FE :: Volume #13

#1388: Old acquaintance Art

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Chapter 1386 old acquaintance Art 第1386章老熟人阿尔特巴 In fact, some lot Fang Linyan judged from the beginning wrong: 事实上,有很多事情方林岩从一开始就判断错了: For example Japan snatched five horses, thought the big lawsuit side, only then five people accompanied, actually and side not so, big lawsuit will not be lower than ten guards momentarily. 比如日方这边抢到了五匹马,就以为大官司身边只有五个人随行,其实并不然,大官司身边随时都不会低于十名护卫。 Because among Japanese of this crowd of invasions, several people can, when long time runs can keep up with the horses running speed, 因为这群入侵的日本人当中,还是有好几人能够在长时间奔跑的时候跟得上马匹奔跑速度的, And this Kuantian Monarch at crucial moment, but can also make „the ground god country, lets the big lawsuit and side four family god guards enters together, this can surrounding take undivided attention to fight. 并且这名宽田君在关键的时候,还能制造出“地上神国”,让大官司与身边的四名眷神护卫一起进入,这样的话就可以让周围的人心无旁骛的战斗。 Saw the big lawsuit comes, everyone did obeisance to bend down simultaneously. 见到了大官司现身,所有人都同时拜伏了下去。 The big lawsuit at this time appeared older, he first looked to side, then say/way slowly: 大官司此时显得更加苍老了,他先看向了旁边,然后缓缓的道: Oriental cherry mulberry, can complete.” “樱花桑,做得好。” Was selected to the oriental cherry of pays respects crouches/submits the position in surrounding, after listening, immediately the whole body trembles saying: 被点到名的樱花所拜伏的位置在外围处,听了以后顿时浑身一颤道: Can be various wonderful effectiveness strength, is my being honored.” “能为诸神效力,是我的荣幸。” Big lawsuit light say/way: 大官司淡淡的道: Master walks the plan already conducted the most essential time, this is the key project that in the emperor crane sound mentioned, the gentlemen wanted the absolute sincerity cooperation, dead honorably spirit, routs the resistance will of clear people.” “师走计划已经进行到了最关键的时候,这可是天皇鹤音中所提到的重点项目,诸君要精诚合作,以玉碎之精神,来击溃清国人的抵抗意志。” When the big lawsuit speech, his right hand closely grabs a puppet baby, this baby corners of the mouth rise, seems like seems smiling always. 在大官司说话的时候,他的右手则是紧紧抓着一个傀儡娃娃,这个娃娃嘴角上扬,看起来仿佛无时不刻都在微笑。 But its smile initially looks very delightful, but after looks at several, will feel that particularly secretive, as if that smile evil intention must flood. 而其笑容初看起来十分甜美,但是多看几眼之后,就会感觉到分外的诡秘,仿佛那笑容当中的恶意都要满溢出来。 Not only, on this puppet baby as if also has huge resistance strength, the big lawsuit will need closely to pinch always, will seem like gripping spring-grip dumbbells, even the fingertip of high official division turns white. 非但如此,这傀儡娃娃上面仿佛还有巨大的抗拒力量似的,大官司需要无时不刻将之紧紧捏着,就像是攥着一个握力器似的,甚至大官司的指尖都发了白。 Probably is because the speech diverted attention the reason, suddenly, the held puppet baby fierce ball, fell from the hand of big lawsuit, and as if slip of paper same must flutter toward out of the window, on the body also emitted the light blue flame of combustion. 大概是因为说话分心了的缘故,忽然之间,被抓住的傀儡娃娃猛的一弹,从大官司的手中掉落了下来,并且仿佛纸片儿一样就要朝着窗外飘去,身体上还冒出了燃烧的淡淡蓝色火焰。 Saw this, others are in the heart one startled, but the big lawsuit beckoned at this time gently, caught in the puppet baby the hand again, and directly seized the way of baby head with the index finger and thumb. 见到了这一幕,其余的人都是心中一惊,可是大官司这时候轻轻一招手,就重新将傀儡娃娃抓到了手里面,并且还是直接用食指和拇指掐住了娃娃脑袋的方式。 