FE :: Volume #13

#1398: Climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly

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Chapter 1396 climbs mountains and crosses rivers difficultly 第1396章艰苦跋涉 Four after hours, 四个小时之后, The weather will be black, 天色将黑, The strong winds howl, clamped the rainstorm attack of flood, in the world had been turning into the vast expanse of water, 狂风呼啸,更是夹着滂沱的暴雨来袭,天地之间已经变成了一片汪洋, The so bad extreme weather, is is extremely obviously disadvantageous to Fang Linyan, this said actually not his vanguard speed will be affected- The bad march environment will also create hindrance to the oriental cherry- disadvantageous root, the severe weather directly caused on the path no one to walk radically. 如此恶劣的极端天气,显然是对方林岩极其不利的,这倒不是说他的前行速度会受到影响--恶劣的行进环境同样也会给樱花造成阻碍-不利的根源,还是恶劣天气直接导致道路上就根本没人行走了。 Words as the matter stands, the blade soaring of Fang Linyan was discarded directly, the blade soaring does not have the means to assign the stone, trees such object to work as the goal, without the passer-by acted as the springboard, this is really awkward, has the skill unable to use. 这样一来的话,方林岩的刃飞翔就直接被废掉了,刃飞翔是没有办法指定石头,树木这样的物体当目标的,没有了路人充当跳板,这就真的是尴尬,有技能用不出来啊。 Moreover, ran for almost five hours, the Fang Linyan physical strength must bottom, the rainwater was icy cold, scattering right in the face on body, each one breath that but he as if exhaled at this time was scalding hot boiling hot, at present is also one intermittent braves the artificial flower with gold-foil. 不仅如此,足足奔跑了差不多五个小时,方林岩的体力也要见底了,雨水冰凉,劈头盖脸的撒在身上,可是他此时仿佛呼出的每一口气都是灼热滚烫的,眼前也是一阵阵直冒金花。 Before although Fang Linyan was the long distance has also run, but that was of without the powerful enemy in behind pursuing, he ran 30-40 kilometers, can stop to have a rest, eats dry rations to drink a water, however today we are no longer as we have been. 之前方林岩虽然也是长距离奔跑过,但那是在没有强敌在后面追击的情况下,他跑个30-40公里,就能停下来歇歇脚,吃点干粮喝点水,然而今非昔比。 At this time actually enemies awfully, in the rear area was in hot pursuit, how possibly to give the Fang Linyan time to make him stop to recover the energy? In this case, Fang Linyan actually knows, oneself does not feel better, but the oriental cherry actually should be exhausted similarly, both sides this time competes should be the willpower. 这时候却有一个要命的敌人在后方穷追不舍,怎么可能给方林岩时间让他停下来恢复体力?在这种情况下,方林岩却知道,自己不好受,但是樱花却同样应该精疲力尽,双方此时比拼的应该就是意志力了。 Was feeling thigh the feeling of calf muscle intermittent transmitting convulsion, the muscle on Fang Linyan face twitched several, cannot bear then look, can see in rain this wind and rain, the form of oriental cherry is still clearly discernible. 感觉着自己腿部的小腿肌肉一阵阵的传来痉挛的感觉,方林岩脸上的肌肉抽搐了几下,忍不住回头看去,可以见到在这风雨当中,樱花的身影依然清晰可见。 After this short and stout person pursued himself several hours, seeming like unexpectedly is the initial time does not have much difference, his worn-out windproof coat is swaying in the storm, is his form is as stable as Mount Tai, even if walking time also leads the way step by step, every foot treads to have the feeling of air planting unexpectedly! 