FE :: Volume #13

#1401: The wall of glory

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The wall of Chapter 1399 glory 第1399章荣耀之墙 Huge blade glow as if in the air bright moonlight, the rapid flight, cuts 30 zhang (3.33 m), in the air also presented the terrifying ghost crying god howling general sound as if, 巨大的刀芒仿佛空中的明月似的,疾飞而出,一斩三十丈,空中也是出现了恐怖的仿佛鬼哭神嚎一般的声音, Before the blade glow of this terrifying, Fang Linyan appears extremely tiny, what is more exaggerating is in the prestige of this blade can , the front land trembled, splits, had a profound crack. 在这恐怖的刀芒之前,方林岩都显得极其的渺小,更夸张的是在这一刀的威能之下,前方的大地都为之颤栗,裂开,出现了一条深邃的裂缝。 When this may really be can handle the blade gets up the world changes, the blade falls the time ghosts and gods startled! 这可真的是当得起刀起时天地变,刀落时候鬼神惊! Saw this earth-shaking blade, before Fang Linyan knows original , even if when assassinates Commander Liu Jialiang Liu, the oriental cherry still has not went all-out, displayed the tyrant to cut this move of most likely (80%) strength at most extremely. 见到了这惊天动地的一刀,方林岩才知道原来之前哪怕是在刺杀刘家亮刘总兵的时候,樱花依然没有尽全力,顶多发挥了霸极斩这一招八成的实力而已。 But now the oriental cherry should be touched by the words that oneself spoke, whole-heartedly, erupted directly 120 lethality! 而现在樱花应该是被自己所说的话所触动,全力以赴,直接爆发出了一百20的杀伤力! „!!” “啊啊啊啊啊!!” In front of this fearful blade, Fang Linyan was also stimulated the biggest potential, both hands to grasp to hold the village to be positive one on the left and other on the right, a psychic force tentacle entangled to tighten plundered the tooth of food, similarly also did utmost to aim at the front to cut. 在这可怕的一刀面前,方林岩也是被激发出了最大的潜力,双手一左一右握持着村正,一条精神力触手缠紧了掠食之牙,同样也是竭尽全力对准了前方斩了下去。 Immediately is the strong winds writings, 立即就是狂风大作, Can see, immediately middle presented wall of the huge hurricane baseless impressively! 可以见到,顿时凭空当中就赫然出现了一道庞大的飓风之墙! The wall of this hurricane as high as three meters, the width was over 30 meters together, its seems like gives the indestructible feeling, 这一道飓风之墙高达三米,宽度更是达到了三十米以上,其看起来就给人以坚不可摧的感觉, While the strong winds sweep across, but also the surrounding muddy water, the bush rolled up and pushed along to inject completely came to form the wall, therefore seemingly had, if the essence were ordinary. 在狂风席卷的同时,还将周围的泥水,灌木全部都卷动吹入了进来形成了墙体,因此看起来有若实质一般。 This is Fang Linyan has never displayed the skill: The wall of glory!! 这就是方林岩从未施展过的技能:荣耀之墙!! Showing of this skill is: Any long-distance attack that has entity / trajectory( e.g. fireball technique, ambush, throws lance technique) to try to penetrate the wall of glory, by the wall of disturbance glory, will be lost the accurate aim. Even if finally hit the target, its injury will also be weakened significantly. 这个技能的说明是:凡是拥有实体/弹道的远程攻击(比如火球术,狙击,掷矛术)试图穿透荣耀之墙的,都将会被荣耀之墙干扰,失去准头。最后哪怕是击中了目标,其伤害也会被大幅度削弱。 What Fang Linyan is lucky was before on a move of awakens technique of experience over oriental cherry, felt his move of essence, that half a month blade light that cut, can depart almost wuliushi meters away to cut together to kill the enemy. 方林岩幸运的是在之前就见识过一次樱花的这招苏醒技,觉得他的这一招的实质,还是斩出来的那一道半月型的刀光,可以飞出差不多五六十米外斩杀敌人。 Therefore, in the analysis of Fang Linyan, the move of oriental cherry said strictly words that with fireball technique and so on magic arts do not have much difference. 因此,在方林岩的分析当中,樱花的这一招严格说起来的话,和火球术之类的法术并没有太大的区别。 