FE :: Volume #13

#1391: Thorough enemy nest

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Chapter 1389 thorough enemy nest 第1389章深入敌巢 Then the nightmare beast makes an effort to attract, then saw the ashes that flies upwards had a pale blue shadow to fall into its mouth, that shadow danced with joy, seemed like resists, but the least bit use did not have, was swallowed down by the nightmare beast. 然后梦魇兽用力一吸,便见到飞扬的灰烬当中有一条淡蓝色的影子落入到了它的口里面,那影子手舞足蹈,看起来十分抗拒,可是却半点用处都没有,被梦魇兽吞了下去。 At this time the nightmare beast of out-of-control, has taken the human soul as the monster of food completely in every sense of the term! It induced in this courtyard to have the quality extremely high soul, once can eat it, oneself even can evolve for the high-grade life, therefore caught up in a hurry. 此时完全失控的梦魇兽,已经是不折不扣以人类灵魂为食的怪物!它感应到了这个院子里面有着品质极高的灵魂,一旦能将之吃掉的话,自己甚至能进化为更高等级的生命,于是就匆匆赶了过来。 After swallowing a soul, the nightmare beast stride rushed toward inside, fearless it shook many puppet silk immediately, then triggered the arrangement immediately in the counter-attack of nearby puppet battle formation. 吞掉了一条灵魂之后,梦魇兽大步朝着里面闯了过来,无所畏惧的它立即就震断了不少傀儡丝,那么立即就引发了布置在附近的傀儡阵势的反击。 Immediately can see, two puppets have fully as if Japanese warrior such, a ball, raised in the hand the jet black long blade, only waits for a near body, must, in in the air cuts under! 立即就能见到,两具傀儡具足仿佛日本武士那样,一弹而起,扬起了手中漆黑的长刀,只等一近身,就要在空中一斩而下! This jet black long blade has the origin, is in the middle of hearsay the hydrogel of river of the netherworld with the ice blade that ties! Naturally, the so strange river water can congeal, drew support from the god of water to revere the supernatural power of male of Susa. 这漆黑的长刀却是有来历的,乃是用传闻当中的冥河之水冻结出来的冰刃!当然,如此诡异的河水能够凝结,也是借助了水之神尊须佐之男的神力。 Such weapon is actually not the living person can use, because the living grasps to hold the blade of river of the netherworld, vitality by continuous suction, this could not be done well the enemy not dead, oneself first by suck dry. 这样的武器却不是活人能使用的,因为生者握持着冥河之刃,身上的生命力就会被源源不断的吸走,这样的话搞不好敌人没死,自己先被吸干了。 The little rascal who beforehand Li Ju sends was then cut to kill by this weapon, the reason will be all souls will belong to the middle of the river of the netherworld finally, therefore little rascal innate by its restraint. 之前的李沮派遣出来的小鬼便是被此武器所斩杀,原因是所有的魂魄最后都会归入冥河当中,所以小鬼先天就被其克制。 Facing the surprise attack, the nightmare beast was also unhurriedly, direct alignment a puppet had spouts a hot breath fully, the high temperature will fire a torch directly. 面对突袭,梦魇兽也是不慌不忙,直接对准了一头傀儡具足喷出了一口火息,高温直接将之烧成了一只火炬。 Meanwhile, another puppet had fully just near body, was trampled the chest by a nightmare beast hoof, had full armor „” to break to pieces several, after falling the ground, could not move, then on the body burnt the black flame. 同时,另外一头傀儡具足刚刚近身,便被梦魇兽一蹄子踹中了胸口,具足铠甲“咔嚓”一声碎成了好几块,落到了地上之后就动弹不得,然后身体上燃烧出来了黑色的火焰。 However, these two puppets have fully unexpectedly are the baits! 但是,这两头傀儡具足居然都是诱饵而已! True is killing, came from a shadow that in nearby leaf throws, this shadow one plunders from the back of nightmare beast, the nightmare beast the pain calls out immediately, then turned the head to spout the hot breath counter-attack, but that can melt the gold/metal wrought iron the flame actually to sweep in the middle of the midair in vain, finally fails completely. 真正的杀着,来自于旁边的树叶里面扑出来的一道黑影,这黑影从梦魇兽的背部一掠而过,梦魇兽立即痛楚嚎叫,然后转头喷出了火息反击,可是那能熔金锻铁的火焰却在半空当中徒然扫过,结果完全落了个空。 