FE :: Volume #13

#1389: Sits mountain Guanhu to fight

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Chapter 1387 sits mountain Guanhu to fight 第1387章坐山观虎斗 At this time Art stood in fifth child's front, did not speak, but peaceful looks that front is moaning in the pain, he who cowered to shiver. 此时阿尔特巴就站在了老五的面前,却并不说话,只是安静的看着面前正在痛苦呻吟,瑟缩颤抖的他。 Fifth child's oneself had been struck to kill, at this time said strictly in the fifth child who in the middle of the third prison presented was only part of his soul, therefore what willpower, space protection was invalid, basically Art inquired anything, the fifth child will reply truthfully. 老五的本人已经被击杀了,此时在第三狱当中出现的老五严格说起来只是他灵魂的一部分而已,所以什么意志力,空间保护的统统都无效了,基本上阿尔特巴询问什么,老五就会如实回答。 In a while, Art waves, then received the third prison again, at this time was saying to Chen Heli: 没过多久,阿尔特巴就一挥手,然后重新将第三狱收了起来,这时候才对着陈和利查道: Japanese also thought that in Liu Jialiang's green-standard troops has existence of space soldier, but has not caught this fellow, only what can affirm, even if there is a space soldier, is still 12 individuals.” “日本人这边也觉得刘家亮的绿营兵里面有空间战士的存在,不过并没有抓到过这家伙,唯一能肯定的是,就算是有空间战士,也就是一两个人而已。” After obtaining such affirmative news, Chen Heli relax, raised the eyebrow, the say/way of having a relish: 得到了这样肯定的消息以后,陈和利查两人都松了一口气,利查更是扬起了眉毛,饶有兴致的道: Interesting, is really interesting, I hope actually this fellow really existed, in this case, we do not mind the table of gluttony feasts while eating, tastes a Scotland milk pudding while convenient.” “有意思,真有意思,我倒是希望这个家伙真的存在了,这样的话,我们并不介意在吃掉面前的这一桌饕餮大餐的同时,顺带品尝一份苏格兰牛奶布丁。” At this time, the distant place one team of pro-green camp cavalries ran quickly to come, what was the head was a husky fellow, on his shoulder is stopping a fierce vulture impressively. 这时候,远处又有一队绿营骑兵奔驰而来,为首的乃是一名彪形大汉,其肩头上赫然停着一只凶恶的秃鹫。 The head of this vulture withstand/top the minister a sarcoma, the outward appearance can be said as bright red like the blood, the head about swings occasionally, has an absolutely terrified feeling by the people who it stares. 这只秃鹫的脑袋顶部长着一个肉瘤,外观可以说是鲜红如血,脑袋偶尔左右摆动一下,被它盯到的人都有一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 This husky fellow has run quickly the carriage front, jumps down from the horseback of warhorse directly, he falls to the ground both feet numerous pounding on the ground, looks like the heavy item to fall to the ground, sent out thump a dull thumping sound, even the skeleton army boots on foot submerge the soil less than half one. 这彪形大汉一直奔驰到了马车前方,才直接从战马的马背上跳了下来,他落地的时候双脚重重的砸在了地上,就像是重物落地似的,发出了“咚”的一声闷响,甚至脚上的骷髅军靴都没入泥土一小半。 Then this husky fellow arrived in front of Art, was saying to him: 然后这彪形大汉走到了阿尔特巴面前,对着他道: Stopped up?” “堵住了?” Saw the impolite attitude of this husky fellow, immediately sinking sound said: 利查见到了这彪形大汉的无礼态度,顿时沉声道: „Does meat grinder, pay attention to your attitude?!” “绞肉机,注意你的态度?!” The meat grinder looked at one eyes, then touched own bald, languid say/way: 绞肉机看了利查一眼,然后摸了摸自己的光头,懒洋洋的道: „Does boy, you hunt for king to speak in the representative?” “小子,你是在代表猎王说话吗?” Complexion changes said: 利查脸色一变道: Naturally cannot.” “当然不能。” The meat grinder said proudly: 绞肉机傲然道: But I am actually representing sound king and you to negotiate! Therefore has the words of what opinion, when you arrive at can represent to hunt for the king the time again comes with me to discuss!” “但是我却是在代表着音王和你们交涉!