这个矮胖子追击了自己几个小时之后,看起来竟是和最初的时候没有太大的区别,他的那一件破旧风衣在暴风中摇晃着,可是他的身影却稳如泰山,哪怕是走路的时候也是步步前行,每一脚踏下去居然都有落地生根的感觉! Is detected probably turning head of Fang Linyan, the oriental cherry also looked directly, the rainwater is flowing rapidly on two people faces, the look of this short and stout person, revealed bloodthirsty cold intent unexpectedly, the meaning of that sure-kill without hesitation, even if separated several hundred meters far, still very clear transmission!! 大概是察觉到了方林岩的回头,樱花也是直接看了过来,雨水在两人的脸上奔流着,这个矮胖子的眼神当中,居然流露出了嗜血的冷意,那种毫不犹豫的绝杀之意,哪怕是隔了数百米之远,依然很清晰的传递了过来!! Fang Linyan deeply inspires, then comes then to raise the hand, immediately saw a crystal flew into nearby drainage. 方林岩深吸了一口气,回头过来然后将手一扬,顿时就见到了一块水晶飞入到了旁边的水沟当中。 This a time is gives his only to remain item: The spirit of lake water. 这就是利查送给他的那件仅剩一次的道具:湖水之灵。 This crystal after falling in water, its surface by the rapid dissolution , a sparkling little thing was flown from inside flinty, she seems like not afraid of water, is laughing heartily in rain this heavy downpour, combed own golden hair while convenient. 这块水晶在落入水中之后,其表面的硬质被迅速的溶解,紧接着,一个闪闪发光的小东西从里面飞了出来,她看起来一点儿也不怕水,在这滂沱大雨当中欢笑着,顺带还梳理了一下自己的金发。 This should be the spirit of lake water, Fang Linyan is also somewhat curious visits it, in the heart was also deliberately considering this little fellow will help himself with what way, but regained free it to fly happily, printed a kiss on the cheeks of Fang Linyan. 这应该就是湖水之灵了,方林岩也是有些好奇的看着它,心中也是在寻思着这小家伙会用什么方式来帮助自己,而重新获得了自由的它开心的飞了过来,在方林岩的脸颊上印下了一个吻。 At this time Fang Linyan obtained the prompt immediately: 这时候方林岩就立即获得了提示: „The inspiration of lake water should arrive at your condition is not quite good, therefore gave you a special blessing: Lake immortal praise.” “湖水之灵感应到了你的状态并不太好,所以给予了你一个特别的祝福:湖仙礼赞。” „After having this blessing, you in the wet environment or the water, the physical strength restores the speed to obtain the increase of average level.” “拥有此祝福之后,你在潮湿环境或者水中的时候,体力恢复速度获得中等程度的提升。” After seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan is also very joyful: Really is lacks anything to come anything! Gives opportune help!! 见到了这提示之后,方林岩也是十分欣喜:果然是缺什么来什么啊!雪中送炭!! The spirit of this lake water flew from Fang Linyan, actually looked at one toward the rear area, discovered the oriental cherry of hot pursuit, it spread the wings to fly immediately. 紧接着,这个湖水之灵就飞离了方林岩,却又朝着后方看了一眼,发现了穷追不舍的樱花,它立即就展翅飞了过去。 However after seeing her action, in heart of Fang Linyan immediately one startled, yelled: 但是见到了她的举动以后,方林岩的心中顿时一惊,大叫了起来: Does not want!” “不要!” The character of spirit of lake water is quite willful, directly disregards continues the forward flight, can see, its place visited becomes the mud immediately. 只是湖水之灵的性格还是相当任性的,直接不管不顾的就继续前飞,可以见到,它所过之处顿时变得更加泥泞。 Should think renders the assistance of Fang Linyan to be insufficient, must therefore exert a curse by the oriental cherry of past to pursuit, making him( mud) under the traveling speed in the bad-land reduce 10. 应该是觉得给予方林岩的帮助还不够,所以要靠过去对追击的樱花施加一个诅咒,让他在恶劣地形(泥泞)下移动速度降低十。 To be honest, these two actions that the spirit of lake water makes do for the occasion very much, is Fang Linyan is urgently needed, and pure auxiliary kind, conformed to the quality of its dark gold/metal item to locate very much. 说实话,湖水之灵做出的这两个举动都是很应景,乃是方林岩急需的,并且还是纯辅助类,很是符合其暗金道具的品质定位了。 