Until that shadow fell on nearby tree, the people then saw clearly its appearance, impressively unexpectedly was a giant spider, if this gadget main body the wash bowl size, dug out the claw of tree trunk to be jet black, among stretch/open He is several meters, the body surface has the unusual pattern, and was also covered with 2-3 cuns (2.5 cm) bristle. 直到那黑影落到了旁边的树上,众人这才看清楚其模样,赫然竟是一头巨型蜘蛛,这玩意儿本体若脸盆大小,抠住了树干的爪子漆黑锋锐,张合之间长达数米,体表有着奇特的花纹,并且还长满了2-3寸长的硬毛。 Fang Linyan looked that several found, the dangerous feeling that although this gadget sends out is extremely strong, is actually not the living creature, was short of nimble and resourceful of a little living creature, but its action fast ratio has not really had. 方林岩多看几眼就发现,这玩意儿虽然身上散发出来的危险感极强,却并非是活物,少了一点儿活物的灵动性,可是其行动迅捷比真的过之而无不及。 No wonder Li three said that meets the wood to be ominous, originally on the trees is hiding this gadget unexpectedly! Recalled that it throws the speed of striking , if the thunderous lightning flash is common, is really suffocating! 难怪得李三说“逢木则凶”,原来树木上居然隐藏着这玩意儿!回想起它扑击的速度,真的若雷鸣电闪一般,委实是令人窒息! Suddenly, this puppet spider throws to strike again, what is more terrifying, side also kicked out another two shadows simultaneously, this is two puppet spiders that rushes to newly, three same place concerted actions. 突然之间,这头傀儡蜘蛛再次扑击而出,更恐怖的是,旁边也是同时扑出了另外两道黑影,这是新赶到的两只傀儡蜘蛛,三头一起配合行动。 At this time the back of nightmare beast had obviously presented a rotten pothole of bowl mouth size, there flesh was corroded, the puppet spider toward is the water of river of the netherworld in his body pours into, so long as has the flesh lifeform of life, will be restrained by this gadget extremely. 此时梦魇兽的背部已经明显的出现了一个碗口大小的腐烂坑洞,那里的血肉都被腐蚀了,傀儡蜘蛛往其身体里面注入的便是冥河之水,只要是有生命的血肉生物,都会被这玩意儿极度克制。 Three puppet spiders attack together, this nightmare beast move, the pain neighed again, in which puppet spider was also trampled by a hoof flies. 三头傀儡蜘蛛一起出击,这头梦魇兽再次中招,痛楚嘶鸣,不过其中的一头傀儡蜘蛛也被一蹄踹飞了。 This Fang Linyan sees very clearly, the puppet spider after, mouth inside will spring a pair of hibernation of insects extremity/limb, but this gadget terrifying sharp weapon! 这一次方林岩看得十分清楚,傀儡蜘蛛在靠近之后,嘴巴里面会弹出一对蛰肢,这玩意儿可是恐怖的利器! That is two thick, if the terrifying fang of wine glass, seem to should be the pig iron builds, the cold light sparkles, but the hoof of nightmare beast trampled on puppet spider mouth apparatus, causing a fang to break crookedly, was only left over several copper wires to add on the steel wire torn to pieces connection. But before that the full tip seems like still the cold light to sparkle, sharp, if blade. 那是两根粗大若酒杯的恐怖獠牙,看起来应该是生铁打造成的,寒光闪闪,而梦魇兽的蹄子则是踹在了一头傀儡蜘蛛口器上,导致一根獠牙已经歪斜断裂,只剩下几条铜丝加上钢线支离破碎的连接着。可是那前足的尖端看起来依然寒光闪闪,锋锐若刀。 Here fight is hitting bustling, another side also transmitted a pitiful yell suddenly! 这边的战斗正打得热火朝天,另外一边也忽的传来了一声惨叫! Fang Linyan listened to the back of the body to move, immediately understood, this was some people are fishing in troubled waters! That nightmare beast cannot do well is this person brings, then he sneaks secretly. 方林岩听了之后心中一动,顿时就明白了过来,这是有人在浑水摸鱼啊!那头梦魇兽搞不好就是此人引来的,然后他则是偷偷潜入。 However this fellow ambushes the time is not proficient obviously, he does not have to calm down in addition, therefore it is estimated that triggered in the middle of this battle formation mechanism/organization, listens to that pitiful yell sound is also injures heavily. 不过这家伙显然潜伏功夫不到家,同时外加他没自己沉得住气,所以估计触发了这阵势当中的机关,听那惨叫声也是伤得不轻。 