FE :: Volume #13

#1390: Showing special prowess

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Chapter 1388 shows special prowess 第1388章各显神通 Can see after this magnificent carriage saves others , when is just about to fly away, underground steep found out a brown rock giant palm, all of a sudden entire carriage pinching stubbornly in the middle of palm. 可以见到这辆华丽马车救人之后正要飞走之时,地下陡的探出了一只土黄色的岩石巨掌,一下子就将整个马车死死的掐在了掌心当中。 Although in the compartment of carriage presents purple brown flame at once, kept off the rock giant palm standard outside directly. 虽然马车的车厢上旋即出现了一层紫褐色的火焰,直接将岩石巨掌格挡在了外面。 But can also see indistinctly chassis of carriage shivers, has the Bavaria style tassels to sway fiercely, even the skeleton of automobile body transmitted being unable to withstand the load creak sound! 但也能隐约见到马车的车体一阵颤抖,有着巴伐利亚风格的流苏剧烈摇晃,甚至车身的骨架都传来了不堪重负的“咯吱咯吱”的声音! But this is not a key! Most fatal strikes, unexpectedly came from gust that blows with the wind side, in this wind brings the light flower fragrance unexpectedly, inside is also mixing the light purple black dust, if carefully does not look unable to look. 可这也并不是关键!最致命的一击,居然来自于旁边随风吹来的一阵风,这风中居然带着淡淡的花香,里面还混着淡淡紫黑色的尘埃,只是若不仔细看就看不出来。 These purple black dust prices are expensive, accurate, each ounce selling price surpassed 100,000 universe points! Because it is spore named black demon pattern mushroom, this gadget can with one typical described its value to the code. 这些紫黑色的尘埃价格非常昂贵,准确的来说,每一盎司的售价超过了十万通用点!因为它是一种叫做黑魔花纹菇的孢子,这玩意儿可以用一个典型的对标物来形容它的价值。 It is a gold/metal apple grade material!! Even if there is the rare is less, actually was also exceptionally precious. 它是与金苹果一个品级的施法材料!!其稀有度纵有不及,却也是异常珍贵了。 Treasure material rarely, will have many characteristics, for example the gold/metal apple has to let the crazy characteristics that the woman is infatuated with- This is one seems like no egg with characteristics that but actually wishes for earnestly most times. 如此珍罕的材料,更是会具备多种特性,比如金苹果就拥有让女人迷恋的疯狂特性--这是一项看起来没什么卵用但在很多时候却求之不得的特性。 The characteristics of black demon pattern mushroom, after are its powder wild animal / demon beast inhales, will let its crazy!! However to other lifeform is actually and does not have any use, makes their sense of smell cells feel the light fragrance at most. 黑魔花纹菇的特性,就是其粉末被野兽/魔兽吸入以后,会让其狂化!!但是对其余的生物却是并没有什么用处,顶多让它们的嗅觉细胞感觉到淡淡的香味而已。 After smelling into the spore of black demon pattern mushroom, that several pulling a cart nightmare beasts immediately became hot tempered anxious, its neck above golden color hunted for the mark is the natural start is sparking. 在嗅入到了黑魔花纹菇的孢子之后,那几头拉车的梦魇兽立即就变得暴躁不安了起来,其脖子上面的金色猎纹则是理所当然的开始闪亮。 Normally, hunts for the time not over three seconds of mark sparkle, the pain of because in this in a short time it causing has made the nightmare beast restore the reason sufficiently. 正常情况下,猎纹闪耀的时间不会超过三秒钟,因为在这短时间内它造成的痛苦已经足以令梦魇兽恢复理智。 However these had the exception time, the nightmare beast while exuding the painful howling, the body has actually started to inflate rapidly, in the middle of his eyes started to sample a lot of capillaries, did not inflate the hyperemia muscle even to break through body surface that thick skin normally!! 但是这一次出现了例外,梦魇兽在发出了痛苦吼叫声的同时,身体却已经开始迅速膨胀了起来,其双眼当中开始抽选了大量的血丝,不正常膨胀充血的肌肉甚至突破了体表那一层厚实的皮肤!! Meanwhile, the old nightmare beast cannot withstand the strength that within the body violent walks, an eyeball „”, exploded! In its pitch-dark eye socket, emerged a lot of as if magma instantaneously same passed the red bloody water. 