However, when the spirit of lake water close to the oriental cherry in 20 meters, the right hand of oriental cherry still holds own love blade Mei Yingdu, the left hand empty is actually cutting suddenly!! 但是,就在湖水之灵靠近到樱花二十米内的时候,樱花的右手依然扶着自己的爱刀梅樱毒,左手却忽然虚斩而出!! This cuts seems like that is the hand blade, but in fact actually makes a great show of one's talents, Fang Linyan can see that in the middle of its finger/refers of seam had the metallic luster ray to flash, was full of the sharp incomparable murderous intention. 这一斩看似乃是手刀,但实际上却是锋芒毕露,方林岩能见到其指缝当中有金属光泽的光芒一闪,充满了锋锐无比的杀机。 Then saw that the spirit of this lake water seemed swayed by the strong winds, rolled up and pushed along to depart more than ten meters toward slanting above, but the whereabouts got down time looked like piece of withered leaf, no use fell gently from the midair in the middle of slowly just like does not have the aura of least bit life. 然后就见到这只湖水之灵仿佛被狂风拂动似的,朝着斜上方卷动飞出了十几米,但紧接着落下来的时候就像是一片枯叶似的,无助的自半空当中徐徐飘落俨然已经没有了半点生命的气息。 When the spirit of lake water falls to the ground in time, corpse rapid dissolution in rainwater, after several seconds, quietly traceless. 等到湖水之灵落到地面上的时候,尸体就在雨水当中迅速溶解,几秒钟之后就悄然无痕。 Sees this, in the Fang Linyan heart the anger ascends, but he is not that getting emotional boorish fellow, but remembered this account in the heart silently! 见到这一幕,方林岩心中怒气升腾而起,不过他也并非是那种感情用事的莽夫,只是默默在心中记下了这笔账! Moreover, in that flash that the beforehand oriental cherry acts, Fang Linyan can feel that the condition of opposite party wants to feel much better! Did not say that what god ends the air/Qi foot, actually is also energetic. 不仅如此,在之前樱花出手的那一瞬间,方林岩能感觉到对方的状态要比自己感觉的好得多!不说什么神完气足,却也是精力充沛。 This actually merely is the advantage in physical strength , oriental cherry this time mentality seems had been polished the colored glaze is most critically same, glittering and translucent carving, all trend paths, fed back in his mind meticulously. 这却仅仅是体力上的优势而已,更关键的是,樱花此时的心态就仿佛是一颗被打磨过的琉璃一样,晶莹剔透,外界的一切动向轨迹,都在他的心中一丝不苟的反馈了出来。 If there is any sudden outbreak, the oriental cherry then can middle make effectively the most direct counter-attack immediately. 若是有任何突发状况,樱花便能在第一时间当中做出最有效最直接的反击。 But any mood in the heart having: For example frightened, joyful, angry, sad wait/etc, in the event was cut by the heart blade, 而心中产生的任何情绪:比如恐惧,喜悦,愤怒,伤心等等,一旦出现就被心刀所斩, In this case, any decision that the oriental cherry makes is sanely most effective. 在这种情况下,樱花做出的任何决定都是最理智最有效的。 This boundary is similar the sword technique highest boundary in legend: The sword heart is brightly lit, was called by many people for ZONE boundary! 这种境界就类似于传说中的剑术最高境界:剑心通明,又被很多人称为“ZONE”境界! Supports the oriental cherry to be able long time to maintain ZONE boundary, is that in his heart holds to read- Kills front fellow!! 支撑着樱花能够长时间维系“ZONE”境界的,就是他心中的那个执念--杀死面前的这个家伙!! Let the oriental cherry produce decides the meaning of killing, and before not seeming like Fang Linyan , these reasons of guessing, was actually only words that because the big lawsuit in spoke in world! 让樱花产生决杀之意的,并不像是方林岩之前猜测的那些理由,却只是因为大官司在进入里世界之前所说的一番话! At that time, the big lawsuit brings to die the heart, by own soul since world in the middle, this can maximum in the middle of this temporary in the world potential using, words that therefore, he spoke at that time, has been approximate is the last words. 