But at this time Fang Linyan still continued to calm down, suppresses the impulsion that touches, he repeatedly in the heart warned oneself said: 但这时候方林岩依然继续沉住气,压制住摸进去的冲动,他反复在心中告诫自己说: Safety first, safety first! Own loner to/clashes, only has making a move opportunity in the final analysis a time. 安全第一,安全第一!自己孤家寡人冲进来,说到底也只有一次出手的机会。 Moreover, this action also hugs the grass to hit the rabbit, own ultimate objective to resurrect teammate, without good opportunity, then rather does not act!! 不仅如此,这一次的行动也只是搂草打兔子而已,自己的终极目标还是为了复活队友,若是没有好的机会,那么宁可不出手!! Then Fang Linyan saw many people come one after another, even the caused heavy losses meat grinder also appeared, the companion bear tooth of oriental cherry also acts. 接下来方林岩就见到了不少人陆续现身,甚至连被重创的绞肉机也出现了,樱花的同伴熊牙同样也是出了手。 Could look at this time both sides to make the anger, is attacking full power, although seemed like that the Japanese got the winning side in a short time, once the pro-green camp cavalries also followed up, they must eat to owe again greatly. 看得出来此时双方都打出了火气,都是在全力出击,虽然看似日本人在短时间内占据上风,只是一旦绿营骑兵这边随之跟进的话,他们就要再次吃个大亏了。 But Fang Linyan is still enduring! Because that person still has not appeared, that person is not others, is the oriental cherry! 可是方林岩依然在忍!因为那个人依然没有出现,那个人不是别人,正是樱花! That blade that this short and stout person of undistinguished appearance, cuts made Fang Linyan smell the aura of death, therefore made him dread incomparably, even Fang Linyan cannot determine oneself opened invincibly can exempt from the injury of that blade. 这个其貌不扬的矮胖子,斩出的那一刀却令方林岩嗅到了死亡的气息,因此令其忌惮无比,甚至方林岩都不能确定自己开无敌就能豁免那一刀的伤害。 After all the invincible own priority was also high, but did not achieve peak that type absolutely. 毕竟无敌自身的优先度也非常高了,但绝对不是达到了巅峰那种。 That blade of oriental cherry looked, can feel that the might is enormous, the priority is extremely high, Fang Linyan does not want easily to gamble with own poor life. 樱花的那一刀只是看了,也能感觉到威力极大,优先度极高,方林岩可不想拿自己的小命去轻易赌博。 Therefore this person does not act, Fang Linyan will be will not come absolutely, as for oriental cherry, although will have the possibility of departure, but Fang Linyan will feel for others, if oneself will trade a camp with the oriental cherry, then definitely will defend side the big lawsuit. 所以这个人不出面,方林岩是绝对不会现身的,至于樱花虽然也有离开的可能,但是方林岩将心比心,若是自己与樱花换一个阵营的话,那么必然会守在了大官司身边的。 After Fang Linyan does not want to go well, not with enough time happy, was divided by this fellow blade directly scared shitless is frightened out of one's wits. 方林岩可不想得手之后还没来得及开心,就直接被这家伙一刀劈得屁滚尿流魂飞魄散。 Therefore he continues peacefully is enduring patiently, naturally, endures patiently does not represent absolutely there waits, this time Fang Linyan has hidden a shadow of rockery, here can see the inner apartments directly a two little building situation. 于是他继续安静的忍耐着,当然,忍耐也绝对不代表在那里干等,此时的方林岩已经藏匿到了一处假山的阴影当中,这里就能直接看到内宅当中一处两层小楼的情况。 At this time Fang Linyan can very explicit affirmation, this two little building, then be the location of that big lawsuit. All defense centers of gravity of Japan, constructs to complete regarding this little building. 此时方林岩可以很明确的肯定,这一处两层小楼,便是那名大官司的所在地。日方的一切防御重心,也是围绕着这栋小楼来进行建设完成的。 However Fang Linyan has not actually flown the unmanned aerial vehicle the past plan, the meaning of even approaching does not have the least bit, because even if here, he has been able to feel that intense threat feeling, is the package kerchief powerful attribute that depends upon Csillo can completely here Gou dwell. 