同时,有一头年老梦魇兽更是承受不住体内暴走的力量,一只眼珠“啪啦”一声,爆炸了开来!它黑洞洞的眼眶里面,瞬间就涌现出来了大量仿佛岩浆一样的通红色血水。 These bloody water have the mercury same sense of reality unexpectedly, starts to select splattering everywhere, then fell the golden color on its neck to hunt for in the mark. 这些血水居然有着水银一样的质感,开始四处点点喷溅,然后落到了它脖子上的金色猎纹上。 The golden color hunts for the mark to start to incite to make noise, the obvious start was corroded by this wild blood, in the air also started to hear the vague sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, hunted for the mark also rapidly becomes pale, vanished. 金色猎纹开始滋滋作响,明显的开始被这狂暴之血侵蚀,空中也开始传来了若有若无的凄厉惨叫声,猎纹也是随之迅速变淡,消失。 Probably is the reason of following the example, other nightmare beasts also start to decode in the way of autonomy are hunting for the mark, because their souls and human bodies were imprisoned too for a long time, they long for gaining the freedom, they long for the Nirvana, even if pays the huge price!! 大概是有样学样的缘故,其余的梦魇兽也开始纷纷以自残的方式来破解着猎纹,因为它们的灵魂和肉体都被禁锢得太久,它们渴望获得自由,它们渴望涅槃,哪怕是付出巨大的代价!! All these said that is very long, actually happened in seconds, had not given any cushion the time, then saw these terrifying demon beast storms that pulled a cart walked in abundance, were separated the control that hunted for the mark, spouted the flame to tow to entrain the saddlery of carriage on to burning out!!! 这一切说起来很是漫长,却都发生在了几秒钟内,根本就没有给人以任何缓冲的时间,然后便见到拉车的这些恐怖魔兽纷纷暴走,脱离了猎纹的控制,喷出火焰将自己身上拖拽马车的鞍具烧尽!!! They gained the freedom!!! 它们获得了自由!!! This also means that another matter, the originally surrounded carriage, had lost the power thoroughly. 这也意味着另外一件事,本来就被困住的马车,已经彻底失去了动力。 After seeing this, the heart of Fang Linyan bang bang beat, he does not certainly think that senior steward Art will be hung here, relations of between this old thing with hunting for kings is very unique, it can be said that also the servant also friend also clone same existence, is the card in a hand is definitely many. 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩的心都“砰砰”跳动了起来,他当然不会以为那个老管家阿尔特巴就会在这里被挂掉,这个老东西与猎王之间的关系十分独特,可以说是亦仆亦友亦分身一样的存在,肯定是底牌多多的。 However the carriage was stranded, fell into the Japanese already in the middle of the strategy of prepare, the nightmare beast of pulling a cart loses control, will actually represent fight of both sides to launch regarding here, then the war will escalate again!! 但是马车被困,陷入了日本人早就布置好的阵法当中,拉车的梦魇兽失控,却代表着双方的战斗将会围绕着这里展开,然后战事再次升级!! The own biggest advantage has not exposed, can conceal the trace the line, in both sides, once makes really hot, full power investment fight time, is the good time that take advantage of a mistake. 自己最大的优势就是没有暴露,可以匿踪而行,在双方一旦打出真火,全力投入战斗的时候,就是自己捡漏的绝佳时机啊。 After this point, Fang Linyan sneaks off quietly, then through the unmanned aerial vehicle angle of view detected that Li three had returned to the livestock field with Li Ju, then chose converged with it. 考虑到了这一点之后,方林岩悄然溜走,然后通过无人机视角发觉李三与李沮两人已经返回了畜场,便选择了与之汇合。 After three people meet, Li three then delighted being overly proud said immediately: 三人一见面之后,李三便立即眉飞色舞的表功道: Young master, the good fortune does not fail in one's mission! Before I had brothers to live here, he listened to me to say after related situation, immediately asked several people, actually without discovering unusual circumstance, considering small devil possibly camouflage and so on cult tactic, then proposed started from another aspect.” “公子,幸不辱命!