As for the wall of glory whether can become effective, Fang Linyan does not care specially, is in line with becoming joyfully, the defeat encouraging mentality, he also has not placed above oneself life hope this in brief. 至于荣耀之墙是否能够生效,方林岩也并不是特别在意,乃是本着成则欣然,败亦可喜的心态,总之他也没有将自己的活命希望放在这之上。 The blade that the tyrants cut extremely light/only, cut into the wall of glory in the flash, the Fang Linyan whole body shock, the brow tight wrinkle in one, this time he had been dominated blade intent locking that cut extremely instantaneously, started to face directly to withstand the positive/direct might that the martial demeanor of actor cut extremely. 霸极斩的刀光,在一瞬间就切入到了荣耀之墙当中,方林岩浑身剧震了一下,眉头瞬间紧皱在了一起,这时候的他已经被霸极斩的刀意锁定,开始直面承受起霸极斩的正面威力来。 A rending feeling spread over instantaneously from top to bottom, that one type by in beside abnormal pain, as if in the middle of the internal organs was gripped by the needle bayonet, Fang Linyan feels in that flash becomes dark at present, even lost to the perception capability. 一种撕心裂肺的感觉瞬间传遍了浑身上下,那种一种由内之外的变态痛楚,仿佛内脏当中都被针刺刀扎了似的,方林岩在那一刹那就觉得眼前发黑,甚至丧失了对外界的感知能力。 Was good because of this time, a warm current transmitted from the Fang Linyan top of the head, making him restore the vigor instantaneously. 好在这时候,一股暖流从方林岩的头顶传来,让他瞬间恢复了活力。 Originally at this time that side mysterious ancient seal seemed to have induced the giant crisis that Fang Linyan faced, floated the Fang Linyan top of the head, sparkled the ray as if to protect anything to resemble. 原来这时候那一方神秘古印已经仿佛感应到了方林岩面对的巨大危机,自行漂浮到了方林岩的头顶,闪耀着光芒仿佛在守护着什么似的。 Meanwhile, in being away from this place almost 20 li (0.5 km) place, the village, by the village is loess tall Fu. 与此同时,在距离此地差不多二十里的地方,有一处村庄,村庄旁边就是一座黄土高阜。 This loess high Fu seems like also really nothing special, if the surrounding small hill is the same, ordinary ordinary, every day has the farmer naughty child to pass through from, cultivates above, grazes sheep. 这一座黄土高阜看起来也真的没什么特别的,若周围的小山丘一样,普通平凡,每天都有农夫顽童从上走过,在其上耕种,放羊。 However when this time, in the middle of the small village dog started to bark fiercely, initial time was only a dog, were not many all dogs called, dog's bark sound continually a big piece! 但是就在这时候,小村庄当中的狗开始剧烈的吠叫了起来,最初的时候只是一只狗,不多时所有的狗都叫了起来,犬吠声连成了一大片! In the village resident also selected the lamp, periphery the somewhat startled examination presented anything, had not actually discovered that what strange phenomenon, some people said that was the earthquake, some people said that entered the thief, in brief had wide divided opinions. 村子里面的居民也纷纷点起了灯,有些惊慌的查看周围出现了什么事情,却没发现什么奇怪的现象,有人说是地震了,有人说是进了贼,总之都是众说纷纭。 Actually no one notices, side stood erect silently does not know that many years in that loess high Fu, had had two deep cracks impressively! 却没有人注意到,旁边默默矗立了不知道多少年月的那一座黄土高阜上,赫然已经出现了两条深深的裂缝! *** *** Fang Linyan was dominated blade intent that cuts extremely to injure immediately, the whole person as if crashed into the purgatory drying furnace, but the feeling of oriental cherry did not feel better at this time similarly! 方林岩在第一时间被霸极斩的刀意所伤,整个人仿佛都坠入到了炼狱烘炉当中,但这时候樱花的感受同样也不好过! Because the tyrant cuts this blade might to be extremely giant extremely, could not receive the hand, without the means left room to the enemy, that also means that oriental cherry did not have the leeway, needed the investment of wholeheartedly to this blade. 