不过方林岩却根本就没有将无人机飞过去的打算,甚至连靠近的意思都没有半点,因为哪怕是在这里,他都已经能感觉到强烈的威胁感,完全是依靠奇洛的包头巾强大的属性才能在这里苟住。 The unmanned aerial vehicle is only dependence small size, and stops high is discovered, oneself has no counter- invisible ability, if approaches a minute/share of minute was definitely hit. 无人机只是依靠体积小,并且停得高才不被发现,自身却没有任何反隐形的能力,要是靠近的了的分分钟肯定就被打下来了。 With the lapse of time, that little building defense also starts to be broken through repeatedly, from most starts to have an ammunition clip bullet to sweep, then to having the grenade loses! 随着时间的推移,那一层小楼的防御也开始屡次被攻破,从最开始有一梭子子弹扫进去,然后到有手雷丢进去! Before one minute, the controlled hunting dogs flushed, but only crossed for three seconds to be slivered the fragment to lose 在一分钟之前,有一头被控制的猎犬冲了进去,不过只过了三秒钟就被切成碎块丢了出来 Saw this, the breath of Fang Linyan started somewhat rapidly, because he knows that the opportunity must come quickly. At this moment in his heart still has big doubts, before ravelling this doubts, actually does not dare to act. 见到了这一幕,方林岩的呼吸开始有些急促了起来,因为他知道机会很快就要来了。只是此刻他的心中依然有着一个很大的疑惑,在没有弄明白这个疑惑之前,其实是不敢出手的。 This doubts are: Japanese side had actually obtained almost two hours of relaxation times, properly speaking has been able to remove, why also clenches teeth dead to shoulder here? 这个疑惑就是:日本人这一方其实已经获得了差不多两个小时的休息时间,按理来说早就可以撤的,为什么还在这里咬牙死扛呢? If here is Japan that can also look for anything to wait for the reason of reinforcements forcefully, but they obviously were an island of resistance. 若这里乃是日本本土的话那还可以强行找点什么等待援军的理由,可他们明明是一支孤军了啊。 In addition, in Li Family Courtyard was also this, the Japanese must persist in diverting to enough time, that big lawsuit left to depart, even if were therefore lost the manpower also to refuse to balk. 不但如此,之前在李家大院的时候也是这样,日本人这边一定要坚持牵制到足够的时间,那位大官司才动身离去,哪怕是因此损失人手也在所不惜。 From this can deduce: This means this big lawsuit has some hard thing to bring up, once after stopping, can wait enough enough time to move again? 由此可以推论:这是不是意味着这个大官司有着某种难言之隐,一旦停下来之后,就一定要待够足够的时间才能再动? Wait, waits again.” “等等,再等等.” These five characters were nearly ten minutes of Fang Linyan speak most words to oneself. 这五个字是近十分钟方林岩对自己说得最多的话。 Finally breathing rapidly of Fang Linyan, because he saw both people who oneself most care about appeared! These two people are the oriental cherry and senior steward Art. 终于方林岩的呼吸急促了起来,因为他见到自己最在乎的两个人都出现了!这两个人就是樱花和老管家阿尔特巴。 The appearance of senior steward looks somewhat distressed, coattails was even burnt some cracks, but the wainscot still supports straightly, head hairstyle is scrupulous about every detail, that England aristocrat unique aura of lends still compels the standard to be full. 老管家的样子看起来有些狼狈,身上的燕尾服甚至被烧出了一些破洞,但腰板依然挺得笔直,头上的发型还是一丝不苟,散发出来的那种英伦贵族特有的气息依然逼格满满。 Simple, this old fogy seems like parallel-serie inside ebony throat, mysterious, powerful, that type regardless of when calm bearing! 简单的来说,这老家伙很像是复联里面的乌木喉,神秘,强大,还有那种无论什么时候都从容的气度! Aalter Palestine Station on a nightmare beast, resembled the slow reality toward here fast caught up, but oriental cherry actually towering appearance in the front ridge. 阿尔特巴站在了一头梦魇兽身上,朝着这边似缓实速的赶了过来,但是樱花却突兀的出现在了前方的屋脊上。 This seemingly dreadful short and stout person the right hand according to own hilt, the fresh breeze was fierce, blows rolling up and pushing along that his windproof coat non-stop. „The world martial arts, only slow broken these eight characters seems like especially is clear, resembling to break the clothes to fly. 这个看似猥琐的矮胖子将右手按在了自己的刀柄上,劲风烈烈,将他的风衣吹得不停的卷动。“天下武功,唯慢不破”这八个字看起来就格外清晰,似要破衣飞去。 