之前我有一个兄弟就住在这里,他听我说了相关的情况以后,立即就去问了几个人,却没发现异常情况,考虑到小鬼子可能会障眼法之类的邪术,便提议从另外一个方面去入手。” Fang Linyan „” a sound said: 方林岩“哦”了一声道: Which aspect?” “哪个方面?” Li three happily said: 李三得意道: He said, this group of young devils are attacked suddenly, and also escorts the important personage to run away here, is definitely tired and hungry, the body also has the wound, not only that they will not definitely stay for a long time here, will seek for the horses and other transportation vehicles.” “他说,这帮小鬼子乃是被骤然突袭,并且还护送着重要人物逃走到这里,那么肯定又累又饿,身上还有伤,不仅如此,肯定他们不会在这里久留,会寻找马匹等交通工具。” In this case, from food, the medicinal herb, horse these aspects starts, perhaps that has harvested!” “在这种情况下,从食物,药材,马儿这些方面入手,那就说不定有所收获!” Fang Linyan at present a bright say/way: 方林岩眼前一亮道: Very good idea, then?” “很不错的想法啊,然后呢?” Li three: 李三道: Locked on two goals, recently in a double-hour, east of town Liu Jia bought many food and medicine, Official gold/metal who makes the tung oil is purchasing the good horse.” “锁定了两个目标,最近一个时辰内,镇子东头的刘家买了不少食物和伤药,还有做桐油的金员外正在收购好马。” Fang Linyan nods, looks to nearby Li Ju, Li Ju is very simple say/way: 方林岩点点头,看向了旁边的李沮,李沮则是很干脆的道: „The east Xue Majangri surface came several strangers, Deng Jia casino to ask two to injure the doctor to pass red, the person who in Jin House made the work said, heard in the inner apartments to have the strange sound, she did for almost ten years in Jin Jia, heard in inside for the first time had such sound.” “东面的薛家马场里面来了几个陌生人,邓家赌场请了两个红伤大夫过去,金家宅子里面做活儿的人说,听到内宅里面有奇怪的声音,她在金家做了差不多十年了,第一次在里面听到了有这样的声音。” Key is this morning Official gold/metal goes out well fortunately, came back not to permit the person to approach the inner apartments, relies on to favor including the secondary wife who just gave birth to the third young master to want arrogantly, pulled out by a palm of the hand on the face cried the half of the day.” “关键是今天上午金员外出去还好好的,回来就不准人靠近内宅了,连刚生下三少爷的六姨太恃宠而骄想要进去,也被一个巴掌抽在了脸上哭了半天。” Fang Linyan hesitant, immediately caught these two information something in common, that was Official gold/metal and Jin House, immediately said: 方林岩犹豫了一下,立即就捕捉到了这两个情报当中的共同之处,那就是金员外和金家宅子,立即道: „Is Official gold/metal who you said the same person?” “你们说的金员外是不是同一个人?” Li Judao: 李沮道: Yes, I determined, because in this town makes the tung oil originally only then two, however three years ago, tung oil Shan by old gold/metal this person with kindly face and cruel heart planning, can only sell their oil mill.” “是,我确定,因为这镇子上做桐油的本来就只有两家,但是在三年前,桐油单家就被老金这笑面虎给算计了,只能将自家的油坊卖了出去。” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Pays attention to Jin House with emphasis, other places make your here people follow up!” “重点关注金家宅子,其余的地方就让你们这边的人跟进吧!” Jin House was locked rapidly by Fang Linyan, because first Japan simply has not planned for a long time here the stay, only strove for striving to the cushion time of 1-2 hours, without the consumption initial capital covered the whereabouts. Secondly what is Fang Linyan goes to inquire is the fellows of two powerful grandmaster ranks. 金家宅子之所以迅速就被方林岩锁定住了,一来是因为日方也根本没有打算长期在这里逗留,只求争取到1-2小时的缓冲时间而已,没有耗费血本去掩盖行踪。二来则是方林岩这边前去打探的是两位强大的宗师级别的家伙。 At this time the clear to see the earth tooth that circled in the middle of the midair were getting more and more, gets stronger and stronger regarding the offensive and defensive operations that the carriage compartment launched, is being opportunity must not be lost, lost no longer comes, Fang Linyan also took the bull by the horns, led two big experts to make a long-range raid directly the past toward Jin House. 