因为霸极斩这一刀威力太过巨大,根本收不了手,没办法给敌人留下余地,那也就意味着樱花自己也没有了余地,必须要全身心的投入到这一刀当中。 After the blade that the tyrants cut extremely light/only cut into wall of inside glory, the oriental cherry felt a severe incomparable dizziness suddenly, the equilibrium sense of whole person lost, this is because its mind by this blade absorption completely reason. 霸极斩的刀光斩入了荣耀之墙里面以后,樱花陡然就觉得一阵剧烈无比的晕眩,整个人的平衡感都失去了,这是因为其心神都被这一刀吸收殆尽了的缘故。 The immortal hero has a view, is called the governing sword the line, at this time the soul of oriental cherry was also the larger part was separated from own body, adhered to stick cohere above that blade glow, cut into the wall of glory, this flash gave his feeling as if one to dig in the stars sea to be the same! 仙侠当中有一个说法,叫做御剑而行,此时樱花的灵魂也是一大半都脱离了自己的身体,附着在那刀芒之上,斩入到了荣耀之墙当中,这一瞬间给他的感觉就仿佛一头扎入到了星辰大海一样! Together seemingly is obviously average not wonderful wind wall, but the powerful incomparable tyrant cuts extremely in unexpectedly has the feeling of out-of-control, as if during is dark has an enormous strength to promote it, wish lets its off-range direction strongly. 明明只是一道看起来平平无奇的风墙,但自己强大无比的霸极斩在其中居然有着失控的感觉,似乎冥冥之中有一股极大的力量在推动着它,竭力想要让它偏离方向。 Damn, gives me to break!” “该死的,给我破啊!” The eyes of oriental cherry spilled over the blood threads directly, can see that Mei Yingdu the hilt was gripped stubbornly by it, a mysterious incomparable powerful strength erupted from its knife suddenly, this is the powerful attribute that Tyrant Jizhan supplements: The strength of destiny. 樱花的双眼直接泛出了血丝,可以见到梅樱毒的刀柄被它攥得死死的,一股神秘无比的强大的力量陡然从其刀身上爆发了出来,这就是霸极斩附带的强大属性:命运之力。 This is can with the powerful attribute that the strength of time compares favorably with! 这可是能与时间之力相媲美的强大属性! Everyone has the inherent destiny, everyone is revolting against the destiny that are not liking strongly, but almost actually no one can resist. 每个人都拥有自身与生俱来的命运,每个人都在竭力反抗着自己不喜欢的命运,但是几乎却没有人能对抗。 Therefore, strength of destiny, really has the effect of giving the final word! 因此,命运之力一出,真的有着一锤定音的效果! In the sensation of oriental cherry, the strength of that out-of-control also vanished immediately, then must control the tyrant to cut extremely takes the life of opposite party directly, the wall of glory also creakies in this flash, will soon collapse. 在樱花的感知当中,那种失控之力也是立即消失了,便要操控霸极斩直接取走对方的性命,荣耀之墙在这一瞬间也是摇摇欲坠,即将崩溃。 However at this time, induces the Fang Linyan predicament reason probably, mysterious ancient seal on its top of the head shone the ray again greatly. 然而这时候,大概是感应到了方林岩窘境的缘故,其头顶上的神秘古印再次大放光芒。 Under shining of this ray, has many shadows from the surrounding land, the rivers went out slowly, walks into the wall of glory, these shadows did not see clearly the appearance, can actually distinguish clearly the height degree of stoutness, everybody, pointed at the oriental cherry to start to denounce severely. 在这光芒的照耀下,有着诸多的黑影从周围的土地,河流当中徐徐走出,走入到了荣耀之墙当中,这些黑影看不清楚面目,却能分清高矮胖瘦,男女老幼,纷纷指着樱花开始痛斥起来。 You damn!!” “你该死!!” Gets the hell out!” “滚蛋!” Leaves our lands.” “离开我们的土地。” I must kill you!!” “我要杀了你!!” Wild ambition.” “狼子野心.” Violates my China, although must execute!!” “犯我中华者,虽远必诛!!” „.” “.” The oriental cherry also felt that immediately was hampered by strength from top to bottom, looks like marches forward such in the swamp, oneself received very big restriction! The four limbs joint as if rusted the revolution does not work. 