Because of this, therefore the clothes of baby also takes in everything at a glance, can see, this baby is wrapping unexpectedly was one Chinese type Qing official's costume, the back delimited circle, the center writes a Huai character. 正是因为这样,所以娃娃的身上衣服也就一览无遗,可以见到,这个娃娃套着的居然是一套中式的清朝官服,背部划了个圈儿,中央写着一个“淮”字。 Big lawsuit superficial holds this puppet baby again, but this movement also made on his face have several wrinkles again much. 大官司轻描淡写的重新将这个傀儡娃娃抓住,但这个动作却也让他的脸上再次多出了几条皱纹。 Rested a while, big lawsuit then say/way slowly: 休息了一会儿,大官司才接着徐徐的道: Gentlemen, as the master walks the advancement of plan, the pressure that I shoulder will also be getting bigger and bigger, therefore the following tedious business, must ask much.” “诸君,随着师走计划的推进,我所肩负的压力也会越来越大,所以接下来的繁琐事务,就要多多拜托诸位了。” Others lower the head to say with one voice: 其余的人齐声低头道: Devotes life to for Empire of Japan is I and other being honored!” “为大日本帝国效命是我等的荣幸!” After saying, the big lawsuit sat down slowly, both eyes shut tightly, seemed like has sat in meditation directly, but on him as if were also many several points of dead air/Qi! Not only the age-spots of face changed, in the surrounding air also presented a flavor beyond description. 说完了之后,大官司徐徐坐下,双目紧闭,看起来似乎已经直接入定,但是他身上似乎又多了几分死气!不仅面部的老人斑变多了,周围的空气里面也是出现了一股难以形容的味道。 That was the death flavor! 那是死亡的味道! The indication that the Celestials five fade, has started to reappear on the body of big lawsuit rapidly. 天人五衰的征兆,在大官司的身上已经开始迅速浮现。 Suzuki went out of out of the door at this time, then the wrist/skill turns, detects on his finger to clamp rune/symbol Lu, above is drawing up some strange designs with the blood red character. 铃木这时候则是走出了门外,然后手腕一翻,就发觉其手指上夹着一张符箓,上面以血红色的字符绘制着一些奇诡的图案。 Here is the inner apartments of Official gold/metal, naturally, had been cleared at this time completely, therefore Suzuki's action does not fear the exposition, before his leisurely steps arrived at a raised flower bed, then dug out a small pit this rune/symbol Lumai. 这里乃是金员外的内宅,当然,此时已经被完全清场了,所以铃木的行动也不怕暴露,他徐步来到了一处花台之前,然后挖出了一个小坑将这张符箓埋了进去。 Quick, saw that in this small pit as if has anything to shake fiercely, resembling to emerge as the times require, Suzuki fierce to there one finger/refers, was saying loudly: 很快的,就见到这个小坑里面似乎有什么东西在剧烈震荡,似要破土而出,铃木猛的对着那里一指,大声道: Comes out! earth tooth!!” “出来吧!土牙!!” Immediately saw, the monster break out from the ground, looked the flying snake that semblance some probably are winged, the length at least exceeded three meters, but also has six legs, but after it flew about two meters in the air, suddenly exuded one hoarse, but pain cry. 顿时就见到,有一头怪物破土而出,看外表有些像是长着翅膀的飞蛇,长度至少超过了三米,还有着六条腿,但是它飞到了两米左右的空中之后,突然发出了一声嘶哑而痛楚的叫声。 Then this earth tooth direct lived stiffly, was only 2-3 seconds, looks like exposed to the sun to do thoroughly hard soil, in in the air was thin crash-bang to turn into the clod to fall. 然后这头土牙就直接僵硬住了,只是过了2-3秒钟,就像是被晒得干透了的硬土似的,在空中稀里哗啦的变成了泥块掉落了下来。 The muscle on Suzuki face twitched several, mouth inside started to scold a series of bad languages! Heard his scolding sound, bear tooth walked saying: 铃木脸上的肌肉抽搐了几下,嘴巴里面开始骂出了一连串的脏话!听到了他的骂声,熊牙走了过来道: What happened?” “发生了什么事情?” Say/Way that Suzuki clenches jaws: 铃木咬牙切齿的道: This damn China, even the spiritual energy was full of the hostility to us! The technique of failure rate that type god I display is much higher!” “这该死的支那,连灵气都对我们充满了敌意!