所以有什么意见的话,等你到了可以代表猎王的时候再来和我讨论吧!” Is just about to speak, senior steward Art actually raised the hand to wield wielding, then to meat grinder say/way: 利查正要说话,老管家阿尔特巴却举起了手挥了挥,然后对着绞肉机道: According to the accurate information, that group of Japanese has been stopped up by us now in this, therefore according to the agreement, is you make a move, the spoils of war quota of otherwise, before settling needs to change.” “根据确切的情报,现在那帮日本人已经被我们堵在了这里面,所以按照约定,是你们出手的时候了,否则的话,之前说定的战利品配额则是需要改一改了。” The meat grinder nods saying: 绞肉机点点头道: Does not have the issue, should we make a move, we will be will not have the basket absolutely.” “没问题,应该我们出手的时候,我们是绝对不会出篓子的。” After saying, the meat grinder blew a whistling saying: 说完了之后,绞肉机就吹了一声口哨道: Goes! Bomber aircraft!” “去吧!轰炸机!” Immediately saw of his shoulder was only fierce the vulture to start to whip the wing to fly, this bird flew can be said as is not quick, moreover in nearby around the circle flight. 立即就见到了他肩头的那只凶恶秃鹫开始拍打着翅膀飞了起来,这只鸟飞得可以说是并不快,而且也是在附近绕着圈儿飞行的。 With the flight of this vulture, its also started to present the little brother behind unexpectedly, in following circling flight, initial time was only several house sparrows, gradually were many some swallows, was the goose, the wild duck, the bat and so on common local birds. 只是随着这只秃鹫的飞行,它的身后居然也开始出现了小弟,在跟随着盘旋飞行着,最初的时候只是几只麻雀,渐渐的就多了些燕子,然后就是大雁,野鸭,蝙蝠等等本地常见的鸟类。 Quick, took this vulture to form a huge bird group as the arrow, at this time the meat grinder made the movement that waved downward, these birds seemed to be same on the bomber aircraft, scatter in all directions were firing into the middle of the front Gucheng Town! 很快的,就以这只秃鹫为箭头形成了一个庞大的鸟群,这时候绞肉机做了一个向下挥手的动作,那些鸟类就仿佛轰炸机一样,四散着冲向了前方的古城镇当中! Carefully looks, the eyes of these birds turned into the scarlet red, they have been in the middle of not the normal condition very much obviously, each bird is equivalent is controlled, is existence of out-and-out spy. 仔细看去,这些鸟儿的双眼都变成了赤红色,很显然它们已经处于不正常的状态当中,每一只鸟都相当于被控制,乃是不折不扣间谍的存在。 Has local spy who these can fly, depends on this, no wonder the meat grinder seems unruly in Art front, let alone this fellow and blood axe Elder Brother Beese this fellow is the same, seeming like that type excels at the chaotic war, tyrannical soldier who can cut the back row directly? 有了这些会飞行的本土间谍,就凭这一手,难怪绞肉机在阿尔特巴的面前显得桀骜不驯,更何况这家伙和血斧比斯哥这种家伙一样,看起来就是那种擅长乱战,能直接切后排的强横战士? Such person, in the middle of any team, definitely will be regarded the core member to treat training. 这样的人,在任何一个团队当中,都必然会被当成核心成员来对待培养的。 Quick, in the middle of the sky bird group has vanished, only then that vulture still circles in the midair, it evidently and has nothing meaning that must approach the town, but with its circling, the distant place will still have the fragmentary bird to fly, then follows behind it flies 很快的,天空当中的鸟群已经消失,只有那只秃鹫依然在半空盘旋,它看样子并没有任何要靠近镇子的意思,而随着它的盘旋,远处依然会有零星的鸟儿飞来,然后就跟随在它后方飞行 Obviously, once this vulture behind bird group accumulates to the certain extent, the flying into town that they will be duty-bound not to turn back again, carries out own spy task. 显然,一旦这秃鹫身后的鸟群积累到一定程度,它们就会再次义无反顾的飞入镇子,执行自己的间谍任务。 *** *** To be honest, although Fang Linyan does not know many stories that this has secretly, does not know that Song celebrate here space soldier unexpectedly was the person who hunted for the king chord king. 