樱花也顿时就感觉到浑身上下受到了一种力量的束缚,就像是在沼泽当中行进那样,自身受到了很大的制约!四肢关节仿佛生锈了似的运转不灵。 This is a very intense curse: The multitude of people refer to! 这就是一种十分强烈的诅咒:千夫所指! It looks like such that Fang Linyan said that here is the Yellow River, is the place of origin of Chinese nation, the innumerable Chinese ancestors sang loudly here generously, combat nature, finally sent a body back to home district for burial in this, held the body with mountain flatter. 就像是方林岩所说的那样,这里乃是黄河,乃是中华民族的发源地,无数的华族祖先都在这里慷慨高歌,战天斗地,最后归葬于此,托体同山阿。 Now unexpectedly has west the alien race, was on the land of China four to plunder, to slaughter their descendants since this antiquity, encroached upon the motherland, did these older generations possibly stand by? 如今居然有异族西来,在这片上古起就属于华族的土地上肆掠,杀戮他们的子孙,侵占神州大地,这些先辈怎么可能袖手旁观? Has a few words to be called the multitude of people to refer, not gets sick dead! Said was the fearfulness of this curse. 有一句话叫做千夫所指,无病而死!讲的就是这种诅咒的可怕。 This is, because his curse and angrily rebuking of hero souls of these China oriental cherry the strength of destiny is unable to resist, also had changed to a part of his destiny! The strength of destiny also has no alternative. 这就是樱花的命运之力无法抗拒的了,因为这些华族的英灵对他的诅咒和怒斥,也已经化作了他命运的一部分!命运之力对此也是无可奈何。 Moreover, induced the glorious wall that is sheltering Fang Linyan will soon be disillusioned, the later generation that oneself bloodlines succeeded one another will soon suffer the great misfortune! These hero souls also moved restlessly in abundance, started with both hands according to the wall of glory, wish strongly in addition will hold stably. 不仅如此,感应到了庇护着方林岩的荣耀之墙即将破灭,自身血脉相承的后辈即将遭受大劫!这些英灵也是纷纷的躁动了起来,紧接着就开始用双手按在了荣耀之墙上,竭力的想要将之加持稳固。 Originally the vanishing glorious wall immediately became especially clear, the above wall brick texture was clearly discernible, at this time this scenery, really can describe with the unity is strength four characters! 本来即将消失的荣耀之墙顿时变得格外清晰了起来,上面的墙砖纹理都清晰可见,此时此景,真的是可以用众志成城四个字来形容! However, the might that the tyrant cuts is extremely astonishing, in addition the out-and-out real injury, that blade light/only mistake that is representing the destruction and slaughters, these hero souls also desalinate in abundance, annihilation. 但是,霸极斩的威力何等惊人,外加还是不折不扣的真实伤害,那一片代表着毁灭和杀戮的刀光过处,就连那些英灵都纷纷随之淡化,湮灭。 However such withering away not only has not intimidated anybody, instead has more hero's souls also to come, fervent, takes place of the fallen, that blade light spreads across, the hero's soul actually as if kills not, are getting more and more. 然而这样的消亡非但没有吓阻任何人,反而有更多的英魂随之现身,慷慨激昂,前仆后继,那刀光在其中纵横交错,英魂却仿佛杀之不尽,越来越多。 This is because Chinese nation's spirit, fears no sacrifice, marches forward courageously!! 这是因为中华民族本身的精神,就是不怕牺牲,勇往直前!! These countless ancestors for the rise of race, for the prosperity of clansman, drained off the last drop of blood before one's death once without hesitation. 这些数之不尽的先祖们在生前就为了种族的崛起,为了族人的兴旺,毫不犹豫的流干了自己最后一滴血。 Really spirits after dying is not dark, is aiding this divine land beloved place. In this time faced with the terrifying move of oriental cherry: The tyrants cut extremely, similarly is also the heroic spirit sharp qi, unprecedented!! 在死后真灵不昧,护佑着这片神州热土。在此时面临樱花的恐怖招数:霸极斩的时候,同样也是英风锐气,一往无前!! The oriental cherry when cuts to kill these Chinese hero souls, obtained the astonishing advantage, with the terminology of game, Chinese hero soul thing is the out-and-out rare elite, usually wants to look could not find. 