的手笔啊,我记得猎王就有一项特殊技能,可以规避敌人的追踪,那就是说蒙蔽情报也是不在话下了。” Therefore this as if cat stressed the fight of mouse then to continue to continue, the time passed rapidly, clear to see Fang Linyan was struck down time and time again, was time and time again tenacious very stood, the oriental cherry circled is very patient, could not bear somewhat anxiously: 于是这场仿佛猫抓老鼠似的战斗便继续持续了下去,时间迅速流逝,眼见得方林岩一次一次被击倒,一次一次又顽强无比的站起来,樱花绕是非常耐心,也是忍不住有些焦躁了起来: Actually this does fight projects on is a head? 这一战究竟打到什么时候才是个头? Moreover, most critically the oriental cherry calculates the time, oneself teammate bear tooth and the others should catch up before one hour, according to agreement words, before even a half hour, should appear in own behind. 不仅如此,更关键的是樱花算一算时间,自己的队友熊牙等人怎么也应该在一个小时之前赶来了啊,按照约定的话,甚至半小时之前就应该出现在自己的身后了。 Then the only explanation, had/left the accident/surprise. 那么唯一的解释,就是出了意外。 Regarding this oriental cherry is also early some expectations, because he already and senior steward Art has had to do, knows this fellow unusual hard to deal with, if said that own companion has fallen into planning of enemy now, urgently needed rescue, then oriental cherry not surprise! 对此樱花也是早有预料,因为他早就和老管家阿尔特巴打过交道,知道这家伙的异常难缠,若说自己的同伴现在已经落入到了敌人的算计当中,急需自己去救,那么樱花是一点儿也不诧异的! Read and this, the oriental cherry could not bear deep inspiration, he looks that front Fang Linyan really felt such being an eyesore! 一念及此,樱花忍不住深深的吸了一口气,他看着面前的方林岩真的是觉得如此的碍眼! But the oriental cherry is also person of the resolution- In fact, the indecisive person exactly less than now, is more impossible to become powerful awakens. 而樱花也是一个决断之人--事实上,优柔寡断的人也活不到现在,更不可能成为强大的苏醒者。 Since front person must massacre, and oneself also rush to time, that. Wants, when broke breaks!! 既然面前这个人必须要杀掉,并且自己还赶时间,那么.就要当断就断了!! Therefore, the right hand thumb of oriental cherry, has transferred Mei Yingdu the hilt to swallow on the mouth, a ball, Mei Yingdu the scabbard, exuded an sharp fricative gently suddenly, this sound brings the joy of bloodthirsty! 所以,樱花的右手大拇指,已经挪移到了梅樱毒的刀柄吞口上,紧接着轻轻一弹,梅樱毒的刀鞘当中,陡然发出了一丝尖锐至极的摩擦声,这声音带着嗜血的喜悦! This will soon have the sheath the powerful inscription blade!! It that is delivered from oppression each time, will raise the big piece the reign of terror!! 这把强大的铭刀即将出鞘!!每次重见天日的它,都将会掀起大片的腥风血雨!! Without drinking enough the blood of enemy, that drinks the blood of master!! 若是没有饮够敌人的血,那就喝主人的血!! The surrounding flowers and plants trees even can induce to the oriental cherry on that threatening murderous intention, the rapid dispirited, loses plant!! 周围的花草树木甚至都能感应到樱花身上那逼人的杀机,迅速的萎靡,枯死!! But on the face of oriental cherry steep appeared to wipe not the normal mauve, even if were to him, displayed in 24 hours continuously dominates twice cuts extremely is also very serious burden, will cause very big damage to the body. 而樱花的脸上陡的浮现出了一抹不正常的绛红色,哪怕是对于他来说,在24小时内连续施展两次霸极斩也是非常沉重的负担,会对身体造成很大的伤害。 The direct-viewing point, oriental cherry own field of vision, life value upper limit attribute has started to report to the police at this time, its color is the mauve, own foundation attribute was reduced 20 directly forcefully, and after this negative condition must return to the space, to him will restore. 直观一点来说,此时樱花自己的视野当中,生命值上限这条属性已经开始报警了,其颜色乃是绛红色的,自身的基础属性是被直接强行降低了20,并且这个负面状态一直要到他返回空间之后才会恢复。 The right hand of oriental cherry, closely gripped Mei Yingdu the hilt, palm that in the line of sight is unable to touch, on Mei Yingdu the hilt the vine extends the strange tentacle that 56 as if plant root systems also resembled unexpectedly, dug in his palm, then extended nearby the forearm of oriental cherry following the blood vessel. 樱花的右手,紧紧的握住了梅樱毒的刀柄,而在视线无法触及的掌心当中,梅樱毒的刀柄上居然蔓伸出了五六条仿佛植物根系也似的诡异触手,扎入到了他的掌心当中,然后顺着血管延伸到了樱花的前臂附近。 In the world anything must pay the price, the tyrant cuts this move is extremely Fang Linyan had really seen the might is most terrifying, a wildest move, even if the exclamation of Athena, in its front might is also obvious! 