这时候眼见得在半空当中盘旋的土牙越来越多,围绕着马车车厢开展的攻防战越演越烈,正可谓是机不可失,失不再来,方林岩也是当机立断,直接带着两大高手朝着金家宅子奔袭了过去。 After arriving at the Jin House entrance, Fang Linyan felt the entirely different place immediately, because this house semblance was seemingly normal, what was actually normal was only an outer court. 来到了金家宅子门口之后,方林岩立即就感觉到了截然不同之处,因为这宅子外表看似正常,其实正常的只是外院而已。 Inside servant, maidservant and so on becomes one group, directs to the explosive sound that not far away is hearing, talking in whispers, and obviously fears. 里面的仆人,丫鬟之类的慌成一团,对着不远处传来的爆炸声指指点点,窃窃私语,并且明显还十分恐惧。 However not only in the middle of the inner courtyard no one takes a walk, is much more peaceful, Fang Linyan saw collapsed on the corridor corpse, the blood of big beach/pool flowed from its, but this corpse also had a dropping tray on hand. 但是内院当中不仅没有一个人走动,更是安静得可怕,方林岩更是看到了一具瘫倒在了走廊上的尸体,大滩的鲜血从其身下流淌了出来,而这尸体的手边还有一个跌落的托盘。 Obviously, this is a unlucky servant, comes to deliver food with good intention, then should suffer the undifferentiated attack evidently 显然,这是一个倒霉的仆人,好心进来送食物,然后看样子应该是遭受到了无差别的攻击 Because in nearby not far away of corpse, a dog corpse, even under the tree also has the bird corpse! 因为在尸体的旁边不远处,还有一条狗尸,甚至树下还有鸟尸! What is more important, the Fang Linyan unmanned aerial vehicle then surrounded, detected that nearby the inner courtyard spread many similar corpses! This can only explain a matter, that was in the middle of the inner courtyard opened the strategy of some no difference attack, once went in later triggers must die without doubt. 更重要的是,方林岩的无人机接着环绕了一圈,发觉内院附近散布了不少类似的尸体!这只能说明一件事,那就是内院当中开启了某种无差别攻击的阵法,一旦进去以后触发就必死无疑。 Meanwhile, Fang Linyan locked one almost to determine that the Japanese has come here evidence, because out nearby one, presented a Japanese-style style strong human form to have the full armor impressively, this armor interior and no one, but was the direct activation, in the middle of armor head that empty eye socket, presented two groups of black flame unexpectedly. 同时,方林岩更是锁定了一件几乎可以确定日本人来过这里的证据,因为在旁边的一处门外,赫然出现了一件日式风格浓烈的人形具足铠甲,这件铠甲内部并没有人,而是直接活化了,铠甲头部那空洞的眼窝当中,居然出现了两团黑色的火焰。 In this case, Fang Linyan not startled counter- happy, its reason is very simple, that explained that in this Jin Mansion has the thing that the Japanese must protect obviously! They activate the strategy, even awakened reason that has the full puppet, should feels the insufficiency of protection strength. 在这种情况下,方林岩不惊反喜,其原因很简单,那就说明这金家大宅内显然有着日本人必须要守护的东西!他们激活阵法,甚至唤醒了具足傀儡的原因,应该就是感觉到了防护力量的不足。 As the saying goes preparation must not delay performance, Fang Linyan calmed down carefully observed nearby situation, then. And there is no new discovery, this to really be an awkward matter. 有道是磨刀不误砍柴工,方林岩沉住气仔细观察了附近的情况,然后.并没有什么新的发现,这可真是一件令人尴尬的事情。 Is good does not understand because of oneself asks others, side Fang Linyan doesn't have two experts? 好在自己不懂就问别人,方林岩身边不就有两个高手吗? Especially Li three takes the break- to regard the professional thief like this, without the meaningful glance has capsized, therefore, he very simple called two people directly. 尤其是李三这样拿入室盗窃当成职业的大盗,没有点眼色的早就翻船了,所以,他很干脆的就直接将两人叫了过来。 