那时候,大官司已经带了必死之心,以自己的生魂进入里世界当中,这样才能最大限度的将这个临时里世界当中的潜力给发挥出来,所以,他当时说的话,就已经近似为遗言了。 Naturally, words that at this time the big lawsuit spoke, will certainly bring to everyone's attention. 当然,这时候大官司说的话,也一定会引起所有人的重视。 At that time, the big lawsuit closed the eye long time, this say/way slowly: 那时候,大官司闭上眼睛良久,这才徐徐的道: Our these time an interior that enters to settling country's , the done these things also seriously affect to settle the national destiny of country's, behavior that particularly the incantation kills Li Gongzhang, is to make its national destiny cause heavy losses.” “我们这一次进入到了清国的内部,做的这些事情也是严重影响了清国的国运,尤其是咒杀李宫彰的行为,更是让其国运被重创。” At this time the big lawsuit has drunk to the soul water, the function of this gadget is derives the mortal body the essence, the maximum nourishing soul, naturally, definitely takes damaging the mortal body as the price, therefore he said after these words, is the vitality damages severely, slow say/way slowly: 此时大官司已经饮下了离魂水,这玩意儿的作用就是汲取肉身的精气,最大限度的滋养魂魄,当然,肯定是以损伤肉身为代价,所以他说了这几句话之后都是元气大伤,缓了缓才徐徐的道: „After this I enter the world time, nothing but is two results, in the middle of the world comes in enough many clear people, I successfully borrow the strength to kill Li Gongzhang.” “这一次我进入里世界之后,无非就是两个结果,里世界当中进来足够多的清国人,我成功借力杀死李宫彰。” „A result is, I was killed, the puppet baby was won, we fall short.” “还有一个结果是,我被杀死,傀儡娃娃被夺走,咱们功亏一篑。” „The first result, if appears, that is best, I will become the god, transports/fortunes prosperously for the gentlemen praying military in next world.” “第一种结果若是出现的话,那是最好不过的,我将成神,在中阴界为诸君祈福武运昌隆。” „But if the second result appears, must be careful, kills my person, must obtain the favor of Chinese destiny! If this person mediocre person but actually, if the person with outstanding ability, if given time, will certainly become me and other serious hidden trouble!” “但是若第二个结果出现的话,就一定要小心了,杀死我的人,必会获得中国气运的青睐!此人若是庸才倒也罢了,若是英才的话,假以时日,必将成为我等的心腹大患!” Therefore, if really has this situation to happen, then you how, regardless of must kill him, lets gather at the destiny of this person dissipates!” “所以,若是真的有这种情况发生,那么你们无论如何也要杀了他,让聚集在此人身上的气运消散!” These words of big lawsuit, it can be said that talked about in the heart of oriental cherry, did he have other so many to kill the reason of Fang Linyan let alone? 大官司的这一番话,可以说是讲到了樱花的心里面去,更何况他还有其余那么多必杀方林岩的理由? Thinks these past events, the oriental cherry lifted the eye wooden, then looked that to the front the enemy who fled, what his pupil is staring was the nape of opposite party, as if the butcher stared at the lamb that is treating butchers to size up the strategic point to be the same!! 想到了这些往事,樱花木然抬起了眼睛,然后看向了前方正在奔逃的敌人,他的瞳孔盯着的是对方的后颈,就仿佛屠夫盯着待宰的羔羊正在打量要害一样!! This time oriental cherry also thought of a matter suddenly, since has entered this world, oneself actually interlock with this reckless Zhiyun unceasingly. 这时候的樱花也忽然想到了一件事,自从进入本世界以来,自己其实就和这个胡芝云不断交错而过。 Just received the pursuit duty time, oneself wanted to kill him, only just missed pitifully! This is the first time that killed him. 刚刚接到追击者任务的时候,自己就想要杀他,只可惜失之交臂!这是第一次杀他. The second time is Huangchuan is killed, the oriental cherry expels, only killed to to congratulate true, ran by this reckless Zhiyun! 