说实话,方林岩虽然并不知道这幕后发生的许多故事,更不知道宋庆这边的空间战士居然是猎王和音王的人. But mingles among for a long time slippery customer as one in the space, he still keen capture the crisis of this blowing up for rain! 但作为一根在空间当中混迹已久的老油条,他依然敏锐至极的捕捉到了这山雨欲来风满楼的危机! To be honest, Fang Linyan really must thank Chino's package kerchief for the asylum that he provides, this makes him be able under the searches of two big influences is not discovered, can Gou dwell grow slowly. 说实话,方林岩真的要感谢“奇诺的包头巾”为他提供的庇护,这才让他能够在两大势力的同时搜查下没有被发现,得以苟住慢慢发育。 At this time Fang Linyan had arrived at outside the town in the middle of the livestock field of half li (0.5 km) road, at this time the transaction big end of Gucheng Town is the draft animal, but once probably beast of burden such draft animal on hundred, the inventory that the fodder that then eats every day draws is very astonishing. 此时方林岩已经来到了镇子外面半里路的一处畜场当中,此时古城镇的交易大头就是牲口,而像是牛马这样的大牲口一旦上了百余头,那么每天吃的草料拉出来的存货都是十分惊人的。 If places the livestock field in the town/subdues, that definitely is not realistic, therefore has 67 such livestock fields nearby Gucheng Town this. 若是将畜场安置在镇内的话,那肯定是不现实的,所以在古城镇这附近都足足有六七个这样的畜场。 But this Hong livestock field during the boss, is actually the core member who fragrance teaches, but his business also completely depends upon the personal connection that teaches fragrant to be able successfully to achieve the present scale. 而这一处“洪家畜场”的老板,却是一名香教当中的核心分子,而他的生意也是完全依靠香教的人脉才得以成功做到现在的规模。 Therefore, when Li Ju this big Senior Brother opens the mouth, Boss Hong has certainly no two words, very simple bringing, and treats, if honored guest, delicious tasty entertains on. 所以,当李沮这大师兄开口的时候,洪老板当然没有任何二话,很干脆的就将人给带了进来,并且待若上宾,好吃好喝的都招待上。 But at this time the oriental cherry, is a meat grinder, did not have the prepare corresponding measure, therefore Fang Linyan treats at this time in the middle of a spatial livestock awning can be said as is comfortable, and he has not needed to worry now- Li Ju and Li three are starting their personal connections to handle the matter! Fang Linyan sat idle and enjoyed the fruits is good. 而这时候无论是樱花这边,还是绞肉机这边,都还没有布置好相应的措施,所以方林岩此时待在一处空的畜棚当中可以说是舒适得很,并且他现在还不用操心-李沮和李三都在发动他们的人脉办事儿呢!方林岩坐享其成就好了。 Suddenly, heard the fierce explosive sound in the distant place, in the Fang Linyan heart moved, immediately looked toward the distant place, immediately saw in the middle of the sky of distant place leapt the bird group , seemed like very strange brown monster to fly the sky, starts bird that pursued these to scatter in all directions. 忽然之间,在远处传来了剧烈的爆炸声,方林岩心中一动,立即朝着远处看了过去,立即见到了远处的天空当中腾起了鸟群,紧接着,一头看起来就很诡异的土黄色怪物就飞上天空,开始追逐这些四散的鸟儿。 That brown monster seems like the body likely snake, has the termite same wing as if, actually the unexpected flexibility, from the sky throws catches these startled birds effortlessly, it can be said that stresses one. 那土黄色怪物看起来身躯像蛇,却有着仿佛白蚁一样的翅膀,却出人意料的灵活,在空中扑抓那些惊慌的鸟儿毫不费力,可以说是一抓一个准。 At this time the bird cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, aims here to fly, at this time the sensation of Fang Linyan extra addition plays the enormous role, in his heart appeared immediately the light threat feeling, therefore hid in the middle of nearby livestock awning immediately. 此时有一只鸟儿慌不择路,对准了这边飞了过来,此时方林岩额外加成的感知就起到了极大的作用,他的心中立即就浮现出淡淡的威胁感,于是立即就重新藏到了旁边的畜棚当中。 