The result sees the present inner courtyard, the Li three looks became enforced, unexpectedly pulled out a compass directly, then started to draw at an above point, in the mouth also read such as mountain surrounded by water to hug to be angry, in white tiger entered entire family executed and so on mnemonics. 结果一看到眼前的内院,李三的眼神就变得严肃了起来,居然直接就掏出了一个罗盘,然后开始在上面点点画画起来,嘴巴里面还念着诸如“山环水抱必有气,白虎入内全家毙”之类的口诀。 Those who made Fang Linyan not think, Li Ju this fellow looked also has the plan of dealing unexpectedly, he took out a bowl from the bosom, then packed the water the bowl, put out rune/symbol Lujia again in the fingers in a flash, lit gently directly. 方林岩没想到的是,李沮这家伙居然看起来也有应对的方案,他从怀中取出了一个碗,然后将碗装满水,再拿出了一张符箓夹在手指间轻轻一晃,就直接点燃了。 Then extinguished this rune/symbol Luan in the middle of the water bowl, this move teaches the technique of famous symbol water fragrant, not only can treat an illness, and can exorcise! 接着就将这张符箓按灭在了水碗当中,这一招就是香教著名的符水之术,既能治病,又能驱邪! Then Li Ju drank this bowl of rune/symbol water in the mouth, puffs out, immediately saw the ground to be many two wet small footprints. 接着李沮将这一碗符水喝在了嘴巴里面,“噗”的一声喷了出去,立即就见到地上多了两个湿漉漉的小脚印。 This is the secret that teaches fragrant: The little rascal call! 这就是香教的秘传:小鬼唤! These two small footprints on „” walked toward the front, seems like obviously looks like has an invisible child to enter to inner courtyard. 紧接着,这两个小脚印就“吧嗒吧嗒”的朝着前方走了过去,看起来明显就像是有一个隐形小孩进入到内院似的。 However, this small footprint, when close to inner courtyard, on obvious hesitant, then gathered round the inner courtyard to walk the small half-turn, finally as if found a flaw, walked slowly. 不过,这个小脚印在靠近内院的时候,就明显的犹豫了起来,然后围着内院走了小半圈,最后似乎找到了一个破绽,才慢慢的走了进去。 At this time said needlessly, Fang Linyan that breakthrough point has remembered was very clear, but, that small footprint went in less than two minutes, Li Ju complexion also changes! 此时不消说,方林岩已经将那个切入点记得很清楚了,但是,那个小脚印进去了不到两分钟的时间,李沮的脸色就随之一变! Because he saw that bowl that impressively oneself take sent out a light sound of Karrer, its surface suddenly presented a slit! This bowl is the dwelling place of little rascal, it had the problem, can only explain that the little rascal is more unfortunate than fortunate. 因为他赫然见到自己拿出来的那只碗发出了一声“卡勒”的轻响,其表面突然出现了一条缝隙!这只碗是小鬼的居处,它出现了问题,只能说明小鬼凶多吉少。 At this time the Fang Linyan also complexion changed, because he saw impressively, in the middle of the sky cloud layer had presented a huge vortex, the center of vortex had the electricity photoproduction to extinguish. 这时候方林岩也脸色一变,因为他赫然看到,天空当中的云层已经出现了一个巨大的旋涡,旋涡的中央则是有电光生灭。 Such unusual condition local resident is could not notice that but Fang Linyan actually knows, obviously on must enlarge in both sides of fierce confrontation incurred, this means that conflict of both sides likely must decide the victory and defeat, but whoever wins whom to lose, regarding Fang Linyan is not the good news. 这样的异状本土居民是看不到的,但方林岩却知道,很显然正在激烈冲突的双方就要放大招了,这就意味着双方的冲突很可能就要分出胜负,而无论谁胜谁负,对于方林岩来说都不是好消息啊。 At this time, Fang Linyan looked at a Li three and Li Ju, in the heart has a thought to pace back and forth: 这时候,方林岩看了一眼李三和李沮,心中有一个念头正在徘徊: Oneself are leads their two people to go, does a person go in?” “自己是带着他们两人去呢,还是一个人进去呢?” If three people go together, Li Ju is hiding the aspect is very ordinary, it is estimated that divided minute to be discovered, here was also the den of enemy, means that the upfront attacked hardly. 若是三人同去的话,李沮在躲藏方面却很是一般,估计分分钟就被发现了,这里也是敌人的老巢,就意味着正面硬攻。 Thinks of here, Fang Linyan at present cannot bear appear an oriental cherry that startled day blade to cancel this thought immediately, oneself in the situation of having choosing, can't bet the luck to wrestle the opposite party not in? 