第二次是荒川被杀,樱花撵过去,只杀了向贺真,又被这个胡芝云跑了! This time chases down, the third time is the oriental cherry killed him, but in the oriental cherry heart actually exuded an intense premonition at this time, if oneself this time could not have killed him, then the opposite party likely will do henceforth in a big way, oneself have not killed his opportunity again. 本次追杀,乃是樱花第三次杀他,而樱花心中此时却泛起了一股强烈的预感,自己这一次若是还杀不了他,那么对方很可能就会从此做大,自己也就再也没有杀死他的机会了。 The oriental cherry knows that this premonition is not unreasonable, has a few words to be called to be undesirable that has happened more than three times, a few words: In one vigorous effort, again however fades, three use up. 樱花知道这预感绝不是没有道理的,有一句话叫做事不过三,还有一句话:一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。 Read and this, the oriental cherry looked that became to the Fang Linyan look more callous. A both legs tread ground, the acceleration aimed at Fang Linyan to rush suddenly! 一念及此,樱花看向方林岩的眼神变得更加冷酷了.双腿猛然一蹬地面,就加速对准了方林岩冲了上去! *** *** Within a half hour, 半小时以后, The violent storm had stopped, at this time cloud Poyue, on the vault of heaven has hung up a full moon unexpectedly, really has the pale blue wind clear feeling, the vegetation on this hill is also dragging in the middle of the breeze. 狂风暴雨已经停了下来,此时云破月来,天穹上居然已经挂上了一轮圆月,真的是有月白风清的感觉,这一处小山上的草木也是在微风当中摇曳着。 The palm that stained the muddy water suddenly extended, effort held nearby rock, then catches up to climb up, with this movement, the wound on this palm also split open, flowed the bright red blood. 猛然有一只沾满了泥水的手掌伸了出来,用力的抓住了旁边的岩石,然后发力攀援,随着这个动作,这只手掌上的伤口也是随之迸裂了开来,流淌出了鲜红的血液。 A person of as if mudskipper climbed up strenuously, is not others, is Fang Linyan! 紧接着,一个仿佛泥猴儿的人吃力的攀爬了上来,不是别人,正是方林岩 This time Fang Linyan it can be said that seems extremely distressed, the whole person as if tumbled dozens in the muddy land, walks lamely, the right calf place still in bleeds, its wound reaches more than ten much. 此时的方林岩可以说是显得极其狼狈,整个人仿佛是在泥地里面翻滚了几十圈似的,走路一瘸一拐,右边小腿处还在汩汩流血,其身上的伤口更是多达十几处。 One of most bad risk is a scar on face, cuts the left eye directly blindly, the bridge of the nose bone cut off, odd/surplus Jin still pulled out a 56 cuns (2.5 cm) opening on the face! The red meat whirls around, looks extremely frigid!! 最凶险的一处就是脸上的一道伤痕,直接将左眼斩瞎,鼻梁骨都被砍断,余劲还在脸上拉出了一条五六寸的口子!红肉翻卷,看起来极其惨烈!! After crawling, Fang Linyan as if used up oneself all strengths to be the same, tumbled directly, lies on one's back, fierce is panting for breath. 一爬上来之后,方林岩就仿佛用光了自己所有的力量一样,直接跌倒,仰面朝天,剧烈的喘息着。 With his respite, wound is also bleeding simultaneously!! Behind Fang Linyan that pair of partly visible light wing, also annihilates directly. 随着他的喘息,身上的伤口也都同时在流血!!方林岩背后的那一对若隐若现的光翼,也是随之直接湮灭。 This light/only wing is Fang Linyan to the word spirit technique that oneself use, is one of his cards in a hand, for increasing own traveling speed, but the oriental cherry has the item that a powerful purifies, even if cannot scatter the god technique, still makes its duration reduce significantly 这光翼是方林岩给自己施展的言灵术,也是他的底牌之一,用于增加自身的移动速度,但樱花却拥有一项强力净化的道具,即便不能驱散神术,也使其持续时间大幅度缩短 Hence, the Fang Linyan workable word spirit technique number of times was to also consume completely. 