天底下任何事情都是要付出代价的,霸极斩这一招实在是方林岩见到过的威力最恐怖,最狂暴的一招,哪怕是雅典娜之惊叹,在其面前威力也是明显的有所不及! Did not say other, the only tyrant cuts this move is extremely the range injury, has exploded the exclamation of Athena. 不说别的,单凭霸极斩这一招乃是范围伤害,就已经完爆雅典娜之惊叹了。 Therefore, displays the tyrant cuts extremely, the oriental cherry similarly must pay the huge price! 因此,施展霸极斩的时候,樱花同样也要付出巨大的代价! Mei Yingdu blade edge, bit by bit was pulled out, although the speed is very slow, but the tyrant cuts extremely has started, the side of oriental cherry also presented a white light cover. 梅樱毒的刀锋,正在一点一点的被拔出来,虽然速度很慢,但霸极斩已经启动,樱花的身边也是出现了一个白色的光罩。 In the middle of this light cover, he not only can obtain the comprehensive protection, once the enemy launches the attack to it, will then instead reduce Tyrant Jizhan to gather the strength the time!! 在这一层光罩当中,他不仅可以获得全面的保护,并且一旦敌人对其发起攻击,那么反而会缩短霸极斩蓄力的时间!! The Fang Linyan this time first response runs certainly away, however in his heart also had a clear(ly) to become aware: 方林岩此时的第一反应当然是逃,但是他的心中也是生出了一股明悟: Oneself can escape, but this blade has locked own soul, even if escapes the ends of the earth, time that this blade chops, will span the time and space shackles directly, affects in own soul!! 自己可以逃,但是这一刀已经锁定了自己的灵魂,哪怕是自己逃到天涯海角,这一刀劈下来的时候,会直接跨越时间与空间的桎梏,作用在自己的灵魂上!! The big move opens, the irritation and puzzle in oriental cherry heart for it, he look at present Fang Linyan immediately, in the heart appear that cat to stress the feeling of mouse again, only feels all after own calculation, but this, is powerful manifestation of individual strength! 大招一开,樱花心中的烦躁和困扰顿时为之一空,他看着眼前的方林岩,心中再次浮现出了那种猫抓老鼠的感觉,只觉得一切都在自己的盘算之后而这,就是个人实力的强大体现! Therefore, the oriental cherry looks at cut and bruised Fang Linyan at this time, confident say/way: 所以,樱花此时看着遍体鳞伤的方林岩,胸有成竹的道: I chase down your three times, twice successfully ran away by you, as the saying goes is undesirable that has happened more than three times time this you, if can also be able to escape my blade, you had the qualifications to be remembered by me.” “我追杀你三次,两次都被你成功逃走,有道是事不过三这一次你若是还能逃得过我这一刀,那你就有资格被我记住了。” Fang Linyan raised the head suddenly, seems like very distressed him, the corners of the mouth spill over the happy expression that derode slowly: 方林岩遽然抬头,看起来很是狼狈的他,嘴角徐徐泛出了一丝讥刺的笑意: Really boasts shamelessly! If you just arrived here time, immediately leaves can also save your poor life, even if now you kneel to beg for mercy, is still difficult to escape dies.” “真是大言不惭!若你刚来到这里的时候,马上离开的话还能保住你的一条小命,现在你就算是跪下来求饶,也是难逃一死。” The oriental cherry by a Fang Linyan such saying, why was not known, in the heart that ominous premonition ascends again. 樱花被方林岩这么一说,不知道为什么,心中那股不祥的预感再次升腾而起。 But who he is, as the front king, the talent different reported that after stepping into space, is problem-free, looks disdainfully vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! 但他是什么人,身为锋王,天赋异禀,踏入空间之后就是一帆风顺,睥睨纵横! Described with eight characters that might be considered as a blade in the hand, the world I have! 用八个字来形容,那就堪称是一刀在手,天下我有! Do not say the condition of present, when most bad risk, the oriental cherry both legs cut off, a hand was discarded, still single killed the tight encirclement, after converging companion, unexpectedly immediately returned to the body to kill, will surround own prime culprit to cut to kill directly at the scene. 不要说眼下的这状况了,在最凶险的时候,樱花双腿被斩断,一只手被废掉,依然单人单刀杀出了重围,在汇合了同伴之后,居然立即返身杀了回来,将困住自己的元凶直接斩杀当场。 This is what kind of tenacity, is what kind of tenaciousness. 这是何等的坚韧,又是何等的顽强。 Under such bad aspect, oriental cherry success supported, now will be daunted by Fang Linyan a few words few? Let alone he also several cards in a hand, is he also at the almost most flourishing condition now let alone? 在那样的恶劣局面下,樱花都成功的撑了过来,如今怎么会被方林岩寥寥的一句话吓住?更何况他现在还有好几张底牌,更何况他还处于几乎全盛的状态呢? Therefore, the oriental cherry snorts contemptuously to the Fang Linyan words directly, then sneers saying: 所以,樱花对方林岩的话直接就是嗤之以鼻,然后冷笑道: Hopes that your strength can with speaking the level of joke is consistent!” “希望你的实力能与讲笑话的水准一致!”
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