When this bird, Fang Linyan on clear sight, this is a common swallow, but its two eyes are unexpectedly red! Looks gives the strange feeling! 等到这只鸟儿靠近以后,方林岩就清晰的见到,这是一只常见的燕子,但它的两只眼睛居然是通红的!看起来就给人以诡异的感觉! After it circles here one flew away, Fang Linyan then sets out, then looked to the distant place midair that brown monster, lost to investigate to it, finally only obtained corresponding information few: earth tooth( type god). 等到它在这里盘旋了一圈飞走以后,方林岩便重新起身,然后看向了远处半空中那只土黄色的怪物,对它丢了个侦查上去,结果只获得了寥寥的相应信息:土牙(式神)。 At this time in the middle of the sky fight presents the lopsided aspect, these were controlled share that the bird completely was killed by mistreatment by the earth tooth. 此时天空当中的战斗呈现出一面倒的局面,那些被控制了的鸟儿完全只有被土牙虐杀的份儿。 At this time, Boss Hong also arrived at Fang Linyan side, looked up to say/way that the sky muttered: 这时候,洪老板也来到了方林岩的旁边,抬头看向了天空喃喃的道: How to present so many birds at this time?” “怎么这时候会出现这么多的鸟?” Obviously, Boss Hong cannot see the in the air earth tooth, this gadget should is the strange class thing, looking like the average person is very difficult during the daytime damn is a truth, therefore in his eyes, can see is that the bird group flies randomly. 很显然,洪老板是看不到空中的土牙的,这玩意儿应该是属于灵异类的东西,就像是普通人白天很难见鬼是一个道理,所以在他的眼里面,能看到的就是鸟群乱飞的那一幕。 At this time, Fang Linyan actually realized a matter suddenly: The earth tooth and these controlled birds are the different two sides obviously, otherwise, both sides will not have the phenomenon that so massacres with raw hate. 这时候,方林岩却忽然意识到了一件事:土牙和这些被控制的鸟类显然是属于不同的两方,否则的话,双方不会出现出现如此凶狠残杀的现象。 Obviously, controls the side of birds at this time in the absolute disadvantage, the earth tooth is conducting the lopsided slaughter completely, therefore is certainly impossible to look on that such situation happened. 很显然,操控鸟类的这一方此时处于绝对的劣势,土牙完全是在进行一面倒的屠杀,所以是一定不可能坐视这样的情况发生的。 Then, then has the conflict the position, having the big probability is the place that this earth tooth is at! 那么,接下来产生冲突的位置,有大概率是这头土牙所在的地方! At this time although Li three and Li Ju has not come back, Fang Linyan actually opened the stealth ability decisively, touched toward that earth tooth place. 这时候虽然李三和李沮都还没有回来,方林岩却果断的开启了隐身能力,朝着那头土牙处摸了过去。 He suddenly thought that at this time this world packed attribute characteristics also are really good, the sensation that oneself breeds hunting, should in all entry space soldier rock rows to very position near the top, in addition Chino's package kerchief and stealth, makes him have the energy to attempt to fish in troubled waters in the past. 他这时候突然觉得本世界压缩属性的特性还真是不错,自己一个殖猎者的感知,应该在所有进入的空间战士中排到很靠前的位置了,再加上奇诺的包头巾和隐身,才让他有底气过去尝试浑水摸鱼一番。 Naturally, Fang Linyan is a cautious person, he did not count on that can pick anything to leak in this wave greatly, takes what advantage. To collect some information, because of the present the Japanese here information, was Song celebrate the information of space soldier, it can be said that was extremely deficient. 当然,方林岩是一个谨慎的人,他也并不指望能在这一波里面捡到什么大漏,占到什么便宜。只是想要去搜集一些情报而已,因为现在无论是日本人这边的情报,还是宋庆这边空间战士的情报,可以说是都极其匮乏。 How Fang Linyan will plan again, will map out strategic plans in an army tent, under the premise without information, can only describe with can not make bricks without straw. But such situation also makes him not adapt, therefore takes some risks also to attempt even if at this time to reconnoiter. 