both sides confront, the oriental cherry seems like static, but only he himself knows, oneself has started to draw a sword, although the blade draws out the speed of scabbard to only have 0.02 mms per second, but this speed will increase progressively rapidly! 双方对峙,樱花看起来乃是静止的,但只有他自己才知道,自己已经开始拔刀了,虽然刀刃拔出刀鞘的速度只有每秒0.02毫米,但这个速度会迅速递增! Moreover, if enemy at this time to launching attack, thinks to pick up a big bargain, but this time oriental cherry has terrifying 90 to reduce the wound, once suffered the injury from enemy, the progress of drawing a sword will also increase progressively immediately. 不仅如此,敌人若是在这个时候对发起进攻,以为能捡个大便宜,可这时候的樱花是具备恐怖的90减伤的,并且一旦遭受到来自敌人的伤害,拔刀的进度也会马上递增。 This increasing is what meaning, refers to the oriental cherry having a progress bar at this time at present, originally will be every second of progress bar will increase zero points several, behind more arrived is quicker, after once were attacked, this progress bar will beat suddenly increases 3! 这递增是什么意思呢,就是指樱花这时候眼前是有一个进度条的,本来是每秒钟进度条会增加零点几,越到后面越快,而一旦被攻击之后,这进度条就会骤然跳动增加三! Therefore, now the oriental cherry seems like the appearance of aloof, in the heart is actually whooshing crazily: You come! You hit me. 所以,现在樱花看起来是很高冷的样子,心里面却是在疯狂嘶吼:你过来啊!你来打我啊。 Sees two people to come, Fang Linyan without delay, immediately starts directly! 一见到两人现身,方林岩二话不说,立即就直接发动! Has a few words to be called to be driven beyond the limits of forbearance, does not need to endure again, described was Fang Linyan at this time this situation. 有一句话叫做忍无可忍,无需再忍,形容的就是方林岩此时这种情况。 As soon as he raises hand, is whiz whiz whiz made 34 smoke shell- buys from navel Mao Village there, the thing quality that here sells is worth approving. 他一扬手,已经是嗖嗖嗖打出了三四枚烟雾弹-就是从脐毛村那里买来的,这里卖的东西品质还是值得认可的。 These smoke shell put, immediately nearby that little building on hazy, not only that the people of Japan hesitated such zero point several seconds- After all this gadget was full of the thick Japanese style, is the person on one's own side puts? 这几枚烟雾弹一放,立即那栋小楼附近就烟雾弥漫,不仅如此,日方的人还犹豫了那么零点几秒--毕竟这玩意儿充满了浓浓的东瀛风格,难道是自己人放的? Taking this opportunity, Fang Linyan crashed certainly in the middle of the shadow of nearby shrubbery directly. 借着这个机会,方林岩当然是直接冲进了旁边灌木丛的阴影当中。 Yes, in this moment, Fang Linyan also calmed down unexpectedly steadily intentionally!!! 是的,在这一刻,方林岩居然还沉住气故意稳了一手!!! His actually was also prepared: 他这其实也是做好了两手准备: If side does not have ambush, then steady this will not affect the general situation. 如果旁边没有潜伏者,那么稳这一手并不会影响大局。 If side has ambush, witnessed golden opportunity that this create, then mostly is the strategic place in front. 如果旁边有潜伏者,目睹了这一次自己创造出来的绝佳机会,那么多半是要冲在前面的。 But Fang Linyan believes that the Japanese in little building holds back one trick extremely fiercely will certainly be killing, that makes this unlucky child go against the thunder to go! 方林岩坚信日本人一定会在小楼里面留一手极其厉害的杀着,那就让这倒霉孩子顶雷去吧! Really, when that iron grey smog disseminates, from underground immediately on slides drilled a form, then crashed among little building, what is most unusual is behind that form also drags to entrain a shadow, seems like the tail? 果然,当那灰白色的烟雾弥散开来的时候,从地下立即就“呲溜”的钻出了一条身影,然后冲进了小楼当中,最奇特的是那身影后方还拖拽着一条影子,看起来好像是尾巴? Fang Linyan at this time in heart silently conducts the reciprocal, after the number to five, flushed without delay! As soon as after he enters the hall, immediately dumbfounded, cannot bear in the heart middle course: 方林岩此时正在心中默默的进行倒数,数到五之后也是二话不说就冲了进去!