想到这里,方林岩的眼前忍不住就浮现出了樱花那惊天一刀立即打消了这个念头,自己在有得选的情况下,总不能赌运气搏一搏对方不在吧? Therefore, he deeply inspires, to Li three and Li Judao: 所以,他深吸了一口气,对着李三和李沮道: Your two find a place to bring up the rear to me, I advanced.” “你们两位找个地方给我压阵,我先进去了。” Does not wait for them to answer, the Fang Linyan line start sneaking, then according to the footprint of little rascal touched toward inside directly. 不等他们回话,方林岩就直接启动了潜行,然后根据小鬼的脚印直接朝着里面摸了进去。 Li three this times also said suddenly: 李三这时候也是突然道: Wait?” “等等?” Fang Linyan then gave the doubts look. 方林岩回头给了个疑惑的眼神。 Li three are the sincere say/way: 李三则是正色道: „After I survey the terrain, on the trigram has to demonstrate two mnemonics, the young master must remember: Meeting the wood is ominous, with water extraordinarily good luck.” “我勘测地形以后,卦上有显示两句口诀,少爷要记住了:逢木则凶,遇水大吉。” Fang Linyan gawked staring, originally is some does not believe that but this is the pressure bottom unique skills of Li three walk rivers and lakes, others depend upon this walk rivers and lakes to keep a family in addition for dozens years, definitely has the truth, therefore then nods. 方林岩愣了愣,本来是有些不信的,但想必这就是李三行走江湖的压箱底绝活儿,人家依靠这个行走江湖外加养家糊口几十年,肯定是有自己道理在的,于是便点了点头。 With sneaking of Fang Linyan, his sensation also started to have the function, quick detected invasion a little way that little rascal chose, the crisis that here the sensation arrived was weakest. 随着方林岩的潜入,他的感知也开始产生了作用,很快的就发觉那小鬼选择的侵入点还是有点儿门道的,在这里感知到的危机乃是最弱的。 As after thorough of Fang Linyan, he detected, this presents most mechanisms/organizations all the way is the line! 随着方林岩的深入之后他就发觉,这一路上出现最多的机关就是线! Horizontally the silk thread, is slanting silk thread, in ground tight silk thread, probably spider web same silk thread, as if mist same end 横着的丝线,斜着的丝线,在地上绷紧的丝线,像是蜘蛛网一样的丝线,仿佛雾气一样的线头 Obviously, one, but bumped into this end, definitely direct exposure whereabouts. 很显然,一但碰到了这线头,肯定就直接暴露行踪。 If not for Fang Linyan strengthened the sensation, and footprint of little rascal, in the front explores the way, oneself also raised 120 attention, otherwise also already move. 若不是方林岩强化了感知,并且还有小鬼的脚印在前方探路,自身也是提起了一百20的注意力,否则的话也早就中招了。 After waiting to arrive at the inner courtyard deep place, Fang Linyan also knows the cause of death of that little rascal, by nearby one seems like has the full puppet who if statue cutting to kill. 等来到了内院深处之后,方林岩也知道了那只小鬼的死因,是被旁边的一只看似若雕像的具足傀儡给斩杀的。 Little rascal is very keen to the Yang spirit induction of living person, but that full puppet is the lifeless object, therefore on general idea/careless. 小鬼儿对生人的阳气感应十分灵敏,但是那具足傀儡乃是无生命的物体,所以就大意了。 This only has the full puppet to seem like the armor, actually the body is also twining a lot of silk threads, was these silk threads gave its unequalled explosive force, once induced, that will stick out suddenly launches an attack! 这只具足傀儡看似铠甲,其实身上也是缠绕着大量的丝线,就是这些丝线给了它无与伦比的爆发力,一旦有所感应的话,那就会暴起发难! The little rascal who Li Juyu causes when passes through the water puddle that as if rainwater forms, had not noticed that under the water puddle is also burying nearly colorless transparent puppet silk unexpectedly, therefore steps on, immediately move. 李沮御使的小鬼在经过一个仿佛雨水形成的水洼的时候,就没留意到水洼下方居然还埋着一根近乎无色透明的傀儡丝,因此一踩踏上去之后立即中招。 After passing through place that the little rascal died, Fang Linyan cannot bear also complains in the heart secretly, suddenly thought that damn Li three are far-fetched, or spoke incorrectly the mnemonics? 