我施展出来的式神之术失败率高得可怕!” bear tooth shrugs saying: 熊牙耸耸肩道: Without the means that this time is the country war, since we came to China, that must face this reality.” “没办法,这一次是国战,咱们既然来到了中国,那就要面对这现实。” He said pulled the sleeve, then delimited one in own wrist/skill, the blood flowed immediately, fell in the front soil. 他一面说一面挽起了袖子,然后在自己的手腕上划了一道,鲜血顿时汩汩流淌而出,落到了前方的泥土里面。 Almost after putting a big beach/pool blood, bear tooth hints Suzuki to put in rune/symbol Lu , these made an earth tooth on the success time, it seemed like the flying snake, but the body has the blood-color texture, carefully looked that looked like the blood-color scale to be the same, can put on the wall to enter the wall, circled to warn in the nearby. 差不多放了一大滩鲜血之后,熊牙示意铃木放入符箓,果然,这一次就成功制造出来了一头土牙,其貌似飞蛇,但是身上有着血色的纹理,仔细看去就像是血色的鳞片一般,能穿墙入壁,在附近盘旋示警。 Suzuki sees that to relax, actually saw that bear tooth turns around to walk, immediately called out: 铃木见状松了一口气,却见到熊牙转身要走,立即叫道: Bridge bean gunnysack!( Please wait), bear Yasang!” “桥豆麻袋!(请等等),熊牙桑!” bear Yawu the wrist/skill of bleeding was returning to a doubts look, Suzuki bows to say very much seriously: 熊牙捂着流血的手腕回了一个疑惑的眼神,铃木很郑重的鞠躬道: Bear tooth mulberry, I only summons a hairstyle god to come out now, but eight cloud array is needs the multi- hairstyle god to play the role, please must help my!” “熊牙桑,现在我才只召唤了一头式神出来,而八云阵则是需要多头式神才能发挥作用,请您务必帮助我一下!” bear tooth the facial skin twitched immediately, particularly he when hears eight cloud array, in the heart had an intense ominous premonition! Hurried hopeful say/way: 熊牙的脸皮立即抽搐了一下,尤其是他在听到“八云阵”的时候,心中更是产生了一种强烈的不祥预感!急忙充满期待的道: Wait, Suzuki Monarch, why can your battle formation be called eight cloud array? Certainly is creates this person to be called eight clouds is right!” “等等,铃木君,为什么你的这个阵势要叫做八云阵呢?一定是创造这个阵的人叫做八云对吧!” Suzuki's earnest shaking the head of: 铃木认真的摇了摇头: Bear tooth mulberry, I did not know the person who what is called eight clouds, my type god at least needs eight hairstyle gods to arrange successfully, the more the better, for the safety of big lawsuit, is it possible that you such slight effort isn't willing to help?” “熊牙桑,我并不认识什么叫做八云的人,我的式神阵至少都需要八头式神才能布置成功,多多益善,为了大官司的安危,莫非你连这样的举手之劳都不肯帮吗?” bear Yazhi felt the cold sweat on own back braved, suddenly felt before oneself, suddenly stood the speech to make an enormous mistake! 熊牙只觉得自己脊背上的冷汗冒了出来,更是突然觉得自己之前突然站出来说话犯下了一个极大的错误! However he actually cannot disregard Suzuki's request at this time, because on the bear tooth is hanging now the fifth point of continuous duty must be accomplished on Suzuki! Once Suzuki to fall to his good sensitivity, that is representing wasting all previous efforts, even is the front four points of good achievements to put to the running water! 然而他此时却不能无视铃木的要求,因为现在熊牙身上挂着的第五环连续任务就要在铃木身上完成啊!一旦铃木这边对他的好感度下跌,那就代表着前功尽弃,甚至是前面四环的好成绩都要付诸流水! At this time looks that Suzuki's look transfers gradually coldly, bear tooth sighed deeply a sound said: 此时看着铃木的眼神渐渐转冷,熊牙长叹了一声道: Good, Suzuki Monarch, I help you complete eight cloud array as far as possible.” “好吧,铃木君,我尽量帮助你完成八云阵。” But in this time bear tooth heart gushed out the sorrowful idea. Oneself should not become person on one's own side of first in the country war by the space soldier who gets rid of!! As for the cause of death, naturally was the excessive loss of blood. 