樱花在斩杀这些华族英灵的时候,也得到了惊人的好处,拿游戏的术语来说,华族英灵这东西就是不折不扣的稀有精英,平时想找都找不到的。 The oriental cherry kills a hero soul every time, an automatic acquisition hero soul bead. This thing is rare, use also very big, simple Spiritual God and monster to Japan has the enormous benefit role. 樱花每杀一名英灵,就会自动获取一枚英灵珠。这东西非常罕见,用处也非常之大,简单的来说对日本的神灵和妖怪有着极大的补益作用。 The oriental cherry had attained more than ten grains at this time, this is an extraordinary wealth, if so many hero soul beads bring back to Japan, even must attach great importance to according to the big god of rank day after day, this also makes the oriental cherry have the feeling that this blade had not cut white/in vain finally, if can also blow away that damn fellow finally while convenient( Fang Linyan), then all was complete. 樱花这时候足足已经拿到了十几粒,这已经是一笔惊人的财富了,这么多的英灵珠若是带回日本的话,甚至连天照级别的大神也要重视的,这也让樱花终于生出了这一刀没有白斩的感觉,若是最后还能顺带干掉那个该死的家伙(方林岩),那么就一切圆满了。 However, in space other where, has an iron rule, that is the harvest is proportional with the risk. 不过,无论是在空间还是其余的什么地方,都有一个铁律,那就是收获是与风险成正比的。 With money market, if wants the capital big probability not to owe, that must endure below 6 point interest rates. 就拿金融市场来说,要想本金大概率不亏,那就要忍受六个点以下的利率。 Must think that the wealth rises in value rapidly, one year may rise 2-3 times, that must accept a stock market green, speculates in the stock market to cook up the sad destiny of shareholder. 要想财富迅速增值,一年有可能翻上个2-3倍,那就要接受股票市场一片绿,炒股炒成股东的悲催命运。 The sacrifice of clear to see hero soul were getting more and more, around this sandbank also started to present the light white mist, the mist also rapid start became thick, 眼见得英灵的牺牲越来越多,这河滩周围也开始出现了淡淡的白色雾气,雾气也迅速的开始变得浓厚了起来, In the middle of the white mist, as if heard the heavy breathing indistinctly, the boundless heartbeat, as if has what giant beast soon to regain consciousness, but this giant beast since the great antiquity inaugurates exists, not only that extremely cruel crazy meaning is fermenting! 在白色的雾气当中,似乎隐约传来了沉重的呼吸声,还有磅礴的心跳声,仿佛有什么巨兽即将苏醒,而这巨兽自洪荒初开的时候就存在着,不仅如此,还有一种极度暴戾的疯狂意味在酝酿着! Facing such variable, Fang Linyan is the shock is also unusual, he cuts the wall of that glory is only the probing attack, has not expected to derive the subsequent so many momentous changes unexpectedly. 面对这样的变数,方林岩也是震惊非常,他斩出那一记荣耀之墙只是试探性攻击啊,万万没料到居然衍生出来了后续这么多的巨大变化。 However now seems like, this change is favorable for Fang Linyan obviously, this is also lucky. At this time Fang Linyan listens carefully, detected that white fog deep place is not the heavy breathing and boundless heartbeat, mighty waves roaring sound that after being more like the river water rises suddenly, to send suddenly. 不过现在看起来,这变化显然对方林岩有利,这就还算是万幸。此时方林岩仔细听去,才发觉那白雾深处并不是什么沉重的呼吸声和磅礴的心跳声,更像是河水陡然暴涨后发出来的波涛咆哮声。 However, that world inaugurates, great antiquity frigid feeling, actually even more rich, the thick fog turns wells up, a sky stuffy thunder resounds, the heavy downpour divulges again, spilled over two point red glow in the middle of the Yellow River of not far away suddenly, seems like the eye of what giant beast, the gap distances of these two point red glow at least over ten meters! 但是,那种天地初开,洪荒惨烈的感觉,却越发的浓郁,紧接着浓雾翻涌,天空一声闷雷响起,滂沱大雨再次宣泄而下,在不远处的黄河当中陡然泛出了两点红芒,看起来就像是什么巨兽的眼睛,这两点红芒的间隔距离至少在十米以上! But these two point red glow, had observed closely the oriental cherry stubbornly! 