至此,方林岩可使用的言灵术次数也是消耗殆尽了。 At this time this at most 60-70 meters high hill, even it can be said that the hill, looked exhausted Fang Linyan all strengths unexpectedly, if only looked at immediately the performance of Fang Linyan, said that he climbed some Mount Everest such place same people to believe. 此时这座顶多60-70米高的小山,甚至可以说是丘陵,看起来居然耗尽了方林岩所有的力量,若是只看当下方林岩的表现,说他攀登了珠峰那样的地方一样都有人信啊。 Panted for breath for several seconds, Fang Linyan as if induced anything to resemble, then impatient turning the head looked to side, can clear sight, under the hill, the billowing rivers, come from the distant place impressively, then circled curved under of hill, then flowed to the distant place. 只是喘息了几秒钟,方林岩似乎感应到了什么似的,便迫不及待的转头看向了旁边,可以清晰的见到,就在丘陵下方,赫然有一条滚滚大河,从远方而来,然后就在丘陵的下方绕了一个弯儿,接着又流向远方。 Probably is because the distance is quite far, river bed broad reason, this river flowing silent, but only looked that it puts from the hills of distant place heavy mountain range repeat screen-like mountain peak, flows to the imposing manner in distant place silently, thought that made one shock, even in the air, spilled over light water vapor fishy smell. 大概是因为距离颇远,河床宽阔的缘故,这条大河流动无声,可是只看它从远处重峦迭嶂的群山当中穿出,又无声无息流向远方的气势,就觉得令人震撼,甚至就连空中,也泛出了一股淡淡的水汽腥味。 At this time under this moonlight, on the hill, this river flows very slowly, but the river bed still has the wave to be clear, occasionally reflected a moonlight, fell into the eye of Fang Linyan, immediately made one think that this river has lived the feeling. 此时在这月光下,丘陵上,这条大河流动得十分缓慢,可是河床当中依然有水波粼粼,偶尔反射出来了一点月光,落入到了方林岩的眼中,顿时就令人觉得这条长河有着“活过来”的感觉。 Those images and scenes, were make one remember star to hang the campaign to be extravagant, the moon/month welled up big river current these two famous verses! 此情此景,更是令人想起了“星垂平野阔,月涌大江流”这两句著名诗句! After seeing this, on the face of Fang Linyan could not bear show a strange look, that was excited middle doped the grievance, felt relaxed wait/etc a series of complex mood, in his eye even sparkled the tears then sway to stand to set out, diligently walked toward this river. 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩的脸上忍不住露出了一种奇怪的神色,那是激动当中掺杂了委屈,释然等等一系列复杂的情绪,他的眼中甚至闪耀着泪光然后摇摇晃晃的站了起身来,努力的朝着这条大河走了过去。 But even if at this time goes down hill such matter, to Fang Linyan is the strength cannot, is quite difficult, his as if male drunkard same went out staggering 45 steps, after the under foot one is soft, fell, then followed nearby hillside to roll directly. 但此时哪怕是走下丘陵这样的事情,对方林岩来说也是力不能及,相当艰难的,他仿佛醉汉一样踉踉跄跄的走出了四五步,脚下一软之后就又摔了下去,然后就直接顺着旁边的山坡滚了下去。 Is good hillside Xiangyang in this side, the vegetation grows quite luxuriantly, therefore Fang Linyan in trundle, although has to receive the flesh wound, has not actually had a fracture, after he tumbled out 20-30 meters, hit on a rock to be blocked layer on layer/heavily. 好在这一面的山坡向阳,草木生长得相当的茂盛,所以方林岩在滚动的时候虽然是有受到皮肉之伤,却也没有伤筋动骨,等到他滚出了20-30米之后,还是重重的撞到了一处岩石上被拦了下来。 Under this hits, the Fang Linyan forehead is bruised and lacerated immediately, blood directing current, but he is clenching teeth to stand , to continue to insist that staggers walks toward under. 这一撞之下,方林岩的额头立即皮开肉绽,鲜血直流,但他咬着牙重新站了起来,继续坚持踉跄向下方走去。
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