而这时候的熊牙心中更是涌出了悲哀的想法.自己该不会成为在国战当中第一个被自己人干掉的空间战士吧!!至于死因嘛,当然是失血过多了。 *** *** Meanwhile, 与此同时, Western Gucheng Town, 古城镇的西面, The mist and dust is billowing, one group of cavalries restrained the warhorse of crotch, they seem travel-worn, the body lent unruly aura. 烟尘滚滚,有一群骑兵勒住了胯下的战马,他们显得风尘仆仆,身上散发出了一股桀骜不逊的气息。 After the cavalries jump down the horse, these are thirsty and tired warhorse are not quiet, immediately is honest not politely walks slowly and aimlessly toward nearby green and glossy wheat field, at this time the wheat starching, wheat ear was thick, pushed braves the limewater, satisfied desires and relieves thirst, in an instant spoiled the big place. 骑兵跳下马之后,这些又渴又累的战马就不消停了,立即老实不客气的朝着旁边的绿油油的麦田里面踱过去,这时候麦子正上浆,麦穗儿厚厚的,一挤就冒白浆,又解馋又解渴,转眼就糟蹋出了好大一片地方。 At this time, several male half steps run over, distant started to curse angrily, should be here landowner, but was that cavalry of head sneers one, walked up with stride, wielding the horsewhip was one pulls out randomly, hit the crying father to shout mother these men, whole head was the blood. 这时候,有几个男子快步跑了过来,远远的就开始怒骂,应该是这里的田主,但为首的那名骑兵冷笑一声,大步走上前去,挥起马鞭就是一阵乱抽,将这几个男子打得哭爹喊娘,满头满脸都是鲜血。 The person who at this time looks on gradually were also many, hiding quietly looks in side, is whooping, and seems like quite some appearances of burning with rage, after all the native was bullied by the outcomer, definitely has unable to tolerate. 此时旁观的人也渐渐多了,悄悄的躲在旁边看着,都是在议论纷纷,并且看起来颇有些群情激愤的样子,毕竟本地人被外来者受欺负嘛,肯定有看不过去的。 However, this cavalry seemed like hits tired, a foot front that man will trample flies, then when periphery the person will soon cause trouble pulled out small silver ingot from the bosom, lost in side the arms of another man, the mouth drank to scold at this time: 不过,这骑兵看起来好像打得累了,一脚将面前的那汉子踹飞,然后就在周围人即将闹事的时候从怀里面掏出了一块小银锭子,丢在了旁边另外一个汉子的怀里,嘴里这时候才喝骂道: How, the master is helps you suppress the thief, half double-hour ran 40 li (0.5 km), in the place how did the ridden domestic animal eat two?” “咋了咋了,爷是过来帮你们剿贼的,半个时辰跑了四十里,骑的畜生在地里面吃两口怎么了?” He said that scolded, the blade that hand inside cold light sparkled has pulled out half from the sheath, fooled the surrounding person simultaneously to back up half step, the eyes of this cavalry actually narrowed, in front of rapid those present swept. 他一面说,一面骂,手里面寒光闪闪的刀刃已经从鞘里面拔出来了一半,唬得周围的人都同时倒退了半步,这骑兵的眼睛却眯缝了起来,迅速在场的人面前扫了一圈。 After these villagers contacted his line of sight, had the absent-minded phenomenon simultaneously, as if several seconds in oneself life vanished suddenly! Then around their look, seems to think insipid, then turning around as if by prior agreement walked. 这些村民接触到了他的视线之后,都同时出现了恍惚的现象,仿佛自己生命中的几秒钟突然消失了似的!然后他们就看看周围,似乎觉得索然无味,便不约而同的转身走了。 That several come the restless villagers, although was hit very miserably, but actually seemingly lost the desire of speech at this time, looks one, taking up money silently left. 那几名前来闹腾的村民虽然被打得很惨,但此时却看起来失去了说话的欲望,对望一眼,默默的拿起银子离开了。 At this time, that cavalry frowns, is shaking the head to an behind person, said in a low voice: 这时候,那名骑兵皱起了眉头,然后对着身后的一个人摇摇头,低声道: Does not have any valuable clue, I have used to read the plan to examine memories within these person of one hour, has not discovered the trail of that group of Japanese.” “没有什么有价值的线索,我已经用读心术查看了这些人一个小时内的记忆,并没有发现那帮日本人的踪迹。” Originally, this cavalry is the out-and-out space soldier! His reading plan can selective examination range the memories within of all average people, displaying cooling time and pays the price to be big. 