他一进大厅之后立即就呆住了,忍不住在心中道: Lying trough, your operation is not the common show air/Qi!” “卧槽,你这个操作不是一般的骚气啊!” Originally, at this time Fang Linyan actually saw the fellow who that just flushed is digging a hole, but such for several seconds, the ground are many a large cave/hole, from inside as if fountain same flushed massive animals! 原来,这时候方林岩却见到那名刚刚冲进来的家伙正在挖洞,而就这么短短几秒钟,地上已经多了个大洞,从里面仿佛喷泉一样的冲出来了大量的动物! These animals are if rabbit, the fox, the sable, the yellow weasel, the mouse, marmot such small creature, seems like the human and animals to be harmless, but carefully looks, the bodies of these little fellows sent out meaning of savage bloodthirsty, unexpectedly was lost the resinification!! 这些动物都是若兔子,狐狸,貂,黄鼠狼,老鼠,旱獭这样的小动物,看似人畜无害,但仔细看去,这些小家伙的身上都散发出了凶残嗜血的意味,居然都是被丧尸化了的!! These mourning corpse small creature to/clashes toward the front, the first several batch without exception die a violent death, was cut the fragment of finger size completely, the black blood scatters, looks extremely frigid! 这些丧尸小动物朝着前方冲出去的时候,前几批无一例外都死于非命,全部都被切割成了指头大小的碎块,黑血四溅,看起来极为惨烈! But can discover under smudging of their blood, originally in the middle of the front space, seems to have densely and numerously as if the spider web common a lot of silk threads unexpectedly, these silk threads should be colorless and transparent, and is extremely sharp!! 而在它们血液的涂抹下就能发现,原来前方的空间当中,竟是有着仿佛密密麻麻仿佛蜘蛛网一般的大量丝线,这些丝线本来应该是无色透明,并且极其锋锐的!! Therefore loses the corpse small creature, hit to be slivered the fragment, but his blood also let these silk thread visualizations. 所以丧尸小动物,一撞上去就被切成了碎块,只是其血液也让这些丝线显形了。 Those who made Fang Linyan stare dumbfounded, the fellow who that fled was not only a space soldier, but also it is also really growing a tail! 更令方林岩瞠目结舌的是,那名窜进来的家伙不仅是一名空间战士,而且它还果然长着一条尾巴! Yes, and that tail is thick and big, but also flexible, but this fellow also lived from top to bottom grew hair completely, Fang Linyan met one again is not the space soldier of human! It is an orangutan, and carries a AK orangutan!! 是的,并且那条尾巴又粗又大,还灵活非常,而这家伙浑身上下也生满了长毛是的,方林岩再次遇到了一名不是人类的空间战士!它是一头猩猩,并且还是背着一把AK的猩猩!! After Fang Linyan comes, that orangutan aimed at him to put out a hand a finger/refers, immediately saw the under foot of Fang Linyan has massive vegetation to grow impressively, and overspread the surrounding several hundred square meters places rapidly. 方林岩一现身之后,那只猩猩就对准了他伸手一指,立即就见到方林岩的脚下赫然有着大量的草木生长了出来,并且迅速铺满了周围数百平方米的地方。 The branches and leaves of these vegetation twined stubbornly on the Fang Linyan shoes and calf, making him be somewhat hard to start very much, every time walked one step to say difficultly quite. 这些草木的枝叶就死死缠绕在了方林岩的鞋子和小腿上,令他很是有些举步维艰,每走一步可以说都是相当的艰难。 At this time, a Fang Linyan very simple fist pounded on own chest, simultaneously jumped toward the rear area fiercely, in the mouth sent out a pitiful yell. 这时候,方林岩很干脆的一拳砸在了自己的胸口上,同时朝着后方猛跳了出去,口中发出了一声惨叫。 Therefore in scene that outside person sees, the person's shadow flew upside down together, called out pitifully was spouting the blood, falling fell on the place is motionless, did not consider resources bite off more than can chew to rush then to be hit very much obviously came out to suffer the heavy losses. 于是在外面的人看到的场面,就是一道人影倒飞了出来,惨叫着喷出了鲜血,摔落在地就一动不动,很显然是自不量力闯进去然后被打了出来受到了重创。 Only then that orangutan saw the intention of Fang Linyan, derode plump lip, in the eye showed the facial expression of despising, then took a step to face forward to walk. 只有那只猩猩看出了方林岩的用意,讥刺的咧了咧肥厚的嘴唇,眼中露出了鄙夷的神情,然后便举步朝前走去。 