经过了小鬼死掉的地方以后,方林岩忍不住也是在心里面暗自吐槽,突然觉得狗日的李三是不是不靠谱,或者把口诀说错了? This where is meets the wood to be ominous, with the water extraordinarily good luck, dies with the water obviously! Where doesn't know? 这哪里是逢木则凶,遇水大吉,明明就是遇水就死!不知道吉在哪里? At this time, Fang Linyan heard the front to have the speaking voice suddenly, hurried then hid the shadow the body, then saw a Japanese slowly walked from the front, this person wore a silk fabrics gown, the chest place actually writes one with the writing brush governing character. 这时候,方林岩突然听到了前方有说话声,急忙便将身体藏匿到了阴影当中,然后便见到了一个日本人徐徐的从前方走了过来,这个人穿着一件绸缎袍子,前胸处却用毛笔写着一个“御”字。 But the posture that he acts is very strange: 而他行动的姿势很是诡异: The lower part and normal act do not have much difference, but the whole person actually closed the eye, the upper part both hands stretch out straight in front of oneself, ten fingers look like are moving cleverly, is pressing anything that the ball piano such non-stop spatially. 下半身和正常行动没有太大的区别,但是整个人却闭上了眼睛,上半身双手平伸而出,十根手指就像是在弹钢琴那样不停的灵巧拨动着,不停的空按着什么。 Carefully observed for several seconds to see, he is not pressing spatially, the place of finger touching, unexpectedly silk threads that presented in the midair, this silk thread looked like the spider web to be the same, transparency, when was pressed presented the little ray ripples, will therefore pay attention. 只是仔细观察了几秒钟就能看出,他并不是在空按的,手指触及之处,竟然是在半空当中出现的一道道丝线,这丝线就像是蜘蛛丝一样,完全透明的,只是在被按动的时候出现了一点点的光线涟漪,因此才会被注意到。 After Fang Linyan observed for almost a half minute, then discovered, when this Japanese arrives periphery had the place of trees, really has exceptionally, and does not have any wind, but the leaf of trees will actually rock slightly! 方林岩观察了差不多半分钟之后便发现,当这名日本人来到了周围有树木的地方的时候,果然就有异常,并没有什么风,可是树木的树叶却会微微晃动! Obviously, in the middle of the branches and leaves of trees has the thing, likely is the puppet who this Japanese releases, this also aims at the trap that the possible external intruder sets up exactly, because on the shadow under tree and tree, will be people subconscious the place that will attempt to hide. 很显然,树木的枝叶当中藏有东西,很可能是这名日本人释放出来的傀儡,这也是恰好针对可能出现的外来入侵者设下的陷阱,因为无论是树上和树下的阴影,都是人们潜意识所会尝试藏匿的地方。 It seems like on this point, Fang Linyan feels truth that somewhat now Li three said. 就这一点看起来,方林岩现在就觉得李三说的有几分道理了。 But when Fang Linyan continues to observe that Japanese puppet master, heard suddenly side transmitted bang a loud sound!! 而就在方林岩继续观察那名日本傀儡师的时候,突然之间就听到了旁边传来了轰隆一声巨响!! He startled however raised the head, immediately detected a nearby house was hit to collapse, then the flame surges, embezzles the house directly, dashed a eye to be red from the flame, wild giant beast that the back scarlet long neck hair danced in the air. 他惊然抬头,顿时发觉旁边的一栋房屋惨遭撞塌,然后火焰翻腾,直接将房屋吞没,从火焰当中飞奔出了一头眼睛通红,背部赤鬃飞舞的狂暴巨兽。 This gadget is not other, lost control of the nightmare beast, can see that on its skin had massive crack performances, in the slit of skin had the scarlet red liquid to infiltrate, the semblance seemed like has felt exceptionally terrifyingly. 这玩意儿不是别的,正是一头失控了的梦魇兽,可以见到它的皮肤上都出现了大量的龟裂现象,皮肤的缝隙里面有赤红色的液体在渗透出来,外表看起来就已经觉得异常恐怖。 At this time the person saw this fellow, startled incomparable running away, result wild nightmare beast put out a hot breath, will fire the ashes directly. 此时有一个人见到了这家伙,惊慌无比的逃走,结果这头狂暴的梦魇兽吐出了一口火息,直接将之烧成了灰烬。
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