方林岩再怎么会算计,会运筹帷幄,在没有情报的前提下,就只能用巧妇难为无米之炊来形容。而这样的情况也让他非常不适应,所以哪怕此时冒一些险也要去尝试侦察一番。 The words saying that is really not out of the anticipation of Fang Linyan, after that earth tooth got rid of many birds in a threatening manner, suddenly in the middle of the sky the big group shadow covered it. 话说果然不出方林岩的意料,那头土牙气势汹汹的干掉了不少鸟雀以后,忽然天空当中就有一大团阴影覆盖住了它。 Does this shadow come from where? That vulture of meat grinder control cannot endure patiently, looks the little brother who oneself abducting comes died a tragic death, therefore first quiet approaches from the upper air, then launched the attack under the anger. 这阴影从何而来?正是绞肉机操控的那一头秃鹫忍耐不住,看着自己“诱拐”来的小弟纷纷惨死,于是先悄无声息的从高空当中靠近,然后在愤怒之下发起了攻击。 This vulture in ordinary also on general size, when diving attack, the feather on entire body fluffy, around the claw also has the intense electric light unexpectedly! 1 st looks, looks like one to linger the meteorite of electric light to drop from the clouds from top to bottom!! 这头秃鹫在普通的时候个头也就一般大小,只是在俯冲攻击的时候,整个身体上的羽毛都蓬松了开来,爪子周围居然还带着强烈的电光!初一看去,就像是一颗浑身上下萦绕着电光的陨石从天而降!! When the earth tooth induced the vulture wild struck, the space that it has not dodged, can only hold up the head reluctantly, aims at the sky to put out yellow mist. 等到土牙感应到了秃鹫的狂暴一击的时候,它已经没有闪避的空间了,只能勉强昂着头,对准了天空吐出了一股黄色的雾气。 But the action of earth tooth this time revolts, is more like desperate under chats by the behavior of comfort that yellow mist to the dive, but the below vulture use does not have, a tissue or was the spider's silk hangs on its feather at most probably. 但土牙此时的这举动与其说是反抗,更像是绝望之下聊以安慰的行为而已那黄色雾气对俯冲而下的秃鹫一点儿用处都没有,顶多像是一层薄纱或者是蛛丝挂在了其羽毛上。 Then this vulture the claw of lightning all of a sudden on pinching ruthlessly on the neck of earth tooth, terrifying electric light sparkle continuously, this earth tooth in just several seconds stiff, the pelization, was cut off many soil festival, falling fell, in the middle of the air also presented the big piece dust. 然后这头秃鹫的闪电之爪一下子就狠狠的掐在了土牙的脖子上,恐怖的电光连续不断的闪耀而起,这头土牙在短短几秒钟之内就僵硬,泥化,然后断掉成了很多泥土节子,噼里啪啦的摔落了下去,空气当中也是出现了大片尘土。 After earth tooth total disassembly, saw in the middle of the midair to have an unusual brown hierograph to curl to fall gently, this gadget was core of earth tooth, but when this vulture flew, this hierograph the automatic combustion control, has turned into the ashes at once. 当土牙彻底解体完毕之后,就见到了半空当中有一张奇特的土黄色神符在袅袅飘落,这玩意儿就是土牙的核心物,但当这头秃鹫飞过去的时候,这张神符就已经自动燃烧了起来,旋即化成了灰烬。 Sees the behavior failure of capture hierograph, this vulture named bomber aircraft annoying yelled, must spread the wings to fly away, when comes when is easy to go difficult! Can see in the middle of nearby roofing tile, unexpectedly simultaneously sprayed 56 yellow mist, simultaneously shot on its body. 见到抓取神符的行为失败,这头叫做轰炸机的秃鹫懊恼的啼叫了一声,就要展翅飞走,然而来时容易去时难!可以见到旁边的屋瓦当中,居然同时喷射出了五六道黄色雾气,同时射在了它的身体上。 This yellow mist seemingly has no lethality, can actually adhere to stick cohere in bomber aircraft body surface. The yellow mist as if has few impact together, but after the multi-channel yellow mist iterates, its movement all of a sudden appeared viscous sluggish, at least made its agile degree drop over 40. 这黄色雾气看起来没有任何杀伤力,却可以附着在“轰炸机”的体表。一道黄色雾气似乎影响微乎其微,但是多道黄色雾气迭加起来之后,其动作一下子就显得粘稠迟滞了起来,至少使其敏捷程度下降了40以上。 From nearby house, in the soil, jumped out several earth teeth in abundance!! From the sky hovers the maneuver, then aimed at the bomber aircraft to pounce upon suddenly. 