It dares to go forward, is because these densely covered cutting wire in space after the visualization, by these had been welled up crazily, but small creature mourning corpse breaking through. 它之所以敢于上前,便是因为那些密布在空间当中的切割线网在显形以后,已经被那些狂涌而出的小动物丧尸给冲破了。 These small creature mourning corpses seemingly do not have the intelligence, can actually accept this orangutan to breed the hunting for direction! Starts to destroy from nearby wall directly, then solves these to proliferate the in the air cutting network. 这些小动物丧尸看似没有智力,却可以接受这只猩猩殖猎者的指挥!直接从旁边的墙壁入手破坏,进而解决掉这些遍布空中的切割网。 Only used ten steps, this orangutan bred hunting to arrive at the front inner room entrance, it had uniquely beastly nature instinct, can therefore the percentage hundred determine goal that oneself must look for in inside. 只用了十来步,这只猩猩殖猎者就来到了前方的内室门口,它拥有独特的“兽性本能”,因此可以百分百确定自己要找的目标就在里面。 But after arriving here, the orangutan bred hunting to stop the footsteps. 但来到了这里以后,猩猩殖猎者就停下了脚步. On the construction specification, front small room only has 30-40 square meters at most, and can look to the end, is a very ordinary Chinese style study room, inside sits cross-legged to sit a thin and small person, turns away from the entrance. 就建筑规格而言,面前的这一处斗室顶多只有30-40平方米,并且一眼能望到头,就是一处很普通的中国式书房,里面盘膝坐着一个瘦小的人,还是背对门口的。 But in this orangutan breeds hunting for in the middle of sensation that beastly nature instinct feeds back, this front is a pitch-dark giant big mouth, is lending the corruption and bloody aura! As if even/including people the soul can embezzle greedily! 但在这头猩猩殖猎者的“兽性本能”反馈回来的感知当中,这前方就是一张黑洞洞的巨型大口,散发着腐败和血腥的气息!似乎连人的灵魂都能贪婪的吞没下去! Its facial expression twitched, the tail if suddenly the flagpole holds up generally high, then numerous brushing on floor. 它的脸容抽搐了一下,尾巴猛然若旗杆一般高高举起,然后重重的抽打在了地板上。 Immediately, this fellow these small creature mourning corpse armies ran into the small room behind crazily, then dashes to that was sitting cross-legged the thin and small person's shadow, when is close to him to one meter, kept off by an invisible counterfort directly. 顿时,这家伙身后那些小动物丧尸大军就疯狂的冲进了斗室当中,然后直扑向了那名盘坐着的瘦小人影,可是在接近他到一米的时候,就被一层无形的护壁直接挡了下来。 Quick, these mourning corpse small creature encircled a purple black large-scale sphere this thin and small person's shadow directly, but seemed like the attack is still very unproductive. 很快的,那些丧尸小动物就直接将这瘦小人影围成了一个紫黑色的大型圆球,但看起来攻击依然很是徒劳。 After the orangutan breeds hunting for witness this, still the discouraged, plump lip has not cast aside, shows the expression that sinister plot worked a very much humanlike! Its fierce gathered the double palm in one! 猩猩殖猎者目睹这一幕之后,依然没有气馁,肥厚的嘴唇一撇,露出了一个很似人类奸计得逞的表情!它猛的将双掌合在了一起! In the middle of his palm presented mysterious rune/symbol writing immediately, flashed slightly vanishes. 其掌心当中立即就出现了一个神秘的符文,略微一闪就消失了。 The corpse explodes the technique!! 尸爆术!! Immediately, all mourning corpse small creature exploded instantaneously, this corpse explodes the might of technique actually to form the chain-reaction, always affects to kill a lifeform( including mourning corpse), its might and range will promote 20. 顿时,所有的丧尸小动物都瞬间爆炸了开来,这尸爆术的威力却是能形成连锁反应的,每多波及杀死一只生物(包括丧尸),其威力和范围都会提升20。 At this time regarding that thin and small person's shadow, at least has hundred mourning corpse small creature! Thus it can be seen this corpse exploded the might of technique by the addition to what kind of degree!! 此时围绕着那瘦小人影的,至少有百余头丧尸小动物!由此可见这尸爆术的威力被加成到了何等程度!!
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