而这两点红芒,已经死死的盯住了樱花! Oriental cherry at this time vertical be at the strongest condition, cannot bear feel that scalp tingles, cannot bear mutter: 樱花此时纵是处于最强的状态下,也忍不住感觉到头皮发麻,忍不住喃喃道: What ghosts and gods?” “何鬼神?” He in unconscious middle, could not bear in mother language! 他在不自觉当中,都忍不住用出了母语! The Chinese nation have many alternate names, these most have great popular support, is the descendants of the dragon, the emperor who each once ruled this mysterious powerful lands, says really dragon heavenly child. 中华民族有许多别称,这其中最深得人心的,就是龙的传人,每个曾经君临这片神秘强大的土地的帝王,都自称真龙天子。 The oriental cherry in the hero soul that in the short time slaughtered dozens China, and also near the Yellow River, not only that the oriental cherry is obvious revealed the aura of alien race, this inspired this nearby dragon vein very much obviously directly! 樱花在短短时间内屠戮了好几十名华族的英灵,并且还在黄河附近,不仅如此,樱花更是明显的流露出了异族的气息,这很显然直接引动了这附近的龙脉! Right, is the dragon vein of this nearby Yellow River!! Also is the ordinary people Yellow River river God! 没错,就是这附近的黄河的龙脉!!也是普通民众口中的黄河河神! The Yellow River dragon vein breeds mother river of Chinese nation as the early time, naturally hot tempered and erupted in the flash crazily. 黄河龙脉作为早期孕育出中华民族的母亲河,当然在一瞬间就暴躁而疯狂的爆发了。 The dragon reverse scale, touching must get angry, but the dragon vein of Yellow River from ancient to present, is not the good nature lord, once gets angry, the flood is dreadful, spreading in all directions was the small gift, had entire to change course in the entire history four times greatly. 龙有逆鳞,触之必怒,而黄河的龙脉从古到今,都可不是什么好脾气的主,一旦发怒,洪水滔天,四处蔓延都是小意思了,在整个历史上都有整整四次大改道。 What is hot tempered, even the Yellow River also seizes Huai to enter the sea repeatedly, burst a dike directly then encroached upon the downstream in Huai River, once forced the Huai River not to have the estuary, can only converge the Yangtze River 更暴躁的是,甚至黄河还多次夺淮入海,直接决堤然后侵犯了淮河的下游河道,一度逼迫得淮河都没有出海口,只能汇入长江 Dragon from clouds, tiger from wind! At this time the white mist whirls around, if clouds, the Yellow River dragon vein depended on this fog aura to have present melted oneself physique, aimed at the oriental cherry to throw directly with raw hate, has the dreadful vicious tendencies and wild boundless imposing manner. 龙从云,虎从风!此时白色的雾气翻卷若云,黄河龙脉依托这云雾气息具现化了自己形体,直接就对准了樱花凶狠扑来,带着滔天的戾气和狂暴无边的气势。 The oriental cherry loudly calls out, he is also felt that the intense incomparable threat, could not attend to cutting to kill Fang Linyan immediately, can only attack in order to defend, uses the might that will dominate full power cuts extremely to cut toward the dragon vein of attack. 樱花大叫一声,他也是感觉到了强烈无比的威胁,当下也是顾不得斩杀方林岩了,只能以攻为守,倾尽全力将霸极斩的威力朝着来袭的龙脉斩出。 The blade light that the tyrants cut is extremely exploding instantaneously! 霸极斩的刀光在瞬间爆开! Only listens to deafening fierce to roar to transmit, the strong winds writings, the white mist eliminates instantaneously, the river water of Yellow River returns rapidly tranquilly, even if the Yellow River dragon vein, eventually is also the invisible not solid Yin dragon, in the tyrant cuts under the fearful awakens technique to be cut the wound extremely like this, again retracting river bottom dormancy. 只听一声震耳欲聋的剧烈咆哮传来,狂风大作,白色的雾气瞬间消去,黄河的河水迅速重归平静,哪怕是黄河龙脉,终究也是无形无实的阴龙,也在霸极斩这样的可怕苏醒技之下被斩伤,重新缩回河底休眠了。
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