紧接着,从旁边的房屋当中,泥土里面,就纷纷窜出了好几头土牙!!在空中翱翔回旋,然后对准了轰炸机猛扑了上去。 As the saying goes the good tiger unable to support flock of wolves, on this time bomber aircraft has hung big pile of deceleration negative effects of let alone?! 有道是好虎架不住群狼,更何况此时的轰炸机身上已经挂了一大堆的减速负面效果?! Although in its desperate resistance with struggling, unexpectedly can also kill two earth teeth, but oneself also paid the enormous price, by earth tooth snake upper body same tying down ruthlessly, making it completely lose the flying ability, at this time other earth teeth closed, reveal the sharp tooth in its to gnaw crazily. 虽然在它的拼命反抗和挣扎之下,居然还能弄死了两头土牙,可是自己也付出了极大的代价,被一头土牙似蛇上身一样的狠狠缠住,使其完全失去了飞行能力,这时候其余的土牙就一拥而上,露出了尖锐的牙齿在其身上疯狂啃噬。 These earth teeth as if have to swallow the ability, every time bites this giant vulture one, on oneself appeared the light red ray, the body surface also started the texture that presented the blood to disseminate, seems like the scale that as if produced newly to be the same. 这些土牙更是仿佛具备吞噬能力,每咬这头巨型秃鹫一口,自己身上就浮现出了淡淡的红色光芒,体表也开始出现鲜血弥散的纹理,看起来仿佛新生成的鳞片一样。 *** *** At this time Fang Linyan has depended upon the strong capability of equipment, ambushed distance battlefield garret 200 meters away quietly, here field of vision was relatively good, can see the most battlefield. 此时方林岩已经依靠装备的强大能力,悄然潜伏到了距离战场200米外的一处阁楼当中,这里的视野相对较好,能看到大半个战场。 Actually also very good the viewpoint nearby this, can take in everything at a glance the battlefield there, there is a rich people's sentry post building, called the fire lookout tower. 其实在这附近还有一个非常好的观察点,在那里可以将战场一览无遗,那里就是一处大户人家的哨楼,又叫望火楼。 Probably is because nearby this livestock field many, therefore the fodder dump is also many, needs to take strict precautions against the reason construction of fire. 大概是因为这附近畜场多,所以草料场也是很多,需要严防火灾的缘故修建的。 Fang Linyan touched side of this fire lookout tower, suddenly in the heart moved, cannot bear think of a matter: 方林岩都摸到了这望火楼的旁边了,忽然心中一动,忍不住想到了一件事: I can look here am the best battlefield observation point, then others can also certainly look!” “我都能看出来这里乃是最佳的战场观测点,那么别人当然也能看出来!” Therefore, Fang Linyan changed a place immediately without hesitation, arrives the present was staying here. Quick, he saw meat grinder big fellow flushed impatiently, joined the regiment. 所以,方林岩立即就毫不犹豫的换了个地方,来到了现在呆着的这里。很快的,他就见到了绞肉机这个大块头心急火燎的冲了过来,加入了战团。 Finally the Japanese side seemed like has prepared, several earth teeth also appeared, being stranded in type god, although the strength of meat grinder was intrepid, but attempted to break through in all directions in inside, actually could not break the battle formation of opposite party! Instead obvious by unceasing weakening. 结果日本这一方看起来早就预备,又有好几头土牙也是随之出现,将之困在了式神阵当中,绞肉机的实力虽然强悍,可是在里面左冲右突,却是始终都破不开对方的阵势!反而被明显的在被不断的削弱。 At this time although Fang Linyan does not know that all these back long and short of the story, can actually the primitive decision the entire clash start to promote. 此时方林岩虽然不知道这一切背后的来龙去脉,却可以基本判定出整个冲突事件已经开始升级了。 Then at this time, Japanese side killed several powerhouses suddenly, simultaneously started to besiege the meat grinder, starts extremely ruthlessly spicy, must first break its one finger/refers while this opportunity, got rid of opposite party domineering character. 然后这时候,日本人这一方突然杀出了好几名强者,同时开始对绞肉机进行围攻,下手极其狠辣,很显然是要趁着这个机会先“断其一指”,干掉对方这个强势人物。 