原来,这名骑兵乃是不折不扣的空间战士!他的读心术能选择性的查看范围内的所有普通人的记忆,施展一次冷却时间和付出代价都不小。 Obviously this skill wants very much, when periphery the person are many uses, therefore, this fellow beforehand vertical horse Shimai, brushing the villagers is the repertoire, is actually to attract most people immediately, then facilitates his uses/gives technique. 很显然这个技能要在周围人多的时候使用,所以,这家伙之前纵马食麦,抽打村民都是套路,其实就是要在第一时间引来最多的人,然后方便他施术。 Moreover that person is the light say/way: 另外那人则是淡淡的道: „, You cannot investigate any news I is not strange, that group of Japanese may our expected was more formidabe than much, before thinking, Art in the beginning beforehand arrangement the entire five unescapable net, was dashed the tight encirclement by them unexpectedly, successfully ran away!” “利查,你没能探查到任何消息我一点儿也不奇怪,那帮日本人可比我们预期的要难对付得多了,想想之前吧,阿尔特巴阁下在动手之前布置下了整整五道天罗地网,居然都被他们撞破重围,成功逃走!” Sighs: 利查叹了一口气道: Chen, you are not do not know, on that big lawsuit, has the bloodlines of Japanese Royalty, therefore he attainments no small matter in god technique, we can compel in such situation it, is very rare.” “陈,你又不是不知道,那个大官司身上,是拥有日本皇族的血脉的,所以他在神术方面的造诣非同小可,我们能够将其逼到这样的地步上,已经是非常难得了。” We forcing into will arrive in Gucheng Town now, seems like that was occupied the situation by the opposite party, but enemy, when the training reply, our reinforcements and strengths are also catching up one after another, and home game battled this advantage unable to counter-balance, therefore is still our chances is now big.” “我们现在将之逼入到古城镇当中,看似被对方占据了先机,但是敌人在修养回复的时候,我们的援军和力量也是在陆续赶来,并且主场作战这个优势是怎么也抵消不了的,所以现在依然是我们的赢面较大。” That does not speak named Chen this time, hesitated evil ways: 那个叫陈的这时候也不说话了,沉吟了一下道: „A variable you had not considered.” “还有一个变数你没有考虑到。” Said: 利查道: You were said pro-green camp that took the lead to attack?” “你是说那一支率先进攻的绿营吗?” Chen say/way: 陈道: Yes.” “是的。” Said: 利查道: „Haven't we investigated clearly? That pro-green camp will attack repeatedly, in view of Japanese task force, the reason is his troop commander is surnamed Liu, has the personal grudge with the Japanese, quite therefore vengefulness for father's murder.” “我们不是已经调查清楚了吗?那支绿营之所以会频频出击,针对日本人这支特遣队,原因是其总兵姓刘,与日本人之间有着私人恩怨,相当于是杀父之仇了。” Chen shakes the head: 陈摇摇头: I said is not this, what I said is the battle efficiency of that pro-green camp, obviously above we appraise! And surpasses many that types! I suspected that in that also has the space soldier to hide.” “我说的不是这个,我说的是那一支绿营的战斗力,明显在我们评估之上!并且是超出很多那种!我怀疑那里面也同样有空间战士隐藏着。” Knits the brows: 利查皱眉道: Art didn't send people to investigate? Said that not discovered, because that troop commander as if makes friends broadly, therefore the renowned powerhouses in several local go to help.” “阿尔特巴阁下不是派人探查过了吗?说并无发现,只是因为那名总兵似乎交游广阔,所以有好几名本土的著名强者前去帮忙。” Chen Shenchu own left hand, can see that there is having a crystal ball in turning round revolving, in the middle of its core seemingly has a strange eye, his earnest say/way: 陈伸出了自己的左手,可以见到那里正有一颗水晶球在滴溜溜的旋转着,其核心当中看起来有一颗诡异的眼睛,他认真的道: But, my feeling always thought that this back does have the shadow of space soldier? But my small lovable response also fully showed this point!” “可是,我的感觉始终觉得这背后有着空间战士的影子?而我的小可爱反应也充分说明了这一点!” Hesitated a while saying: 利查沉吟了一会儿道: I believe that Art will not make mistakes, your talent ability is also , therefore there is such a possibility, is the opposite party in the halfway joins temporarily?” “我相信阿尔特巴阁下是不会犯错的,不过你的天赋能力也是非常之强,所以有没有这样的可能,对方是半途上临时加入的?” Simple point, when Art investigates, he has not been in the team, is actually the later period joins.” “简单一点来说,在阿尔特巴阁下去探查的时候,他并没有在队伍里面,却是后期加入的。” Chen Youyu a while, accepted the explanation reluctantly. 陈犹豫了一会儿,勉强接受了解释。 At this time, the distant place has a carriage to speed away, in the eyes of native, this carriage was actually same as the ordinary donkey cart, seemingly averagely not wonderful, even also the travel fatigue threw. 这时候,远处已经有一辆马车疾驰了过来,在本地人的眼里面,这辆马车其实就和普通的驴车一样,看起来平平无奇,甚至还风尘扑扑的。 However and the eyes of Chen these two space soldiers, the corner place of this wagon mounts the white marble, the steel work is cleaned bright, the carriage palace lantern modeling filled magnificent and expensive that has the oppression strength, four sides by the smooth pretty silk package, extravagant Huafeng of Baroque style carved, the golden sculpture skirt of tailstock was brilliant. 但是在利查和陈这两名空间战士的眼里面,这辆四轮马车的边角处都镶嵌着汉白玉,金属构件被擦拭得光可鉴人,马车本身宫灯型的造型就充满了带着压迫力的华贵,四面由光滑靓丽的丝绸包裹,巴洛克风格的奢华风雕刻,还有车尾的金色雕塑裙光彩夺目。 Moreover, entrains the carriage seems like the big tall horse, carefully looked that is actually not true: What on the pure black hair flutters is the golden red long mane, in the middle of his mouth and nose in the breath will spout, if magma common dark-red aura, nearby person will also smell the intense sulfur flavor. 不仅如此,拉拽马车的看起来是高头大马,仔细看去却并非如此:纯黑色的毛发上飘荡的是金红色的长长鬃毛,其口鼻当中在呼吸的时候会喷出若岩浆一般暗红色的气息,附近的人也都会闻到强烈的硫磺味道。 It seemingly runs on the ground, is actually not such, every raises the hoof steps on to the ground in the time one time, between the hoof surface and ground will always be separated 2-3 centimeters crevice, this is its unique ability, the float. 它貌似是在地上奔跑的,其实并非如此,每一次扬起蹄子踩踏到地面上的时候,蹄面与地面之间总是会间隔着2-3厘米的空隙,这就是它的独特能力,漂浮。 This is the nightmare beast, a powerful demon beast, some old age nightmare beasts can spray the blazing lava flow to attack the enemy within front range from the mouth it is said that this has been able with the attacking mode that dragon breath compares favorably with, but this ethnic group is also the renowned maiden controls- the mortal enemy of unicorn! 这就是梦魇兽,一种强大的魔兽,据说有些老年梦魇兽可以从口中喷射出炽热的熔岩流攻击前方范围内的敌人,这已经是能与龙息相媲美的攻击模式了,而这个族群也是著名的处女之控-独角兽的死敌! Carefully looks, on the neck of nightmare beast has some unusual golden textures, but these textures are not it have, this pattern is called hunts for mark. Appears suppresses in nightmare beast such character cruel demon beast reason, function of control. 仔细看去,梦魇兽的脖子上有着一些奇特的金色纹理,不过这些纹理并不是它本身具备的,这种花纹叫做“猎纹”。出现在梦魇兽这样的性格暴戾魔兽身上的原因就是压制,操控的作用。 Simple, hunts for the mark to be equal to the horse reins + leather whip, can suppress the instinct of these demon beasts, making his little darling tame, after all human also above their recipes, and is in very position near the top. 简单的来说,猎纹等同于马缰+皮鞭,可以压制住这些魔兽的天性,使其乖乖驯服,毕竟人类也是在他们的食谱之上,并且还是处于很靠前的位置。 