Facing the aspect, the meat grinder is also so unexpected, one after another after flinging several cards in a hand, Gou dwell saved the poor life reluctantly. 面对如此局面,绞肉机也是始料未及,接二连三的甩出了好几张底牌之后,才算是勉强苟住保住了小命。 Naturally, the start that he has shouted oneself hoarse at this time requested reinforcements in the middle of the temporary team channel, beforehand arrogant and unruly nothing left! Because this fellow also is actually very clear, if oneself act with constraint again arrogantly gets down tenderly, will then not have the opportunity that the attire compels in the future again. 当然,他此时已经声嘶力竭的开始在临时团队频道当中求援了,之前的傲慢与桀骜荡然无存!因为这家伙其实也很清楚,自己若是再矜持傲娇下去的话,那么未来就不会再有装逼的机会了。 To be honest, matter develops this degree, it can be said that stemmed from senior steward Art is completely unexpected, he has not expected, how did both sides turn into all -out conflict from the exploratory contact all of a sudden? 说实话,事情发展到这种程度,也可以说是完全出乎了老管家阿尔特巴的预料之外,他也没料到,怎么双方一下子就从试探性的接触变成全面冲突了呢? Actually stands the angle of Japan, so the eruption surprise attack is also in the reason, they had seemed like mourning watchdog was pursued was so far, what must face is two groups of powerful enemies. 其实站在日本一方的角度上来说,如此爆发突袭也是情理之中的,他们本来就已经像是丧家犬似的被追了这么远,要面对的还是两批强大的敌人。 In this case, if also hides contraband does not reveal a fang to have a look to the enemy, then really must be hit to collapse! At this time pursues as if only then the person of Song celebrate this side, and also had the important personage general idea/careless exposing weaknesses, that also waited for anything, naturally the direct show-hand held hits. 在这种情况下,倘若还藏私不露出点獠牙给敌人看看,那么就真的是要被打崩了!恰好此时追上来的仿佛只有宋庆这一方的人,并且其中还有个重要人物大意了露出破绽,那还等什么,当然是直接梭哈抓住往死里打了。 In this case, even if cannot go well, must make the opposite party heart have the scruples, cannot unscrupulous chase. 这样的话,就算是不能得手,也要让对方心有顾忌,不能肆无忌惮的追赶。 Obviously, hunts for king person, although is very uncomfortable to the meat grinder, but is impossible to visit him dead in this case, definitely rescues full power. 很显然,猎王这一边的人虽然对绞肉机很不爽,但也绝不可能看着他死翘翘在这种情况下,肯定就得全力营救。 Therefore, saw in nearby Fang Linyan, the magnificent carriage flies high to float to fly by the nightmare beast is dragging to come, hit to fly directly 45 earth teeth, then draws in the meat grinder that the whole body was bathed in blood to the compartment. 因此,在旁边的方林岩就见到,一辆被梦魇兽拖着的华丽马车凌空漂飞而来,直接就撞飞了四五头土牙,然后将浑身浴血的绞肉机拖入到车厢当中。 After the key saw that person of driving, Fang Linyan is also startled, he has certainly a vivid memory about this person, that is senior steward Art who hunts for the king! The appearance of this person means the lots. 关键是见到了驾车的那个人之后,方林岩也是大吃了一惊,他当然对这个人记忆犹新,那就是猎王的老管家阿尔特巴!这个人的出现可是意味着很多东西啊。 However thinks is very normal, after all in the middle of this unique variation world, contains the mysterious secret of resurrecting teammate, so the reward, attracting anybody is not unusual. 不过想一想也很正常,毕竟这个独特的变异世界当中,蕴藏着复活队友的神奇秘密,如此奖励,吸引来任何人都不稀奇。 But Art making a move successfully rescued the meat grinder, has not enabled it to break out of the difficult position, after all the Japanese occupies the side of situation, should complete the crisis plan to any sudden outbreak. 而阿尔特巴的出手虽然成功救下了绞肉机,却也并没有使其摆脱困境,毕竟日本人这边是占据先机的一方,应该对任何突发状况都做好了危机预案。
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