So magnificent carriage, but is drawing the carriage, is so powerful demon beast, inside character could be imagined. 如此华丽的马车,而拉着马车的,还是如此强大的魔兽,里面的人物可想而知了。 Quick, the gate of carriage opened, what first extends from inside is a walking cane, then walked a makings scholarly, leads the old person of dome ceremonial hat, if this old person Fang Linyan, will be certainly surprised screams. 很快的,马车的门打开了,从里面先伸出来的是一根文明棍,然后走下来了一个气质儒雅,带着圆顶礼帽的老人,这个老人若是方林岩在的话,一定会惊讶得叫出声来。 Yes, he is not others, hunts for left and right arms of king, that repeatedly with senior steward Art who Fang Linyan has had to do! 是的,他不是别人,正是猎王的左膀右臂,那名多次与方林岩打过交道的老管家阿尔特巴! But this old man, can only certainly describe with shrewd and crafty, not only that he, although has not acted, but underestimates his person dead a tragic death. 而这个老头子,当然就只能用老奸巨猾来形容,不仅如此,他虽然没有出过手,但是小看他的人都死得很惨。 After the senior steward arrived, Chen Heli also go forward to greet, then chats own opinion, after senior steward Art listened, silent a while, suddenly knocked a ground with own walking cane, immediately saw in the surrounding more than ten squares grounds presented a illusion of giant wheel disk. 老管家到达了之后,陈和利查两人也都上前去迎接,然后谈了谈自己的意见,老管家阿尔特巴听了之后沉默了一会儿,突然拿自己的文明棍敲了一下地面,顿时就见到周围十几平方的地面上出现了一个巨型轮盘的幻象。 This wheel disk looks is metal forging, huge incomparable, above has the obvious metal bloodstain and rusty stain, the fierce metal punctures with as if the fang general terrifying his pitchfork, sharp incomparable, seems the giant torture instrument of hell deep place. 这轮盘一看就是金属锻造的,庞大无比,上面有着明显的金属血迹和锈迹,还有狰狞的金属刺和仿佛獠牙一般的恐怖丫杈,尖锐无比,就仿佛是地狱深处的巨型刑具。 But on this wheel disk altogether has eight regions, in each region has such as the cross, the iron maiden, the blood scaffolding, the guilotine wait/etc similar terrifying torture instruments, only then the core torture instruments of two regions are emptying, in other regions some people had been whinned to suffer above. 而这轮盘上一共有着八个区域,每个区域上都有着诸如十字架,铁处女,血鹰架,断头台等等类似的恐怖刑具,只有两个区域的核心刑具乃是空着的,其余的区域上都已经有人在上面被哀嚎折磨。 Art hand one finger/refers, saw that this giant wheel disk starts to revolve slowly, after arriving at Art front, stops slowly, originally is shutting tightly the iron maiden opens slowly, is falls unexpectedly from inside a cut and bruised, only then the man of human form! 阿尔特巴将手一指,就见到这巨型轮盘开始徐徐旋转,来到了阿尔特巴的面前之后就徐徐停下,本来紧闭着的铁处女徐徐打开,从里面竟是掉落出一个遍体鳞伤,只有人形的男子! However carefully looked that knows, the figure of this man is dim, even also has the diaphanous feeling, impressively is not an entity, but is the appearance of soul, but looked that knows his time pain to the distortion expression, the received crime should be has not been short a little. 不过仔细看去就知道,这男子的身形朦朦胧胧的,甚至还有着透光的感觉,赫然并不是实体,而是灵魂的模样,但看他此时痛苦到扭曲的表情就知道,受的罪应该是一点儿也没少。 This fellow is not others, is with the oriental cherry, bear tooth the together fifth child. Attacks during the beforehand cavalry, he stared unfortunately, was struck to kill. 这家伙不是别人,正是与樱花,熊牙一起的老五。在之前的骑兵突袭当中,他不幸被盯上了,然后惨遭击杀。 Not only so, its soul also temporarily stopping part got down by Art, blocked in the middle of the powerful item of this legend rank, the name of this item is called: 非但如此,其灵魂还被阿尔特巴给截留了一部分下来,封锁在了这一件传说级别的强大道具当中,这件道具的名字叫做: The third prison! 第三狱!
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